IR 07100130/2012004

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Discusses 871130-1204 Meetings W/Science Applications Intl Corp & Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Requirements of Suppl 1 to NUREG-0737.Response Requested within 30 Days of Ltr Receipt.List of Attendees Also Encl
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach, 07100130  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/24/1988
From: Wagner D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Fay C
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737 TAC-51270, TAC-51271, TAC-56152, TAC-56153, NUDOCS 8803010192
Download: ML20196E608 (5)




. Febnmry 24, 1988 5  ; DWagner NRC & Local pDRs OGC-WF1 PDIII-3 r/f EJordan KEPerkins JPartlow GHolahan ACRS(10)

Docket Nos. 50-266 PKreutzer and 50-301 Mr. C. W. Fay, Vice President Nuclear Power Department Wisconsin Electric Power Company .

231 W. Michigan Street, Room 308 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201

Dear Mr. Fay:



From November 30 to December 4,1987, the Nuclear Regulatory Comission (NRC)

staff and its consultants from Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) completed (1) a preimplementation audit of the Detailed Control Room Design Review (DCRDR), and (2) a postimplementation audit of the Safety Param-eter Display System (SPDS) at Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 (PBNP).

A list of the attendees is provided in Enclosure 1.  ;

As a result of the DCRDR audit, the NRC staff concludes that WEPC0 has met the following requirements of Supplerrent 1 to NUREG-0737, for the DCRDR:

1. Established a qualified mult1 disciplinary review team; 2. Used a function and task analysis for developing emergency operating procedures; 3. Compared the display and control room requirements with a control room inventory.

4. Completed a control room survey; 5. AssessedalltheHumanEngineeringDiscrepancies(HED's);

6. Verified that the selected design improvements provided the necessary correction of HED's (however, the licensee must apply the process for the element to unresolved HED's enumerated in Enclosure 2 under the selection of design improvements);

7.- Verified that improvements did not introduce new HED's (however, the licensee must apply the process for the element to unresolved HED's enumerated in Attachment 2 under the selection of design improvements);and


8803010192 080224 l PDR ADOCK 05000266 F ppa

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Mr. C. . Coordinated control room improvements with changes from other orograms such as SPDS, operator training, Regulatory Guide 1.97, and upgraded emergency operating procedures.

As a result of the SPDS audit, the NRC staff concludes that the licensee has met the following requirements of Supplement 1 to NUREG-0737 for the SPDS:

1. Provides a concise display of critical plant variables. ,

2. Has a high degree of reliability.

3. Displays minimum information to determine plant safety status with respect to five safety functions (Sup lement I to NUREG-0737, Paragraph 4.1.f): (a) reactivity control; b) reactor core cooling and heat removal from the primary system; c) reactor coolant system integrity; (d) radioactivity control; and (e) containrent conditions.

4. Procedures and operator training addressing actions with and without SPDS are implemented (Supplement 1 to NUREG-0737, Paragraph 4.1.c).

5. Isolation devices are acceptable.

The NRC staff also concludes that WEPC0 has not met the requirements of Supplement 1 to NUREG-0737 in a number of areas. Accordingly, a request for additionalinforma*, ion (RAI)concerningtheseareasisenclosedasEnclosure2.

We request that you respond to this RAI within 30 days of receipt of this letter.

This request for information affects fewer than 10 respondents; therefore OMB clearance is not required under Pub.L.96-511



Original Signed By:

i l

David H. Wagner Project Manager Project Directorate III-3 Division of Reactor Projects - III,


IV, V and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Enclosures:

As stated

See next page i




PDIII-3 PK er TDIT1-DWagaer/rl PDIh KEPe N ns


. DATE: 02 02/g88 02/Ay88 l




Mr. C. Point Beach Nuclear Plant Wisconsin Electric Power Company Units 1 and 2



Mr. Bruce Churchill, Esq.

Shaw, Pittman, Potts and Trowbridga 2300 N Street, N.W.

Washington, DC 20037 Mr. James J. Zach, Manager Point Beach Nuclear Plant Wisconsin Electric Power Company 6610 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, Wisconsin 54241 Town Chairman Town of Two Creeks Route 3 Two Rivers, Wisconsin 54241 Chairman Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Hills Farms State Office Building Hadison, Wisconsin 53702 ,

Regional Administrator, Region III U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Executive Director for Operations 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137 Resident Inspector's Office U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 6612 Nuclear Road Two Rivers Wisconsin 54241




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Enclosure 1 l G. J. Maxfield WEPC0 1 T. P. Sheley WEPC0 R. X. Hannaman WEPCO E. J. Mercier WEPCO S. A. Schiller WEPC0 J. C. Reisenbuechler WEPC0 M. G. Keehan WEPC0 H. Tobey General Physics Corporation Don Burgy General Physics Corporation W. Martin General Physics Corporation R. L. Hague NRC


, R. J. Leemon NRC Garmon West, Jr. NRC Joseph DeBor SAIC Barbara Glickstein SAIC


Gordon Byran Comex I





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Enclosure 2


RE0V!ST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A. Based on the DCRDR audit, the NRC staff concluded that WEPC0 had not met the requirements of Supplement I to NUREG-0737 concerning the selection of design improvements. As a result of this concern, the licensee committed to provide a submittal to the NRC regarding the following:

1. To provide information on any changes regarding safety-significant HED's since the Summary Report dated March 31, 1987.

2. To indicate what actions will be taken to resolve these pending HED's: 329, 497, 540, 608, 634, 647, and 809.

3. To verify that corrective actions for all safety-significant (Priority 1 or 2) HED's will be completed by 1990.

The NRC requests that the licensee provide a submittal to resolve these concerns within 30 days of receipt of this letter.

8. Based on the SPDS audit, the staff concluded that the licensee had not met the following requirements of Supplement 1 to NUREG-0737 for the SPDS:

1. Continuous display of plant safety status is not provided because (a) the SPDS display screen for Unit 2 can by controlled from Unit 1 and vice versa, and (b) information on radioactivity control is not displayed on lower level displays.

2. The location of the SPDS in the control room is not convenient because it faces away from the work station of two potential users, tne shift Supervisor (SS) and the Duty (Shift) Technical Advisor (DTA).

3. The SPDS design includes some human engineering discrepancies  ;

as follows: (a) setpoints are inconsistent across displays,  !

(b) for containment pressure, PSIA is provided on SPDS displays l while PSIG is indicated on control room panels, (c) subcooling I margin reads red during normal operation, and (d) a RECALL key that does not function is on the SPDS keyboard.

The licensee is requested to document any action taken to meet the above three requirements within 30 days of receipt of this letter, i


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