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Rev 0 to CK-MP3-02-5.1, Independent Corrective Action Verification Program (ICAVP) Sys Review Checklist,Mechanical Component Review Checklist
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 04/11/1997
From: Neri A, Schopfer D
Shared Package
ML20137U214 List:
CK-MP3-02-5.1, CK-MP3-2-5.1, NUDOCS 9704160326
Download: ML20137U225 (32)



  • Northeast Utilities Millstone - Unit 3 Independent Corrective Action Verification Program (ICAVP)

System Review Checklist CK-MP3 02 - 5.1, Rev. O Mechaaical Comoonent Review Checklist Prepared by: A A AE4' f-/047 Name Signature Date Approved by: 2) &, Sck. # hv I

%dk%SignatuM I~

V-// 87 Name Date h

l IMPLEMENTATION System i Verified By:

Concurrence By:

4 9704160326 970411 PDR ADOCK 05000423 G ,

PDR , ,


N:rthecst Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist Instructions i

This checklist supplements PI-MP3-02 and shall be used for the Mechanical Component Review I process described in the Pl. The application and use of this checklist shall be as follows: '

l. The Lead Verifier shall identify all mechanical components included in the scope of the review and shall list the component ID and description on the form included as page 3 of this checklist. The Lead Verifier shall sign and date the form when this step is completed.
2. The Lead Verifier and/or Verifiers shall then complete an individual component checklist for each system component using the applicable component specific checklists included here in. The Lead Verifier and/or Verifiers shall sign and date the individual checklists when completed. For each component specific checklists, the Lead Verifier and/or Verifier shall:

a) Enter the component ID b) Enter, for each attribute on the checklist, the requirement or data listed in the licensing documents, specifications, calculation, vendor or design drawings and lists or database. Enter NA if not applicable.

c) Enter Yes/No/NA as applicable in the " Acceptable" column.

d) For each "No" response, assign a comment number and use the form on page 4 to explain the No response. Discrepancies shall then be processed for PI-MP3-11.

3. Once the review has been completed, the Lead Verifier shall compile the individual component checklists, enter the system name on each sheet, number the sheets ,

sequentially and sign the cover sheet. Only applicable component specific checklists shall i be included in the final packages. Checklists for component types not applicable to the system being reviewed shall be omitted.


4. The SRG Lead shall indicate his concurrence that the mechanical component review process has been completed by signing the cover sheet. l l
5. If needed due to subsequent revisions, insert pages can be as I A, IB, 2A, 2B, etc. j f

(CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 2)

CACK02-51. DOC

l l

N:rtherst Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of j

Mechanical Component Review Checklist Mechanical Eauinment List Equipment ID Description I

l l

I i

1 l

l l

1 l

l l

Prepared by: /

Name Date i

(CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 3)  !

C:\CK02-51. DOC

l i

Nerthe:st Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System i Sheet of_

l Mechanical Component Review Checklist Mechanical Component Review Comment Form j

Comment No. Comment J

4 l

1 Prepared by Signature Date (CK-MP3 02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 4)

C:\CK02-51. DOC l

. Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 - System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist PUMPS Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database Y/N/NA Comment

1. Tag No/ Identification
2. Type / Stages
3. Material
4. Pressure Rating
5. Driver Characteristics-
6. Connection - Size
7. Connection - Weld / Flange End
8. Seal Type
9. Lubrication3S m
10. Bearmg Type
11. Manufacturer /Model
12. Service / Fluid
13. Operatmg Modes
14. Controls /Interlocksffrips
15. Seismic Classification
16. ASME Code Class
17. Design Pressure
18. Design Temperature
19. Design Flow
20. Minimum (Recirc.) Flow (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 5)

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Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System


Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist PUMPS Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database Y/N/NA Comment

21. Maximum (Runout) Flow
22. Design Discharge Head
23. Design Suction Head
24. Design Total Developed Head
25. Maximum ShutoffHead
26. NPSH Available
27. NPSH Required
28. Electrical Class i
29. EQ Requirement
30. SQ Requirement Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 6)

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Noetheast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System


Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist  !


Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Ali. ;;../a Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database VININA Comment

1. Tag No1 Identification
2. Type-Vertical / Horizontal  ;
3. Pressure Rating
4. Materials
5. Connections -

Number / Size /Orwntatinn

6. Connections-Weld / Flange Ends  :
7. Insulation
8. Mounting Details l
9. Overall Dimensions  ;
10. Heaters / Heat Tracing
11. Diaphragms  ;
12. Coatings / Liners  ;
13. Service / Fluid ,
14. Operating Modes
15. Seismic Classification
16. Controls / Interlocks / Trips
17. Radiation Monitoring
18. Tmpaivre Control ,
19. ASME Code Class
20. Capacity (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 7)

C:\CK02-51. DOC

Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist TANKS & VESSELS Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database YIN /NA Conunent

21. Design Pressure
22. Design Temperature
23. Normal Flows
24. Surge Flows
25. Overpressure Protection
26. Vacuum *
27. Fluid Properties
28. Venting / Overflow
29. Envirenmental Qualification
30. Seismic Qualification Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 8)

CACK02-51. DOC

Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System of Sheet Mechanical Component Review Checklist CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVES Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database YININA Comment

1. Tag Nolldentificaten
2. Body Type
3. Material
4. Pressure Rating
5. Connection - Size
6. Connection -Weld / Flange Ends
7. Normal Position
8. Type of Operator
9. Loss of Air /Elec.-Failed Position
10. Seismic Classification
11. Required Motor Torque
12. Strolang Time
13. ASME Code Class
14. Design Pressure
15. Design Temperature
16. Fluid Design Flow
17. Differential Pressure
18. Seismic Qualification Required
19. Enytronmental Qualification '

Required Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-$.1, Rev. O, Page 9)

C:\CK02-51. DOC

Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5,1 Millstone Unit 3 System


Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist GENERAL APPLICATION VAINES Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database YIN /NA Comment

1. Tag No/ Identification
2. BodyT3pe
3. Material
4. Pressure Rating
5. Connection - Size
6. Connection -Weld / Flange Ends
7. Modulating or On-Off
8. Normal Position
9. Type of Operator
10. loss of Air /Elec. - Failed
11. Seismic Classification
12. Normal Position
13. Type of Operator
14. Loss ofAir/Elec. - Failed
15. Seismic Classification
16. Required MotorTorque
17. Strokmg Tune
18. Limit Switches
19. Solenoid Valves
20. ASME Code Class (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 10)

CACK02-51. DOC


. Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of ~

Mechanical Component Review Checklist GENERAL APPLICATION VALVES Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List! Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reasirement Reauirement Drawine Database YIN /NA Comment

21. Design Pressure
22. Design Temperature
23. Fluid Design Flow
24. Differential Pressure t

s i

Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 11)

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Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 Systen Sheet of Mechanical Coniponent Review Checklist t

a CHECK VALVES Component ID. +

i Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable

  • Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database YININA Comment i
1. Tag Nolldentificatmn
2. Body Type
3. Material '
4. Pressure Rating
5. Connectinn - Size  :
6. Connection -Weld / Flan 8e Ends
7. Seismic Classification -
8. Inkaae rating
9. Type
10. Water hammer considerations '
11. ASME Code Class
12. Design Pressure  !
13. Design Temperature
14. Fluid Design Flow i
15. Differential Pressure
16. Seismic Qualification Required
17. Equipment Qualification ,

Required Prepared by Date l

(CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 12)

C:\CK02-51. DOC '

Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 Systern St eet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist HEAT EXCHANGE EOUIPMENT Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Rs. h ast Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database YININA Comment

1. Tag Nolldentification
2. Type
3. Materials /Iliickness

- Tube

- Shell

4. Outside Diameter

- Tube

- Shell

5. Number of Passes

- Tube Side

- Shell Side

6. Main Nozzle Sizes

- Tube Inlet

- Tube Outlet

- ShellInlet

- ShellOutlet

7. Weight

- Empty

- Full

8. Control / Interlocks /Frips (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 13)

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Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 I

Millstone Unit 3 System .

Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist HEAT EXCHANGE EOUIPMENT Component ID.  ;

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable .

Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reanirement Drawine Database Y/N/NA Comment

9. Fluid Description i

- Tube Side

- Shell Side

10. Operatmg Modes l 1. Service Requirements
12. Tube /Shell Leakage .


13. ASME Code Class
14. Sizing Codes and Standards
15. Heat Transfer Area
16. Heat Transfer load
17. Design Operating Pressures

- Tube inlet

- Tube Outlet

- ShellInlet  ;

- ShellOutlet

18. Design Operating Temperatures ,

- Tube Inlet

- Tube Outlet

- ShellInlet

- Shell Outlet (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 14)

CSCK02-51. DOC 9

Nortbeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System , ,

Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist HEAT EXCHANGE EOUIPMENT Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database Y/NINA Comment

19. Design Operatmg Flow

- Tube Side

- Max. AP

- Shell Side

- Max. AP

20. Number / Size of Vents

- Tube Side

- ShellSide

21. Number / Size of Drains

- Tube Side

- ShellSide

22. Overpressure Protection
23. Equipment Qualification Required
24. Seismic Qualification Required Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 15)

C:\CK02-51. DOC

Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System


Sheet of' Mechanical Component Review Checklist PIPING INLINE COMPONENTS ,

Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reanirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database Y/N/NA Comment

1. Tag Nolldentification
2. Material
3. Pressure Ratmg
4. Overpressure Protection
5. Size
6. Weld / Flange Ends
7. Attachments / Accessories
8. Gasketing/ Seals
9. Weight
10. Service / Fluid
11. Operating Modes
12. Seismic Classification
13. Codes and Standards
14. Design Flow
15. Design Pressure
16. DesignTemperature
17. Size
18. Pressure Drop
19. Equipment Qualification Required
20. Seismic Qualification Required Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 16)

CACK02-51. DOC

Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICES Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database Y/N/NA_ Comment

1. Tag No1 Identification
2. Type
3. Manufacturer /Model
4. Pressure Rating
5. Material
6. Exhaust Path
7. Accessories
1. Backpressure Bellows
2. Pilot ReliefValve
3. LiRing Lever
4. Silencer
8. Connection-Size
9. Connection-Weld / Flange End
10. Limit Switches
11. Operator
12. Solenoid Valves
13. Service / Fluid
14. Operating Mode
15. Seismic Classification
16. Controls / Interlocks /Setpoint
17. ASME Code Class (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 17)

CACK02-51. DOC

Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System ~

Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICES Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirennent Reouirement Reanirement Drawine Database Y/N/NA Comnwnt

18. Design Flow
19. Design Pressure
20. Design Temperature
21. Max. Differential Pressure
22. Fluid Properties
23. Accumulation /Blowdowin
24. Back Pressure
25. Setpoint/ReliefPirssure
26. Equipment Qualification Required
27. Seismic Qualification Required Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 18)

C:\CK02-51. DOC

Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-S.1 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist L CONTROL VALVES Component ID. ,

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable

- Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database YIN /NA Comment

1. Tag Nolldentification
2. Body T3 pe
3. Material
4. Pressure Rating
5. Vaht/ Operator Manufacturer
6. Connection - Size
7. Connection-Weld / Flange Ends
8. Steam leak Off Requirements
9. Flow Direction Thru Vaht
10. Modulating or On-Off
11. Normal Position
12. Type of Operator
13. Loss of Air /Elec. - Failed Position
14. Seismic Classification .
15. Required Motor Torque ,
16. Stroking Tune
17. Limit Switches ,
18. Trim Design
19. Performance Characteristics - ,

(Linear, Fast-opemng, etc.) <

20. ASME Code Class (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 19)

CACK02-51. DOC

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D Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-531 MiBstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist CONTROL VALVES Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database Y/NINA Comment

21. Design Pressure
22. Design Temperature
23. Fluid Design Flow
24. Differential Pressure
25. CV
26. Equipment Qualification Required
27. Seismic Qualification Required
28. Design / Flow Range
29. 1. Min. Flow
30. 2. Normal Flow
31. 3. Max. Flow
32. Iaby Ratmgfright Shutoff Requirements
33. Maximum P Valve must open or close agamst Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 20)

C:\CK02-51. DOC

Northeast Utilitses CK-MP3-02-5J Millstone Unit 3 System


Sheet - of

- Mechanical Component Review Checklist HVAC DUCTS AND PLENUMS Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Requirement Reauirement Drawine Database Y/NINA Comment

1. Tag No/ Identification
2. Procurement Spec
3. Mfg / Fabricator
4. Pressure rating
5. Leakage rating
6. Material
7. Stiffener spacing
8. Hanger spacing
9. Weight
10. Codes and standards
11. Seismic class
12. Safety class Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 21)

C:\CK02-51. DOC

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Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System '

Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist HVAC DUCT ACCESSORIES Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database Y/NINA Comment

1. Tag Nolldentification
2. Type '
3. Procurement Spec. ,
4. Mfg.
5. Model No.
6. Size
7. Airflow
8. Pressure drop
9. Pressure rating
10. leakage rating
11. Codes and standards
12. Weight
13. Safety classification
14. Seismic classification
15. EQ requirement Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 22)

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- Nortbeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 MiBstone Unit 3 System .

Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist HVAC DAMPERS Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database Y/N/N4 Comment

1. Tag No1 Identification
2. Type (control, isolation, fire, smoke, balancing)
3. Procurement spec
4. Mfg.
5. Model No.
6. Size
7. Airflow
8. Pressure drop
9. . Pressure rating
10. Leakage rating
11. Safety classification
12. Seismic classification
13. Actuator type
14. Closing time
15. Maximum air velocity
16. EQ requirement Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 23)

CSCK02-51. DOC

Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5J Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist HVAC FANS Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database Y/NINA Comment

1. Tag Nolldentification
2. Type
3. Procurement Spec .
4. Mfg.
5. Model No.
6. Airflow
7. Fan total pressure
8. Fan speed
9. Fan bhp required
10. Motor hp
11. Motor speed
12. Motor voltage / phase / frequency
13. Codes and standards
14. Safety classification
15. Seismic classification
16. EQ requirement Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 24)

CACK02-51. DOC


Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 >

Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist i


Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Requirement Reauirement Drawine Database Y/NINA Comment

1. Tag No1 Identification
2. Type
3. Piccurement Spec
4. Mfg.
5. Model No. .
6. Efficiency
7. Airflow
8. Pressure drop
9. Size ,
10. Codes and standards
11. Bypass leakage ,
12. Housing leakage
13. Housing pressure ratmg
14. Drains
15. Fire Protection
16. Safety classification
17. Seismic classification Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 25)

C:\CK02-51. DOC i

Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Mdistone Unit 3 System Sheet of -

Mechanical Component Review Checklist ,


Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Requirement Reauirement Drawine Database Y/NINA Comment

1. Tag Nolldentification
2. Type
3. Procurement spec 4 Mfg.
5. Model No. s <
6. Size
7. Airflow
8. Pressure drop
9. Pressure rating
10. Leakage rating
11. Safety classification
12. Seismic classification
13. Actuator type i
14. Closing time
15. Maximum air velocity Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-5.I, Rev. O, Page 26)

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Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist REFRIGERATION UNITS Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Requirement Reauirement Drawine Database Y/NINA Comment I

1. Tag No11dentificaten
2. Type
3. Procurement Spec  !
4. Mfg.
5. Model No.
6. Capecity at ratmg conchtions ,
7. Design load on unit
8. Minimumload on unit
9. Refrigerant number i
10. Refrigerant suction turwdure/ pressure '
11. Refrigerant condensing ,

temperature / pressure ,

12. Condenser Type (air / water cooled) .

Tube material / configuration i Fin material / configuration Number ofpasses/ circuits .

Air / water flow (max / min)

Air / water entering  ;

twadare(max / min) '

Air /waterleaving Lignore Pressure ratmg Tw ture ra rating l

(CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 27)

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Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist Design fouhng factor Pressure drop

13. Evaporator Type (direct expansion / chilled water)

Tube material / configuration Fin material / configuration Number of passes / circuits Air / water flow (max / min)

Air / water entering temperature (max / min)

Air /waterleaving temperature Pressure rating Temperature ratmg Design fouling factor Pressure drop

14. Capacity control
15. Interlocks and internal safeties
16. Pressure reliefdevices
17. Compressor t3pe i
18. Compressor motor kW
19. Compressor motor ,

voltage / phase / frequency

20. Codes and standards
21. Safety classification
22. Seismic classification Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 28)

C:\CK02-51. DOC

Nenheast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System , ,

Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist ELECTRIC HEATING COILS Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database VININA Comment

1. Tag Nolldenti6 cation
2. Type
3. Procurement spec.
4. Mfg.
5. Model No.
6. Capacity, kW
7. No. ofstages
8. Airf'.ow
9. Pressure drop
10. Size
11. Minimum velocity
12. Capacity control and safeties ,
13. Voltage / phase / frequency
14. Inlet configuration
15. Safety classification
16. Seismic classification Prepared by Date (CK-MP342-5.1, Rev. O, Page 29) ,

C:\CK02-51. DOC l

Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System '

Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist COOLING COILS

- Cornponent ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Requirpnent Drawing Database Y/NINA Comment

1. Tag NojIdentification
2. Type
3. Procurement spec.
4. Mfg.
5. Model
6. Fluid
7. Tube matenal
8. Tube diame+er
9. Tube wall thickness
10. Fin material
11. Fin pitch
12. Fin thickness
13. Number of tube rows
14. Number of tubes per row
15. Coil serpentine (passes / row)
16. Air flow
17. Face area
18. Air velocity
19. Entering air tu .pudere
20. Leaving air tu.pristuarc
21. Entering water temperature
22. Leaving water temperature (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 30)

C:\CK02-51. DOC

Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-Sol Millstone Unit 3 System ,

Sheet of '

Mechanical Component Review Checklist L

23. Water flow
24. Water velocity
25. Fouling factor
26. Codes and standards
27. Safety classification
28. Seismic classification >

Prepared by Date i L

i (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 31)

C:\CK02-51. DOC

Northeast CK-MP3-02-51 Millstone Unit 3 Systern  :

Sheet of '

Mechanical Component Review Checklist PIPELINES Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Recuirement Recuirennent Drawine Database Y/NINA Comment

1. Matenal
2. Pressure Rating /sch
3. Size
4. Code Class.
5. Seismic Class
6. Design Pressure
7. Design Tsw4ure
8. Operatmg Pressure
9. Operating Temperature
10. Insulation Thickness Prepared by Date (CK-MP342-5.1, Rev. O, Page 32)

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