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Discusses 870402 Meeting Re Past & Future Actions Taken to Provide Improved Levels of Security Performance Beyond That Adequate Level Being Maintained.Addl Actions Initiated to Promptly Improve Performance Listed
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 04/06/1987
From: Gucwa L
SL-2293, NUDOCS 8704140404
Download: ML20206F951 (5)


Georgia Power Company

  • 333 Piedmont Avenue Atlanta, Georgia 30308 Telephone 404 526-6526 s Of 545 Atlanta, Georgia 30302 M"

Georgia Power L T. Gucwa the southem emrc system Manager Nuclear Safety SL-2293 ano ucensi"9 0213m April 6,1987 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Hashington, D.C. 20555 NRC DOCKETS 50-424/50-425 OPERATING LICENSE NPF-68 V0GTLE ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT UNITS 1, 2 SECURITY PROGRAM ENHANCEMENTS Gentlemen:

During a meeting on April 2,1987, representatives of Georgia Power Company (GPC) and the NRC Region II staff discussed actions which have been, and are being, taken by GPC to provide improved levels of security performance beyond that adequate level which is being maintained.

Further, as we indicated in our letter of March 30, 1987, a copy of which is enclosed for your convenience, there are a number of actions being taken to upgrade our security programs.

In addition to the general actions which were described in those communications, we have initiated numerous specific actions designed to promptly improve our performance. These actions are as follows:

1. Site Manaaement Security Oversite Imorovements A. A taped presentation by the Plant General Manager will be completed the week of April 6,1987, and presented to plant employees, GPC and contractors, shortly thereafter. This presentation will addrus the necessity for adherence to security rules for the support of the security function.

B. The Security Advisory Board was created by Nuclear Operations Instruction NOI-12-300 which was dated January 7, 1987 and signed by the Senior Vice President - Nuclear Operations. This board is "the principal nuclear security oversight committee and has the overall responsibility in the nuclear security area for advising and making recommendations to the Vice President / General Manager on security matters." This board will meet more frequently (i.e., weekly) than specified in the NOI until the situation has stabilized.

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Georgia Power b U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission April 6, 1987 Page Two C. The number of security surveillances under the direction of the Quality Assurance organization will be significantly increased beginning April 6,1987, and will include coverage of backshift operations. Quality Assurance intends to provide prompt feedback to plant management on both routine and non-routine security activities.

D. Preparation for a special assessment audit by the Quality Assurance organization will begin with the selection of a five man team from Georgia Power Company, Southern Company Services and outside nuclear security specialists during the week of April 6, 1987. As quickly as a highly qualified team can be assembled and planning can be completed, the audit will be performed. The preliminary schedule calls for the audit to begin in early May. Daily briefings are planned to allow l immediate corrective action on identified deficiencies. I 1

Security Personnel Performance Imorovements 2.

A. Two corporate staff members have been assigned to the site. One has replaced the former operations supervisor who has been assigned shift duties, and the other has replaced the former administrative supervisor.

B. On April 6, 1987, contractor personnel with extcr.sive nuclear  !

security supervisory experience were brought to Plant Vogtle. l He consider this one of the most important elements in our

, program to upgrade our activities. These experienced personnel will be advisors to security supervision on each shift.

I C. Procedure training for security supervisors has been conducted and was completed on March 26, 1987. Procedure training for

, non-supervisory personnel began on March 30, 1987, and is scheduled for completion by April 30, 1987. Additional training for CAS/SAS operators is scheduled to begin on April 20, 1987, and is to be completed by April 30, 1987.

D. Shift turnover briefings have been enhanced through facilities which have been provided to allow improved communication of instructions to the oncoming officers and to permit supervisors to inspect the officers prior to going on shift.

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Georgia Power 1 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission April 6,1987 Page Three E. A member of plant security supervision / management is required to personally inspect each compensatory post every two hours, and all other posts at least once every four hours. This will assure that security officer performance is periodically monitored.

3. Security Eauioment Imorovements A. The priorit3 of security-related Maintenance Work Order (MH0s) is currently being designated by a security supervisor. He feel that this will facilitate rapid repair of equipment, particularly where compensatory posts are involved.

B. A report describing HH0s which affect security is being submitted to the corporate security staff on a daily basis. The report identifies those MH0s requiring engineering and/or parts. He feel that this level of attention will ensure immediate action where necessary to expedite completion.

C. Computer vendor support has been increased. The level of support will vary depending on the requirements at any given time. The software has been modified to eliminate some spurious alarms associated with vital area doors which have numbered as high as approximately two hundred per day. He are currently

investigating means of redirecting other alarms, such as camera condition alarms, and reducing significantly the frequency and repetitive nature of alarms from a single change in state of security equipment. The further elimination of nuisance alarms is be'ng pursued through MH0s on a daily basis.

D. Functional testing of security equipment has been rescheduled to reduce the alarms during the peak periods of CAS/SAS activity.

4. Access Control Imorovements A. Protected area access lists of support group personnel are being reevaluated to reduce the number of entries. Visitor access will require the approval of the plant manager or his designee.

B. The number of access points to the Control Building and the Power Block have been reduced.


l Georgia Power d U. S. Nuclear .4egulatory Commission April 6, 1987 Page Four C. Vehicular access to the protected area has been limited to essential and emergency vehicles. Essential vehicles are identified as those vehicles delivering material or services necessary for the continued operation of the facility.

l It is apparent to us that these improvements have already had a positive i effect on the security program, and that these short-term actions combined j with the longer-term actions described in our March 30, 1987 letter will lead to the excellence in our security ' program that both of our organizations require.

If you require further information in this regard, please contact this I office.

l Sincerely,

).llh. i , F L. T. Gucwa h .

HEB/Im Enclosure 700775

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Georgia Power b l

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission April 6,1987 Page Five c:

Georgia Power Comoany Mr. R. E. Conway Mr. J. P. O'Reilly Mr. G. Bockhold, Jr.

Mr. J. F. D'Amico Mr. C. H. Hayes GO-NORMS Southern Company Services Mr. J. A. Bailey l Shaw. Pittman. Potts & Trowbridge

Mr. B. H. Churchill, Attorney-at-Law i Troutman. Sanders. Lockerman & Ashmore Mr. J. E. Joiner, Attorney-at-Law U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l Dr. J. N. Grace, Regional Administrator Ms. M. A. Miller, Licensing Project Manager, NRR (2 copies)

Mr. J. F. Rogge, Senior Resident Inspector-0perations, Vogtle Georaians Acainst Nuclear Enerav Mr. D. Feig Ms. C. Stangler l

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Georgia Power L.T.Cucwa Y r 3;e* a..: ea Sav's i: _w:

SL-2249 1251w March 30, 1987 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Hashington, D. C. 20555

, NRC DOCKET 50-424


Plant Vogtle, Unit 1, received its low power operating license on January 16, 1987. However, at that time,. certain elements of our i physical security program were still being substantially upgraded and

modified to enhance performance. These major activities, coupled with ,

serious problems with security equipment, necessitated extensive compensatory actions that interfered with training and overall security performance. As a result of the above, we have experienced less than


desired performance of our safeguards equipment and personnel. 1 Georgia Power, has placed and is placing, major emphasis on achieving excellence in the performance of security personnel and equipment.

Nevertheless, we have had setbacks in the implementation of our program l

that have caused us to take further actions to assure that we implement j our programs in such a manner that we exceed our commitments to the NRC.

l Accordingly, we wish to formally reconfirm the steps we have taken and l our plans to upgrade our security programs. The following actions have l been and are being taken by GPC:


1. In the December 12, 1986 NRC SALP report on Plant Vogtle, safeguards was identified as being in need of attention. This 4 situation was considered to be a managerial problem that contributed to the reorganization of the security programs at l both Plants Vogtle and Hatch. In October 1986, a new Plant Vogtle security manager with significant experience in Nuclear Security was appointed. As you know, Corporate Nuclear Security was reassigned to Nuclear Operations from the Security Department (a separate line organizational unit) in July 1986.

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Georgia Power d U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission March 30, 1987 Page Two

2. Two senior security staff members from Plant Hatch were temporarily assigned to Plant Vogtle to act as security shift advisors and to advise and assist on-shift managers. This concept of shift advisor is being expanded to all shifts by obtaining four experienced contract personnel. He plan to have experienced shift technical advisors on site by April 5,1987, and fully staffed by April 10, 1987.
3. He are in the final stages, following an extensive search, of hiring a Plant Vogtle Security Training Supervisor with nuclear training experience. He plan to have him report no later than April 20,1987. The Plant Hatch Security Training Supervisor is temporarily assisting Plant Vogtle.
4. A dedicated and experienced security system " software" engineer will be assigned by April 1, 1987. This position may of necessity be filled by a contractor.
5. Security system engineers have been placed on each shift to provide twenty-four hour engineering support for the security system. ,
6. While maintenance work orders (MH0's) are generated each day, our current backlog is scheduled for completion by April 1, 1987, with the exception of those requiring parts which are rot available or requiring design changes. Design changes and parts procurement will be given the highest priority. He will assign the highest priority to future MH0's that require compensatory action, or otherwise impact the security function.
7. He have been developing a joint program between Plant Hatch and Plant Vogtle to make our security training programs equivalent to an INP0 accredited program with a completion goal of December 31, 1987. The priority placed on this program has been increased from the previous schedule.
8. A Security Advisory Board, representing the senior members of both the site and corporate offices was initiated on January 7, 1987. The purpose of the board is to assure that appropriate recognition of problems is achieved. This Board is similar to the Training Board that has been quite successful.

Until we are satisfied with imprevements in the performance of the Plant Vogtle security program, we have assigned a senior corporate security representative to the plant site to assist the Plant Security Manager.

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.. l Georgia Power d U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission March 30, 1987 Page Three

, The changes we have made and plan to make will, in our opinion, assure that we reach the level of performance which both the NRC and Georgia Power Company desire. He appreciate your support and assure you that we will carefully monitor our progress and adjust our program to ensure success. He plan to meet with you periodically to assure mutual understanding.


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L. T. Gucwa EMH/lc c: Georcia Power Comoany j Mr. R. E. Conway Mr. J. P. O'Reilly l Mr. G. Bockhold, Jr.

Mr. J. F. D'Amico GO-NORMS Southern Comoany Services Mr. J. A. Bailey Shaw. Pittman. Potts & Trowbridae Mr. B. H. Churchill, Attorney-at-Law Troutman. Sanders. Lockerman & Ashmore Mr. J. E. Joiner, Attorney-at-Law U. S. Nuclear Reaulatory Commission Dr. J. N. Grace, Regional Administrator l Mr. H. H. Livermore, Senior Resident Inspector-Construction, Vogtle  !

Ms. M. A. Miller, Licensing Project Manager, NRR (2 copies)

Mr. J. F. Rogge, Senior Resident Inspector-0perations, Vogtle l

Georcians Aaainst Nuclear Enerav l Mr. D. Feig l Ms. C. Stangler l l


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