Letter Sequence Approval |
CAC:001028, (Approved, Closed) EPID:L-2022-LLA-0079, Tn America, LLC, Application for Amendment 18 to Standardized NUHOMS Certificate of Compliance No. 1004 for Spent Fuel Storage Casks, Revision 0 (Approved, Closed) |
- Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request, Request
- Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance, Acceptance
- Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement, Supplement
- Withholding Request Acceptance, Withholding Request Acceptance
- Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting, Meeting
- Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval, Approval
Other: L-23-005, Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation License Renewal Application, Revision 1 (Cac/Epid No. 001028/L-2022-RNW-0007), ML19150A559, ML19182A107, ML20009D008, ML20010D564, ML20015A450, ML20015A451, ML20015A454, ML20028E845, ML20028E846, ML20049A082, ML20052E146, ML20052E154, ML20065N281, ML20071F156, ML20076D696, ML20099A180, ML20104C018, ML20104C019, ML20105A135, ML20105A136, ML20105A137, ML20105A138, ML20105A139, ML20105A173, ML20111A240, ML20136A050, ML20136A051, ML20150A421, ML20155K741, ML20155K743, ML20155K744, ML20161A088, ML20163A702, ML20163A703, ML20163A704, ML20181A211, ML20181A212, ML20192A328, ML20192A329, ML20212L768, ML20212L769, ML20261H420, ML20269A259, ML20279A577, ML20279A586, ML20289A493, ML20314A190, ML20349A209, ML20349A211... further results
MONTHYEARML20052D9362018-07-0303 July 2018 Response to Nrg Request for Additional Information (RAI) Regarding NAC Magnastor Cask Loaded to Incorrect Helium Backfill Density Project stage: Request ML18267A2142018-08-29029 August 2018, 25 September 2018 Package: Summary of August 29, 2018, Public Meeting with Interim Storage Partners to Discuss Consolidated Emergency Response Plan for Its Proposed WCS Consolidated Interim Storage Facility (W/Enclosure 1 and 2) Project stage: Request ML18267A2112018-09-25025 September 2018 Memorandum to A. Rivera-Varona Summary of August 29, 2018, Public Meeting with Interim Storage Partners to Discuss Consolidated Emergency Response Plan for Its Proposed WCS Consolidated Interim Storage Facility (W/Enclosure 1 and 2) Project stage: Meeting ML18320A1842018-11-16016 November 2018 Letter to J. Isakson Interim Storage Partners' License Application to Construct and Operate the Waste Control Specialists Consolidated Interim Storage Facility, Andrews County, Texas, Dkt No. 72-1050 - First RAI, Part 1 (W/Enclosure 1) Project stage: RAI ML19032A2302019-02-0404 February 2019 Summary of Closed Public Meeting to Discuss RAI Issued in Connection with Nrc'S Review of the Interim Storage Partner Consolidated Isfs Application for a Facility at Andrews County, Texas (W/Encl. 1&2) Project stage: RAI ML19065A0192019-03-0606 March 2019 Letter to J. Isakson Interim Storage Partners Llc'S License Application to Construct and Operate the WCS Consolidated Interim Storage Facility, Andrews County, Texas, Docket No. 72.1050 - First Request for RAI Part 2 (W/Enclosure 1) Project stage: RAI ML19072A1562019-03-14014 March 2019 Summary of Partially Closed Public Meeting to Discuss Request for Additional Information Issued in Connection with Nrc'S Review of the ISP Cisf Application for a Facility at Andrew'S County, Tx (W/Encl. 1&2) Project stage: RAI ML19126A0682019-04-0303 April 2019, 6 May 2019 Summary of April 16, 2019, Partially Closed Public Meeting to Discuss RAI Issued in Connection with Nrc'S Review of the ISP Consolidated Isf Application for a Facility at Andrews County, Texas Project stage: Request ML19105B2172019-04-19019 April 2019 Memorandum to C. Regan Summary of March 20, 2019, Public Meeting to Discuss Request for Additional Information Issued in Connection with Nrc'S Review of the Interim Storage Partners Consolidated Isf Application (W/Enclosures 1 and 2) Project stage: RAI ML19120A4282019-04-23023 April 2019 Letter to J. Isakson Interim Storage Partners Llc'S License Application to Construct and Operate the Waste Control Specialists Consolidated Interim Storage Facility, Andrews County, Texas, Dkt No. 72-1050 - First RAI (W/Enclosure) Project stage: RAI ML19126A0662019-05-0606 May 2019 Memorandum to C. Regan Summary of April 16, 2019, Partially Closed Public Meeting to Discuss RAI Issued in Connection with Nrc'S Review of the ISP Consolidated Isf Application for a Facility at Andrews County, Texas (W/Enclosure 1 & 2) Project stage: RAI ML20015A4502019-05-31031 May 2019 Sprint Andrews County Disposal Facility, Andrews County, Texas- Railroad Commission of Texas Commercial Processing and Disposal Facility Permit Application Project stage: Other ML19150A5592019-06-0303 June 2019 Letter to J. Isakson Site Audit Plan for Interim Storage Partners Proposed Application for a Site-Specific License of an Away-from-Reactor Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Project stage: Other ML19182A1072019-07-0101 July 2019 Letter to J. Isakson Interim Storage Partners Llc'S Application for a Specific ISFSI for the Waste Control Specialists Consolidated Interim Storage Facility for Spent Nuclear Fuel - Revised Review Schedule Project stage: Other ML20015A4512019-08-22022 August 2019 Report No. R1432-01, Acoustical Analysis of ISP Cisf Project stage: Other ML20015A4542019-11-30030 November 2019 Socioeconomic Impacts of the Proposed Spent Nuclear Fuel Consolidated Interim Storage Facility, Andrews County, Texas, Revision 5 Project stage: Other ML20009D0082020-01-0606 January 2020 Acknowledgement of NRC Receipt of CoC 1025 (NAC-MPC) Renewal Application Project stage: Other ML20009D0512020-01-0606 January 2020 Notification of NRC Acceptance of the Standardized Advanced NUHOMS CoC 1029 Renewal Application for Review Project stage: Acceptance Review ML20015A4522020-01-0606 January 2020 Interim Storage Partners LLC - Submittal of Supplemental Information in Support of RAI, Part 3 - Clarification Related to the Response to RAI AQ-6 Project stage: Supplement ML20010D5642020-01-10010 January 2020 Proprietary Determination Letter for HI-STAR 100 CoC Renewal Submittals Project stage: Other ML20028E8462020-01-17017 January 2020 Enclosure 3 - RAIs and Responses Project stage: Other ML20028E8452020-01-17017 January 2020 Enclosure 1 - Affidavits Project stage: Other ML20031D0562020-01-29029 January 2020 Interim Storage Partners, LLC - Submittal of ISP Updated Draft Responses for Rals NP-8-1, NP-8-2 and Associated SAR Markups from First Request for Additional Information, Part 2, Docket 72-1050 Cac/Epid 001028/L-2017-NEW-0002 Project stage: Draft Request ML20049A0812020-01-31031 January 2020 Holtec International - HI-STORM 100 Storage CoC Renewal Application Project stage: Request ML20049A0822020-01-31031 January 2020 International - HI-STORM 100 Storage CoC Renewal Application Project stage: Other ML20034E8352020-02-0303 February 2020 Letter-Materials Request for Additional Information Clarification with Enclosure Project stage: RAI ML20034E9872020-02-11011 February 2020 Meeting Summary - Meeting with Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC, Pre-Application Amendment No. 5 of Storage CoC No. 1026 for the Fuelsolutions Spent Fuel Management System, November 21, 2019 Project stage: Meeting ML20052D9962020-02-14014 February 2020 Interim Storage Partners, LLC - Submission of ISP Responses for RAIs and Associated Document Markups from First Request for Additional Information, Part 2, Docket 72-1050 Cac/Epid 001028/L-2017-NEW-0002 Project stage: Request ML20052E1542020-02-17017 February 2020 WCS Consolidated Interim Spent Fuel Storage Facility Environmental Report, Revision 3 - Part 2 of 3 Project stage: Other ML20052E1462020-02-17017 February 2020 Interim Storage Partners, LLC - Submittal of Revision 3 of the Environmental Report for the WCS CISF, Docket 72-1050 Cac/Epid 001028/L-2017-NEW-0002 Project stage: Other ML20064F6162020-02-29029 February 2020 January 15, 2020, Summary of Meeting with Holtec International, Inc., to Discuss the Upcoming Submittal of the Application for Renewal of the Storage Certificate of Compliance No. 1014 for the HI-Storm 100 Cask System Project stage: Meeting ML20063M0152020-03-0303 March 2020 HI-STORM 100 Renewal Presubmittal Meeting (Holtec Slides, 1-15-20) Project stage: Meeting ML20064E6222020-03-0303 March 2020 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Approval of NAC International Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure for Coc 1025 Renewal (CAC No. 001028) Project stage: Withholding Request Acceptance ML20071F1562020-03-0505 March 2020 Interim Storage Partners, LLC - Affidavit Project stage: Other ML20071F1532020-03-0505 March 2020 Interim Storage Partners, LLC - Supplemental Information in Support of NRCs Environmental Review Project stage: Supplement ML20071J0552020-03-0505 March 2020 Notice of Cancelled Meeting with the U.S. Department of Energy, Idaho Operations Office to Discuss the Upcoming Submittal of the Application for Renewal of the Idaho Spent Fuel Facility License (SNM-2512) Project stage: Meeting ML20066K5782020-03-0606 March 2020 Acceptance Review of Request for Amendment No. 7 to Certificate of Compliance No. 1032 for the HI-STORM Flood/Wind Multipurpose Canister Storage System Project stage: Acceptance Review ML20065L3442020-03-0606 March 2020 Amendment No. 15 to Certificate of Compliance No. 1014 for the Hi-Storm 100 Multipurpose Canister Storage System - Request for Additional Information Project stage: RAI ML20065N2812020-03-0909 March 2020 ISFSI Preamble-License Renewal Order Project stage: Other ML20076D6962020-03-11011 March 2020 Interim Storage Partners, LLC - Submittal of Clarifications to Support NRCs Continued Review of the Safety Case for the WCS CISF Project stage: Other ML20104C0182020-03-30030 March 2020 International - HI-STORM Umax Amendment 4 FSAR - Changed Pages Project stage: Other ML20104C0192020-03-30030 March 2020 International - Affidavit for Kimberly Manzione Project stage: Other ML20104C0202020-03-30030 March 2020 International - HI-STORM Umax Amendment 4 Responses to Requests for Additional Information - Supplemental Information Project stage: Supplement ML20091L0642020-03-31031 March 2020 Enclosure 1 - Request for Additional Information - Non-Proprietary Project stage: RAI ML20105A1352020-03-31031 March 2020 Enclosure 1 - Affidavits Project stage: Other ML20091L0632020-03-31031 March 2020 Transmittal Letter - CoC 1042 Amendment Number 2 Request for Additional Information Project stage: RAI ML20101P3992020-03-31031 March 2020 Interim Storage Partners, LLC - Submittal of Draft Responses for Several Rals and Associated Document Markups from First Request for Additional Information, Parts 1, 2 and Clarifications Project stage: Draft Request ML20105A1732020-04-0606 April 2020 Interim Storage Partners, LLC - Affidavits Project stage: Other ML20099A1802020-04-0606 April 2020 Application for Renewal of the Certificate of Compliance No. 1014 for the Hi-Storm 100 Storage Cask System Accepted for Review (Cac/Epid Nos. 001028/L-2020-RNW-0007) Project stage: Other ML20105A1362020-04-0707 April 2020 Enclosure 3 - RAIs and Responses Project stage: Other 2020-01-17
[Table View] |
Category:License-Dry Cask
MONTHYEARML23293A3012023-11-0808 November 2023 Final Certificate of Compliance for the Standardized NUHOMS Horizontal Modular Storage System for Irradiated Nuclear Fuel ML23293A3022023-11-0808 November 2023 Final NUHOMS 1004 Amendment 18, Appendix C ML23293A3032023-11-0808 November 2023 Final NUHOMS 1004 Amendment 18, Appendix B ML23293A3042023-11-0808 November 2023 Final NUHOMS 1004 Amendment 18, Appendix a ML22203A1192022-05-20020 May 2022 Amendment 18 Proposed CoC and Technical Specifications ML22140A0252022-05-20020 May 2022 Tn America, LLC, Application for Amendment 18 to Standardized NUHOMS Certificate of Compliance No. 1004 for Spent Fuel Storage Casks, Revision 0 ML21109A3282021-05-0404 May 2021 CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 CoC ML21109A3292021-05-0404 May 2021 CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 Appendix a ML21109A3302021-05-0404 May 2021 CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 Appendix B Table of Contents ML21109A3312021-05-0404 May 2021 CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 Appendix B Text ML21109A3322021-05-0404 May 2021 CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 Appendix B Tables ML21109A3332021-05-0404 May 2021 CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 Appendix B Figures ML21109A3342021-05-0404 May 2021 CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 Appendix C ML20308A4872020-12-21021 December 2020 Proposed CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 CoC ML20230A3182020-08-21021 August 2020 Final Certificate of Compliance No. 1004, Amendment 16, Model No. Standardized Nuhoms(R) Horizontal Storage Module (Hsm) ML18347B3352018-12-14014 December 2018 Final CoC 1004 Amendment 15 Certificate L-MT-18-067, Thirty (30) Day Notification Pursuant to 10 CFR 72.212, Conditions of General License Issued Under 10 CFR 72.210, for the Storage of Spent Fuel2018-11-0909 November 2018 Thirty (30) Day Notification Pursuant to 10 CFR 72.212, Conditions of General License Issued Under 10 CFR 72.210, for the Storage of Spent Fuel ML18228A5312018-10-25025 October 2018 ADAMS Reference 1: Proposed CoC No. 1004 Amendment No. 15 CoC (Memorandum to K. Morgan-Butler User Need for Rulemaking for the Standardized Nuhoms System, CoC No. 1004, Amendment No. 15) ML18088A1802018-03-22022 March 2018 to Application for Amendment 15 to Standardized Nuhoms Certificate of Compliance No. 1004 for Spent Fuel Storage Casks, Supplemental Response to First Request for Additional Information ONS-2017-066, Registration for Use of General License Spent Fuel Cask Numbers 147 and 1482017-09-20020 September 2017 Registration for Use of General License Spent Fuel Cask Numbers 147 and 148 ML17222A1502017-07-17017 July 2017 ISFSI - Cask Registration for Spent Fuel Storage Under Amended Certificate of Compliance No. 1004 L-MT-16-050, Thirty-Day Notification for Dry Shielded Canister MNP-61 BTH-1-B-2-016 Pursuant to 10 CFR 72.212, Conditions of General License Issued Under 10 CFR 72.210, for the Storage of Spent Fuel2016-10-20020 October 2016 Thirty-Day Notification for Dry Shielded Canister MNP-61 BTH-1-B-2-016 Pursuant to 10 CFR 72.212, Conditions of General License Issued Under 10 CFR 72.210, for the Storage of Spent Fuel PLA-7520, Registration for Use of Dry Fuel Storage Module D-15 and Thermal Performance Assessment2016-09-19019 September 2016 Registration for Use of Dry Fuel Storage Module D-15 and Thermal Performance Assessment ML16245A2172016-08-23023 August 2016 ISFSI - Submittal of Cask Registration for Spent Fuel Storage, Cask Certificate No. 1004 ML15190A3442015-06-22022 June 2015 Independent Fuel Storage Installation - Submittal of Cask Registration for Spent Fuel Storage PLA-7252, Registration for the Use of Dry Fuel Storage Module D-82014-11-17017 November 2014 Registration for the Use of Dry Fuel Storage Module D-8 ML13252A1422013-08-30030 August 2013 General License 30-day Cask Registration Notification and First System Thermal Performance Assessment ML11327A1442011-11-18018 November 2011 General License 30-day Cask Registration Notification ML0611604131996-01-31031 January 1996 Registration of Dry Spent Fuel Storage Cask Use and Cask Heat Transfer Characteristics 2023-11-08
[Table view] Category:ISFSI
MONTHYEARML23293A3012023-11-0808 November 2023 Final Certificate of Compliance for the Standardized NUHOMS Horizontal Modular Storage System for Irradiated Nuclear Fuel ML23293A3022023-11-0808 November 2023 Final NUHOMS 1004 Amendment 18, Appendix C ML23293A3032023-11-0808 November 2023 Final NUHOMS 1004 Amendment 18, Appendix B ML23293A3042023-11-0808 November 2023 Final NUHOMS 1004 Amendment 18, Appendix a ML22203A1192022-05-20020 May 2022 Amendment 18 Proposed CoC and Technical Specifications ML22140A0252022-05-20020 May 2022 Tn America, LLC, Application for Amendment 18 to Standardized NUHOMS Certificate of Compliance No. 1004 for Spent Fuel Storage Casks, Revision 0 ML21109A3282021-05-0404 May 2021 CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 CoC ML21109A3292021-05-0404 May 2021 CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 Appendix a ML21109A3302021-05-0404 May 2021 CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 Appendix B Table of Contents ML21109A3312021-05-0404 May 2021 CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 Appendix B Text ML21109A3322021-05-0404 May 2021 CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 Appendix B Tables ML21109A3332021-05-0404 May 2021 CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 Appendix B Figures ML21109A3342021-05-0404 May 2021 CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 Appendix C ML20308A4872020-12-21021 December 2020 Proposed CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 CoC ML20230A3182020-08-21021 August 2020 Final Certificate of Compliance No. 1004, Amendment 16, Model No. Standardized Nuhoms(R) Horizontal Storage Module (Hsm) ML18347B3352018-12-14014 December 2018 Final CoC 1004 Amendment 15 Certificate L-MT-18-067, Thirty (30) Day Notification Pursuant to 10 CFR 72.212, Conditions of General License Issued Under 10 CFR 72.210, for the Storage of Spent Fuel2018-11-0909 November 2018 Thirty (30) Day Notification Pursuant to 10 CFR 72.212, Conditions of General License Issued Under 10 CFR 72.210, for the Storage of Spent Fuel ML18228A5312018-10-25025 October 2018 ADAMS Reference 1: Proposed CoC No. 1004 Amendment No. 15 CoC (Memorandum to K. Morgan-Butler User Need for Rulemaking for the Standardized Nuhoms System, CoC No. 1004, Amendment No. 15) ML18088A1802018-03-22022 March 2018 to Application for Amendment 15 to Standardized Nuhoms Certificate of Compliance No. 1004 for Spent Fuel Storage Casks, Supplemental Response to First Request for Additional Information ONS-2017-066, Registration for Use of General License Spent Fuel Cask Numbers 147 and 1482017-09-20020 September 2017 Registration for Use of General License Spent Fuel Cask Numbers 147 and 148 ML17222A1502017-07-17017 July 2017 ISFSI - Cask Registration for Spent Fuel Storage Under Amended Certificate of Compliance No. 1004 L-MT-16-050, Thirty-Day Notification for Dry Shielded Canister MNP-61 BTH-1-B-2-016 Pursuant to 10 CFR 72.212, Conditions of General License Issued Under 10 CFR 72.210, for the Storage of Spent Fuel2016-10-20020 October 2016 Thirty-Day Notification for Dry Shielded Canister MNP-61 BTH-1-B-2-016 Pursuant to 10 CFR 72.212, Conditions of General License Issued Under 10 CFR 72.210, for the Storage of Spent Fuel PLA-7520, Registration for Use of Dry Fuel Storage Module D-15 and Thermal Performance Assessment2016-09-19019 September 2016 Registration for Use of Dry Fuel Storage Module D-15 and Thermal Performance Assessment ML16245A2172016-08-23023 August 2016 ISFSI - Submittal of Cask Registration for Spent Fuel Storage, Cask Certificate No. 1004 ML15190A3442015-06-22022 June 2015 Independent Fuel Storage Installation - Submittal of Cask Registration for Spent Fuel Storage PLA-7252, Registration for the Use of Dry Fuel Storage Module D-82014-11-17017 November 2014 Registration for the Use of Dry Fuel Storage Module D-8 ML13252A1422013-08-30030 August 2013 General License 30-day Cask Registration Notification and First System Thermal Performance Assessment ML11327A1442011-11-18018 November 2011 General License 30-day Cask Registration Notification ML0611604131996-01-31031 January 1996 Registration of Dry Spent Fuel Storage Cask Use and Cask Heat Transfer Characteristics 2023-11-08
[Table view] Category:(Amend) DKT 72
MONTHYEARML23293A3012023-11-0808 November 2023 Final Certificate of Compliance for the Standardized NUHOMS Horizontal Modular Storage System for Irradiated Nuclear Fuel ML23293A3022023-11-0808 November 2023 Final NUHOMS 1004 Amendment 18, Appendix C ML23293A3032023-11-0808 November 2023 Final NUHOMS 1004 Amendment 18, Appendix B ML23293A3042023-11-0808 November 2023 Final NUHOMS 1004 Amendment 18, Appendix a ML22203A1192022-05-20020 May 2022 Amendment 18 Proposed CoC and Technical Specifications ML22140A0252022-05-20020 May 2022 Tn America, LLC, Application for Amendment 18 to Standardized NUHOMS Certificate of Compliance No. 1004 for Spent Fuel Storage Casks, Revision 0 ML21109A3282021-05-0404 May 2021 CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 CoC ML21109A3292021-05-0404 May 2021 CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 Appendix a ML21109A3302021-05-0404 May 2021 CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 Appendix B Table of Contents ML21109A3312021-05-0404 May 2021 CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 Appendix B Text ML21109A3322021-05-0404 May 2021 CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 Appendix B Tables ML21109A3332021-05-0404 May 2021 CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 Appendix B Figures ML21109A3342021-05-0404 May 2021 CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 Appendix C ML20308A4872020-12-21021 December 2020 Proposed CoC 1004 Amendment No. 17 CoC ML20230A3182020-08-21021 August 2020 Final Certificate of Compliance No. 1004, Amendment 16, Model No. Standardized Nuhoms(R) Horizontal Storage Module (Hsm) ML18347B3352018-12-14014 December 2018 Final CoC 1004 Amendment 15 Certificate L-MT-18-067, Thirty (30) Day Notification Pursuant to 10 CFR 72.212, Conditions of General License Issued Under 10 CFR 72.210, for the Storage of Spent Fuel2018-11-0909 November 2018 Thirty (30) Day Notification Pursuant to 10 CFR 72.212, Conditions of General License Issued Under 10 CFR 72.210, for the Storage of Spent Fuel ML18228A5312018-10-25025 October 2018 ADAMS Reference 1: Proposed CoC No. 1004 Amendment No. 15 CoC (Memorandum to K. Morgan-Butler User Need for Rulemaking for the Standardized Nuhoms System, CoC No. 1004, Amendment No. 15) ML18088A1802018-03-22022 March 2018 to Application for Amendment 15 to Standardized Nuhoms Certificate of Compliance No. 1004 for Spent Fuel Storage Casks, Supplemental Response to First Request for Additional Information ONS-2017-066, Registration for Use of General License Spent Fuel Cask Numbers 147 and 1482017-09-20020 September 2017 Registration for Use of General License Spent Fuel Cask Numbers 147 and 148 ML17222A1502017-07-17017 July 2017 ISFSI - Cask Registration for Spent Fuel Storage Under Amended Certificate of Compliance No. 1004 L-MT-16-050, Thirty-Day Notification for Dry Shielded Canister MNP-61 BTH-1-B-2-016 Pursuant to 10 CFR 72.212, Conditions of General License Issued Under 10 CFR 72.210, for the Storage of Spent Fuel2016-10-20020 October 2016 Thirty-Day Notification for Dry Shielded Canister MNP-61 BTH-1-B-2-016 Pursuant to 10 CFR 72.212, Conditions of General License Issued Under 10 CFR 72.210, for the Storage of Spent Fuel PLA-7520, Registration for Use of Dry Fuel Storage Module D-15 and Thermal Performance Assessment2016-09-19019 September 2016 Registration for Use of Dry Fuel Storage Module D-15 and Thermal Performance Assessment ML16245A2172016-08-23023 August 2016 ISFSI - Submittal of Cask Registration for Spent Fuel Storage, Cask Certificate No. 1004 ML15190A3442015-06-22022 June 2015 Independent Fuel Storage Installation - Submittal of Cask Registration for Spent Fuel Storage PLA-7252, Registration for the Use of Dry Fuel Storage Module D-82014-11-17017 November 2014 Registration for the Use of Dry Fuel Storage Module D-8 ML13252A1422013-08-30030 August 2013 General License 30-day Cask Registration Notification and First System Thermal Performance Assessment ML11327A1442011-11-18018 November 2011 General License 30-day Cask Registration Notification ML0611604131996-01-31031 January 1996 Registration of Dry Spent Fuel Storage Cask Use and Cask Heat Transfer Characteristics 2023-11-08
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The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is issuing this certificate of compliance pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 72, "Licensing Requirements for Independent Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste" (10 CFR Part 72). This certificate is issued in accordance with 10 CFR 72.238, certifying that the storage design and contents described below meet the applicable safety standards set forth in 10 CFR Part 72, Subpart L, and on the basis of the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) of the cask design. This certificate is conditional upon fulfilling the requirements of 10 CFR Part 72, as applicable, and the conditions specified below.
Certificate No.
Effective Date (Certificate)
Expiration Date Docket No.
Amendment No.
Amendment Effective Date Package Identification No.
1004 1/23/95 1/23/2015 72-1004 18 12/18/2023 USA/72-1004 Renewed Effective Date Renewed Expiration Date Revision No Revision Effective Date 12/11/17 1/23/2055 0
NA Issued To: (Name/Address)
TN Americas LLC 7160 Riverwood Drive, Suite 200 Columbia, MD 21046 Safety Analysis Report Title TN Americas LLC, Final Safety Analysis Report for the Standardized NUHOMS Horizontal Modular Storage System for Irradiated Nuclear Fuel CONDITIONS This certificate is conditioned upon fulfilling the requirements of 10 CFR Part 72, as applicable, the attached Appendix A (Inspections, Tests and Evaluations), Appendix B (Technical Specifications),
Appendix C (ASME Code Alternatives), and the conditions specified below:
TECHNOLOGY The Standardized NUHOMS System is certified as described in the final safety analysis report (FSAR) and in the NRCs safety evaluation report (SER). The Standardized NUHOMS System is a horizontal, canister-based, dry spent fuel storage system. The Standardized NUHOMS System is comprised of a dry shielded canister (DSC), a horizontal storage module (HSM), and a transfer cask (TC). The welded metal DSC provides confinement and criticality control for the storage and transfer of spent fuel. The concrete HSM provides radiation shielding while allowing for cooling of the DSC and fuel by natural convection during storage. The TC is used to facilitate the loading of spent fuel into the DSC at the reactor spent fuel handling building, preparation of the DSC for storage operations, and subsequent transfer of the DSC into the HSM (and out of the HSM for eventual transport and disposal offsite or for other purposes). The TC provides the necessary radiation shielding during these operations.
The following DSC models are authorized for use in the Standardized NUHOMS System: 24P (Standard and Long Cavity), 24PHB (Standard and Long Cavity), 24PTH (24PTH-S, 24PTH-L, 24PTH-S-LC), 32PT (32PT-S100, 32PT-S125, 32PT-L100, 32PT-L125), 32PTH1 (32PTH1-S, 32PTH1-M, 32PTH1-L), 37PTH (37PTH-S, 37PTH-M), 52B, 61BT, 61BTH Type 1; 61BTH Type 2, 69BTH.
The two digits refer to the number of fuel assemblies stored in the DSC, the character P for pressurized water reactor (PWR) or B for boiling water reactor (BWR) is to designate the type of fuel stored, and T is to designate that the DSC is intended for transportation in a 10 CFR Part 71 approved package. The characters H or HB generally refer to designs qualified for fuel with burnup greater than 45 GWd/MTU, although certain designs, such as the 32PT, are now also qualified for fuel with burnup greater than 45 GWd/MTU.
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18 Page 2
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Variations of the DSC models have -S, -M or -L at the end to indicate the relative length of the DSCs (-S for short, -M for medium, and - L or -LC for long cavity configurations). Information concerning the fuel types, dose rate limits, or other TS applies to all variants if they are not explicitly mentioned in the CoC, ITE, or TS.
The following HSM models are authorized for use: Standardized HSM, HSM-H, and the HSM-H high seismic option, the HSM-HS.
The following TC models are authorized for use in the Standardized NUHOMS System: Standardized TC, OS197, OS197H, OS197L, OS200. Additional TCs include the OS197FC and the OS197FC-B variants of the OS197, the OS197HFC and the OS197HFC-B variants of the OS197H, and the OS200FC variant of the OS200, as described in the TS.
With the exception of the TC, fuel transfer and auxiliary equipment necessary for ISFSI operations are not included as part of the Standardized NUHOMS System referenced in this certificate of compliance (CoC). Such site-specific equipment may include, but is not limited to, special lifting devices, the transfer trailer and the skid positioning system.
The Standardized HSM and HSM-H reinforced concrete modules are designed to meet the requirements of ACI 349-85 and ACI 349-97 Editions, respectively.
Load combinations specified in ANSI 57.9-1984, Section are used for combining normal operating, off-normal, and accident loads for the HSM.
If an ISFSI site is located in a coastal salt water marine atmosphere, then any load-bearing carbon steel DSC support structure rail components of any associated HSM shall be procured with a minimum of 0.20 percent copper content or stainless steel material shall be used for corrosion resistance. For weld filler material used with carbon steel, 1% or more nickel bearing weld material would also be acceptable in lieu of 0.20% copper content.
II.1.b Dry Shielded Canister (DSC)
The DSCs are designed, fabricated and inspected to the maximum practical extent in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III, Division 1, Subsections NB, NF, and NG for Class 1 components and supports. The ASME code edition years and any addenda for the various DSC types are provided in the table below.
ASME code requirements for basket assemblies apply only to important to safety category A components.
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DSC Type Applicable Code Edition/Year 24P/52B/
24PHB ASME B&PV Code,Section III, Division 1, Subsections NB and NF 1983 Edition with Winter 1985 Addenda 61BT ASME B&PV Code,Section III, Division 1, Subsections NB, NG and NF, including Code Case N-595-1 1998 Edition with 1999 Addenda
- 32PT, 24PTH*
ASME B&PV Code,Section III, Division 1, Subsections NB, NG and NF, including Code Case N-595-2 1998 Edition with Addenda through 2000
- 61BTH, 32PTH1 ASME B&PV Code,Section III, Division 1, Subsections NB, NG and NF 1998 Edition with Addenda through 2000
- 69BTH, 37PTH ASME B&PV Code,Section III, Division 1, Subsection NB, NG, and NF 2004 Edition with Addenda through 2006
II.1.c Transfer Cask (TC)
The TC is designed, to the maximum practical extent in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III, Subsection NC for Class 2 vessels.
The ASME Code edition year and any addenda are provided in the table below.
TC Applicable Code Edition/Year OS197/OS197H OS197FC/OS197HFC OS197L/OS197FC-B OS197HFC-B ASME B&PV Code,Section III, Division 1, Subsection NC 1983 Edition with Winter 1985 Addenda OS200 OS200FC ASME B&PV Code,Section III, Division 1, Subsection NC 1998 Edition with Addenda through 2000 For the OS197L TC, the supplementary trailer shield is designed to resist the normal operating dead weight and handling loads in accordance with Manual of Steel Construction Allowable Stress Design, 9th Edition, American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc.
For the OS197L TC, the decontamination area shielding is designed to resist the normal operation dead weight, lifting loads, and seismic load in accordance with Manual of Steel Construction Allowable Stress Design, 9th Edition, American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc.
II.1.d ASME Code Alternatives ASME Code alternatives for DSC pressure boundary or confinement boundary components, DSC basket assembly components, and TC components, can be found in CoC Appendix C.
Proposed alternatives to the ASME code, other than the aforementioned ASME Code alternatives may be used when authorized by the Director of the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, or designee. The applicant should demonstrate that:
The proposed alternatives would provide an acceptable level of quality and safety, or 2.
Compliance with the specified requirements of ASME Code,Section III, Edition year and Addenda would result in hardship or unusual difficulty without a compensating increase in the level of quality and safety. Requests for exceptions in accordance with this section should be submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 72.4.
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II.2 STORAGE LOCATION DESIGN FEATURES The following storage location design features and parameters shall be verified by the system user to assure technical agreement with the UFSAR.
II.2.a Storage Configuration HSMs are placed together in single rows or back-to-back arrays. An end shield wall is placed on the outside end of any loaded outside HSM. A rear shield wall is placed on the rear of any single row loaded HSM.
A minimum of two (2) HSM-H modules are required to be placed adjacent to each other for stability during design basis flood loads.
A minimum of three (3) high seismic option HSM-H modules are to be connected with each other.
II.3 TC DESIGN FEATURES II.3.a The TC is designed and fabricated as a lifting device to meet NUREG-0612 and ANSI N14.6 requirements.
II.3.b The OS197L TC shall only be used with DSC models 61BT and 32PT. The following TC design features and parameters for the OS197L TC shall be verified by the system user to assure technical agreement with the UFSAR.
The OS197L TC decontamination area shielding shall be used for all LOADING OPERATIONS when the TC is not in the spent fuel pool or suspended on the crane. The OS197L TC trailer shielding shall be used for all TRANSFER OPERATIONS. This shielding is necessary to ensure the OS197L TC system provides adequate radiation protection when the TC is not in the pool, or when the TC is not handled by remote operations.
The bare OS197L TC, when carrying a loaded DSC, shall be handled using remote operations, including the use of laser/optical targeting and camera for confirmation of the cask location.
The placement of the Outer Top Shield of the Transfer Trailer Shield on the loaded OS197L TC shall take place in the FUEL BUILDING unless the FUEL BUILDING load limits would be exceeded. In that case, the placement of the Outer Top Shield takes place outside the FUEL BUILDING. If the placement of the Outer Top Shield is delayed due to building load limits, it must occur as soon as the Transfer Trailer has been moved to an area with acceptable load limits. The licensee must plan accordingly to minimize, to the greatest extent practicable, the delay of the placement of this Outer Top Shield.
During TRANSFER OPERATION of a loaded OS197L TC, every hour, visually monitor the Outer Top Trailer Shield vents and the opening around the cask ends for any sign of steaming which may indicate leakage of water from the cask neutron shield (NS). If steaming is determined to be due to leakage of NS water and not due to any rain or snow or other ambient conditions, then licensee must take appropriate corrective actions including use of supplemental cooling or replenishing the NS water or terminating the transfer operation and returning the loaded cask to the FUEL BUILDING for further assessment.
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RENEWED COC III.1 72.212 EVALUATIONS FOR RENEWED COC USE Any general licensee that initiates spent fuel dry storage operations with the Standardized NUHOMS Horizontal Modular Storage System after the effective date of the renewal of the CoC and any general licensee operating a Standardized NUHOMS Horizontal Modular Storage System as of the effective date of the renewal of the CoC, including those that put additional storage systems into service after that date, shall:
- a. as part of the evaluations required by 10 CFR 72.212(b)(5), include evaluations related to the terms, conditions, and specifications of this CoC amendment as modified (i.e., changed or added) as a result of the renewal of the CoC;
- b. as part of the document review required by 10 CFR 72.212(b)(6), include a review of the FSAR changes resulting from the renewal of the CoC and the NRC Safety Evaluation Report related to the renewal of the CoC; and
- c. ensure that the evaluations required by 10 CFR 72.212(b)(7) and (8) capture the evaluations and review described in (a.) and (b.) of this CoC condition.
III.2 AMENDMENTS AND REVISIONS FOR RENEWED COC All future amendments and revisions to this CoC shall include evaluations of the impacts to aging management activities (i.e. time-limited aging analyses and aging management programs) to assure they remain adequate for any changes to SSCs within the scope of renewal.
FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Yoira Diaz-Sanabria, Chief Storage and Transportation Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Appendix A. Inspections, Tests and Evaluations Appendix B. Technical Specifications Appendix C. ASME Code Alternatives Dated: November 8, 2023 Yoira K. Diaz-Sanabria Digitally signed by Yoira K. Diaz-Sanabria Date: 2023.11.08 09:04:37 -05'00'