IR 05000414/1985055

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Insp Rept 50-414/85-55 on 851104-08.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Onsite Design activities,as-built Drawings & Followup on Previously Identified Unresolved Items
Person / Time
Site: Catawba Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/26/1985
From: Belisle G, Jackson L, Wright R
Shared Package
ML20137W868 List:
50-414-85-55, NUDOCS 8512100368
Download: ML20137W870 (11)


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Report No.: .50-414/85-55 Licensee: . Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street Charlotte, NC 28242 Docket No.: 50-414 License No.: CPPR-117 Facility Name: Catawba Unit 2 Inspection Conducte - ovember 4-8, 1985 Inspectors: M[#fM M- 26 -86 L. H J n Date Signed L ~

R.W.Wrpht aAwd g b M 24-85 Date Signed Approved by: T/ # // '26-f7 G. Af BelisTWcting Section Chief Date Signed Quality Assurance Programs Section Division of Reactor Safety I SUMMARY


Scope: This routine, unannounced inspection involved 70 inspector-hours on site in the areas of onsite design activities; as-built drawings; and followup on l previously identified unresolved item Results: No violations or deviations were identifie ,



8512100368 851202 l PDR ADOCK C5000414 G PDR l


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REPORT DETAILS Persons Contacted


Licensee Employees

, *H. Atkins, Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer, Projects

! J. Baggett, Corporate QA Auditor T. Ballard, Quality Control (QC) Inspector, Mechanical / Piping

  • N. Barron, Superintendent of Operations
  • A. Bhahnagar, Performance Test Engineer


  • T. Bright, Engineering Manager

'- *J. Cox, Superintendent of Technical Services l T. Davis, Supervisor, Design Engineering l J. Feltham, Engineering Technician "B", Administrative Methods B. Grigsby, Engineering Associate

  • C. Hartzell, Compliance Engineer R. Hembree, QC Inspector, Electrical D. Isenhour, Hanger Technical Supervisor

. J. Kelly, QC Inspector, Mechanical / Piping l F. Krauss, QC Inspector, Mechanical / Component Supports l D. Leslie, Mechanical Engineer, Completion

  • R. Medlin, QA Technician


C. Melton, Document Control Supervisor l

  • T. Mills, Construction Engineer, Electrical D. MisKelly, Electrical Technician "A" D. Hartley, Electrical Technician "B"

, *F. Schiffley II, Licensing Engineer (


D. Steel, Supervisor, Planning Unit 2 T. Summey, QC Inspector, Structural E. Williams, QA Technician l Other licensee employees contacted included construction craftsmen,

engineers, technicians, QA/QC persr.inel and office personne Other Organization

C. Rice, Jr., Project Manager, Bahnson Service Company l B. Williams, Quality Assurance Engineer, Bahnson Service Company l NRC Resident Inspector
  • P. K. VanDoorn l


  • Attended exit interview l Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on November 8, 1985, with l those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above. The inspector described the l

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areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection finding No dissenting comments were received from the license The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to or reviewed by the inspector during this inspectio . Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters (92702) (Closed) Unresolved Item (414/85-38-01): Qualification of Vendor Auditors The inspector discussed the qualification of vendor auditors with responsible Duke Power Company (DPC) personne DPC has reviewed and accepted the QA manual for Bahnson Service Company (BSC). DPC audits of BSCs lead auditor qualifications has been confirmed to be similar to those required by ANSI N45.2.2 The inspector selected the records for two BSC lead auditors and confirmed that their qualifications were very similar to those required by ANSI N45.2.2 (Closed) Unresolved Item (414/85-43-02): Missing M-18G Trending Demonstration Pertinent trend analysis responses written by responsible craf t and engineering supervisors were subsequently found and examined by the inspector. Review of the project manager's final site analyses report written for the period January through June 1985 disclosed that there were no adverse construction trends identified during the subject time fram ' Verification of As-Builts (37051)

This inspection was conducted to verify by sampling that current design and construction drawings / specifications correctly reflect the as-built condition of the plant and that changes from original design were properly reviewed and approved. Supplemental reviews in this area of inspection have been conducted by the NRC resident inspector on site and by Region II based inspectors (RII Inspection Reports 50-414/83-15, 83-21, 84-01, 84-09, 85-05, 85-16, 85-25, 85-32, 85-40, 85-46) who have been inspecting selected piping systems, electrical raceways / cables and structural items to assure the Catawba Unit 2 as-built condition is as described in the FSAR, Governing Procedure and Status of Schedule for Completion of As-built Design Documents The inspector reviewed the following construction site inspection and turnover procedures being implemented by the licensee to control

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as-bo11t . drawings and changes, and to those measures that assure seismic and other stress calculations are based on as-built conditions:

CP-374, RIO Structural Steel Administrative Control, Fabrication, Erection Guidelines and Inspection Guidelines i F-13, R12 Procedure for Control of Work on Systems or Components Which Have Been Turned Over to Nuclear Production


Department i

M-8, R14 Piping System Installation Inspection



M-18, R13 Inspection of Structura! Steel Fabrication and Erection M-41, R9 Electrical Equipment Installation Inspection M-51, R20 Component Supports '

M-61, RIO Instrumentation Process Control and Inspection


Q-1,R24 Control of Nonconforming Items

R-3, R26 Design Drawing and Specification Variation S-2, R23 Systems Verification and Turnover S-4, R11 Requirements for Applying the NA Stamp to Code Systems '

-S-5, R1 Civil Verification and Turnever The . inspector conducted discussions with persons responsible for the implementation of Catawba's program for system verification and


turnover. from the Construction Department to the Nuclear Production Department (NPD). Under this program, the Project QA Manager is responsible for approving, compiling, maintaining, and verifying records (including as-buiits) for systems and for certifying that the system is approved by QA prior to turnover. All mechanical and


electrical systems are- scheduled to be completed and turned over (final) to NPD by December 23, 1985. Approximately 20?; of the area turnovers are complete and 92?J of the code piping systems have been stamped in accordance with turnover procedure S-4. The construction planning supervisor anticipates meeting 100?4 final turnover of the Unit 2 plant (systems, area, code stamping) to NPD by December 31, 1985, thereby making an anticipated fuel load date of January 15, 1986, a reasonable probabilit It appears that the licensee has developed an adequate program and


established satisfactory ieasures to control as-built design and '


construction drawings.

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b. Review of As-Builts (1) Piping Systems The following Chemical and Volume Control System isometric drawings were selected to verify that the as-built configuration agreed with the approved drawing:


CN-2492-NV001, R5


CN-2492-NV002, R2 -

CN-2492-NV003, R3 This system was inspected for the following attributes:

Piping - location, size, configuration, elevation Supports - location Valves - location, identification, flow direction, operator orientation The inspector confirmed that all piping dimensions and valve orientations were within the acceptance limits specified on drawing CN-1680-48, R16, Piping and Valve Erection Tolerances and SAV (stress analysis validation) Requirement (2) ' Electrical Field observations were made to the following Unit 2 Electrical Shutdown Requests (Form F-13A) for work on systems alreaay turned over to NP Number Description and Observation P01406 Disconnected conductor #11 of cable 2*NI593 at terminal C50R and conductor #56 of cable 2*ATC582 at terminal C50L in cabinet 2EATC5, re-lugged the subject conductors and re-terminated the Verified wor P01496 Conductor #54 of cable 2*ATC527 was re-lugged at terminal B54L and conductor #14 of cable A*NI54 <

was re-lugged at terminal B60L in cabinet 2EATC Verified wor P01499 Conductor #5 of cable 2*NI590 was re-lugged at terminal B39R in cabinet 2EATC6. Verified wor P01502 Conductor #33 of cable 2*ATC582 was re-lugged at terminal F33L in cabinet 2EATC5. Verified work.



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The applicable referenced Catawba Nuclear Cable Wire Termination Sheet, CNWT-2717-01-05, R60, and CNWT-2717-01-06, R57 were found to be the latest revision (3) Structural The inspector inspected two pipe rupture restraints (Device Nos. 2RR-B-NC203-37FP and 2RR-B-NC203-91FS) associated with Unit 2's reactor coolant system. The dimensions, joint location,

~ orientation, materials, bolting, welding, configuration, and assembly of these restraints were found to be in agreement with procedural requirements and the following latest approved as-built drawings:

CN-2684-NC-164-B, R1 CN-2684-NC-165-B, R1 CN-2684-NC-153-B, R1 The changes to the above original design drawings were confirmed to have been properly reviewed, approved, and incorporated-into


the above drawing The inspector accompanied the licensee's QC personnel during their inspection of a Unit 2, diesel generator component support N .

. - 2-R-VN-004 which was originally located and erected to isometric drawing 2493-VN-008, R8 and hanger drawing No. 2-R-VN-004, R1; but was later redesigned by variation notice (VN) J2765 due to the inability to perform inservice inspection on its snubber. The component's original support inspection records and drawings, the


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detailed process control sheet, and the subject VN were the primary documents used to verify the as-built condition of this support in the fiel This preliminary inspection was conducted ~

to assure that the subject support's materials and parts were of proper size and classification and that its location and configuration agreed with 'he design documents. Since this was an adjustable support, a later final inspection of this support will be performed when the cold load is set and this cold set inspection will be followed by a final walkdown inspection. This preliminary inspection identified two minor " di screpancies (an insignificant drawing error and the hanger < offset was not within allowable tolerances) which were properly documented on a Form M51C by the QC inspectors for technical support's resolutio Within this area, no violations or deviations were identifie . Onsite Design Activities (37055)

The object of this inspection was to ascertain what design activities are being performed onsite and to determine if these activities are performed in accordance with technical and quality assurance requirements described in the DPC Topical QA Repor .

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. Functional Responsibility for Onsite Design The inspector held discussions with responsible licensee representa-tives to determine to what extent the licensee has retained or delegated responsibility for onsite design. DPC Corporate Design Engineering (CDE) is responsible for the Catawba project design in that all original calculations, specifications, and drawings are prepared and checked by qualified individuals from within CDE. Variations from these design drawings or specifications are not permitted without <

approval by CD . Variation Notices (VNs) serve to document the agreement with CDE to conduct work at variance with approved CDE drawings or specification VNs which are initiated by various disciplined. construction engineers

are required to receive verbal approval by CDE and written approval by the Project Manager or his designee prior to field implementatio CDE has field extensions of their pipe hanger support / restraint group and civil engineering section on site to -expedite the handling and approval of applicable, VNs for the design of supplemental hangers, supports, restraints,.p'latforms, and civil problems as needed. The on site design extension ~ groups from CDE are currently comprised of four people. Complex problems or those requiring considerable time to analyze are submitted to CDE for computer analysis. Discussions revealed that each site variation notice eventually receives final CDE review and approva .

DPC has contracted with BSC to construct the Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system at Catawba; however, the design activities are performed by . DPC CDE. . Changes to HVAC design (specifications, drawings, standards, or codes) are accomplished by BSC



design change requests (DCRs). A DCR is similar tc( a VN in that

- written authorization is necessary from construction engineering to incorporate changes that has been verbally approved by CD \. b >



All VNs and DCRs are eve'ntually transmitted to CDE;for final approval and, at that time, CDE may'take exception to the' recommended verbally '

approved disposition. VNs and DCRs are incorporated into "as-built" drawings by CDE and revised drawings are issue Design' Procedure Review


DPC Procedures <

DPC Topical , Report Duke-1-A, Amendment 9

Design Specification No. - CNS-1206.00-04-003, R12, Procedure Require-

/ ments fo6 Fabrications and Erection of Hangers,J Supports, and Seismic Controis- J i


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Design Specification N CNS-1211.00-00-0005, R103, Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning, Supplement 5 CN-SRD Design Criteria 77-1.0, Appendix B, Erection Requirements and s

Tolerances T ,


Design Specification No. CNS-1206.00-02-1002, R40, Piping Design


N CP-385, R26 Support / Restraint Erection Tolerances PR-101, R22 Engineering Calculations (

l PR-130, R18 Engineering Drawings I

l PR-140, R3 Engineering Correspondence PR-160, R6 Nuclear Station Modification

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l PR-170, R4 Design Specifications i

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  • PR-210, R24 Variation Notices I PR-901, R27 Document Control j

D-1, RIO Control of Field Design G-1, R23 Document Control l R-3, R26 Design Drawings and Specification Variation Q-1, R24 Control of Nonconforming Items R-5, R8 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Reporting Requirements R-6, R4 Significant Corrective Action g

Bahnson Servtc Company Procedures QFP-3.002-CNS, R0 Design Control Procedure QFP-3.004-CNS, R4 Design Change Procedure QFP-6.004-CNS, R3 Document Control and Distribution for BSC-CNS QFP-17.~001-CNS , R1 Document Storage AFP-6.001-CNS, R7 Controlled Document Distribution Index



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The inspector interviewed several DPC construction engineerirg personnel, onsite design personnel, QA/QC personnel and BSC QA/QC personnel to determine whether they were knowledgeable of the require-ments specified in the above documents. The inspector concluded that personnel were very knowledgeable of their assigned responsibilities and procedure requirement c. Design Changes DPC VNs and BSC DCRs are initiated onsite when an item cannot be constructed or installed as .dimensioned on the drawing and within allowable procedural erection tolerance The inspector conducted discussions with the hanger / support group and examined VNs used to implement modifications involving the following:

VN Number Component Support Isometric Number J-2766 2-R-NC-1614 CN-2491-NC-060 J-2768 2-R-NV-1000 CN-2491-NV-100 J-2767 2-R-NV-1893 CN-2491-NV-113 J-2761 2-R-CA-1010 CN-2491-CA-012 Each of the above listed problems were identified during testing and were thermal expansion problems. Hangers were modified as to type of support or location to eliminate the problem. Changes were required to update the as-built drawings. These changes were verified to have been implemented recently; therefore, drawing changes have not been incorporated as of November 5,198 It is noted, however, that all component support activities are scheduled to be complete on November 27, 1985. The personnel involved in this group will be transferred to other duties. One individual will still be located at Catawba if other modifications are require The inspector interviewed personnel involved in the civil engineering section and examined documents being prepared to modify some fire stop Package number 2AB1050, Drawing CN-1680-109, Revision 6, problem "A" could not be installed as designed because one of the angle iron stiffners interfered with existing conduit; therefore, problem "B" is being recommended to relocate the stiffner to clear the condui Problem "B" has been cleared by telephone with CD The fire stop is being fabricated in the shop. This VN will be submitted to CDE for approval in the near futur The inspector held discussions with responsible mechanical engineering personnel and reviewed VN 50093 which requested the use of .031 vellumoid gasket material be approved for use on the Auxiliary Feedwater Turbine Driven Pump The vendors maintenance manual did not specify the replace type material to be use VN 46327 was submitted to CDE requesting that 3/4 inch vent lines be added on drawings CN-2491-CA-018, 019, 020, and 021. These vents are J



high point vents needed during filling and testing operations. The inspector verified that the vent lines had been added to subsequent revisions of the drawings by VN 46418 which superseded VN 4632 The inspector held discussions with responsible electrical engineering personnel and confirmed that the VN program used to document changes is similar to those in other disciplines. VN 31118, VN 50167 and VN 43499 were examined by the inspector and verified to have been handled in accordance with approved procedures. VN 43499 was issued to document that conductor number 4 of Cable 2*ISE565 was shown terminated at one end onl The disposition of the VN instructed the construction organization to terminate the cable on terminal TB926- d. Drawing Control The inspector conducted discussions with responsible document control personnel from the DPC site document control unit. The adequacy of the facility relating to storage, issue, and control of drawings were examined. Drawings were selected from those identified during review of VNs and were verified to have incorporated appropriate changes required by VN approval. Distribution of drawings are controlled from master computer lists which are issued biweekl Document control personnel distribute drawings, specifications, calculations, and other documents to predetermined locations dail These computer list; are maintained current on a daily basis and new printouts are issued biweekl The inspector held discussions with responsible personnel from BSC to ascertain that DCRs were being handled in accordance with approved procedures listed in paragraph b. abov DCR A-0073N464 required a change to the plenum for filtered exhaust units ABFU-1A, IB, 2A, and 2B. DCR A-0073G488 added a drop in the duct to tie in from 1ABUXF-1 DCR A-0079093 changed hanger 2-H-VP-0376 DCR A-0079D77 changed hanger 2-H-VP-037 These hanger changes were verified to have been incorporated during subsequent revisions to the drawings, e. Audits The inspector selected audit reports performed by DPC of BSC activities to assure that the audits verified implementation of essential elements on a triennial basis. An audit performed in August 1982 covered onsite design and document control activitie Subsequent audit dated July 13, 1983, covered welding and record activities. This audit noted that some welders qualifications were past due (90 day requirement).

This deficiency was corrected and the item was closed by DPC on July 13, 1983. Another audit by DPC in April 1984 evaluated the DCR program. An audit dated September 24, 1985 evaluated Design, Records, and Procurement Document Contro The inspector reviewed BSC corporate audit CNS-85-1 and CNS-85-2 to verify that appropriate standards, such as ANSI N45.2, 10 CFR 50,


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Appendix B, Field procedures, and Administrative Field procedures, were used to measure performance. Auditors were verified to have been qualified in accordance with ANSI N45.2.2 Within this area, no violations or deviations were identifie .)