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Requests Util Address Generic Ltr 88-17 Re Loss of DHR During Nonpower Operation Accordingly,Due to Industry Responding Deficiently to Generic Ltr 87-12
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 12/02/1988
From: Murley T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Peterson F
GL-87-12, GL-88-17, NUDOCS 8812090233
Download: ML20196D921 (3)



Docket flo. 50-285 11r. F. M. Petersen DEC I 21988 President and Chief Executive Officer Oraha Public Power District 1623 Harney Street Oraha, Nebraska 68102

Dear l'r. Petersen:

SUCJECT: LOSS OF DECAY HEAT FEt:0 VAL, FORT Cath 0'Jft STATION We have just issued Generic Letter 88-17 which addresses loss of decay heat reraoyal (DFF) during nonpower operation.

This lett(r was issued because of the potential serious consequence of loss of shutdown cooling concurrent with significant core decay heat. Further, it is our belief that the industry as a whole has not aggressively responded to resolve the concern folicwing its identification in our earlier Ceneric Letter 87-12. In particular, the industry's response to the Generic Letter 87-12 was deficient in the areas of (1) prevention of accident initiation, (2) nitiga-tion of accidents before they potentially progress to core danage, and (3) centrol of radioactive naterial if a core dar: age accident should occur.

, Generic Letter 08-17 prescribes expediticus acticos which should irrediately case the concern; and parallel, tut longer tern, prograrred (rhanceraents which effectively address the root cause of the prc.blens and pernit greater flexi-bility in operation.

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Ke consider this issue to be of high priority and request that you assure that your organization addresses it accordirgly.

OrInjMfhtnedty S

h5cEsYifu*rley, Director i Office of Nucl(ar Reactor Regulation l

cc: See next page 01STRlLU110tl Di6cRt FiTe' NRC PDR PO4 Peading Local PDR t T. l'urity Plant File J. Snierek D. Crutchfield G. Holahan L. Rubenstein J. Calvo #N/

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\,..... DEC m 21988 Docket No. 50-285 Mr. F. M. Petersen President and Chief Executive Officer Omaha Public Power District 1623 Harney Street Omaha, Nebraska 68102

Dear Mr. Petersen:

SUCJECT: LOSS OF DECAY HEAT REP.0 VAL, FORT CALHOUN STATION We have just issued Generic Letter 88-17 which addresses loss of decay heat renoval(CPR)furingnonpoweroperation.

This letter was issued because of the potential serious consequence of loss of shutdown cooling concurrent with significant core decay heat. Furt'.er, it is our belief that the industry as a whole has not aggressively responded to resolve the concern following its identification in our earlier Generic Letter 87-12. In particular, the industry's response to the Generic Letter 87-12 was deficient in the areas of (1) prevention of accident initiation, (2) mitiga-tion of accidents before they potentially progress to core damage, and (3) centrol of radioactive material if a core damage accident should occur.

Generic Letter 88-17 prescribes expeditious actions which sheuld irmediately case the con:ern; and parallel, but longer term, prograrred enhancements which effectively address the root cause of the probleros and pernit greater flexi-bility in operation.

We cor sider this issue to be of high priority ar,d request that you assure that your organization addresses it accordingly.


, T -- f et /

Thomas E. Hurley, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation cc: See next page

Mr. F. M. Petersen Fort Calhoun Station President and Chief Executive Officer Unit No. I cc:

Harry H. Voigt. Esq.

LeBoeuf Law.b. Leiby & HacRae 1333 New Hampshire Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20036 Mr. Jack Jensen, Chairman Washington County Board of Supervisors Blair, Nebraska 680C8 Mr. Phillip Harrell, Resident inspector U.S. Puclear Regulatory Commission P. O. Box 309 Fort Calhoun, Nebraska 68023 Mr. Charles B. Brinkman, Manager Washington Nuclear Operations C-E Pcuer Systens

  • 7910 Uoodront Avenue Cethesda, Maryland 20814 Regier.61 Administrator, Region IV U.S. Nuclear Reguletory Commission Office of Executive Director for Operations 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, Texas 76011 .

Harold Eorchert, Director Division of Radiological Health Cepartrent of Fealth 301 Centennial Mall, South P.O. Box 95007 Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 W. G. Gates, Manager Fort Calhoun Station P. O. Box 399 Fort Calhoun, Nebraska 68023 Mr. Kenneth J. Morris Division Manager - Nuclear Operations Oraha Fublic Power District 1623 Harnet Street Oraha, Nebraska 68102