IR 05000333/1986019

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Insp Rept 50-333/86-19 on 861021-23.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Nuclear Matl Control & Accounting Including Shipping & Receiving,Storage & Internal Control & Inventory & Mgt.Procedures for Matl Control Adequate
Person / Time
Site: FitzPatrick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/28/1987
From: Della Ratta A, Keimig R, Schulingkamp C
Shared Package
ML20210A202 List:
50-333-86-19, NUDOCS 8702060442
Download: ML20210A257 (6)


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Report N /86-19

, Docket N ,

50-333 License No. OPR-59 Licensee: Power Authority of the State of New York P.O. Box 41 Lycoming, New York 13090 Facility Name: James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant


Inspection At: Scriba, New York Inspection Conducted: October 21-23, 1986 Date of Last Material Control and Accounting Inspection: September 14-15, 1982


Type of Inspection: Routine, Unannounced Material Control and Accounting Inspectors: [Xz f A.~ Della Ratta' Safeguards Auditor cas17 date

$ tT Yo Cristina M. Sihulffgkamp,

/ 1317 date'

Physical SecurityVInspector


Approved by: p /-/#-87 date gNuclearMateralsS-.R. Keimig, ty andCSafeguards tef, Sa guards Section j Branch Inspection Summary: Routine, Unannounced Material Control and Accounting Inspection on October 21-23, 1986 (Report No. 50-333/86-19).

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of nuclear material control

and accounting, including
Organization and Operation; Shipping and Receiving; Storage and Internal Control; Inventory; Records and Reports; and, Management of the Materials Control System.


Results: The licensee's procedures for the control of special nuclear material (SNM) were found to be adequate, however the need for review, and possible upgrading of some procedures, was indicated by two oversights that are addressed in paragraph 3.b and 3.d. Records and reports were generally com-plete, well maintained, and available.


B702060442 870129 PDR ADOCK 05000333 0 PDR

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1. Persons Contacted

  • R. Converse, Resident Manager
* R. Path, Q.A. Superintendent


  • KT Fernandez, Superintendent of Power

" D. Burch, Reactor Analyst Supervisor R. Locy, Assistant Operations Supervisor


" E. Nulcahy, Radiological Environmental Superintendent A. McKeen, Assistant Radiological Environmental Superintendent

  • present at exit interview The inspector also interviewed other licensee personne . 30703 - Exit Interview The inspectors met with the licensee representatives indicated in para-graph 1 at the completion of the inspection on October 23, 1986, and summarized the scope and findings of the inspectio At no time during this inspection was written material provided to the licensee by the inspecto . 85102 - Nuclear Material Control and Accounting Organization and Operation The inspectors verified that, except as noted in paragraphs 3.b and 3.d., the licensee had maintained and followed written procedures for nuclear material control and accounting and that written statements of responsibility for special nuclear material (SNM) were availabl The procedures were contained within the Reactor Analyst Procedures,
Volume 7.2, dated April 22, 1985.


' Shipping and Receiving


The inspectors determined through review that the licensee had maintained and followed procedures to assure that SNM received was accurately accounted for,except as noted in paragraph The inspectors also determined that the licensee had made a shipment of unirradiated fuel, although there were no procedures to control this type of shipment. The licensee promptly initiated action to have appropriate procedures prepared prior to any future shipments of unirradiated fuel, j


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A review was performed on all DOE /NRC Forms - 741 generated for the period April 1, 1982 - September 30, 1986. The forms were checked for proper signature, timely dispatch, and accuracy of data. No discrepancies were note Storage and Internal Control The inspectors determined through a review that the licensee, except as noted in paragraph 3.d., was and following a system of written material control and accounting procedures which provided for knowledge of the qLantity, identity, and location of SNM-bearing


materials within the facilit .

The licensee was maintaining Item Control Areas (ICA's) that included the reactor vessel, spent fuel pool, new fuel storage vault, and other areas that were appropriate for SNM contained in otheF than fue d. Inventory The inspectors reviewed supporting records that sFowed physical inventories were conducted in most instances at intervals not'

exceeding twelve months, as required by 10 CFR 70.51 (d). Since the last physical inventory was ' performed on September 10, 1985, the next physical inventory was due by September 10, 1986. Hewever, the responsible individual had inadvertently applied a tolerance in scheduling the 1986 physical inventory that is not permitte The reactor analyst supervisor began the physical inventory on


October 24, 1986, after being advised by the inspectors on October 23, 1986,- that this tolerance _could not be applied in the case of SNM inventorie The inspectors determined on October 22, 1986, that during the physical inventory concluded on September 10, 1985, the licensee could not account for two fission detectors, containing approximately 0.001 and 0.003 grams of high enriched uranium. The licensee's representative indicated that they thought the two fission detectors were located in a sealed 55 gallon lead lined drum with other SNM stored in the TIP room. However, as of October 23, 1986, no attempt had been made to confirm their location. On November 13, 1986 th6-licensee's representative telephonically notified the inspector that the two fission detectors had been found in the location where they thought they were stored The inspectors reviewed supporting records which reconciled the quantity of SNM shown as of September 20, 1986. The licensee's SNM fuel inventory as of October 23, 1986 consisted of 1,756 fuel assemblie _




. Records and Reports The inspectors reviewed the licensee's records and source data and all Material Balance Reports (DOE /NRC Form-742) submitted during the period of April 1, 1982 - September 30, 1986. Total uranium and U

- 235 fission, transmutation and plutonium production and decay

' records were also reviewed. No discrepancies were note Exhibits I and II of this report summarizes the licensee's nuclear material activities for the period of April 1, 1982 -

September 30, 198 f. Management of Materials Control System The inspectors determined that the licensee had maintained a manage-ment system which generally provided for the revision, implementation and enforcement of nuclear material control and accounting proce-dure The licensee was in the process of initiating the annual audit of its special nuclear material program during this inspection. However, the matter of not physically accounting for the two fission detectors during the September 10, 1985 inventory of special nuclear material (SNM) and the misinterpretation of the NRC requirement regarding the conduct of physical inventories fo'rSNM, indicate the need for more explicit procedures and oversight for SNM.


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ms EXHIBIT I James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant


Docket No. 50-333 License No. DPR-59 Material Balance for Period: April 1, 1982 - September 30, 1986


Reporting Identification Symbol: YZQ Reporting Unit: grams

"I Enriched Uranium Normal Uranium


Element Isotope Element Isotope Beginning Inventory: 182,082,309 2,766,035 479 3 (April 1, 1982)



From Normal Uranium Account: 2,938,325 21,343 Receipts: 102,418,737 3,192,291 2,938,325 21,343 s

Material to Account For: 287,439,371 5,979,669 2,938,804 21,346 Removals:

Shipments: 5,449 131 479 3


Degradation to Other Materials: -----0----- ----0---- 2,938,325 21,343 Fission and Trans-mutation: 3,923,168 2,065,115 ----0---- --0---

Inventory Difference: (1) ----0---- ----0---- --0---

Total Removals: 3,928,616 2,065,246 2,938,804 21,346 Ending Inventory:

(September 30,1986) 1l 283,510,755 3,914,423 ----0---- --0---

Material Accounted For: 287,439,371 5,979,669 2,938,804 21,346



1 Includes 2 Fission Cetectors: 4 4 i

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EXHIBIT II James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant Docket No. 50-333 License No. DPR-59 Material Balance for Period: April 1, 1982 - September 30, 1986 Reporting Identification Symbol: YZQ Reporting Unit: grams Plutonium Element Isotope Beginning Inventory:

(April 1, 1982) 1,222,063 905,549

, Additions:

Production 873,190 602,829 Receipts: ---0--- ---0---

Material to Account For: 2,095,253 1,508,378 Removals:

Shipments: --0--- --0---

Decay: 22,393 21,885 Total Removals: 22,393 21,885 Ending Inventory:

(September 30,1986) 2,072,860 1,486,493 Material Accounted For: 2,095,253 1,508,378