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Provides Interim Response to IE Bulletin 83-07, Apparently Fraudulent Products Sold by Ray Miller,Inc. Matls Supplied by Primary Suppliers Listed.Investigation of Subtier Suppliers in Progress.Final Rept Expected by 840624
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/12/1984
From: Foster D
To: James O'Reilly
GN-329, IEB-83-07, IEB-83-7, NUDOCS 8403290037
Download: ML20087M131 (5)


  • Route 2, Box 299A O Waynesboro, Gocrgia 30830 Telephone 404 554 9961. Ext. 33G0 404 7208114. Ext. 3%0 D. O. Fost., Georgia Power ce Pres dent and Generat Managor March 12, 1984 United States Nuclear Regulatory Comission


Office of Inspection and Enforcement RII: JP0:

Region II - Suite 3100 50-424 101 Marietta Street 50-425 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Attention: Mr. James P. O'Reilly File: X7BC24 Log: GN-329 Gentlemen:

The following is submitted in response to I&E Bulletin 83-07, "Apparently Fraudulent Products Sold by Ray Miller, Inc.:"

Due to its depth and magnitude, Georgia Power Company has been unable to complete its evaluation of this matter within the time allotted in the Bulletin. By reviewing the information provided in the attachments to the Bulletin, Georgia Power Company identified thirteen primary suppliers which may have provided materials from Ray Miller, Inc. These suppliers were contacted and requested to research their records to identify any material supplied to the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant which originated from Ray Miller, Inc. From information provided by the suppliers we were able to identify the following materials from Ray Miller, Inc.:

(1) One ten foot section of Schedule 40 S/S 304L 1 1/4" pipe was supplied by Modern Welding Company, Inc. This material was used in the fabrication of sumps but was subsequently scrapped because the sumps failed to meet specification requirements.

(2) Eight 3/4" 3000# SCRD couplings tagged 7068, two 6" 150#

WNRF 40S 304 flanges, two 6" 90LR 405 304L elbows and two 4" 90SR 40S 304L elbows were used in the fabrication of the vacuum degasifier in the Unit 1 Auxiliary Feed-waterSystem(PlantEquipmentNo.1-1302-D4-001-E01).

This equipment is non-safety-related.

(3) Eight 3/4" 3000#tSCRD couplings tagged 7069, two 4" 90EL '

40S 304L elbows, and four 4" 150# WNRF flanges were used in the fabrication of the vacuum degasifier in the Unit 1 Reactor Makeup Water Storage Tank and Degasifier System (Plant Equipment No. 1-1228-D4-001-E01). This equipment is non-safety-related.

8403290037 840312 PDR ADOCK 05000424 G PDR .~



t !i

Mr. James P. O'Reilly 50-424/50-425 Page Two Items (2)and(3)abovehavebeendocumentedinDeviationReportMD-5565 to allow further evaluation of the material by engineering.

Georgia Power Company; through its architect / engineer, Bechtel Power Corporation; is now expanding its investigation of this concern to its sub-tier suppliers. Bechtel has advised that the investigation is ex-pected to be completed by June 15, 1984. Attachment "a" to this letter shows the schedule for completing the investigation and Attachment "b" provides a step-by-step plan of action. Georgia Power Company expects to provide the NRC with a report of the final results of the investiga-tion on or about June 24, 1984.

This reply contains no proprietary information and may be placed in the NRC's Public Document Room.

Very uly yo s, a

. 0. Foster REF/D0F/tdm D. O. Foster states that he is the Vice President and Project General Manager of the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant and is authorized to execute this oath on behalf of Georgia Power Company and that to the best of his knowledge an lief the facts set forth in this letter are true.


/ -

U. N Fostef Sworn to and subscribed before me this /.L day of March, 1984.

O n,,J n/ a lon d L


U Attachment  % %. Gema. stateat ta.w My Commis9CO ECitts Oct. 26.1984

'.xc: U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk W&sfiington, D.C.- 20555 xc: 0. Batum J. A. Bailey E. D. Groover L. T. Gucwa M. Malcom-G. Bockhold, Jr.

P. D. Rice W. F. Sanders


. TASK 2-6-84 3-1-84 4-13-84 I. V V V Compile list of end-users'and subtier suppliers Interim Response g c:

ta 4-2-84 4-20 M >

II. V T Identify and locate material y at Jobsite :o n 3.

4-23-84 5-18-84' en M

III Y Y Evaluate safety g significance of .m' material @

M 5-7-84 6-15-84 IV V T Prepare'and issue Final Response L. _______ _ -- -



TASK NO. DESCRIPTION i I. Compile list of end-users and subtier suppliers who supplied Ray Miller, Inc. material.

A. Request summary'from G?C site of-vendors contacted and copies of~ vendor responses.

Reference 2 of cover letter has requested that information. The response was received February 24, 1984.

B. Review and compile GPC response.

C. Review and compile list of end-users and subtier suppliers using information provided in IEB 83-07, Supplement-I and IEB 83-07, dated July 22, 1983.

D. Review and compile list of end-users and subtier suppliers using BPC Procurement supplier Quality Department files.

E. Obtain responses from end-users-and subtier suppliers who have not previously responded.

II Identify and locate Ray Miller supplied material.

A. Request GPC site to-identify and locate supplied, suspect material based on informa-tion supplied by BPC.

B. Compile list of material to be evaluated based on GPC response; plant location, where installed or in stock, material product form, purchase order number, material identification and heat-number.

III Evaluate safety significance of installed material or stock. NOTE: Evaluate material for ASME III, classes 1, 2, 3 Land MC. assuming'the

. fraudulent described or that the material fails. .

A. Determine disposition ~of; installed material:'

l. .Use-as-is, rework, repair, remove and

, replace.

2.- LAdvise GPC' site of disposition and  ;

required _ action.-

a 1 of ~.2 c-


. . ATTACHMENT b B. Determine disposition of material in stock

.but not installed:

1. Use criteria stated in IEB 83-07, dated July 22, 1983, paragraph 3.
2. Advise GPC site.of disposition and required action.

IV Tabulate results and prepare final technical evaluation for GPC.

2 of ' 2 -
