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Forwards Dresden Nuclear Power Station Monthly Operating Summary Rept for June 1987.Info Previously Submitted on Annual Basis Now Included in Monthly Summary Rept
Person / Time
Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/01/1989
From: Eenigenburg E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20246L818 List:
89-553, NUDOCS 8907190005
Download: ML20246L814 (1)



7 s

N Commonwrith Edison e,L l

) Drrsdin Nucl:ar Pow:r Station

7 R.R. #1 i


/ Morris, Illinois 60450


Telephone 815/942-2920 July 1, 1989 EDE LTR: #89-553 Director, Nuclear Reactor Regulation United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Attention: Document Control Desk


Monthly Operating Data Report Dresden Nuclear Power Station Commonwealth Edison Company Docket Nos.50-010. 50-237 and 50-249 Gentlemen:

Enclosed is n e Dresden Nuclear Power P,tation Monthlv Operating Summary Bapp1_t for Juae 1989. This information is supplied to your office in accordance with the instructions set forth in Regulatory Guide 1.16.

Please note that the report format has been restructured in order to provide a more comprehensive data base.

Beginning with the January, 1989 report, the information which had been previously submitted to your attention on an annual basis in accordance with 10CFR50.59 is being included on a monthly basis as part of the monthly summary report.

In this manner, the 10CFR50.59 reporting information (including descriptions of facility changes, tests and experiments) will be submitted in a more timely manner.

Sincerely, E. D. Een ger[u Station M na'ger i

Dresden Nuclear Power Station EDE:JR:jmt Enclosure cc: Region III, Regulatory Operations, U.S. NRC Illinois Dept. of Nuclear Safety, State of Illinois U.S. NRC, Document Management Branch Nuclear Licensing Administrator Vice Pres. - BWR Operations General Manager, Tech. Serv.

G. Paramore (2)

NRC Senior Resident Inspector Site Quality Assurance Superintendent BWR Systems Group Comptroller's Office INPO Records Center File /NRC Op. Data File / Numerical 8907190005 890630


PDR ADOCK 05000010 i