IR 05000333/1988013

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Insp Rept 50-333/88-13 on 880808-11.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Emergency Preparedness Program & Emergency Response Facilities
Person / Time
Site: FitzPatrick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/27/1988
From: Amato C, Lazarus W
Shared Package
ML20154S218 List:
50-333-88-13, NUDOCS 8810050021
Download: ML20154S233 (7)


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Report N /88-13 Docket N License N DPR-59 Priority -

Category 1 Licensee: N_ew York Power Authority

>. O. Box 41 kcoming, New York 13093


Facility Name: James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Inspection at: Oswego, New York Inspection Conducted: August 8-11, 1988 Inspector : .

C 9 7 _ _ _ . ma o Emergency Prepa(4dness cate Spe, alist, EPS, FRSS, DRSS Approved by: . W '7 # 7 [fI Vi @(m J . dA z a ru s ,~ f.hi e f date Emergency Preparedness Section, FRSS Irspection Summary; Inspection on August 8-11, 1988 (Report No. 50-333/88-13)

Areas In_spected:

s Routine, announced, safety inspection of the licensee's Emergency Preparedness Program and *mergency response facilities conducted on August 8-11, 193 Results:_ No violations, deviations or unresolved items were identifie ;



88100d0021 8soyz/ a PDR ADOCK 05000333 O PDC

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DETAILS 1.0 Persons Contacted The following James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant personnel attended the exit meetin D. Ackley, Technical Training Specialist E. Berzirs, Public Information Officer F W. Fernande:, Superintendert of Power E. Mulcabey, Superintendent, Radiological and Environmental Services M. Prarie, Associate Emergency Planning Coordinator G. Prokop, Quality Assurance engineer W. Robinson, Associate Engineer, Quality Assurance G. Vargo, General Supervisor, Radiological Engineering A. Zaremba, Emergency Planning Coordinator r i

The inspectors also observed the actions of, and interviewed, other t

licensee personne .

2.0 Emergency Preparedness Oroanization 2.1 Emergency Preparedness (EP) responsibility is assigned to the Environmental and Health Services Department (E&HS). Three staff members are assigned to this function: the site Emergency Prepared-ness Coordinator (EPC); an 2.ssociate Emergency Preparedness Coordinator; and an Administrative Assistant. The two EPCs have served in these capacities continuously for almost five years. The EPC reports to the Superintendent E&HS and has access to the Resident Manager. A line item budget for EP has been established. The White Plains Office of the New York Power Authority supports site EP


activities on a regular basis (scenario development) and on a special projects basis. Current special projects support are the

Technical Support Center shielding study and validation of the


meteorological model. EP is responsible for plan and procedure surveillance and is not involved in training except for lesson plan review. THE EPC interfaces with his counter person from Niagara Mohawk's Nine Mile Point site, State of New York, and Oswego Count Based on the above, this portion of the Licensee's Emergency Preparedness Program is adequat .0 Cooperative EP Activities 3.1 Fit: Patrick and Nine Mile Point are contiguous site To avoid unnecessary duplication of activities off-site and to insure





coordination of site plans and procedures, Niagara Mohawk (NM) and

, the New York Power Authority (PA) have divided common EP activitie These responsibilities are identified below, The 37 sirens located in the 29 Emergency Response Planning Areas are co-owned. NM tests and maintains the sirens, Oswego County coordinates the tests and the PA reviews test results which are forwarded to the New York State Radiological Emergency Preparedness Group (REPG). REPG, in turn, retransmits results to U.S. FEHA. NM prepares the annual report and NM and the PA "transfor" the lead in alternate years in conducting the full siren activation test, NM and the PA co-author the phone book inserts which are placed


in four NYNEX directorie Transient advisory stickers are co-authored and distributed by Oswego County, Brochures are a collaborative effor Approximately, 25,000 are prepared and about 6000 of these are sent to the Oswego campus


of the State University of New York.

1 Hospital staffs are trained by a contractor under the terms of a joint NM-PA contract.

j There is a shared meteorological tower ar.d a common dose

assessment program, i NM and the PA meet regularly and review each other's Plans, Procedures, EALs and PARS to insure uniformity and coordination with the County and Stat Both the PA and NM participate in an upstate New York mutual j aid pact with Rochester Gas and Electric-the Licensee for the Ginna Nuclear Power Plant.

J There are no joint response procedures. However, provisions t

have been made for a "sympathetic" ALERT. The unaffected stations declare an ALERT, dismiss non-essential personnel end activate their Emergency Response Organizatio The coordination efforts have been effective at maintaining a strong EP program without duplication of effor .0 Protective Action Recommendation and Projected Dose Calculations 4.1 (Closed) (50-333/S3-03-03) During the 1955 exercise, The Emergency Director (ED) recommended sheltering af ter declaring an ALERT. The ALERT classification was correctly made. At this point in scenario time, an explosion had occurred in tne Turoine Boildirg (TB); the reactor wa s shut-down and the containrent d solated. Fuel and the Reactor Cooling System were unaamage Clad was perforated as


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evidenced by coolant activity approaching Technical Specification


limits. Projected doses were calculated using a loss of Coolant .

Accident (LOCA) source term. Oose values on-site were in the mrem i range. A review of the E0's log book indicated the PAR was based on l

the Oswego County plan and an unformalizec understanding with the i

County to develop PARS at Emergency Action Levels (EALs) below the t General Emergenc Review of the County Plan, discussions with the

, County Emergency Management Office and contact with the New York i State REPG confirmed the PAR was commensurate with off-site plans and ,

a expectations. A review of the EAL tables in Appendix 1 to NUREG

! 0654/ FEMA REP-1, Rev 1 indicates PARS below the General Emergency i (GE) are appropriate for governmental consideration. PARS below the GE are not listed for Licensee action. Based on these considerations this item is closed.

1  !


l 4.2 (Closed) (50-333/88-08-02) During the AlcRT stage in the Technical l Support Center (TSC), "what if" or speculative dose projections were J made using a manual method. Neither of the two available computer 1 systems were used, A check of exercise documentation indicates this  ;

) was done to reserve the computer systems for use in the event l


monitored releases began and to complete, if possible, these '

calculations. Based on this information, this item is close .3 The source term used during the ALERT was as noted in 4.1 above, for a  !


LOCA. The release pathway was an unmonitored, ground level release  !

I which took place after the turbine building dampers failed to close  :

4 following an explosion in the air ejector piping. The correct source  !

1 term was the activity in this system and not a LOCA tource term. A t check of source terms in Volu e 4 of NUREG-1210 lists a value of 25 l j Curies as the activity in this type of syste During this inspec- .

tion, one dose assessor in for the exercise was interviewed and he  ;

acknowledged he was aware of using an incorrect source term but did  :

1 not advise the E0 in view of the fast scenario pac He then  ;

I completed the calculation correctly estimating the total activity as j t 16 Curies. The projected dose equivalent and dose commitment t

equivalent values were in the nanorem range. The information and  ;


capability was available in the TSC to correctly assess this release, j


l a

The lack of a source term model for a turbine building release i J should be considered for development by the license This area


will be reviewed in a subsequent inspectio '

i 5.0 Off-Site Activities  ;



5.1 A siren verification system is being installed. The system will operate

{ on a Federal Comunication Comission frequency for utility data ,

! transmission. Test feed-back will go to four locations: County  !

j Emergency Operations Center; County Sheriff's Office; Fit: Patrick j Emergency Operations Facility; and the NM cistrict dispatcher's


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office in Fulton (a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day manned location). The hardware is installed, debugging and training are in progres It appears the 1987 test results meet FEMA guidance and have been transmitted to the State for retransmittal to U.S. FEM .2 National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration weather channel radios have been distributed to about 2000 residences within the 5 to 10 mile Emergency Planing Zone radius not covered by sirens. These radios serve as Tone Alert Radios and were distributed by the County in cooperation with hM and the PA. The NM customer list was used to deteraine need for these radios which are tested weekly on a voluntary, cooperative basis with recipients. Oswego County retains test and malfunction data. Defects are repaired or replaced. Once year, a back-up 9V battery is sent to each use .3 Evacuation Time Estimates were last up-dated in 1984; they will probably be up-dated in 1989 under joint NM-PA contract. The 1984 study considered 14 scenarios including adverse weather conditions as well as special populations, institutions and evacuation route .4 Oswego County leads in off .ite training with the support of NYS REP NM and the PA present site specific material such as access and radiological training at the saee session. The City of Oswego maintains a full time fire department and ambulance corps; these organizations are the primary site responders and are so traine Personnel from 10 State Agencies attended training on June 21, 198 .5 Regularly scheduled coordination meetings are held with the State and County at which EALs and PARS are reviewed and discusse .6 Each Licensee maintains a current set of 24 Lettars of Agreemen .7 Medical training is on going and is provided by a contractor in keeping with the terms of a joint NM-PA contrac Equipment was checked at the primary hospital and was found to match the inventor One survey meter was non-functional; the PA indicated immediate repairs would be mad .8 Meteorelogical and radiological data are available to the State and Count The County calculates doses manually and has recently acquired sof t-ware known as Plume 3-a straight line Gaussian mode The County and Licensee intercompare dose projection result Based upon the above, this portion of the Licensee's Emergency Preparedness Program is adequat .0 Security-EP Interface 6.1 Each Licensee maintains a separate security force. PA Security Officers are EP trained and are also Radiation Worker anc Respirator qualifie Provision is made, as appropriate, for operator and

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Health Ph/ sics support. Procedures require the Control Room to be advised as to the progress of security events and NRC Headquarters to be up-dated as to security event progress in accordance with requirements of 10 CFR 70.73. This area is acceptabl .0 Training 7.1 EP training is given by the Training Departmen Lesson Plans are based on Job Task Analysis and examination questions are performance based. A qualified trainer is assigned full time to E ITP-12, Sec. 5.3 delineates training requirements for essential personne Multiple schedules are established, and if training is not completed the Training Supervisor may request an individual's removal from the Emergency Response Organization roster. Copies of such requests go to the Manager of Power and the Resident Manager 7.2 Lesson Plans are reviewed by the Manager, Nuc' ear Training following drills and exercises to assure feed-back and revision if neede There are eight EP Lesson Plans, IPT-12, noted above, is reviewed by the Plant Operating Review Committe .3 In addition to classroom training, there are medical, fire, Health Physics, and call-out drills. Walk-throughs are done by the EP Operators are trained in accident classification, notification procedures and development of PAR Senior Reactor Operators and Shift Technical Advisers are trained in accident mitigation and Core Damage Assessment; nine SR0s and two STAS are available for Technical Support Center assignment. About 75*. of station staff are qualified for ERO positions with, at least, three individuals qualified for each key-ERO positio Based on the above, this portion of the Licensee's Emergency Preparedness Program is adequat .0 Reviews / Audits CFR 50.54(t) imposes ten requirements for annual EP reviews. The site Quality Assurance staff does these review They are working to bring site reviews in conformance with PA wide QA policy and to integrate these with Technical Specification requirements to avoid duplicatio EP training is also reviewed in addition to EP program activities. Training sessions are audited. Lesson Plans reviewed, and attendance as well as rescheduling checked. Contractors or other sources provide independent expert input. Governmental interface adequacy is verified and results are made available to the off-site authorities concerne _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _



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Based on the above, this portion of the Licensee's Preparedness Program is adequat .0 Joint News Center 9.1 The Joint News Center (JNC) is located in west Oswego City la the ,

McCorbie Center on Lake Street. This building houses the Senior l Citizen Center. Half of the structure is leased and dedicated to  !

the JNC function. The auditorium is available on a priority basis and would serve as the press briefing room; comfortable seating capacity is about 20 The Rumor Control section is located toward i the front of the auditorium with space for 12 staff members. A press room contains 30 phone lines all going to local exchanges. State,  ;

County and Licensee phones go to exchanges outside the local are The NRC room has three phones. Rapid facsimile transmitters and a copying machines are available. The Emergency Broadcast System room is located within the JNCand a Radio Amateur Communication Emergency


System radio is also available.

, Based on the above, this portion of the Licensee's Emergency Preparedness Program is adequat .0 Exit Meetin .1 An exit meeting was held with the license's staff members listed in Section 1.0 of this report. The Licensee was advised there wer'! no

! violations and was appraised of findings noted in this report. At no time during the inspection, did the inspector provide any written l information to the licensee.

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