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Responds to Generic Ltr 88-14, Instrument Air Supply Sys Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment, Per NUREG-1275,Vol 2.Instrument Air Sys Adequate for Operation of pneumatically-operated,safety-related Equipment
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 02/17/1989
From: Hairston W
RTR-NUREG-1275 ELV-00197, ELV-197, GL-88-14, NUDOCS 8903090244
Download: ML17360A145 (98)


APPENDIX C 13-MS-A20 F l~.e 3 7 February I J, 1989 ELY-0019?0955D gg-qz'f U.S.Huclear Regulatory Co~sission Region 11, Suite 2900 101 Marietta Street H.V.Atlanta, GA 30323" YOGTLE ELECTRIC GEHERATIHG PLANT-UNITS 1 an~2 OPERkTIHG LICENSES HPF-68 ANO NPF-79 GEN.RIC LE>>EP.HO., 88-)4 INSTRUMENT AIR SUPPLY 5 te,.<"L.".Arr g t tN Art.)t ELAN tOUIPMEHT Gent 1 emen: Generic Letter 88-14 requested that each licensee/applicant revie~NUREG-1275, Volume 2 and perform a design and operational verification of the instrument air system.k response to this generic letter~as to be submitted to the NRC within 180 days.Attached is a response to the identified concerns of NUREG-1275, Yolume 2.The revims and/or inves igations indicate tha.the design, installation, testing, operation and mainterance of the instrument air systems at Plant Yogtle are adequate to ensure the proper and reliable operation of pneumat ical ly-opera ted, sa ety-related equipment.

If you have any questions, please advise.Mr.M.G.Hairston, III states that he is a Senior Yice President of Georgia Pobder Company and is authorized to execute this oath on behalf of Georgia Pomr Company and that, to the bes of his knobdledge and belie', the facts set forth in this letter and enclosures are true.G=QRGIA POWER COMPANY , t'sf..s ss s~,>r s;.By: N..r!a>rston, i ii Suorn so end subscribed be, ore sne:his~7-deX of Februsr/, VM/i jb.

APPENDIX C 13-MS-A20 ELY-00197 Page e


cc: Georoia Pover Cornanv Hr.P.D.Rice Hr.C, K.HcCoy Hr.G.Bockhold, Jr.GONORH5 U.S.Nuclear Reaulatorv Coraission, Act>ng ec>ona i Administrator Hr.J.B.Hopkins, Licensing Project Manager, NRP.(2 copies)Hr.J.F.Rogge, Senior Resident Inspector-Operations, Yogtle APPENDIX C 13-MS-A20 YOGTLE ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT UNITS 1 AND 2 RESPONSE TO G:.NERIC LETT R 88-14 G.L.Item 1: Verification by test that actual ins rv~'lit ns.rvmen.a r quality is con-sistent xith the ranufac urers'ecommendations for individua A.Action Plan: Verify the Instrument Air equal-ity from perfor.>ance of re-operational test procedvres.

o pre-2.Periodic verificat>on,during perfo,-.~nce of preven ive r~intenance (PH)tasks associated with the In t Air System.ns rumen 3 Select sample points and conduct ai.'itional in-plant testing to measure actual instrument air quality.'C Veri,y diesel generator air start system air quality from preoperational test procedures..

B.Resoonse: of'nstrument air system air qua li:y has been 1" h fo1 1ows a Y".GP: en accomp>shed as l.Testing ac<v>ties during the per ormance of preopera tional test procedures consisted of verifying the air quality (moisture and oil content)immediately downstream of the af'terfilter for each set of dryers and at the end oi selected feeder lines.This testing was accoŽplished in accordance with the YEGP stated position of conforr>ance to Regulatory Guide 1.68.3 which is provided i FSAR statement of conformance corr.i"ed VEGP to meeting the quality requirements of ANSI/ISA 57.3-1975 for verifying moisture and oil content and no'th.e at veri-.ion o particvlate size at the end of each feeder, line is no.considered necessary at VEGP since"he YEGP instru-fil:ere r>.n'ir system design is svch that instrum n'at the dehumidifier and at each instrument (by a n air is local fil er/regulato-)

in accordance with individual ins.rvment manufacturer's requirements.'o meet the requirements of ANSI/ISA 5?.3-19?5, the acceptance criteria for raximum al]owable oil content wa es abl'p.(<<)and.t.,e rsximu.",.

a>lo~.ble moisture content was established at-15oF line pressure (see FSM Sec.ion

.2).The results of the preoperational test-ing o, instrumnt air quality are tabulated i T bl 1 These result.e n a es and u ts show that preoperational testina verified that the systems for both uni:s mee: the r>oisture and oil con.ent requirerents of!N5'/ISA 57.3-1975.

~O 0~li APPENDIX C ESPOHSE TO GENERIC LErrER 88-)4 rage 13-MS-A20 , p iodic verification during per or~nce o~PH tasks consisted pr'imari)y of verifying the air lit and oil content)imediate)y doxrstream of the qua y ryers.Yerificaticn of moisture afterfilt r for each set of dr content (dexpoint) at the end of a representative feeder)ine has also been performed on eight separate occassions.

The PH.acceptance criteria for raximvm a))oxable oil c t t i ppm (x/x)and maxir."u".

a))oxab)e moisture Th 1 t f th'H o conten.has consistently been verified to be 0 rrr a found to exceed the PH accep-maintenance xas t ica a o-.1n these cases c orrec ive yp cally required to restore the dexpoint o ess than-60oF.Vhi)e the d e expoint has been fovnd to e~acceptance criteria in several instances ioning solenoid va lve as"ociated typically due to a ma)funct'dryers), the dexpoint has s ill consistently been verified to be less than the MSI/ISA S7.3-)975 reqvirement ne pressure.This demonstrates that the YEGP instrument air system design is such that high ua 1.ty vnctionlng system ccmponent.

Yerificatjon of arti f p culate size has not been performed as a part o, the PH verifications of instrument ai same re~son as stated r.on has not b en considered recessary f th previously for not performing such~or e ver fication during the preoperationa) tests for the instru-ment air sys em.Hoxever as a f th~~par o e'nspections the local air per.orated per PH checklist SCL00285"Yalv/a ve Damper Stroke related air-a air filters/regulators for approximato)-opera.ed.valves xere inspected'urin the e,ety erst re ueling outa e (Fall 1'ng~e Unit I.g (a , 9SS).These inspections ver i-a no c eaning or replacement of the air fil required.Yo t)e Elec g ectric Generating Plant cons iders tha t a r i ters, vas pe-od i c inspec ion and c 1 ea nin or ng or rep)acement as necessary ese oca air filters for each safety re)ated air-operated component is an appropriate methoC e me o o ensvring that.a r quality is raintained consrstent x>th the r<nu f actur ers'eco~..~a'o such suc periodic'nspections is discussed 1 e in this response.~Additional inp)ant testing of the operatin System consisted of verifyin th nstrument air feeder lines.The results of this testing are tabv)ated in Table 4 e.These results shox APPEHDTX C 13-MS-A20 RESPOHSE TO G=HE~)C LE~R BS-)age o that the o~~e o'.l content and dexpoint xas again verified to me the requirement.

of ANSI/ISA 57.3-197".

This testin bined xith:h.he periodic PM measurements of air quality, is s est ng, com-considered as sufficient for reveri,ying the air.qua)ity testing results of preoperational tes'-"KB-0) f n t.The air quality testing results of preoperationa 1 test 2-3KB-0)for YEGP Unit 2 are still considered current.and therfore reverification of'hose resvl-ts is not con-sidered necessary at this tine.g P an(concludes that the above testing has Yogtle Electric Generatin een su ficient to verify that actual instrument air system air h the rznufacturers'ecornendations for n v ua 1 components served.This conclusion is made based on a rev ex that was conducted of C individual air o o the manu, acturers'iterature associated operated components.

This-reviex indicated that e certain recorrzndations, such as'filtered""dry" free" have b C e been made or the supply a ir, quantitative a ir quality requiremen s have not boen specif ed.Th bo d veri, ed moisture and oil content to be consistent xith the quan-titative requiremen.s of AHSJ/)SA 57.3-1975 and the ins s ni 1)vel i ied particulate si-e to be acceptable or instrument.

air as supplied to the individual components.

There-fore, the instrument air system air qua)ity is considered as bavin en veri, ied as consistent xith the rwnufacturers'ecoin o, air quality for the diesel generator air start system has also boen accomp)ished for YEGP Units 1 and 2.Th V~G eP diesel g..air system xas supplied by Transamerica Delaval.(Hote: YEGP diesel generators are also Transameri'ca De)ava))and consis:s o txo separate co+ressed air systems or.trains per d eac individua) train consisting of one suction filt pressor, a.tercoo)er a'.on i ter, com-r, a.r dryer, and air rece i ver.Doxnstre am of y-ra ner/fi)ter for removing particulates dni tolib urther downstream.

filters exist for the starting air s r utor and for the engine control anel.f th r er a or the YEGP diesel air start system has been es.a~s ed as 50oF at system pressure.(see FSM Tab)'e 9.5.6-)).This dexpoint criteria xas established ba d h o..he air start system, the',act that the ai n.~and<50 psig, xhich raises the dewpoint, and the minimum diesel generator room design temperature o 50o".P tes.procedures 1-3KJ-0)Diesel Genera T'S'.reoperationa 1~~~'+'~Sys em (Unit 1;,'1-3KJ-02'Diese)Generator Train B 5 ar ing Air Sys.e...(Uni: 1)., 2-3KJ-01 Diesel Genera T ys.e~(Uni: 2), and 2-3KJ-02 Diesel Genera.or Train 8 Startino Ai Sys.em (Unit 2)included a verif ica:ion of dexpoint for air contained in each receiver.The res)'h'.re su'.s of thi s preopera t iona)veri.ication of dexpoint are tabulated i'.h n jab>e.These resu):s APPENDIX C RESPONSE TO G=-NERIC LETTER BS-14 rage 4 13-HS-A20 shox.tha: the, de+point acceptance criteria xas net for all but the.I.'o.2 air start train for the Unit 1 P" diesel.After replacement of a bad condenser fan ro:or and recharoing the dryer xith refrigerant, this air start train xas also verified to neet the dexpoint acceptance criteria.Testing of the diesel generator air start system for particulate and oil content is not considered necessary due to the system design xhich includes the previously mentioned y-strainer

/filter and doxnstream filters.Transamerica Delava1 (nox IHO Delaval)has specified the exact filters to be used in these applications.

These filters are periodically inspected and cleaned or replaced in accordance with the generic aaintenance recornendations developed by the Transarerica Delaval Oxner's Group (see Appendix 11 of the TDI Diesel Generator Design Reviex and Qua'lity Reva'lidation Report-YEGP: Note: This report xas previously submitted to the HRC).The YEGP program for performing these periodic inspections is discussed in more detail later in this response.ies A review xas conducted o,-Transamerica Delaval recornondations and of the recommendations developed by the Transamerica Delava1 Oxner's Group.This.reviex indicated that mantita:.ive air quality t requirem nts have not been specified for the diesel generator air s art system.Therefore, YEGP considers that the air quality testing per,ormed during preoperational tests 1-3KJ-01, 1-3KJ-02, 2-3KJ-01, and 2-3KJ-02 xas suf icient to verify the air quality oi the'iesel air for, Units 1 and 2 consistent xi h the r'znufacturers'ecornendations."ated ure I:lons ll I.em Veri,ica.ion ha ra intenance practices, emergency procedures and training are adequate to ensure equip-ment vill function as in'.ended on loss of instrumen A.Ac.ion Plan: Evaluate current rr~intenance programs and practices to deter-mine overall adequacy for components x',thin the scope of the generic letter.1 il~ve 2.3.Reviex plant procedures desioned to mi:igate the e fects o a loss of instrumen'ir.

Reviex the.con ent and scope of raining programs for adequacy in the area of required response to a loss of instrument air.ry-C s 3 APPENDIX C 13-MS-A20 RESPOHSE TO C=.HERIC LETTER 88-)4 rage ins rvment afr fs not available.

EOP 19002-C'*'oiooxn," Rev.6, includes a note prfcv to St 4 t ig.hat r~keup to the vo)um control tank fs not oF EOP)&C30-r possible xithou fnstrumen afr available At h Stea.".Genera'.or Tube Ruptvre," Rev.?, ro-ins run vides instructions for establishing h f fl c arg ng ox without procedure..rument air available and applies to S'2 s o.ep o that r yp of procedural controls as discussed above are con-The t es sfdered adequate for ensuring that safety-related afr-operated corn anent p n s w>))function as intended on loss of 3.Training Current trafnfn for'i g 1 censed operators includes lesson plans, instr uct iona 1 1 1 units, and simulator exercises as i ol)oxs: LO-'LP-,02)

)0'c Service and Instrument Air Systems'O-IU-021)0-001

'Start Air Compressors'O-IU-02110-002"Respond to'n p, o jns rumen Air Syste".'lar;s'-003"Respond to Service 7 fr Sys er, A)arŽs LO-'.U-02))0-00'espond to a Loss o;Instrv:ant Afr to Conta fnment" LO-SE-60019 RHR Operations Kith Ha lfunc.fons" LO-'SE-60023

'Coo)ant h Feedxater LO-IU-60321-Loss of Instrument Air-001"Respond to Loss o Instrument Air'esson Plan LO-LP-60321 fs based on.abnormal operating procedure (AOP}18028-C and Hc)u" t detect a loss of instrument air r r, response of critical components ss o nstrvnent air, hox to compensa e for cer ain cri ical components ass'umin failure g po ion ic---0019 introduces a loss of instrument air dvrin o associated ith plan shu doxn (Hode 5'nd}d'.1 opera io (H d'}n ro vces a oss of irstrv..'o e i}.The operator is ex ec ,s rvment air.during poxer expected to uti)ize the scenarios.

2-C for res ondin p'to both sfmu,lator exercise Current training for non-)icensed o plans and i operators includes lesson n ns.ructiona) vnits as fo))oxs: HL-LP-02201 Service and Instrument Air Systems 0<<side A ea Opera or' 13-HS-A20 R PONS TO G NERIC LE~"R gg 14 Yage b HL-LP"02301 NL-IU-02301-00-001 HL-IU-02301-01 "002 HL-IU-02301-01-0 3 H L-IU-02301-01-004 HL-IU-02301-01-005 HL-IU-02301-00-006 HL"IU-02301-01-007 NL-IU-02301-00-008 NL-IU-02301-01-009 HL-LP-02401

" HL-LP-53112 NL-IU-53112-00-001 NL-'LP-531?0"Serv f ce and Instrument Af r Syste"s-Turbine Building Operator""Perform ServfcejInstrument Afr Start-Up Inspections""Operate Air Dryers"~B Bloxooxn Mofstvre Separator Drain Traps an Afr Receivers" Cross-Connect Unit Compressed Air Syste s"'Restore'Instrument Air to Turbine Building Folloxing Isolation'estore Serv f ce Air Fol 1 oxf ng Isolation" Check Proper Operation of Rotary Air Compressor" Chec eck Proper Operation of Reciprocating, Afr Co~ressors""Check Operation o Hester Energy Conservator"Service and Instrument Aft Systems Au"iliary Building Operator'ntroduction to Valve Ac uators'Verify Poxer-Operated Ya lve Operation'ntroduc.ion to Basic Air Co~ressors" NL-LP-02201, HL-LP-02301, and HL-LP-02401 r enti ica ion o r~jor air-users ex ecte nis io a loss of instrunen air d t t Th d'iscussfon of industr event based on events described b HUR 6-12?5 Yo y HRC Information Notice 87-28 sftfze the lant e i c.-, ol.2, and SOER 88-01 and is inte ded t en to sen-p~fpment operator to the inpor.ance of.e nstrument air system and to problems xhfch could occur nstrunen afr qva 1fty is alloxed to for maintenance erso personnel includes Lesson Air Opera or Hain enance xhich is e to mechanical pro""Service and Instr cal raintenance personnel and GE-LP-1251 6, personnel.

nstrunen Afr, xhich is provided'h C io HE-LP-10003 provides training on the basic ur o principle o opera.)on of ai e asic purpose and air.on o a ir operators, various es o ir operators, gen ra 1 rafntenance ra ir.e practices for trovble-o~n rec anical and o erati p.ional cause o, ir"ures, and includes a revi m o, HRC In o..ion Yol.2, and SO=R 80-0 si e the need to preven d d'system by alloxing forei n egra ation of the in s cerumen a i r.ore gn raterial such as oil', xater tenance.GE-LP-1251'6 prov i-251'6 provides training on the purpose of APPE>RADIX C 13-MS-A20 RESP0"SE To~HERIC LE)E'ER 88-14 age the instr'ur)ont afr syste" na)or co~nents, unc fons and floxpath, eaphasf:es that significant problems have occurred at various nuclear plants due to the conta)-.fnatfon of instruwn afr and ins ructs the s uden to observe for conta~ina fon A)le,per,or ing cafntenance on the fns ruwnt air system or co yonents serviced by fnstru~nt air..The above described training for licensed operators, non--licensed operators, and maintenance personnel has been r vfexed against the recccxzndatfons of hUREG-1275, Vol.2, and revised xhere appropriate to incorporate those recorrwn-datfons.This tra'.ning fs considered adequate for ensuring that sa ety-relat.d equfprxnt xfll func)on as intended on loss of fnstrumnt afr.G.L.Ite".-3: Yeri, icati t on.ha~the design of'he ertfre instr.".~nt afr system includ'in g air or o.her pneumatic accu.",.ulators fs in accordance e xfth fts intended,unction, including verification by test that afr-operated, safety-related co;..ponents xil1 perform as expected in accordance xith all design-bases events, including a loss of the norm.l instrument afr systen.This desion verifi t should i include an analysis of current air operated cor)ponent failure positions to verify that they are correct for assuring required safe.y functions.

A.'Ac.ion Plan'.l.Iden" ify, by reviexfng plant design docur)enta ion, the sys e~and co~onen level safety design bases..2.Create a lis of all sa>ety-related co)"..ponents xi:hin the scope of the generic letter.3.R'eviex the testing that xas performed for each safety-related cor7onent xithfn the scope of the generic letter.4, Schedule any additional safe.y-related co)"ponen testin B.Re>Roose: Sa.ety-related active ins.".ur)ent air use.s for YEGP Uni:s 1 and 2 are tabulated fn Tables 6 and 7.The curren.failure position for each of:hese co..-"n-."..'~s in'ec e aca ins: t)>e.=SnÃt~A Tables and/or design calcula+io s)he curren.failure posi:fons for these co)-.,ponents xere verified to b cor'rec.for assuring the required safety func ions APPr.NDTX C RESPONSE TO G NERiC L T)ER 88-14 rage 13-MS-A20 Nit>l exceptions as no ed below, loss o, fnstrune t.r n a r pressure perfo~d for the conponents listed fn Tables 6 and 7 during cons:n>ctfon acceptance testing for each unit.The air-operated valves l,fsted in Table 6 were individually-tested fn accordance with construction acceptance test CAT-H-04'" p t d Yalv s.The air-opera.ed danpers listed in Table 7 were individually tested fn accordance with CAT-H-07"HYAC Pneu=atic 0 crated Dan er p s.This tes fng was perforned to meet c YEGP stated position of conformance to Regulatory Guide 1.68.3 which fs provided in FSAR Sec.ion 2~~Loss of fnstru~nt r mnt afr pressure testing performed per CAT-H-04 position and then ve consis ed of placing the valve opposite to its f fl-saie posi fon on slowl en ver f fyfng the valve properly nerved to f t f f 1-e io s a an, as appl icable on y bleeding off the afr from the actuator suddenly venting the positfoner or co-pp y p rt to atrosphere.

Loss o>instrument afr n-pressure tes fng performed p r CAT-H-07 consfsted of placfng-the das".per properly raved to fts fail-safe position on slowl reducing the air pressure to the actuator.n on s ow y The rzfn feedwater isolation valves (f.e., valves'tHY5227, lHY5228, lHY5229, 1HY5230, 2HY5227, 2HY5228 2HY 2)were not CATH-04 tes:ed.These valves are hvd li es but recufre a source of air to perfor, their r y rav c sa ety unction in tha: air-operated pilot valves ha t o a feedwa er isola ion si"nal o allow the fiow cf ydraul fc fluid to the appropriate side of the hydraulic iston.y'ervoirs and instrument afr pp<<instrument air pressure is rease.e YEGP HFiY's are the sane valves as those des-cribed in NRC in oration Notice 85-35 and wnfch are used as nafn stear: isola fon valves at Byron Unit 1..Foilowfn of No ice 85-35 the YEGP H"iY'e r s were rndf fied by replacfn the ah i 1 i t of th air check valves with those of a slf htl df g.y>erent design.The su lied i'o ese air, check valves to seat on a grad i 1 gra ua oss of abi lit.pp ns.runent afr pressure and to herefo e t i, y of the K<<iV's to perforn their safety func ion is periodically verified in accorCance with testing performed er Procedure 14850-1 (14850-2)'Cold Sh td Y 1 This testin is u own a ve Inservice Test." T s is considered adequate verification for the HFiY's required by the Generic Le:er.e l's ampers AHY12479, AHY12480, AHY1248l, AHY12482.IHY1250'.1HY12605, iHV12506, 1HY126G7, 2HY12604, 2:--",".~':5.

an in',latable bubble-p a eC Campers, but are also equipped h e tigh seal.A source of air is ensvred b wl>.a reserve air s.orage tank and an ins.vre y an ins.rvnent air check valve for each Carper.A CAT-H-07 tes.was performed for h Ca~per s mich verified tha.each proper 1 APPE'ADIX C'3-i~fS-A20 RESP"-HSE TO GENERIC LETTER SS-14 Page CAT-H-07 does not fnclvde confirm"on'1'l b bb'a e v le tfgh sea'.ls.There, ore'YAO's xi 11 be s to perfor testing tha conff~the proper o era'io eals on loss of fnstmuent afr These the tes ing of the inflatable bubble ti h.sea It could not be verif fed that Yalve 2HY12146, 2HY12147, 2HY121 2148, and 2HY1214 had been tested t ese y pove to their proper posf fon o con r that the mv pt of a Control Room Isola fon applicable)

H'40's xi 11 be issue sued to per;om additional testing.e o corpleted by 1 September 1989.The adequacy o the diesel generator air start s fng precperationa 1 tests 1-AJ-C5'Diesel~'on, oa ejec ion, 5 Air S:arts, and 35 C tive Starts'Unit 1 Train A)1-AJ-0 (Tne five air starts:est cons fsted o veri'eceiver contained su;ficfent air and xith the redvndant.ed air cor.pressor de nergized: air receiver isolated from th.di g ered adequate verff,ication as required by e.ese1~Use of safet-r ty-elated pneuwtfc accurvlators at air accu;.v)ators for the H"I Y's air a dbi'1"f h d~g arpers eqvipped xith fnflatable seal.e esel genera..or air start s st..s ar system a f r receivers.

The o ese accvrvlators to perfom their in d d on on a loss of nor."al sue n en e func-'I supplied air p u e xas veri, ied as G.L.I tea 4: Provide a discussion of the YEGP ro ran for r~~p og o ing proper A.Ac.fon Pla.n Revfex the instrument air oval it ro" u.y p ogram and rake an.improve-B.Response: Procedure 11M'-1 (118Ã-2)'Turbine Bui1 din re fr~s the Turbine""uf ldfn~o er ng opera:oro cho ck pref il 2 and

~CI 0 APPENDIX C 13-XS-A2O'0'G~'i-'R IC LE~i-"R 8$-1>>ag e-fterfilter differential pressure o e~sture (dessicant-t e.l.-ype)indicator located on each p er and af il e d in o to own the ref i 1t C e~o a r ryers, to blo~dcxn the I to blossom the i t ce s ure separator drains and.e instrumnt air receivers C h k d bl d f th y p-ng ese nspections and bio&Maintenance Pork Ord lo&cxns are performed shiftly.ce or r ers and jor Def icienc Cards are appropriate to resolve potential inspec ions.po ent a proble"s identified during these Preventive Haintenance (PH)standardi ardized checklist SCL00402 has doil o t'i di t]d na e to provide for periodical1 v'tely dmstrean of the a"erfilter PH ifi i f ns runent a r expoint and o>l content were or>t per repetiti e task 12'20006-001M-N.

e re ects results obtained b e..'by per;or-..~nce of this pre-Standardized PH checklist SCLQO~"2 h-'<<r-v'as been-originated to r-v'.'e.air i ters for the vide or a per iodic inspect ion of'th.f'1 e y-related air-operated va.lve.lis~i bl./be inspected for contairirants such as o>i,~a ir ter per this checkl i clogging or is physically dna d If inspec ions described by SCI 00"'32 h h respond to the in erv ls f th' b en es abli h subject valves and ill a o o er remired in" an v 1 occur at either 24 36 r d for the interva)s dependent th on e particular valve.Y G E P considers the above described ins to be a suf.icient e nspections and bio~downs tained for the instruct u~c ent nethod to ensure proper air ual'ua,ty is re in-.uren.a r syste-.-.-)utside Areas Rounds Sheets" r-Procedure.11882-1 (11882 2)0 quires a shiftly ceneral'.ins ection re-p c.ion c.the diesel generator y.en air conpressors.

Main y.'en o;nd/o robl'er.:s iden-.', d" n.i'e during these inspec.ions.

PM standardi"ed checkl ist SCL00166 has beon'e~de f'r periodlca air con-ai y per ornin a den.,...f n.aired in the diesel air receivers for bo h;:ni's system"" air I~~

APPENDIX C TO<H~HiC LEl ic.R 88-14 age 13-'AS-A20

~nspec ion of the y-strainer/filter, starting air distributor

.ilter, engine con rol cabin t fil er and the barring dev c r fo<<he diesel generator air start syste~is performed on an'End-o;.-Cycle'asis which corresponds t th o e amiica De ava g.n enance reco~ndations developed by the T rans-Delaval Sacr s Group.These inspe~iions are perfo~d per the instructions o'rocedure ZS714-C"EOC Diesel Generator Checkout and were completed for the Unit 1 during the recent Unit 1 ie or i ie n t diesels 18806 n~n 1 re ueling ou age (reference Y~'0's 8806319, 18806320, 18806321, and 18806322).

'EGP considers th above described i c i be nspe.ons to be a suf-c en rathod to ensure proper air quality is~intained for thc oiesel generator air start sys m 0 0 I~O APPB.'RADIX C 13-MS-A20 TABLE E~TI~T~1~01 (L".fIT I)IX57ZPFM AIR/VALI..Y D'TE 10/30/86 10/30/86 1Q/30/86 10/30/86 10/30/86 11/1?/86 LO'TJQ(Afterfil ter"A" Di scharge Afterfil ter"8" Discharge Turbine Bldg.El.195'22D'urbine Bldg.El.245'270'uxi'1iary Bldg.Line Auxiliary Boiler h Cooling T~r DEVOID-60oF?2 F-50oF-60oF 48oF 36oF OIL CCXTB(T 0 ppe 0 ppn 0 ppm 0 ppm Q pal 0 ppa TABL.2 PR:-CPERATIGKAL TEST 2-3KB-01 (UNIT 2)IX>T~T AIR QUALITY 06/04/88 06/04/M 05/15/88 05/)5/88 05/15/88 L~TI&After filter"A" Discharge Afterfilter"B" Discharge.Turbine Bldg.El.)":5'220'urbine Bldg.El.~45'270'uxiliary Bldg.Line DBPQ I XT-80oF-SOoF BOoF 80OF-80oF OIL GKTEXT 0 ppn 0 ppi"l 0 ppfA 0 ppfA 0 p ply 41 Cl

]1/18/86 (1861976")

03/15/S?(18703110) 06/29/87 (18705688)

.11/05/87 (18?08997) 11/19/87 (18708995}

.'2/03/87 (1S71187?)

07/19/88 (188Q429?)

07/26/88 (18804'61) 08/02/88 (18804615}

08/09/88 (,18804802}

OS/16/~~(188O5141) 08/23/88 (188O540O}

08/30/88 (1880550?)Q9/06/88 (18805661) 09/1'/88 (1880 833)09/21/83 (188060 6}APPENDIX C TASI>>~~~(,T,)IX5i~MfT AIR q" LITf LCCATI CX Af ter, i 1 ter"A" Df scharc~e Af ter>il ter"8" Discharge After>fl ter"E" Discharge Afterfil ter"B" Discharce g Afterf fl ter"A" Df scharge After, i 1 ter"A" Di s<"~ce.Aft>~r" Discharce ter"8" Discharce After>ilter"A" Discharce After,il er"8" Discharce Af erfil ter"A" Discharce A'-erfil ter"Bi>Discharce Af er,ilter"A" Discharce After.ilter "8" Di'scharge After>il ter"A" Discharge A;ter>i l ter"8" Di>scha rce I h C Shop Line Af erfil ter"A" Discharge A,:er>1 ter"B>i Discharge I h C Shop Line Afterfil ter"A" Discharae Af er ilter"8" Discharce J I h C Shop Line Af erfilter"A" Discharce Af te~il ter"8" Di scharce Con rol Bldg.Level 8'A'ter-.;',l ter"A" Di scharce j>>'>y I~Q>>>>+'t~I~~>>~.,'rr'>)r.l%>>I.e~>>~>> l:er""-" Df scl arce i h C Shop Line 13-MS-A20-BooFBOOF OoF SQOr-sooF Sooj 63OF-74"F-68oF-?2oF Eoj 73OF-SooF-?OoF-78oF-BooF-Soo-78o-SQoF BooF-Sooj-Boor-SOoF SOcj Booj-.Boo j 0 ppm 0 ppni<1 pp<1 ppm<1 ppm<1 ppm 0 ppm 0 p pm>>0 ppm O,ppm 0 ppm 0 ppm Q pp~0 ppm>>0 ppm 0 ppM 0 ppm 0 pram 0 ppm o ppm OEWOINT OIL CGA@Ã-SooF350F-4P':6.SoF APPENDIX C TABLE 3 Continued)

W CmCXS (mIT 1)INSTR'~AIR QJ'LIT<13-MS-A20 DASH (~Qa/27<<BS (zoo,~<<'7)10/0'/BS (18 o273)10/05/88 (18806475) 10/22/BS (18806?27) 10/2o/88 (18806oos) 11/l 5/BS (18807138)11/21/88 (18807315) 11/2o/BS (18808a4}12/O6/8" (188OS38 5)12/16/88 (18808653)12/20/BS (18808654}

12/27/88 (18808655) 01/03/89 (.18808854)

Ol/IO/So (18808g66)

LGC'TIN After ilter"A" Discharoe After,ilter "8" Discharge Control Bldg.Lev~!8 Afteri i-1 ter"A" D'ischarce Afterfil ter"8" Disc>larce After, il ter"A" Discharge Afterfil ter"8" Discharge Control Bldg.Level 8 Afterfil ter"A" Discharge Afterfilter "8" Discharce Afterfilter"A" Discharce Af terf i 1 ter"8" Di scha roe Afterfilter"A" Discharoe Afterfil ter"8" Discharce)l>>~>>C'e>a n....i'<<er~Di scharae A-ter-.<<1 er"8" Di schargo Af erfitler"A" Discharce Af ter"B><<Discharge After;ilter"A" Discharae.

Afterfilter "8" Discharge Afterfilter

"'" Discharce A'erf i 1 ter"B" Di scha rae A, terfil ter"A" Discharce A, erfilte."8" Discharce After;il ter"'" Discharce A terfil er"8" Discharg-.

>C~f te fl 1-er e>t e.f l 1 t e t 8 0 l s c i"i a r c<<'.terfil ter",'." Discharae', te.fil:er""-." Dl SCharae DF~POIh 7-6?OF?Qor"-7?Or-71OF-71OF-soor-SGOF sooF-68O=-68or-68OF-68OF 2ooF-20OF-2OOF-20OF-soar" Boo>>-8OoF 5oo-76OF-61OF 6ooF-60oF 6loF 4 3or>>-46OF 22or 8Qo>>-BooF QIL Ct:XTeX 0 ppn 0 ppril.0 ppn 0 ppn>0 ppn>0 ppni 0 ppn 0 ppn>0 ppril 0 ppn<<0 ppril 0 ppni 0 pprrl 0 ppm 0 ppril 0 ppn 0 ppn, 0 p pril 0 ppn 0 p pril 0 ppn 0 ppiil 0 ppn 0 ppril 0 pea 0 ppn 0 pon 0 p."..-.wasure~nt of oil i-,.-'-" le~n eC n>>Gv APPENDIX C 13-HS-A20 Vg~c 4, SPECIAL TESTING (Unit.1)INSTNPEXT A Iil QMLITl'~f 18900&3)L{KATI ON OIL COiYEKT 02/03/89 02/03/89'02/03/89 02/03/8o 02/03/89 Turbine Bldg.Level 1 Control Bldg.Level B Auxiliary Bldg.Level D Diesel G nerator Bldg.1A Diesel Genera-or B'idg.18 800F-80 F-BOoF-80oF-80 F 0 ppa 0 pp1i 0 ppi"il 0 p pixel 0 pplh TABID 5 DI:SSL 6:-R:-RATOR AIR START SYSlcN AIR ANALITY PREOP TiSTI46 OAr, pR=op AIR START TR'N D APPOINT ll/03/86 11/03/86 il/04/86 11/04/86 10/06/87 10/06/87 10/!3/87 12/!1/87 1-3KJ-0!1-3KJ-01 1-3KJ-02 1-3KJ-02 2-3KJ-Ql 2-3XJ-Ql 2-3KJ-02'-3XJ-02 1-2403-G4-001-K01 1-2403-G4-001-K02 1-2403-G4-002-K01 1-2403-G4-002-K02 2-, 2403-G4-001-K01 2-2403-G4-00!-

K02 2-2403 G4 002 K01 2-2'03-G4-002-K02 77oF 77oF 79oF 7ooF 77oF 77oF 6"-or 7!oF 48 3oF 48.2oF 49]oF 61.9oF 41.4oF 4'2.4oF 36.3oF 40oF P.~Wi~~13-MS-A20 APPENDIX C TABLE 6 SVCTlRD IN~i~AIR USERS--ACTI YE YALYES---YALYE AIR FILTd'.KGEL Slc=(H FHV, FSAR RrF P05ITI}HY}300c 2HY}300cA 1HY130058 2HY 130058 1HV13006A 2HY}3006A FISH" R FISHER FISHER P5Q5 P595 P5Q5 50 FHEA-FSAR TABLE 10.3.3-1 50 FHEA-FSAR*TABLE 10.3.3-1 50 FH:"A-FSAR TABLE 10.3.3-1 CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED c)HY130068 2HY}30068)HY13007A 2HYi3007A 1HY 13007 B 2HY130078)HY}3008A 2HY}3008'HY130088 ZHY130088)HY760&~2HY7603A 1HY7 6038 2HY7 6038 1HY7603C 2HY7603C FISHER FISH.R F I SHER FISHcP FISHER CO'(OFLOA COiROFLOM CONOFL04 P5Q5 P5Q5 p5Q5 P~Q5 PSQ5 FH-20 FH-20 FH-20 50 50 50 50 35 FHEA-FSAR TABL'10.3.a-)FHEA-FSAR TABL 10.3.3-1 FH=A-FSAR TABLE 10.3,3-)FHEA-FSAR TABLE)0.3.3-)FHEA-FSAR TABLE 10.3.3-1 FHEA-FSAR TABLE 10.3.3-1 FHEA-FSAR TABLc 10.3.3-I FHEA FSAR TABLE)0..3-)CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED (Con;)nues) l 0 0 0 APPENDIY C 13-MS-A20 TABLE 6 (Continued}

SArt.l-~lc9 I)ST@'~AIR USERS---ACTi YE YALY.S---VPLYE Yc.",OOR AIR FILieR KGE'IL(H RB-FSQ R:-F.1HY7603D 2HY?6030 1HY5280 2HY5280 1HY5281 2HV 5281 1HY3502 2HY3502 1HY8823 2HYSS23 1HYSS24 2HYBS24'.HYBS'3 2HYBS4 3 1HY 8881 2HYB881 COHOFLOV F ISHER FISHER F ISHER FiSHER FiSHE?COHO-'4 COHOFLO'4 FH-20 6?nFR 6?AFR 67nr R P-594-1 P-594-1 FH-20 FH-20 35 40 40 40 ,FH-n" FSnR TABLE 10.3.3-1 FH~-FSnR TABLE 10.3.3-1 FH~-FSnR TABLE 10.3.3-1 HO'ii HONE HONE HO'ii HONE CLOS CLOS CLOS!CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE.CLOSE.'LOSEt 1HY27 901 2HY27901 COMOF L(N/GFH20XT1782 35'ONE CLOccT 1HY887 1 2HY8871 1HY8954 2HY8964 1MY~~~2HY8888 1HYBSSO 2HYBBSO 1HYS1"0 2HYS160 lHY8152 2HYS'I SHER F I SHER Fi SHER COHOF LO'x'USHER P594-1 P59>>1 P594-1 FH-20 P 594-I 40 40 40 HONE HOH.HG.":=Ii OI~CLOSEC CLOSiD CLOSED CLOSiD CLOS-"0 CLOSED (COO w iilVGQ)

APPENDIX C 13-i6-A20 TAB>~6 tC t;~n~)c.I a-IXSTrr3RDfi AIR USc,PS---ACTI YE YALYE5---YH.Y:-AIR FILTiR KGEL SIN(P()~FSAR Roc PGS Ii 1HY8825 2HY&o2 F I SH""R P-594-1 40 HONE CLOS 1HY8890A ZHYSG90A 1HYo&908 ZHY8890B FISHER F I SH.R P-594-1 P-594-1 40 HONE NONE CLOS;CLOS!1HY8033 2HY8033 1HY8047 2HY8047 1HY8028 ZHYSO28 1HY 3513 2HY351'3 COHOFLO'ii COHOFLO'ii CO"0 LO FISHER FH20XTKXGBI 35 FH20XTXXGB1 35 FH20XTKXGBI 35 p>o5 HOli".HOH.HOH=HO'i-CLOS.CLOSE, CLOSc.i CLOS'lYYZ514 2HY3514 1HY3507 2HY3507 lHY3508 2HY3508 FISHER FISHER FISHER 6/nc R P595 67AFR 50 HON" NON"" 40 HONE CLOS".D CLOSED CLOSc.D 1HY5278 2HY5278 1HY5279 2HY5279 1HY7699 2HY?699 FISHER FISHER COHOFLOA 67@FR 40 6?nFR 40'FH20XTXXGBI

<<5 F".EA-FSnR TnBLE.10.3.3-1 TABLE 10.3.3<xUMCf hIR USERS-hCTIYE YMY~--13-iiS-A20 iHY8145 2HY8145'1HY1 521 4'HV15214 FISHER FISHER hiR FILTiR KGEI P-594-1 P595 40 50 F I G.3.6.1-1 (SHEET 25)S I&(H FYM-F~e'EF CLC CLC 1HY10957 2HY1095?IHY109~%ZHY10953 CONOFLOM CO'tOF LOV GFHZOXT1782 35 GFHZOXT1?82 35 HOhE CLO.CLO.'1HY.i 5212A ZHY15212A IHY15212B 2HY15212B 1HY 1 521 ZC 2HY15212C FISHER F I SHFR FISHER P595 P595 P505 50 50 50 TABLE l0.3.3-1 FHEA-FSAR TA" LE 10.3.3-I F A F SAR i~aL 10.3.3 I CLO'LOS CLOS lHY15212D 2HY'52.'20 FISHER P595 50 FY:-~-F SAR TABLE 10.3.3-1 CLOS:.1HY15215A 2HY'.5216A 1HY15215B ZHY15Z16B 1HY15216C 2HY15216C lHY152160'ZHY}52.'60 FISHER FISHER FISHER F ISHER P595 P595 P595 P595 50 50 FHEA-FSAR T'BLE 10.3.3-1 FHEA-FSAR TABLE 10.3.3-1 FHEA-FSAR TABLE 10.3.3-1 FHEA-rSAR TABLE 10.3.3-1 CLOS: CLOSE, CLOSE CLOS".(Con-inue~~)


~~~N APPENDIX C 13-MS-A20 IN5i~5PE3fT AIP.LM~--AC i i YE VAL.~YP'E YBlOOR AIR FILTER RXEL SI~(Y)M-FM REF.1LVoa59 2LY0459 1Lvoaeo 2LY0460 1HY8153 2HY8153 l.,v8154 2HV8154 1YY 5227 2HY522?1HY5228 2HY5228 F I SHER FiSHER FISHER COHOFLOA WATTS 5 P 594-1 40 NONE P 594-1 ao NONE P 594-1 NONE FH-20 NOH" NOHE F-602-4EJ 40 NONE F-602-"EJ 40 CLO.CLO'.CLOS CLOS CLOS!CLOSE 1HY5229 2HY5229 1HY5230 2HY 5230 AHY19722 AHY19723 WATTS WATTS COHOFLO'.I CONOFLOM F-60?-4EJ=40 F-602-4EJ 40 GFH20XT1782 35 GFH20XT1782 35 HONE NONE NOH.NON..CLOSE CLOSE.'-CLOSEi CLQSEC AssuŽas failure position on feed~ater isola.ion signal APPENDIX C TABL<7 S Fr.>Y Ri LAIC)IÃSTR SET A}g LgERS---ACTi YE D~ERS-----

13-HS-A20~~R AHY 2534 AHV2535 AHY2528/AHY2529 AHY}2%2 AHY}2&}AHY12479 AHY}2480 AHY}2152 AHY}2'.53 AHY}2162 AHY}2i53 1HV12505 2HV}2605}HV}2607 2HY 12607}HY12604 2HY}2604 1HY 12606 2HY}2506 1MY1 2146 ZHY}2146 NOR GREH F}2-4MA3M 50 HORGREH F}2-400'H 50 HQRGREH F}2-400A3H 50 HORGREH F}2-400n3M 5Q HORGREH-F}2-400A3H 50 HORGREH F}2-400A"'f 50 HORGR" H'i 2-4nQnBH 50 itQRGR.!/F'}2-400n3H 0 HORGREH NQRGREH HORGREH F 1 2 400n3H 50 F12 400A3M 50 F i>-400n"."..50 HORGR:-H F}2-400A"M 50 HORGR".H F'.2-400A3H 50 NORGREH"c1 2-400A3H 50 XORGR" H F12-400A3M 50 NORGR-:H Fi2-400ABH 50 HORGR="N r l 2-400A~50 A}R F/LTM YcÃCCR'~L STZ:"(H~M-FAR REF.TABLE 9.4.2-2 TABLE 9.4.2-Z TABL 9.4.2-2'ABLE 9.4.2-2.TABLE 9.4.2-2 T'Bi".9.4.2-2 TnBLE 9~4~2 2 TABLc o TABLc 6 4 4 TABLE 6.4.4-1 TABLE 6.4.4-1 TABLE 6.4.4-1 TABLE 9.4.3-5 TABLE 9.4~-5 TABLE 4,4.3-5 T'BLE 9.4.3-5 T'BLE 6.4.4-.HY}2147 2HV}2.'7 XORGREH F'2 40QA',, Q TABl~6.4.-'-}O.}HV}2}A 2HV}2}43 XQRGR H F 2-'OQ'H 50 TnBLE 6.4.'-} APPENDIX C TABt'(carlyle)-RELAi Q I~iR~G'IR tJSEW---ACT IYE Mi?ERS----13-HS-A20'AWr.R 1HY12149 2HY12149 1HY2626B 2HY2626B 1HY262?B ZHY2627B 1HY26288 ZHY26288 1HY262oB 2HY2629B 1HY2636A 1HY26368 1HY2638A 1HY26&8 1HY 12562'1HY12563 FISHER 262C FISHER.,262C FISHER 262C F I 5 HER.262C HORGREN F}2-400'3H 50 HORGREH F}2-400A3H 50 HORGREN HO?GREH BALSTCN BALSTOH F 12-400A3H 50 F12-400A3H 50 AIR FILTER:~Y~KeEL SIZ:-(X HORS R N F 1 2 400n 3H 50 TABLE 6.4.4-1 HONE HONE XONE HONE TABLE o 4 5 3 TABLE 9.4.5-3 TABLE 9.4.5-3 TABLE 9.4.5-3'ABLE 9,.4.5-3 TABL" 9.4.5-3.,~~F~~REF 1HY12595 ZHY12596 FISHER 67AFR 40 HOHE 1HY12597 2HY}2597 FISHER 67AFR 40 HONE}TY}2086/}2086A 2TY}2086/12086A }TY}2098/}2098A ZTY12098/1 Z098A}TY}2085/}2085A 2TY 1208 5/1208 5A}HY}20)0 2HY}2010 HORG REX F}2-400n 3,", 50 HORGREN F}2-400A3H 50 (US.5 F ILTE?OH}TV}2098)(US=5 FiLT R 0'>ZTY}2098)HOPGRE'i F}2-'00'3<0 TnBL 9.4.7 TnBLE 9.4.7 2 o 4 7 TABLE 9,4.8-2 These are elec:ric does no: assume'ai Ga...gers~i:h air ope a ed guLb}e igh: sea~s}Ul 4 pos l ion on)os;o;ins:r.-.zn..a i APPENDIX C TABLE 7 (HNTIXJE3) LJ IXSTRU~AIR USES--ACTI VE DAN E2S--'--13-MS-A20 N.~EP~1HY 1 2010n 2HY12010A 1TY12095A/12095C 2T Y12095A/12095C 1TY12095B/120950 2TY12095B/120950 1 TV12094"/12094C 2TY12094A/12094C 1 TV12094B/120940 2TY12094S/120940 1TY12096/12096A 2TV.12096/12096A lTV12097/i 2097A 2TY12097/120o7 1TY12099/12099A ZTY120oo/1209oA lTY12100/12100A ZTV12100/12100A AIR FILlM VEXmm~'IZ:-(~HORGREH F12-400A~W 50 HORGREH F12-400A aH 50 HORGRcH F12-400A3H 50 HQRGREH F12-400A3H 50 NORGREH'I 2-400A3H 50 HORGREN F12-400A3H 0 (USES FILTER 0N 1TV12096}(USES FILTER OH ZTY12096}HORGREN F 12-400AM 50 NORGR.N F12-400A3H 50 M-FSQ REF.HONE TASLE 9.4.7-2 TABLe 9.4.7-2 TABLE 9;4.7-2 TABLE 9.4.7-2 TABLE 9.4.7-2 TABLE 9.4.7-2 TABL-9.4.7-2 TABLE 9.4.7-2 1TY12101/1210'.A 2TY12101/12101A HORGREH F'12-400A3M 50 TABLe 9.4.7"2 COMPRESSED GAS SYSTEM EVALUATIOÃ AND ANALYSIS 13-MS-A2a APPENDIX D FAILURE'DATA TRENDIVG REPORT FOR ADVs, FVIVs, AND MSIV's 13-MS-A20 CoiiPRESSED GAS SYSTEH EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS'ABLE D-1 FAILURE DATA TRENDING FOR HSIViFMIV FAILURES FDT NO.185506 (861022)300073 (880613)327201 269329 (880107)231709 (870615)234562 (870629)269297 (ssolo7)269335 (880107)269336 (880108)206430 (870128)Co.fPONENT 1JSGAPT 0233 1JSGEUV 0171 2JSGAUY 0170B 1 J SGEUV 0170 1JSGEUV 0171 1JSGEUV 0171 I 1JSGEUV I-0171 I I 1JSGEUV 0180 I l 1J SGEUV I-0181 I I 2JSGAPT 0229 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l'I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I FAILURE DESCRIPTION Pressure transmitter had a leaking fitting Nl 4-way valve changed out twice Accumulator was low in pressure Solenoid valve was blowing air past seat Accumulator pressure on precharge check was low Accumulator failed precharge pressure check Accumulator dumped without operator action Accumulator dumped without operator action Both sources of air had to be operated or valve would lift open Fittings were leaking N>I CAUSE I Suspect plug may have been(dirty One found cracked, the other dirty I Cause of loss[of N>I pressure)suspect dirty)solenoid valve I I Several leaking air line fittings)I Leaky tubing/i fitting Unknown N~leakage l Several leaking air line fittingsi I Several leaking air line fittings(I Several leaking air line fittingsi I Loose I fittings.I D-1 COMPRESSED GAS SYSTEM EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS ,13-MS-A20 TABLE D-1 FAILURE DATA TRENDING FOR MSIV/FWIV FAILURES FDT NO.300797 (880615)206430 (870128)332657 (881221)281575 (880227).-281575 (880227)237893 I 281575 I (880227)(870/14)l'I COMPONENT 2JSGAUY 0170B 2JSGBPT-0230 1JSGEUV 0171 1JSGEUV 0180 1JSGEUV 0180 1SJGEUV 0181 1S JGEUV 0170 1JSGEUV 0171 I I I I.l I I I I I'I 1 I l l l l I I I I I I l I I l I I I I I I I l I I FAILURE.DESCRIPTION Solenoid valve was leaking internally Fittings were leaking N~Accumulator precharge pressure check failed low Leaked at inverted flair elbows Accumulator SEIS alarm Accumulator SEIS alarm MSIV accumulator alarm annunciated Accumulator failure pressure low CAUSE Cause, unknown*Loose fittings Suspect due to thermal changes I Borken o-ringl Np pressure low due to normal operating condition N~pressure low due to normal operating l condition l l N>pressure low due to normal I operating condition I Suspect I pressure loss)was due to thermal changes l I D-2 0~ll 13-MS-A20 COMPRESSED GAS SYSTEM EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS TABLE D-l FAILURE DATA TRENDING FOR MSIV/FWIV FAILURES FDT NO 281575 (880227)192513 (861113)99003000 (890117)298533 (880604)I I I 153490 (860515)I I I 192453 I (861126)I I l I COMPONENT 1JSGEUV-0171 2JSGEUV 0181 2JSGEUV 0170 3JSGEUV 0171 3JSGEUV-0180 1JSGEUV 0181 1JSGEUV 0181.I I I I t I I I I I I 1 I I I I l I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I l I I I FAILURE DESCRIPTION Accumulator SEIS alarm Output of regulators was low causing an alarm on SESS Valve failure pressure test functional testing Accumulator pressure was low Oil was leaking from top of accumulator Air/hydraulic pump should not produce full pressure MSIV had service air leak CAUSE Normal temperature variations and aging caused pressure to be low Degraded o-ring suspect normal wear/aging I I I Normal wear on pump internal parts l I I I 1 I I I Worn check valve Believe due to normal operating condition Regulator out of adjustment Faulty 4-way valve suspect(normal wear D-3 0~li COMPRESSED GAS SYSTEM EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS 13-MS-A20 TABLE'-1 FAILURE DATA TRENDING FOR MSIV/FMIV FAILURES FDT NO.I COMPONENT FAILURE DESCRIPTION CAUSE 224796 (870511)I 234022 l (870627)I I 259180 (871109)l l~l 299834 I (880611)I I 118201 (851105)I 153464 (860514)I I I I 281354 (880227)I I l l I I 310386 880815)I I I 333112 I 881230)I 2 J SGEUV 0170 I 2JSGEUV I-0170 I l 2 J SGEUV I 0170 I I I 1JSGEUV I 171 I I I 1J SGEUV I 180 l I 1JSGEUV I 180 I I I I 1JSGEUV I-0170 I I I I I 1JSGEUV (0170 l I I 1JSGEUV'(0170 I I I 4-way valve was not operating properly I Hi pressure regulator diaphram was blowing air I 4-way valve was stuck 90%l open l I Accumulator failed to pump up after exercise I I I Operator had low hydraulic pressure I Valve closed and would not open I I I Air accumulator alarmed on low pressure I l I I I Valve did not fully close I I I Accumulator pressure low I I Suspect normal wear Suspect normal wear Suspect normal wear, aging Nl 4-way valve defective, normal wear Suspect normal'ear Suspect air/oil pump failure thru normal wear Air pressure gauge out of adjustment normal wear/aging of components Faulty 4-way valve normal wear aging l I Temperature variations and aging l D-4 13-MS'-A20 COMPRESSED GAS SYSTEM.EUALUATION AND ANALYSIS APPENDIX E REFERENCE MATERIAL ASSOCIATED WITH PREUENTATIUE MAINTENANCE 13-MS-A20 COMPRESSED GAS SYSTEM EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS APPENDIX E REFERENCE MATERIAL ASSOCIATED WITH.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE (PH)PURPOSE This Appendix recommend nds preventative maintenance enhancements to increase the reliability of the CGS and to maintain proper gas quality.Supplier documents fo f r maintenance and operation of various components within the Com ressed Gas S P System (x.e., Instrument Air and Nitrogen Systems)were reviewed to determine the recommended maintenance intervals. SIMS R a s.epetxtive or as s were reviewed to compare existing requirements with vendor recommendation. RECOMMENDED PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE ACTIONS 1.Comment on Existing Repetitive Work Tasks The equipment/instrument listed in Table E-3 have a Repetitive Work task generated in the SINS data base which is not kept current.The due date currently given for the performance of the task is only an estimate for p arming purpose and is not an actual'ask performance due date.A review of the original frequency stated for the equipment/instruments listed in Table 3 shows that the original frequency is comparable to the manufacturer's recommended maintenance interval.Therefore, the Repetitive Work Tasks for the equipment/instruments listed in Table E-3 and E-4 should be changed to the original requirements. 2.Additional Preventative Maintenance Tasks Tables E-1 and E-2 identifies additional monitoring, inspection and/or preventative maintenance tasks that are currently not performed under, the PVNGS Repetitive Task Program for the CGS.These recommended tasks do not supercede the tasks that currently exist in the PVNGS Repetitive Task Program.Instead, the recommended tasks should be performed in conjunction with the existing tasks.For additional monitoring see Tables E-1 and E-2. 13-MS-A20 COMPRESSED GAS SYSTEM EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS TABLE E-1 ADDITIONAL PMs REQUIRED FOR INSTRUMENT AIR SYSTEM ITEM Monitor air quality for particles and hydrocarbons. Compressor free air regulator. Compressor after-cooler. Safety valves.Compressor solenoid valves.Compressor sequence controller PIC-39 and PCV-43.r IA header nitrogen isolation valve (IAN-PV-52). MAINTENANCE TEST (Note 3).Inspect and clean (as'ecessary) on annual compressor teardown (Note 4).Adjust/verify proper operation during)annual compressor teardown (Note 5).I Verify proper operation at refueling (Note 6).I I I I Test every three months (see Note 1).I I I Revise operations procedure to drain I these filters air least once a week or crack open drain valves to allow I l drainage.I I Inspect for evidence of leakage I yearly (see Note 2).I I Manually"pop" the~alves once for refueling to verify proper operation E-2 13-MS-A20 COMPRESSED GAS SYSTEM EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS TABLE E-2 ADDITIONAL PMS REQUIRED FOR THE NITROGEN SYSTEM ITEM l Liquid Nitrogen Storage Tank M-GAN-XOl I: (Tank Pressure Buildup Regulator J-GAN-PCV-96 Tank Pressure Economizer Regulator J-GAN-PCV-99 Calibrate Liquid Level Gage for"0"/Liquid Nitrogen Pump M-GAN-P01A &B Nitrogen regulators J-GAN-PCV-49, 49A, and J-GAN-PC-41 Nitrogen Temperature Ualve J-GAN-TCU-48 l Nitrogen Regulators J-GAN-PC-31 J-GAN-PC-38 I I)Nitrogen Safety Valves J-GAN-PSU-29 &36 Rupture Discs J-GAN-PSE-85 &92 PREVENTATIUE MAINTENANCE TESTS I I I I I I I l+2 l 1 I t Visually inspect every 6 months in accordance with note 7.I Move regulator through 10 PSI of adjustment and(reset to original.setpoint every 6 months.See)note 8.I l I Move regulator through 10 psi of adjustment and[reset to original setpoint every 6 months.See(note 8.I 1 I Calibrate at every 6 months.See note 9.I I I I I Perform maintenance per note 10 once.every year or 1000 hours of operation. Also perform maintenance every 2000 hours of operation per note 11.I Perform maintenance according to note 12 once 3 months.I I Check for shutoff at-20F with refrigerant at every refueling. Reference 13-MM-104-55 Section f.8.c.3.This requirement is changed from the manufacturers recommendations since[the system must be taken out of service to perform this task.I Run the regulators through 20 psig of adjustments every 3 months.Return to (setpoint.Reference 13-MM-104-55 Section I f.8.d.l.I Test and reset every year.Reference 13-MM-104-55 Section f.8.e.I Replace rupture discs every 3 years.Reference 13-MM-104-55 Section f.8.e.E-3 13-MS-A20 COMPRESSED GAS SYSTEM EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS NOTES: 1)ANPP's current PM Program does not inspect the piston rod packing and/or oil scraper rings.This testing will ensure that air quality is maintained and oil carryover does not occur.2))Inspect the tell-tale hole which is on the after-cooler for evidence of air or water leakage.Air or water will indicate seal failure that needs to be corrected 3)Manufacturer's instruction is to inspect once per six.months.However,, inspection once per six months could cause undesirable transients on an operating unit.Therefore, inspection once per refueling is recommended. Reference M050.50.4)If the solenoid is buzzing loud enough to be clearly heard at arm length, A then the solenoid internals need cleaning.These solenoids are upstream+~of the after-filters and are supplied by air from the receiver which may as clean as.the air required by the ISA standards. In addition, inspect proper operation of the cooling water solenoid isolation valve.5)I-3)P C-9 should be inspected to verify that appropriate pressure signal (i.e., 3.15 lb.)is delivered to the adjustable bias ratio relays from the pneumatic indicating controller. The output of the bias ratio relays should ha acetified to assure PIC-39 is operating adequately shen the Qi.compressors are shifted.6)Verify proper operation of this valve once per refueling by isolating the nitrogen header on both sides of the valve and generating, a PSL-52 open signal.This task should be.performed at each refueling to avoid isolation of the IA system backup during normal operation. 7)A.Check for frost spot on outer vessel.These indicate a poor vacuum or a void in the perlite insulation. B.Check the pressure in the vacuum insulated space if A.indicates Qg frost spots.Check for ice buildup around relief devices and rupture discs.8)Reference Tech Manual 13-MM-104-55 Section f.8.a.7 9)Reference Tech Manual 13-MM-104-55 Section f.8.a.6.10)'emove crankshaft, connecting rod, and cross head assembly from bearing housing.A.Check the two main bearings and the connecting rod bearing for smooth running while rotating by hand around crankshaft. If they feel rough, replace.B.Disassemble wrist pin from connecting rod and visually inspect wrist pin and needle bearing.E-4 13-MS-A20 COMPRESSED GAS,SYSTEM EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS If the" wrist pin shows either: 1)roller drag marks, 2)marks from abrasive particles, or 3)shows any sign of material removal of'material removal or any other unusual wear, replace the wrist pin and needle bearing or bushing immediately. Check cross head and bushings in the housing for wear or damage.(Use of a drop light is recommended). If more than 20%of rubbing surface displays longitudinal marks from abrasive particles, replace bushings and cross head.ll)A.Remove liquid'nd assembly (P1600-1002) from sump.Diassemble all components. D.Replace packing, push rod guides, sump gasket, and all O-rings.Replace valve plate, discharge ball,, and valve body.Visually inspect all other worn or damaged.Replace any parts appearing to Check for dirt buildup on filter and in bottom of sump can.Clean and reuse.12.Run the control valves through 20 psig of adjustment. Return to set points.Reference 13-ILL-10@-55, Section f.8.c.l and f.8.c.2.-E-5 13-MS-A20 COMPRESSED GAS SYSTEM EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS TABLE.E-3 EQUIPMENT AND TAG iNUMBER LISTING INSTRUMENT AIR SUBSYSTEM I AIR DRYERS l J IANMSH0091; 0092 I JIANPDIS0024; 0025;0028;0029 JIANPSH0093; 0094 RECEIVER JANP10018; 0019;0020 COMPRESSOR JIANPI0044; 0046;0053;0054;0055 JIANPI0102; 0103;0104 JIANPI0121; 0122;0123 JIANPSH0062; 0063;0064 JANPS0071; 0072;00?3 JANTI0114; 0115;0116 JANTI0131; 0132;0133 JANTI0134; 0135;0136 JANTS0006; 0007;0008 JIANTSH0056; 0057;0058 JIANTSH0059; 0060;0061 FTERCOOLER JIANTI0036; 0037;0038 I N I.JIANPI0214; 0230;0231;0232 I PLOOP0032 PSL0033 i JIANPSL0216 I)AFTFR COOLER I (1MIANM06A I E-6 0 0 COMPRESSED GAS SYSTE'i EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS 13-MS-A20 TABLE E-4 EQUIPMENT AND TAG NUMBER LISTING NITROGEN SUBSYSTEM Li uid Nitrogen Tank J-GAN-PSE-0095 J-GAn-PI-0094 J-GAN-LISL-0039 Li uid Nitro~en Pur.;J-GAN-PSH-0116 J-GAN-PSH-0115 Nitrogen Low Pressure Manifold J-GAN-PI-0042 J-GAN-PSH-0076 J-GAN-PI-0078 J-GAN-PI-142 Hi h Pressure Manifold J-CAN-PSL-0004 J-GAN-PI-0040 J-GAN-PV-0038 J-GAN-PC-0038 J-GAN-PSH-0077 J-GAN-PI-0079 J-GAN-PC-0031 J-GAN-PV-0031 J-GAN-PI-0032 J-GAN-PSL-003 J-GAN-PI-0037, 0030 J-GAN-TIS-0117B J-GAN-PSHL-0140 E-7 Cl~O .13-MS-A20 COMPRESSED GAS SYSTEM EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS APPENDIX F LEAK TEST OF ADV INSTRtJMENT AIR.CHECK UALUE APPENDLC F 13-hIS-A20 BACK LEAKAGE TESTS OF ADV IYSTRU~1EXT NITROGEN C'iEC" 4'ALV~Prepared For~Arizona Public Service Company Dr.Ramend.ra P.Roy Depar-ment o-"~lecnanical g A rospace Engineering Ari=ona Sta-e Univ rsi-y y IoQo APPENDIX F 13-MS-A20 A test apparatus for conductu>g back leakage tests of an ADV Instrument Nitrogen Check Valve divas set up.The tests mere.carried out at.two air supply pressures of 95 psig.and 80 psig.The average leakage 95 psig and 80 psig~ere 356 bubblesjmin. +1'1'bubbles/min. and 297 bubbles/min. +6 bubbles/min. respectively. APPENDD: F 13-MS-A20 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Summary Table of Contents List of Figures'List of Tables 1.0 Introduction ~Pa e iv 2:0 The Test Apparatus 4 Procedure 2.1 Test Apparatus 2;2 Test Procedure 2-1 2-1'-2 3.0 Results 3.1 Test Data 3.2 Average Leakage Rates 3-1 3-1 3-'3 0 APPEilDIX F 13-MS-A20 LIST OF FIG~Fic ere Fig.1 Schematic diagram of the test apparatus Fig.2 A sketch of the check valve and the emit tube~Pa e 2-1 2-2 0 0~~ APPENDLC F 13-VIS-A20 LIST OF TABLES Table Check valve back leakage test data at air supply pressure of 95 psig.Cbeck valve back leakage test data at air supply pressure of 80 psig.Pace 3-1 3-2' APPENDS F 13-MS-A20 1.0 Ii~ODUCTION Tlte objective oi this project was to obtain back leakage test data for one 1 inch series, 6000!b 000!L., stainless steel Y-type spring check valve with steliite metal'-to-metal seat.The valve was to be insta!Ied in a horizontal position and the tests were to be conducted in accordance with ANSI/API 527,"Commercial Seat Tightness of Safety Relief Valves with Metal-to-Metal Seats".The procedure outlined in this document was to be followed because no separate document is available for spring check valves with metal-to-metal seats.The leakage measurements were to be conducted at supply air pressures of 95 psig and 80 psig.The valve was provided by Arizona Public Service Company (APS).A requirement was imposed that the valve not be welded or altered in any way during the tests. 13-MS-A20 2.0 TH E TEST APPARATUS AND PROCEDURE 2.1 TEST APPARATUS Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of the test apparatus. Air, free of oil and water, is supplied from an air accumulator (at 125 psig pressure). A ressure re ulator was installed upstream of the check valve tested so that the air pressure at the valve inlet could be J-Ro<AIR Cat'RGB sR FIa-.eF F IL'I F IF AMOMVF A~R IF I I FIIF F.~I epact'At.vt Q~c JP~Ot-~5 0 LA~>0 NJ A'TL'tt, velvet Fig.1 Schematic diagram of the test apparatus controlled. A 5/1 6 inch (7.9 mm)O.D.stainless steel tube with 0.035 inch (0.89 mm)wall thickness was installed at the downstream end of the check valve as per ANSI/API 527 requiremet]t. The discharge end of this tube was cut square and smooth, and immersed parallel to and 1/2 inch (12.7 rmn')below the water (distilled) surface in the water vessel.Figure 2 is a more detailed sketch of the check valve and associated fittings and the stainl ss steel tub=.1 APPENDIX F 13-MS-A20//Q VM (Soa~r.C FWW DIRECT>ON)Pvc P~(~~i~0-YsgS Aim t:;: iM~~<">v<Y (msgr'v DIRECT>O4)50 Pet<)Ch au Valve$1~1)V'VC VIII.S (~O-rI~)~i~,~I s~~5'jt(0 D~S4.l~4IS 51M 4 a ,n 2 Vc.sS'M Fig.2 A sketch of th'e check valve with the exit tube The PVC plugs and the stainless steel fittings on the ittiet and the exit sides of the check valve were subjected to soap bubble leak tests to ensure that they were indeed leaktight. The check valve was installed in the horizontal position for all tests.A pressure gage installed immediately upstream of the valve indicated the supply air pressure.The air pressure buildup in the check valve exit tube was negligible because of mirtirnai resistance to air flow along the exit path.2.2 TEST PROCEDURE Two seri s of tests were run at each of the tivo air supply.pressures (viz.95 psig and SO psig).One series of tests corresponded to the check valve as obtained from APS.The second series of tests was'run after exercising the check valve by establishing air Qow in the normal 2-2 APPENDIX F 13 MS A20 direction tluough it several times.At each supplv pressure, the valve leakage rate in bubbies per minute was determined b countu>g the.number of bubbles over a specific time interval.Since the bubbles emerged from the tube at rates too high for visual counting, the'popping'ound made by each bubble as it emerged was depended upon for counting.Results obtained by this method proved to be quite consistent as catt be seen from the data presented in Section 3.0.A stop watch was used for establishing the counting time interval.Some degree of independence between the various bubble count rates obtained was provided by having three different individuals participate in the counting experiment. APPENDIX F 13-MS-A20 RESULTS 3.1 TEST DATA Table 1 Check Valve Leak Test Data at Air Supply Pressure of~5~~si;Series 1 before exercisin the valve time interval second 5.20 5.29 4.01 1.61 2.47 2.01 Leakage (".of bubbles 30 30 25 10 15 12 Average=356 bubbles/min. +11 bubbles/min. Series 2 after exercisin the valve tune interval second)5.06 3.48 3.51 3.46 3.40 Le~dra~e (-" of bubbles 30 20 21 21 20 Average=356 bubbles/min. +10 bubbles/min. ~li ill APPENDIX F 13-hIS-A20 Table'heek Valve Leak Test Data at Alr Supply Pressure of 80 usta Series 1 before exercisin the valve time interval second Leat;a e (".of bubbles 8.13 6.28 10.23 6.25 5.15 40 30 50'0'l5 Average=291 bubbles/min. +5 bubbles/min. Series 2 after ezercisint, the valve time interval second Leal'.ace-"..of bubbles 5.96 4.06 3.96 3.91 30 20 20 20 Average=302 bubb!es/min. +6 bubbles/min. 3 2 APP.EMBLEM F 13 MS A20 3.2 AVERAGE LEAKAGE RATES.The average leaLage rate at prcssure of 95.psig was 356 bubbles/min. +11'ubbles/tnin. The average"leakage,air supply pressure of SO psig was 297 bubbles/min..+ 6 bubbles/min. 13-MS-A20 Conpressed Gas System Eval.ation and Analysis APPENDiX G Pneumatic Component Tnspection Results for Air Quality Concerns 13-HS-A20 Compressed Gas System Evaluation and Analysis A pilot initiated a p progran for pneumatic comxonent insoection ha-b een ia ed at pVNGS.The obgectives of the program are.'.Inspect a samp}.e of pneumatic conponents fron unit 2 to gain confidence that no degradation of equipment has resulted due to pox,entially degraded air qu'ality durin'g past plant operations. 2.Gain" experience in the inspection of" pneumatic conponents for a proposed future p}.ant wide evaluation. The information gained from this pilot program will be used to write the inspection procedure for the greater scope statistical evaluation discussed in-section IV.F of this study.Four 3/4 inch air operated 2-way norma}.}.y open pilot val from Unit 2 were inspected.These valves are part of the pneumatic control system for the Steam Bypass Control Valves.In addition, four pneunatic positioners for the Atmospheric Dump Valves from Unit 3 wexe inspected. None of the components that were inspected showed any indication of deg adation due to potential air quality prob}.ems. A light layer of dust on some conponents was the only indicax,ion of contamination that was observed.There was no indication'f any hydrocarbon or moisture con amination in any active ax'ea of the pneumatic component. The pilot valves f on Unit 2 showed the greatest spread in dust accumulation among components. One valve appeared to have been insta}.led for a considerable amount of tine while the other three valves-had significantly less dust accumulation and nay not have seen as much service.A tine in service determination could not be made since there no way to tie the specific valve to specific wor)c history.There are Four identical part numbered pilot valves on each Steam Bypass Contxol Valve pneumatic control system and the valve identification tags only stated which SBCV they came from.The Atmospheric Dump Valve positioners from unit three showed essen ially the same anount of dust buildup from one positioner to another.A SI?15 work order search revealed that three of the positioners had been in service since staxtup and one had been replaced'n November 25.1987.The amount of dust in the positioners was very light and had the consistency of flou..The amount and si=e of dust observed on both the'pilot valves and positioners was considered to be well wxthin accepxabie limits and all components were considered to be completely functiona}. with respect to i nstrument air cone.amxnax.son. Attached are the inspection results for each component. 13-MS-A20 Compressed Gas System Evaluation and Analysis VALVE AND DAMPER PNEUMATIC COMPONENT INSPECT10N Date.May 2, 1989 Unit.: 2 Parent component or component tag no.2JSGNPV1003 Component name.Air operated 2'-way normally open valve Manufacturer. Ross Mndnl nn: 2752A5002-Manufactured: 1/78 COMMENTS: General condition; The valve.when disa"sembled, showed evidence of considerable use as indicated by the valve diaphragm and control 0-rings wear condition of valve disk, and scxaping on the housing.Exterior condition: 1.No physical danaae to housing.2.Cap acre~a holding top flange and bottom flange have light.rust on all exposed surfaces.3~The diaphragm vent has liaht bx'ownish red accumulation of dixt, and oil mix.(oil is believed to be 0"ring lubricant.). 4.The pine thread sealant is limited to the thread contact area.Process Side;~ight brownish red accumulation of dust tyo matex ial is seen on the valve seat assembly.return spring, and inlet/outlet housing.Dust was dry and very f ine.The dust;, when accumulated. had the approximate consistency of flour.There is not enough accumulation of dust to obtain a sample for chemical analysis.The inlet/out)et housing had sliaht, discoloration and staining on the aluminum.The source of thxs staining is unknown.Control Side;The valve actuator bonnet inlet side paesaae to G-2 Compressed 13-MS-A20 Gas System Eva'uation and Anal'ysis i bonnet area is blocked off by the bonnet flange.Corxosion products and fiber products were found at this point on the bonnet flange.The corrosion products appear white tc light'rey and laky.2.Diaohraam orocess 0-ring and control air 0-ring are well worn but appear serviceable on disassembly. 3.The ace diaphragm bottom cavity shows 1 ht umulation of what appears to be atmospheric dirt.s ig 4.The valve seat sho~s dirt on the inl'et cavity.Conclusions. Althouah the valve shows considerable wear and should be reworked before being reassembled, it appears that the valve is still functional. 2.There is no evidence that any air quality concerns that wou3.d keep this valve from func ioning 3 There is no evidence that the small amount of dust found in the valve would imoair its function.A3.3.dust inspected was very f ine and powdery.There is no evidence of oil f om the comp essors observed.The only lubricant obsex'ved appeared to 0-ring lubxication. Dirt and oil mix was o on y seen at the 0-ring area and attributed to 0-rin lubrication. o-rang 5., The on3.y evidence of internal corrosion was seen on the inlet flange at the inlet side passage to bonnet area.This is a stagnant flow area of'the valve and f ox'nly present on this desian because the b d o y is used or more than one application. The passage is b3.ocked of f f or this application. and the corrosion is only on the flanae area. 13-MS"A20 Compressed Gas System Evaluation and Analysis 1.VALVE AND DAMPER PNEUMATIC COMPONENT INSPECTXON Date.May 2.1989 f Unit: 2 Parent component or component tao no: Unknown Component name: Air o'perated Z-way normally open valve Manufacturer.'oss Model oo: 2752A500l. Manufactured: 2/78 COMMENTS General Condition: The valve appears to have been in service only a short.time or does not see much service.There appears to be little wear on the 0-rings or scraping of the 0-ring on the diaphragm housing.Exterior condition; 1.No physical d'amage to the housing.2.Top and bottom flange cap screws are clean wi th no rust.3~Slight oil and dust buildup on the diaph agm vent.Process 1~Side;Very clean with virtually no evidence of dust buildup on the valve body, inlet and outlet housing, valve seat assenbly, and return sp ing.2~There is no evidence of cor osive effects on this side of the valve.Control side: Very clean with virtually no evidence of dust, buildup on the ac uator bonnet or upper diaphragm. There is no evidence oi corrosive effect" on this side of the valve.Conclusions. This v<>>e has probably not been in service for a long Period of tine or it i" not used of ten.The valve shows virtually no wear. 13-MS-A20 Compressed Gus Sys em Eva'uation and Analysis There is no evidence that any air quality concerns that would keep this valve from func ioning.There is no evidence that the small quan ity of dust particles found in the valve would impair valve operation~There is no evidence of oil from the conpressor-in the valve.The on}y lubricant observed appears to be 0-rang lubrication. There is no evidence'that the valve has ever expe ienced internal corrosion. 13-MS-A20 Compressed Gas System Evaluation and Analysis VALVE AHD DAMPER PNEUMATIC COMPONENT INSPECTION Date.May 2, 1989 Uni: 2 Pa en component or component tag no: Unknown Component name: Air operated Z-,way normally open valve Manufacturer. Ross Nedel ee." 2752A5001-Manufactured: 2/78 COMMENTS: General Condition; The valve apoears to have been in service only a short tine or does not see much service.There aopears to be little wea on the 0"rings or scr"pina oz the 0-ring on the diaphragm housing.Exterior condition; No mal inservice wear is evident on this valve.2~Top and botton flange cap screws are clean with no rust.A large amount ox oil and dust buildup on the diaphraam vent.It appears that the valve was not cleaned on the outside a~ter rework.process 1.Side: Very clean with vi tually no evidence o~dust buildup on the valve body, inlet and outlet housing, valve seat assembly.and return spring.All process side components appear to be bright and shiny.2.There is no evidence o=corrosive effects on this side o~the valve.Control side: The valve appears to have been opened before as evidenced by a tom bonnet gasket.2-Very clean with virtually no evidence o~dust buildup on the actuator bonnet or upper diaphraam. 3.The bottom side oi the diaphragm has O-rona ~O Cl 4b 13-MS-A20 Compressed Gas System Evaluation and Analysis lubr'cant mixed particles. with a slight amount of dust 4 There is no evidence of corrosive inside o=the valve.effects on the Conclusions. This valve h as pro=bly not been in service for a long period of time or it is not used often.The valve shows virtual'y no wear.2~3.There is no evidence that any air quality concerns that would keep this valve from functioning. There is no evidence.that the small quantity of dust pa ticles f ound in the valve would impa'valve operation. There is no evidence of oil from the corno essors in the valve.The only)ubricani observed appears to be 0-ring lubrication. 5.There is no evidence that the valve has ever experienced corrosion. 13-HS-A20 Com'pressed Gas System Evaluation and Analysis 1 VALVE AND DAMPER PNEUMATIC COMPONENT iNSPECTXON Date: May 2.1989 Unit: 2 Pa ent component or component tag no: 2SGNPV1001 Component name: Air operated 2'-way valve Hanuf acturer.Ross Model no.2752AS001-Manufactured: 2/78 COMMENTS: Gene al Concition; The appears to have been in service a very short tine.There appears to be no wear on the 0-rings or scraping of the 0-ring on the diaphragn housing.Exterior condition; Normal inservice wear is evident on this and bottom flange cap screws have very slight amounts of rust on then.The cap screws have been lub icated with what, appears to be a graphite based lubricant. A slight anount of oil and dust buildup is on the diaphragn vent.Xt appears that the valve was not cleaned on the outside after rework.Process 1~Side: 'Very clean with no evidence of dust builduv on the valve body, inlet and outlet housing, valve seat a>>embly, and return spring.All process aide components appear to have been recentl.y polished.2~There is no evidence of corrosive effects on this side of the valve.Control side: The valv gooears to have been opened bozoz e oy a tom bonnet gasket.Thxs gasket was not replaced.Verycan with virtually no evidence o=dust buildup on the ac uator bonnet.or upper d'phragm~G-8 13-MS-A20. Compressed Gas System"valuation and Analysxs 3.The bottom side of the diaphragm is.completely clean with no sign of dirt or dust.-The diaphragm 0-rings were.replaced but not lubricated. There is no evidence inside of the valve.corrosive ef=ects" on the Conclusions .Thi's valve'has probably not been in service for a long, period'f time or it is not, used often.The valve shows'virtual 1'y no wear.2.There is no e:~dence that any air quality concerns that would keep this valve from functioning; 3.There is no evidence o oil from the compressors in the va'lve.5.Thea'e is nw ,evidence that the valve.has ever experienced co.rosion. 6"9 0<gi 13-MS-A20 Compressed Gas System Evaluation and Analysis VALVE AND DAMPER PNEUMATIC COMPONENT ltlSPECT" Ot<Date: May 3, 1989 Unit: 3 Parent component or component tag no: 3JSGBHV03.78 Component name'.Atmospheric c wp valve pneumatic positioner Manu acturer: Moore (model 746)Serial No: Not given 4 Time in service.'ince startup COMMENTS: General condition; The positioner, when conpletely disassembled, showed that its internal pneumatic cavities were very clean.The disassembly was taken beyond the manufacture's recommendations for general mainten"nce. The pilot plungers and se" ts were the dirtiest components in the positioner. This observation agrees with the manufacture's general maintenance instructions. Exterior condition: 1.Slight oil and dust was observed on the posit'oner. 2.The positioner is missing its exhaust air bug screen.3~The air pressure gages used during etartup are on the positioner air ports.C.The air supply inlet fitting is cross-threaded. Pilot plunger and seats: 1.The upper and lower pilot Plunger caps.and plunger springs were renoved.The plunger seats, and springs showed a slight dust.The plunger cavity showed a medium dust.plungqrs.plunger-, amount amount ox 2.The.011 1nch or 1 I lees in the p 1 lot plunger appeared to be completely free o dust and plugged-Th-is is evidenced by observe>>ions of very round holes with round chamfers on the plungers.3.The auantity of dust found on the plun ers and plunger seats was not enough to use for a chemical composxtxon or particle sate samp'e.G-lo II 0 iO 3.3"MS-A20 Compressed Gas System Evaluation and Analysis The dust that was observed had the consistency of flour.5.There evidence u lubricat.ion products or oil-on the plungers, plung-: seats.or springs.6.After cleaning the plungers and plunger seats no indxcation of corrosion orusting vas observed.Both components pol'-hed well with a lint free x'ag or cotton swab and a:cohol.Other positioner internals; 1.The vent path and air supply path were covered with a light amount of reddish brown dust.2.The vent, cavity and flapper no-le area vere clean and free ox dust, oil, or co xosion.The no-=le exhaust area of the flapper beam was covered with a fine black radial pattexn of dust.The output adjustment screw vas found to be, 0 7/8 turns from the bottom which is nox mal.5.The output.port vas clean.6.The valve restriction port, was not observed due to d'ff'culty in removing the output diaphragm assembly.The vendor manual cautions that, any undue force or pryina of this assembly must be avoided.Conclusions. This positionex is considered to be very clean, considering that it has been installed since startup with no maintenance of the pneumatic conponents. 2-There is no evidence that any air quality concerns would keep this positioner from functioning. 3.There is no evicence of any oil from the compressors or other sources in the positioner. There is no evidence positxoner. of any.cor osion on the 13-MS-A20 Compressed Gas System Evaluation and Analysis VALVE AND DAMPER PNEUMATIC COMPONENT INSPECTION Date.May 3, 1989 Unit: 3 parent conoonent or conoonenet tag no.3JSGAHV0184 Component name: Atmospheric dump valve pneumatic positioner Manufacturer: Moore.(model 74G}Serial No-M101963" 1 Tine in service..Since startup COMMENTS: General condition; The positioner showed that it-pilot plungers and seat" were clean.The d'assembly was limited to the pilo" plunges due to difficulty in removing the output diaphragm assembly of 3JSGAHV0178 and observations f om prior inspection of posit'oner 3JSGAHV03.78.. This positioner shoved that the dirties" component was he plunge s and seats.This was verified by the manufacturer's instruction manual.Exterior condition; 1.Slight oil and dust was observed on the positi'oner. 2.The air pressure gages used during startup are on the positxoner ai ports.pilot plunger and seats;The uoper nd lower pilot plunger and plunge>>springs were renoved.plunge=seats, and springs shoved a dust.The plunger cavity shoved dust.caos, The slight med um p1ungers.plun ers.anount anount of 2.The upper plunger assenbly had slightly nore dust on it than the bottom plunger assembly.3.The.011 inch orifices in the px'ot olunaers apoeared to, be completely ee of dust and not plugged-This is evidenced by obse vatxons of very round holes with round chamfers on the plungers.The auantity of dust found on the olungers and plunger seats was not enou h to use for a chemical composition or particle si=e sample. Cl~ll 13-MS-A20 Compressed, Gas System Evaluation and Analysis 5e The dust that was observed had the consistency of flour.There was no evidence o=lubrication products or oil on the plungers.plunger seats, or springs.7.Afte cl ean ng the plunaers and plunger seat" no indlca55.on 0+corrosion or rusting was observed.Both components pol.-hed well with a lint free rag or cotton swab and a"cohol.Conclusions: This positioner is considered to be very clean considering tt at it has been installed since startup with no maintenance of the pneunatic components. 2.There is no ev d i ence that any air quality concerns would keep this positioner from functioning. 3.There is no evidence of any oil from the conpressors or othe sou ces in the oositioner. There is no evidence posi,tioner. of any corrosion on the G-1'3 33-MS-A20 Compt essed-Gas Syvs tern Evaluation and Analysis VALVE AND DAMPER PNEUMAT': COMPONENT INSPECTION Date.May 3, 1989 Unit: 3 Parent component or component"tag no.3JSGAHV0179 Component name: Atmospheric dump valve pneumatic positioner Manufacturer'. Moore (nodel 74G)Serial No.14121-7@G7DH Time in service.Since startup COMMENTS: General condition; The posi(ioner showed that its pilot plungers and sects were clean.The disassembly was limited to the pilot plunges due to difficulty in renoving the output diaphracm assembly of 3JSGAHV0178 and observations from prior inspection of positioner 3JSGAHV0178. This posit'oner shcwed that the dirtiest component was the plungers and seats.This was verified by the manufacturer's instruction manual.Exterior condition: 1.Slicht oil and dust was observed on the Positioner. 2.The air pressu e gages used during st tup are on the positione air ports.Pilot pluncer and seats;The upper and lower pilot p3.unger cap-, and plunger springs wer'e removed.The plunce seats, and springs showed a slight dust.The plunger c"vity showed a medium dust.plungers, plungers, amount of amount of The upper pluncer assemb3.y had sl ichtly no.e dust on it than the bot om plunger assembly.3..The.011 inch oz ifices in the pxlot Plungers appeared comp3.etc ly cree of dust anc not..p3.ucaed. This is evidenced by observant'ons o: var round holes with round cham=era on t.he plungers.The cuanti y of dust found on the olun er" and plunger seats was not enough to use=or c chem]col composi tion or part j cle si e sampl.e~ 13"HS-A20 Compressed Gas System Evaluation and Analysis 5.The dust t h t was observed had the consi-ency oz flour.There w~@ne evidence o='ubricstzon p oducts o.oil on the plungers,.plunge:.seats, or sprincs.'7.After 1 c eaning the plungers and plunger seat" no indication of n of corro ion or rusting was observed.I Both components pol-hed well with a lint free rag or cotton swab and a:cohol.Conclusions: 1.This positioner is considered to be ve y clean cons'dering thN it has been installed since startup with no ma'ntenance of the pneumatic conponents. 2.There is no evidence that any air auality concerns would keep this positioner from functioning. There is no evidence of any oil fz on the comp essors or other sources in the positioner. 4.There is no evidence of anycorrosion on the posit'oner. G-15 13-MS-A20 Compressed Gas System Evaluation and Analysis VALVE AND-DAMPER PNEUMATI" COMPONENT XNSPECTiON Data: May 3, 1989 Unit: 3 Pa ent component o-component"tag no: 3JSGBHV0185 Comnonent name'Atmospheric dump valve pneumatic positioner Manufacturer; Moore.(model 74G)Serial No: M114618-1 Tine in se vice: Replaced on 11/25/87 COMMENTS: General condition; The positioner showed.that its pilot plungers and seats were clean.The disassembly was limited to the pilot plunges due to difficulty in removing the output diaph agm assembly o~3JSGAHV0178 and observations from prior inspection of positione 3JSGAHV0178. This positioner showed that the dirt'est conponent was the plungers and seazs.This was veri~ied by-the manufaciu er's instruc"'on manual.Exterior cond'" ion: 1.Slight oi.l and dust was observed on the posxtioner. 2.The air pressure g-ges used duri'ng startup are on the positione air po ts.pilot plunge and seats: 1.The upper and lower pilot-plunger and plunger springs were removed.plunger seats.and springs showed a dust.The plunger cavity showed a dust.caps a plungers, The plunger~slight anount medium amount of 2.The upper plunger assembly had slightly no e dust on it than the botton plunger assembly.3.The.011"'nch orifices in the pilot Plun=ezs appea ed to be completely ree of dust and not plugged.This js ev denced by obse vatzons nf vez y round holes wi"h round chan ers on the oluncers.The cuantity of dust found on the plunger-and plunger seats was not enough to use for a chem>col composition o: particle si e sample.C-16 ~O 0 13-MS-A20 Compressed Gas System Ev..'.:~tion and Analvsis 1..5.The dus" f lour.that was observed had the consiste f ency o/on the 6.There was no evidence of lubr'cation roduc" s pro uc is ox'i 1 on e plungers, plunger seats, or springs.7.After cleaning th he plungers and plun er seat" no indication of cor osion or rusting was observed.Both components polished well with a lint free ram or cotton swab and alcohol.-Conclusions. 1.This positioner is considered t b o e very clean considering that it has been installed for two years with no maintenance of the pneumatic components. 2.There is no evidence that any ai auality concerns~ould keep this positioner fron functioning. 3.There is no evidence of any oil from the compressors or other sources in the posi'tioner. Ther e is no , positioner. evidence of any corrosion on the G-17 CO.'fPRESSED GAS SYSTEH EVALUATION A'ND ANALYSIS 13-HS-A20 APPENDIX H.LOW PRESSURE NITROGEN SYSTEM TEST RESULTS 13-MS-A20 COMPRESSED GAS SYSTEM EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS Smmmmrv This Appendix provides a summary of the tests which were run to determine the cause for the pressure drop in the backup nitrogen system to the compressed gas system, test results, conclusion, and proposed corrective actions.For the temporary test setup, refer to the Nuclear Administrative Technical Manual procedure noted under each test section.TEST 1 Procedure No.: 73TI-9IA02, Rev;0 05/14/89 The low pressure nitrogen (GA)backup supply to instrument air (IA)header ,test was set up to determi.,e actual conditions which the nitrogen system would experience during a loss of instrument air.T-Mod 2-89-IA-018 was installed to support'this gathering of data as per the test'instruction. The scope of the test.was to throttle temporary valve TV-3 to establish flow rates of 300,'400, 500, 700, and 900 standard cubic feet per minute.Pressures were recorded both at'he nitrogen skid (at the low pressure nitrogen head'er PI-78 and at the high pressure nitrogen header PI-79)and at the temporary modification manifold TPI-1 at two minute time intervals for each established flow rate.The nitrogen level was also recorded as was particulate samples.The test results indicated that the nitrogen header just downstream of the regulators immediately dropped off to 90 psig with flow of 300 SCFM and with subsequent higher flow rates (the highest attainable consistent flow rate was 737-740 SCFM)the pressure dropped to 82-86 PSIG.The pressure in the turbine building at TPI-1 dropped off rapidly with the higher flow rates.Figure 1 shows the pressure at the instrument air header interface at various flow'ates.These results indicated two initial problems: 1)The regulators weren't providing the proper flow to establish the 82-86 PSIG out at the low press nitrogen header.2)There was a considerable pressure drop being caused in the piping from the regulators to the temporary gage in the turbine building.From the results above, engineering decided to rerun the test and additionally record the nitrogen pressure upstream of the low,pressure nitrogen regulators at the PI-42.This would indicate if there was a system design problem (i.e., Item 1, the vaporizer and/or piping couldn't supply the proper quantity of nitrogen at the desired pressure with the regulators wide open}or that regulators were either sized wrong and/or set incorrectly. For Item 2, and NED engineers evaluated the piping configuration from the regulators to T-Mod setup and determined that the check valve 2IAN-V056 contained a spring which could be the cause for the high pressure drop experienced during testing.The results from the particulate samples indicated more particles greater than the 3 micron level than we would like to see in the instrument air system.H-,l COMPRESSED GAS SYSTEM EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS 13-MS-A20 TEST 2 Procedure Ro.: 73TI-9IA02, Rev.0 05/17/89 The low pressure nitrogen (GA)backup supply to instrument air (IA)header test was set up to observe the performance of the nitrogen system with the spring from check valve 2IAN-V056 removed.T-Mod 2-89-IA-018 remained installed to support this gathering of data as per the test instruction. The internal spring was removed from check valve 2IAN-U056 per EER 89-IA-007 and T-Mod 2-89-IA-023. The actual test was to throttle temporary valve TV-3 to establish flow rates of 300, 400, 500, 700, and QOO standard cubic'feet per minute.Pressures were recorded both at the nitrogen skid (at the low pressure nitrogen header PI-78 and PI-42 and at the high pressure nitrogen header PI-79)and at the temporar emporary modification manifold TPI-1 at two minute time intervals for each established flow rate.The nitrogen level was also recorded as was particulate samples.The test results indicated that the nitrogen header just downstream of the regulators immediately dropped off to 94 psig with flow of 300 SCFM and with subsequent higher flow rates (the highest attainable consistent flow rate was 811-818 SCFM)the pressure dropped to 82-90 psig.The pressure in the turbine building at TPI-1 dropped off rapidly with the higher flow rates but.not as rapidly as test 1 with the spring installed in the check valve.(a 2-6 psi psxg increase occurred as a result of the spring removed).The pressure upstream of the pressure regulators PCV-49 and PCV-49A consistently was higher than the downstream pressure by 54-60 PSIG.This seemed to indicated that the low pressure nitrogen vaporizer and piping supplying the regulators PCV-49 and PCU-49A was doing its design function.This drew the conclusion that the regulators were the cause of the immediate pressure drop (under flowin owing conditions) observed at PI-78.Whether the regulators were either not sized correctly, not set properly, or faulty could not be determined, therefore, EED and NED engineers decided to rerun the test.The results from the particulate samples still indicated more particles greater than the 3 micron level than we would like to see in the instrument air system.Figure 1 shows the pressure at the instrument air header at various flow rates.TEST 3 Procedure No..: 73TI-9IA02, Rev.1 05/19/89 This re'vision of the low pressure nitrogen (GA)backup supply to instrument air (IA)header test specifically tests the operability of the pressure control valves (PCV49, PCV49A and PV41)which supply the low pressure nitrogen header, allows the setting of these same valves, and tests the system under the same flow rates established during the previous tests (73TI-9IA02, Rev.0).H-2 ~li 0~O 13-MS-A20 COMPRESSED GAS SYSTEM'EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS The test allowed isolation-of the three pressure regulators in various sequences and allowed for the throttling of the bypass valve around the regulators PCV49 and PCV49A.'he results indicated that a flow at over 1000 SCFM could be obtained from the low pressure N2 system with the high pressure.nitrogen backup not supplying any nitrogen.Additionally, the pressure at TPI-1 was 78 PSIG with a flow of 953 SCFM.This extremely high flow was likewise obtained with the high pressure, nitrogen regulator PV41 not supplying any nitrogen.Figure 2 shows the nitrogen system capacity and pressure at the interface with the instrument air system with the bypass valve throttled to maintain a pressure of 115 psig downstream of the regulator. After obtaining this initial data, each regulator was isolated and cal'ibrated in accordance with the table below at a flow of approximately 200 SCFM.l)AS FOUND)AS LEFT I RFGULATOR SETTING SETTING I 2JGAiN-PCV49 I 2JGAN-PCV49A I 2JGAN-PV41 98 PSIG 88 PSIG 85 PSIG I.I 113 PSIG I I)105 PSIG I I I 100 PSIG I The original test at the various flow rates of 300, 400, 500, 700, and 900 SCFM was afterwards accomplished. The test results indicated that the nitrogen header just downstream of the regulators dropped off to 108 PSIG with a flow of 289 SCFM and with subsequent higher flow rates the pressure dropped off to 100 PSIG.Figure 2 shows the nitrogen system capacity and pressure at the instrument air header interface after the regulator adjustment. The upstream pressure of regulators PCV49 and PCV49A remained at 150-160 PSIG.This indicates that the regulators, even though set under dynamic (flowing)conditions, still drifted down at the high flow rates from their original settings.The pressure at TPI-1 still dropped 16 PSIG at 700 SCFM and dropped 29 psig at 902 SCFM.After the flow testing, samples were taken of the nitrogen stream and the particulate readings indicated that the quantity of particulates had decreased. significantly from the previously two tests.There were only 3-5 particles greater than or equal to 5 microns but less than 10 microns.and 105-158 particles greater than or equal to 3 microns but less than 5 microns.The original high number of particles in the low pressure nitrogen system is attributed to the lack-of full flow purging the system during the startup phase.Conclusions In conclusion, the three tests that were performed on the low pressure nitrogen system indicated.that the nitrogen skid upstream of the pressure regulators GAN-PCV-049, 049A and GA-PC-041 can satisfactorily deliver the anticipated flow of 1000 SCFM at 100 PSIG downstream of the regulator. H-3 13-MS-A20 COMPRESSED GAS SYSTEM EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS However, the regulators and the components downstream of the regulators are not functioning correctly to deliver the maximum desired flow and pressure to meet the IA header demand without operator action.Pressure regulator J-GATV-PCV'-49 currently has an outstanding work order (V.O.)hich requires removal, inspection, repair and/or replacement of the valve as necessary to ensure that the valve maintains pressure downstream at 115 PSIG+3 PSIG.The subject valve was adjusted per 73-9IA02, Rev.1, satisfactorily at flow condition such that the pressure dovnstream is currently within the required range.The system was then tested to ensure proper operation. Therefore, it is not necessary to perform M.O.00334794 as i e ow.a restart item.-In addition, the subject valves are currently being evaluat d or replacement with more efficient type regulators as outlined belov.e After evaluating all the test data, the folloving are recommended for resolution of the lov obtained pressures: For Short Term/Irrmediate Resolution In order to maintain system pressure of 85 PSIG at flov rates in excess of 700 SCFM (during a transient situation) an operator needs to be dispatched to the ow pressure control panel and to manually throttle bypass valve GAN-V260 to maintain a pressure of 100-120 PSIG at PI-78.Important attention must be made to the fact of not exceeding the high pressure setpoint of 125 PSIG so as to provide a safety margin between line operating pressure and the setting on the pressure safety valve (140 PSIG)and rupture disk (165 PSIG).For Lone Term Total Resolution 1)Evaluate setting the regulators (PCV-49, PCV-49A, and PV-41)to a higher setpoint, which will give us a subsequently higher pressure at the high flow rates which had previously dropped off, 2)Evaluate procurement and installation of'egulators which are guaranteed not to drift drastically under various flowrates, and 3)Evaluate installing a spring with a small compression ratio., in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations, in place of the removed spring from check valve IAN-V056 (EER-89-GA-007), and 4)Additionally, evaluate component by component the design pressure drop (at our desired flow/pressure conditions) of all valves and piping from the nitrogen regulators to the interface where nitrogen backs up instrument air and change out any component for which an enhancement is, possible.5)Install a filter in the nitrogen line just upstream of the nitrogen/instrument air interface to filter out particles greater than 3 microns.S i te Mod 2-SM-GA-003 has been developed to ins tall this f i 1 ter.This should be installed during an available outage, but this need not be a restart item as there is no specific safety consequences with the present setup.The modification will enhance the present setup and comply with the intent of Generic Letter 88-14 as it is ANPP's position of complying in a timely manner with all the recommendations of the NRC.H-4 i~0 0 105 PRESSURf~I 8 FLOK Nitrogen system test per 73TX-9IA02 Rev.o Figure 1 13-HS-A20 P'g e 1 I/5 5 f j lUR 6/to/m$00 95 p 90 I e 85 s s 80 U I'5 70 P.s 65 I g GC 55 50 0 W..0 Test no.2 with the spring removed from check valve Qi Test no.1.0y.0 45 40 300 350 400 450 500 550 f l a w 600 650 i f r 700 750 800 850 ~Ci 0~O PRESSURE 3 FLOW 13-HS-A20 Page llG 110 Nitrogen Test Per Procedure 73TI-9IA02, Rev.1 Figure 2 108 106 104 0--$02-0,$00 98 Test curve with the regulator bypass throttled to maintain 115 psig downstream of the regulator 96 94 92 P I e S S U I'90 88 86 84 82 p 80 78 76 S I 74 72 70 68 64 Test curve with the regulators adjusted to required set points and with the bypass clohed'Qi\300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800, 850 900 950 1000$050 f$o iv. igy I 0 (~O}}