Letter Sequence Other |
MONTHYEARML20211N7031997-10-10010 October 1997 Forwards Revised Radiological Contingency Plan, Reflecting Possession Only License Status & Names & Telephone Numbers Emergency Personnel Project stage: Other ML20217C7461998-03-25025 March 1998 Forwards Amend 43 to License SNM-696,incorporating Changes to Emergency Plan.Ser Which Includes Categorical Exclusion Determination Also Encl Project stage: Other 1997-10-10
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MONTHYEARML20212M2901999-10-20020 October 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0734/99-01 on 990802-06 & Notice of Violation.One Violation Noted Concerning Environmental Surveys Not Completed as Required by License ML20217C3531999-10-0404 October 1999 Forwards Amend 60 to License SNM-696,releasing Bldg 42 Q/A Calibration Lab to Unrestricted Use & Deleting Ref to Area License.Ser Also Encl ML20217E5991999-10-0404 October 1999 Forwards Evaluation Re Radiological Survey Results of Underground Drain Lines & Drain Line Trenches at Former Bldg 39 Site,Per 990929 Telcon ML20217C4981999-10-0101 October 1999 Informs That Based on NRC Review of General Atomics Info Concerning Decommissioning Cost Estimates.Nrc Has Determined That Submittal Listed Should Be Withheld from Public Disclosure,Per 10CFR2.790 ML20212C6241999-09-0808 September 1999 Requests That NRC Replace Licensee with Revised Encl Version of Ltr,Which Corrects Typo Re Bldg 33-1.Ltr Only Needs to Be Replaced,Not Figures ML20211L9961999-08-27027 August 1999 Forwards Semiannual Effluent Rept Required for Period 990101-990630.All Airborne & Liquid Effluent Releases Were Well within Allowable State of CA & NRC 10CFR20 Limits ML20211H3451999-08-27027 August 1999 Forwards Copies of Representative Training Records for Several Personnel Involved in Packaging & Shippingg Low Level Waste to DOE Nevada Test Site.Without Encls ML20210T8141999-08-12012 August 1999 Forwards Amend 59 to License SNM-696,amending to Release Four Underground Radioactive Liquid Waste Tanks Areas to Unrestricted Use.Ser,Which Includes Categorical Exclusion Determination,Encl ML20210T7561999-08-12012 August 1999 Forwards Amend 58 to License SNM-696,incorporating Revised Fundamental Nuclear Matl Control (Fnmc) Plan.Ser,Which Includes Categorical Exclusion,Encl ML20210P8261999-08-0505 August 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0734/99-02 on 990727-29.No Violations Noted.Nrc Determined That Physical Security Program Properly Implemented ML20210K2751999-08-0303 August 1999 Forawrds Final Radiological Surveys of Selected Bldg 2 Labs for Release to Unrestricted Use 'Group 11'. Ga Requests That Labs & Associated Offices Be Released to Unrestricted Use & Deleted from Ga State of CA & Us NRC Radioactive ML20210K1871999-07-29029 July 1999 Forwards Final Radiological Survey Performed at Ga Sorrento Valley Central Land Area. Release of Sorrento Valley Central Land Area, to Unrestricted Use & Deletion of Land from Licenses SNM-696,SNM-0145 & SNM-37,requested ML20210E9871999-07-26026 July 1999 Forwards Amend 57 to License SNM-696,releasing Bldgs 35-1, 36,45 & Test Tower Land from Unrestricted Use.Safety Condition S-1 Has Been Revised to Include Dates of 990309 & 0623.Safety Evaluation Rept,Encl ML20212H5571999-07-20020 July 1999 Forwards Proprietary Revised Fixed Site & Transportation Plan for Protection of Special Nuclear Matl of Moderate & Low Strategic Significance. Encl Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790 ML20196H5201999-06-23023 June 1999 Forwards Info in Support of General Atomics Request for Release of Unrestricted Use of Selected Facilities & Land Area at San Diego Site.Four Repts Documenting Results of Final Radiological Contamination Surveys Encl ML20209B2731999-06-22022 June 1999 Informs of Determination That NRC Need Not Amend License as Requested in Application as Request Is More Appropriately Considered in State of CA License ML20195D4871999-05-28028 May 1999 Forwards Ga Responses to Items Identified in Ltr of 981130 Re Ga Final Survey Plan for Hot Cell Facility.Revised Final Radiological Survey Plan Was Prepared Taking Into Account Addl Knowledge Obtained During Actual Decontamination ML20206T4141999-05-17017 May 1999 Requests Release of Former Sites of Four Previously Removed Underground Radioactive Liquid Waste Tanks to Unrestricted Use & Deletion of Subject Sites from License SNM-696 ML20206Q8661999-05-14014 May 1999 Forwards Amend 55 to License SNM-696 & Ser.Amend Releases Bldg 22 (Tfff) to Unrestricted Use.Safety License Condition S-1 Has Been Revised to Include 990323 Date ML20207D7131999-05-14014 May 1999 Forwards Amend 54 to License SNM-696 & Ser.Amend Deletes Building 27(EA-1) & Building 21 Unaffected Areas as Place of Authorized Use of Licensed Matls.License Condition S-1 Revised to Include Date of 981102 ML20217B6491999-05-0707 May 1999 Informs of Staff Determination That Document Re Decommissioning Cost Estimates Should Be Withheld from Public Disclosure in Response to & Affidavit,Per 10CFR2.790 ML20205R5831999-04-20020 April 1999 Forwards Proprietary Fundamental Nuclear Matl Control Plan, Dtd 990331.Rev Incorporates Significant Changes in Some Sections to Reflect Present Activities as Ga Scales Back Nuclear Operations.Proprietary Info Withheld ML20205L7411999-04-0909 April 1999 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 70-0734/98-03 Issued on 990219.Reply Found Responsive to Concerns Raised in NOV ML20205D6181999-03-31031 March 1999 Forwards Proprietary Rept on Agreed Upon Procedures & Rept & Consolidated Financial Statements Re Financial Assurance for Decommissioning.Encls Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790 ML20204J0491999-03-23023 March 1999 Forwards Revised Final Radiological Survey Performed at Ga Building 22. List of Revs in Rept Also Encl ML20204B7131999-03-18018 March 1999 Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 70-0734/98-03. Corrective Actions:On or About 980113,pipe Section Containing Contamination Removed,Double Bagged & Moved to Radiation Controlled Area in Bldg 21 ML20207J1051999-03-0909 March 1999 Submits Request for Release of Selected Facilities on General Atomics Site to Unrestricted Use & Deletion from License.Final Radiological Survey Repts,Encl ML20203C3021999-02-0808 February 1999 Requests NRC & State of CA Release Listed Areas to Unrestricted Use & Delete Areas from License SNM-696 & Radioactive Matl License 0145-35,respectively.Final Radiological Survey Repts Encl ML20202B3781999-01-26026 January 1999 Forwards Amend 52 to License SNM-696 & Ser,Amending to Release Certain Portions of Bldg 39 (Svb) to Unrestricted Use ML20199H0301999-01-12012 January 1999 States,For Record,That Review of Available Records & Corporate Memory Indicate That Gas Tpw Land Area Is Unaffected Area Which Was Never Used for Work Involving Radioactive Matls ML20199C8801999-01-0505 January 1999 Forwards Five Addl Copies on Licensee Rept Entitled, Final Radiological Survey Performed at Ga Bldg 22, as Requested. Single Copy Included with Ga 981222 Request for Release of Bldg 22 ML20198P2511998-12-22022 December 1998 Requests That NRC & State of CA Release Described Areas & Matls to Unrestricted Use So as to Permit Further Progress in Decommissioning & Demolition of Bldg 39.Rept Re Final Radiological Surveys of Subject Bldg,Encl ML20198P3421998-12-22022 December 1998 Requests That State of CA Release Bldg 22 to Unrestricted Use & Delete Bldg from Ga Radioactive Matls License 0145-37 ML20198P5421998-12-22022 December 1998 Forwards Final Radiological Survey Performed at Ga Bldg 22. Ga Requests That Bldg 22 Be Released to Allow Ga to Repair/Refurbish/Remodel Facility & Allow It to Be Occupied by Ga Employees ML20195K4321998-11-16016 November 1998 Confirms 981209 Meeting Between CA Radiologic Health Branch & NRC to Discuss Ga Decommissioning Activities & Agencies Respective Roles in Release of Ga Facilities for Unrestricted Use ML20155H0921998-11-0505 November 1998 Forwards Bracketed Version of Proprietary Re Financial Assurance for Decommissioning,As Requested in NRC .Pdr Copy of Subject Ltr,Encl.Proprietary Info Withheld ML20155K4111998-11-0202 November 1998 Forwards Final Radiological Survey Performed at Ga Bldg 27 (EA-1) & Final Radiological Survey Performed at Ga Bldg 21 Unaffected Ofc Areas, Per Unrestricted Use & Deletion from License ML20195B8251998-11-0101 November 1998 Forwards Amend 51 to License SNM-696,incorporating Changes to General Atomics Contingency Plan.Revised License & SER Encl ML20155K4741998-10-30030 October 1998 Forwards Copy of Final Survey Plan General Atomics Intends to Implement to Demonstrate That Former Site of Hot Cell Facility Meets NRC & State of CA-approved Criteria for Release to Unrestricted Use ML20154M3191998-10-0909 October 1998 Forwards Revised Pages 10-1 & 10-2 to Licensee NRC Approved Radiological Contingency Plan.Pages Were Revised to Require Radiation Safety Training for Triga Reactor Personnel Annually,Per NRC ML20154D6141998-10-0101 October 1998 Requests That Torrey Pines West Land Area,As Described in Encl Rept Be Released to Unrestricted Use & Deleted from License SNM-696.Radiological Survey Rept Encl ML20154D7851998-09-30030 September 1998 Advises of Agreed Upon Approach to Hot Cell Decommissioning Effort Re Refilling of Excavation Pits After Soil Sampling ML20154D3591998-09-30030 September 1998 Forwards Amend 50 to License SNM-696,deleting Bldg 30 - Phase II from License as Place of Authorized Use of Licensed Matl.Safety License Condition S-1 Is Revised to Include Date of 980904.SER Accepting Amend to License,Encl ML20154D2101998-09-30030 September 1998 Forwards Amend 49 to License SNM-696,deleting Bldg 2 Labs, Group 10 from License as Place of Authorized Use of Licensed Matls.Safety License Condition S-1 Is Revised to Include Date of 980814.SER Accepting Amend to License,Encl ML20154D2621998-09-30030 September 1998 Discusses Request to Delete General Atomics Bldg 25 (Test Tower Facility) from SNM license,SNM-696.Rept Entitled, Final Radiological Survey of General Atomics Bldg 35 (Test Tower Facility) for Release to Unrestricted Use, Encl ML20151T9821998-09-0404 September 1998 Forwards Revised Final Radiological Survey of Rooms for Release to Unrestricted Use (Building 30 - Phase Ii). Rept Replaces 980729 Version ML20238E7361998-08-25025 August 1998 Requests NRC Concurrence W/Anticipated State Release of Bare Metal Roof of General Atomic Building 27 for Unrestricted Use & Deletion from License SNM-696.W/metal Roof Radiological Survey ML20238E7581998-08-20020 August 1998 Forwards Semiannual Effluent Rept for Jan-Jun 1998, IAW 10CFR70.59.Attachment a to Rept Provides Detailed Info Concerning Triga Ar-41 releases,Kr-85 & XE-133 Releases & Stack Sample Results Over Reported Period ML20237C6181998-08-14014 August 1998 Requests That Licensee Group 10 Labs & Associated Offices Be Released to Unrestricted Use & Deleted from License SNM-696.Rept Summarizing Final Radiological Surveys of Selected Bldg 2 Labs,Encl ML20236W5091998-07-31031 July 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0734/98-02 on 980629-0701.No Violations Noted.Areas Examined During Insp Included Mgt & Organizational Changes,Radwaste Mgt Activities & Portions of Site Decommissioning Activities as Identified in Rept 1999-09-08
MONTHYEARML20212M2901999-10-20020 October 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0734/99-01 on 990802-06 & Notice of Violation.One Violation Noted Concerning Environmental Surveys Not Completed as Required by License ML20217C3531999-10-0404 October 1999 Forwards Amend 60 to License SNM-696,releasing Bldg 42 Q/A Calibration Lab to Unrestricted Use & Deleting Ref to Area License.Ser Also Encl ML20217C4981999-10-0101 October 1999 Informs That Based on NRC Review of General Atomics Info Concerning Decommissioning Cost Estimates.Nrc Has Determined That Submittal Listed Should Be Withheld from Public Disclosure,Per 10CFR2.790 ML20210T8141999-08-12012 August 1999 Forwards Amend 59 to License SNM-696,amending to Release Four Underground Radioactive Liquid Waste Tanks Areas to Unrestricted Use.Ser,Which Includes Categorical Exclusion Determination,Encl ML20210T7561999-08-12012 August 1999 Forwards Amend 58 to License SNM-696,incorporating Revised Fundamental Nuclear Matl Control (Fnmc) Plan.Ser,Which Includes Categorical Exclusion,Encl ML20210P8261999-08-0505 August 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0734/99-02 on 990727-29.No Violations Noted.Nrc Determined That Physical Security Program Properly Implemented ML20210E9871999-07-26026 July 1999 Forwards Amend 57 to License SNM-696,releasing Bldgs 35-1, 36,45 & Test Tower Land from Unrestricted Use.Safety Condition S-1 Has Been Revised to Include Dates of 990309 & 0623.Safety Evaluation Rept,Encl ML20209B2731999-06-22022 June 1999 Informs of Determination That NRC Need Not Amend License as Requested in Application as Request Is More Appropriately Considered in State of CA License ML20206Q8661999-05-14014 May 1999 Forwards Amend 55 to License SNM-696 & Ser.Amend Releases Bldg 22 (Tfff) to Unrestricted Use.Safety License Condition S-1 Has Been Revised to Include 990323 Date ML20207D7131999-05-14014 May 1999 Forwards Amend 54 to License SNM-696 & Ser.Amend Deletes Building 27(EA-1) & Building 21 Unaffected Areas as Place of Authorized Use of Licensed Matls.License Condition S-1 Revised to Include Date of 981102 ML20217B6491999-05-0707 May 1999 Informs of Staff Determination That Document Re Decommissioning Cost Estimates Should Be Withheld from Public Disclosure in Response to & Affidavit,Per 10CFR2.790 ML20205L7411999-04-0909 April 1999 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 70-0734/98-03 Issued on 990219.Reply Found Responsive to Concerns Raised in NOV ML20202B3781999-01-26026 January 1999 Forwards Amend 52 to License SNM-696 & Ser,Amending to Release Certain Portions of Bldg 39 (Svb) to Unrestricted Use ML20195B8251998-11-0101 November 1998 Forwards Amend 51 to License SNM-696,incorporating Changes to General Atomics Contingency Plan.Revised License & SER Encl ML20154D2101998-09-30030 September 1998 Forwards Amend 49 to License SNM-696,deleting Bldg 2 Labs, Group 10 from License as Place of Authorized Use of Licensed Matls.Safety License Condition S-1 Is Revised to Include Date of 980814.SER Accepting Amend to License,Encl ML20154D3591998-09-30030 September 1998 Forwards Amend 50 to License SNM-696,deleting Bldg 30 - Phase II from License as Place of Authorized Use of Licensed Matl.Safety License Condition S-1 Is Revised to Include Date of 980904.SER Accepting Amend to License,Encl ML20236W5091998-07-31031 July 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0734/98-02 on 980629-0701.No Violations Noted.Areas Examined During Insp Included Mgt & Organizational Changes,Radwaste Mgt Activities & Portions of Site Decommissioning Activities as Identified in Rept ML20249A9951998-06-0404 June 1998 Forwards Amend 47 to License SNM-696,incorporating Revised Fundamental Nuclear Matl Control Plan.Safeguards Evaluation Rept,Which Includes Categorical Exclusion,Encl ML20247P6541998-05-0808 May 1998 Forwards Amend 46 to License SNM-696 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Includes Rev 4 of General Atomics Hot Cell Facility Decommissioning Plan, Dtd Jan 1998.Safety Condition S-1 Revised to Include Date of 980422 ML20217Q9801998-04-29029 April 1998 Forwards Amend 45 to License SNM-696 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Includes General Atomics Site Decommissioning Plan, & Safety License Condition S-1 Has Been Revised to Include Dates of 961011 & 1205,970418 & 980115 ML20217R0071998-04-29029 April 1998 Forwards Amend 44 to License SNM-696 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Deletes Fusion Experiment Facilities & Surrounding Areas as Places of Authorized Use & Safety License Condition S-1 Has Been Revised to Include Date of 980129 ML20247C7601998-04-20020 April 1998 Forwards Copies of EA & Fonsi Prepared to Support Amend of License SNM-696 to Approve Site Decommissioning Plan.Fonsi, Which Has Been Forwarded to Ofc of Fr for Publication, Contains Notice of Opportunity for Hearing,Per 10CFR2 ML20247E4211998-04-20020 April 1998 Forwards Copies of EA & Fonsi Prepared to Support Amend of License SNM-696 to Approve Site Decommissioning Plan ML20217C7461998-03-25025 March 1998 Forwards Amend 43 to License SNM-696,incorporating Changes to Emergency Plan.Ser Which Includes Categorical Exclusion Determination Also Encl ML20216G6301998-03-11011 March 1998 Forwards Amended License SNM-696 Re Deletion of Building 30 Phase I from License as Place of Authorized Use of Licensed Matls ML20217P9041998-03-0202 March 1998 Forwards Matls License SNM-696 Amended to Delete Group Laboratories as Places of Authorized Use of Licensed Matls & to Allow Unrestricted Use ML20202G5551998-02-13013 February 1998 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0734/98-01 on 980113-16.No Violations Noted.Insp Conducted at Torrey Pines Mesa & Sorrento Valley Facilities Were Generally Characterized by Implementation of Effective Programs in Listed Areas ML20198J4141997-12-29029 December 1997 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 70-0734/97-05 ML20198F9001997-12-19019 December 1997 Anticipates Final Licensing Action Associated W/Review to Be Completed by End of Jan 1998,in Response to Requesting Timely Approval of General Atomics Site Decommissioning Plan ML20203B2511997-12-0404 December 1997 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0734/97-05 on 971103-07 & Notice of Violation.One Violation Involving Failure to Actuate Manual Fire Alarm Identified ML20198R0511997-11-0404 November 1997 Forwards Amend 40 to License SNM-696 & Ser.Amend Deletes Certain non-impacted Areas as Locations of Authorized Use of Licensed Matls.Condition S-1 Has Been Revised to Include Date of 970430 ML20210P0981997-08-21021 August 1997 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0734/97-04 on 970728-0801.No Violations Noted ML20151K4011997-07-25025 July 1997 Responds to 970522 Application Indicating Intentions to Commence Decommissioning of Triga Fuel Fabrication Facility. Determined That Procedures & Activities Specified in Previous Approvals Acceptable for Decommissioning ML20149H8261997-07-21021 July 1997 Ack Receipt of ,Which Transmitted Complete Rev of General Atomics Fixed Site & Transportation Plan for Protection of SNM of Moderate & Low Strategic Significance. Changes Are Acceptable & Consistent ML20140G7321997-06-11011 June 1997 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0734/97-02 on 970513-15.No Violations Noted.Activities Conducted at Facility Were Generally Characterized by Implementation of Effective Program in Listed Areas ML20140G6421997-06-11011 June 1997 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0734/97-03 on 970519-23.No Violations Noted.Conduct of Activities at Facilities Was Characterized by Implementation of Effective Programs in Areas of Operations & Radiation Protection as Related to License ML20148E1951997-05-28028 May 1997 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 70-0734/97-01 ML20138H5921997-04-22022 April 1997 Responds to ,Questioning Invoicing of Listed Amount in Contract Costs in Connection W/Review of 950706 Request for Amend to License SNM-696 ML20137F4071997-03-27027 March 1997 Forwards Amend to License SNM-696 Which Modifies Operating Activities at Site to Accomodate Proposed Safety Measures. Se,Encl ML20135F1291997-03-0606 March 1997 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0734/97-01 on 970225-27 & Notice of Violation ML20138M2601997-02-13013 February 1997 Informs That NRC Reviewed 961106 Draft Rept of Confirmatory Survey of Group 8B Labs & Has No Comments.Draft Rept Accepted as Final ML20134D8191997-01-29029 January 1997 Informs That NRC Has Completed Documentation of Review of 950706 Application & Suppls ,30 & 951218 Re Hot Cell Facility Decommissioning Plan ML20149M6601997-01-14014 January 1997 Informs That NRC Reviewed 961106,draft Rept of Confirmatory Survey of Group 8B Labs & Has No Comments ML20133E3991997-01-0707 January 1997 Forwards Insp Rept 70-734/96-04 on 961209-13.No Violations Noted ML20132G6891996-12-23023 December 1996 Responds to 961211 Request for Disposal of Soil,Asphalt & Gravel from Sorrento Valley Site.Disposal of This Matl to Unrestricted Area Determined Acceptable ML20132A7261996-12-10010 December 1996 Informs That Effective 961118,MF Weber Will Be Branch Chief for Fuel Cycle Licensing Branch & MT Adams Will Be Section Chief for Licensing Section 1.Addresses for Future Correspondence & Phone Numbers,Listed ML20134N9241996-11-19019 November 1996 Ack Receipt of Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 70-0734/96-03 ML20134F1161996-10-30030 October 1996 Forwards Amend 38 to License SNM-696,deleting Certain Laboratories as Places of Authorized Use of Licensed Materials ML20128Q1121996-10-10010 October 1996 Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Records in App a Encl & Will Be Available in Pdr.App B Records Withheld in Part (Ref FOIA Exemptions 4 & 5) & App C Records Completely Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemptions 4 & 5) ML20128M4651996-10-10010 October 1996 Forwards Insp Rept 70-0734/96-03 on 960916-20 & NOV 1999-08-05
[Table view] |
L Dr. Kaith E. Asmu:sen, Dir:ctor March 25, 1998
- . Licensing, S fety Knd Nuclerr
. Compli nce General Atomics P.O. Box 85608 -
San Diego, Califomia 92186-9784
Dear Dr. Asmussen:
In accordance with your application dated October.10,1997, along with subsequent revisions dated November 6,1997, and pursuant to Part 70 to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Materials License SNM-696 is hereby amended to incorporate changes to your Emergency Plan.
Accordingly, Safety Condition S-23 has been revised and reads as follows:
S-23. The licensee shall maintain and execute the response measures described in the Emergency Plan dated October 10,1997, supplemented by letter dated November 6,1997, or as further revised by the licensee consistent with the provisions of 10 CFR 70.32(i).
t All other conditions of this license shall remain the same.
Enclosed are copies of revised Materials License SNM-696 and the Safety Evaluation Report, which includes the Categorical Exclusion determination.
Please note that this approval applies only to the fuel cycle license. Your.NRC reactor program project manager may require additional information to meet the needs for emergency planning for non-power reactors.
Sincerely, Original signed by:
Michael F. ' Weber, Chief Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards, NMSS Docket 70-734 License SNM-696 Amendment 43 p pgALEgnry oggy sh d Nidb M,1 N 1 5
- 1. Materials License SNM-696
- 2. Safety Evaluation Report DISTRIBUTION: (Control No. 600S) COMPLETED /
g ]
Decket 70-734) J PUBLIC? f NRC File Center Region IV NMSS r/f FCSS r/f FCLB r/f CHooker, RIV p kO
'SHO PMDA- WSchwink, FCOB 9rss 3 64/SR OFC FCLB FCLB $[ FChh FCLB M NAME CGapih - PShea MT MAdahhhMWeberk DATE 3/Ih8 3//)/98 3/898/M3 3/N98 A 0 34
/ _. LC- :PDR
.q y [
f *Huq y- *, UNITED STATES j
\*****p# March 25, 1998 Dr. Keith E. Asmussen, Director Licensing, Safety and Nuclear Compliance General Atomics P.O. Box 85608 San Diego, California 92186-9764
Dear Dr. Asmussen:
In accordance with your application dated October 10,1997, along with subsequent revisions dated November 6,1997, and pursuant to Part 70 to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Materials License SNM-696 is hereby amended to incorporate changes to your Emergency Plan.
Accordingly, Safety Condition S-23 has been revised and reads as follows:
S-23. The licensee shall maintain and execute the response measures described in the Emergency Plan dated October 10,1997, supplemented by letter dated November 6,1997, or as further revised by the licensee consistent with the provisions of 10 CFR 70.32(i).
All other conditions of this license shall remain the same.
Enclosed are copies of revised Materials License SNM-696 and the Safety Evaluation Report, which includes the Categorical Exclusion determination.
Please note that this approval applies only to the fuel cycle license. Your NRC reactor program project manager may require additional information to meet the needs for emergency planning for non-power reactors.
Sincerely, M
Michael F. Weber, Chief Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards, NMSS Docket 70-734 License SNM-696 j Amendment 43 '
- 1. Materials License SNM-696
- 2. Safety Evaluation Report i
. . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -