IR 05000254/1987010

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Insp Repts 50-254/87-10 & 50-265/87-10 on 870414-17.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Ie Bulletin Followup, Electrical Maint,Instrumentation Maint & Training
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/24/1987
From: Gardner R, Westberg R
Shared Package
ML20209G420 List:
50-254-87-10, 50-265-87-10, IEB-84-02, IEB-84-2, NUDOCS 8704300546
Download: ML20209G448 (4)






Report Nos.:

50-254/87010; 50-265/87010 Docket Nos.:

50-254; 50-265 License Nos.: DPR-29; DPR-30 Licensee: Commonwealth Edison Company Post Office Box 767 Chicago, IL 60690 Facility Name: Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2 Inspection At: Cordova, IL Inspection Conducted: April 14-17,1987 Inspector:


k tY!)7 Rolf A. Westberg Date


Approved By:

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Ronald N. Gardner, Chief Date Plant Systems Section Inspection Summary Inspection on April 14-17, 1987 (Report Nos. 50-254/87010; 50-265/87010)

Areas Inspected: Routine safety inspection by one regional inspector of maintenance (62704)p (92703); electrical maintenance (62705); instrumentation IE Bulletin followu ; and training (41700).

Resul ts: No violations or deviations were identified.

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l 8704300546 870424 gDR ADOCK 05000254 PDR





Persons Contacted Commonwealth Edison Company (CECO)

  • T. Tamlyn, Production Superintendent
  • R. Robey, Services Superintendent
  • M. Kooi, Regulatory Assurance Supervisor
  • D. Gibson, Quality Assurance Superintendent
  • D. Craddick, Master Electrician L. Petrie, Assistant Superintendent, Maintenance R. Soenksen, IM Scheduler M. Brown, Quality Assurance Inspector U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC)

A. Morrongf ello, Resident Inspector The inspector also contacted other licensee and contractor personnel during the course of this inspection.

  • Denotes those present during the exit interview on April 16, 1987.


IE Bulletin Followup (Closed) IE Bulletin 84-02 (254/84002-BB; 265/84002-B8): Failures of General Electric Type HFA Relays in Use in Class IE Safety Systems.

The Quad Cities response to IEB 84-02 committed to the replacement of the HFA relay magnetic coil assemblies with the GE Century series assembly which has been environmentally and seismically qualified for a forty year energized life.

The inspector reviewed the HFA relay inspection checklist which listed all the HFA relays and their locations; reviewed Modification No.

M4-1(2)-85-22 and No. M4-1/2-85-6, including the punch lists which cross referenced the modification test work requests to the individual relays via the panel numbers; and reviewed a sample of the installation and test work requests. These reviews verified that all the HFA relay assemblies had been replaced and functionally tested with acceptable resulcs. This bulletin is considered closed.


Electrical and Instrumentation Maintenance The inspector reviewed the procedures for the corrective maintenance program relative to electrical and instrumentation maintenance. The attributes checked included: removal and return to service, use of latest approved drawings and instructions, establishment of QA/QC hold points, requirements for special authorization for activities involving welding, open flame or other ignition sources, provisions to insure that materials, parts, and components are suitable for their intended use, including



environmental qualification, control of housekeeping, control of jumpers and provisions to insure that personnel qualifications necessary to perform the maintenance activities have been delineated. The inspector also conducted interviews with selected personnel relative to their training.


Documents Reviewed'


QP 3-52, " Design Control For Operations - Plant Maintenance",

Revision 25 (2)

QP 3-52, Attachment A, " Station Work Request Flow Chart",

Revision 14 (3)

QP 5-51, " Instructions, Procedures and Drawings For Operations -

Station Procedures Manual", Revision 11 (4)

QP 5-51, Attachment A, " Instructions For Preparing Procedures for Station Manual", Revision 3 (5)

QAP 300-12, " System Temporary Alterations", Revision 13 (6)

QAP 300-S3, " Jumper or Block Installation Record", Revision 6 (7)

QAP 300-14, " Equipment Out-of-Service", Revision 13 (8)

QAP 1500-2, " Work Request Procedure For Station Maintenance",

Revision 27 (9)

QMP 100-3, " Fire Prevention For Welding and Cutting", Revision 7 (10) QMP 100-12, " Electrical Maintenance of Safety-Related and Nonsafety-Related Motor Operated Valves, Revision 5 (11) ENAMI, " Administration and Management Information for Electrical Maintenance Training", Revision 1 (12)

INAMI, " Administration and Management Information for Instrument Maintenance Training", Revision 1 (13) QMS 250-9, " Target Rock Solenoid Valve EQ Surveillance", Revision 3 (14) QMS 250-S1, "Limitorque MOV Maintenance and Surveillance",

Revision 4 (15) Safety-Related Work Requests:

(a) Q54812 b) Q53917 c) Q54685 d) 054432 (e) 050683 (f) Q48217 b.

Results of Inspection To determine that electrical and instrument maintenance was accomplished in accordance with the documented maintenance program, the inspector reviewed three completed electrical and instrument work requests.

This review verified that the required administrative approvals were obtained prior to starting work; the referenced procedures were approved and appeared adequate for the activity; functional testing, adjustments, and calibrations were completed prior to returning the equipment to operations; and that qualified personnel performed the activity.

No violations or deviations were identified in this area.

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Exit Interview The inspector met with licensee representatives (denoted in Paragraph 1)

on April 16, 1987, and summarized the purpose, scope and findings of the inspection. The inspector also discussed the likely informational content of the inspection report with regard to documents or processes reviewed by the inspector during the inspection. The licensee did not identify any such documents or processes as proprietary.