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Forwards Insp Rept 50-285/88-32 on 880901-30 & Notice of Violation.Adequate Corrective Actions in Response to Previous Violations Were Not Implemented & More Attention Required to Ensure Tech Spec Requirements Satisfied
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 11/08/1988
From: Callan L
To: Morris K
Shared Package
ML20206A406 List:
GL-88-03, GL-88-3, IEB-88-005, IEB-88-5, NUDOCS 8811150106
Download: ML20206A403 (2)

See also: IR 05000285/1988032


_ , ._ . _ _ _ _ .._. _



,  !


MW 8 m j


In Reply Refer To: '


Docket: 50-285/88-32


e  :

Omaha Public Power District  !

ATTN: Mr. Kenneth J. Morris >

Division Manager - Nuclear Operations-  !


1623 Harney Street

Omaha, Nebraska 68102 i


This refers to the inspection conducted by Messrs. P. H. Harrell and T. Reis of [

this office during the period September 1-30, 1988, of activities authorized by  !

NRC Operating License DPR-40 for the Fort Calhoun Station, and to the discussion  ;

of our findings with you anj other members of your staff at the conclusion of ,

the inspection. i

Areas examined during the inspection included review of previously identified

items, operational safety verificat!% plant tours, monthly maintenance i

observations, monthly surveillance observations, security observations, i

radiological protection observations, in-office review of periodic and special  ;

reports, review of Generic Letter 88-03, review of NRC Bulletin 88-05, review of  :

information on containment temperatures, and preparation for refueling. Within

these areas, the inspection consisted of selective examination of procedures and i

representative records, interviews with personnel, and observations by the NRC

inspectors. The inspection findings are documented in the enclosed inspection


During this inspection, it was found that certain of your activities were in

violation of NRC requiretrents. Consec,uently, you are required to respond to

these violations, in writing, in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.201

of the NRC's "R91es of Practice," Part 2. Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations.

Your response should be based on the specifics contained in the Notice of

Violation enclosed with this ittter.

We note that two of these violations involve similer violations identified in

previous NRC inspection reports. In this inspection period, a fire door that

would not latch due to modifications performed during security door alterations

was identified lV the NRC inspectors. A report to the NRC was not issued

as required by ti.e Technical Specifications, even though similar problems in

the trea of reporting nonfunctional fire barriers had been experienced at the

Fort Calhoun Station in July 1986 (Violation 285/8621-02). In addition, an

hourly fire watch patrol for all nonfunctional fire barriers was not performed

as required by the Technical Specifications. A similar problem of this nature

had also been experienced at the Fort Calhoun Station in February 1986

(Violation 285/8603-01). Thus, it apt. ears that adequate corrective actions in

response to the previous violations were not implemented and that more

attention is required to ensure Technical Specification requirements in this

  • RIV:RI * SRI *PE *C:DRP/B Dt0

TReis/nc PHHarrell RPMullikin TFWesterman LJCaTlan


H / 3/88 ///3/88 n/J/88 # /$ /88 11/$/88

  • Previously concurred 0811150106 801100

PDR ADOCK 05000r05 L\





Omaha Public Power District -2-

area are satisfied. Please address these specific instances in the

response to the Notice of Violation, as well as improvements being implemented

in this area, to preclude future violations of NRC requirements.

We have also examined actions yct have taken with :egard to p.eviously

identified inspection findings. The status of these items is identified in

,' rapeaph 3 of the enclosed inspection report.

The response directed by this letter and the accompanying Notice is not subject

to the clearance procedures of the Office of Management and Budget as required

by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, PL 96-511.


Should you have any questions concerniM this inspection, we will be pleased to

discuss them with you.


1 GtM Strl By.-


L. J. Callan, Di m tor

Division of Reactor Projects



j 1. Appendix A - Nocice of Violation

l 2. Appendix B - NRC Inspection Report

50-285/88-32 j


. cc w/ enclosures:

a W. G. Gates, Manager

Fort Calhoun Station '

, P. O. Box 399

Fort Calhoun, Nebraska 68023 ,

Harry H. Voigt. Esq.  !


LeBoeuf Lamb, Leiby & MacRae  !

i 1333 New Hampshire Avenue, NW

' Washington, DC 20036 i



Nebraska Radiation Control Progran Director






bec distrib, by RIV:

R. D. Martin, RA * MIS System i


  • SectionChief(DRP/B) *0RP
  • RIV File * Project Engineer (DRP/8) l


  • RSTS Operator *P. Milano, NRR Project Managec

'Lisa Shea, RM/ALF *RR!

  • DRS *T. Reis l
  • P. H. Harrell


  • w/766

