IR 05000333/1986020

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Insp Rept 50-333/86-20 on 861021-23.No Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Nonradiological Chemistry Program,Including Measurement Control & Analytical Procedure Evaluations
Person / Time
Site: FitzPatrick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/17/1986
From: Pasciak W, Zibulsky H
Shared Package
ML20214F487 List:
50-333-86-20, NUDOCS 8611250340
Download: ML20214F530 (5)







Report N /86-20 Docket N License N DRP-59 Priority --

Category C Licensee: Power Authority of the State of New York 10 Columbus Circle New York, New York 10019 Facility Name: James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant Inspection At: Scriba, New York Inspection Conducted: October 21-23, 1986 Inspectors: U - I 3 ~%

H. Zibu '

C63 mist date

Approved by: l/ _ /& Aev Q ti - 17 - 3' I Wi d. PaTciak, Chief, Effluents Radiation date Protection Section, DRSS Inspection Summary: Inspection on October 21-23, 1986 (Report N /86-20)

Areas Inspected: Routine, announced inspection of the nonradiological chemistry program. Areas reviewed included measurement control and analytical procedure evaluation Results: No violations were identified.


8611250340 861118 PDR ADOCK 05000333 G PDR _


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DETAILS 1. Individuals Contacted

  • R. Converse, Resident Manager
  • R. Patch, QA Superintendent
  • Fernandez, Superintendent ' Power
  • D. Burch, Reactor Analyst Supervisor
  • E. Mulcabey, Radiological and Environmental Service Supervisor
  • B. Gorman, Chemistry General Supervisor
  • W. Hamblin, Chemistry Supervisor A. McKeen, Assistant RESS R. Locy, Assistant Operations Superintendent 2. Action on Previous Licensee Findings (Closed) Inspector Follow-up Item (85-23-01) - On completion of the analyses of water samples by the licensee and Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), a statistical evaluation was to be made. The analyses were completed and an evaluation was performed (see paragraph 3).

3. Measurement Control Evaluation


Verification of the licensee's measurement capabilities on actual plant


water samples is done by splitting samples with the licensee and BNL.~

The results of the split samples taken at inspection 85-23 are:

BNL FitzPatrick Boron (ppm) SBLC 21,300 700 20,128 Iron (ppm) Millipore Filters 3.10 2.98 Copper (ppm) Millipore Filters <0.050 < 0.099 Nickel (ppm) Millipore Filters 0.115 < 0.120 The analytical comparison for the analytes were acceptabl New samples were taken to be sent to BNL for independent verificatio The boron standby liquid control tank f.or boron analysis, the condensate demineralizer outlet (CDO) for chloride and sulfate analyses and the feedwater system, for metal analyses, were sampled. The CD0 was spiked with a standard solution of chloride and sulfate and the feedwater sample was spiked with a standard solution of the metals. The standard spike solutions were prepared by BNL for the NRC Region I. On completion of the analyses by BNL and the licensee, an evaluation will be made (Inspector Follow-up Item 86-20-01).


3 Analytical Procedures Evaluation During the inspection, standard chemical solutions were submitted by the inspector to the licensee for analysis. The standard solutions were prepared by BNL for the NRC Region I, and were analyzed by the licensee using normal methods and equipmen The analysis of standards is used to verify the licensee's capability to monitor chemical parameters in various plant systems with respect to Technical Specification and other regulatory requirement In addition, the analysis of standards is used to evaluate the licensee's analytical procedures with respect to accuracy and precisio The results of the standard measurements comparison indicated that six out of twenty-seven measurements were in disagreement under the criteria used for comparing results (see Attachment 1).

The chloride disagreements were due to the use of a factor (ppb /mV). The factor could only be used where there is linearity in the calibratio At more than 25 ppb of chloride, the calibration curve was not linea The inspector advised the licensee to use a statistically fit calibration curve. The licensee will generate a calibration curve to show linearit The iron and chromium disagreements were due to degenerated standard solutions. The licensee was not using two independent standard stock solutions for calibration and measurement control. The licensee did not have the means of cross checking and verifying the standard solutions and did not identify the degenerated standards. The licensee stated that two independent standard solutions will be used in the futur The calibration curves used for the metal analyses with the atomic absorption procedure were not statistically fit. The calibration curve generated for chromium, using the licensee's current computer program, was compared with a curve generated with a linear regression progra The result was 5% difference in values. The licensee will investigate which is the correct calibration curve and change the program if necessa r . Exit Interview The inspector met with the licensee representatives (denoted in paragraph 1) at the conclusion of the inspection on October 23, 1986, and summarized the scope and findings of the inspection. At no time during this inspection was written material provided to the licensee by the inspecto ,

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ATTACHMENT 1 CRITERIA FOR COMPARING ANALYTICAL MEASUREMENTS This attachment provides criteria for comparing results of capability test In these criteira the judgement limits are based on the uncertainty of the ratio of the licensee's value to the NRC value. The following steps are performed:

(1) the ratio of the licensee's value to the NRC value is computed Licensee Value (ratio = NRC Value );

(2) the uncertainty of the ratio is propagate If the absolute value of one minus the ratio is less than or equal to twice the ratio uncertainty, the results are in agreemen (l1-ratio l 2 2 uncertainty)

Z= x, then Sz2 + Sx2 + Sy2 9 Z2 x2 y2 2(From: Bevington, P. R., Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969)



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Tablo 1


Capability Test Results J. Fitzoatrick Chemical


Analytical NRC Li Ratio Pa rame te r P rocedu re Vaiue VaIue fLic/NRC1 Comoseison


Results in parts per billiore (ppb)

lon Chloride Ch roma tog ra ph 24.11 .71 .8610.11 Ag reemen t 37.41 .01 .0710.04 Ag reement 40.31 .71 .9910.03 Ag reement


Chloride Sp. lon Elect rode 24.11 .31 .9710.13 Ag reement

37.41 .41 .4010.08 D i sa g reement 40.31 .21 .4410.06 Di sag reement Sulfate ion Ch roma tog ra ph 20.01 .010 0.9510.04 Ag reement 41.01 .71 .9710.07 Ag reement 40.41 .011 0.9710.04 Ag reement i Silica Spect rophotomet ry 27.21 .810 1.0210.11 Ag reement

%.51 .21 .9910.07 Ag reemen t 00.01 .210 0.9910.03 Ag reement Sodium Atomic Ab so rp t ion 46.01 .71 .1010.12 Ag reement 92.31 .01 .0410.09 Ag reement 144.01 .01 .9810.05 Ag reement Results in parts per million (ppm) '

t ron Atomic Absorption 0.97810.07 0.87110 0.8910.06 Ag reement I 1,91 10.07 1.71 10.03 0.3010.04 D i sag reement 2.94 10.08 2.63 10.05 0.9010.03 Di sag reement Nickel Atomic

, Absorption 1.01810.05 1.06710.02 1.0510.06 Ag reement 2.04 10.06 2.06110 1.0110.03 Ag reement 3.06 10.08 3.06410.03 Ag reement Copper Atomic

Abso rp t ion 0.93610.05 1.00210.01 1.0710.06 Ag reement


1.93210.10 2.06410.02 1.0710.06 Ag reement l 2.90 10.12 3.09 10.01 1.0710.04 Ag reement

, Ch romium Atomic


Ab so rpt i on 1.02 10.06 0.93310.02 0.9110.06 Ag reement 1.88210.06 1.66310.03 0.8810.03 D i sag reement 2.86 10.16 2.19810.03 0.7710.04 Di sag reement




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