L-99-161, Monthly Operating Repts for Mar 1999 for Jm Farley Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With

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Monthly Operating Repts for Mar 1999 for Jm Farley Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/1999
From: Marlar W, Dennis Morey
NEL-99-0161, NEL-99-161, NUDOCS 9904160152
Download: ML20205N096 (6)



, Dave Morey Southern Nuclear Vice President Operating Company i farley Project PO 8cx 1295 Bammgham. Alabama 35201


. . Tel 205 992 5131 April 9, 1999 SOUTHERN Docket Nos.: 50-348 COMPANY Energy ro Serve nurworW" 50-364 NEL-99-0161 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l ATIN: Document Control Desk  ;

Washington, D. C. 20555-0001 Joseph M. Earley Nuclear Plant Monthly Operating Report Ladies and Gentlemen:

Enclosed are the March 1999 Monthly Operating Reports for Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Units I and 2, as required by Section of the Technical Specifications.

) If you have any questions, please advise.

Respectfully submitted, ff }lC "'

Dave Morey RWC:mor


1. March Monthly Operating Report for Plant Farley Unit 1
2. March Monthly Operating Report for Plant Farley Unit 2 i


9904160152 990331 PDR ADOCK 05000348 R PDR ,

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l Page 2 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission I

cc: Southern Nuclear Operating Company l Mr. L. M. Stinson, General Manager l

l U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D. C.

Mr. J.1. Zimmerman, Licensing Project Manager - Farley U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region 11 Mr. L. A. Reyes, Regional Administrator l Mr. T. P. Johnson, Senior Resident inspector - Farley 1

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DATE: April 5,1999 COMPLETED llY: W. L Marlar l TELEPIIONE: (334) 814-4554 OPERATING STATUS

1. Reporting Period: M ARCII 1999
2. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 854
3. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 847 This Month Year to Date Cumulative ,


4. Number OfIlours Reactor Was Critical: 744.0 2,160.0 151,063.2
5. Ilours Generator On-line: 744.0 2,160.0 148,919.7
6. Unit Reserve Shutdown llours: 0.0 0.0 0.0
7. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWil): 594,856.0 1,782,018.0 117,316,335.0 l l

l l

CilALLENGES TO PRESSURIZER PORY OR PRESSURIZER SAFETY VALVES Date Iag No. Event Description There were no challenges to Pressurizer PORV or Pressurizer Safety Valves.

1 El-1

l l . l l UNIT SIIUTDOWNS DOCKET NO,: 50-348 UNIT NAME: J. M. Farley - Unit i DATE: April 5,1999 COMPLETED IW: W. L Marlar REPORTING PERIOD: MARCil 1999 TELEPilONE: (334) 814-4554 Type Method of F: Forced Duration . Reason Shutting Down Cause/ Corrective Actions No. Date S: Scheduled (llours) (1) (2) Comments There were no unit shutdowns during the month. ,

1 l

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tt) Ki. ANON. ti) MLiiIUL)

A Equipment Failure (Explain) 1 - Nf anual II - Ntaintenance or Test 2 - Manual Trip / Scram C - Refueling 3 - Automatic Tnp/ Scram D - Regulatory Restriction Continuation l' - Operator Training / License Examination 5 - Other (1 xplain)

F- Administratise G - Operational 1-rror (Explain) ll - Other (Explain)


i l

l NARRATIVE REPORT On 990305 at 1710, Unit I was ramped down to 15% power for a Steam Generator chemistry flush. The unit was returned to 100% power on 990308 at 1947, 1

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l E l-2 f

i y .-

OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO.: 50-364 UNIT NAME: J. M. Farley - Unit 2 DATE: April 5,1999 COMPLETED BY: W. L Marlar TELEPilONE: (334) 814 4554 l


1. Reporting Period: MARCII 1999 j
2. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 855 j
3. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 852  !

l This Month Year to Date Cumulative I

4. Number OfIlours Reactor Was Critical: 744.0 2,160.0 134,628.4 j
5. Ifours Generator On-line: 744.0 2,160.0 132,805.4 l
6. Unit Reserve Shutdown flours: 0.0 0.0 0. 0
7. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWII): 512,555.0 1,722,986.0 105,822,272.0  ;

l l

CIIALLENGES TO PRESSURIZER PORV OR PRESSURIZER SAFETY VALNES Date I ag No. Event Description There were no challenges to Pressurizer PORV or Pressurizer Safety Valves.

l 1


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DOCKET NO.: 50-364 l UNIT NA51E: J. M. Farley - Unit 2 i DATE: April 5,1999 CO31PLETED IW: W. L. Marlar REPORTING PERIOD: M ARCll 1999 TELEPilONE: (334) 814-4554 l Type NIethod of F: Forced Duration - Reason Shutting Down Cause/ Corrective Actions No. Date S: Scheduled (flours) (1) (2) Comments l

There were no unit shutdowns during the month.

1 o , ataso.s u, mu nou.

A - I quipment I ailure (Explain) 1 - Manual H . Maintenance or Test 2 - Manual Trip / Scram C - Refueling 3 - Automatic Tnp/ Scram j D - Regulatory Restriction 4 Continuation '

I: - Operator Training I.ieense I samination 5 Other (Explain)

F - Administratise G - Operational I rror (Explain)

II - Other (Explain)

CAUSE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION / COMMENTS NARRATIVE REPORT On 990319 at 2200, Unit 2 was ramped to 50% power to conserve fuel for summer as directed by Alabama Control Center.

The unit achieved 50% power on 990320 at 0435.

The unit continued to operate at 50% power for the remainder of the month.




, Dave Morey Southern Nuclear Vice President Operating Company i farley Project PO 8cx 1295 Bammgham. Alabama 35201


. . Tel 205 992 5131 April 9, 1999 SOUTHERN Docket Nos.: 50-348 COMPANY Energy ro Serve nurworW" 50-364 NEL-99-0161 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l ATIN: Document Control Desk  ;

Washington, D. C. 20555-0001 Joseph M. Earley Nuclear Plant Monthly Operating Report Ladies and Gentlemen:

Enclosed are the March 1999 Monthly Operating Reports for Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Units I and 2, as required by Section of the Technical Specifications.

) If you have any questions, please advise.

Respectfully submitted, ff }lC "'

Dave Morey RWC:mor


1. March Monthly Operating Report for Plant Farley Unit 1
2. March Monthly Operating Report for Plant Farley Unit 2 i


9904160152 990331 PDR ADOCK 05000348 R PDR ,

f 1 1 \

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l Page 2 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission I

cc: Southern Nuclear Operating Company l Mr. L. M. Stinson, General Manager l

l U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D. C.

Mr. J.1. Zimmerman, Licensing Project Manager - Farley U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region 11 Mr. L. A. Reyes, Regional Administrator l Mr. T. P. Johnson, Senior Resident inspector - Farley 1

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DATE: April 5,1999 COMPLETED llY: W. L Marlar l TELEPIIONE: (334) 814-4554 OPERATING STATUS

1. Reporting Period: M ARCII 1999
2. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 854
3. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 847 This Month Year to Date Cumulative ,


4. Number OfIlours Reactor Was Critical: 744.0 2,160.0 151,063.2
5. Ilours Generator On-line: 744.0 2,160.0 148,919.7
6. Unit Reserve Shutdown llours: 0.0 0.0 0.0
7. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWil): 594,856.0 1,782,018.0 117,316,335.0 l l

l l

CilALLENGES TO PRESSURIZER PORY OR PRESSURIZER SAFETY VALVES Date Iag No. Event Description There were no challenges to Pressurizer PORV or Pressurizer Safety Valves.

1 El-1

l l . l l UNIT SIIUTDOWNS DOCKET NO,: 50-348 UNIT NAME: J. M. Farley - Unit i DATE: April 5,1999 COMPLETED IW: W. L Marlar REPORTING PERIOD: MARCil 1999 TELEPilONE: (334) 814-4554 Type Method of F: Forced Duration . Reason Shutting Down Cause/ Corrective Actions No. Date S: Scheduled (llours) (1) (2) Comments There were no unit shutdowns during the month. ,

1 l

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tt) Ki. ANON. ti) MLiiIUL)

A Equipment Failure (Explain) 1 - Nf anual II - Ntaintenance or Test 2 - Manual Trip / Scram C - Refueling 3 - Automatic Tnp/ Scram D - Regulatory Restriction Continuation l' - Operator Training / License Examination 5 - Other (1 xplain)

F- Administratise G - Operational 1-rror (Explain) ll - Other (Explain)


i l

l NARRATIVE REPORT On 990305 at 1710, Unit I was ramped down to 15% power for a Steam Generator chemistry flush. The unit was returned to 100% power on 990308 at 1947, 1

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l E l-2 f

i y .-

OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO.: 50-364 UNIT NAME: J. M. Farley - Unit 2 DATE: April 5,1999 COMPLETED BY: W. L Marlar TELEPilONE: (334) 814 4554 l


1. Reporting Period: MARCII 1999 j
2. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 855 j
3. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 852  !

l This Month Year to Date Cumulative I

4. Number OfIlours Reactor Was Critical: 744.0 2,160.0 134,628.4 j
5. Ifours Generator On-line: 744.0 2,160.0 132,805.4 l
6. Unit Reserve Shutdown flours: 0.0 0.0 0. 0
7. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWII): 512,555.0 1,722,986.0 105,822,272.0  ;

l l

CIIALLENGES TO PRESSURIZER PORV OR PRESSURIZER SAFETY VALNES Date I ag No. Event Description There were no challenges to Pressurizer PORV or Pressurizer Safety Valves.

l 1


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DOCKET NO.: 50-364 l UNIT NA51E: J. M. Farley - Unit 2 i DATE: April 5,1999 CO31PLETED IW: W. L. Marlar REPORTING PERIOD: M ARCll 1999 TELEPilONE: (334) 814-4554 l Type NIethod of F: Forced Duration - Reason Shutting Down Cause/ Corrective Actions No. Date S: Scheduled (flours) (1) (2) Comments l

There were no unit shutdowns during the month.

1 o , ataso.s u, mu nou.

A - I quipment I ailure (Explain) 1 - Manual H . Maintenance or Test 2 - Manual Trip / Scram C - Refueling 3 - Automatic Tnp/ Scram j D - Regulatory Restriction 4 Continuation '

I: - Operator Training I.ieense I samination 5 Other (Explain)

F - Administratise G - Operational I rror (Explain)

II - Other (Explain)

CAUSE/ CORRECTIVE ACTION / COMMENTS NARRATIVE REPORT On 990319 at 2200, Unit 2 was ramped to 50% power to conserve fuel for summer as directed by Alabama Control Center.

The unit achieved 50% power on 990320 at 0435.

The unit continued to operate at 50% power for the remainder of the month.
