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Forwards Inservice Insp Final Rept First Refueling Outage (Period 1/Outage 1), Vol 1 & 2,for Review
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 02/22/1989
From: Hairston W
Shared Package
ML20235N409 List:
NUDOCS 8903010197
Download: ML20235N407 (2)



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W. G. Hairston, m

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n m o" 5 ELV-00266 l 1003D February 22, 1989 j l

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l ATTN: Document Control Desk l Washington, D.C. 20555 PLANT V0GTLE - UNIT 1 NRC DOCKET 50-424 OPERATING LICENSE NPF-68 INSERVICE INSPECTION


REPORT Gentlemen:

Enclosed are Volumes 1 and 2 of the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 1 (Plant Vogtle Unit 1) Inservice Inspection Final Report which constitute the "0wner's Data Report for Inservice Inspection (Form NIS-1)"

required by Subsubarticle IWA-6230 of the American Society of Mechanical Ergineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, 1983 Edition with Addenda through Summer 1983. Inservice inspection activities which were conducted at Plant Vogtle Unit 1 during the Fall 1988 maintenance / refueling outage are discussed therein. Also included therein are "0wner's Reports for Repairs or Replacements (Form NIS-2)" for repairs and/or replacements performed at Plant Vogtle Unit 1 from 1986 through the Fall 1988 maintenance / refueling outage. Volumes 3 through 8 of the Inservice Inspection Final Report contain information not typically provided in the "0wner's Data Report for Inservice Inspection (Form NIS-1)", e.g.,

personnel certification, nondestructive examination procedures, etc. and are not included herein. Volumes 3 through 8, however, are available for review upon request at the plant site.

With regard to the NIS-2 reports on repairs and/or replacements, only the completed NIS-2 forms are being submitted. Any attachments, e.g., code data reports, etc., that are referenced in the completed NIS-2 forms are being assembled and will be made available for review upon request at the plant site.

Two copies of Volumes 1 and 2 of the Inservice Inspection Final Report for the Fall 1988 maintenance / refueling outage are provided for your review. A copy of each of the subject volumes is being provided to the NRC Region II office.

I 8903010197 890222 0 PDR ADOCK 05000424 5 Q PDC l[ p its l

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Georgia Power d ELV-00266 Page Two j

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Should there be any questions in this regard, please contact this i office.

Sincerely, lA. . -

W. G. Hairston, III 1 JAE/ijb  !


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Volumes 1 and 2 of Yogtle Electric Generating Plant Inservice Inspection Final Report, First Refueling Outage (Period 1/ Outage 1) xc: Georgia Power Company Mr. P. D. Rice (w/o encl.)

Mr. C. K. McCoy (w/o encl.)

Mr. G. Bockhold, Jr. (w/o encl. )

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. M. L. Ernst, Acting Regional Administrator Mr. J. B. Hopkins, Licensing Project Manager, NRR (2 copies)

Mr. J. F. Rogge, Senior Resident Inspector - Operations, Vogtle