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Requests Further Extension of 10CFR50.49(g) Environ Qualification Deadline for Motorized Actuators on RHR Isolation Valves 2E11-F016A & B,Until Startup Date Following Next Refueling Outage in May 1985
Person / Time
Site: Hatch Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 07/24/1984
From: Gucwa L
To: Stolz J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NED-84-388, TAC-55488, TAC-55489, NUDOCS 8407300243
Download: ML20093J657 (2)


Georgia Power Company 333 Pedmont Avenue 0- *

  • Atlanta. Georgia 30308 Telephone 404 5266526 Manng Address:

Post Offce Box 4545 Atlanta, Gmrg:a 30302 L Georgia Power L. T. Gucwa tw southern ekt:rc s; stem Manager Nuclear Engineenng and Crue! Nuclear Engineer NED-84-388 ally 24, 1984 Director of M1 clear Reactor Regulation Attention: Mr. John F. Stolz, Olief Operating Reactors Branch No. 4 Division of Licensing U. S. Maclear Regulatory Oranission Washington, D. C. 20555 NBC DOCKET 50-366 OPERATING LICENSE NPF-5 EIMIN I. HA'IGI NUCLEAR PLANP UNIT 2 REVIJION OF EQUIP!ENT QUALIFICATION PROGRAM DEADLINE EXTENSION REQUEST FOR RHR ISOLATION VALVE AC'IUA'IORS Gentlemen:

Georgia Pover .Conpany (GPC) has diligently applied material and manpower resources. in order to meet the 10 CFR 50.49 reglirement to complete the Plant Hatch Unit 2 eglipment . gialification program daring the current refueling outage. _ Although we have been able to complete almost all of the Unit 2 program, unforeseen problems with seismic cpalification have rea11ted in our inability to meet the altage based deadline '(start-up following tile second refueling outage after March 31, 1982) for a few eglipment items.

By letter ' dated ally 12, 1984 (NED-84-334), GPC reglested an extension of the 10 CFR 50.49(g) environmental gialification deadline to March 31, 1905, for the motorized actuators on Plant Hatch Unit 2 RHR isolation valves 2 Ell-M16A&B. We now wish to further extend this deadline until the startup date following - the next Unit 2 refueling ' outage (airrently estimated to begin in' May, 1985), since replacement of these valves and actuators will reglire a cold shitdown condition.

Since the ally 12, 1984 albnittal, GPC has additionally discovered that the new smaller motorized actuators procured for the 2 Ell-W21A&B valves may not be delivered to Plant: Hatch in time for installation during this cutage. 'Ihe location of these valves also dictates that a cold shatdown condition .be entered before the work can be performed. 'Iterefore, GPC reglests that the '10 CFR 50.49 environmental gialification deadline for Plant Hatch Unit- 2 valves 2 Ell-F021A&B also be extended to the startup date followinJ the next Unit 2 refueling outage.

8407300243 840724 d PDR ADOCK 05000366 ,


li GeorgiaPower1 Director of M1 clear Reactor PeJ11ation Attention: . Mr. John F. Stolz, Chief Operating Reactors Branch No. 4 ally 24, 1984 Page 'IWo GIC originally purchased environmentally 91alified motorized actuators for the four subject valves. narirg the process of reanalyziry seismic qualification, GPC discovered that the new actuators were too large to meet the seismic specifications. This problem was diso2ssed durirg the Plant Hatch g2alification program meeting between GPC and the NRC staff on February 14, 1984 in Bethesda, Maryland. 02r letters dated March 30, 1984 (NED-84-161) and April 3, 1984 (NED-84-076) documented these problems and served as the notification reg 2 ired by 10 GR 50.49(h) . GPC has attenpted to resolve the seismic problems with these four valve / actuator assemblies using refined analysis technigles since February 22, 1984, when the Walworth Coppany . (Aloyco Division) issued a report which described these problems.

This approach was mccessful with three other alch assemblies at Plant Hatch and until J2ne of this year, GPC had confidence that it would mcceed using these techniqles with the four albject eg2ipnent itens. After extensive effort, it was determined that these analyses co21d not bring the eglipnent within the seismic envelope. Therefore, GPC attempted proalrement of lighter weight actuators which would still meet envirormental g2alification as well as other reg 2irements. GPC mbseg2ently determined that replacement of the 2 Ell-M)l6A&B globe valves would be reg 2 ired in order to meet all regtirements and specifications for those applications. A purchase order for these new valves was issed to the Anchor /barling Valve Conpany on July 19, 1984. Die to the difference in valve type, GPC was able to locate smaller actuators which meet both the envirormental gjalification and seismic specifications for the 2 Ell-F021A&B applications. GPC had previously made plans to install these smaller actuators during the current autage. However, we now have reason to believe that these actuators may not l= be delivered to Plant Hatch in time for installation durirg this outage.

The only other Hatch-2 eglipment items that will not be fully gjalified by the reg 21atory deadline are the hydrogen and oxygen analyzers. A deadline extension reg 2est for those devices was subnitted on J21y 17,1984 (NED-84-383) .

Sincerely yours,

[WAM L. T. G1 cwa CBS/

xc: H. C. Nix, Jr.

J. P. O'Reilly (NRC- Recion II)

Senior Resident Inspector roons

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