IR 05000321/1990012

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Insp Repts 50-321/90-12 & 50-366/90-12 on 900416-20.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas inspected:18 Month Tech Spec Surveillance,Generic Ltr 89-13 & Svc Water Sys Problems Affecting safety-related Equipment
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 05/09/1990
From: Taylor P
Shared Package
ML20043A984 List:
50-321-90-12, 50-366-90-12, GL-89-13, NUDOCS 9005240003
Download: ML20043A985 (5)







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50-321/90-12 and 50-366/90-12


Licensee: Georgia Power Company P. O. Box.1295 Birmingham, AL 35201


Oocket Nos'.:

50-321 and 50-366-License Nos.:.DPR-57 and NPF-5


' Facility:Name:

Hatch 1 and 2-Inspection'Conducte - ' April 16-20, 1990




If /wMd 5~[f/90

),AiTapo Date Signed:


Approved by:


Aeh /J I




C'N' Belisle;s~ection Chieff "

'Dategi'gned 5eftioi)

Test Programs-

' Engineering. Branch Division of Reactor Safety SUMMARY-Scope:

This routine, unannounced inspection was conducted in the. areas of 18 month Technical Specification surveillance; Generic ' Letter 89-13,. Service Water

System Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment; and licensee.' action on



previous inspe:: tion findings.


in the areas inspected, violations or deviations 'were not identified.





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' Persons' Contacted Licensee Employees


i J. Duncan, Senior Engineer Service Water

  • P. Fornel, Manager Maintenance
  • G. Goode, Manager Technical Support H. Mirzakham, Senior Engineer Diesel Generator


  • C, Moore, Assistant General Manager Plant. Support
  • H. Nix, General Manager Plant Hatch
  • L. Summer, Assistant General Manager Plant Operations D. Swann, Inservice Inspection / Inservice Testing. Engineer
  • S. Tipps, Manager Nuclear Safety and Compliance i

Other licensee employees contacted during -this inspection' included engineers, and administrative personnel.

NRC Resident Inspectors



  • J. Menning
  • Attended exit interview



Complex Surveillance (61701)


Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG)

The inspector reviewed the-following Unit -1-18 month Technical Specification surveillances associated with the onsite. power. sources:


SP.42SV-R43-22-1S; 025-1S; 028-1S, Rev.'0, EDG-1A, 18 -1C Logic


Testing i

SP-42SV-R43-021-1S; 024-1S;. 027-15, Rev, 0, EDG-1A,18,1C Loss


t of Coolant Accident / Loss of Site Power Testing (LOCA/LOSP)-

These procedures were reviewed to ' verify that the technical content


is consistent with Unit 1 Technical Specification 4.9. A.7. and FSAR


.Section 8.4,- Standby AC Power _ Supply. The test procedures'were.also


reviewed to verify that plant administrative controls had been


incorporated into the test procedures regarding test prerequisites,


temporary modifications (jumpers), independent verification, initial.


conditions, test equipment calibrations, and acceptance criteria. -In


addition, the inspector held discussions with licensee engineers and reviewed control yire diagrams (DWG.H-13401,13599,13416.13420) to L





verify. the adequacy of the test methods to functional test the EDG logic systems and the tests used - to determine operability and response of the EDG to LOCA/LOSP initiation. These reviews indicated

.that the surveillance procedures sections were well organized and test steps provided an adequate level of. detail to meet test objectives.

Surveillance procedure 42SV-P43-021-1S (EDG-1A),-024-15 (EDG 1B), and-027-15 (EDG:1C), section 7.5, requires recording the elapsed time for the. time delay relay actuat' ion device immediatelyJprior to 'the EDG restart-following the tripping and shutdown'of the= engine in the emergency mode.

In. reviewing the ' control wiring diagrams the specified time is 1001 10' seconds. This allowable range needs;to be added to.section 7.5 for each of the above procedures. A revision to these in progress and the licensee agreed to ' add-allowable ranges for the timing devices to section 7'.5.


Plant Service Water. System f

Generic Letter (GL) 89-13, Service Water System Problems Affecting-Safety-Related Equipment, was issued July 18, 1989.

This document recommended five actions or equally effective actions the licensee i

should consider to ensure that service water systems are in


compliance and maintained -in compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix A, General Design Criteria. 44, 45, 46-and Appendix B,-

l Criterion XI, The action items identified in GL 89-13 are:



Surveillance and controls to reduce flow blockage problems as a-


result of biofouling, (2) Test programs to verify heat transfer capability for safety-related heat exchanges,- (3) Inspection and maintenance programs, (4) Confirm serv. ice water systems will perform

intended function in accordance with the. licensing basis, (5) Review i


maintenance practices, operating and emergency procedures to reduce


human errors.

The ' inspector reviewed the licensee's response. to GL 89-13 -dated January 23, 1990, and noted that it was in close agreement with the NRC recommended actions.

The inspector held discussions with licensee management and engineers and also reviewed existing


schedules and concluded that this project is.being well planned and

has the support of management. -Full implementation.of the action items for both Units is planned for the Fall of 1991.

Within the area inspected, violations or deviations were not'



Reportable Occurrences (90712, 92700)



(Closed) LER 50-321/88-14: Primary Containment Penetration Local Leak Rate Test Failures


_ _ __ -___-.








i ila On October 3,1988, Unit I was in a refueling-outage. The. results from Local Leak Rate Testing (LLRT) Main Steam Isolatior, Valves


(MSIV) indicated that two of-these penetrations exceeded their

maximum-leakage criteria. ' Additional.LLRT conducted during the-outage revealed other containment penetrations exceeded their maximum leakage criteria.. The inspector reviewed leak' rate test recordstfor cause determination,. repairs effected and results of - subsequent


R retesting; The majority of the failures were attributed to worn ~


seating surfaces,- pitting, corrosion of valve internals, packing

leaks, and worn 0-rings. -Repairs included replacing parts, cleaning disc and seating surfaces, repacking valves,. and reconditioning'


seating surf aces.

The inspector verified that retests were-perform -

following maintenance and that individual and total ' "as left" leakages were within required' limits.

Action on Previous Inspecting Findings (92701,-92702)

j-1 (Closed) Violation. (50-321, 366/89-19-01):

Failure to Implement Valve-


Stroke Time and Reverse Flow Test LCheck -Valves per ASME Section. XI Requirements.

-The-licensee's response-dated November 29, 1989, <was considered: Region II,



Section XI _ of the ASME Code, Subsection.IWV-3410, requires valve. stroke j

time corrective action' based on current full-stroke-test results



being compared with the previous recorded full-stroke - time results.

Valves E21-F001B,..F004B, and-F005B were tested February 28,1989, and -

these results were compared with data taken November 17, 1987, instead of.

-the data taken on November 24, 1987.

The ' licensee attributed this

occurrence due to inadequate procedures.

Procedures L

31G0-INS-001-05, ISI Pump and~ Valve Operability Tests and 95IT-0TM-001-OS,

'I Maintenance Work Order Functional Test' Guideline, were revised to-require


-i valve' stroke times to be recorded. in the-(ISI) Inservice Inspection. test data log books. This has not been the practice in the past.

Interviews with Inservice Testing (IST). engineers and -the review of.' current records.

indicated tnat corrective action had been' effective.

Another example in the same violation concerned not reverse flow testing a

check valves E21-F044A/B, E-41-F046, and E51-F021 as required by Section


XI of the Code, paragraph IWV-3520 during the 1988 refueling outage for-


Unit.1. The licensee determined that these particular' check valves were-removed from IST test procedures (42SV-TET-001-IS) due to the belief that

another test procedure was to be used to test these check valves. The


inspector reviewed 42SV-TET-001 and verified that the subject valves have t

been reinstated.

Test records and results indicated that satisfactory -


testing had been -conducted during February - March 1990 of the' current-refueling outage.



i (Closed) Unresolved. Item (321, 366/89-19-02): IST Requirements for Valve Positie Indication Verification


f k





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Section XI, Subsection IWV-3300 requires that valves with. remote position-



indication be1 observed at least once every two years to. confirm'that gj


indication.. accurately reflects _ valve operations. ' The question. raised.atl J

the ; time-~ of the.~ initial cinspection was whether or not the valve position



' indication at 'thei remote. shutdown: panel should be: included 11n the;IST'

program. J Presently' the. valve remote position indications i are -.being'


observed from.the main control room.,



- A Code Inquiry and response: dated November?14,,1987,- from the appropriate


.ASME committee support the position that-the: remote'locationi(mainLcontrol, i

croom)lfor -valvej position sindicator: observation sisf acceptable-as= this(1s

theLlocation where exercising and stroke timing'of valves is accomplished.'-

The. inspector'had no'further questions.i




Exit' Interview:


The'. inspection' scope-'and results were; summarized on April l 20,~1990', with

those' persons. indicated in' paragraph 1 7 d

Thecinspectori escribed the areas:

. inspected and. discussed '<in deta11T the. inspection results.. Proprietary,.




. information is' not contained in this= report.1Dissentingicomments,were nota received from_the-licensee.



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