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NRC Operator Licensing Exam Rept 50-333/97-09 (Including Completed & Graded Tests) for Tests Administered on 971104-07
Person / Time
Site: FitzPatrick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/15/1997
Shared Package
ML20197H399 List:
50-333-97-09, 50-333-97-9, NUDOCS 9712310277
Download: ML20197H429 (170)

See also: IR 05000333/1997009


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                                  U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION--
                                                        - REGION I-
              Docket No. '_
                                           _5 0 3 3 3.~
              License No.-                : DPR 59
              Report No,'                 -97 09
           - Licensee:                     New York Power Authority
                                           Post Office Box 41
                                           Scriba, New York 13093
           : Facility Name:
                                           James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant
           - Examination Period:           November 4 7,1997
             . Examiners:                . D. Florek, Senior Operations Engineer         '.
                                           S. Dennis, Operations Engineer
                                           C. Sisco, Operations Engineer
              Approved by:                 G. Meyer, Chief, Operations and Human
                                             Performance Branch
                                           Division of Reactor Sciety                    i



n .

       I ":9712310277 971215
               PDR: ADOCK 05000333-


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                                     EXAMINATION SUMMARY -
                               Examination Report 50 333/97 09 (OL)
  Initial exams were administered to four senior reactor operator (SRO) instant applicants and
  four reactor operator-(RO) applicants during the period of November 4 7,1997, at the
  Jarnes A. FitzPatrick (JAF) Nuclear Power Plant.
  All eight applicants passed the exam. All applicants were well prepared for the
   examination. The JAF training staff and a contractor developed the examination. .The
   quality of the initial submittal was not at the level that met NRC expectations as defined in
   NUREG 1021. However the JAF training staff responded to the NRC comments on the
   proposed examination and developed a fina' examination that was acceptable.
 ' An unresolved item was identified related to a change made to the Emergency Operating
   Procedures regarding initiation of isolations that should have occurred but did not.
   On the operating test, the examiners noted very good performance regarding team work,
   use of prints, communication, procedure use, and peer checking. Also, the examiners
   noted weak performance related to a1 alternate path task related to the refueling interlock


                                                               - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                                                            Reoort Details
     05.1 Operator Initial Exams
        a.  $1QQg,
            The examiners administered initial examinations to four RO and four SRO instant
            applicants in accordance with NUREG 1021, " Examiner Standards," Interim
            Revision 8. The examinations were prepared by A. FitzPatrick (JAF) staff
            and were approved by the NRC JAF staff administered and graded the written
            examination. The NRC administered and graded the operating test and concurred
            with the JAF staff grading of the written examination,
        b.  Observations and Findinas
            The results of the initial examinations are summarized below:


                                                                                        SRO                 RO                  Pass / Fail
                          Written                                                       4/0                 4/0                    8/0
                 Operating                                                               4/0                4/0                    8/0
                              Overall                                                    4/0                4/0                    8/0
             The examinations were prepared by JAF staff. The JAF staff involved with the
             development of these examinations signed security agreements to ensure the
             integrity of the initial examination process.
             JAF staff submitted their proposed sample plan on August 27,1997. The NRC
              Chief examiner made minor changes to the submitted sample plan which were made
              by the JAF staff.
              The JAF proposed SRO and RO written examinations were submitted for NRC
               approval on September 25,1997, and the operating tests the following week as
               agreed by the Chief Examiner. The JAF initial submitted examination was not an
               examination capable of discriminating between acceptable and unacceptable license
                candidates and required modification to meet NRC Examiner Standards. The
                following is a summary of the problems noted with the prope, sed examination.
                                                                   Simplistic written, JPM and admin questions
                                                                   Poor written questiun distractors which were easily eliminated
                                                                   Written questions which did not correlate with the assigned K/A
                                                                   Awkwardly worded written and JPM questions
                                                                   Written and JPM questions that did not solicit the answer in the answer key
 - .  .      _ _ _ . _ _ - _ _ - _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 -       Double jeopardy questions
 -       Lack of balance in the written distractors
 --      More than one correct answer
 -       Inadequate cues for in-plant JPMs
 -       JPM and admin questions not written at the SRO level
 -       JPM questions writtnn as direct look up rather than "open reference" use
 -       Inadequate operator actions in the proposed simulator scenarios
 -       Sperification of scenario critical task 4
 -       Inadequate malfunctions to assess each operator in the competency
 The NRC examination team held an examinav e > reparation visit the week of
 September 20,1997. As a result of the NRC and JAF staff interaction, an
 acceptable examination was developed and administered.
 JAF staff administered the written examinations on November 3,1997. The NRC
 examiners administered the operating examinations in the period of


 November 4 7,1997.
 By letter, dated November 12,1997, JAF staff provided the grading of the written
 examination and identified comments on five questions. A copy of the JAF letter is
 contained in Attachment 3. The NRC accepted the JAF comments on the written
 examination as described in Attachment 4. The examiners reviewed the grading of
 the written examinations and concurred with the grading by JAF staff.
 During the walkthrough portion of the operating test, the SRO instant applicants
 performed poorly in the following task:
         Alternate path task related to the refueling interlock test.
 During the operating test, the following items were significant and consistent
 positive observations.
         P&lD, electrical, and logic prints were effectively used by the applicants.
        Teamwork within the crews was very good.
         Communication within the crews was very good. Crew briefings were
         concise, timely, and appropriate. The applicants were very poised.
             Procedures, including alarm response procedures, were effectively used
             during the scenarios.
             Effective use of peer checking,
c.   Conclusions
     The applicants were well prepared for the examination, and as a result,8 of 8
     applicants passed the examinations and were subsequently issued licenses.
     JAF staff did not have a complete understanding of the NRC expectations in the
     development of their proposed initial examination. Significant interactions between  '
     the NRC and JAF staff were required to develop an examination that was consistent
     with the NRC Examiner Standards, in the end, JAF staff were successful in
     Jeveloping an acceptable examination.

03.1 Emeraency Operatina Procedures (EOPsl

a.   Scope
     The examiner reviewed the change to EOPs which changed the Emergency
     Procedure Guideline (EPG) step HC,,L-1 from " Initiate each of the following which
     should have initiated but did not" to " Verify initiation of".
b.   Observations and Findinas
     During the examination the examiners noted that the applicants did not always
     " Verify initiation of" during the execution of the EOPs. The examiners noted that
     the EOPs were revised to change the step as a concurrent step rather than a series
     step and also " Initiate" was chenged to " Verify initiations".
     At JAF, in accordance with AP-02.01 " verify initiation" meant "to observe that the
     associated activities have been performed or that the expected conditions or
     characteristics exist." This was not the same as " Initiate each of the following
     which should have but did not". AT JA.F " verify" was performed on a concurrent,
     when available basis by the ROs informing the SRO what actions should have
     initiated but did not. The SRO was allowed to decide as to whether to initiate those
     actions. At JAF " ensure" was used to mean initiate each of the following which
     should have initiated but did not.
     The EOP procedure change, dated December 6,1996, which made the change and
     the resulting plant specific technical guide (PSTG) indicated that this was plant
     specific terminology and did not specifically identify whether the wording change
     was meant to be identical in interpretation. In addition,the change from series to
     concurrent execution of initiate isolations was not specifically addressed.
 c.   Conclusion
     - An unresolved item was identified for JAF to provide an assessment of whether
         Verify isolations" was meant to be equivalent to " initiate each of the following
      which should have but did not". 'If this was not the case, then the procedure          i
      change documentation _should be reassessed for completeness and adequacy. In
      addition the adequacy of the change from series to concurrent, when available
      execution should be documented.- This is unresolved item (50 333/97 09-01)-

E.8 Review of UFSAR Commitmerits

      A recent discovery ~of a licensee operating their facility in a manner contrary to the
      updated final safety analysis report (UFSAR) description highlighted the need for a
      special focused review that compares plant practices, procedures and/or parameters
      to the UFSAR descriptions. While performing the examination activities discusssd       l
      In this report, the examiner reviewed portions of :he UFSAR that related to a main
      steam line break accident examination question. The selected examination question
      reviewed was consistent with the UFSAR.
                                 V. Manaaement Meetinas

X1 Exit Meeting Summary At the conclusion of the examination, the examiners discussed their observations of the examination process with members of JAF management. The examinations noted that no simulator fidelity concerns had been observed or identified. JAF management acknowledged the examiner observations. The JAF personnel present at the exit included the following: P. Brozenich, Operations Manager R. Locey, Training Manager J. Morris, initial Program Administrator J. Romanowski, Operations Training Supervisor D. Topley, General Manager, Maintenance Attachments: 1. SRO Examination and Answer. Key 2. RO Examination and Answer Key 3. JAF Comments on the Written Examination 4. NRC Resolution of JAF Comments on the Written Examination

                                                                          .    _
          ATTACHMENT 1


                                             '-   -%>-           &                     a----       4
    NEW YORK POWER AUTHORITY                                                 EXAMINATION / QUIZ
    JAMES A. FITZPATRICK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT                                 COVER SHEET
    Examination Submitte By:) MA                                             Date: 11/03/97


    Supervisor Approval:                C 1 4 . M o t t i_S                  Date: fo lt)    $7
    Authorized Reference            I: ATTACHED
    Minimum Acceptable Grade: 80                            Total Exam Points: 100
    9 ade:                        Graded By:                                Time Limit: 4 hours __
                                           STUDENT DATA
    Name:                                                          S.S.#:
              Last          First                      M,l.
    Employer:        NEW YORK POWER AUTHORITY                      Date:
    1,       Remain quiet during the exam, if you have any questions during tho exam, raise
             your hand, Your instructor will provide clarification wherever possible.
    2.       You are expected to do your own work and not to help anyone else,
    3,       Use only the authorized reference material.
    4.       At the complet:on of this examination, you are to sign the following certification,
    I certify all answers contained in this examination are my own, in addition, I have not
    received nor given any unauthorized         istance, nor have used any unauthorized
    Student Signature:                                                      Date:
                        . .        .     . . -       - .   ..           . .   .         .  .-                _     . . - .           .
  • -~
     _                                    ,
                                                 SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION i
        1-                                                                                                                                     ,
             Question 1l                                                                                                                       }
                : With the plant operating at 50% power, which'one of the following Main Generator faults
                   will cause an automatic reactor scram?1
                       --a.        High Stator. Winding Temperature.                                                                           ,
                                       .              -
                      i b.     - liigh Differential Current.

. c.- Loss ofIsolated Phase Bus Duct Cooling.

   ; t.
                        d.     :  Low Hydrogen Pressure.


             Question 2
Which one of the following is the reason that the Reactor Mode Switch should be taken out
                   of the RUN position immediately after a Reactor Scram?


                        a.        Enable SRM and IRM rodblocks.
                        b.'-      Prevent MSIV isolation;

e c. Enable the SDIV high level bypass circuitry. ,

                        d.        Lower the APRM scram setpoint to ISR

c .. $

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                                          . SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION -

._ . Question 3' _

               : A reactor scram has just occurred followed by a Residual Transfer. Which one of the
               ' following describes the operators' concerns regarding the MSIVs under these conditions?                                      .
                      a. _       Ensure the MSIVs close to minimize the possibility of Main Turbine overspeed.                _
                     . b.       : Ensure the MSIVs close to minimize the possibility of Turbine Building                                      ,
                       c.        Ensure the MSIVs remain open to minimize Torus heat load.
                     - d.        Ensure the MSIVs remain open to rnaintain availability of Turbine Scaling steam.
              Question 4
                  Following an automatic IIPCI initiation, the operators note that liPCI trips and then later
                  restarts with no operator action. Which one of the following was the cause of the trip?
                       a.        liigh turbine exhaust diaphragm pressure.
                     - b.        Iligh steam flow rate.
                       c.        liigh RPV level.
                       d.-      _liigh HPCI area temperature.
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                                                                                                                         .        ._ _em, ,  t

. Question 5

   A' power ascension is in progress with the following conditions:
   .    Power level is 70%.                                                                 ,
   .    Load line is 100%.
   .   Two Feedwater pumps are operating.
   Which one of the following describes when and how the Recire. Pumps will runback if one
   Feed Pump trips?
       a.       Immediately runback to minimum speed.
        b.      When RPV level lowers to 196.5 inches; runback to minimum speed.
       c.       Immediately runback to 44% speed.
       d.       When RPV level lowers to 196.5 inches; runback to 44% speed.
Question 6
   The following conditions exist:
   .   A Group 11 isolation has occurred due to high Drywell pmssure.
   .    Present Dry,vell pressure is 5 psig.
   .   The EMERG OVERR DRYWELL 111 PRESS keylock switch on the PCP panel has been
       taken to its OVERRIDE position.
   .   No other operator actions have been taken.
   Which one of the following describes the CAD isolation valves that can be opened at this
       a.      All CAD isolation valves,
       b.      All CAD isolation valves except 27AOV-111 through 118 (CAD vent valves),
       c.      All CAD isolation valves except 27MOV-113. I17,122,123 (CAD purge valves).
       d.      All CAD isolation valves except 27AOV 131 A/B,132A/B (CAD make-up
                                             Page 3 of 50
                   ""* EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE ""*
 Questica 7
   The plant is operating at full power when the following occur:
    .    Generated MWe starts to decrease.
    *    Reactor power starts to decrease.
    Which one of the following could have caused these symptoms?
         a.     Decrease in grid frequency.
         b.     Jet Pump malfunction.
         c.     Loss of feedwater heating.
         d.     Inadvertent SRV opening.
 Question 8
    With a his,h Drywell pressure, Emergency RPV Depressurization is required if Torus Water
    Level cannot be maintained below PSP (Pressure Suppression Pressure). Which one of the
    following is the basis for performing an Emergency RPV Depressurization if the Pressure
    Suppression Pressure Limit is exceeded?
         a.     To ensure that the vacuum breakers will not become submerged and fail to
         b.     To ensure adequate free volume (airspace) of the Torus for steam suppression.
         c.     To prevent damaging the Torus.
         d.     To prevent steam from the Drywell bypassing the Suppression Pool.


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                   '"" EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *""

-Question 9

   Which one of the following would give positive indication that SRV 'C' la open when its
  control switch is taken to OPEN?
       a.      SRV red light is on.
       b.      SRV white light is on.
       c.      SRV tailpiece temperature rises and stabilizes at 285 'F.
       d.      Epic alarm ' SONIC DET RV-C' RESFT is received.
Question 10
  The following conditions exist:
   .   A plant transient raised RPV pressure to 1150 psig.
   .   The SRVs have opened.
   .   RPV levelis 150 inches.
   Assuming no operator action, which one of the following describes when the SRVs are
  expected to close?
       a.      Before RPV pressure decreases below approximately 1050 psig.
       b.      120 seconds after the initial transient.
       c.      After RPV pressure decreases below approximately 50 psig.
       d,      When both RIIR and Core Spray pumps are secured.
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                                           SEN1OR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION ~
            . Questionil1
                  A reactor scram occurred but many control rods failed to insert due to a high water level in                       r
                  the Scram Discharge Volume. The APRMs read 9 %EWhich one of the following actions--
                  will be most effective in inserting control rods? :


                        a.        Manually initiate ARl,                                                                             ,
                        b.        De-energize scram solenoids.
                        c.        Manually insert control rods.
                        d.        Close the CRD Flow Control valve.


             Question 12


                  Following the trip of one Recire. Pump with the reactor at power, the operators have closed
                  the discharge valve of the tripped pump. Which one of the following is the reason that this is
                        a.~       Stops reverse rotation of the tripped pump.
                        b.        Prevents backflow through the idle Jet Pumps,
                        c.        Prevents runout of the operating Recire. Pump.
                     ' d.         Lowers the probability of entering the instability region of the power / flow map.


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                                                                                    SENIOR RNA'CTOR OPERATOR NX MINATION)
                          .                                                               -  -
                                                                                                              -                                                                          1
                       UQue'stion? 13-


               ,                  { The following conditions ~ exist: - __                                                                                                           'l


                              # * a Condenser vacuum is 25.1 inches Hgi
                                  ? e 1 Turbine load is 170 MWe.-                                                                                                       ~
                                    1 J AOP 11 (Loss of Condenser Vacuum) has been entered.1                                                                                         q
                 ,                                             -

c - Which one of the following actions, by itself, will make it MORE LIKELY that a manual

                                   -                                                                                                                                                 j
                          - - Turbine Trip will be required? -                                                                                                                           l
                                            L ai:            . Starting the Mechanical Vacuum pumps.                                                                                     )
                                               b.            L Increase load to 255 MWe.


> - .
                                               c. -            Decrease load to 85 MWe,                                                                                                  l


                                              'd. .            Placing the spare Air Ejector sets in senice.


                               ,                                                                                                                                                          i


                          Question '14 -                                                                                                                                                 '

, . With the plant shutdown, an Emergency Diesel Generator is running and is tied to its bus for

                                     load testing. Which one of the following describes the response to a complete loss of offsite
                                     power?                                                                                                                                              ,
                                               a. '          . The Tie Breakers will trip and the diesel will maintain the bus loads. .
                                            Ib,               The Diesel Output breaker will trip and the diesel will switch to isochronous
                                                             - mode, then the Diesel Output breaker recloses.                                                                        l
                                            " c.              The Diesel Output breaker will trip and the diesel will switch to droop mode, then
                                                              the Diesel Output breaker recloses,                                                                                        r

. . ~


. l d.- 1 The Tie 'oreakers and the diesel will trip.

           +                ,

ha- ~

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 Question 15
    Ilus 10400 is powered by the Main Generator via breaker 10402. Which one of the following
    ways of opening this breaker will not allow closing the Station Reserve breaker 104127
        a.     Manually opened locally,
        b.     Manually opened from the control room.
        c.     Automatically opened on o /ercurrent.
        d.     Automatically opened on undervoltage.


 Question 16
   Which one of the followi.ig describes the loads in the 24 VDC Power System?
        a.     Each Icad breaker is connected to 48 VDC potential (input) from its associated
               9. VDC charger,
        b.     Italf the loads on a 124 VDC distribution bus are powered from +24 VDC, The
               other half are powered from -24 VDC.
        c.     Each load breaker is connected to 24 VDC potential (input) from its associated
               112 VDC charger,
        d.     IIalf the loads on a 148 VDC distribution bus are powered from +48 VDC. The
               other half are powered from -48 VDC.
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      _ ~ _                  .                       _. _                _ ,~           . . ., _    _.           -._ . . .. _ -               _,          .    _ . - -
                                              - SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION-
               L'Ihe follo(ing Narrow Range RPV level conditions exist:                                                                                                l
                 *: - A' indicates 215 inches and is rising slowlyt
                 *:- - 'B' in/4icates 185 inches and is lowering slowly.

L -

                -e ,'C' it,dicates 214 inches and is rising slowly,                                                                                                      :
:* Feedwater control is selected to the 'A' Column - ]
                 Selecting the 'B' RPV Level Column will result in which one of the following effects on levell
                - trends?:
                     - a,         'A' and 'C' will continue to rise. 'B' will lower.


                        bi        'A' and 'C' will continue to rise. 'B' will rise. -                                                                                    ;


                        c.      "A' and 'C' will lower 'B' will lower.


                        d.        'A' and 'C' will lower. 'B' will rise. -                                                                                               ;


              Question 18
                 In which one of the following ways does a loss of 125 VDC Bus 'A' affect the ADS /SRV


                        a.        Loss of'A' logic, ADS remains functional.
                        b.       -None of the ADS /SRV valves can b opened.
                        c,        The ADS /SRV valves cannot be opened from the remote panel.
                        d.     :
                                  Only valves F, J, K & L remain fully functional.
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                                                          SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION .


              . Question'19;
                    AOP43 (Shutdown From Outside the Control Room) requires the operators to remove RiiR                                               ;
                   : pumps 'A' and 'C' from service. Which one of the following' describes the reason that this                                        ,


                    step is necessary?
                              a.           : Prevent water hammer in the event of a LOCA signsl.


                            . b.              Prevent inadvertent Drywell spray.                                                                       ;
                              c.              Prevent inadvertent LPCI injection.                                                                      [


                              d.-             Prevent draining the RP_V to the. Torus.
               Question- 20
                    The following events occur:
                    . - The plant is at 20% power.


                    . liigh radiation in the Off Gas system starts the OITGas Timer.


                    .        No operator action is taken.

[ Which one of the following will be the most likely cause of an automatic reactor scram?.

                              a.              liigh Reactor Power.

l b. ._ Low RPV Level.- . c. MSIV closure. ,

                            .d.             'lligh RPV Pressure.


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 . Question 21


     Which one of the following describes the use of ESW for Drywell cooling during a LOCA7
          a.    It is the preferred method.
          b.    It may be used only on loss of RBCLC.
          c,    it may be used only if directed by EOP-4.
          d.    It is prohibited.
 Question 22
     On a Loss ofinstrument Air pressure during normal plant operation, whicii one of the
     following describes if and when the MSIVs will go closed?
          a.    Inboards remain open; outboards close immediately,
          b.    Inboards and outboards close inunediately,
          c.    Inboards close eventually; outboards close immediately,
          d.    Inboards remain open; outboards close eventually.
                    **"* EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *""

Question 23

  The following conditions exist:
  .   A valid Reactor Scram has occuned on low RPV level.
  .   The EDGs have auto started in response to high Drywell pressure.
  .   The Recire, pumps anc running at minimum speed as expected.
  Which one of the following describes the status of the containment isolations?
      a.       Group 1 isolated; Group 11 isolated.
      b.       Group 1 not isolated; Group 11 not isolated.
      c.       Group I isolated; Group 11 not isolated.
      d.       Group i not isolated; Group 11 isolated.

Question 24

  During a plant startup RPV pressure is 900 psig. Loss of CRD flow will have which one of
  the fo'.iowing efTects on control rod motion and scram times?
      a.       Normal rod motion is unafTected and scram times will be within acceptable limits.
      b.       Normal rod motion is lost and scram times will not meet c.cceptable limits.
      c.       Normal rod motion is unafTected but scram time; will not meet acceptable limits.
      d.       Normal rod motion is lost but scram times will be within acceptable limits.
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Question 25

  During power operation with RilR pump 'A' in Torus Cooling, an operator misttkenly
  manually opens R11R pump 'A' Shutdown Cooling Suction valve (10MOV-15A) locally at
  the valve, Which one of the following describes the expected automatic actions, if any?
      a.     There will be no automatic actions.
      b.     When 10MOV-15A reaches 10% open, it will automatically close the 'A' RilR
             Pump Suction Torus Isolation Valve (10MOV-13A).
      c.     When 10MOV-15A reaches full open, the RilR Torus Cooling / Torus Spray
             outboard valve (10MOV-39A) will auto close.
      d.'    The ' A' RliR pump will trip on low suction pressure.

Questic.i 26

  Which one of the following describes the consequences of spraying the Drywell if Drywell
 conditions are not in the permissible region of the Drywell Spray Initiation Curve?
      a.     Water sprayed into the Drywell will turn to steam raising pressure even further.
      b.     The cold water will put excessive thermal stress on the Drywell which may lead to
             its failure,
      c.     The efTect is unpredictable and would result in putting the plant in an unanalyzed
      d.     Drywell pressure would drop more rapidly than could be handled by the vacuum
                                        Page 13 of 50
 Quustion 27
    %e Reactor Dailding Ventilation system is in operation when the exhaust plenum radiation
    levels exceed 10' cpm. Which one of the following describes the expected response of the
    Reactor Building Ventilation and SBGT systems to this esent?
        a.      Reactor Building Ventilatien w;11 isolate and neither train of SBGT will start,
        b.      Reactor Building Ventilation will isolate and both trains of SBGT will ctart,
        c.      Reactor Building Ventilation will not isolate and neither train of SBGT will start.
        d.      Reactor Building Ventilation will not isolate and both trains of SBGT will start.
 Question 28
   The following conditions exist:
   .    A fuel element failure has occurred.
   .    01-107AOV-100 (OITGas Outlet Isolation Valve) is open.
   .   The Off Gas timer has started.
   .   The Stack Low Range monitors are reading full upscale.
   .   The Stack High Range monitors are reading 110 mR/hr.
   .    Reactor Building Exhaust radiation is reading 22,000 cpm.
   These conditions require entry to which one of the following combinations of Emergency
   Plan EALs and EOPs?
       a.       Unusual Event and EOP-5.
       b.       Unusual Event and EOP-6.
       c.       Alert and EOP-5.
       d.       Alert and EOP-6.
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                  . .   ,        -- .               .- .. -               .        .-. -.-         - .. - - . - - . .             - -
                                                   SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION
                  Question '29
                      'In the event that normal shutdown cooling capability has been lost, which one of the

. following states the minimum shutdown time before Fuel Pool Cooling Assist will provide -

                       adequate cooling? -
                                       .                                                                                              a
                             a.           Iday..
                           ' b.        .4 days.


                          . c.        ' 7 days.


                             d.       ~ 9 days.-

. 9 .

                 Question 30
                       Which one of the following describes why it is important to establish forced Recire, flow
                       during a Loss of Shutdown Cooling event?
                             a.          Coolant stratification may mislead the operators into azuming bulk water

. temperature is below 212'F,

                          - b.           Cooling of the recire. loop will produce a reactivity effect when the first recire.

E pump is started.

                             c.        - Unstable transition boiling at low pressure may cause clad damage.                            ,
                             d.~         Steam build up in the RHR suction piping will lead to waterhammer when RHR
                                         flow is restored,


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  Question 31-
     Which one of the followit.g limits takes precedence during the operation of the SBGT system
     with the Reactor Building isolated?
         a.     Maintain RB AP more negative than -0.25 inches of water,
         b.     Maintain charcoal filter temperatures less than 170 'F.
         c.     Limit SBGT flow to a maximum of 6000 scfm.
         d.     Maintain Reactor Building Ventilation exhaust radiation levels less than 10' cpm.


  Question 32
     Following a reactor scrara the pressure in the Scram Discharge Volume (SDV) rises to RPV
     pressure. Which one of the following describes the most likely reason for this condition?
         a.     One or more CRDM seals have failed.
         b.     The scram has not been reset,
         c.     The SDV vent valves have failed closed.
         d.     The CRDil flow control valve has failed open.
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                                                       . SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION '
               _. Questionf 33i
                        c Which one of the fo.lowing RWM conditions,;f any, will prevent insertion of a selected rod !                       !
                         using the Emergency In' switch?
                             La.           None.L                                                              -
                             2 b.          Select Error.;
                               c.         : Withdraw block.


                               d. ' E - Insert block.

. $


I  :

                Question 34


                         The following' conditions exist:
                        L. - The plant is shut down.

" 1

                               The 'A' RilR loop is in Shutdown Cooling.
                       L. . A LPCI initiation signal on low RPV level occurs.
                         Which oneof the following describes the operator actii.ns, if any, which must be taken it.
                      " order for LPCI 'A' to start injecting?


                               a.        : None.


                               b.          Reset the Group 2 isolation,' manually start the pump and reset the injection valve
                                           isolation signal.
                              c.           Manually lign the suction path for the' desired pump and reset IS LPCI initiation
                                           signal; -
                             . d.          Manually align the suction path for the desired pump, manually start the pump,' -
                                           and reset the injection valve isolation signal.


   . -
  .: '
- 1
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                                                                - ' SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION                                                                                                !
                Question 35
       n                                                                                                                                                                                               ;
                       The following sequence of events has occurred.
                        . A LOCA has occurred resulting in LPCI injection.
                        . - OfTsite power is then lost.                                                    .
                        .        EDGs 'B', 'C', & 'D' start and load normally.                                                                                                                         j
                        .        EDG 'A' falls to start.                                                                                                                                                ,
                        Under these conditions wh':ch of the following RilR pumps will be running two minutes
                        after the loss of power? -                                                                                                                                                      ,

i  ; .L , n. All four <

                               ; b. .         ~ 'B' 'C' & 'D'
                                                     ,      ,                                                                                                                                          [
                                 c.              'A', 'C', & 'D' -          -


                                 d.              'B'A'D'                                                                                                                                               t
                Question 36
                        The follow events occuri
                        .        A low RPV level causes llPCI to start and inject.
                        .       ;lPCI is the only available injection system.
                        .        RPV level starts to increase.                                                                                                                                          ;
. The liPCI Aux. Oil Pump breaker trips, j
                       - Assuming no operator action, which one of the following describes the expected response of.                                                                                   l'
,,                      lil'Cl?                                                       . , _ , , , -
          -                      a.              IIPCI will trip when the Aux. Oil Pump breaker trips and can not restart.
                             " b. .              IIPCI will trip on ll!gh Level and can not restart. -
                              - c.               IIPCI will trip on liigh Level and can restart on low level,


                              Ed.               -IIPCI will continue running until manually tripped.'                                                                                                   ,

. i'

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 #                                                                       -
  ,     e   --E - -hy. . ---e    .E mh , , h[ :. %,-   .-s,    .--6-4.,,+.p--nviu-e-v     .,-+--,    ,..qm          ..w,%,,,  ,  v.,.,w,r.,we-.-, ,,._w. . , , ,.~,,,,r.m---eve,.-e-ye,--w,y,-mmw+

Question 37

 The following events have occurred:
  .   A LOCA has occurred.
  .   The Core Spray pumps auto started on low level.
  .    RPV level subsequently recovered to 180 inches.
  .   'the operators took both Core Spray Pump switches to STOP.
  .    Drywell pressur:is 2.3 psig.
  Which one of the following describes the expected response of the Core Spray pumps to        ,
  these events?
       a.     After auto starting they remain on until the initiation logie is text.
       b.     They stop when switched to STOP but restart if Drywc!! pressure increases above
              their auto start setpoint.
       c.     They stop when switched to STOP but restart iflevel decreases below tl.eir auto-
              start setpoldt,
       d.     They stop when switched to STOP and remain off.

Question 38

  Which one of the following describes the effect of a loss of 600 VAC power on the Core
  Spray system?
       a.     Core Spray pumps will not auto start when required. They can be started
       b.     Core Spray pumps cannot be started either automatically or manually,
      c.      Core Spray pumps will start nonnally but their discharge valves will not 'open
     - d.     Core Spray pumps will start nonnally but will trip on low P.ow.
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  Question 39
    1he operator takes the SLC keylock switch to START SYS A. Pump 'A' receives a start
    signal but fails to start due to mechanical binding ofits contactor. Which one of the
     following describes the expected response of the Squib Valves and RWCU system isolation
    valves to these events?
          a.    Neither Squib valve will fire; RWCU wi." not isolate.
          b.    Only the 'N Squib valve will fire; RWCU will isolate,
          c.    Both Squib valves will fire: RWCU will isolate,
          d.    Iloth Squib valves will fire; RWCU will not isolate.
  Question 40
     Following a Residual Transfer and prior to the operator taking any actions, which one of the
     following describes the ability to start the SLC pumps and fire the squib valves?
          a.    The pumps can be started and the squib valves will fire,
          b.    The pumps cannot be started and the squib valves will fire.
          c.    The pumps can be started and the squib valves will not fire.
          d.    The pumps cannot be started and the squib valves will not fire.
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w. . .

                                 ._ ..                                                    _      _ __
                          SENIOR REACTOR OPl!RATOR EXAhilNATION
 Question 41
    The plant is operating at 100% power when a Generator Load Reject occurs. Which one of
    the following describes the RPS input that generates the first expected scram signal?             l
        a.      liigh RPV Pressure,
        b.      Illgh Neutron Flux,
        c.      Turbine Control Valve Fast Closure.
        d.      Turbine Stop Valve Closure.


 Question 42
    The reactor is operating at 25% power. Which one of the following describes the response, if
    any, of RPS if the 'A' inboard and 'D' outboard htSIVs are closed?
        a.      Full Scram.
        b.      Italf Scram in Channel 'A'.
        c.      Italf Scram in Channel'Ir.
        d.      No elTect.
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                           SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAhilNATION
 Question 43
    A normal plant startup is in progress and the following conditions exist:                               l
    .    The Reactor hiode Switch is in STARTUP.                                                    4 '
    .    All the IRhi range switches are on RANGE 2.                                                    .
    .    No IRhts are bypassed.                                                                       (AV
    Which one of the following describes the effect on half scrams or rod blocks, if any, that will
    occur if the IRh1 W hiode Switch is placed in the STANDilY position?
         a.       None, as long as its companion APRh1 is not downscale.
         b.       Rod Withdrawal Block only.
         c.       RPS Italf Scram only.
         d.       Rod Withdrawal Block and RPS llalf Scram.
  Question 44
     The following conditions exist:
      .   All IRhi Range switches are on RANGE 2.
      .   The SRhl detectors are partially withdrawn.
      .   SRhi'A' reads 80 cps.
      Which one of the ibliowing dascribes the ability to witlidraw SRh1 'A' and the status of rod
          a.      The detector can be further withdrawn and a rod block exists.
          b.      The detector can be further withdrawn and no rod block exists,
          c.       The detector cannot be further withdrawn and a rod block exists,
          d.       The detector cannot be further withdrawn and no rod block exists.
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                                      SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINAT10N


                Question 45
                  A Recirculation Flow Summer fails resulting in zero output. Which one of the following is
                  the highest power level at which the APRM will generate a rod block but not a scram signal?
                       a.     100 %
                       b.    75 %                                                                                     ,
                       c.    60%
                       d.     50%
                Question 46
                   Assuming no change in vessel inventory, starting the Recire pumps will affect Fuel Zone
                  and Wide Range RPV level indication in which one of the following ways?
                       a.    Fuel Zone rises; Wide Range rises,
                       b.    Fuel Zone rises; Wide Range lowers.
                       c.    Fuel Zone lowers; Wide Range rises.
                       d.    Fuel Zone lowers: Wide Range lowers.
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                                                                                                           . - . - -.
                         SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOlt EXAhilNATION
 Question 47                                                                               j
    RCIC is in operation due to a small LOCA. Which one of the folloi , describes the
    expected position of the RCIC Turbine Govemor Valve (13110V 2): . De RCIC Turbine
    Steam Inlet Isolation Valve (13h10V 131)if RPV level rises to 222.5 h.. . s7
        a.     Turbine Governor Valve open; Turbine Steam Inlet Isolation Valve closed,
        b.     Turbine Governor Valve closed; Turbine Steam Inlet Isolation Valve open.
        c.     Turbine Governor Vahe open; Turbine Steam inlet isolation Valve ekwed open.
        d.     Turbine Governor Vi;lve closed; Turbine Steam inlet isolation Valve closed.
 Question 48
   1he following events have occurred:
   .   An Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) initiation has occurred.
   .   The initiation signals are still present.
   .    A blowdown is ir. progress.
   Taking the ADS Nonnal/ Override switches to OVERRIDE and back to NORh1AL will have
   which one of the following effects on the ADS Valves 7
       a.      ADS Valves will close and remain closed,
       b.      ADS Valves will close then reopen immediately,
       c.      ADS Valves will close then reopen aller 120 seconds.
       d.      ADS Valves will remain open.
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                                                      SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION
            Question 49.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   i
                The following conditions exist:                                                                                                                                                                                            f
                .    Drywell pressure has risen from 1.8 to 2.5 psig.                                                                                                                                                                      j
                *    Torus pressure has risen from 0 to 2.5 psig.                                                                                                                                                                          !
                These conditions are symptonatic of which one of the following?


                     a.                 SRV cycled to control pressure and an SRV tailpiece failure inside the Torus.                                                                                                                      [

l b. Small break LOCA in the Drywell and a Downcomer failure inside the Torus. , ., c. Small break LOCA in the Drywell and a Torus to Drywell vacuum breaker failed '

                                        to open.
d. SRV cycled to control pressure and an SRV tallpiece vacuum breaker stuck open.






            Question 50                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ,


                With the Mode Switch in STARTUP, which one of the following conditions will result in the                                                                                                                                  >
                automatic closure of the MSIVs?
                     a.                 RPV Level is 50 inches.
                     b.                 Steam , pressure is 750 psig.
                   . c.                 Main Condenser Vacuum is 10 inches lig.                                                                                                                                                            ;
                     di                 Turbine Stop valves not fully closed.
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                                                                 ._    _
                       SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAhilNA'llON

Question $1

 The plant is in shutdown cooling when a relay failure results in a spurious ADS logic
 Channel 'A' low low low level signal. No other level trips have occurred. Which one of the
  following describes the effect that this event will have on ADS?
       a.    ADS will initiate.
       b.    ADS will not initiate because the RilR or Core Spray pump running interlock is
             bypassed in shutdown cooling.
       c.    ADS will not initiate because both channels are needed for ADS initiation.
       d.    ADS will not initiate because there is no low level trip.

Question 52

  RFP 'A' hasjust tripped on high reactor vessel level. Which one of the following conditions
  must be satisfied before the RFP 'A' hydraulic coupling automatically disengages?
       a.    IIP and 1.P stop valves closed.
       b.    RFP turbine tripped signal sensed.
       c.    Turbine speed less than 4 RPhi.
       d.    htGU and htSC on low speed stops.
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                        SENIOR REACT 0F, OPERATOR EXAMINATION                                       I

Question 53

  The following events occur.
  .   The plant is operating at full power with the MGUs and Master Controller balanced.-
  .   The Master Controller outpi.t slowly falls downscale.
  .   RPV level lowers to 185 Ir.ches at which point the operator takes both MOUs to manual.        !
  .   No further operator actior, is taken.
  Which one of the followinr, describes the response of feed flow and RPV level aner the            ;
  MGUs have been shined to manual?                                                                  l
      a.      Flow will increase to 100%; Levcl will increase to 200 inches.
      b.      Flow will increase to 100%; Level will remain at 185 inches.                          ,
      c.      Flow will increase to greater than 100%; Level will increase to 200 inches.
      d.      Flow will remain less than 100%; Level will continue to trend down.

Question -54

  The SBGT system has failed to auto start in response to a IIPCI start signal Which one of
  the following will occur as a result of the failure of SBGT to start?
      a,      llPCI start up sequence will not complete and the llPCI turbine will not start,
      b.      The llPCI turbine will start but may trip on liigh Exhaust Pressure,
      c.      The llPCI turbine will start but may trip on liigh IIPCI Area Temperature.
      d.      IIPCI flow rate will be limited due to decreased condenser efliciency.
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                        SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION                                   !

Question 55

  Which one of the following is the reason that operation of an EDG at loads near 2000 KW is
  to be avoided?
      a.       Excessive wear on turbocharger drive gears,
      b.       Main bearing degradation due to inadequate lube oil cooling.
      c.       Potential Lube oil sump fire due to increased piston blow by.
      d.       Overheating of exhaust system.

Question 56

  Following a LOCA with concurrent Loss of OfTsite Power, which one of the following will
  be the first to be reenergized when the 'A' and 'C' EDO breakers close?
      a.       'A' ESW Pump.
      b.       'A' RilR Pump.
      c.       'C' RilR Pump.
      d.       'A' Core Spray Pump.
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          .__.                           .                                     ..

Question 57

 The operator withdraws a control rod one notch but the rod position indications show that the
 rod is withdrawing continuously until it reaches full out position. Which one of the
  following : ,uld be the cause of this?
       a.      Stuck collet piston,
       b.      liigh CRDil pressure.
       c.      Uncoupled rod.
       d.      Leaking IICU Scram inlet valve (03AOV-126).

Question 58

  Reactor power is 5%. The RWM is fully operational and has generated a Withdraw Block.
  Under these conditions, which one of the following is the maximum number of rods with
  insert errors that could possibly be moved in the withdraw direction?
       a.      None.
       b.      One.
       c.      Two,
       d,      Three.
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Question 59

 The plant is operating at full power when the following Recire. Pump Seal readings are
  .   #1 (inner) Seal Cavity pressure is 1000 psig.
  .   #2 (outer) Seal Cavity pressure is 150 psig.
  Which one of the following will cause these conditions?
      a.       Normal operation of both seals.
      b.       Failure of both seals.
      c.       Partial failure of the #1 seal.
      d.       Partial failure of the #2 seal.

Question 60

  During tha startup of the 'A' Recire. Pump the following conditions exist:
  .   The 'A' Recire. Pump Discharge valve is 85% open.
  .   The 'II' Recire. Pump Discharge valve is fully open.
  .   Total Feed Flow is 30%.
  .   Feedwater Pump 'A' is running; Feedwater Pump 'I3' is secured.
  .   RPV level is 195 inches.
  Which one of the following describes the most restrictive Recire. Pump speed limitt.tions
  currentiy in efTect?
      a.       Iloth pumps are limited to 30%.
      b.       Iloth pumps are limited to 44%.
      c.       Pump 'A' is limited to 30%; '13' is not limited.
      d.       Pump 'A' is limited to 30%; '13' is limited to 44%.
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                         SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAhilNATION

Question 61

  The drive mechanism of a fully withdrawn control rod is uncoupled. Which one of the                   .
  following indications during the coupling check indicates that the rod is uncoupled?                  l
       a.     Individual Rod Drill Alarm.
       b.     Individual Rod Ovenravel Alarm,
       c.     '49' will be displayed in the rod position window.
       d.     Individual Rod Full Out light remains energized.

Question 62

  Three of the eight 1.PRhi detectors supplying an RBhi channel have failed downscale.
  Which one of the following describes the response, if any, of the RBhi to these failures?
       a.     There will be no functional efTect since the RBht still has sufficient 1.PRh1 inputs
              to function,
       b.     The rod block setpoint will be automatically adjusted downward to compensate
              for the lost inputs,
       c.     An inop. Rod Block will be generated until one detector is bypassed.
       d.     A Rod Block will be generated until the PUSil TO SETUP pushbutton has been
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                            SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAhilNATION
  Question 63                                                                                         l
     Which one of the following describes the e&ct of spraying the Drywell during a LOCA
     when Drywell pressure is below 2.7 prig?
          a.    Unnecessary damage to equipment in the Drywell,
          b.    Pvtial de inerting of the Primary Containment,                                        ;
          c.    Inability to vent the Primary Containment.
          d.    hiechanical 4 'ure of the Torus to Drywell vacuum breakers.                           i
  Question 64
    The operators are unatle to reset an inadvertent Group 1 isolation signal. Which one of the
     following conditions, ifit existed, would cause this problem?                                    ,
          a.    A control switch for one of the htSIVs is in the OPEN position.
          b.    The Reactor hiode Switch is in RUN.
         c.     The control switches for the hiain Steam Line Drain valves are in the OPEN
         d.     The AP across the htSIVs is 125 psid.
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                                SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION
     Question 65
         During plant operation it is noted that 345 kV bus voltage is 380 kV. Which one of the -      .;
         following is the appropriate response, if any, to this condition?                               i
              a.       No response required.                                                             j
              b.     ' Reduce generator output voltage to restore 345 kV bus voltage to nonnal.
              c.       Contact the Load Dispatch Center and request that 345 kV bus voltage be           ;
              d.       Increar.c Generator Isolated Phase Cooling to maximum.                            ;
     Question 66                                                                                         l
         The following sequence of events occurs:
       -.     600 VAC power is lost for 3 minutes.
         .    After 600 VAC power is restored,125 VDC power is briefly lost.                           j
         . - 125 VDC power is then restored.
       - Afler restoration of 125 VDC power, which one of the following will be the source, if any, of   ,
        - 120 VAC UPS Instrumer.t Power?
              a.   -
                       Nothing,120 VAC will be deenergized.                                              ;
              b.       600 VAC via the UPS MO Set.                                                       l
              c.       600 VAC via the 600/120 VAC transfomice.
             Ed.       125 VDC via the UPS MO Set. -                                                     i
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                         SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION                                      ,
 Question 67                                                                                      i
    Loss of all 12$ VDC power would have which one of the following effects on the Emergency
    Diesel Generators?
        n.      Diesels would auto start and load,


        b.      Diesels would auto start, but would not auto load.
        c.      Diesels would not start and could not be started at the Engine Control Panel,
        d.      Diesels would not auto start but could be started at the Engine Control Panel.
 Question 68
    Which one of the following describes the efret of the Control Room Inlet Radiation Monitor
   channel failing upscale?
        a.      Alann only.
        b.      The intake and Exhaust dampers close and the Recire, damper opens.
       c.       The Control Room Supply fans trip and the Exhaust Damper closes,
       d.       The Emergency Supply fan starts and the inlet filter system is placed in service.
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                                                     _ _ _                            _-
                          . _   _ _                 -               .               .-   -
 Question 69
    Which one of the following describes a potential path for radioactive contamination to tir
   discharge canal during nonnal power operation?
        a.     Drywell Air Cooler tube leak.
        b.     RilCl,C lleat Exchanger tube leak.

, c. Recombiner condenser tube leak,

        d.     Main Condenser tube leak.
 Question 70
    Which one of the following describes the response of any TIP ictector not in its shield when
    a Group I and Group 11 Containment isoletion Signal occurs?
        a.     A Group I isolation will cause the TIP to withdraw to the Lead Shield position. A
               Group 11 has no further efTect,
        b.     A Group i isolation will cause the TIP to withdraw to the Lead Shield position. A
               Group 11 will activate the shear valve if the TIP is still inserted,
        c.     A Group I Isolation will have no effect. A Group 11 Isolation will actuate the


               shear valve if the TIP is not withdrawn within 10 minutes.
        d.     A Group 1 Isolation will have no clTect. A Group 11 Isolation will cause the TIP to
               be withdrawn to the Lead Shield position.
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                                             SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION                                           !

1 I

         Question 71                                                                                                       !
           The crew is conducting EOP 5 (Secondary Containment Control) when Reactor Building                              [
            ventilation isolates on high radiation. The radiation level is subsequently seen to decrease                   !
            below the isolation setpoint. Which one of the follrwing describes under what condition, if


            any, it is perMssible to override the high radiation isolation to restart the Reactor Building

i ventilation system? .

                a.            It is not pennissible.
                b.            Two Reactor 11uilding area temperatures are above maximum normal.
                e.            After it is confinned that no primary system is discharging into the Reactor                 (
                              Building,                                                                                   j
                d.            If Reactor llulldirg AP cannot be maintained at a negative pressure with SBOT.            -l
         Question 72
            While conducting EOP-2 the operators discover that a required action cannot be                                 ;
            accomplished. Which one of the following is the appropriate response to thie event?                            i
                a.            Continue to the next step irrespective of the type of step it was.                           ,
                b.            Wait until the step can be accomplished before continuing.
                c.            Continue to the next step only ifit was a concurrent action step.                            I
                d.            The decision to continue or wait is only at the discretion of the SM.                        !
                                                           Page 36 of $0
                                    "*" EXAMINA'i!ON CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *""
                                                                                            ,. - . - , . - .   . . -    ,
             _ _ _ _ . _ . __                            _            .           _ _ _ _ _ __._ ._ _ _ __                                    _ _ ~          . _. . _

, Question 73

                      The reactor is operating at full power wtan the following events occur:                                                                             i
                       e The Turbine Control Valves close.

[ $ Tne Turbine Bypass Valves fully open.

                       . The Reactor Scrams,                                                                                                                              i
                      .          The SRVs open briefly.                                                                                                                   l
                       Whkh one of the following could have caused this chain of events?                                                                                  !


                                 n.     Tusbine Load Reference signal has failed downscale.
                                 b.     The MSIVs have closed.

,- - c. The luckup (B) Pressure Regulator has failed low, [ , '

                                 d.      The Maximum Combined Flcw Limiter has failed downscale.

c  !



           Question 74
                      The reactor has recently scrammed and the MSIVs are closed, llPCI is maintaining RPV
                      level and pressure. Torus Cooling is not available and Primary Containment Pressure is
                      rising. Which one of the following describes the appropriate considerations if Primary
                      Containment venting becomes necessary?                                                                                                              !
                                 a.     Venting via the Torus will not keep up with decay heat production but will                                                        x
                                        minimize the rate of radioactivity release,


                                 b.     Venting via the Torus will keep up with decay heat production and will minimize
                                        the rate of radioactivity release,
                                 c.     Venting via the Drywell will not keep up with decay heat but will minimize the


                                        rate of radioactivity release,
                                d-      Venting via the Drywell will keep up with decay heat production and will
                                       - minimize the rate of radioactivity release.-


                                                                                             Page 37 of 50
                                          . "*" EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *""
  9- y    --y        'y--,e-- - <vw- y     y   9awy-fer' '***d CWfv   FWwrdr 'wvervP9""TrvW     r  -~~T-- -+w-'--- + =-?-7- ve 3- + -
                                                                                                                                                       r              * 7
      __ .     _           __              . . . . . . _ . . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ . _ . . _                             - _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . .
                                                                 SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION                                                                                              l
                       Question 75


                         A scram has occurred due to a transient resulting from a loss of UPS. Not all rods have fully                                                                            ;
                         inserted. Which one of the following should be used to evaluate reactor power to detennine
                          if entry into EOP 2 (RPV Control) is required?
 i                                                                                                                                                                                                :
                               a.                     APRM chart recorders.
                              b.                      SPDS display.                                                                                                                               ,
                              c.                      Steam Flow.                                                                                                                                 ;
                              d.                      Number ofopen SRVs.                                                                                                                         l


                      Question 76

! The following conditions exist: , '

                         .    A LOCA has occurred.                                                                                                                                                !
                         .    The 'A' RilR is the only low pressure ECCS pump available and is injecting in LPCI                                                                                  ;
                              mode.                                                                                                                                                               ,
                         .    RPV level -90 inches and is trending down slowly.
                         .    Drywell temperature is 350 'F
                         .    Drywell pressure is 65 psig.
                         .    Torus pressure is 64 psig.
                         . Torus level is 21 feet.                                                                                                                                                ;
                         Which one the following describes the correct decision regarding Drywell and Torus spray?
                              a.                     Spray the Drywell. Do not the spray Torus,
                              b.                     Do not the spray Drywell. Spray the Torus.
                              e,                     Spray the Drywi;11. Spray the Torus,
                              d.                     Do not spray the Drywell. Do not spray the Torus,
                                                                                             Page 38'of 50
                                                          * * *" EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE "*"                                                                                           .
  _ _ _ - - . . . - - -           . - _ . . - . _ - - - ,                        .-
                                                                                                      -.   - . . . . _ _ _ _ _ ,                      - - . . . _- _ - _ < . - - . _ . . - , _
                         SIINIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAhilNATION

Question 77

 A plant transient has caused a reactor scram followed by a prolonged SRV actuation. Current
 conditions are:
  *   All control rods are : ally inserted.
  * Reactor pressure 900 psig and rising.
  * All SRVs are closed.
  *   Torus temperature is 160 *F.
  *    lorus level is 11 feet.
  Under these conditions, RPV pressure must be reduced to no more than which one of the
      a.       800 psig.                                                                     ,
      b.       700 psig.
      c.       600 psig,
      d.       400 psig.

Question 78

 A 1.OCA has occurred and the following conditions exist:
 .    Drywell 112 concentration is 7%.
 .    Torus 11, concentration is 4%.
 .     Drywell 0; concentration is 4%.
 * Torus 0, concentration is 6%.
  Which one of the following describes the Torus and Drywell flammability limits?
      a.       Iloth the Torus and the Drywell are below the flammable limit,
      b.       The Torus is above the flammable limit and the Drywell is below the flammable
      c.       The Drywell is above the flammable limit and the Torus is below the flammable
      d.       Iloth the Torus and the Drywell are above the flammable limit.
                                            Page 39 of 50
                   ""' EXAhilNATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE ""'

Question 79

  A large LOCA has occurred and the following conditions exist:
  * RPV pressure is 50 psig.
   3  Drywell temperature is 350 'F,
  .   Nanow Range RPV level indicates 175 inches.
  .   Refuel Zone level indicates 215 inches.
  .   Wide Range RPV level indicates 40 inches.
  Which one of the following is the correct RPV level?
      a.     215 inches.
      b.      175 inches,
      c.      40 inches.
      d.     RPV level is unknown.

Question 80

 The Appendix R llypass Switch for 23MOV 15 (llPCI Inboard Containment Isolation)is in
  the llYPASS position. Which one of the following describes the effect that this will have on
  llPCI operation?
      a.     23h10V-15 will not close on low steam pressure,
      b.     23MOV 15 will not operate from panel 09 3.
      c.     IIPCI will not trip on high RPV water level.
      d.     IIPCI will not auto restart on low RPV level.
                                         Page 40 of 50

Question 81

  During refueling operations, irradiated components may be lined with an auxiliary hoist.
  Which one of the following describes the required method to assure adequate water shielding
  for personnel involved in this operation?
      a.      Tape markers on the hoist cable to inform the operator when to stop lining.
      b.      A jamming device on the cable to prevent hoist movement above the safe level,
      e.      A Reactor Engineer must participate in all such operations.
      d.      A second SRO must be present on the Refueling Drldge.

Question 82

  EOP 5 (Secondary Containment Control), has been entered due to high area temperatures.
  Other Secondary Containment parameters also have been increasing. No primary system is
  currently discharging into the Secondary Containment. Which one of the following
  combinations of area temperatures and radiation levels require a reactor shutdoc.?
      a.      SLC Pump Area - 140 *F and RWCU llX room radiation level of 1600 mIWr.
      b.      RWCU Pump Area radiation level of 800 mlWr and RWCU llX Roem radiation
              level of 1200 mR/hr.
      c.      RWCU llX Room temperature of 205 'F and RCIC Room Temperature is 120 'F.
      d.      IIPCI Room temperature of 150 'F and RCIC Room temperature of 150 'F.
                                         Page 41 of 50
                                                         _ .._ .-_ ___ _ _ _ . _ _ ..-_ _ ._                                . _ _ _ __
                                               SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION
  Question 83                                                                                                                           ;
          During normal plant operation, the SNO is injured and contaminated. The only on shin                                          .
          Radiation technician and the SNO both leave site in the ambulance. The CRS is not qualified
          as fire brigade leader, Which one of the following describes the allowable times to restore                                   ;
          the full shift complement?
              a.            SNO within two hours; Rad Tech by end of shlR.                                                             j
              b.            SNO within two hours; Rad Tech within two hours.
              c.            SNO by end of shin; Rad Tech within two hours.
              d.            SNO by end of shift; Rad Tech by end of shift.
  Question 84                                                                                                                          4
          You are the SM and it is brought to your attention that present thermal power is 2560 MWth.                                  ,
           Which one of the following actions, if any, is required as a result of this situation?
              a.            No action required, this is within tolerance for full power.                                               -
              b.            Adjust power if necessary to assure that the 8 hour average is 2536 MWth or less.
              c.            Immediately reduce power to 2536 MWth or less and assure that the 8 hour
                            average is 2536 MWth or less.
              d.          . Commence a plant shutdown and issue a verbal report to the NRC within I hour
                            of the discovery of the situation.                                                                         l
                                                                   Page 42 of 50
                                  "*" EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE ""*

.. _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ . . ... _ - _ _.. _.

                                            _                            _     _-  ._ .
 Question 85
    Reactor power level is 6% and personnel are in the Drywell. Which one of the following
    describes the current restrictions on control rod motion?
        a.     No rod motion is permitted until personnel are clear of the Drywell.
        b      No planned rod motion la permitted but rods may be inserted as needed to
               terminate unplanned events.


        c.     There are no restrictions on rod insertion. Withdrawal is prohibited.
        d.     There are no restrictions on rod motion as long as personnel are not working
               above elevation 292 fl. in the Drywell.
 Question 86
    The plant is at full power when Chemistry reports the following SLC parameters:
    .   Weight % Sodium Pentaborate is l *%.
    .   Net Volume of Solution is 2500 gr..
    .   Solution temperature is 60 'F.
    Which one of the following changes will bring the St.C system into compliance with Tech
        a.     Increase solution temperature to 70 'F.
        b.     Raise the Weight % to 11.2%.
        c.     Raise the Weight % to 11.2% and the Net Volume to 2550 gallons.
        d.     Raise the Net Volume to 3000 gallons.
                                           Page 43 of 50
                   ""' EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *""
                                                           .                    -_           _ _
 Question 87
   3 is day 90 of a continuous full power run when Chemistry reports that the following sample
    readings have been verified:
    .   Conductivity is I pmho.
    .   Chloride ion is 0.4 ppm.
    Which one of the following actions, if any, is required by Tech Specs?
        a.     Readings are within specifications, power operation may continue.
        b.     Reduce steam flow to less than 100,000 lb/hr. within 24 hours.
        c.     lle in the cold condition within 24 hours after reaching a steam flow rate of
               100,000 lb/hr.
        d.     Be in the cold condition within 24 hours.
 Question 88


   A temporary change to a procedure has been approved by an SRO and implemented. Afler
    the changed procedure had been used, the RPO (Responsible Procedere Owner) disapproved
   the change. Which one of the ibilowing describes the need for a Deviation and Event Report
   (DER) and whether the change must be withdrawn?
        a.     DER is requited; PORC decides if the change must be withdrawn,
        b.     DER is required; the change must be withdrawn.
        c.     DER is not required; PORC decides if the change must be withdrawn.
        d.     DER is not required; the change must be withdrawn.
                                           Page 44 cf 50
                   * **** EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****


 Question 89
    IJse of a Temporary Mod is prohibited for which one of the following applications?
        a.     To correct a design deficiency while a permanent solution is pending.
        b.     Allow testing of plant equipment.
        c.     To temporarily compensate for a procedural deficiency.
        d.     To allow continued operation of essential equipment.
 Question 90
   Today is November 3 and the time is 0800. 'A' RilR is inoperable for a planned LCO that
   began on November 1 at 0800. It is determined that the work cannot be completed before
   November 12. Which one of the following describes the actions that are required for this
    Place the plant in the cold condition no later than 0800 on:
        a.     November 4.
        b.     November 8.
        c.     Novembe: 9.
        d.     November 10.
                                           Page 45 of 50
                  "'" EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *""
                                                                                     -    . . _ , -
  - - - - . -            - .        . . . . . , - .           . - .      -        . _ ,.- - _. - - . ...-               .. .
                                       [ SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION!
         fQuestion 91i
              - During an outage the plant is in Risk Condition Green. Work is planned which will result in -
              ; a degradation to Risk Condition Yellow. In addition to the Shift Manager which one of the


              . following lists all of the approvals required, if any, before this work can start?
                      a.     No additional approvals.                                                                              .

[ >b? General Manager of Op rations and Planning Manager.

                      c.     Operations Manager and General Manager of Maintenance.                                                ,
'd. Operations Manger and Planning Manager.



l ~

         - Question 92?                                                                                                            ;
                You are the Core Alteration SRO during fuel offload. An irradiated fuel bundle is being
                transferred to the Spent Fuel pool when you are required to leave the Reactor Building for a                       >
,               random drug test. Tht. anly other SRO on shift is the SM. Which cne of the following
                actions is permitted under these conditions?
                      a.     The bridge operator may complete the move but may not pick up another bundle
                             until your retum.
                      b.'    As long as an RO is stationed in the control room, the SM may temporarily                             .
                             assume your function.
                      c.     If qualified, you may turnover and exchange shift positions with the SM. Fuel
                             handling ~ operations may continue,
                     d.      The NYPA Refuel Floor Supenisor may assume your duties. Fuel handling
                             operations may continuei
                                                        Page 46 of 50
                                 ""* EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *"**
                                                                                .          .... ..        _   _ . . - _    . - _ .
   --                                                 ... -..                    .        -..         , ., . .                      . - .         . - . .          . -. ~
                                          v-                                                                                                                           }
                                                          - SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION '                                                                                ;
              ; Question 9T                                                           - -
                                                                                           - -
                                                                                                                                                                              .. ;
   w                   -,         .                 .
                    Which one of the following meets ALARA for performing ajob? 2
                                      - 1 man accomplishing the job in I hour in a 60 mR/hr field, .
                          b.            1 man installing shielding for 30 minutes in a 60 mR/hr field and then                                                                   -
                                     . accomplishing thejob in I hour in a 6 mR/hr field.                                                                                      _3
                          c.         42 men accomplish!ng the job in 25 minutes in a 60 mR/hr field.
                          d.            2 men installing shielding for 15 minutes in a 60 mR/hr field and then
                                       -accomplishing thejob in 25 minutes in a 6 mR/hr field.                                                                                   >




                                                                                                                  'W                                                              ,

$ -I.

             -. Question 94


                    Which one of the following describes the JAF administrative limit for thS maximum TEDE

k .-which a radiation worker may accumulate in one year with the maximum dose extensions

                          a.-           2 Rem.
                          b.            3 Rem.
                          c. ~          4 Rem.

, y- d.'- 5 Rem. 4

                                                                                     Page 47 of 50 :
                                               ""* EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE ""*
                 W                           b  y             e     ' ' 4 m1   e      e        3 +1~e         --W      w-p 4 r r cf q     y-p r m       yyw r ,i )        y y
                                                   . _ _ - -. ,.                        ~ . . .   . -.             . - -   ., ..   -
                                          ~ SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION '                                                                    ,
      - Questio'n 95
              Routine makeup nitrogen supplied to the Drywell to maintain an inerted state should be :
              supplied by which one of the following train configurations?.
                    a.         Train .'A' is preferred.
                    b.'        Train 'B' is preferred.                                                                                               ;
                    e'        LTrains 'A' & 'B'should be alternated for each makeup operatio'n.
                   ~ d.        Trains 'A' & 'B'should be operated while cross-connected.                                                             !
      - Question 96 -
              You are the Shill Manager / Emergency Director and'the following conditions exist:
              A non isolable steam leak is discharging into the Turbine Building. A ground-level release is                                          ,
              in progress. Radiological hazards exist outside the plant, A Site Area Emergency has been
              declared. You have decided to evacuate the site.

, - Which one of the following describes where you will send non-essential personnel?

                    a.         Nine Mile Training Center,


                    b.         State Fairgrounds.
                  : c,         Emergency Operating Facility.
                  ; d.-       Niagara Mohawk Service Center,


               _.           _                                    _


  -       ,
                                                                   Page 48 of 50
                                        .           _


                                  * *"* EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****


         .              ._,      _L_.   .,_ u ,.         . u. . _ .       . _ , . _ . -         .      :,,,.._.,~...     .       , , _ . . _ _ . ,
                               SENIOR IGACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION
     Question 97
        Foam must not be used for fighting fires in the vicinity of new fuel for which one of the
        following reasons 7
             a.      Voiding of fuel warranty.
             h.      Conosive effect on cladding.
             c.      Danger of criticality.
             d.      Fouling of heat transfer surfaces.
     Question 98
         An Unusual Event has been declared. Which one of the following describes the time limits
   3     for notifying off site agencies?

< gy-

  ~-          a.      USNRC within 15 minutes, state and county within I hour.
              b.      USNRC within 15 minutes, state and county within 15 minutes.
              c.      USNRC within I hour, state and county within 15 minutes,
              d.      USNRC within I hour, state and county within I hour.

!N4 at

                                                  Page 49 of 50
                          "*** EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE "*"
            -       .
                            ,,                            ,.     .    -     .     .     . .. - .           ~     .. - . --       . - .. -
                         *                                                                           ~_'
                                                             ' SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION '                                              ;
                  1        uestion"99 I-                                                                                                       _
                                    .        .
                            ~ The following conditions exist: -
                            J. = !An ATWS is in progress.. ._                                                           .
                            . 1 1The operators have reduced RPV level to -10 inches in accordance with EP 5 -                                    1
                                      L(Termination and Prevention of RPV injection)?
                               . SLC is injecting.-                                                                                              1
                               e L Reactor power is 1%
                               . : - Torus temperature is 157 'F.
                             .Which one of the following Emergency Plan EALs must be declared and which evacuation                                .
                             _ must be performed?                                                                                                 -


                                     ; a.           Site Area Emergency; Radiologically Controlled Area Evacuation.
                                  s     b.-    : General Emergency; Radiologically Controlled Area Evacuation.
                                        c.      . Site Area Emergency; Protected Area Evacuation.
                                        d.         General Emergency; Protected Area Evacuation.-
                       ' Question 100L
                            * EOP-4, ' Primary Containment Control,' Torus Level Control leg, directs the operator to
                               ' Terminate and prevent IIPCI operation irrespective of whether adequate core cooling is
                              e.ssured' ifTorus level cannot be maintained above 10.75 feet.
                               Which of the following describes the effect of continued operation of the llPCI system?

. Continued operation will:

                                        a.     = damage the HPCI turbine by' supplying high temperature cooling water to the oil


                                      ; b.     - reduce Torus water level below the safety relief valve T-quenchers.

. ic, result in a direct discharge of steam into the Torus air space.



                                    7d.'          result in a loss of the last high pressure injection system on high exhaust -

i backpressure.

                              __                 --                                                                                         .
                                                                   - *"" END OF EXAMINATION ""*
                                                                                                                                   _. . , .
                                            ._          _  ._        ._     ___        _                 ___ .. _._


  LOSS OF SHUTDOWN COOLING *                                                    AOP-30
                               ATTACHMENT 2                              Page 1 of 1



., Days after BTU /hr Days after BTU /hr

         shutdown                               shutdown
             0              6.28E8                 21                     1.48E7
             1              4.79E7      l          22                     1.44E7
             2              3.92E7      l          23                     1.42E7
             3              3.36E7      l          21                     1.39E7
             4              2.97E7      l          25                     1.36E7
             5              2.69E7      l          26                     1.33E7


             6              2.48E7
                                        l          27                     1.31E7
             7              2.32E7
                                        l          28                     1.28E7
             8              2.19E7
                                        l          29                     1.26E7
             9              2.08E7
                                        l          30                     1.24E7
            10              2.00E7
                                        l          31                     1.22E7
            11              1.92E7      l          32                     1.20E7
            12              1.86E7
                                        l          33                     1.18E7

.: 13 1.80E7

                                        l          34                     1.16E7


            14              1.75E7
                                        l          35                     1.14E7
            15              1.70E7
                                        l          36                     1.12E7
            16              1.66E7
                                        l          37                     1.10E7
            17              1.62E7
                                        l          38                     1.09E7
            18              1.58E7
                                        l         39                      1.07E7
            19              1.54E7
                                        l         40                      1.06E7
            20              1.51E7                730                     9.13E5
  Rev. No.     10                                     Page      18         of      19
                                                              _    _ _ _            _.   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                                           - - _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ -                                                     ..                       .
                                                                                                                                                             ..      .
                                                                                                                                                                       .. ..
 LOSS OF SHUTDOWN COOLING 0                                                                                                                                AOP-30
                                     ATTACHMENT 3                                                                                                    Page 1 of 1
                              ALTERNATE COOLING METHODS
               METHOD             APPROXIMATE HEAT                                                                    LIMITATIONS
                                  REMOVAL CAPACITY
                                      (BTU /hr)
    Decay Heat Removal                 3.00E7                      * Gates removed between cavity
                                                                         end spent fuel pool
    Fuel Pool Cooling                  3.30E6                      * Gates removed between cavity
                                                                         and spent fuel pool
                                                                   e RBC must be available
                                                                   * SW must be available
    . Fuel Pool Cooling                2.40E7                      * RHR must be available
                                                                   * RHRSW must be available
                                                                   a      Gates removed between cavity
                                                                          and spent fuel pool
    RWCU Blowdown Mode                 2.06E6                      *      No isolation signal present
    *   1 pump running                                             *      Makeup source must be
     * 125 gpm blowdown flow                                               available (see list below)
     *  125 gpm makeup flow
                                                                   *      Main Condenser.or Radwaste
                                                                          must be available
    RWCU Recirc Mode                   1.70E6                      No isolation signal present
    RWCU Blowdown Mode                 1.00E6                      *       No isolation signal present
     * gravity drain                                               *       Makeup source must be
     * 50 gpm blowdown flow                                                available (see list below)
     * 50 gpm makeup flow
                                                                   * Main Condenser or Radwaste
                                                                           must be available
                                      Makeup Sources.
  *    Condensate transfer keep-full using Core Spray or RHR
  *    Control Rod Drive System
       Condensate /Feedwater
  *    Condensate transfer to skimmer surge tanks (gates removed)
  *    Condensate transfer to fuel pool using DHR (gates removed)
  *    Condensate *.ransfer using service box connections on the refuel
       floor (gates removed)
  *    Fire Protection System water from local fire hose stations or outside sources
  *    RHR service water cross-tie
  *    Fire Water Crosstie
  Rev. No.         10                                                                               Page                                          19    of        19

L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - . _ _ _-._________ ______ o

                                                           .    .            .     .        _                            _                                     _ _ _ _ _ _ _


                                                                                                                  -,e- -
                                                                        FIGURE I
                                    CONDENSER VACUUM VS. TURBINE LOAD
 ca   27.0.0
 z    26.50
 U                                                                               NORMAL DPERATING REGION
                 j lllll!!!!!! NIbE                          I'n l':
 b            l ji         llllll
 0 25.50!l!i!yll lll
                                                 !   j)!!!hj!
                                                  'jIj       !)lb  i
                                                                     !!   k'g                                                                                                '
                         !    '
                                            !!         l
      25.00        '-
 l ::::
                       "^*                                       bld hlh5--IlE
                                     -         -
                                                         m     cu    m  n  n
                                                                               ,e     e
                                                                                     ",o to   l2
                                                                                                 S $
                                                                                                 in e
                                                                                                      8  N $ $ 0 $
                                                                                                      e i- r- e e e
                                                                  TURBINE LOAD (MWe)
                                                                                                                           _ _ - _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ . _ . . - -
                                            --   , -..           -    - . -      -         .  . .-


                                           SRO ANSWER KEY
        1)            B      - 26)- D                   51)     D              76)      B


        2);       - B-       - 27)T _ B                 52)     C-            . 77) -   B --.
     ' 3) :            B     _ 28)-     A-              53)      B-           17_8)   . A-
        4)            _C     . 29)     ~C            _ 54)     .C              79)-     D
        5)-           D        30)-     A               55)     A             _80)      A=
        6)            D      - 31)      DELETED         56)     A              81)    .B
     17) -
                      B.       32) _-   B             - 57) -- 'A'             82).     D
     - 8)             C-       33)      D-            -58)      D-             83)' _ B


        9)      ._-   DB       34)     lD-              59)     D              84)    -C
        10)     -A  -
                               35)      C-              60)     D              85)    -B_           ,
        11) ~- - C             36)      B               61)    - A OR B        86)      D
        12)      - A' -        37)-     D               62)     A              87)      A
     -13)             B-       38)      C               63)     B              88)    -B
     ?14)- :A                 39)       C             -64)      A-             89)      C
     :;15)        -C          40)       A              65)      C              90)    -A


        16)           A.      41)       C.             66)      C              91). ' D


        17)       -B          42)     -D               67)      C              92)      C
        18)           'A L    43)     - D_             68)_     A              93)      D
        19)           B      - 44)      9 AL           69)      B.             94)    _C
        20)     _B            45)       D_             70)      D              95)     A
        21)           D       46)       B      _      _71)      A              96)     D-
22) D 47) A6 A 72) A 97) C
        23)      - D-         48)       G -A- C        73)      A              98)     C           ,


       24)            D       49)       B              74)      B              99)     C
        25)     -A            50)       A              75)      B              100)    C

. .

             P             r
                                        -                    .        --
   NEW YORK POWER AUTHORITY                                              EXAMINATION / QUIZ
   Examination Submitte      y: i M A {                                  Date: 11/03/97
 ' Supervisor Approval:                     '
                                               A,5.Moecis-               Date:  to/ss/97
   Authorized Reference            . ATTACHED
   Minimum Acceptable Grade: 80                       Total Exam Points: 100
   Grade:                       Graded By:                               Time Limit: 4 hours
                                          STUDENT DATA
   Name:                                                       S.S.#:
            Last          First                M.I.


   Employer:       NEW YORK POWER AUTHORITY                    Date:
   1.      Remain quiet during the exam. If you have any questions during the exam, raise
           your hand. Your instructor will provide clarification wherever possible.
   2.     - You are expected to do your own work and not to help anyone else.
   3.      Use only the authorized reference material.


  4.       At the completion of this examination, you are to sign the following certification.
  I certify all answers contained in this examination are my own. In addition, I have not
  received nor given any unauthorized assistance, nor have used any unauthorized
  Student Signature:                                                     Date:


I 1

l l

                                 REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION
 - Question 1
      With the plant operating at 50% power, which one of the following Main Generator faults -
     will cause an automatic reactor scram?
           a.      High Stator Winding Temperature.
           b.      High Differential Currc
           c.      Loss ofIsolated Pimse bw          elbg.
           d.      Low Ilydrogen Pressure.
   Question 2
      An instrument failure has resulted in a reactor scram from 20% power. The following
      conditions exist:
      .     Minimum RPV level reached was 195 inches.
      .     Maximum RPV pressure reached was 1005 psig.
      .      Drywell pressure is 0 psig.
      .     All APRMs are downscale.
      .     Two control rods have failed to insert.
      Under these conditions, the control rods will be inserted in accordance with which one of the
      following procedures?
             a.      AOP-Oi (Reactor Scram).
           . b.     .EOP-02 (RPV Control).
             c.      EOP-03 (Failure to Scram).
             d.      EP-3 (Backup Control Rod Insertion).
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                                                                                                                                 "                      ;
                                                                     REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION
                                                                             w                                              .
                         QuestionL 35
                                  Which one f the following is the reason that the Reactor Mode Switch should bs taken out;                            l
                         .      : of the RUN position immediately after a Reactor Scram?                                                 --

_ _

                                     La.             ; Enable SRM and IRM rodblocks.'                                   -
                                                                           ,                                                                            r
                                     " b.,             Prevent MSIV isolation.


                                     : c.            - Enable the SDIV high level bypass circuitry.
                                      ~ ~ d. ' Lower the APRM scram setooint to 15%.
                    w                                                                                                                                    ,
                      - Question 4
                                : A reactor scram hasjust occurred followed by a Residual Transfer. Which one of the
                                  following describes the operators' concerns regarding the MSIVs under these conditions?
                                        a.             Ensure the MSIVs close to minimize the possibility of' ~ '- Turbine overspeed.-
                                       b.              Ensure the MSIVs close to minimize the possibility of Turbine Building
                                                      - contamination.                                                                                .,
                                      - c.             Ensure the MSIVs remain open to minimize Torus heat load.
                                      : d.             Ensure the MSIVs remain open to maintain availability of Turbine Scaling steam.
                                                r        -
                                                                                Page 2 of 50
                                                           - **"* EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****
         m                   .
                 ? . A ?:-                            ,                                        ,
 l; m -
                                 ,'                       s,                      _         .-
                                      ,                        .' -      -              I, REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION -
  4}__ -
     ^ i,                      (Question!5i
                                                                               ._                  g
                                            IA power ascension is in progress with the following conditions:
                                         s ei Powerlevelis 70%; ^
                                       U.-- t Load line is 100%.
     w                                      L.) TTwo Feedwater pumps are operating.
                                              t Which one of the following describes when and how the Recirc. Pumps will runback if one
                                            - Feed Pump trips??
                                                         n.-    'Immediately runback to minimum speed.
                                                     ' b~. :   ! When RPV level lowers to 196.5 inches, rur.back to' minimum speedt
                                                      ~ c/-        Immediately runback to 44% speed.
                                                     -- d.         Whch RPV level lowers to 196.5 inches, runback to 44% speed.


                                 (Question 6-
                                            i The following conditions exist:
   .                                          . . A Group II isolation has occurred due to high Drywell pressure.

i. 1

                                                . - Present Drywell pressure is 5 psig.
                    >-                        -.: The EMERG OVERR DRYWELL lil_ PRESS keylock switch on the PCP panel has been


                                                     (taken to its OVERRIDE position.
                                                . - No other operator actions have been taken.
                                                Which one of the following describes the CAD isolation valves that can be opened at this

y- .

                                                         a.    - All CAD _ isolation valves,
                                                         b.'       All CAD isolation valves except 27AOV-111 through 118 (CAD vent valves).
                                               1         c.    L All' CAD isolation valves except 27MOV-113,117,122,123 (CAD purge valves).


                                                     ? d.'     LAll CAD isoletion valves except 27AOV 131 A/B,132A/B (CAD make-up
                                                               - valves).
- -
          q -
                                                                                                         . .        ..                       .

sy . -

                                                                                                            Page 3 of 50
  ~                                                                                                                                         i
                                                                                      .                      .

y <

                                                                      - +"** EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE "*"
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 pk            ~
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 M        '
      Y'               -

l: ,



    *                                          REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION
             __ Question 17[
                    Tim plant koperating at full power when the following occur:
                    . - 1 Generated MWe starts to decrease.
                    . : Reactor power starts to' decrease. -
                    Which one of the following could have caused these symptoms?
                         - .i.
                               1 Decrease in grid frequency.
                           b-   - Jet Pump malSction.
                           c.   - Loss of feedwater heating. -
                           d.    Inadvertent SRV opening.
              Questioit 8
                     With a high Drywell pressure, Emergency RPV Depressurization is required if Torus Water
                     Level cannot be maintained below PSP (Pressure Suppression Pressure) Which one of the
                     following is the basis for performing an Emergency RPV Depressurization if the Pressure-   ;
                     Suppression Pressure Limit is exceeded?:
                            a.    To ensure that the vacuum breakers will not become su'omerged and fail to
                            b.    To ensure adequate free volume (airspace) of the Torus for steam suppression.
                            c.    To prevent damaging the Torus.
                            d.    To prevent steam from the' Drywell bypassing the Suppression Pool.


                                                               Page 4 of 50
                            .        ""* EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE "*"
      e                                              -
                                                                __I  _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . _
                                                 ' REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION -
             Question 9J
                    Which one of the following would give positive indication that SRV 'C' ;s open when its
                  - ' control switch is taken to OPEN?J '
 _                      . a.-     SP.V red light is on.
                        :b.       SRV white light is on.
                          c.;     SRV tailpiece temperature rises and stabilizes at 285 *F.
                         d.       EPIC alarm ' SONIC DET RV-C' RESET is received.

. .

                  - The following conditions exist:


                   .    ' A plant transient raised RPV pressure to 1150 psig.
                   .     The SRVs have opened. _
                   .     RPV level is 150 inches.
                   Assuming no operator action, which one of the following describes when the SRVs are
                  - expected to close?
                         a.       Before RPV pressure decreases below approximately 1050 psig.
                       : b.'      120 seconds aner the initial transient.
                         c       'ADer RPV pressure decreases below approximately 50 psig.
                       ; d.     ; When both RHR and Core Spray pumps are secured.
                                                            'Page 5 of 50
                                     * * *" EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE "* * *
                               REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION
Question 11
  ' A reactor scram occurred but many control rods failed to insen due to a high water level in    -
    the Scram Discharge Volume. The APRMs read 9 %. Which one of the following actions
    will be most effective in inserting control rods?
         a.    Manually initiate ARI.
         b.    De-energize scram solenoids,
         c.    Manually insert control rods.
         d.    Close the CRD Flow Control v6e.

_ Question 12

    Following the trip of one Recire. Pump with the reactor at power, the operators have closed
    the discharge valve of the tripped pump. Which one of the following is the reason that this is
         a.    Stops reverse rotation of the tripped pump,
         b.    Prevents backflow through the idlejet pumps,
         c.    Prevents runou: of the operating recire, pump.
         d.    Lowers the probability of entering the instability region of the power / flow map.
                                            Page 6 of 50
                  ***" EXAMINATION ' ONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE ""*
             -.,                        .    -         . .    -.       -           .-                      ~ .               . . .        - - . .~ . -
                    w                                                                 -
                                                                                                                                                         _       -;


                                                             cREACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION -                                                                   j
 c-               _' Question!!31                                                                                                                                   i
cO,e follo' wing conditions exist
. .

. "

                           'e = lCor. denser vacuum is 25.1 inches Hg.'
                           -e  z. Turbine load is 170 MWei                                                                                                 -   /-
                              e iAOP 31 (Loss of Condenser Vacuum) has been enteredc-                                                                          1
, Which one of the following' actions, bi itself, will make it MORE LIKELY that a manual
                            LTurbine Trip will be required? -                                                                                                       l


                                    a'.        Starting the Mechanical Vacuum pumps.-

, <

                                    6.-        Increase load to'2SS MWe,
                                    c.    - Decrease load to 85 MWe.


                                 . _ d.        Placing the spare Air Ejector sets in sersice.                                                                       ,

. i

                   Question 14
                             With the plant shutdown, an Emergency Diesel Generator is rurming and is tied to its bus for


                           _ load testing. Which one of the following describes the response to a complete loss of offsite


                                 l a.        The Tie Breakers will trip and the diesel will maintain the bus !oads.
                                    b.        The Diesel Output breaker will tdp and the diesel will switch to isochronous


                                              mode, then the Diesel Output breaker recloses.                                                                        -
                                    c.        The Diescl_Outpu: breaker will trip and the diesel will switch to droop mode, then :


                                            ^ ?he Diesel Output breaker rector,es.
                                 : d.:       The Tie breakers and the diesel will trip.


                                  .       _
                                                      .+-                       Page 7 ot$50


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                   ._-->r-                        ,                    ,wg*                   n- 4     w ar ,  .yr,wm_- . ,a       , , ,-  .e i    y   ,     o    y
  .   . .                         -.          ..... . - .       - . - .               - . , . . .= ..              . -. . .- - ..           ~ -.-
                  _ i;-
                                                     REdCTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION -                                               '
              Question 15                                                                                                                           i
                     Bus 10400 is powered by the Main Generator via breaker 10402. Which one of the following _
                  tways'of orening this breaker will not allow closing the Station Reserve breaker 104127 -
                        t a.     Manually _ opened locally.                                                                                          ,
                          b.     Manually opened from the control room.
c. . Automatically opened on overcurrent.
                          d.    Automatically opened on undervoltage.                                                                               ,

, .





            . Question 16
                  - Which one of the following describes the loads in the 24 VDC Power System?

. a. Each load breaker is connected to 48 VDC potential (input) from its associated

                               .i24 VDC charger,
                          b.    Italf the loads on a124 VDC distribution bus are powered from +24 VDC. The                                        -i
                                other half are powered from -24 VDC.
                        . c.    Each load breaker is conn'ected to 24 VDC potential (input) from its associated
                               - l2 VDC charger.


                          d.    Italf the loads on a 148 VDC distribution bus are powered from +48 VDC. The
                                other half are powered from _-48_VDC.

, l


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    r     w   --c y9                      %       e       e 4. - , ,   ,--s- , , s.-5         -.,-      + . , , --        +-m..     -,-r- r   t-
     _, .                ..                         .      . . _ ._.      _. .               __        _       ,   . ~                  .  _ . _ _ . . . . . _ _ . . _ . . _ . . .
                                                                      REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION -                                                                                           i

. .

                (Question - 17 '.~                                                                                                                                1
                      XThe following Narmw Range RPV level conditions exist:                                                                                                                   ,
                        . L'A' indicates 215 inches and is rising slowly.1
                        .- 'B' indicates 185 inches and is lowering slowly.

t . C' indicates 214 inches and is rising slowly.  ;

                        . Feedwater control is selected to the 'A' Column.-                                                                                                                    ,
                     iSelecting the 'B' RPV Level Column will result in which one of the following elTects on level
                       ~ trends?                                                                                                                                                               .
                              . a.                 -- A' and 'C' will continue to rise. 'B' will lower.


                                b.-                     A' and 'C' will continue to rise. 'B' will rise.                                                                                       :
                                c.                   ~'A' and 'C' will lower. 'B' will lower.                                                                                                  :


                              - d.                    'A' and 'C' will lower. 'B' will rise,


                ' Question 18 -
                        In which one of the following ways does a loss of 125 VDC Bus 'A' affect the ADS /SRV
                      : system?

i a. - Loss of'A' logic, ADS remains ftinctional. .

                               . b.'               . 'None of the ADS /SRV valves can be opened.
                                c.                 -- The ADS /SRV valves cannot be opened from the remote panel.
 b                              d.1                L Only valves F, J, K & L remain fully functional.
                                                                                            Page 9 of 50
                                                           ""* EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE "*"
     1    --
 L--         +s 6 4e                 .,--,..v.w-'-                 +4     u-. -- -,-,,g~..-              - - ,   -
                                                                                                                       - , - , - - . , - ,     -           ,              --<s.e,--, + ~:r--+-
                                             REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION
 Question 19
   . AOP-43 (Shutdown From Outside the Control Room) requires the operators to remove RilR
      pumps 'A' and 'C' from service. Which on; cf Ge following der.:ribes the reason that this
      step is necessary?


          a.       Pr; vent water hammer in the even; of a LOCA signhl.
          b.       Prevent inadvertent Drywell spray.
          c.       Prevent inadvettent LPCI injection.
          d.       Prevent draining the RPV to the Torus.
 Question 20
       The following events occur:
       .   The plant is at 20% power.
       .   liigh radiation in the Off Gas system starts the Off Gas Timer.
       .   No operator action is taken.
       Which one of the following will be the most likely cause of an uutomatic reactor scram?


           a.       liigh Reactor Power.
            b.      l.ow RPV Level.
          - c.      MSIV closure,
            d.      liigh RPV Pressure.
                                                                Page 10 of 50
                         '"** EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE **"*                             .
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           .,y-              .                       ~ - .-         . . - .    -- .      ~. . . . . - ,... -     ...- .- . -

, ,

                                       4:               - REACTOR OPEP $ TOR EXAMINATION:                                        1
                        .                                                                                                          1

P >

                ; Quest!on 211                                                                                                     ;
                     1 Whleh one of the following describes the use of ESW for Drywell cooling duririg a LOCA?


           .              La,        'It is the preferred method. -                                                              _
                                                         .      .


                             bf        h may be used only on loss of RBCLC. .                                                      ;
                             c.-     ; it may be used only iidirected by EOP-4.                                                   j
                   ;                                                                                                               ;
                          ; d.        -It is prohibited..

- +



                  Question 22-4-
                      On a Loss ofInstrument Air pressutv during normal plant operation, which one of the
                      following describes if and when the MSIVs v.ill go closed?
                             a.      _ Inboards remain open: outboards close immediately.

, . b. Inboards and outboards close immediately.

                             c.      - Inboards close eventually; outboards close immediately.

a- d. Inboards remain open; outboards close eventually. .

                                                   -,.                                                                            t


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                                   +                       ,w                ,     -r vn                                     , -
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                                                       I REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION-                                                       j


               ; Question 23i
                      The following conditions exist:                                                                                         .
                      . EA valid Reactor Scram has occurred on low RPVlevel.'
                     23 The EDGs have auto started in response to high Drywell pressure,                                                      ,
                      . : The Recirc. pumps are running at minimum speed as expected.


                      Which one of the following describes the status of the containment isolations?
                          : a.       Group I isolated; Group 11 isolated.-


                            b.      - Group 1 not isolated; Group 11 not isolated.                                                            ;

[ c. Group 1 isolated; Group 11 not isolated. , '

                            d.       Group i not isolated; Group 11 isolated.-
                 Question _24
                      During a plant startup RPV pressure is 900 psig. Loss of CRD flow will have which one of
                      the following effects on control rod motion and scram times?


                            a.       Normal rod moticn is unafrected and scram times will be within acceptable limits,
                            b.       Normal rod motion is lost and scram times will not meet acceptable limits.
. .
.c. . Normal rod motion is unaffected but scram times will not meet acceptable lim;ts.

,- d. Normal rod motion is lost but scram times will be within acceptable limits. .

    .--                                                                Page 12 0f 50
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  4 v.--- .y-4         m.            ,s .g    ye            .W-- y  .- -q.- - - ,e       em-g     -44' r .i w g           zi         y   &
                              REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION
 Question 25
    During power operation with RIIR pump 'N in Torus Cooling, an operator mistakenly
    manually opens RilR pump 'A' Shutdown Cooling Suction valve (10MOV-15A) locally at
    the valve. Which one of the following describes the expected automatic actions, if any?
        a.     There will be no automatic actions.
        b.     When 10MOV 15 A reaches 10% open, it will automatically close the 'A' RilR
               Pump Suction Torus Isolation Valve (10MOV 13A).                                    ,
        c.     When 10MOV-15A reaches full open, the RllR Torus Cooling / Torus Spray
               outboard valve (10MOV-39A) will auto close.
        d.     The ' A' R11R pump will trip on low suction pressure.
 Question 26
    Which one of the following describes the consequences of spraying the Drywell if Drywell
   conditions are not in the permissible region of the Drywell Spray Initiation Curve?
        a.     Water sprayed into the Drywell will tum to steam raising pressure even further.


        b.     The ecid water will put excessive thermal stress on the Drywell which may lead to
               its failure.
        c.     The effect is unpredictable and would result in putting the plant in an unanalyzed
        d.     Drywell pressure would drop more rapidly than could be handled by the vacuum
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 "                                                                      ~
                                                                                               :! REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION"
            *                   .                                                                                                                 -
          ?        -.
                      "                  '
                                Question i 27                    -
                                  5The following conditions existp:                                                    _
                                W:Tioperators are conducting EOP-4.1
                                - :.       . iiPCI and RCIC are inj6cting.
   .e                             s . iTorus level is 10.9 ft. and decreasing rapidly.
                                  - Which one of the following actions, if any; must be taken regarding liPCI and RCIC if Torus
                                      level cannbt be maintained above 10.75 feet? -
                                             a.-        iTrip both IIPCI and RCIC,
                                           i b. .            Trip IIPCI, RCIC may remain running.
                                           _ c.           Trip RCIC,llPCI may remain running.
                                           - d.          - Both IIPCI and RCIC 'may remain running.
                                Question 28
                                       -The Reactor Building Ventilation system is in operation when the exhaust plenum radiation
                                     : levels exceed 1.0 cpm. Which one of the following describes the expected response of the
                                        Reactor Building Ventilation and SBGT systems to this event?
                                              a.          - Reactor Building Ventilation will isolate and neither train of SBGT will start.
                                            - b. .              Reactor Building Ventilation will isolate and both trains of SBGT will start.
              , .
                                              c.          : Reactor Building Ventilation will not isolate and neither train of SBGT will start.
                                            ? d,          f Reactor Building Ventilation will not isolate and both trains of SBGT will start.
   ;                          -
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              (                                              f "*" EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE **"*
   '.     -             ,
                                                            " Y J
    r-          .;j= - .          ..             .
                                                     - . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                                . . _ . . _   .
                              -.~     .            .                  .                  . - . - .        -
                                                                                                            ~ . , . - ..-   .- - -. .-


                                                       - REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION:
                Question 29
                    l-in the event that normal shutdown cooling capability has been lost, which one of the'
                      fol. lowing states the minimum shutdown time before Fuel Pool Cooling Assist will provide -                              >!
                    : adequate cooling?-


                               a/-       1 day.-                                                                                                   ,
                               b,      - 4 days                                                                                                    ,
                               c.;      _7 days. -                                                                                               ,
                            '                                                                                                                    '
                               d.-      9 days.
                Question -30-


                      Which one of the following describes why it is important to establish forced Recire, flow
                      during a Loss of Shutdown Cooling event?                                                                                     *

a a. Coolant stratification may mislead the operators into assuming bulk water

                                        temperature is below 212 'F,
                            . b.        Cooling of the recire, loop will produce a reactivity effect when the first recire.
 m                                    . pump is started.
                            : c,-     - Unstable transition boiling at low pressure may cause clad damage.
                               d.       Steam build up in the RHR suction piping will lead to waterhammer when RHR
                                        flow is restored..                                                                                       .
                                                                        Page 15 of 50
                                           ="*" EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *""
                  ,              -
              ,        e, %v'    ~
                                           .         -        . - + . ,    _ - - , ,, -=           /r s-,   ,    y-                    , ,u.--
                      -                   .                               ..     -         -       .      . . .
                                                                                             ,                   ,
                                     REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION-                                              ,
    ' Question 31
          LWhich _one of the following liniits takes precedence during the operation of the SBGT system -
          . with the Reactor Building isolated?                                                                  -
               : a.    Maintain RB AP more negative than -0.25 inches of water. :
                 b.-   Maintain charcoal filter temperatures _less than 170 'F.
                 c.   . Limit SBGT flow to a maximum of 6000 scfm.
                 d.    Maintain Reactor Building Ventilation exhaust radiation levels less than 10 cpm.         f


     . Question 32
            Following a reactor scram the pressure in the Scram Discharge Volume (SDV) rises to RPV
            pressure. Which one of the following describes the most likely reason for this condition?
                 a.    One or more CRDM seals have failed.
                 b.    The scram has not been reset,
                 c.    The SDV vent valves have failed closed.
                 d.    The CRDil flow control valve has fitiled open.
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 y,                                                                                                             1
      .                    ..              -             ..                 ~           -
                                                                                               . .-   ,,   . ~   .- . -.         .   - . . - . -
                                                                  REA0 TOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION ~                                                 j
                                                                                                                                                  . ,
                                                                                    -               -
                            - Which one of the following RWM conditions,'if any, will prevent insenion of a selected ro'd'-
                            t using the Emergency in switch?/                              -
                                      a'. -    None.                           -
                                       .                                                                                           +
                                      b. -     Select Error.


                                  i c.         Withdraw block.                                                                                      f
                                      d.     . Insert block.                                                                                        !






                      Question 34 -                                                                                                                  .
                               The following conditions exist:


                               .      The plant is shut down.
                               .     .The 'A' RIIR loop is in Shutdown Cooling.                                                                     ,

t- e _ A LPCI initiation signal on low RPV level occurs,

                               Which one of the following describes the operator actions, if any, which must be taken in
                               order for LPCI 'A' to start injecting?
                                      a.       None.
                                      b.     : Reset the Group 2 isolation, manually start the pump and reset the injection valve                 .1

n isolation signal. '

                                      c. .   . Manually align the suction path for the desired pump and reset the LPCI initiation
                                                      .  .                                                                                          :
                                      d.       Manually align the suction path for the desired pump, manually Mart the pump, -
                                               and reset the injection valve isolation signal.


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 ' 9;            ,
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= "

                                                                              EREACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION :
                                                                                                                                            - -          _
                                                                                                                                                                     *                                               ;
                          t Question 135
                                                                                                                                                                              _                                      t
(The folloding sequence of events has occurred. - ?
                                       ' A LOCA has occurred resulting in LPCI injection.1


                                 -.; - Offsite power is then lost.'                                                                                                                                                  :
                                                                                                    . .


                       1          ..        EDGs 'B', 'C', & 'D' start and load normally.                                                                                                                            ,

c -.' EDG 'A' fails to start. =



                                . Udder these conditions, which of the following RHR pumps will be running two minutes t                                                                                            1
                                 .- fta er hl    t e oss of power?l                                                                                                                                                  t

~ ,

                                         /La.'       LAll four                                                                                                                                                    .
                                            b. -        ' 'B', 'C', & 'D'                                                                                                                                         4j


                                         - c.            'A', 'C', & 'D'


                                         1  d.'      o 'B' & 'D'.


             1               Question 36'


                                 ; The follo'w events occur:                                                                                                                                                         ,
                                   .        A low RPV level causes IIPCI to start and inject.

. . , llPCI is the only available injection systeta. l' .. ' RPV level starts to increase.

                                   . - The HPCI Aux, Oil Pump breaker trips.
                                   Assuming no operator action, which one of the following describes the expected response of-

d <

                                            a.           llPCI will trip when the Aux. Oil Pump breaker trips and can not restart,

t. -

                                            b. -     L llPCI will trip on High Level and can not restart.
                                            cL           IIPCI will trip on High Level and can restart on low level.                                                                                                 ,


                                         L d.            IIPCI will continue running until manually tripped.
         ?      .
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                                                               ""* EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE ""*


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                             REACTOP OPERATOR EXAMINATION

Question 37

 The following events have occurred:
 .    A ! OCA has occurred.
 .    The Core Spray pumps auto started on low level.
 .    RPV level subsequent!y recovered to 180 inches.
 .    The operators took both Core Spray Pump Switches to STOP.
 .    Drywell pressure is 2.3 psig.
  Which one of the following describes the expected response of the Core Spray pumps to
 these events?
      a.     After auto-starting they remain on until the initiation logic is reset.
      b.     They stop when switched io STOP but restan if Drywell pressure increases above
             their auto start setpoint.
      c.     They stop when switched to STOP but restad iflevel decreases below their auto-
             start setpoint.
      d.     They stop when switched to STOP and remain off.

Question 38

  Which one of the following describes the effect of a loss of 600 VAC power on the Core
 Spray rystem?
      a.     Core Spray pumps will not auto-rart w' en required. They can be started
      b.     Core Spray pumps cannot be started either automatically er manually.
      c.     Core Spray pumps will start normally but their discharge valves will not open
      d.     Core Spray pumps will start normally but will trip on low flow
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                               REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION
 Question 39
   'the operator takes the St.C keylock switch to START SYS A. Pump 'A' receives a stad
    signal but fails to start due to mechanical binding ofits hde: contactor. Which one of the
    following describes the expected response of the Squib Valves and RWCU system isolation
    valves to these events?
         a.     Neither Sq2ib valve will fire: RWCU will not isolate.
         b.     Only the 'A' Squib valve will fire; RWCU will isolate.
         c.     Ibth Squib valves will fire; RWCU will isolate.
         d.     Iloth Squib valves will fire; RWCU will not isolate.
 Question 40
    Following a Residual Transfer and prior to the operator taking any actions, which one of the
    foDowing describes the ability to start the St.C pumps and fire the squib valves?
         a.     The pumps can be started and the squib valves will fire.
         b.     The pumps cannot be started and the squib valves will tire.
         e,     The pumps can be started and the squib valves will not fire,
         d.     The pumps cannot be started and the squib valves will not fire.

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                      .         -.          -.               - - - - . . . . . . - . . . . . _ . - - . - . .   _ - - . .
                                                          REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION-
                 Question 41-
                     The plant is operating at 100% power when a Genemtor Load Reject occurs. Which one~of


                   - the following describes the RPS input that generates the first expected scram signal?

. . a. - - liigh RPV Pressure,

                            b.       -liigh Neutron Flux.
                          : c. _      Tu,bine Control Valve Fast Closure.
                            d. _      Turbine Stop Valve Closure.
   : :
                 Question 42-
                     The reactor is operating at 25% power. Which one of the following describes the response, if        l


                     any, of RPS if the 'A' inboard and 'D' outboard MSIVs are closed?                                   l
                          - a.       -Full Scram,
                            b.        Italf Scram in Channel'A'.
                            c.-       IIalf Scram in Chanr.el 'll'.'
                            d.        No effect. .

. ,

                                                 s s,
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                              REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION                                                                                             !

Question 43

  A normal plant startup is in progress and the following conditions exist:
  .     The Reactor Mode Switch is in STARTUP.                                                                                                         ,
  . . All the IRM range switches are on RANGE 2.                                                                                                       j
  . No IRMs are bypassed.                                                                                                                              i
  Which one of the following describes the effect on half scrams or rod blocks, if any, that will
  occur if the IRM 'A' Mode Switch is placed in the STANDilY position?                                                                                 ;
        a.    4
                None. as long as its companion APRM is not downscale.
        b.      Rod Withdrawal 131ock only.                                                                                                            .
        c.      RPS llalf Scram only.                                                                                                                  ;
        d.      Rod Withdrawal lilock and RPS llalf Ecram.

Question 44

 The following conditions exist:
 .    ' All IRM Range switches are on RANGE 2.
 .      The SRM detectors are partially withdrawn.
 .      SRM 'A' reads 80 rps.
  Which one of the following describes the ability to withdraw SRM 'A' and the status of rod
       a.       The detector can be further withdrawn and a rod block exists.                                                                          '
       b.       The detector can be further withdrawn and no rod block exists.                                                                         4
       e.       The detector cannot be further withdrawn and a rod block exists,
       d.       The detector cannot be further withdrawn and no rod block exists,
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                           REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION                                               i

Question 45

  A Recirculation Flow Summer falls resulting in zero output. _ Which one o .he following is .
  the highest power level at which the APRM will generate a rod block but not a scram signal?         !
       a.    100 %                                                                                    l
     - b.    75% .
       c.    60Ye
       d.    50%

Question 46

  Assuming no change in vessel inventory, starting the Recire, pumps will affect Fuel Zone            !
  and Wide Range RPV level indication in which one of the following ways?
       a.    Fuel Zone rises; Wide Range rises,
       b.    Fuel Zone rises; Wide Range lowers.
       c.    Fuel Zone lowers; Wide Range rises.
       d.'   Fuel Zone lowers; Wide Range lowers.
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                             REACTOR OPERATOlt EXAMINATION

Questiori 47

  RCIC is in operation due to a small LOCA. Which one of the following describ:s the
  expected position of the RCIC Turbine Governor Valve (13110V 2) and the RCIC Turbine
  Steam Inlet isolation Valve (13MOV-131) if RPV level rises to 222.5 inches?
      a.      Turbine Governor Valve open; Turbine Steam inlet isolation Valve open.
      b.      Turbine Governor Valve closed; Turbine Steam Inlet Isolation Valve open.
      c.      Turbine Governor Valve open; Turbine Steam inlet Isolation Valve closed,
      d.      Turbine Governor Valve closed; Turbine Steam inlet isolation Valve closed.

Question 48

 The following events have occurred:
 .    An Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) initiation has occurred.
 .    The initiation signals are still present.
 .    A blowdown is in progress.
 Taking the ADS Normal / Override switches to OVERRIDE and back to NORMAL will have
 which one of the following efTects on the ADS Valves?
     a.       ADS Valves will close and remain closed.
      b.      ADS Valves will close then reopen immediately,
     c.       ADS Valves will close then reopen after 120 seconds,
     d.       ADS Valves will remain open.                  '
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                  *"" EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE "*"
                             REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION
 Question 49


   The following conditions exist:
   .    Drywell pressure has risen from 1.8 to 2.5 psig.
   .    Torus pressure has risen from 0 to 2.5 psig.
   nese conditions are symptomatic of which one of the following?
        a.     SRV cycled to control pressure and an SRV tailpiece failure inside the Torus.
        b.     Small break LOCA in the Drywell and a Downcomer failure inside the Torus.
        c.     Small break LOCA in the Drywell and a Torus to Drywell vacuum breaker failed
               to open.
        d.     SRV eycled to control pressure and an SRV tailpiece vacuum breaker stuck open.
 Question 50
    With the Mode Switch in STARTUP, which one of the following conditions will result in the
   automatic closure of the MSIVr?
        a.     RPV Level is 50 inches.
        b.     Steamline pressure is 750 psig.
       c.      Main Condenser Vacuum is 10 inches lig,
        d.     Turbine Stop valves not fully closed.
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                                                                    REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION                                                                                !
                  Question 51
                     1hc plant is in shutdown cooling when a relay failure results in a spurious ADS logic                                                                      l
                     Channel'A' low low low level signal. No other level trips have occurred. Which one of the
                                                                                                                                                                        *       '
                     following describes the effect that this event will have on ADS?
                           a.               ADS willinitiate.                                                                                                                   :
                           b.               ADS will not initiate because the RilR or Core Spray pump running interlock is
                                            bypassed in shutdown cooling.                                                                                                       t


                           c.               ADS will not initiate because both channels are needed for ADS initiation.                                                          .
                           d.             ' ADS will not initiate because there is no low level trip.                                                                         .



[ Question $2_

                     RFP 'A' hasjust tripped on high reactor vessel level. Which one of the following conditions
                     must be satisfied before the RFP 'A' hydraulic coupling automatically disengage 37                                                                         -
                           a.               IIP and 1.P stop valves closed.
                           b.               RFP turbine tripped signal sensed.
                           c.             - Turbine speed less than 4 RPM,
                           d.               MGU and MSC on low speed stops,                                                                                                     ;
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                             REACTOR OPERATOR EXAhi! NATION

Question $3

 The following events occur,
  .   The plant is operating at full power with the hiGUs and hiaster Controller balanced.
  .   The Master Controller output slowly fails downscale.
  .   RPV level lowers to 185 inche: at which point the operator takes both h10Us to manual.
  .   No further operator action is taken.
  Which one of the following describes the response of Fred Flow and RPV level afler the
  MGUs have been shilled to manual?
      a.      Flow will increase to 100%; Level will increase to 200 inches.
      b.      Flow will increase to 100%; Level will remain at 185 inches.
      c.      Flow will increase to greater than 100%; Level will increase to 200 inches.
      d.      Flow will remain less than 100%; Level will continue to trend down.

Question 54

 The SilGT system has failed to auto start in response to a llPCI start signal. Which one of
  the following will occur as a result of the failure of SBOT to start?
      a,      llPCI start up sequence will not complete and the llPCI turbine will not start,
      b.      The llPCI turbine will start but may trip on liigh Exhaust Pressure.
      c.      The llPCI turbine will start but may trip on liigh IIPCI Area Temperature,
      d.      IIPCI flow rate will be limited due to decreased condenser efliciency.
                                           Page 27 of 50
                               REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION
 Question 55
    Which one of the following is the reason that operation of an EDO at loads near 2000 KW is
   to be avoided?
        a.       Excessive wear on turbocharger drive gears,
        b.        Main bearing degradation due to inadequau lube oil cooling.
        c.       Potential Lube oil sump fire due tr increased piston blow by,
        d.       Overheating of exhaust system.
 Question 56
    Following a 1.OCA with concurrent Loss of OITsite Power, which one of the following will
    be the first to be reenergized when the 'A' and 'C' EDO breakers close?
        a,       'A' ESW Pump,
        b.       'A' RI1R Pump,
        c.       'C' RilR Pump,
        d.       'A' Core Spray Pump.
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                     "*" EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE ""'


                                REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINA110N
   Question 57
      The operator withdraws a control rod one notch but the rod position indications show that the
      rod is withdrawing continuously until it reaches full out position. Which one of the
      following could be the cause of this?
           a.     Stuck collet piston.
           b.     liigh CRDil pressure.
           c.     Uncoupled rod.
           d.     Leaking IICU Scram inlet valve (03 AOW126).
   Question 58
      Reactor power is 5%. The RWM is fully operational and has generated a Withdraw Illock.
      Under these conditions, which one of the following is the maximum number of rods with
      insert errors that could possibly be moved in the withdraw direction?
          a.      None.
          b.      One.                                                                                ,
          c.      Two.
          d.      Three.
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                      * *"* EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE ""*

L:_ ,


                                 REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION
 Question 59
    'Ihe plant is operating at full power when the following Recire. Pump Seal readings are
    .   #1 (~ inner) Seal Cavity pressure is 1000 psig.
    .   #2 (outer) Seal Cavity pressure is 150 psig.
    Which one of the following will cause these conditions?
        a.       Normal operation of both seals,
        b.       Failure of both seals.
        c.       Partial failure of the #1 seal.
        d.       Partial failure of the #2 seal,
 Question 60
   During the stanup of the 'A' Recire. Pump the following conditions exist:
   .    The 'A' Recire. Pump Discharge valve is 85% open.
   .    The 'II' Recire. Pump Discharge valve is fully open.
   .    Total Feed Flow is 30%.
   .    Feedwater pump 'N is running; Feedwater pump 'll' is secured.
   .    RPV level is 195 inches.
   Which one of the following describes the most restrictive Recire. Pump speed limitations
   currently in effect?
        a.       Iloth pumps ac limited to 30%.
        b.       Iloth pumps are limited to 44%.
        c.       Pump 'A' is limited to 30%; 'B' is not limited.
        d.       Pump 'N is limited to 30%; 'B' is limited to 44%.
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                              REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION

Question 61

 'Ihe drive mechanism of a fully withdrawn control rod is uncoupled. Which one of the
  following indications during the coupling check indicates that the rod is uncoupled?
       a.     Individual Rod Drift Alann,
       b.     Individual Rod Overtravel Alarm.
       c      '49' will be displayed in the rod position window,
       d.     Individual Rod Full Out light remains energized.

Question 62

  Three of the eight LPRM detectors supplying an RilM channel have failed downscale.
  Which one of the following describes the response, if any, of the RBM to these failures?
       a.     There will be no functional effect since the RIIM still has sumcient LPRM inputs
              to function.
       b.     The rod block setpoint will be automatically adjusted downward to compensate         .
              Ibr the lost inputs.
       c.     An Inop, Rod Illock will be generated until one detector is bypassed.
       d.     A Rod Illo:k will be generated until the PUSil TO SETUP pushbutton has been
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                                                                                               - .
                                   .  _ - _ .
                              REACTOR OPERATOR EXAhilNATION

Question 61

   Which one of the following describes the effect of spraying the Drywell during a LOCA
  when Drywc!! pretisure is below 2.7 psig?
       a.    Unnecesnry damage to equipment in the Drywell,
       b.    Partial de inertir.g of the Primary Containment.
       c.    Inability to vent the Primary Containment.
       d.    Mechanical failure of the Torus to Drywell vacuum breakers.

Question 64

 The operators are unable to reset an inadvertent Group i isolation signal. Which one of the
  following conditions, ifit existed, would cause this problem?
       a.    A control switch for one of the MSIVs is in the OPEN position.
       b.    The Reactor Mode Switch is in RUN.
     - c.    The control switches for the Main Steam Line Drain valves are in the OPEN
     - d.    The AP across the MSIVs is 125 psid.
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                            REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION

Question 65

  During plant operation it is noted that 345 KV bus voltage is 380 KV. Which one of the
  following is the appropriate response, if any, to this condition?
       a.     No response required.
       b.     Reduce generator output voltage to restore 345 KV bus voltage to normal.
       c.     Contact the Load Dispatch Center and request that 345 KV bus voltage be
       d.     Increase Generator Isolated Phase Cooling to maximum.

Question 66

 The ibliowing sequence of events occurs:
 .    600 VAC power is lost for 3 minutes.
 .    Afier 600 VAC power is restored,125 VDC power is briefly lost.
 .     125 VDC power is then restored.
 Aller restoration of 125 VDC power, which one of the following will be the source, if any, of
  120 VAC UPS Instrument Power?
      a.      Nothing,120 VAC will be deenergized.
      b,      600 VAC via the UPS MG Set.
      c.      600 VAC via the 600/120 VAC transformer,
      d.      125 VDC sia the UPS MG Su.
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                             REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION

Question 67

  l.oss of all 125 VDC power would have which one of the 1ollowing effects on the Emergency
  Diesel Generators?
      a.        Diesels would auto start and load,
      b.        Diesels would auto start, but would not auto load.
      c.        Diesels would not start and could not be started at the Engine Control Panel.
      d.        Diesels would not auto start but could be stan, at the Engine Control Panel.

Question 68

  Which one of the following describes the effect of the Control l loom inlet Radiation Monitor
 channel failing upscale?
      a. .      Alarm only,
      b.      ' 1he intake and Exhaust dampers close and the Recire, damper opem
      c.      - The Control Room Supply fans trip and the Exhaust Damper closes,
      d,        The Emergency Supply fan starts and the inlet filter system is placed in acryice.
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                         .     _ _ - - -                                          -     .     . - . _ . . _ .
                           REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION

Question 69

                                                                                    .                          .
  Which one of the following describes a potential path for radioactive contamination to the
 discharge canal during normal power operation?                                                               I
      a.     Drywell Air Cooler tube leak.
      b.     RilCLC lleat Exchanger tube leak.
      c.     Recombiner condenser tube leak,
      d.     Main Condenser tube leak,

Question 70

  Which one of the following describes the response of any TIP detector not in its shield when
  a Group I and Group 11 Containment isolation Signal occurs?
      a.     A Group i isolation will cause the TIP to withdraw to the Lead Shield position. A
             Group 11 has no further effect.
      b.     A Group 1 isolation will cause the TIP to withdraw to the Lead Shield position. A
             Group 11 will activate the shear valve if the TIP is still inserted.
      c.     A Group 1 Isolation will have no effect. A Group 11 Isolation will actuate the
             shear valve if the TIP is not withdrawn within 10 minutes,
      d.     A Group 1 Isolation will have no effect. A Group 11 Iso lation will cause the TIP to
             be withdrawn to the Lead Shleid position.
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                                Rl! ACTOR OPlillATOR !!XAMINATION

Question 71

  'lhe crew is conducting EOP 5 (Secondary Containment Control) when Reactor llul!d'ng
  ventilation isolates on high radiation. The radiation level is subsequently seen to deercase
  below the isolation setpoint. Which one of the following describes under what condition, if
  any, it is pennissible to override the high radiation isolation to restan the Reactor 13uilding
  ventilation system 7
      a.       It is not pennissible,
      b.       Two iteactor lluilding area temperatures are above maximum nonnal.
      c.       Aller it is confirmed that no priniary systun is discharging into the P.cactor
      d.       If Reactor lluilding AP cannot be maintained at a negative pressure with S110T.

Question 72

  Inadvenent closure of which one of the following CRD llCU valves will result in the
  inability to scram the afrected rod?
       a.      Scram inlet Valve 126.
       b.      Insert licader Isolation 101,
       c.      Exhaust Waterlleader Isolation 105.                                                      l
      d.       Withdraw Ileader Isolation - 102.                                                        l
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                              RI! ACTOR OPl!RATOR I!XAMINATION


 Question 73                                                                                                             .,
    The plant is operating at $0% power with RCIC testing in progress. Under these conditions,
    Tech Specs .Tquire an immediate reactor scram if Torus temperature reaches which one of
    the following temperatures?
        a.      95 'l?
        b.      105'F
        c.      Il0 *F
        d.      I20 *1
 Question 74
    Fuel handling operations are in progress when a Fuel Pool leak is discovered. Which one of
   the following states the initial point at which immediate evacuation of the Refuel Floor
   becomes mandatory?                                                                                                    ,
        n.      When the presence of the leak is verified.
        b.      Wh:n level decreases below its Tech Spec limit (33 feet).
        c.      When uncovering of spent fuel is imminent.                                                               ,
        d.      When uncovering of spent fuel has ocenrred.
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                   '"" IIXAMINATION CONTINUED ON N!!XT PAGli ""*
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                                                       REACTOR OPERA' LOR EXAMINATION                                                                  'l,
               Question '75                                                                                                                              It
A plant startup is in progress and Recire, pump speed is 30%. APRM readings are as listed
                 z.       Channel A             2.39.                                                                                                     t
                   . Channel B ' 4.0%                                                                                                                    !
                 : . Channel C                  5,0%                                                                                                     ;

- e Channel D 4.7%  !

l                  e      Channel E            '2.4%                                                                                                    l
                   e Channel F                  5.1%                                                                                                     i

- ..

                 . If the Reactor Mode Switch is plu:ed in RUN, w hich one of the following des.cribes the                                                i
                 . ability to raise power with control rods and/or recire, flow?                                                                         j
                          a.'         The power can be raised using rods or recire. flow.

. .b.. Power can be raised using rods only. J

                          c.      - Power can be raised using recire. only.                                                                             1

. -

                          d.          Power cannot be raised;                                                                                             l


               Question 76
                  The plant is operating at full power when the pressure compensation for the in service RPV                                              .

i - level column is lost. Which one of the following describes the effect that this will have on

                  actual RPV water level?
                        -a.        . RPV level will lower until a reactor scram occurs.

, b.- RPV level will lower (by about 12 inches) and stabilize,

                         ci           RPV level will rise until a reactor scram occurs.


                         d.        'RPV level will rise (by about 12 inches) and stabilize.                                                            j
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                                          '"'* EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE "*"                                                                     i
    ~-   .    T        -       . i i _ ,, .                      ._,,-.,-,a,._.,,               ..., ,, ..- .-,                     ,, . , . - . - . -
   .              . ..                          .    .    - - . -                    ~          - . . - -        -.              .- . . . - - .                    - - - -
                                                    REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION
         Question 77-                                                                                                                                                                      l
                The plant is at full power and the 'A' Pressuir Regulator is in control. Failure of wNeh one                                                                               l
                of the following inputs to the EllC Pressure Regulators will have the smallest impact on RPV                                                                            q
                 pressure? .
r. W Pressure Regulator throttle pressure fails high.  ;

4 b. 'A' Pressure Regulator throttle pressure fails low.



                       c.          'll' Pressure Regulator throttle pressure fails high.                                                                                                   j
                       d.       - 'll' Pressure Regulator thmitle pressure fails low. .
         Question 78
                 The plant is operating at full power when RiiCl.C flow to the RWCU system is lost. Which                                                                                  l
                 one of the following is the expected response of the system isolation and the llolding pumps                                                                              ;
                 to this event?                                                                                                                                                           .;
                       a.          The system will i ot isolate; The lloiding pumps will start.
                       b.       - The system will isolate; The llolding pumps will trip.

. c. . The system will not isolate; The liolding pumps will trip.

                      -d.       - The system will isolate; The flolding pumps will start.


     -                                                                                                                                                                                     i
 ,                                                                                                                                                                                         i


                                                                        Page 39 of 50                                                                                                      ;
                                          '"" EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE '""


         ,n ., ,         ..-m -
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                                            _   __-_.         .- ..                 ..


 Question 79
   The plant is at 70% power with all Condensate, Conden, ate llooster, and Feed pumps
   running. Which one of the following describes the expected plant response to the trip of one
   Condensate pump?
       a.      The remaining pumps will remain in service and RpV level will not be affected.
       b.      One Feed pump will trip on low suction pressure but RPV level will not be
        c.     One Fred pump will trip on low suction pressure and RPV level will decrease.
       d.      One Condensate flooster pump will trip but RpV level will not be affected.
 Question 80
   Which one of the following describes the purpose of the Reactor Steam supply to the Off Gas
   llydrogen Recombiner?
        a.     Dilutes hydrogen to below the explosive limit.
        b.     Increase temperature which improves efficiency of recombination.
       c.      Improves removal of radioactive lodines from gas stream,
       d.      Improves cooling of the charcoal filters during accident conditions.


                                         Page 40 of 50
                    '"" EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE "*"
                                 REACTOR OPEllATOR EXAMINATION
 Question 81
    Fire Main use during a fire on site caused its pressure to lower to 90 psig for 30 seconds.
    Pressure subsequently recovered to 120 psig where it has remained for the past 10 minutes.
    Assumirg no operator action concerning the Fire Pumps, which one of the following
    identifies the Fire pumps that should be running at this time?
        a.       Makeup Pump only,
        b.       Makeup Pump and Motor Driven Fire Pump only.
        c.       Makeup Pump, Motor Driven Fire Pump and One Diesel Driven Fire Pump only.
        d.       Makeup Pump, Motor Driven Fire Pump and Both Diesel Driven Fire Pumps.
 Question 82


    The following air pressures exist in the Instrument and Service Air headers:
    .   Instrument Airis 100 psig.
    .   Service Air is 90 psig.
    Under these conditions, which one of the following describes the expected position of the
    Instrument to Service Air Isolation valve (39FCV-110) and the 13reathing Air Isolation valve
    (39FCV 111)?
        a.       Iloth will be open.
        b.       FCV 110 will be open. FCV-111 will be closed,
        c.       FCV-110 will be closed. FCV 111 will be open,
        d.       Iloth will be closed.
                                           Page 41 of 50
                     '"" EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE ""*

. - _. _ _, . _-

                                 REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION
   Question 83
      An RilCLC Makeup Tank Level annunciator is alarming dee to a high level. Which one of
      the following is the most likely cause of this condition?
           a.     Tube leak in the RBCLC heat exchanger,
           b.     Tube leak in the RWCU NRilX.
           c.     RBCLC low low pressure,
           d,     RilR pump seal cooler leak.
   Question 84
      During normal power operation, which one of the following sources can be used for
      emergency makeup to the Spent Fuel Pool?
           a.     CRD,
           b.     Condensate Transfer,
           c.     Core Spray,
           d.     RilR Service Water.
                                             Page 42 of 50
                     * * * * * EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE * * * * *
   _.                 _                 _
      .       --.                   . - . . -             . . - - - - - - . . - - -                   -.-         . - . - - - -


                                                        REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION                                                   [
                 Question 85                                                                                                         :;

' '

                     . Ihe Reactor Mode switch is in the REFUEL position, and the Refueling Platfonn (bridge) is =                     [
                       over the Reactor Vessel.- Which one of the following would cause a Rod Block under these                        i
                       conditions?                                                                                                     i
                                        '                                                                                              *
                             a.       - lhe Auxiliary 11011,1is loaded.
,                            b.         'Ihe Fuel Orapple is in the FULL UP position.                                                  ;

. . .

                           . c.           ll.: Service Platform floist is unloaded and not FULL UP.                                    ;
                             di         All rods are Full In, except for a selected rod at position 02.                                {

. a

                  Question 86                                                                                                          i
                        in accordance with AP-02.04, which one of the following activities requires an ' instruction or                !

                       procedure to perfomW


                             a.         Checking a relay energized or deenergized.                                                     ,
                             b.         Changing a fish basket,
                             c.         Checking an oil sump level.


                           - d. -     - Opening drain valves within a PTR boundary.                                                    .

c .;

.                                                                                                                                      i
 :                  -,-..


                                                                              Page.43 of 50                                             ,
                                               '"" EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE ""* !                                            !
                  >                                                                                                                    !
       -       .             ,._.,T-..,...                     .-                   . . . ~ - .   - - _ - - - - .       .
                                                                                                                                _ _.
         .-.                                .                 .      . - .._.    . . . _..
                             REACTOR OPERATOR EXAh11 NATION                                            ,

Question 87

  During normal plant operations, you have been assigned to perform a routine task that is
  governed by a Reference Use procedure without step signofTs. Which one of the following
 describes the requirements for procedure review and reference?
      a.      No prior review of the p.ocedure is reanired. Reference to the procedure during
              the task is not required.
      b.      Review the procedure prior to performing the task. Reference to the procedure
              during the task is not required.
      c.      Review the procedure prior to performing the tt k. Refer to the procedure prior to
              performing each step.
      d.      No prior review of the procedure is required. Refer to the procedure prior to
              perforrning each step.

Question 88

  The plant is at full power when ST-5D (APRhi Calibration) shows that the AGAF for an
  APRM is 1.02. Which one of the following describes the significance of this reading?
      a.      There is no significance if FRP is greater than hiFLPD.
      b.      The reactor will ceram at a higher power than allowed.
      c.      The reactor will scram at a lower power than required.
      d.      The APRh1 has too few inputs.
                                          Page 44 of 50
                 '"" EXAh11 NATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *""
            -                  -'o-, -                               -        y-           y       7 4
                              REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION

Question 89

  Operation with a high hotwell level (>l 12 inches) is likely to have which one of the
  following consequences?
       n.     Condenser tube damage due to high tube vibration.
       b.     Condenser Air Removal pump damage due to high moisture ir:take.
       c.     Unmenitored release to the lake via the Cire. Water system.
       d.     Condensate pump damage due to runout.

Question 90

  You are hanging a PTR on a circuit breaker and the PTR form has a slash through the first
 check block (' Initials first') for that component. Which of the following describes the
 meaning of the slash on the PTR form?
      a.     This is a replacement for a lost tag,
      b.     No independent verification is required.
      c.     Dual concurrent verification is required.
      d.     The position of the circuit breaker is not being changed.
                                            Page 45 of 50
                  ***** EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****
                            .   _
            - _ . . .      __     __.__         _ _.     .    . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _       __ ___.
                                 Rl! ACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION

Question 91

  The scram times of 136 control rods have been measured and average 3.50 seconds to
  position 04. What is the slowest scram time that the remaining control rod can have and still
  satisfy the requirements of Tech Specs?
      a.           3.554 sec.
      b.           3.764 sec.
      c.           7.000 sec.                                                                     ,
      d.           10.900 sec.

Question 92

  During fuel handling operations the operator in the control room notes that the SRhis are
 reading below 3 eps. Under which one of the following conditions, if any, may fuel handling
 continue? -
      a.          The plant has been shadown for more than 90 days,
      b.          A core spiral ofiload is in progress,
      c.          A control rou olade replacement is in progress.
      d.         None. Fuel handling must always be terminated if SRhis fall below 3 cps.
                                               Page 46 of 50
                      "*" EXAhilNATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *""
                               REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION
 Question 93
    A fask in the RCA requires that you enter a Very liigh Radiation Area during normal plant
    operations. Which one of the following describes the minimum key (s) and RWP coverage
    requirements necessary to enter the area?
        a.      Single key from radiation Protection; Non-routine RWP
        b.      Single key from Shift Manager; Operations standing RW.
        c.      One key from Radiation Protection and one key from Shift Manager; Non-routine
        d.      One key from Radiation Protection and one hey froin Shill Manager; Operations
                standing RWP.
 Question 94
   You are wearing single PCs while working in the Reactor Building when immediate
   evacuation of the Reactor Building is directed over the Gaitronics. You should remove your
   PCs at which one of tb. following places?
        a.      Your currun location when you hear the announcement.
        h.      Area Normal Step oft Pad.
        c.      P6er !" .:ntering the Reactor Building Airlock.
        d.      Admin Building RCA Access Point.
                                          Page 47 of 50                                       .


         -    - . . - , . .                           .       -        .     . . . .      . - .     --        _ -.-. ..-...., . , -                   - -.
                                                          REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION:




                   : Question _95 )
                             You are NCol performing a shutdown from outside the Control Room; When you arrive ~ at
                           ; Panel 25RSP you report successful completion of all actions you we . required to perform at
                             other locations. Which one of the following actions remains to be aci >mplished?:
                                   a.:      Tripping the Main Turbine.-


                                   b.     , Closing the MSIVs.

'- c. Closing the llPCI outboard steam supply.

                                   d.-      Tripping the Recirc. pumps,

i .

                    - Question 96
An Alert has been declared and the operaters are conducting EOP-6 (Radioactivity Release

r _ Control). Which one of the following is a type of accident that this EOP is designed to [ mitigate?

                                   a. -     Dropped fuel bundle in the Spent Fuel Pool,
                                   b.     . Radwaste spill in the Radwaste Building.


                                   c.     - Main Steam leak in the Turbine Building.
                                - d.      . Fire in the SBGT filters.

. . . . t

                                                                         = Page48 of 50


                                                *"" EXAMINATION CONTIN 0ED ON NEXT PAGE ""* -


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                                                        REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION


                   LQuestion 97-
                      - Following a failure to scram an operator has been directed to implement EP-3 (Backup 3           :;

, Control Rod Insertion) at Panels 09-15 and 0917 to remove and replace fuses. Which one of

                          the following describes the desired outcome of this evolutlo 37


                               a. '      Opest the scram inlet and outlet valves.
                               b.-       Deenergize the RPS power supply buses.


                               c.        Vent and Drain the Scram Discharge Volume.
                               d.        Reset RPS.

4 e

                    Question 98
                          The reactor is operating at ful! power when the following events occur:
                          .    The Turbine Control Valves close.
                      -.       The Turbine Bypass Valves fully open.
                          . - The Reactor Scrams.
                          .    The SRVs open briefly.


                          Which one of the following could have caused this chain of eveats?
                               a.        Turbine Load Reference signal has failed downscale.
                               b.        The MSIVs have closed,
                               c.        The_ Backup (B) Pressure Regulator has failed low.


                              .d       ' The Maximum Combined Flow Limiter has failed downscale.


  . .


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                                           -""* EXAMINATION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE **"*
         .. _ ; .          ~.      -       - .        .      .    ..       .      -- .- -            .
                   -       ,.-     - .         _        -                 _- . . - . .       - - - . _. - . - . ~
                                             REACTOR OPERATOR EXAMINATION -                                         j
       Question 99
 w       - A scram has occurred due to a transient resulting from a loss of UPS. Not all rods have fully-
              inserted. Which one of the following should be used to evaluate reactor power to determine ' -
             if entry into EOP 2 (RPV Control)is required?.                                                          '
                 . a.       APRM chart recorders.
                  'b.       SPDS display.
                   c.       Steam Flow.


                   d.'      Number of open SRVs.
       Question 100
            The following conditions exist:
            . : A LOCA has occurred at 100% power. -
            .  EPIC is not available.
            .      16TI 107 and 108 both indicate 256 'F.
            .      Drywell pressure on panel 09 3 indicates 40 psig.
            . - RPV 09-5 Wide Range indicates 40 inches.


            . - RPV 09-3 Fuel Zone Recorder indicates -130 inches.
           .Which one of the following describes the use of the Fuel Zone Recorder and the Wide Range
           NOTE: Figures 4.7 and 4.8 of EOP-4 are provided.
                   a .     Neither the Fuel Zone Recorder nor the Wide Range is usable.
                   b.     - Fuel Zone Recorder is usable; Wide Range is not usable.


                   c.       Fuel Zone Recorder is not usable; Wide Range is usable,

c d. Both the Fuel Zone Recorder and the Wide Range are usable,

   _        _                                              Page 50 of 50


                                              *""5NO OF EXAMINATION ""*
         - .                           . . _      _
                                                    _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ .        .       - . _       _
      .  . .- .            _   .              . - .    _ - .      _    .-
 LOSS OF 51R7TDOWN COOLINGO                                                       AOP-30
                                    ATTACHMENT 2                          Page 1 of 1
        Days after                DTU/hr            Days after               BTU /hr
          shutdown                                   shutdown
                 0               6.28E8                      21             1.48E7
                 1               4.79E7     l                22
                 2               3.92E7     l                23
                 3               3.36E7     l                24
                 4               2.97E7     l                25
                 5               2.69E7     l                26             1.33E7
                 6               2.48E7                      27             1.31E7
                 7               2.32E7     l                28
                 8               2.19E7
                                            l               29
                 9               2.08E7
                                            l.                             1.24E7
                10               2.00E7
                                            l               31
                11               1.92E7
                                            l              32
                12               1.86E7     l              33              1.18E7
                13               1.80E7
                                            l              34              1.16E7
                14               1.75E7
                                            l              35              1.14E7
                15               1.70E7
                                            l              36              1.12E7
                16               1.66E7
                                            l              37              1.10E7
                17               1.62E7
                                            l              38              1.09E7
                18               1.58E7
                                            l              39              1.07E7
                19               1.54E7
                                            l             40               1.06E7
                20               1.51E7
                                            l          730                 9.13E5
 Rev. No.          10                                          Page 18       of      19


                                                                             'i    .
     LOSS OF SHUTDOWN COOLING 0                                                      AOP-30
                                       ATTACHMENT 3                         Page 1 of 1
                               ALTERNATE COOLING METHODS
                 METHOD             APPROXIMATE HEAT               LIMITATIONS
                                    REMOVAL CAPACITY
                                        (BTU /hr)
       Decay Heat Removal                3.00E7        * Gates removed between cavity
                                                          and spent fuel pool
       Fuel Pool Cooling                 3.30E6        * Cates removed between cavity
                                                          and spent fuel pool
                                                       * RBC must be available
                                                       * SW must be available
      .Ftel Pool Cooling                 2.40E7        * RHR must be available
                                                       * RHRSW must be available
                                                      * Gates removed between cavity
                                                         and spent fuel pool
      RWCU Blowdown Mode                 2.06E6       * No isolation signal present
      *  1 pump running                               * Makeup source must be
      *  125 gpm blowdown flow                           available (see list below)
      *  125 gpm makeup flow
                                                      * Main Condenser-or Radwaste
                                                         must be available
      RWCU Recirc Mode                  1.70E6        No isolation signal present
      RWCU Blowdown Mode                1.00E6        * No isolation signal present
      * gravity drain                                 * Makeup source must be
      * 50 gpm blowdown flow                             available (see list below)
      * 50 gpm makeup flow                                                            .
                                                      * Main Condenser or Radwaste
                                                         must be available
                                       Makeup Sources
   *    Condensate transfer keep-full using Core Spray or RHR
   *    Control Rod Drive System
        Condensate /Feedwater
   *    Condensate transfer to skimmer surge tanks (gates  removed)
   *    Condensate transfer to fuel pool using DHR (gates  removed)
   *    Condensate transfer using service box connections  on the refuel
        floor (gates removed)
   *    Fire Protection System water from local fire hose   stations or outside sources
   *    RHR service water cross-tie
   *    Fire Water Crosstie
Rev. No. 10 Page 19 of 19
   '               ^
         . -


   33 (cont'd)                                                              43 (cont'd)                                                            .
     C.      Scram insertion Times                                           C.    Scraminsertion Tar.cs
             1.   The average scram inserton time, based on the de-                  1.  After each refueling outage, all operable rods shall be ,
                 -energ'zation of the scram pilot valve solenoids as time                scram time tested from the fully vnthdrawn position with
                  zero, of all operable control rods in the reactor power                the nuclear system pressure above 950 poig (with
                  operation cordtica shall be no greater thart                           saturation temperature). This testing shall be completed     l
                       Control Flod                 Average Scram                        W to exW M m. NW d mam tirne-
                       Notch Position               Insertion Time                       test % W M m.h M N k wh -                                    l
 l                     Observed                     (Seconds)
                           46                          0.338
                           38                          0.923
                           24                          1.992                                                                                              *
                           04                          3.554
   Amendment No.df .155
                                                                           .                            .                                                                                  -.                                  .                                                                                                            _. _     . - _ _ .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        4.3.0 (cont'd)
                                                               3.3.C icont'd)
                                                                                                              2.                                          The average of the scram insertion times for the three             2.   At 16iweek intervals.10 percent of the operable control -
                                                                                                                                                          fastest operable control rods of all groups of four control             rod drives shot be scram timed above 950 peig. The some
                                                                                                                                                          rods in a two-by-two array sheH be no greater than:                     control rod dnves should not be tested each intervsl.                                                                          i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Whenever such scram time measurements are mode, an
                                                                                                                                                              Control Rod          Average Scram                                  evolustion she' be made to provide rossonable assurance
                                                                                                                                                              Notch Position       Insertion Time                                 that proper control rod drive performance is ipeang
                                                                                                                                                              Observed             (Secondal                                      maintained.
                                                                                                                                                                  46                  0.361
                                                                                                                                                                  38                   0.977
                                                                                                                                                                  24                   2.112
                                                                                                                                                                  04                   3.764
                                                                                                                3.                                        The maximurn scram insartion time for 90 percent                   3.   All control rods shou be determned operable once every
                                                                                                                                                          insertion of any operable control rod shall not exceed                   24 months by demonstrating the scram discharge volume
                                                                                                                                                           7.00 sec.                                                               drain and vent volves operable when the scram test
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   initiated by placing the modo switch in the SHUTDOWN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   position is performed as required by Table 4.1-1 and by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   verifying that the drain and vent volves:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   a.     Close in less than 30 seconds af ter receipt of a signal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          for control rods to screm, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   b.     Open when the scram segnal is reset.
                                                                           Amendment No. 49rG2r75, SS,165, 203; 232

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ry b An RPV water levelinstrument may not be used # either of th)

  fo#owing conditions exists:
       + An instrurnent run terrporature is at or above the RPV
         Saturation Temperature (Fig 4.7)
       + The instrument reads at or below its Meirnum Usable
                r    Level (Fig 4.8)
                                           FIGURE 4.7
                        RPV SATURATION TEMPERATURE
                               li        E  l!!!!
    C 550 -
    @     ,       !b                -
    B           fij!; P*$ IIi:. !"'if              Ji ' 7
                                      !$    [!!!!!,
    $           kll!h! ! !!!ih
    -            ,-           l
    w           ;f
    s     0.
    3     250
          200 ,      ,      .                                 .
               0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 000 900 10001100
                                    RPV PRESSURE (psig)
                                    FIGURE 4.8
                                                                     8-     Es
               n           E&            ~.'.&
                                          q                         $S
                                                                     ad 38
                                         KN              E          d5 WE
                             }-~}- n-
                       -                                          -
                                                                      a        a
    E SM
    E                       180          250
    B                         u            o
    5     400                 o            a
    g                       171          225
    -                         u            o
                              46           di
                                         200            43          -145      134
    5                  - -        --            --         --           --       -
    5     200
    c                      164.5
          IN                               JL
               U _ ." _ _f _ _" _ - _ " _ _ "_
                       __       .        _   .        _ . -   ~       ._ _ .~.
                               RO ANSWER KEY
    .1):   . B  - 26)       D          151)-   D            76)     D
     2);    ~A-  27)        B           52) -C-             77) -   D
     3)-     B   28)-       B           53)    B_           78)_    D
     4)-     B-   29)-    'C            54)    C-           79)   -A             '
     5)    -D     30)      -A           55)    A            80)    -A
     6)'     D    31)       DELETED     56) _A              81)     C
     7):     B    32)       B           57)_ A-             82)     C
     8):     C    33)       D           58)    D            83)     B
     9)      DB   34)       D           59)-   D            84)     B
     10)-    A    35)       C           60)    D            85)-    A
     11)-  -C     36)       B           61)    A OR B       86)     D
     12)   -A    37)        D.          62)    A'-          87)     B
     13)   _B     38)       C           63)    B            88)     B
     14)     A    39)       C           64)    A            89)     C
     15)   'C    40)        A           65)    C            90)    C
     16).    A   41)        C           66)-   C            91)    C
     17)     B   42)        D           67)    C            92)    B
     18)     A   43)_       D           68).   A            93)    C
     19)-    B   44)        DA          69)    B            94)     D
     20)     B-  45)        D           70)    D            95)    C
     21)     D   46)        B           71)    A            96)    C-            t
     22)     D   47)        C           72)    D            97)    A
     23)     D   48)        C           73)    C            98)    A
     24)     D   49)        B           74)    C            99)    B


     25)     A   50)        A           75)    D            100)   B

. .



           ATTACHMENT 3


                                                                   -       -                                   -. - . .~ .
  w     ,-i.
                   RO 009
                -:SRO 909
                   During the post-examination review, it was discovered that the key contained an incorrect
                - answer, D vice the correct answer, B. This was a typographical error that occurred while -                         t
                   balancing the examination distractors. The first submittal (attached) indicated the answer                        '
                   correctly. -
                   Distractor A is incorrect because the red light on indicates that the pilot solenoid is
                   energized, not that the main valve is open.                                                                       ;
                   Distractor C is incorrect because the SRV. tailpiece would rise to approximately 380
                - degrees if the valve were open.
                   Distractor D is incorrect because the EPIC alarm RESET condition indicates that the high
                   noise level condition associated with an open SRV has cleared.-                                                   !
                   The key was changed from D to B to correct this error.





.A 4.

             y-  y  eew-+ y           - p     y-               y       -,..e , .-- sg .,m4ee     3  ,        .           ei--- .' m

n. g .

                                                                                        . . ~             ,-             .  .nw       _
                                                                                                                                          +-         -
 S .*                   [O    r
                                   \f     +
                                                                                   .r'                           i
                          010h        iTIER I?                       LOROUP 1/1           LICENSE LEVEL RST           KNOWLEDGE LEVEL Li           LANSWER A      i
                          Which one of the following would give pusitive indication that an SRV is currently open as a result of sn a~utomatie :
               .          actuation caused byhigh RPV pressure?/                                                                                                  1
                                                                 , .
                                    4 a.:           [ White acoustic monitor light is on.
                                                           .             _                 .
   _ ,;                     ,

T ' ib? i Tailpiece temperature is 235 'F, ; i

                                    : cc              Tailpiece temperature is ? 10 *F. .                                                                           .
                                    idp               red valve open light is on.-                                                                                  ,
                 ,        295025'                 HIGH REACTOR PRESSURE.                                                                          2A.03
                         " Ability 1o identify postfaccident instrumentation.
                          IMPORTANCE 3.5/3.8 !                                    ;10CFR55.4l(6)/()--                10CFR55.43()/()~             SOURCE
                         '10CFR$$ REASON
                          REFERENCE:                                     SDLP-168, Page 40;
                          ATTACHMENTl                                        *'
                                                                     SDLP16B                                                 OBJECTIVE-      1.01
               [l LESSON PLAN


         "  6                             3                                                           ' NOTES
                                                                                       CHANGES FROM ORIGINAL OUTLINE
                       _ .
                         ORIGINAL SYSTE61/ EVENT #                                                                 ORIGINAL K/A#
                          REASON FOR CHANGE                                                                                                                       ,
            , - KNOW1. EDGE LEVE' - t,= Lower (Recall) - H= Higher - LICENSE LEVEL R=RO S=SRO RS=Both
                 : SOURCE N=New Quesnon -, B-Exam Bank (Not seen before) . S-Bank (Seen in training program) M-Modified
                   ; 10CF'R55 listings are the sub-paragraph numbers under t 0CFR 55.4! (for ROs) or 55.43 (for SROs) addressed by this question,
 y                                 10CFR55 reference is listed as (Assigned by K/A Manual) / (Assigned by question author)
                   : Group and imponance are listed as RO/SRO values

'. :-

               ,-_                                             ,
                                                          g.'.     .


       s       zg .-            1. #                   ..
             y .

L2 ~ - 1

o- .

     RO 031
    SRO O31
    This question was deleted from the examination. During the post-examination review it
    was determined that the question had no correct answer. The limits stated form an
    envelope that bounds the operation of the system and no direction exists to violate one
     limit at the expense of another,
    a. OP 20, STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM, directs: IF reactor building
         difTerential pressure is less negative than -0.25 inches water, TIIEN ensure that SGT
         Train A (B) is in service per Subsection D.l(2).' No direction is given allowing this
          limit to be violated to meet other limits,
    b. OP-20, STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM, directs if the high temperature
         annunciator is received then the affected train is shutdown and cooling flow for the
         charcoal filters established using the other train.2 No direction is given allowing this
          limit to be violated to meet other limits,
    c. OP-20, STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM, directs: Ensure flow rate is 3000
         to 6000 scfm on SGT FLOW 01 125FI 106A(B).3 No direction is given allowing this
          limit to be violated to meet other limits.
        OP-20, STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM, revision 22, steps D.I.6 on pg. I 1, D.2.6 on pg.13,
        G.5.2 on pg. 28 and G.6.2 on pg. 29.
        OP-20, STANDBY G AS TREATMENT SYSTEM, revision 22, steps G.I.4 on pg. 20 and 0.2.4 on pg.
        OP-20, STANDBY G AS TREATMENT SYSTEM, revision 22, steps D.I.S.b on pg.11, D.2.5.b on pg.
        13, G 5.3 on pg. 28 and G.6.3 on pg. 29.
     . .                                                 '
                                                                                ARP 09-75 2-16


             ANNUNCIATOR       SGT SYS B
              ucENo            .CT CaiR'           .,
                                                        CONTROLLED COPY
             SENSOR /          01 125TS 128 SGT FILTER TRAIN "B" CHARC0AL FILTER TEMP             !
             TRIP POINT-       SWITCH (170*F)
             CAUSE             Heat from decay of fission products adsorbed by charcoal-
             AUTOMATIC        None
             OPERATOR          1.     Refer to OP 20, Standby Cas Treatment System,
   .         ACTION                   section G for actione to be taken.


             Rev No.        3                                      PORC Meeting No,  90-088
           :- Date       08/29/90                                        Page    1   of     1
                                                 m                                          .     .-.
   j'      '
                                . _ .
      cj "
                                                                                              ARP 09-75-1-16
                 ANNUNCIATOR >            SCT SYS A'
                . LEGEND'                 ACT CHAR
                                            TEMP                                                               l
                 SENSOR /                 01-125TS 12A SGT FILTER TRAIN "A" CHARCOAL FILTER TEMP               -
                 TRIP POINT               SWITCH (170'F)
                                                                     Cyron1 ID COPY
                 cal'SE                  Heat from decay of fission products adsorbed by charcoal
                                          filters.              _,


                 AUTOMATIC-             -None
                 ACTION :
                 OPERATOR                1.         Refer to OP 20, Standby Gas Treats.ent System,              ;
    ;           -ACTION                             section G for be taken.



- t

                Rev. No.-             'A'                                      PORC Meeting No. 90-088-
                Date            08/29/90                                               Page    1      of 1
                                                - i
 ..,, .


                               NEW YORK POWER. AUTHORITY
                                  OPERATING PROCEDURE
                            STANDBY GAS TREATHENT SYSTEM *
                                       REVISION 22
                                            NA                      DATE      NA
                        MEETING NO.
        APPROVED BY:                 -                              DATE  /2[h
                        RESPON$.)BLE P'ROCE        OWNER
        APPROVED BY:        k                -                      DATE   1Vb
                              P % MANAGER


        EFFECTIVE DATE:      Decanber 4,1996
            *************************,           *************************
                                        *        *                          *
                                        *        *
            *      REFERENCE USE
                                                tyN G O L,TS             OLLED.*
            *                                    *
            **.*******.*.***.**.. ...                          .
                                                    COPY * g. * * * * * . * * *
            *************************                                  CHANGES
            *                           *
            *       TECHNICAL           *   NOT UpOATED             gjyH TEMPORAR
                                                               USE ONLY
            *                                         REFERENC
        PERIODIC REVIEW DUE DATE               2/13/98
                     ,                 -    _.    .     .                 .     .      .
                                                                                            _-. - -.
           STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM *                                             -OP-20                      *
                                            REVISION fiUMMARY SHEET'
          REV. NO.                    CHANGE AND REASON FOR CHANGE
                         22      Added Precaution C.2.1 to require Reactor Building
                                 Ventilation be isolated before performing any of
                                 the following-activities. This action is necessary

( -to comply with the requirements of safety

                                 evaluation JAF-SE-96-071:
                                 *    Fuel handling
                                 *    Core alterations
                                 *   Movement of heavy loads over the spent fuel
                                     pool or open reactor cavity
                                 *    Placing RX MODE switch in START & HOT STBY,
                                     witb.out Primary Containment Integrity in


                         21     1. Added Subsections G.8 and G.9 to provide
                                     guidance for operativn of the Standby Gas

, Treatment System during filter testing.

                                2. Added subsection G 10 to provide guidance for
                                     operation of the Standby Gas Treatment System
                                     during filter sampling.       (PCR dated 3/26/96)
                        20      1. Added Subsection G.7, to provide steps for
                                     operating SBGT when secondary containment
                                     penetrations are opened or degraded per PCR #10
                                     dated 10/25/95.
                                2.   Changed description of activated charcoal in
                                     Section B, System Description per PCR #9 dated
                                3... Revised Precaution C.2.2 to include time limits
                                     per PCR #8 dated 7/10/95 and J. Dunham.

.  :



                                                      ,                                                      (           !
                                   ,                                                                                     !
         Rev. No. -         22                                       Page   2      of    45
   _ -       _ _ _ - .        _                         _.  -    -    -
                                                                              _ -.           _ . ,   . . _ _
                                                                                   ,                                               -,       ..   .
     ?, ;- ,
                  . STANDBY, GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM *f                                                                             OP- 2 0 --
    I-            4 :-                                             .
                                                        TABLE'OF CONTENTS-
                   SECTION'                                                                                                       PAGE
                   A.-  . REQUIREMENTS        . . . - . '. . . .- .          .. . ..:   . - . . . - . . - . .- . . = . - -:- .           4
                   B.   -SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONz,                . . . . .:=.. .         . . .. . .. . .
                                                                                                                         .=, . . 5
                 :C.;      PLANT-OPERATING REQUIREMENTS .                        . . .. . . .- . . ... .                            .7'


                   D..  -STARTUP-                                                                                                ..'S.
                                       . - . _ . . - . _ . . . .. . .. .. . . .' . . . . . .
                 _E.    -NO'RMAL OPERATION .                        -
                                                         . . . . - . . . -. . . . . . - . . . . . . .
                   F.   _ SHUTDOWN..      .- -. . . . . . = . . . , , . . .                      .c... -
                                                                                                             . . . . . . ..             16         _
                [Gl        SPECIAL. PROCEDURES . . . . .. . . . . . _. . . . . . _ . . .                                                19-
                 'H._      ATTACitMENTS       . _ . _ . .   .-'.      . .. . . .           .. : .. . . . .           .'  . . .         36
                           1.-   REFERENCES      . . . . . .:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                           -37
                        -2.      TABLE 1 - VALVE LINEUP                  . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                              38            .
     ,                    3.     TABLE 2 - MAJOR COMPONENT POWER SUPPLIES                                    . . . . . . .            43.           !

. t:-



   z          -                -                                                                                -
                I-Rev. No.         22:                                                            Page         =3       _ of _ 45 .                  >
                                                    . . ~ . . .-                .    .. . - . . . .               - - . . -
            , p.            ..          - .-                           ..     .                          . .
           --l p;. : .                              s
                      T r.,
     3                 :1:                                                                                                       ,
              N-- 1
                                STANDBYcGASJTREATMENT--SYSTEM *-                                             OP-20              ,
               ..                                                                                                               !


                                Al     : REQUIREMENTS                                                                          a
                            ' A.1:. -- Technica1L Specifications
                                       ' Volume-1A Sections.3,7.B, 3.7,C and 4.7.C-:
                                       -Volume 1B Section'3.O'-                                                                 :
                               - A .- 2 ' Comunitments '         -
                                        None.                                                                                   .


                                A.31. Validation
                                       yValidated:per ODSO-35,                                                                   ,

, ,



 s. l






 3 -'        4


 - - -s        .
                            ' Rev. ;,No .,      22                                 Page    4        of-       45~
           .                                            ..         . .            ..       .                  .       .     .
    ,                         -         -   .- -                -.      .   _ _ . . -         .. --
        -STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM * -                                                 OP-20
         B.         _ SYSTEM DESCRIPTION-
                     The Standby: Gas Treatment 1 System. includes two identical-
                     filter trains. Each filter train is a full _ capacity system
                     thet has the ability to maintain reactor building to
                     atmosphere differential' pressure more negative than negative
                     0.25 inches water gauge.
                    ~Each filter train includes the following:-
                    -* Decister:      Removes entrained moisture, and in conjunction
                         with the air heater, maintains humidity less than 70% at
                         the inlet to the charcoal filter.                                          ;
                     * 39 KW Electric Air Heater:      Maintains humidity less than
                         70% at the inlet to the charcoal-filter.
                     * Prefilter:      Removes particles.
                     * High Efficiency Particulate Absolute Pre-Filter (HEPA) :
                         Designed to be capable of removing at least 99.97% of the
                         O'.3 micron particles which impinge on the filter, however
                         credit is only taken for 90% removal capability.
                     e   Activated Charcoal Filter:    Removes in excess of 95% of
                         the iodine in the air stream, with 10% of the iodine in
                         the form of methyl iodide, with air entering the charcoal
  -                      filter at less than 70% humidity. Charcoal filter
                         material is iodide or TEDA impregnated activated carbon.
                     *   High Efficiency Particulate Absolute After-Filter (HEPA) :
                         Designed to be capable of removing at least 99.97% of the
                         0.3 micron particles which impinge on the filter, however
                         credit is only taken for 90% removal capability.
* Fan: Provides the differential pressure to draw gases
                         through-the train for treatment. The fan discharges to
                         the stack.


        _R e v .J N o .1     '22                                   Page   5           of-  45


              - _ ,       .-        _
       STANDBY EJsS' TREATMENT SYSTEM *                                OF-20
              Each filter; train can take suction from one or more of the
             'following suction supplies:
             -* Reactor BuildingLabove-369' elevation
              *-Reactor Building'below 369' elevation
              *LDrywell vent connections
              * Torus vent connections
              * HPCI gland seal exhauster
              * Main Steam Leakage Collection. System
              * Auxiliary Gas Treatment System                                         t
              Standby gas treatment trains are cross-tied at the fan
              suctions to allow drawing cool air over the charcoal-filter
           -of the inactive train to remove decay heat.
              The Standby Gas Treatment System auto-in:tiates when any of
              the following conditions occur:
              *LReactor Building Ventilation above 369' elevation exhaust
                 duct radiation high-high   .PCIS logic A sensors start A
                 train; PCIS logic B sensors start B train
              * Reactor Building Ventilation below 369' elevation exhaust
                 duct radiation nigh-high: PCIS logic A sensors start A
                 train; PCIS logic B sensors stTrt B train
              * Drywell pressure high (2.7 psig increasing) : Both trains
              * RPV water level low (177 inches decreasing) : PCIS logic A
                 sensors start'A train; PCIS logic.B sensors-start B train
           -* HPCI auto-initiation:     Both trains start
            The Standby Gas Treatment' system can-be manually placed in
             service from panel 09-75 in the Control' Room.


     Rev. No.         22              ,
                                                       Page       6 of  45             ,
                                                        ~ . - - .                  .
            --         _     .           __    _ _ _ _ _        _   _. _   _                           _. __
             STANDBY: GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM *                                          OP-20-
             C.1- Prerequisites-
                  C.1.1-       Syetem valves are lined up per Attachment 2, with                                 .
                               exceptions approved by the Shift Manager.                                         ;
                  C.1.2-       System power supplies are lined up per             .
                               Attachment 3, with exceptions approved by the Shift- -
                               The following systems are in operation per their


                               respective operating procedure, with exceptions-


                               approved by the Shift Manager
                               *   4160 V and 600 V Normal And Emergency AC Power                            ..-
                                   Distribution per OP-46A
                               *   Process Radiation Monitoring System per OP-31                                 ,
                               *   Fire Protection System per OP-?.3.
           'Rev.O.       22                                     Page   7   of        45
          -                                                                  . - .        _ - _ _ _ _ _ _
                                   -- .-. .  -.   ..   _. ._    .   .
STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM *                                        OP-20
C.2   Precautions
      C.2.1-     Reactor-building ventilation _shall be isolated
                 before performing any of-the following activities.
                 This action is necessary to comply with the
                  requirements of safetyLevaluation JAF-SE-96-071:
                  *     Puel handling
                  *    Core alterations
                  *    Movement of heavy loads over the spent fuel
                       pool or open reactor cavity
                  *    Placing RX MODE switch in START & HOT STBY,
                       without Primary Containment Integrity in
      C.2.2      During normal operation, 27MOV-120 (containment
                 exhaust to standby gas treatment isol valve) shall
                 remain closed when primary containment is required
                 per Tech Spec 4.7.B.4.
      C.2.3      Operating a SGT train with the charcoal filters
                 installed to vent paint fumes, welding fumes, or
                 smoke could damage the charcoal filter. Guidelines
                 to prevent possible charcoal filter damage from
                 paint fumes are as follows:
                 *     Painting shall stop during periods of SGT
                 *     Painting shall stop whenever Reactor Building
                       Ventilation is isolated, unless SGT will not be
                       required for 24 hours following the completion
                       of painting.
                 *     SGT should not be run for at least 30 minutes
                       following the completion of painting.
                 *    :If a SGT run is desired within 8 hours following
                      . painting, Reactor Building Ventilation should
                       not be isolated until the end of the SGT run.
                 *     SGT runs are kept as short as possible within 8
                       hours following painting.
     C.2.4       To prevent plugging of the spray nozzles from
                 debrir caused by rust or corrosion, the fire
                 protection water supply spray header between
                 76FCV-107A/B and the spray nozzles shall be drained
                 following-system actuation.

.Rev..No. 22- Page 8 of 45

                                            .                     _         _.                       . _ .                    ._                .          . . . .
        T           4
                                                                                                            _                      .
                                                   .                  -                                                                          _
                             : STANDBY GASJTREATMENT: SYSTEM *                                 * -
                                                                                                                                       ; OP-20:                       --
      ! y 0. .            ._ p.    ..STARTUP:                                                                                                                    .
                                                                           TABLE OF CONTENTS
                             < SHPSECTION                       _
                              D ; 1'-    Train:A Startup'-              .- .- -. :. . ._ . .. . ..' . _ . .-.--:.- . . . .                  10;
                             - D.2- Train 3"Startup                     . . . _ . . . . . . . -. ..           ,_ . . . .. . .
. ;-,
    ,                                                  ,, . ' '
                             Rev . E No .~ .  -22-                                                         Page            9    of       45
  . . _ . - - _ .        _. __._._._             . . _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _
                     STANDBY GAC TREATMENT SYSTEM *                                                                                OP-20


                     D1    Train A Startup                                                                                                                *
                      operating a standby gas treatment train with-the charcoal                                                                           ,
filters installed to vent paint fumes, welding fumes, or smoke '
                      could damage the charcoal filter. See Precaution C.2.2.                                                                             !

!  !

                           D.1.1         Ensure open at least one of the following valves                                                                 l


* ABOVE EL 369' SUCT 01-125MOV-11

J * BELOW EL 363' SUCT 01-125MOV-12  ;


. D.1.2 Ensure open TRAIN A INLET t -125MOV-14A.

                           D.l.3        Verify the following:                                                                                            .
                                        CommentDt                                                                          Status
                                        *    TRAIN A FN 01-125FN-1A                                                        Running
                                        *    FN DISCH 01-125MOV-15A                                                        Open
                                        *    TRAIN A CLG VLV 01-125MOV-100A                                                Closed
                                        *    Red light for AIR HTR 01-125E-5A                                              On
                          D.1.4         1F standby gas treatment is being placed in r,ervice
                                        to support any of the following:                                                                                 i
                                        *    Torus venting


                                        *    Drywell venting
                                        *    HPCI operation
                                        *    Main Steam Leakage Collection System operation


                                        *    Auxiliary Gas Treatment System operation
                                        THEN ensure required standby gas treatment suction


                                        valves are lined up per the applicable procedure
                                        prior to proceeding to Step D.1.5.
                    Rev. No.         22                                                                            Page 10  of     45
                                                                                           , _ - - - - - . - - - -              ..   . -,--.. -- -.-
   STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM 8                                  OP-20
        D.1.5-    IF SGT Train B is shutdown,
                 TMEN perform the followings
                  a. Verif> open TRAIN B CLG VLV 01-125MOV-100B.
                 NOTE:     SGT flow rate is adjusted by throttling
                           01-125SGT-2A (SGT f an A suct isol valve) .
                 b. Ensure flow rate is 3000 to 6000 scfm
                      on SGT FLOW 01-125F1-106A.
        D.1.6     IF RB DIFF PRESS 01-125DPI-100A or B indicates-
                  less negative than.- 0.25 inches water,
                 TMEN ensure SGT Train-B is in service per
                 Subsection D.2.


                    .                     _
   Rev. No. _ L
           .                                      Page.  11-   of'   45
STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM *                                  OP-20
D.2  Train D Startup
 operating a standby gas treatment train with the charcoal
 filters installed to vent paint fumes, welding fumes, or smoke
 could damage the charcoal filter. See Precaution c.2.2.
     D.2.1     Ensure open at one ot the following valves:
               *   ABOVE EL 369' SUCT 01-125MOV-11
               *   BELOW EL 369' SUCT 01-125MOV-12
     D.2.2    Ensure open TRAIN B INLET 01-125MOV-14B.
     D.2.3    Verify the follt) wing:
              Comoonent                                   Status
              *    TRAIN B FN 01-125FN-1B                 Running
              *    FN DISCH 01-125MOV-15B                 Open
              *    TRAIN B CLG VLV 01-125MOV-100B         Closed
              *    Red light for AIR HTR 01-125E-5B       On
     D.2.4    IF standby gas treatment is being placed in service
              to support any of the following:
              *    Torus venting
              *    Drywell venting
              *    HPCI operation
              *    Main Steam Leakage Collection System operation
              *    Auxiliary Gas Treatment System operation
              THEN ensure required standby gas treatment suction
              valves are lined up per the applicable procedure
              pri1r to proceeding to Step D.2.5.

Rev. No. 22 Page 12 of 45

       .                                                                                                                                                                                                 !
           STANDBY GAS TREA1HENT SYSTEM *                                                                                                                           OP-20_                               j
                                                                                                                                                                         ..                              ,
                   D.2.5       IF SGT Train A is shutdown,                                                                                                                                               l


                               TREN perform the following:-                                                                                                                                              l
                                        - .                                                                                                                                                              i
                               a.= Verify open TRAIN A CLG VLV 01-125MOV-100A,
                               NOTE:      SGT flow rate is adjusted by throttling                                                                                                                        '
                                           01-125SGT-2B (SGT fan B suct isol valve).
                               b.. Ensure flow rate is 3000 to 6000 scfm                                                                                                                                 i
                                   on SGT FLOW 01-125FI-106A.                                                                                                                                            l
                       D.2.6   IF RB DIFF PRESS 01-125DPI-100A or_B indicates                                                                                                                            l
                               1ess negative than - 0.25 inches water,-                                                                                                                                  ;
                               TEEN. ensure SGT Train A is in service per                                                                                                                                l
                               Subsection D.1.                                                                                                                                                           }






                                 .                                                                                                                                                                       i
           Rev'. No.        22                                ,
                                                                                                         Page            - 13                 of                    -45


    9-       e         -7,=           y     w- *p--r > w wa     ,e W-Twr gmq v--w-s ivm y - tg - p t wry m -e, ,(v9+- y y- g r, p ?w e t-g tve g i PHy- gg wa-atr N         *e-+zT *t mey tw W <- "v We1
        STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM *                                                      OP-20  i
         E.   NORMAL OPERATION                                                                     l
        E.1   The Standby Gas Treatment = System is normally maintained in                         i
              the following standby lineup                                                         l
              *   Valves lined up per Attachment 2         -
              *   Component power supplies lined up per Attachment 3                               i
              *   Panel 09-75 indications and controls as follows:
                             Valves Common To Both SGT Trains
                 Component                                                                Status
                 ABOVE EL 369' SUCT 01-125MOV-11              . . . . . . . . .           Closed
                 BELOW EL 369' SUCT 01-125MOV-12              . . . . . . . . .           Closed
                                  Train A Standby Lineurg
                 Component                                                                S.L41.uA
                 AIR HTR 01-12SE-5A .     . . . .      White light on, red light off
                 HPCI GLMiD SEAL SUCT 01-125MOV-13A .                . . . . . . .        Closed
                 TRAIN A CLG VLV 01-125MOV-100A .             . . . . . . . . . .            Open
                 TRAIN A INLET 01-125MOV-14A           . . . . . . . . . . .              Closed
                 FN DISCH 01-125MOV-15A .        . . . . . .. . . . . . .                 Closed
                 TRAIN A-FN 01-125FN-1A .        . . . . . . . . . . . .              Shutdown
                                  Train B Standby Lineun
      J          Comoonent                                                                Statug
                 AIR HTR 01-125E-5B .    . . . .       White light on, red-light off
                 HPCI GLAND SEAL CUCT 01-125MOV-13B .                . . . . . . .        Closed
                -TRAIN B CLG:VLV 01-125MOV-100B . .              . . . . . . . . .       . -Open
                 TRAIN B' INLET 01-125MOV-14B-          '
                                                       . . . .- . . . . . . .             Closed
                 FN DISCH 01-125MOV-15B .       . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               Closed

- .

                 TRAIN B FN 01-12bFN-1B .       . . . . . . . .. . _ . .              Shutdown
                           (         E continued on next page)
        Rev. Nos     22                                             Page-        14 'of      4 5__
      E.   - (Cont)
      E.2  Whenever standby gas treatment is in service,
           monitor the following parameters per ODSo-17:
            * Profilter differential pressures maximum 0.75 inches water
              gauge on 01-125DPIS-1A(B)
            * HEPA filter differential pressures maximum 1.5 inches
              water gauge on 01-125DPIS-2A(B)                             ,
           * Carbon filter differential pressures n.aximum 1.5 inches
              water gauge on 01-125DPIS-3A(B)
           *  After filter differential pressures maximum 1.5 inches
              water gauge'on 01-125DPIS-4A(B)
           * SGT flow on 01-125FI-106B: 3000 to 6000 scfm


     Rev. No.-    22                               Page   is   of'  45
                -                                          -
        .         ..                                                                                             ,
           *A                                                                                                    j
                                     ;       - -;
     (l. <                                                                                                       j
                           STANDBY GASLTREATMENT SYSTEM 4                                             OP-20        '
                           F.       SNUTDOWN
                                                        TABLE OF CONTENTS
                           SUBBECTION                                                                  g
                           F.1- Train A Shutdown .      . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     17
                           F.2' Train BLShutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. .                   is
            m                              -
                                ,                                 .
                       :'. R e v. M N o .:     22-                                Page     16     of+  4s-
          y'& _+                                   -"


    STANDBY GAS TREATMPNT SYSTEM 0                                         OP-20
    F.1    Train A Shutdown
           F.1.1        Ensure SGT Train A operation is not required.
           F.1.2        IF SGT Train B is shutdown,
                        THEN ensure closed the following valves:
                        *    DW TORUS EXH TO SGT IDCL VLV 27MOV-121
                             (at panel 27PCP)
                             DW/ TORUS EXH TO SGT ISOL VLV 27MOV-120
                             (at panel 27PCP)
                        *   HPCI GLAND SEAL SUCT 01-125MOV-13A
                        *   HPCI GLAND SEAL SUCT 01-125MOV-13B
                        *   ABOVE EL 369' SUCT 01-125MOV-11
                       *    DELOW EL 369' SUCT 01-125MOV-12
           F.1.3       Close TRAIN A INLET 01-125MOV-14A.
           F.1.4       Verify the following:
                       comoonent                                     Status

. * TRAIN A FN 01-125FN-1A Shutdown

                       *    FN DISCH 01-125MOV-15A                   Closed
                            TRAIN A CLG VLV 01-125MOV-100A           Open
                       *    Red light for AIR HTR 01-125E-5A         Off
                      a     White light for AIR HTR 01-125E-5A       On
         F.1.5        IF SGT Train B is in service,
                     THEN ensure flow rate is 3000 to 6000 scfm
                     on SGT FLOW 01-125FI-106A.
                     NOTE:       SGT flow rate is adjusted by throttling
                                 01-125SGT-2B (SGT fan B suct isol valve).
   Rev. No.      22                                     Page    17    of __iE__
    STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM *                                       OP-20
    F.2   Train 3 Shutdown                 *
          F . 2 .1'    Ensure SGT Train B operation is not required.             j
          F.2.2         IF SGT Train A is shutdown,
                       THEN ensure closed the following valves                    i
                        *   DW TORUS EXH TO SGT ISOL VLV 27MOV-121                1
                             (at panel 27PCP)
                        *   DW/ TORUS EXH TO SGT ISOL VLV 27MOV-120
                             (at panel 27PCP)
                        *   HPCI GLAND SEAL SUCT 01-125MOV-13A
                       *    HPCI GLAND SEAL SUCT 01-125MOV-13B                   ,
                       *    ABOVE EL 369' SUCT 01-125MOV-11
                       *    BELOW EL 369' SUCT 01-125MOV-12
          F.2.3        Close TRAIN B INLET 01-125MOV-14B.
          F.2.4        Verify the following:
                       ComDonent                                   Status         !

- * TRAIN B FN 01-125FN-1B Shutdown i

                       *    FN DISCH 01-125MOV-15B                 Closed
                       *    TRAIN B CLG VLV 01-125MOV-100B         Open
                       *    Red light for AIR HTR 01-125E-5B       Off
                       *    White light for AIR HTR 01-125E-5B     On
          F.2.5        IF SGT Train A is in service,
                       TREN ensure flow rate is 3000 to 6000 scfm
                       on SGT FLOW 01-125FI-106A.                                t
                       NOTE:     SGT flow rate is adjusted by throttling
                                 01-125SGT*2A (SGT fan A suct isol valve) .
   Rev..No..        22                   ,
                                                        Page   18   of    45
      STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM *                                                  OP-20
      G.     SPECIAL PROCEDURES                                                                 j
                                TABLE OF CONTENTS
      SUBSECTION                                                                        PAGE   j
      G.1    Train A Charcoal Filter Cooling   . . . . . . . . . . . .                    20
      G.2    Train B charcoal Filter Cooling   . . . . . . . . . . . .                    21
      G.3    Train A Charcoal Filter Fire Protection Water Spray                  . .     22   [
      G.4    Train B charcoal Filter Fire Protection Water Spray                  .. .    25
      G. 5'  Train A Auto-Initiation Verification .     . . . . . . . . .                 28   ,
      G.6    Train'B Auto-Initiation Verification .     . . . . . . . . .                 29
      G.7   Maintenance of Secondary Containment Integrity with
            a Degraded or Open Reactor Building Penetration . . .               .         30 -
     G.8    SGT Train A Operation During Filter Testing            . . . . . .            31   *
     G.9    SGT B Operation During Filter Testing           . . . . . .            33
     G.10 SG'.' Train Operation During Filter Sampling         . .. . . . .               35   ;
     Rev. : No.    22~                                 Page         19       of        45
      STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM *                                        OPr20
     G.1     Train A Charcoal Filter Cooling
             G.1.1        IP amber SBGT A WTR SPRAY SYS HI TEMP light is on
                          at panel FPP,
                          TMEN exit Subsection G.1 and proceed to
                          Subsection G.3.
             G.1.2        WHILE performing the following steps, periodically
                          monitor annunciator 09-75-1-16 SGT SYS A ACT CHAR
                          TEMP HI.
             G.1.3        Ensure SGT Train B is in service per
                          Subsection D.2.
             G .1. 4 '    IF SGT Train A is in service,
                          TREN shutdown SGT Train A as follows:
                          a. Close TRAIN A INLET 01-125MOV-14A.
                          b. Verify the followings.
                              Comoonent                                   SD Lyg
                              *  TRAIN A FN-01-125FN-1A                 Shutdown
                              *  FN DISCH.01-125MOV-15A                 Closed

- * TRAIN A'CLG VLV 01-125MOV-100A Open

                              *  Red light for AIR HTR 01-125E-5A       Off
                              *  White light for AIR HTR 01-125E-SA     On
            G.1.5         Ensure flow rate is 3000 to 6000 scfm
                          on SGT FLOW 01-12SFI-106A.
                          NOTE:   SGT flow rate is adjusted by throttling
                                  01-125SGT-2B-(SGT fan B suct isol vs.:,ve).
     Rev. . No'.       22                                 Page   20    of    45
   STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM *                                OP-20
   G.2  Train B-Charcoal Filter Cooling
        G.2.1    IF amber SBGT B WTR SPRAY SYS HI TEMP light is on
                 at panel FPP,
                 THEN exit Subsection G.2 and proceed to
                 Subsection G.4.
        G.2.2    WHILE performing the following steps, periodically
                 monitor annunciator 09-75-2-16 SGT SYS B ACT CHAR
                 TEMP HI.
        G.2.3    Ensure SGT Train A is in service per
                 Subsection D.1.
        G.2.4    IF SGT Train B is in service,
                 TREN shutdown SGT Train B as follows:
                 a. Close TRAIN B INLET 01-125MOV-14B.
                 b. Verify'the following:
                     Component                                 Status
                     *  TRAIN B FN 01-125FN-1B               Shutdown
                     *  FN DISCH 01-125MOV-158               Closed

! * TRAIN B CLG VLV 01-125MOV-100B Open

                     *  Red light for AIR HTR 01-125E-5B     Off
                     *  White light for AIR HTR 01-125E-5B   On
        G.2.5    Ensure flow rate is 3000 to 6000 scfm
                 on SGT FLOW 01-125FI-106A.
                 NOTE:   SGT flow rate is adjusted by throttling
                         01-125SGT-2A (SGT fan A suct isol valve).
   Rev._No.   22                                 Page   21  of    .45
  _ -             _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ __ _ . _ . _ _ _ _                                                   _ .~ _ _ . _ . . . . _ _ _ . . _ .
            STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM 0                                                                                             OP .10
            NOTE:             The amber SBGT'A WTR SPRAY _SYS HI TEMP light will come on
                               and an alarm bell will ring at panel FPP when the
                               temperature setpoint of the charcoal filter heat detector
                               is reached. SGT Train A charcoal filter water spray is 4
                              manually actuated system.
i           G3          Train A Charcoal Filter Fire Protection Water Spray
                        G.3.1                      Shutdown SGT Train A as follows:
                                                   a. Close TRAIN A INLET 01-125MOV-14A.
                                                   b. Verify the following:
                                                             ComDonent                                                 Status,
                                                             *       TRAIN A FN-01-125FN-1A                            Shutdown


                                                             *       FN DISCH 01-125MOV-15A                            Closed                                         ,
                                                             *       TRAIN A CLG VLV 01-12 MOV-100A                    Open
                                                             *       Red light AIR HTR 01-125E-5A                      Off

l G.3.2 Initiate water spray per Step a, b, or c

                                                  a. To initiate water spray from panel FPP in

4 Control Room, perform the following l 1) Depress 6BGT A Spray System INIT pushbutton.

                                                             2)         Verify red SBGT A WTR SPRAY SYS VLV OPEN


                                                                        light is on.
                                                  b. To initiate water spray from local breakglass
                                                             station, break glass or remove retainer ring
                                                             from SGT Train A breakglass station and verify
                                                            button pops out.
                                                  c; To initiate water spray from flow control valve.
                                                            emergency release station, pull down SGT Train A                                                          >
                                                            emergency release lever.


          I Fev-. c No.                  22 ~            -
                                                                                                   Page            22-  of            -45
     .       .. .                  ,-~,                    -      - - .         .  .
                                                                                       -. - .- - -    -. - . - . ,                  -
                                                                                                                                              .-..          . - _ _ -
           __ - . - - . - . .                 --      .             . _ --                       --__ __      -          .      -             -
        STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM *                                                                                     OP-20


                                                                CAUTION                                                                           4
           To prevent plugging of the spray nozzles from debris caused by
           rust-or corrosion, the water spre" beader between 76FCV-107A                                                                           ;
           and the spray nozzles shall be druined following system
                      0.3.3        NEEN train A water spray is no longer required,                                                                j
                                   perform the following:                                                                                         !
                                   a. Close 76 FPS-123 (west SGT sprinkler supply gate
                                        valve).                                                                                                   ;
                                   b. Drain fire protection supply header in SGT Room
                                        as follows:                                                                                             ,
                                        1)       Connect hose to fire protection supply
                                                 header low point drain located by charcoal
                                                 filter side panel,                                                                               i


                                        2)       Route hose to nearest floor drain.
                                        3)       Open fire protection supply header drain
                                   c. Drain 76FCV-107A flow control station header as
   -                                    follows:
                                        1)       Connect hose to drain header located under
                                                 flow control valve.
                                        2)       Route hose to nearest floor drain or
                                                 suitable container.                                                                              .
                                   NOTE la           Scaffolding may be necessary to reach
                                                     overhead supply header drain plug.
                                   NOTE 2:           Supply header drain plug is located
approximately 20 feet above and north of-
                                                     71MCC-142 and panel 66HV-3B.
                                   d. Drain. fire, protection supply header as follows:
                                        '1) - Connect funnel and hose under supply header
                                                 drain plug.
                                        2)       Route hose to nearest floor drain or
                                                 suitable container.
                                     ,- 3 )      Remove,sup' ply header drain plug.
 .                                                              _e.
       - R e v . 1N o .-        22                                                               Page      23   of           45
                                         __        _    ..-.-..            - _ _ - , . _ _ . _ . --
                                                                                                         _         _ _ - - -      _ . . _ . .
    ._ . - _       . _ .     -     ._            _ _ _ _ _ . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . .
                                                                                         _ __      _ _ _
                  STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM *                                       *
                                       e. WREN supply header is drained, perform the
                                           1)   Clone SGT Room supply header drain valve and                                             l
                                                disconnect hose.                                                                         i
                                           2)   Close MAIN DRAIN and AUXILIARY DRAIN valves                                              i
                                                for 76FCV-107A (flow control valve) and                                                  i
                                                disconnect hose.
                                           3)   Install overhead supply header drain plug                                                !
                                                and disconnect funnel and hose.
                                      f. Ensure _ WEST SGT TRAIN A SPRINKLER BREAK GLASS                                                 ,
                                           STATION 76BGS-19 retaining ring and glass cover
                                           are installed.
                                      g. Ensure closed emergency release lever fcr
                                      h. Depress plunger on drip check valve for
                                          76PS-107A located by funnel to depressurize                                                    '
                                          pressure switch.                                                                               ,
                                      i. Depress RESET pushbutton at panel 76CP-107A.                                                    I
                                      j. Open the priming valve for 76FCV-107A and verify


                                          pressure rises on 76PI-107AB.                                                                  i
                                      k. WHEN pressure on 76PI-107AB is stable, close
                                          priming valve for 76FCV-107A.
                                      1. Crack open 76 FPS-123 and verify pressure rises
                                          on 76PI-107AA.
                                      m. WHEN pressure is stable on 76PI-107AA, fully
                                          open 76 FPS-123.
                                      n. Verify the following at panel 76CP-107At                                                        ;
                                          *    Red-FLOW CONTROL VALVE OPEN light is off                                                  .
                                          *    Red GATE VALVE OPEN on
                                      o. Verify the following at panel FPP:
                                          *    Green HDR VLV TROUBLE light is off             -
                                          *    Red VLV OPEN light is on
                                          *    Amber SBGT A WTR SPRAY SYS HI TEMP light is
                 Rev. No.          22                                                    Page   24'        of 45
 <r..                    -y-   ,                       $         -         ,, .      -
                                                                                                    --t-            -     - - - - - -
   NOTE:   The amber SBGT D WTR SPRAY SYS HI TEMP light will come on
           and an alarm bell will ring at panel FPP when the
           temperature setpoint of the charcoal filter heat detector
           is reached. SGT Train B charcoal filter water spray is a
           manually actuated system.
   G.4   Train B Charcoal Filter Fire Protection Water Spray
         G.4.1    Shutdown SGT Train B as follows:
                  a. Close TRAIN B INLET 01-125MOV-14B.
                  b. Verify the following:
                        ComDonent                              Status
                        *  TRAIN B FN 01-125FN-1D              Shutdown
                        *  FN DISCH 01-125MOV-15B              Closed
                        *  TRAIN D CLG \4N 01-125MOV-100B      Open
                        *  Red light AIR HTR 01-125E-5B        Off
         G.4.2    Initiate water spray per Step a, b, or c:
                  a. To initiate water spray from panel FPP in

- Control Room, perform the following:

                        1)  Depress SBGT B INIT pushbutton.
                        2)  Verify red SBGT B WTR SPRAY SYS VLV OPEN
                            light is on,
                  b. To initiate water spray from local breakglass
                        station, break glass or remove retainer ring
                        from SGT arain B breakglass station and verify
                        button pops out,
                  c. To initiate water spray from flow control valve
                      . emergency release station, pull down SGT Train B
                        emergency release lever.
   Rev. No.    22                                   Page   25   of    45
   STANDDY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM *                                   OP-20
    To prevent plugging of the spray nozzles from debris caused by
    rust or corrosion, the water spray header between 76FCV-107D
    and the spray nozzles shall be drained following system
         G.4.3    WHKH train B water spray is no longer required,
                  perform the followings
                  a. Close 76 FPS-122 (east SGT sprinkler supply gate
                  b. Drain fire protection suppl *, header in SGT Room
                      as follows:
                       1) Connect hose to fire protection supply
                          header low point drain located by charcoal
                          filter side panel.
                      2)  Route hose to nearest ficor drain.
                      3)  Open fire protection supply header drain
                  c. Drain 76FCV-107B flow control station header as


                      1)  Connect hose to drain header located under
                          flow control valve.
                      2)  Route hose to nearest floor drain or
                          suitable container.
                      3)  Open MAIN DRAIN and AUXILIARY DRAIN valves.
                  NOTE 1:     Scaffolding may be necessary to reach
                              overhead supply header drain plug.
                  NOTE 2:     Supply header drain plug is located
                              approximately 20 feet above and north of
                              71MCC-142 and panel 66HV-3B.
                  d. Drain fire protection supply header as follows:
                      1)  Conne:t funnel and hose under supply header
                          drain plug.
                      2)  Route hose to nearest floor drain or
                          suitable container.                             ,
                    , 3)  Remove supply header drain plug.
   Rev. No.    22                                    Page   26  of   45
    STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM *                                             OP-20
                      e. WHEN supply header is drained, perform the
                            1)   Close SGT Room supply header drain valve and
                                 disconnect hose.
                            2)   Close MAIN DRAIN and AUXILIARY DRAIN valves
                                 for 76FCV-107B (flow control valve) and
                                disconnect hose.
                           3)    Install overhead supply header drain plug
                                and disconnect funnel and hose.
                      f. Ensure EAST SGT TRAIN B SPRINKLER BREAK GLASS
                           STATION 76BGS-20 retaining ring and glass cover
                           are installed.
                      g. Ensure closed emergency release lever for
                      h. Depress plunger cnt drip check valve for
                           76PS-107E located by funnel to depressurize
                           pressure switch,
                      i. Depress RESET pushbutton at panel 76CP-107B.
                      j. Open the priming valve for 76FCV-107B and verify


                           pressure rises on 76PI-107BB.
                      k. WHEN pressure on 76PI-107BB is stable, close
                           priming valve for 76FCV-107B.
                      1. Crack open 76 FPS-122 end verify pressure rises
                           on 76PI-107BA.
                      m. WHEN pressure is stable on 76PI-107BA, fully
                           open 76 FPS-122.
                      n. Verify the following at panel 76CP-107B:
                           *    Red FLOW CONTROL VALVE OPEN light is off
                           *    Red GATE VALVE OPEN light is on
                      o. Verify the following at panel FPP:            -
                           *-   Green HDR VLV TROUBLE light is off
                           *    Red VLV OPEN light is on
                           *    Amber SBGT B WTR SPRAY SYS HI TEMP l'ght is
   R e v ... N o . 22                                  Page    27        of-   45
                                                                  . - .      -       a
              . . . - -                        .-              . ...    - .            - - . . - _ - . - . - . - . - .
                                                                                                                                  - - . . . - . . . , .
                                                                                                                                                    .    t
                              STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM *                                                                        OP-20                t
                              G:5        Train A Auto-Initiation Verification--                                                                          f
                                         G.5.1           Verify the followings                                                                           j
                                                         Comoonent                                                                 Status
                                                         *        AIR HTR 01-125E-5A                                Nhite-light is on,                   !
                                                                                                                       red light is.on
                                                         *        ABOVE EL 369' SUCT 01-125MOV-11                                     Open               f
                                                         *        TRAIN A CLG VLV 01-125MOV-100A                                   Closed
                                                         *        TRAIN A INLET 01-125MOV-14A                                         Open

. * FN DISCH 01-125MOV-15A Open j

                                                         *       TRMN A FN 01-125FN-1A                                            Running


                                        G.5.2           IF reactor building differential pressure                                                        f
                                                        is less-negative than --0.25 inches water,-                                                      :


                                                        TREN ensure SGT Train B is in service per                                                         .
                                                        Subsection D.2.                                                                                  !
                                        G.5.3           IF SGT Train B is shutdown,
                                                        TREN ensure flow rate is 3000 to 6000 scfm
                                                        on SGT FLOW 01-125FI-106A.
                                                        NOTE:         SGT flow rate is adjusted by throttling                                            l
                                                                      01-125SGT-2A (SGT f an A suct isol valve) .                                        ,


                                        G.5.4           IF both SGT trains are in service,


                                                        THEN one SGT train may be shutdown per subsection                                                +
                                                        F.-1 or F.2, at the Shift Manager's discretion.


                      .:                                                                                                                                 I

. i- .i

                                                           . .                                                                                           ,
                        -Rev.-No..               22                                                       Page          28   of-     45
      . . . .           . . . - . - - - , .           a, , . .              .a.                     .
                                                                                                                                .         .--._--.-,;]
          ,                                                                                                                     !
    <                                                                                                                            l
               STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEH*                                                                 OP-20               l
              G.6             Train 3 Auto-Initiation Verification                                                              !
                              G.6.1          Verify the following                                                               l
                                             Comoonent                                                    Status
                                             *   AIR HTR 01-12SE-5B                          White light is on,
                            ,                                                                   red light is on
                                             *   BELOW EL 369' SUCT 01-125MOV-12                              Open              l
                                             *   TRAIN B CLG VLV 01-125MOV-100B                           Closed                l
                                             *   TRAIN B INLET 01-125MOV-14B                                  Open              ;
                                             *   FN DISCH 01-125MOV-15B                                       Open
                                             *   TRAIN B FN 01-125FN-1B                                  Running
                              G 6.2          IF reactor building differential pressure
                                             is less negative than - 0.25 inches water,                                         !
                                             TEEN ensure SGT Train A is in service per                                          ,
                                             Subsection D.1.                                                                    j
                              G.6.3          IF SGT Train A is shutdown,
                                             TEEN ensure flow rate is 3000 to 6000 scfm
                                             on SGT FLOW 01-125FI-106A.
                                             NOTE:    SGT flow rate is adjusted by throttling
                                                      01-125SGT-2B (SGT fan B suct isol valve).                                 ,
                              G 6.4          IF both SGT trains are in service,
                                             THEN one SGT train may be shutdown per Subsection
                                             F.1 or F.2, at the Shift Manager's discretion.
            :                                                                                                                   !


              Rev.?No.                22                                         Page            29   of      45
               . . - ,,-,           a. .. -,        .          - - - - . - . .. -.-_- - -.-.               .     -- .----,.   .'
                          _ _ . _ _        .___ _ _ _   _ _.-- ._ -      ____        . _     .
      STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM *                                             OP 20
      G.7  Maintenance of Secondary Containment Integrity with a
           Degraded or Open Reactor Building Penetration
           G.7.1     Place SBGT train in service per Section D.
           G.7.2     Isolate reactor building ventilation as follows:
                     a. Depress she following pushbuttons at                                   ['
                        panel 09-75:
                        *           RB VENT ISOL A                                              ,
                        *           RB VENT ISOL B


                    b. Verify isolation per Section G of OP-51A.
           G.7.3    Prior to opening a secondary containment                                    ,
                    penetration notify the SM and Fire Protection
                    Supervisor of the following:
                    *   Penetration identification number
                    *   Penetration area and elevation                                          I
           G.7.4    Establish communications between work site and
                    control room.
           G.7.5    WHEN secondary containment penetration is open,                             ,
                    verify ths following:
                    *   Flow rate is 3000 to 6000 scfm on SGT FLOW
                        01-125FI-106A (B)
                    *   RB DIFF PRESS 01-125DPI-100A(B) indicates                               ,
                        GREATER THAN negative 0.25 inches water
          G.7.6     IF reactor building differential pressure cannot be
                    maintained GREATER THAN negative 0.25 inches water,
                    THEN reseal secondary containment penetration.
          G.7.7     IF reactor building differential pressure can be
                    maintained GREATER TRAN negative 0.25 inches water,                          *
                    THEN restore from reactor building isolation per
                    Section G of OP-51A.
          G.7.8-    WHEN secondary containment _ penetration is closed
                    and maintenance is complete, restore from reactor
                    building isolation per Section G of OP-51A.
     Rev. No.    22                                                 Page 30   of 45            3
                                     . - - , - -      -                ,          --       .
                                                                      -  -
                   STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM *                                                  -
                                                                                                                                         OP-20              ;
                   G.8    SGT Train A Operation During Filter Testing                                                                                       !
        .                                                                                                                                                   l
                          G.8.1                          Ensure open the following valves:                                                                  ,


                                                          *    ABOVE EL 369' SUCT 01-125MOV-11                                                              ;
                                                          *    BELOW EL 369' SUCT 01-125MOV-12                                                              !
                          G.8.2                          Open TRAIN A INLET 01-125MOV-14A.                                                                  ,
                          0.8.3                          Verify the following:                                                                              !


                                                          *    TRAIN A FN 01-125FN-1A is running
                                                         *     FN DISCH 01-125MOV-15A is open                                                               l
                                                         *     TRAIN A CLG VLV 01-125MOV-100A                                                               !
                                                               is closed                                                                                    :
. >

, * Red light for AIR HTR 01-125E-5A

                                                               is on


                         G.8.4                         'IF flow rate is not 6000 to 6100 scfm
                                                         on.SGT FLOW 01-125FI-106A,                                                                         ;
                                                         THEN throttle 01-125SGT-2A to establish 6000 to
                                                         6100 scfm on SGT FLOW 01-125FI-106A.
   .                     G.8.5                          WHEN testing is complete, perform the
                                                         a. Ensure flow rate is 3000 to 6000 scfm on
                                                               SGT FLOW 01-125FI-106A by throttling
                                                        b. Close TRAIN A INLET 01-125MOV-14A.                                                               ,
                         0.8.6                          Verify the following:
                 3                                       *     TRAIN A FN 01-125FN-1A is stopped
                                                         *     FN DISCH 01-125MOV-15A is closed
                                                         *     TRAIN A CLG VLV 01-125MOV-100A
                                                               is open


                                                        *    - Red light for AIR-HTR 01-125E-5A
                                                               is off
                                                        *      White light for AIR HTR 01-12SE-1A
                                                               is on


                   Rev. No, ,22                                                                              Page           31  of        45
 - , ,      ,- ,       _ , . _ . . , . _ , _ _ , . _ _ _ - .               . _ _ - . - . _ _ . _ .   . _ . ,   -~ _.- _ ,_.    z. .. _ _     _ . - . _ _
                                                                            .   l
       STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM *                            OP-20
             G.8.7    IF testing of SGT trains is complete,
                      THEN close the following valves:
                      *   ABOVE EL 369' SUCT 01-125MOV-11
                      *   BELOW EL 369' SUCT 01-125MOV-12


       Rev. No.    22                                Page  32 of 45
       - . _ _ -               ..             . _ _ . -       - . . . . - - . -                           ~ . . . .       .--.. .     _ . _ _ . - - - . - .
               STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM *                                                                                               OP-20
                   P- sGT Train.3 Operation During Filter-Testing
                      G.9.1      Ensure open the following valves:
                                           ABOVE EL 369' SUCT 01-125MOV-11


                                  *        BELOW EL 369' SUCT 01-125MOV-12
                      0.9.2     Open TRAIN B INLET 01-125MOV-14B.                                                                                                        l
                      G.9.3     Vorify the following:                                                                                                                      ,
                                  *        TRAIN B FN 01-125FN-1B is running
                                  *        FN DISCH 01-125MOV-15B is open
                                  *        TRAIN B CLG VLV 01-125MOV-100B                                                                                                .
                                           is closed                                                                                                                     ,
                                  *        Red light for AIR HTR 01-125E-5B
                                           1s on


                      G.9.4      IF flow rate ,is not 6000 to 6100 scfm
                                on SGT FLOW 01-125FI-106A,
                                THEN throttle 01-125SGT-2B to establish 6000 to

. 6100 scfm on SGT FLOW 01-125FI-106A.

 -                    G.9.5    WHEN' testing is complete, perform the
                                a. Ensure flow rate is 3000 to 6000 scfm on
                                           SGT FLOW 01-125FI-106A by throttling
                                b. Close TRAIN B INLET 01-125MOV-14B.
                      G.9.6    Verify the following:
                                 *         TRAIN B FN 01-125FN-1B is stopped
                                 *         FN DISCH 01-125MOV-15B is closed                                                                                              ,
                                 *         TRAIN B CLG VLV 01-125MOV-100B
                                           is open.                            .
                                 *         Red light-for AIR HTR 01-125E-5B
                                           is off
                                 *         White light for AIR HTR 01-125E-5B
                                           is on
               Rev. No.     22                                                                        . Page           33          of_          45
                 =                  ,-..+w          r   -, e . . - - -.-         iw... ..ww.v. -- we-     -v<.      .,  ~,,,~-.i.m            ,m,     - , ~ . -,w ~. .w,
                                                     - _
    STANDDY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM *                             OP-20
         G.9.7    IF testing of SGT traino is complete,
                  THEN close the following valves:
                   *   ABOVE EL 369' SUCT 01-125MOV-11
                  *    BELOW EL 369' SUCT 01-125MOV-12


   Rev. No.    22                                 Page   34 of 45
                  -        . . . -                      - - .    . - . - --- -.- .-..- -. - - - - -~.--._-._._.-.-. ~
     '              *
        .                                                                                                                                                           ;


                        . STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM *                                                                                            OP-20           i
                         G.10 NGT Train Operation During Filter Sampling                                                                                            ;
                                     G.10.1     IF SGT Train A will be sampled,
                                                THEN perform the followings
                                                a. Declaro SGT Train A inoperable per ODSO-34.
                                                b. Ensure SGT Train A is shutdown per Section F.                                                                    ;
                                                c. Close 01-125SGT-3A (SGT train A fan 1A suct
                                                       cross-tie isol-valve)..                                                                                      .
                                                d. WHEN sampling of SGT Train A is complete,


                                                       perform the following:
                                                       1)     Open-01-125SGT-3A.-
                                                       2)     IF it is desired to operate SGT Train A,
                                                              THEN startup SGT Train A per Section D.                                                               !

l 3) Consider declaring SGT Train A operable per

                                     G.10.2     IF SGT Train B will be sampled,
                                                THEN perform the following                                                                                          ,
                                                a. Declare SGT Train B inoperable per ODSO-34.                                                                      l
                                                b. Ensure SGT Train B is shutdown-per Section F.
                                                c, Close 01-125SGT-3B (SGT train B fan 1B suct
                                                       cross-tie isol valve).
                                                d. W6df sampling of SG. Train B is complete,                                                                        .
                                                       perform the.following:                                                                                       i
                                                       1)     Open 01-125SGT 3B.
                     4                                 2) . IF it is desired to operate'SGT Train B,


                                                              THEN startup_SGT Train B per Section D.                                                               ,

,. l -3) Consider declaring SGT Train B operable per



                        Rev. No,-           22-      ,
                                                                                                                       Page                 35 - of 45
          - - -       -                y           ,           e             . - , . .                  w   e, , , U -  ,-m---r-+e,w,<e-r--          tr'-v< - + , e
                                                                  .              __          __

o .

   RO 044
   SHO O44
   During the post examination review,it was discovered that the key contained an incorrect
   answer, D vice the correct answer A.
   Distractor 11 is incorrect because an SRM reading less than 100 eps whose detector is not
   full in will generate a rod withdrawal block.
   Distractors C arid D are incorrect because detector motion is never blocked.
   The key was changed from D to A to correct this error.
       . .         .
     '     *                                                                                                                   !
                SDLPo075                                                                        KEY AIDS
                                          a) : Purpose - to allow the operator to                                              i
                                                swap recorder indication from IRH                                              !
                                                to AFRH/RBH on startups or back to                                             ,
                                                IRH on shutdowns.                                                              [
                                         b) Positions - IRN-OFF-APRH (RBH)                                                     ;
                                                (1) PBH A(B)/IRH G(D)                                                         {
                                                (2) All other APRH/1RH
                                    3) Bypass Switches                        ,
                                         a) Allows operator-to bypass an Inop                  LOR 1.05.a.4.1                 ,
                                                IRH channel.                                   LOR 1.11.b.10


                                         b) . Joystick type
                                         c) Allow bypassing only one IRH per
                                               RPS channel at a time.
                                         d) One switch for Channels A. C. E                                                   !
                                               and G                                                                          ;
                                         e) One switch for Channels B. D. F                                                   i
                                               and H
                      6. Interlocks                                                                                            ;
                         a.         SRH
                                    1) Retract Periaissive Interlock for                                                       ;
                                         detector withdrawal.
                                         a) Interlock between
                                               (1) SRH Log Count-Rate
                                               (2) SRM Detector Position.
                                               (3) 1RH Range Switches                                                         ;
                                        'b)71nt'orlockidoesnotstop: detector-
                                                                                <- *
                                            jmovement. 3
                                         c) In'terlock will cause a rod block
                                               if the following conditions are
                                               (1) SRM. detector not full in And
                                             '(2) SRM. count rate <100 cps.
    k                                    d) bypassed when:
                            . . ~ -                      .    , _ . _ . . _ ,      - _ - . _ -           __...~.c_  . . - -

, . . . . . - -

         . .. ; W
       s.         ,-
   ,                  ANNUNCIATOR-            ROD                                               ARP 09-5-2-2
     :;              = LEGEND-            WITHDRAWAL
                     . DEVICE.      NA-                                                                          4
                     .SETPOINTL NA-                                                                              ;
                      ggferencer ESK-10P, l'.84-101
                             elAny Reactor Mode Switch positions-
                                   APRM high' flux
                                - APRM inoperative-
                                - :RBM high: flux (if reactor. power is above 30%)
                                - RBM inoperative (if reactor power is above 30%)                                .


                                  -Recirc-Flow Comparator trip
                                - Recirc Flow Converter upscale or inoperative                                   .


                               -- CRD Hydraulic System SDIV level high
    ;_                             RPIS malfunction
                                - RWM withdraw block (below 201, reactor power)
                                - SDIV high water level trip bypassed                                          j
                             e Reactor Mode Switch in Run:
                                - APRM downscale
                                - APRM upscale :(flow biased)                                                  l
                                - ;RBM downscale (if reactor power is greater than 30%)
                             e-Reactor Mode Switch in Startup/ Hot Standby:
                                - AFRM. upscale >(12%)                                                         I
                               - Refuel platform,over core                                                       -
                               - Service: platform-hoist loaded-
                                                                        nn-     e   n"< mm
                                                                      l  \        l     4
                                                                                    '   "
                            --(Continued page)
                                                                           " ""
                     iRev. No.          3                                   PORC Meeting No,           NA
                      Date          6/23/95                                               Page 1    of    3
                                                         A =          A    L   1- -s -- ==. m-       r--
    ,+ ' ,-                                       ,
 .                 ANNUNCIATOR-                ROD                                              ARP 09-5-2-2
   y'            . LEGEND                  WITHDRAWAL                        .
                 ~CAUSES?          - (Cont )-
                         e Reactor Mode Switch in Startup/ Hot Standby or Refuel:
                           7lhj SRMldet'ectors A$tIfUlly TnsArtieFih the / core, wit (count ]

, irate l below' 100D cpsy"and :assodiated :IRM .rangeLawitch on , ,

                                                             '     '                                             ~
                                1 range 12~orlbelow.                                                               ,
               .             - - SRM high flux
                                 Refueling interlocks
                             -   SRP, inoperative
                             -   IRM'downscale (bypassed on range 1)
                             -   IRM high flux
                                 IRM detector not full in
                                 IRM inoperative                                                                      ,
                         e Reactor Mode Switch in Refuel
                            -    Refueling platform near or over the core with a load on
                                 the refuel platform hoist, or fuel grapple not full up
                                 Service platform hoist loaded
                            -    Selection of a second control rod with any other rod not
                                 full in
                                 SDIV high water level trip bypassed
                                 Rod select power turned off or no rod selected
                                 Refuel platform power turned off
                         e Reactor Mode Switch in Shutdown:
                                  Reactor Mode switch-in shutdown-


                  AUTOMATIC ACTIONS              Rod withdrawal block

. (Continued on next page)

                 =Rev. No.             3                             PORC Meeting No. __.                NA
                  Date--          -6/23/95'                                  page              2    of      3
   ,. , ; 4             .4

f . .. ANNUNb1ATOR. ROD, ARP 09-5-2-2-

  ,: g-                            . LEGEND:                  1 WITHDRAWAL
                                              4                  -:- BLOCK .
           .; .                 -:      .
                                   > PROCEDURE-.
                                                    J1.       ;Determinefcause'of rod. block at' panel 09-5.
                               .                     2.-      ' Correct catise of alarm prior to attempting'.to_
                                                               withdraw control rods.                                                ,,
                                                                                                                             . - ...

. ;> ..

                                                                         ~     ;F
                                          ,                                         4
    ,_l-~l                         s
                               : Rev. .' No.-            '3                            - PORC Meeting-No.-       NA-
                                     Nte;         :
                                                                                                   Page; 3    of_    --- 3
              . .., _ .                         _ ,..              _. _                 _ _._ _._.,                    _ .       . . _ . _ . . . - _ . _.        _       . . . . _ .- _
                                                         r                                1


                               J SRO 0471
                               l During the administration of the examination, a typographical errorfwas note 41 in that -                                                                       ,

l ' distractors A and C were the identical.' Disanctor C was changed from:

y                               -Turbine Governor Valve open; Turbine Steam lnlet Isolation Valve closed,
                               , Turbine Governor Valve open; Turbine Steam Inlet Isolation Valve open.                                                                            -


                                   This corrected the typographical error but necessitated a key change for the SRO exam
                                   from C to A. The determination to change distrac'or C vice distractor A was based on the                                                                      .
                               - fact that some candidates had already recognized A to be a correct answer and marked
                                -their answer sheets to reflect their choice.


                                                                                                                                                                                               : i





l . G f


, . J

               - __. .
        W +q=          u sw4-N       Y c-             gi   *s-edg-y-,-g ages ~ y- ,, _-   yw#    y  4yry.w y y. s, _._   y .g g.g,yg         .,           y y y-   .--qq                q - - -
                                              . . - -           -            .,-                    -   .        .   .
 . .    .. .
               RO 061
               SRO 061 -
               During the post-examination review, it was discovered that there were two correct
             . answers given for the question.
               The rod drifl indication however is not referenced as a symptom of an uncoupled control
               rod ~ in the applicable procedure,. AOP-25, UNCOUPLED CONTROL ROD.                         That -            ,
               procedure states the symptom: -
               An overtravel alarm is received during a coupling check of control rod.'
             . Both the ROD . DRIFT and ROD OVERTRAVEL annunciators will alarm if the
               respective condition exists for any of the 137 control rods. Each of the control rods also                   '
               has an individual rod drift light on the full core display. There is actually no " Individual"


               Rod Overtravel alarm as the question asks nor is there an " individual" Rod Drift alarm
               (there are however, individual rod drift lights). This ambiguity apparently led the
               candidates to associate individual in the sense of "an alarm caused by moving an
               individual rod." That perspective, coupled with the procedural symptom makes B also a
               correct answer.
               The answer key was changed to reflect either A or B as a correct answer.

4 . f

              ' ' AOP-25, UNCOUPLFO ONTROL ROD, revision 4, Section A., pg. 4.
     , . - -             --
                         .                                _        _        __.       . , _ . . __.     --_ _--        .
 ,                                                                                              ,
                A30fDNCIATOR           ROD DRIFT'-                             ARP'09-5-2-3
               -LEGEND-                                                  ,
                DES'TE     Not applicable
                SETPOINT Not applicable


                           1.          A control' rod that is not selected moves off a
                                    . latched even1 numbered position.-
                           2.          A control rod that is selected moves off an even
                                       numbered positior. or past an odd numbered position
                                       after rod sequence timer has stopped.
                AUTOMATIC ACTIONS-


                           Enter AOP-27, Cont.'01 Rod Drift *,
                                                                 -                          .
                            e n'   1? T    n'       'T9 f.,
                              L,',   , , , 6 <
                                               J, J J. J
              :Rev.-No.-       7-                              PORC' Meeting No.     NA
              :Datei      1/17/96                                      Page    1  of    1
     e_ _      ..
                                                                                               ARP  09-5-2-4
                           ANNUNCIATOR!     ROD' OVERTRAVEL:
                         ' LEGEND
                           SENSOR /         Reed switch S-50 located 3" past full out position
                          TRIP POINT
                        'CAUSE              CRD and rod NOT coupled
                         AUTOMATIC          None
                         OPERATOR           Refer to F-AOP-25, Uncoupled Control Rod                        *


                        Rev. No.         2;                                 PORC' Meeting No.  bl~ // L
                        Date        - /2[22!8')                                    Page   1   -of    1
                                                            . . .   _-        .. .       -.       -
    ,.                                                            .                                             . ..
 {.  __.
                        UNCOUPLED: CONTROL' ROD *                                                AOP-25
                        A.       -SYMPTONS--                             .-
           ,                                                                                                  ,.
                                   * An?;overtravelialarETsJiecCived-'during"Jcouplinfcheck'of)
                                     '. control) rod... '
                                                                                   '      ' "
                                  'e   Lack.of a noticea'ble change in neutron monitoring                            *
                                       indication during rod movement.
                        B..        AUTOMATIC ACTIONS                                                            *
                                   None                                                                   ,





1 , 1 1

                    - R e v .--- N o . -   4                                    Page   4      of    9
  . , . _ -           ;.                 .
    -.   -                                                 -                       -   . . -
                                  ATTACHMENT 4
RO 9, SRO 9        Accepted error in answer key. The key was changed from D to B.
RO 31, SRO 31      Accepted comment. Question was deleted from the examination.

- RO-44, SRO 44 - Accepted error in answer key. The key was changed from D to A

SRO 47             Accepted change in answer key to reflect change announced during
                  - examination administration to correct that A and C were the same
                   answer. The key was changed from C to A
RO 61,SRO-61         Ocepted comment that there were two correct answers. The
                   answer key was changed to reflect either A or 8 as correct answers.
