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Ack Receipt of Encl FEMA 850425 Ltr Which Included Schedule of Corrective Actions Submitted by State of Wi for Recommedations Identified as Result of 840911 Offsite Emergency Plan Exercise.Schedule Adequate
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/16/1985
From: Paperiello C
To: Fay C
NUDOCS 8505210292
Download: ML20127H411 (2)


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ ___ _ ____ ___ ___ ________ _ _ .__ . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

. Docket No. 50-266 Docket No. 50-301 Wisconsin Electric Power Company.

. ATTN: Mr. C. W. Fay -

'Vice President Nuclear Power Department 231' West Michigan, Room 308 Milwaukee, WI 53201 Gentlemen: ,.

We have received the enclosed Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) letter dated April 24, 1985, which included the schedule of corrective actions

submitted by the State of Wisconsin for the recommendations identified in

. Wisconsin and Manitowoc and Kewaunee Counties as a result of-the exercise held on September 11, 1984. The exercise report was sent to you on

- April 25, 1985, in a letter from this office.

The FEMA Headquarters and Region V staff have reviewed the schedule of corrective action submitted and found it to be adequate.

. We fully recognize that the recommendations to be implemented may involve actions by other parties and political institutions which are..not under your direct' control. . Nonetheless, we would expect the. subject of offsite

- preparedness for the area around the Point Beach and Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plants to be addressed by you_as well as others.

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8505210292 850516 Qbb f6 050g

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Wisconsin ~ Electric Power-Company: 2 In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790'of the Comission's regulations, a copy of

.this letter and the enclosure will be-placed in-the NRC's Public Document-

. Room.


, ' Emergency Preparedness and

- Radiological Protection Branch


As stated


-cc'w/ enclosure:

J. J.~ Zach,-Plant Manager Point Beach D. C. Hintz, Manager.

. Wisconsin Public Service Commission C.' R. Steinhardt, Plant.

-Superintendent, Kewaunee

'DMB/ Document Control Desk (RIDS)

Resident Inspector, Point Beach -

-Residont Inspector,.Kewaunee.

' John J. Duffy, Chief Boiler Section Ness Flores, Chairperson-

. Wisconsin'Public Service

, Commission

'D. Matthews, EPB, OIE

. W.' Weav'er, FEMA' Region V

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fu u y/30 t Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 O O APR 2 41995 MEMORANDUM FOR: Edward L. Jordan Director, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response Office of Inspection and Enforcement U !. Nucktar e ulatory Commission FROM: R ihn A s stant Assoc late Director Office of Natur al and Technological Hazards Programs


Wisconsin Schedule of Corrective Actions for Deficiencies Identified During the Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant (NPP)

Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Exercise Conducted on September 11, 1984 Attached is the schedule of corrective actions submitted by the State of i- Wisconsin for the deficiencies noted in the Final Report for the Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant Offsite REP Exercise conducted on September 11, 1984.

The exercise report was transmitted to you on March 12, 1985.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Headquarters and Region V staff have reviewed the schedule of corrective actions submitted by Wisconsin and found it to be adequate.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Robert S. Wilkerson, Chief, Technological Hazards Division, at 646-2861.

Attachment As Stated 3Q-


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State of Wisconsin "=""

Department of Administration ::f"-


. March 8, 1985 p ,,o,,,,,so,7,33 4802 Sheboygan Avenue . Mad: son. wisconsin Mad. son.wi S3707 Phone 608/266-3232 Mr. Wallace Weaver, Chairman Regional Assistance Committee Federal Emergency Management Agency - Region V 300 South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor Chicago, IL 60606

Dear Mr. Weaver:

This is in response to your letter of March 1,1985 in which you transmitted the final exercise report for the September 11, 1984 Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant joint exercise. I am pleased to note your finding that there were no deficiencies affecting the public health and safety identified ,

during this exercise. -

I am enclosing a revised schedule of corrective actions for the State of Wisconsin and Kewaunee and Manitowoc counties, which responds to the questions you raised regarding our original submittal of January 10, 1985.

I am also forwarding a copy of your letter and report to Kewaunee and p Manitowoc county directors. .

If you have any further questions, please contact either David Speerschneider at(608)266-1899 or Garrett Nielsen at (608)266-3115.

Sincerely, A. e~ f4

, CarolZ./Hemersbach Administrator I Enclosure l cc: Rick Anthony, FEMA, Battle Creek, FI l David Speerschneider

! Lawrence J. McDonnell, DHSS Gary Gylund, East Central Area Director Garrett A. Nielsen Lawrence C. Reed, III Nancy Crowley, EG Director, Manitowoc County Lyle Schmiling, EG Director, Kewaunee County James Knorr, WEPCo

UTILITY: Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant Wisconsin Summary Listing of Deficiencies September II, 1984

. (State) (Data)

A. Deficiencies Af fecting Public llealth and Safety Wisconsin (Community)


NUREG Narrative Statement Corrective Action Scheduled Actual Item of Deficiency Proposed Date Date 4

None 4

9 40

., e 3

9 UTILITY:-Point Beach-Nuclear Power Plant 4

Summary Ltsting of. Def tciencies September i1, 1984 Wisconsin _. (Date)

_ (State) 8. Other Deficiencles

- Wisconsin (Comununity) ..

Corrective Action Sche A :.i41 NUREC Narrative Statement Proposed Date Date Item of Deficiency The State of Utsconsta plan is.aabiguous State and County Plans will be 8/85 E.6. amended to correct ambiguity.

as to the automatic actions to be topienented at the " General Emergency" declaration.

'the following statement will be 8/85 E.7. Information released at the JP1C was incorporated into the public incomplate and did not utilize prescripted messages as appropriate. information sections of State and County Plans: ' County-prepared EBS messages.will be hard copy-transmitted to the JPIC where they will be iticorporated into media briefings and news releases."

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l UTILITY: Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant s'

Sunmary Listing of Defletencies September 11. 1984 Wisconsin (Date).

(State) 8. Other Def tetencies Wisconsin (Community) .

Corrective Action Sche.lis te.l Ae:i 41 NUREC Narrative Statement Proposed Date Date Item of Deficiency Effective coordination of.information 1. Se State informed the utility 9/86 C.

released to the puhtic was not prior to the Point Beach Exercise, demonstrated. There were three areas that prior to the activation of of deficiency noted: .the utility fatted the JPIC, protective action to coordinate two news releases with reconsnendations should be cleared protecttve action recommendattons with through the State EOC prior to the State of Wisconsin;.information public release. 21s was not generated in the counties was not done. %e State has again always included in the news briefings; informed the utility to follow

.ind coordination did not take place this procedure. Se State will ,

prior to the news briefings. again remind the utility.of this prior to the next exercise.

2. Information generated in the 10/85 counties will be trantunitted in hard copy so that it can be included in news releases at the JPIC.
3. Se state will work with the utility 10/85 and the county PIO's to provide

~ closer coordination prior to news briefings.

  • e

.. o 41a 4

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UT!!,lTY: _Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant _ Septembe r 11. 1984 (Date)

Summary 1.tsting of Deftetencies Wisconsin (State) 8. Other Def teteneles Wisconsin _

(Community) LDidl Sehe.l.

  • e.1 Corrective Action Date Date_

Narrative Statement Proposed NUREG of Deficiency 1/85

'Ihis radio has been repaired and item __ _

The temporary radio installed in the back-up connunications will be I.8.

persons 1 vehicle of the field provided for future exercises.

monitoring team failed to function .

' properly with the result that the field team could not communicate directly with the mobile van at att times.

h southeast. corner of Kewaunee County 9/86 N.I.b.

Neither the utility nor the State of lies within 5 miles o'f the Ibint Beach Wisconsin exercise contro11ers issued a Maclear Ibwer Plant. As indicated on page 26 of this critique, sheltering


contingency message to tnclude v evacuation or sheltering instructions were issued for ..ewaunee recommendations for Kewaunee County County at 10:27. h scenario, which contained last minute changes by the utility and the NRC, did not provide sufficient cause to warrant additional protective actions in Kewaunee County.

'Ihe State should have is' sued appropriate i precautionary evacuation instructions

', to allow Kewaunee County to denonstrate this objective. h State will make 1: sure that this is taken into account at 1 the next Point Beach Exercise.

I' A .

.i :


.. ~ . .


r UTILITY: Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant l Wisconsin Summary Listing of Deficiencies September !!, 1984 (State) (Date)

A. Deficiencies Affecting Public Health and Safety

Kevaunee County
  • l (Community)
NUREG Narrative Statement Corrective Action Scheduled Actual l Ites . of Deficiency Proposed Date Date None l

4 4

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Wlaconsin Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant _

(State) Summary Listing of Deficiencias Kewaunee County 8. September 11, 1984 Other Deficjancies (Community) _ ,

(Date) i NUREG Warrative Statement

_ Item of Deficiency .

Corrective Action C.2.a. Proposed

  • Scheduled Actual As required by the county plan, a deputy _

Date - Date sheriff was not dispatched to the _

utility EOF.

The Fire Representative required approximately two hours af ter Deputy Sheriff is no longer required report to the utility EOF.

8/85 to'Ibe notification County EOC. to arrive at the Kewaunee

'this change will be Plan. made only, in the Kewaunee County A new Fire Representative has been E.6. . appointed to the position. 12/84 Sirens and other notification systems ,

were not activated which Itatted the State and County Plans will be amended effectiveness of the ERS announcement given at to correct ambiguity which was the 8/85 declaration.the " General Emergency" cause of this deficiency.

E.7 Prescripted messages were not utilized .

and sector identifiers were not New EBS messages with instructions for correlated to familiar landmarks and geographic boundaries. 8/84 their'use were included in the S/84 -

be used in subsequent exercises. annual update o 44

g. .

bA ~~*~~~-----------------------

~ _ _ .

~ - ...

, Ei.

r UTILITY: Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant _ September 11, 1984_

  • (Date)

Summary Listing of Deficiencies Wisconsin B. Other Deficiencies

~(State) .

Kewaunee County Actual (Communi ty) Scheduled Date Date_

Corrective action Proposed _

NUREG Narrative Statement ASAP of Deficiency _

Message handling procedures in the Cbunty 10/85 Item Nessage handling procedures were not EDC will be instituted pronptly and P. demonstrated in the Kewaunee County will be reviewed before the next EOC.

Kewaunee }bclear Power ' Plant Dcercise.

10/85 NUREG item F.1.b does not specific' In theally call for back-up conman1 cations.

. There is no back-up communication event of the need for back-up P.1.b. syacen between the Kewaunee County EOC conminications, Eewaunee County can and the JFIC. contact the Manitowoc E10C or the East Central Area EDC in Fond du lac and have information relayed to the JPIC by telephone.


  • the State will work more closely with Effective coordination of information the county to provide more effective 4

C.4.b. released to the public was not coordination of information demonstrated, released to the public.

M 10/85

-; The county now has all necessary maps.

Not all required maps were displayed Kewaunee In addition, there are tentative plans J.10.a. in the Kewaunee County EOC. to develop a new set of maps for use by


NPP maps, rather than Point Beach NPP the State and the counties, There was no maps, were displayed.

. map showing population distribution.

  • [ , -
q. 44a

.w. e

a UTILITY: Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant Wisconsin Summary Listing of Deficiencies September 11, 1984 (State)- (Data)

, 5. Other Deficiencies Kewaunee County .

(Community) .

NUREG Narrative Statement Corrective Action Scheduled Actual Item of Deficiency Proposed Date Date J.10.h. Red Cross was not instructed to the Red Cross will be represented in 10/85 activate their personnel during the the County EDC at the Kewaunee t&aclear exe rcise. Ibwer Plant Exercise. Negotiations on procedures for Red Cross activation at all locations will be included in the 8/85 Plan update, if they have been finalized by that time.

K.3.a Emergency workers were not provided the State is now budgeting for permanent W86 -

with permanent record devices. recording devices.

P.5 Copies of the County plan being used as reference within the EOC vere dated Copies of the March 1984 revisions have 11/84 August, 1983 and did not contain the been distributed to all plan-holders

- March, 1984 revisions. with instructions to insert them in their plans. She County Bnergency Government Director has again urged all plan-holders to insert these and pyh a ppnt updgteg into their pl3ng to keep them current. Plan-users will again be reminded of the importance of doing this at the briefing prior to the Kewaunee Exercise in 10/85.


'l'..'..O y 45 ,

UTILITY: Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant Wisconsin Summary Listing of Deficiencies September 11 1984 (State) (Date)

A. Deficiencies Affecting Public Health and Safety Manitowoc County (Community)

NUREG Narrative Statement Corrective Action Scheduled Actual Item of Deficiency Proposed Date Date None a

h e



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yTILITY: Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant Wisconsin . Summary Listing of Deficiencies September 11, 1984 (State) -(Data)

5. -Other Deficiencies
1. Manitovoc County

} (Community)

  • NUREG Narrative Statement Corrective Action- Scheduled Actual

! Item of Deficiency Proposed Date Date C.4.b. Effective coordination of information The State will work more closely with released to the pubite was not the County to provide more effective 10/8r3 l; demonstrated, coordination of information

! released to the public.

l' J.10.a. The map displaying radiological monitoring points was. missing from the Manitowoc h radiological monitoring point 1 County EOC and the map displaying traffic was displayed in the Manitowoc BDC i

control points was not labeled. but it was not labeled. In the future this map and the traffic control point map will be labeled.

K.3.a Emergency workers were not provided with .

permanent record devices.

  • h State is now budgeting for permanent l

recording devices EY86 i J.10.h. Shelter managers stated that congregate  ;

care facilities provide for less Since September 1984, meetings have been '

. held by the County Bnergency Gwernment 12/84 capability than noted by reception center staf f who quoted the County plan. Director with Red Cross personnel, school Further. there is uncertainty in the Principals (whio are designated shelter Hanitowoc County EOC as to the proper managers) and county emergency welfare i procedures for obtaining supplies to officials to review the capability of support congregate care operation

  • the county's congregate care facilities

. and prrrw bres for obtaining supplies.

K.4. County Nighway Department personnel did not know the maximum allowable dose which . County Highway Department personnel will 10/85 they could receive. '

be instructed as to the maximum allowable dose they can receive and be informed that if they should forget that dose ,

'.. level, they are to contact the Highway

~: Department representative in the EDC. 1


.. 47

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