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Submits Info Requested by NRC 800327 Telcon.Descibes Mod of Acceptance Criteria & Justification for Removal of Fines by Temporary Well Point Dewatering Sys
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 04/07/1980
From: Dutton D
To: James O'Reilly
GM-601, NUDOCS 8004140336
Download: ML19305D296 (2)


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Georgia Power Company Post Office Box 4545 L Atlanta, Georgia 3o302 Telephone 404 522-606o Vogtle Project Southem Company Services, Inc.

Post Office Box 2625 Birmingham, Alabama 35202 Telephone 205 870-6011 April 7,1980 United States Nuclear Regulatory Comission File: X2AP01, Office of Inspection and Enforcement X2BE08 Region II - Suite 3100 Log: GM-601 101 Marietta Street, N.W.

Atlanta, GA 30303 Attn: Mr. James P. O'Reilly RE: (1) Telephone conversation (3-27-80) with Mr. Milton Hunt and Mr. Jack Harris of Nuclear Regulatory Commission Inspection and Enforcement; Mr. Owen Thempson of Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Nuclear Reactor Regulation; Mr. Bob Bush of Furgo, Inc.

(Dewatering consultant to Buchtel Power Corporation);

Mr. Valt Ferris, Mr. Terry Claunch, Mr. Don Armstrong of Bechtel Power Corporation; Mr. Harry Gregory, Mr.

Ed Groover, and other members of the Georgia Power Company staff.

(2) Letter dated January 1,1980 from Doug Dutton to Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Log GM-546).


As agreed to during the referenced telephone conversation, we are sub-mitting the following information:

(1) A modification of the acceptance criteria (#3 of referenced letter) for removal of fines by temporary well point dewatering systems at Plant Vogtle. This criteria has been changed to read.

Daily checking of the discharge water shall be performed visually ,

using a reference sample containing 5 ppm of sand particles as  !

a basis for evaluation. For testing purposes sand particles shall l be considered those particles greater than or equal to 60 microns. i l

Laboratory testing for 5 ppm shall be performed in accordance with ASTM D 1888-78, method B as specified in paragraph thru  ; except that a 40 to 60 micron filter shall be substituted  ;

for the .45 micron filter specified. In addition, the total suspended  !

solids (i.e., sands, silts and clays) shall be determined in accordance l with ASTM D 1888-78 as specified in paragraph thru  !

particulate matter and based on a .45 micron filter. Total suspended l O

8 004140k.

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Mr. James P. O'Reilly Page 2 April 7, 1980 (1) Continued solids determined by this method shall not exceed 50 ppm. A minimum of three representative effluent samples shall be submitted ei for laboratory analysis on a weekly basis during the dewatering jh operation. This analysis shall include tests usina both 40 to 60 1:-c.

micron and .45 micron filters. Any samples which appear visibly. ' Uz -

clouded in comparison with the 5 ppm reference sample shall be immediately submitted for' laboratory analysis. Testing shall not include a determination of dissolved solids. ,

The above~ criteria is' in e'ffect as of this date. .

(2)' A ' justification for this action by Bechtel Power Corporation in the form of a lett'er from Dr. M. -Z. Jeric to Mr. K. M. Gillespie (AttachmentOne).

In accordance with the agreements reached in the referenced telephone conversation, the temporary well point dewatering systems have been monitored.

to the 50 ppm total suspended solids criteria since March. 27,1980, and have

- not exceeded or approached these limit' .

Further, as agreed, this letter is intended to serve as confirmation of the March 27, 1980, telephone conversation as well as submit the modified criteria and justification.


This response contains no proprietary informat! ion and may be placed in the flRC Public Document Rooms upon receipt.

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D ug Dutton HHG/DED/db Project General Manager ,




cc: J. H.11111er, Jr.

W. E. Ehrensperger R. E. Conway R. W. Staffa J. A. Bailey M. Z. Jeric K. M. Gillespie E. D. Groover pfrector of Nuclear Reactor Regulations l VAttn: L. Rubenstein