IR 05000412/1987051

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Insp Rept 50-412/87-51 on 870706-10.No Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Preoperational Test Program,Including Witnessing of Preoprational Tests,Reviews,Qa Interface & Unresolved Items
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 08/28/1987
From: Esselgroth P, Vankessel H
Shared Package
ML20237L428 List:
50-412-87-51, NUDOCS 8709080412
Download: ML20237L462 (10)



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l i U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION I i Report N _50-412/87-51 Docket N License N NPF-64 Category B Licensee: Duquesne Light Company

Post Office Box 4 i l

Shippingport, Pennsylvania 15077


Facility Name: Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 2 j J

Inspection At: Shippingport, Pennsylvania


Inspection Conducted: July 6-10, 1987 1 1- sectors: hM A HinFi F. va ~ ssel, Reactor Engineer


8-2 7-87 date d Approved by: 8'27'87 j Pete W. Eselgypth, Chief date j Test Program /$ecticn, OB, DRS


Inspection Summary: Inspection on July 6-10, 1987 (Inspection No. 50-412/87-51)

Areas Inspected: Routine unannounced Inspection of the Preoperational Test )

Program, including the witnessing of Preoperational Tests, the review of pre- !

operational test reports, the status review of test deficiencies, the review of !

activities in the QA interface, and the review of unresolved items identified j by the inspector on previous inspections. The inspector also reviewed the l status of the cleaning program for the Recirculation Spray Heat Exchangers and the status of the licensees program to install an additional lube oil strainer in the lube oil systems of the two Emergency Diesel Generator Results: No violations were identifie i Note: For Acronyms not defined, refer to NUREG 0544, " Handbook of Acronyms i and Initialisms"  !


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DETAILS Persons Contacted Duquesne Light Company (DLC)

T. A. Brown, Test Engineer

  • D'. L. Claridge, Lead Compliance Engineer
  • N. J. Daugherty, Preoperational Test' Consultant
  • J. Godleski, TCT Engineer J. D. Johns,. Supervisor QA Surveillance J. R. Kasunick, Director of Maintenance
  • J. B. Miller, Senior QA Specialist
  • T. P. Noonan, Assistant Plant Manager M. T. Robinson, Test Engineer S. Smajda, Supervisor Test Tec D. W. Stark, Supervisor Flush-Hydr G. A. Summers, Flush Test Engineer
  • L. P. Williams, Director Startup (phase-1)

R. G. Williams, Test Supervisor

  • J. K. Wolfe, Coordinator QC Comment
  • G. J. Zosack, Compliance Engineer U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  • L. J. Prividy, Resident Inspector Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings (Closed) Unresolved Item (412/86-38-01), " Emergency Diesel Generator Discrepancies" Scope The review of the test results for the phase-1 tests of the Emergency Diesel Generators, EDG 2-1 and 2-2, identified 6 open items as listed in reference 1 below. Five of these open items were resolved. The sixth item pertains to the lube oil strainer delta P build up problem as describad in references 1 and References Inspection Report 50-412/87-45 for inspection completed on June 5, 198 . Insp.ction Report 50-412/87-48 for inspection completed on June 15, 1987.

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Discussion The licensee has made the decision to replace the present simplex (twin)

lube oil strainer with duplex strainers. Since the order for these duplex strainers will take several months to be filled, a temporary second lube 4 oil strainer will be installed in parallel with the existing uni One of 1 these_ installations (for the South Unit) was completed during this inspec- I tion perio It was tested successfully and placed in service. The second temporary strainer (for the North Unit) is being installed. The j licensee is assuring that an adequate number of strainer elements will be available for the second strainer. The installation of the duplex strainers will resolve the delta P build up problem. It will now be ,

possible to switch from one strainer unit to the next without having to '

shut down the EDG. It was noted that the modified lobe oil system will have a local delta P indicator for the delta P across the strainer. This is in addition to the existing low lube oil flow alar Findings The inspector has no further questions on this unresolved ite !

(Closed) Unresolved Item (412/87-36-01), " Sticking SIS Valve HCV-868A" Scope Test Deficiency Report 13 and 14, written against procedure P0-2.11A-05, were closed out even though there were unresolved questions on valves 2 SIS *HCV868 A ar.d B. Retests on these valves showed that valve HCV-868A still stick j References Inter office memorandum from Kevin Lynch (DLC) to Tom Gerlowski of the Westinghouse Site Engineering Team Ql-SET), " Valve 2 SIS *HCV 868B", dated June 30, 198 i Inter office memorandum BV-2-SET-100, from W SET to DLC, " Valve


2 SIS *HCV 868B", dated May 15, 198 Discussion Further testing of SIS valve HCV 8688 under full delta P and associated flow conditions showed no sticking of this valve. Apparently, the j normal delta P under normal operation is needed to make the valve move <

without sticking. A discussion with the test engineer revealed that he had no further reservations on the performance of this valve.

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. 4 Findings The. inspector has no further question on this unresolved ite (0 pen) Unresolved Item (412/87-45-01), " Fuel Oil System Cleaning History."

Scope A number of discrepancies were found durine the review of the phase-1 documentation for the cleaning and flushing of the fuel oil system of the Emergency Diesel Generators, EDG 2-1 and 2-2. Six specific questions were defined in ref. I below which need to be answered (items a through f).

References Inspection Report 50-412/87-48, for inspection completed on June 26, 198 Discussion Item c, e_and f of ref. I were discusse It was established that the filter cartridges had not been removed during the tests of ref. 1 and 5 of reference 1 above. This means that most of the dirt particles larger than 5 microns were removed in both fuel oil systems (EDG 2-1 and 2-2). A review of the test logs of ref.1 and 5 (of ref.1) reveals that the strainer elements were changed several times. Item e was closed in re . With regard to item f it was noted that the EDG Vendor, Colt Industries, had indicated in a letter that the offskid lube oil piping, including the 12 individual fuel oil supply lines to the fuel injectors and the fuel oil supply headers, had been cleaned in the factory and were not to be included in the flushing activities at the site for the off skid piping and components of the fuel oil system. The letter, however, could not be found for the inspector's verificatio The licensee will make a search for this lette Conclusion 4 l

The unresolved item will remain open until all of the questions have been I answere I 3. Preoperational Test Program 3.1 Preoperational Test Witnessin,g Scope Selected steps of test procedure 2.13.01, " Recirculation Spray System Pumps and Controls" to be completed prior to Mode 4, were witnessed by the inspecto L


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. 5 i Test witnessing included observations of the attributes listed in

! Section 3.2 of Inspection Report 50-412/86-2 Discussion All four RSS Pumps were run to obtain the data, recorded on data sheets 42, 43, 30, 29, 16, 17, 3 and 4. These data sheets collect ;

pump performance and heat exchanger delta P (RSS side) data for each


train (4). The inspector independently verified the calculations on data sheets 50 and 52 -(for the D train).

Findings No violations or deviations were observed by the inspecto .2 Preoperational Test Result Evaluation Scope The Test Results Reports (TRRs) for the test procedures lir.ted in Attachment A, including retest and test completions, were reviewed to verify that adequate testing was performed in order to satisfy regulatory guidance and licensee commitments and to ascertain that uniform criteria were being applied for evaluating completed preoperational tests to assure their technical and administrative adequac Discussion



The TRRs were reviewed for the attributes listed in Inspection Report 50-412/87-19. Each TRR was reviewed together with the file containing the completed original of the procedure and the correspondence associated with completed work and retesting for identified test deficiencies. All of the files reviewed were completed and in good orde Findings No violations or deviations were noted by the inspecto .3 Test Deficiencies 1 i

Scope l The listing of open test deficiencies (TDs) with safety significance, as prepared under inspection 50-412/87-38 was updated and reviewed against the test deferral listing prepared by the licensee. New test deficiencies, completed as well as uncompleted, !

were reviewed for the adequacy of corrective action taken or planned. j l


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. 6 Discussion The listing of open TDs was updated to incorporate new items and delete the completed items. All of the completed and some of the uncompleted TDs were reviewed for the adequacy of the corrective actio For all cases reviewed, the corrective action was found to be acceptable from a regulatory point of view. The licensee is planning to postpone certain activities due for completion prior to Mode 4 in accordance with the licensee's test deferral letter to the NR These activities are all related to the completion of procedure P0-2.01A.03, " Verification of Reactor Plant Setpoints". The in-spector reviewed the individual items of postponement presented in a hand written listing and concluded that all of the items are not needed until Mode 2 (Initial Criticality).

Findings No unacceptable conditions were observed within the scope of this i revie . Independent Inspection Effort 4.1 Status RSS Heat Exchanger Cleaning Scope The status of the special efforts being made to clean the four RSS heat exchangers (shell side) was reviewed to de ermine the effec-tiveness of same and the availability and operability of these heat exchangers for the starttp progra References Inspection Report 50-412/87-48 for inspection completed on June 26, 1987 l Testing Software Change Notice, TCN-2PF-10774, " Revise Flush Acceptance Criteria," prepared by Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation (SWEC) on July 6,198 Discussion '

A new acceptance criterion was defined by Stone and Webster. This acceptance criterion (see Reference 2) has been changed to particles no greater than 1/8" in any dimension if the c.aximum number of !

particles in the sample is ten. With this less restrictive cri-terion, all 4 heat exchangers will be finished and operable prior to the start of Mode 4. An LCN will be generated to revise FSAR Section 1.8 to conform with the new criterio _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



. 7 Findings No unacceptable conditions were found ',iithin the scope of this revie . QA/QC Interface Scope The participation of the Duquesne Light QA Surveillance Group in the preoperational test program was evaluated by the inspector. The surveil-lance Check Lists listed in Attachment B were reviewed for adherence to the requirements of the Startup Manual (SUM).

Discussion None of the surveillance check lists of Attachment B show any unsatis-factory entrie In the response to the Deficiency Report #1 of procedure 50V 2.33A.01 (last entry in Attachment B), Startup Management agrees that

"a failure to properly document test crew familiarization with test changes occurred." Also, the test engineers failed to have the test crew sign an Approved Test Procedure Review Verification Shee The corrective actions taken appear to be adequat Findings The inspector has no questions on the QA documents of Attachment . Exit Interview At the conclusion of the site inspection on July 10, 1987, an exit interview was conducted with the licensee's senior site representatives (denoted in Section 1). The findings were identified and previous inspection items were discusse At no time during this inspection was written material provided to the licensee by the inspector. Based on the NRC Region I review of this


report and discussions held with licensee representatives during this {

inspection, it was determined that this report does not contain informa- i tion subject to 10 CFR 2.790 restriction i l


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ATTACHMENT A TO IR 50-412/87-51 TEST RESULTS EVALUATION Proc. No'/ Rev. Approval Date Retest N Title of Procedure / Retest N TRR by JTG PO-2.158.01/ Neutron Shield Tank Cooling / 0 5-15-87


15B-001 High Temp. Alarm Setpoint P0-2.20.02/ SFP and Refueling Cavity Leak Test / 0 5-16-87 20-001 Liner Leakage Retest (TD 1 and 2 still to be done)

PO-2.39.01/ 2-1 and 2-2 Batteries, Inv., 0 5-04-87 N/A (TD-6) Chargers / Measurement Vital Bus Voltages PO-2.47.01/ Containment Type C Leak Rate Test / 0 4-10-87 47-003,4,5,8 Excessive Check Valve Leakage (TD 15,10,9,6)

P0-2.07.03 CVCS 0 7-2-87 (Sect. A)

P0-2,11A.05 Misc. SI MOV. Control and Alarm Tests 0 3-27-87 (Sect. A-C)

P0-2.06.13/ Reactor Vessel Head Vent System 0 4-3-87 6-001, 002


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TO IR 50-412/87-51 REVIEW QA SURVEILLANCE REPORTS Surveillance Sury. N Proc. N Procedure Title Comp 1. Date POT 77C-87 PO-2.21A.03 Main Steam Isol, and Bypass 7-2-87 (Sect. VII C)_ Isol. Valve Operability POT 85A-87 PO-2.44B.01 . ESF Equipment Ventilation /-3-87 (Sect. VII A)

POT 97G-87 P0-2.47.11 Containment Penetration 7-1-87 Valve Integrity i

50V50C-87 SOV-2.08A.01 Boron Recovery 6-14-87 (Sect. VII C) (Run #4)

S0V84Q-87 SOV-2.33A.01 Main Plant Carbon 7-1-87 l (Def. #1) Dioxide System Test (F.P.)

(Response S/U)







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