IR 05000285/1986013

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Insp Rept 50-285/86-13 on 860505-09.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas inspected:post-accident Sampling Sys,Instrument Calibr & QC of Analytical & Radiochemistry Confirmatory Measurements
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 06/12/1986
From: Murray B, Nicholas J
Shared Package
ML20199E463 List:
TASK-2.B.3, TASK-TM 50-285-86-13, NUDOCS 8606230309
Download: ML20199E465 (13)








NRC Inspection Report: 50-285/86-13 License: DPR-40 Docket: 50-285 Licensee: Omaha Public Power District (OPPD)

1623 Harney Street Omaha, Nebraska 68102 Facility Name: Fort Calhoun Station (FCS)

Inspection At: FCS Site, Blair, Nebraska Inspection Conducted: May 5-9, 1986


Inspector: . b gBlair Nicholas,' Senior Radiation 4/a/g Date v Specialist, Facilities Radiological Protection Section Approved: . d*4 4/a/g ine Murray, Chief, facilities Radiological Date Protection Section Inspection Summary Inspection Conducted May 5-9, 1986 (Report 50-285/86-13)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of the licensee's postaccident sampling system (PASS), instrument calibration and quality control of analytical measurements, and radiochemistry confirmatory measurement Results: Within the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified.


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8606230309 860619 i

' hDR ADOCK 05000285 PDR




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2-DETAILS ~ Persons Contacted OPPD

  • W.; G.' Gates, Manager, Fort Calhoun Station
  • W.' Bateman,-Supervisor, Corporate Quality Assurance (QA)

C. J. Brunnert, Supervisor, Operations-QA


  • J. M. Glantz, Chemistry Technician
  • D. A. Jacobson, Training Supervisor,. Chemistry and Radiation Protection (CRP)
  • J.' Munderloh, -Sr. Engineer, Nuclear Regulatory and Industry Affairs
  • L. Roach, Supervisor, CRP
  • B. A. Schmidt, Chemistry Laboratory Coordinator
  • F. K. Smith, Plant Chemist
  • R. K. Stultz, Supervisor, Radiological and Environmental Monitoring Services ,
  • Denotes those present during the exit briefing on May 9, 198 . Inspector Observations The NRC inspector discussed the following observations with the licensee during the exit briefing on May 9, 1986. These observations are neither a violation nor an unresolved item. These items were recommended for licensee consideration for program improvement and have no specific regulatory requirement. The licensee indicated these items would be reviewe Postaccident Sampling System - The licensee'had not established a

' PASS operator requalification program nor documented CRP technician periodic performance / training performed on the' PASS (see paragraph 3). Confirmatory Measurements - The percent agreement between the licensee's and NRC's results was below the expected value for these kinds of measurements (see paragraph 6). Postaccident Sampling System The NRC inspector reviewed the licensee's PASS to determine compliance with the requirements of NUREG-0737-Item II.B.3, and Section 5.15 in the-Technical Specifications (TS).

The NRC inspector-inspected the areas in the plant where the PASS hardware is installed. The NRC inspector verified that the equipment and associated procedures satisfied the requirements of NUREG-0737-Item II.B.3, and TS for representative sampling and analysis of reactor coolant and



containment atmosphere following a reactor incident. The licensee had completed the initial PASS operator training for the current chemistry staff as part of their shift qualificatio However, the NRC inspector observed that PASS requalification training is neither scheduled nor documented following initial PASS qualification. This observation was discussed with the licensee during the exit briefing and the licensee stated that they would perform an evaluation of PASS training effectiveness and initiate documentation of CRP technician performance of PASS operation during periodic system testing. The licensee had established an instrument calibration and preventative maintenance /

operability program for PASS in compliance with TS requirements. The NRC inspector reviewed the preventative maintenance history and performance test results for 1985 and 198 The licensee demonstrated PASS operability by collecting an undiluted sample of reactor water and an undiluted grab sample of containment atmosphere. The licensee demonstrated the PASS in-line pH, boron, chloride, and isotopic analytical instrumentation during the collection of the reactor coolant sample. The analytical results from PASS were compared with analysis results from a reactor coolant grab sample performed earlier in the day. All analytical results compared within acceptable agreement. The licensee performed an isotopic analysis on the PASS grab sample of containment atmosphere and the analysis results compared within acceptable limits to isotopic results of a containment atmosphere grab sample taken in containment. The NRC inspector determined that the licensee's procedures and analytical sensitivities of chemistry and radiochemistry parameters were consistent with PASS requirement No violations or deviations were identifie . Facilities and Equipment The NRC inspector inspected the facilities and equipment / supplies used by the chemistry staff. The following facilities were inspected: secondary chemistry laboratory, secondary chemistry sampling area, primary chemistry laboratory, primary chemistry sampling area, radiochemistry counting room, waste gas sampling panel, and PASS operating panel and sampling area. The laboratories were equipped with the necessary chemicals, reagents, labware, and analytical instrumentation to perform the required analytical procedure The NRC inspector noted no changes to the above inspected facilities since the previous NRC inspection conducted in December 198 The chemistry / radiochemistry facilities and analytical instrumentation appeared to be adequate to perform routine chemistry / radiochemistry requirements to support plant operatio No. violations or deviations were identifie V



5. Quality Control of Radiological Analytical Measurements The NRC' inspector inspected the radiochemistry counting room and reviewed the license'.s program for calibration and quality control of radiological analytical measurements to determine compliance with the requirements in Section 5.8 in the T The NRC inspector found the type and quantity of radiological analytical instrumentation in the radiochemistry counting room adequate to perform the required analyses specified in the TS. The NRC inspector examined the licensee's radiochemistry counting room instrument calibration and quality control procedures, counting instrument calibration data and function check data, and other documentation of instrument performance. Data for the period January 1985 through April 1986 were reviewed. The licensee's records were in order and the data were presented according to procedure No violations or deviations were identifie . Analytical Measurements Confirmatory Measurements Confirmatory measurements were performed on following standard and samples in the Region IV mobile laboratory at FCS during the inspection:

(1) Stack Particulate Filter (RM-060)

(2) Particulate Filter Standard (SRS-19207-22)

(3) Stack Charcoal Cartridge (RM-060)

(4) Spent Regenerant Tank (4 liter Marinelli beaker)

(5) Spent Regenerant Tank (1 liter Marinelli beaker)

(6) Gaseous Radwaste Effluent ("B" Gas Decay Tank)

(7) Reactor Coolant Gas (8) Reactor Coolant Degassed Liquid (9) Reactor Coolant Tritium Sample The confirmatory measurements test consisted of comparing measurements made by the licensee and the NRC mobile laboratory. The NRC's mobile laboratory measurements are referenced to the National Bureau of Standards by laboratory intercomparisons. Confirmatory measurements are made only for those nuclides identified by the NRC as being present in concentrations greater that 10 percent of the respective isotopic values for liquid and gas concentrations as stated in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B,

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- Table 'II, and above the. Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) for stack sample Stack charcoal cartridge and stack particulate filter comparisons are based on established LLDs for total activity per sampl Attachment 1 contains the criteria used to compare result ' Attachment 2 lists the LLDs for stack sample Results The licensee maintains two germanium-lithium (GeLi) detector systems in the radiochemistry counting room. At the time of the inspection, the Series 90 detector system was out-of-service for calibratio Both gamma spectrometer systems are used for routine isotopic analysis of radioactive samples-to demonstrate compliance'with TS and regulatory requirements. The analytical results from the Series 80 detector system were compared with the NRC result The licensee performed the tritium analysis on their Packard Model 3002 liquid scintillation counting system and the gross beta analysis was performed on the NMC Geiger-Mueller counting system. -The individual sample analyses and comparison of analytical results of the confirmatory measurements'are tabulated in Attachment The licensee's gamma isotopic results from the listed samples in Attachment 3 showed 86 percent agreement with the NRC analyses based on 56 agreement results out of 65 total results compared. The 86 percent agreement between the licensee and NRC results is below a normally expected value of 90 percent. The comparative measurements results were discussed with the licensee during the exit briefing on May 9, 1986. The licensee's tritium result on the reactor coolant system sample and the gross beta result on the spent fuel pool sample were in agreement with the NRC analyses result Confirmatory measurements.were performed by the licensee on a liquid unknown sample prepared by the Radiological Environmental Sciences known~nuclide Laboratory (RESL)inIdahoFalls, concentrations Idaho,usingoC of 8H, 893p, 903,, 137Cs, and The licensee's analytical results were compared to the known sample activities and the results of the comparisons are presented in Attachment 3, sample 13. The licensee's results were in agreement with the certified activities'for 88Sr and 80Sr in the sample. The analytical results for 8H, ta7Cs, and 80Co were in disagreemen No violations or deviations were identifie _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Criteria for Comparing Analytical Measurements The following are the criteria used in comparing the results of capability tests and verification measurements. The criteria are based on an empirical relationship established through prior experience and this program's~ analytical *

requirement In these criterii, the judgement limits vary in relation to the comparison of the resolutio RC VALUE Resolution =


NRC VALUE Comparisons are made by first determining the resolution and then reading across the same line to the corresponding ratio. The following table shows the acceptance value RESOLUTION AGREEMENT RATIO

<4 0.4 - .5 - .6 - 1.66 .

16 - 50 0.75 - 1.33 51 - 200 0.80 - 1.25

>200 0.85 - 1.18 The above criteria are applied to the followinc nalyses:

(1) Gamma Spectrometr (2) Tritium analyses of liquid sample .

(3) Iodine on adsorber (4) asSr and 80Sr determination (5) Gross Beta where samples are counted on the same date using the same reference nuclid .

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LLD's for Nuclides on Particulate and Charcoal Filters Nuclide LLD (uCi/ sample)

51 1.0E-04 Cr 54 1.5E-05 Mn-58 1.5E-05  :

Co 5'

59 3.0E-05 Fe 57 2.0E-05 -



, 60 3.0E-05 *

C0 65 3.0E-05 Zn l 89 1.0E-05


Sr .

90 2.0E-07 Sr


131; 2.0E-05 (

i 134 2.0E-05 Cs 137 2.0E-05 Cs 140 2.0E-05 Ba i 140 4.0E-05 La l

141 2.0E-05 Ce 144 1.0E-04 Ce -




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Confirmatory Mhasurements Results

, Stack Particulate Filter' (RM-060)

-(Sampled 21:20 CDT, May 2, 1986)

No nuclides were . identified at concentrations greater than LLDs; therefore, no comparisons were mad . - Particulate Filter Standard (SRS 19207-22)-

(Standardized 11:00 CST, January 1,1986)

OPPD Results NRC Result OPPD/NRC. ' Comparison Nuclide (uCi/ Sample) (uCi/ Sample) Ratio ' Decision 57Co 3.3610.22E-02 3.2010.01E-02 ,

1.05 Agreement 60Co 8.6210.56E-02 8.8310.03E-02 0.98 Agreement sa .58i0.10E-01 1.7110.01E-01 0.92 LAgreement 108Cd 2.0510.21E+00 1.7610.01E+00 1.-16 Agreement 113Sn 1.0910.09E-01 1.1810.01E-01 0.92 Agreement'

137Cs '8.0510.58E-02 8.7010.02E-02 0.93 -Agreement 188Ce 5.7810.47E-02 6.3810.02E-02 0.91 Agreement 203Hg 1.2910.12E-01 1.4010.01E-01 0.92 Agreement Stack Charcoal Cartridge (RM-060)

(Sampled 21:20 CDT, May 2, 1986)

OPPD Results NRC Results OPPD/NRC Comparison Nuclide (uCi/ Sample) (uCi/ Sample) Ratio Decision 131I 7.9310.69E-04 9.9710.25E-04 0.80 Agreement 138I 6.0010.62E-03 7.1510.26E-03 0.84 Agreement




2 JS eqt Regenerant Tank (4 liter Marinelli beaker)

(Sampled 16:00 CDT, May 7, 1986)

OPPD Results NRC Results OPPD/NRC Comparison Nuclide (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) Ratio Decision 54Mn 1.9310.13E-05 2.2810.07E-05 0.85 Agreement 58Co 9.9010.61E-05 1.1310.01E-04 0.88 Agreement 60Co 1.4910.11E-05 1.7710.05E-05 0.84 Agreement 131I 2.7510.26E-05 3.2910.12E-05 0.84 Agreement taal 2.3110.28E-05 2.4310.18E-05 0.95 Agreement 134Cs 4.6310.29E-04 5.1910.03E-04 0.89 Agreement '

137Cs 1.2310.09E-03 1.3610.004E-3 0.90 Agreement Spent Regenerant Tank (1 liter Marinelli beaker)

(Sampled 14:05 CDT, May 6, 1986)

OPPD Results NRC Results OPPD/NRC Comparison Nuclide (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) Ratio Decision s4Mn 9.7710.73E-06 9.1310.45E-06 1.07 Agreement 57C0 No Peak 8.4713.68E-07 -

No Comparison 1 s8Co 2.1410.12E-04 1.9810.01E-04 1.08 Agreement 80Co 4.1210.26E-05 3.9410.06E-05 1.05 Agreement 95Nb 3.4510.57E-06 3.4810.40E-06 0.99 Agreement 99mTc No Peak 1.6210.41E-06 -


1811 3.4910.29E-05 3.1410.08E-05 1.11 Agreement iaal 5.9610.51E-05 5.3310.09E-05 1.12 Agreement 135I 2.1510.20E-05 2.0710.12E-05 1.04 Agreement l ta4Cs 6.0410.35E-04 5.5310.02E-04 1.09 Agreement 137Cs 1.7710.12E-03 1.6210.003E-3 1.09 Agreement 1 Nuclide concentration determined by the NRC was less than 10 percent of the isotopic value stated in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table II; therefore, no comparison was mad .

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3 Gaseous Radwaste Effluent ("B" Gas Decay Tank)

(Sampled 09:45 CDT, May 7, 1986)

OPPD Results NRC Results OPPD/NRC Comparison Nuclide (uCi/cc) (uCi/cc) Ratio Decision 85Kr 5.0610.61E-05 3.7710.44E-05 1.34 Agreement issXe 5.1310.55E-03 4.2510.003E-3 1.21 Disagreement 183"Xe 2.8210.28E-05 2.8310.04E-05 0.99 Agreement 131"Xe 6.0910.63E-05 3.2510.17E-05 1.87 Agreement issXe 1.2610.15E-06 1.3210.03E-06 0.95 Agreement Reactor Coolant Gas (Sampled 15:15 CDT, May 7, 1986)

OPPD Results NRC Results OPPD/NRC Comparison Nuclide (uCi/cc) (uCi/cc) Ratio Decision 41Ar <1.23E-02 8.30il.07E-03 -

Disagreement m

as Kr 1.2610.11E-01 1.2310.01E-01 1.02 Agreement 87Kr 9.1610.94E-02 7.4310.28E-02 1.23 Agreement asKr 2.0210.18E-01 1.8710.04E-01 1.08 Agreement 133"Xe 1.9210.21E-01 1.9910.06E-01~ 0.96 Agreement tasXe 1.1310.15E+01 1.0510.001E+1 1.08 Agreement 185Xe 1.2010.09E+00 1.1310.003E+0 1.06 Agreement


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4 Reactor Coolant Degassed Liquid-(Sampled 15:15 CDT, May 7, 1986) ~

.OPPD'Results NRC Results '0 PPD /NRC Comparison Nuclide- (uCi/al) (uCi/ml) Ratio Decision 181I 2.2710.25E-0 < 2.2310.06E-02


1.02 Agreement is21 2.1710.19E-01 2.2310.02E-01 0.97 Agreement-133I 1.6210.15E-01 1.5510.01E-01 1.05 Agreement i

134I 3.7610.24E-01 3.8510.05E-01 0.98 Agreement 135I 2.5010.19E-01 2.6110.04E-01 0.96 Agreement tasC .2010.27E-01 4.2610.08E-01 0.99 Agreement Saco Not Identified 1/ 3.6210.33E-03 -

Disagreement asRb Not Identified 2/' 1.1110.12E+00 -

Disagreement 95mg . g gg f 1/ 7.2010.79E-03 -

. Disagreement 1! Nuclide was not identified by the licensee because the licensee's peak confidence level for peak identification had not been established so as to allow' analysis of nuclides at sensitivity leveis equal to 10~ percent of the isotopic values stated in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column ! Isotopic peak was present in the spectral data; however, the nuclide was not identified by the. licensee because it was not included in the isotopic library routinely used for analysis of this sample typ l 4 .


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' ' Reactor Collant Gas (Sampled 09:11 CDT, May 8, 1986)

'0 PPD Results NRC Results- OPPD/NRC Comparison Nuclide (uci/cc) (uCi/cc) Ratio Decision 41 Ar - 9.49tl.14E-03 4.5210.20E-03' 2.1 Disagreement asmKr 5.4110.45E-02 4.9710.02E-02 1.09 Agreement a7Kr 5.0610.48E-0 .0610.04E-02 1.25 Agreement


asKr 8.8010.74E-02 8.3110.06E-02 1.06 Agreement 181"Xe <1.09E-01 1.1210.23E-02 -

Disagreement m

tsa Xe - 7.7110.78E-02 6.8210.10E-02 1.13 Agreement iaaXe 4.1010.56E+00 3.6210.002E+0 1.13 Agreement 135"Xe 3.8010.38E-02 2.3810.18E-02 1.60 Agreement 185Xe 4.4910.36E-01 4.1010.006E-01 1.10 Agreement tasXe 1.2610.13E-01 8.7610.09E-02- 1.44 Disagreement 1 Reactor-Coolant Degassed Liquid (Sampled 09:11 CDT, May 8, 1986)

OPPD Results -NRC Results OPPD/NRC Comparison Nuclide (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) Ratio _ Decision 1811 2.0510.20E-02 2.05i0.07E-02 1.00 Agreement

132I 2.2110.16E-01 2.3310.03E-01 0.95 Agreement i

133I 1.6610.14E-01 1.6110.01E-01 1.03 Agreement j 1841 3.5510.25E-01 3.9110.07E-01 0.91 Agreement 135I 2.5510.19E-01 2.7010.05E-01 0.94 Agreement f

tasCs 6.1610.52E-01 5.4010.17E-01 1.14 Agreement-


asRb 6.5111.02E+00 5.5810.60E+00 1.17 Agreement 85"Nb Not Identified 1 3.43tl.12E-03 -


1 Nuclide was not identified by the licensee because the licensee's
peak confidence level for peak identification had not been

, established so as to allow analysis of nuclides at sensitivity

! levels equal to 10 percent of the isotopic values stated in 10 CFR 1 Part 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2.

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1 Reactor Coolant Tritium Sample (Sampled 08:00 CDT, May 9, 1986)

OPPD Results NRC Results OPPD/NRC Comparison Nuclide (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) Ratio Decision tritium 4.8010.006E-01 4.2910.02E-01 1.12 Agreement-1 Spent Fuel Pool Sample (Sampled 14:55 CDT, May 8, 1986)

OPPD Results NRC Results OPPD/NRC Comparison Analysis (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) Ratio Decision Gross Beta 4.9210.15E-02 4.0910.003E-02 1.20 Agreement 1 RESL Unknown Liquid Sample (Standardized 12:00 MST, January 11, 1985)

.0 PPD Results NRC Results 1 OPPD/NRC Comparison Nuclide- (uCi/ml) (uCi/ml) Ratio Decision 3H <1.67E-05 6.2710.13E-05 -



86Sr 3.2510.02E-04 2.6410.08E-04 1.23 Agreement i 90Sr 2.8110.04E-05 2.9010.12E-05 0.97 Agreement 137Cs 2.5210.30E-05 1.3110.03E-05 1.92 Disagreement 60C0 1.5210.27E-05 1.1710.02E-05 1.30 Disagreement

1! NRC results were taken from the standard certification supplied

, to the Region IV office as prepared by RESL and traceable to the i

National Bureau of Standards.

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