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Environ RO 76-6:on 760120,sewage Plant Effluent Suspended Solids Exceeded ETS Limit.Caused by Solids Carried Over from Settling Zone Into Chlorine Contact Zone & Effluent.Sludge Return Line Blown Back W/Svc Air
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/30/1976
From: Cooney M
To: Stello V
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RO-76-6, NUDOCS 8401100492
Download: ML20086G259 (2)


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Q u f.'

PHILADELPHI A ELECTRIC COM PANY 2301 M ARKET STREET PHILADELPHI A, PA.19101 1215) 041 4o0o Januar'y 30, 1976

fir. J. P. O'Reilly Director, Region 1 Office of Inspection and Enforcement U. S. Nucicar Regula tory Commission

. 631 Park Avenuo King of Prussia, PA 19406

Dear fir . O 'Rei l ly:



Envi ronmental Deviation The following deviation was repor ted to tir. Walt Baunack, Office of Inspection and Enforcement, Region 1, United States flucIcar Regulatory Commi ssion on January 21, 1976.


License Number DPR 't4/56 Enfi ronmental Technical Speci fication: 2.2.2

, Report No.: 50-277/270-76-6

-Report Date: January 30, 1976 Deviation Date: January 20, 1976 Facility: Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Uni t s 2 & 3 R.D. #1, Delta, Pennsylvania 17314 Identi fication of Deviation:

Sewage plant ef fluent suspended solids in excess of the Envi ronmental Technical Speci fication limi t.

Description of Devia tion:

I l

Routine gravimetric analysis showed that the suspended


solids concentration of the sewage plant effluent was 62 ppm greater than that of the riverwater.

Designation of Apparent Cause of Deviation:

An investigation revealed that solids had been carried over I from the settling zone into the chlorine contact tank and from the chlorine contact tank to the ef fluent because of high flow.

B401100492 760130 gDRADOCK 05000277t PDR,

2 V' -

LJ Mr. J. P. O'Reilly 50-277/278-76-6 January 30, 1976 Pape 2 Analysis of Deviation:

The seware plant effluent suspended solids conc entra t ion was above the Environmental Technical Speci fica tion limit for a pcried of approximately four hours. Because the seware plant ef fluen t i :,

diluted by a fac tor of approxima tely 100,000 wi th circula ting '. t er flow and due to the short period of time the ef fluent was above the Environmental Technical Specification limi t , the environmcntal impact of the deviation i s minimal .

Corrective Ac* ion:

1 The sludre return line was blown back with scrvice air to increase sludge return flow. The settlinc zone solids were pu~ ped back to the dicestion tank to decrease the solids inventory in she settlinn zone.

Failure Data:

Envi ronmental Devia tion Repor t 50-277/278-76-4, 50-27//270-76-2, and 50-277/278-74-10.

Very truly yours, M. . Cooney Superintendent Generation Divi sion - Nuclear I

cc: Mr. J. G. Davis (f;RC )

Mr. W. G. Mcdonald (NRC) l l


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