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Responds to Generic Ltr 90-04, Request for Info on Status of Licensee Implementation of Generic Safety Issue Resolved W/Imposition of Requirements of Corrective Actions. Status of Implementation of Generic Safety Issues Encl
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/31/1990
From: Stols R
To: Murley T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TASK-***, TASK-OR GL-81-34, GL-82-33, GL-83-28, GL-84-11, GL-87-06, GL-87-6, GL-88-01, GL-88-1, GL-88-14, GL-90-04, GL-90-4, IEB-79-14, IEB-80-03, IEB-80-14, IEB-80-17, IEB-80-3, IEB-82-03, IEB-82-3, IEB-83-02, IEB-83-2, NUDOCS 9008130082
Download: ML20058M829 (9)



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W i . Commonwealth Edison' 4 ., j  : ound Cttes Nuct:ar Power Station - J

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-1 ' 22710 206 Avenue North Corrtova, minois 6t242 9740 ^ I

. Telephone 309/654 2241 h

July 31, 19.90- ]

'Dr. T. E. Murley .

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulations U'.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ,

, Washington, DC- 20555 ATTN: Document Control Desk;


. Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2 Response to Generic Letter 90-04; Request for Information on the Status-of Licensee Implementation of Generic Safety Issues Resolved with. Imposition of Requirements or Corrective Actions.  !

NRC Docket Numbers 50-254 and 50-265


-(a) J. G. Partlow letter to all holders of Operating Licenses dated April'25, 1990 (b) T..J. Kovach to-T. E. Murley letter dated June 28, 1990 Dr. Murley,.

Reference-(a) requested'that the current implementation status of all generic safety issues (GSI) identified in Generic Letter 90-04 be provided to the Staff by June.29, 1990; Reference (b)' requested that the deadline for the-

' submittal-be extended to' July 31,;1990 :


-The attached document provides the status.for the generic. safety issues- ,

' defined in Generic Letter 90-04. Commonwealth Edison has provided the information in accordance.with the' guidance established'in the Generic Letter. Commonwealth Edison has also provided additional information which

' describes the basis for the' status determination to assist in your Staff's-review of the issues.



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If there'are^any questions or comments regarding this submittal, please' direct.

o them to me at'708/515-7283.

'Very truly yours, G '/ ,

. ()kke.yl?

Rita Stols-  :)

Nuclear Licensing Administator RS/jmt cc: A' B. Davis, Regional.Adminstrator ,

.L. N. 01shan; Project Manager ,

T. Taylor,-Senior-Resident Inspector ,

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FACILITY NAME: Orad Cities -

' DOCKET NO.: 254 funit 11. 265 funit 21 ' *

  • _ LICENSEE: Ca m aalth Edison STATUS OF LICENSEE IMPLEMENTATION OF r.NaIC SAFETY ISSIES RESOLVED WITH IMPOSITION OF D N IREMENis Og m arCTIVE ACTIONS APPLICABILITY STATUS COMENTS GSI/(W A No.1 TITLE Safety Concerns Associated With All SWRs C tetters dated 01/19/82. 01/25/82 and 02/23/82 from T. J. Rausch 40 (8J65) to D. G. Eisenhut provided the plant specific response to NWREG 1 Pipe Breaks In The 8WR Scram System 0803. GL 81-34 evaluations.. inspections, and analyses were- Ll'

- completed with no further action required. New SDV was installed as required per IE8 80-17:

M-4-1-81-021 Completed 08/07/84: additional work completed 03/19/86, 11/20/89.

M-4-2-81-021 Completed 05/01/85

'All SWRs C Initial procedure changes were completed between 07/80 and 41 (8058) 8WR Scram Discharge Volume (SDV)-

07/81. New SDV was insta11ed'as"follows:

Systems M-4-1-81-021 Completed 08/07/84; additional work completed 03/19/86, 11/20/89.

M-4-2-81 921 Completed 05/01/85 Modification-related procedure <hanges were completed between '

05/85 and 07/85. R. F. Heishman letter to C. Reed dated _10/15/80 - -l (Inspection report 50-254/80-19, 50-265/80-21) documented the

NRC Resident Inspector's review of IE8 80-14. No items of noncompliance were identified.

CECO will issue letter providing the status of the required 43 (8107) Reliability of Air Systems All Plants -I actions for GL 88-14 by 08/15/90.

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~ GSI/fMFA No.1 TITLE ..

M. H. Richter letter to NRC dated 01/29/90 provided'the' 51 (L913) Japroving the Reliability of All Plants I schedule for implementation (dates are based on currently Open-Cycle Service h ter Systems scheduled start dates of refueling outage): .--

Intake inspection prior to Q1Ril.'11/90 (both units).

Biocide addition mod Q1R12. 03/92: Q2R11. 09/91 Loop A test /insp. Q1R11. 11/90; Q1R13, 10/93.

Q2R11. 09/91; Q2Rl3. 09/94 Loop B test /insp. Q1Rl2. 03/92; 42R12. 03/93 -

E/C-inspection. Qltil. 11/90: Q2R11. 09/91-

' Corrosion coupons QlR12. 03/92; Q2R11. 09/91 Design Review Q1R11.11/90 (both units)

Maintenance Review QlRll, 11/90 (both units)'


  • Inspection Report 50-254/83-28; 50-265/83-27 documented the Eesident Inspector's review of IE8 81-03 inspection and testing programs. No concerns were identified. This issue was reviewed again at Region III's request (1.R. 50-254/S4-14; 50-265/84-12). No items of noncompliance or deviatio.4s were.



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67.3.3 (A017) . Improved Accident Monitoring All Plants I~ GL 82-33 and R.G. 1.97. Revision 2 Items as follows:

SPDS tetter dated 08/25/E6 f rom J.A. Zwolinski to D.L. Farrar RG 1.97 Letter dated 08/16'88 / f rom I. Ross to M.E. Bliss -

accepted CECO response to R.G. 1.97 with the exception of wide range neutron monitoring. c1 Five items which have not been coepleted were r n.. >

identified during the conduct of IR 50-4254/88827;. _M 50-265/88628 dated 12/13/88.

2- .

Wide Ranga Meutron Monitoring System This item is currently being negotiated with:

NRR by BWROG. . Reference letter from T. Kovach' to T. Murley dated June 26. 1990.

Range and Taps for Rm Level Instruments This issue is under review by leR. -

Separation of Safety and Non-Safety Related Esguipment M-4-1(2)-88-101 is currently scheduled to be.

completed by the end of QlR11 (11/96) en Unit One and the end of Q2R11 (9/91) on Unit Two.

Torus Temperature Recorder' Minor Design Change # "90-841 is currently scheduled for Q1R11 l ,1 and Q2R11 (9/91).

Labeling Identification of a.G. 1.97 Instrumentatien The review of labeling identification is scheduled to be compluted by September,1990.

DCRDR M-4-1-87-851 will be cosipleted during Q1R12 which is ,

currently scheduled for 3/92.

M-4-2-87-051 will be completed during 02R12 which is

  • currently scheduled for 3/93.

E0P's E0P Team Inspection (50-225d(265)/88200) identified i

various deficiencies which rep ired revision to E0Ps to achieve resolution. The E0P revision wos completed in April, 1989. NRR Follow-up Inspection was conducted in November, 1989 (IR 58-25d(265)/90006). Altheogh

' concerns were noted with management involvement in-E0P development, no deficiencies with 4/89 procedures

-we.' identified.

ERF's A-moos 1 is scheduled to be completed by 93/29/91.


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TITLC APPLICABILITY STATUS COP 90iTS GSI/fMPA No.1 Item '1.1.. Post-Trip Review All Plants -C Letter dated 07/30/85 f rom D.B. Vassallo to D.L. Farrar 75 (B076)

(Program Description and Procedure)

Item 1.2 - Post-Trip Review - All Plants C Letter dated 03/13/86 from J.A. Zwolinski to D.L. Farrar 75 (8085). -

Data and Information Capability Item 2.1 - Cguipment Classification. All Plants. 'C ' Letter dated 02/22/89 from T.M. Ross to H.E. Bliss (Part 2) 75 (8077) and Vendor Interf ace (Reactor Letter dated 08/19/87 from T.M.'Ross to L.D. Butterfield (Part 1).

Trip System Components)' .

C Letter dated 11/28/89 from B.LJ Siegel to T.J. Kovach 75 (8086) Item 2.2.1 - Equipment Classifica- All Plants tion for Safety-Related Components All Plants I/C Clarification of NRC Staff position is provided in GL 98-43.

75 (1003) Item 2.2.2 - Vendor Interface for Safety-Related Components CECO response will be subeitted by 09/26/98.

Items 3.1.1 & 3.1.2 - Post.- All P1' ants C Letter dated'05/31/85 f rom D.B. Vassallo to D.L. Farrar 75 (8078)

Maint wance Testing (Reactor Trip dystem Components)

Item 3.3.3 - Post-Maintenance All Plants ~ C Letter dated 09/25/85 from J. A. Zwolinski to D. L. Farrar 75 (8079) testing-Changes to Test Requirements (Reactor Trip System Components)

Items 3.2.1 8. 3.2.2 - Post-Mainten- All Plants C Letter dated 05/31/85 from D.B. Vassallo to D.L. Farrar 75 (8087) ance-Testing (All Other Safety-Related Components)-

Item 3.2.3 - Post-Maintenance All Plants.- C Letter dated 09/25/85 from J.A. Zwolinski to D.L. Farrar-75 (B088) -

Testing-Changes to Test Requirements; (All Other Safety-Related Components)

Item 4.1 - Reactor Trip System' All Plants- NA GL 83-28 states this applicable to all PWRs

' 75 (B080)

Reliability (Vendor-Related Hodifications) m 10MB

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4 Items 4.2.1 &:4.2.2'- Reactor _ Trip All PWRs NA .

75 (8081)-

System Reliability - Maintenance . ,

and Testing (Preventative Maintenance- -

and Surveillance Program for Reactor Trip Breakers) 75 (8082) Item 4.3 - Reactor Trip System All W and 85W NA Reliability'- Design Modifications Plants. .

(Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip . ,

Attachment for Westinghouse and B&W-Plants) 75 (8090) Item 4.3 - Reactor Tri'p Sy' stem .All W & B&W NA Reliability - Tech Spec Changes . Plants -

(Automatic Actuation of Shunt Trip Attachment for Westinghouse and B&W Plants) ltem 4.4 - Reactor Trip System All S&W Plants NA 75 (8091)

Reliability (Improvements in Maintenance and Test Procedures for B&W Plants)

Item 4.5.1 - Reactor Trip System All Plants C Letter dated 05/31/85 from D.8. Vassallo to D.L. Farrar.

75 (8092)

Reliability - Diverse Trip Features .

(System Functional. Testing)

Items 4.5.2 & 4.5.3 - Reactor Trip _ All Plants C Letter dated 02/03/89 from T.M. Ross'to H.E. Bliss (Item 4.5.2) 75 (8093)

Syt'= Reliability - Test Alterna- Letter dated 95/17/90 from L.N. 01shan to T.J..Kovach tives and Int-rvals (Sy'. ten '(Item 4.5.3)

Functional Testing

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- .GST/fMPA m') . TITLE ,


Long Range Plan for Dealing All BWRs I Commitments required by IEB 82-03 (including . Revision 1),

86 (8084) IES 83-02.'and GL 84-11 are complete. Those committeents =Aich -

with Stress Corrosion Cracking in BWR Piping have been superseded by GL 88-01 commitments are alse complete.

Three GL 88-01 commitments are not complete: ;Lealtage Measurement Requirements - These requirements are being-incorporated into the Tech Specs as part of the Tech Spec Improvement Program which should be implemented by August of' 1991. Hydrogen Addition - Modifications (M-4-8-86-011) are scheduled for completion by 1992. Change to ISI Program -

Inspections are conducted each outage,in accordance with GL 88-81. The ISI program will be revised to reflect these-inspections by October, 1990.

i Steam Binding of Auxiliary All PWRs NA 93 (8098)

Feedwater Pumps


RCS/RHR Suction Line Valve All PWRs MA 99 (L817)

Interlock on PWRs Auxiliary Feedwater System AND-1&2. Rancho' NA 124 Reliability Seco Prairie Island 1&2. Crystai River-3 ft. Calhoun Snubber Operability Assurance - All Plants- C Safety-related hydraulic snobbers replacement (with mechanical A-13 (8017) snubbers) was completed in 1985 as required by IES 79-14.

Hydraulic Snubbers Hydraulic snobbers were removed f rom Tech Specs by Amendments 115 (Unit 1) and ill-(Unit 2) approved by SER dated 82/22/89.

Snubber Operability Assurance - .All Plants C Requirements for snubber operability, inspections, testing, and -

A-13 (8022) monitoring are defined in Technical Specification 3.6.I/4.6.I.

Mechanical Snubbers Procedure (QTS'180-2) for mechanical snobber inspection was created in 05/82. Procedure (QAP. 350-6) which reflects' current .

Inservice Testing Program requirements for standard snubber testing methods was created in 06/89. In-place inservice -

testing of snubbers is MA to Station.

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A-16 (D012) Steam Effects on BWR Core Oyster Creek NA-Spray Distribution "& NMP-1 All Plants


A-35 (8023) Adequacy of Gffsite Power Systees C Second level undervoltage (degraded voltage) relays were installed under following modification.s:

, M-4-1-80-015 Completed 05/05/84 M-4-2-80-015 Completed 02/10/84 M-4-1-82-029 Completed 05/01/84

~ M-4-2-82-029 Compieted 12/20/83

  • M-4-1/2-82-029 Completed 05/05/84 Changes were incorporated into Technical Specification Table 3.2-2. Table 4.2-1, 4.9.A.I. and 4.9.E.2.-

B-10 Behavior of SWR Mark 11I Contalments All BWR Mark 'III NA ' Quad Cities is a Mark I Plant. 4 Plants B-?6 Develop Design. Testing and Mainten- All Plants with NA Quad Cities received its operating licenses in 1972.

ance Criteria for' Atmosphere Cleanup . OL' Applications System Air Filtration and Adsorption After.4/1/80 linits for Engineered Safety Features Systems and for Normal Ventilation 4

Systems B-63 (B045) Isolation of Low Pressure. Systems All Plants NC W.F. Naughton letter to D.G. Eisenhut dated 03/14/80 transmitted Connected to the Reactor Coolant ..the requested information. Response was provided for GL 87-96 System Pressure Boundary. by M.S. Turbak letter to NRC dated 06/11/67. No further actions were required.

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~~tBy <m E l0l h /\t' 6 f: TT (4 T me,c eur eav n  % er (, A n m o a,>e A4 G . ao sz.3 4 LICENSE NUMBER (S) 5 O ATE OF INSPECTtON 3 DO'Cic ET NUMBE R(S) 3 0 -066,2.' 4 5 - 1 3 ~6 Sr 0 - O i kAy f/, / ND l Licensee The inspection was an examination of the activities conducted under your license as they relate to radiat son sa'ety and to cofnplia' ice with the Nuclear The inspection consisted of selective examinations of procedures Regulatory Commissionk (NRC) rules and regulations and the cc.nditions of your license and representative records. interviews, with personnel, and observations by the inspector. The findings as a result of this inspection are as follows 1 Withan the scope of this inspeClion, no violation 2 were observed

] 2 The rispector piso verified the steps you have taken to correct the violations identified during the last inspection. We have no further those actions at this time.

] 3. During this inspection certain of your activities, as checked below, were in violetton of NRC requirementt THIS IS A NOTICE OF VIOLATION which is required to be posted in accordance with 10 CF R 19.11.

was not properly posted to indicate the presence A

.10 CFR 20.203(b), (c), (d), tel or 34 42 of a were not property

0. Containers located in latieled to indicate the presence of radioactive material.10 CF R 20.203(f)(1), or (f)(2).

of sealed sources were not performed at the proper C.

L6 cense Condition Number f requencies 10 CF R were not properly maintained D Records of 10 CFR or License Condition Number E. Documents were not properfy posted or otherwise mede available.10 CFR 19.11

___ were not made en accordance F Reports or notifications of with 10 CFR or License Condition Number _



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t heret>y state that with6n 30 days the actions described by me to the inspector will b kan to correct the violations identified en the items checked above This statement of corrective actions is made in accordance with the requirements o 0 FR 2 20I N furtyr esponse will be submitted union reau ed by

--1**""*----.-....... . . . . . . . _ . / h ( f) 5 ,j