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Requests Confirmatory Order Re IE Bulletin 80-17, Failure of Control Rods to Insert During Scram at BWR, Be Rescinded
Person / Time
Site: Dresden Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/24/1982
From: Rausch T
To: Deyoung R
REF-SSINS-6820 IEB-80-17, NUDOCS 8203290214
Download: ML20049J917 (3)


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- Commonw3cith Edison y/ 7 Address Reply to Post Office Box 767 one Orst National _P1ata. CNeago. Ilhnois y Chicago, Illinois 60690 l

March 24, 1982 l

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s Mr. Richard C. DeYoung, Director p/

Of fice o f Inspection and Enforcement ff ' MW;g



9 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission E

n u"79 g 798 4 ;

Washington, D.C.



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Dresden Station Unit 3 Request that Confirmatory Oroers

.y Related to I.E.Bulletin 80-17 Be Rescinded, and Removal and Deletion o f I.E.Bulletin 80-17 Actions NRC Docket No. 50-249 References (a):

1.E.Bulletin 80-17 and Supplements


1, 2, 3 and 4.


G. Keppler letters to Cordell Reed dated July 3, July 18, July 22, August 22 and December 19, 1980.


D. G. Eisenhut letter to All BWR Licensees dated October 1, 1980.

3 (c):

R. Janecek letter to D. G. Eisenhut dated January 15, 1981.


D. G. Eisenhut letter to All BWR Licensees dated December 9, 1980.

4 i

(Generic SER Transmittal)


V. Stello, Jr. letter to Cordell Reed dated October 2, 1980.

(Confirmatory Orders)


R. Janecek to letter to J. G. Keppler dated September 2, 1980.

i Dea r Mr. DeYoung:

i j

In response to the NRC Reference (b) request, Commonwealth Edison indicated in Reference (c) that long term design modifica-tions would be made to the Dresden and Quad Cities Scram Discharge 3

2 Volume (SDV) systems.

These modifications are being implemented at Dresden Unit 3 in the current refueling outage, and are expected to be completed a t that unit no later than the week o f March 29, 1982.


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R. C. DeYoung March 24, 1982 Generally, the codifications include two Scram Discharge Instrument Volume (SDIVs), improved communications between the SDV headers and the SDIVs, diverse and redundant scram sensor instrumen-tation, dedicated and positive vents with two air-operated isolation valves, two air-operated isolation valves on the drain lines, and diverse power supplies for the instrumentation and controls.

This installation completely satisfies the requirements o f the NRC Generic SER of BWR SDV systems transmitted by Reference (d).

Fo r a complete discussion o f how the modified SOV system meets the NRC SER Sa fety, Operational, and Design criteria, see the enclosed Dresden Unit 3 amendment request dated March 18, 1982.

Because the modified Dresden Unit 3 scram discharge system satisfies the Long Term Program Criteria o f the Generic SER, and because this modified system now reliably provides to the control room operators all information concerning system operation necessary to ensure safe operation o f the unit, the following equipment and actions previously required are clearly no longer applicable, and will be removed and/or deleted:

1 The SDV Continuous Monitoring System (CMS) required by I.E.Bulletin 80-17 Supplements 1 and 4 and the Confirmatory Order o f Re ference (e) will be removed from Dresden 3 and all associated surveillances will be deleted.

All operator actions associated with the CMS (i.e. manual scram on SDV hi-hi water level alarm) will no longer be required.


Testing o f the SDIV level switches af ter each scram event as required by I.E.Bulletin 80-17 Supplement 3 will no longer be performed.

Supplemen t 3 specifi-cally acknowledges that this testing is not required subsequent to the long term modifications.


Purging the SDV vent a f ter each scram event as committed in Reference (f) will no longer be performed.

We believe that I.E.Bulletin 80-17 (including supplements) and the Reference (e) Confirmatory Order are implicity applicable only until modifications satisfying the Long Term Program Criteria o f the Generic SER are implemented.

Furthermore, we believe that these modifications at Dresden Unit 3 provide equivalent information to the operator, with a greater level o f safety and reliability than the Continuous Monitoring System required by the Confirmatory Order.

Considering the above, we hereby request that the October 2, 198D, Dresden Station Unit 3 Confirmatory Order be rescinded.

Because (1) the long term modifications necessitated the removal and i


C. DeYoung March 24, 1982 partial destruction of the interim CMS from this unit and (2)

Dresden Unit 3 will be concluding the current refueling outage as early as April 26, 1982, your expeditious a ttention to this matter is imperative.

This subject was discussed with Mr. R.

Spessard o f Region III in a March 24, 1982, telepone conversation.

Please address any questions you may have concerning this matte r to this of fice.

Very truly yours, W

Then.a s J.

Rausch Nuclea r Licensing Aaministrator im Enclosure cc:


R. Denton (s/ enc.)



Keppler ( w / enc. )



Spessard (w/ enc.)

Region III Inspecto r - Dresden ( w / enc. )
