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Requests Resumption of Caseload Forecasts for Facilities. Independent Caseload Forecasts Useful in Estimating Project Costs,Scheduling Plant Audits & Preparing Rate Cases
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek, Callaway, 05000000
Issue date: 04/19/1984
From: Steinmeier W
To: Palladino N
Shared Package
ML20084G212 List:
NUDOCS 8405070117
Download: ML20084G213 (3)


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JEFFEnsONOTY q&g,**.......,%,.$ 5 Apri1 19, 1984 Missount65102 C**""'"'*""

Mr. Nunzio Palladino, Chairman wituAu o sTuNuutR United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission CHARLO MUsCRAVt A AN c tttR gg Re: NRC Caseload Forecast Program iAurs u nscutR

Dear Mr. Palladino:


    • "*""" The Missouri Public Service Commission and Staff were dismayed to learn that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is uARvty c. nuses discontinuing the practice of sending caseload forecasting secretary um 6 mhu mende MW.

ktNm RAGsDAM The Missouri Public Service Commission has the statutory c,=nic .i responsibility for the regulation of Kansas City Power and Light Company which owns a 47% interest in the Wolf Creek Generating Station and Union Electric Company which owns Callaway Plant Unit No. 1. Both Companies are seeking an operating license for authority to load fuel in their nuclear power plants sometime this year.

The Missouri Public Service Commission and Staff have found the independent caseload forecasts regarding project schedules very useful in estimating project costs, scheduling plant audits and preparing rate cases.

We urge the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to take the necessary steps to resume the caseload forecasts for Callaway Plant Unit No. 1 and Wolf Creek Generating Station.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Sincerely, DC 0 2 William D. Steinmeier A PDR Chairman l WDS:ASC:nsh cc: Commissioner Victor Gilinsky Commissioner Thomas Roberts .

Commissioner James Asselstine h l

Commissioner Frederick Bernthal' Missouri Congressional Delegation

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NRC member to vis'it .L M. .


. A nuclear power plants t

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M."1'774:2  :._ a.. ,. . . . KANSAS CITY, Mo. ( AP) - A inadequate to protect people living near

. 9 3 . s~ 'y:.1<. M'e;; TV'. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Wolf Creek in the event of a serious i re:&,,

Q;$ $ yi% M$j$..C'$ $; member will inspect , nuclear power nuclear accide,nt.

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plants under construction m Missouri Although invited to accompany 7, wr --

.# and Kansas next week in what a.e being Asselstine on the tour, Mrs. Christy and T called routine visits. Mrs. Salava named Ms. Stephens to go in 1.

. NRC commissioner James Asselstine their place. I on Monday will visit the Callaway Austin said the commissioner, one of 4

. Nuclear power plant near Fulton, Mo., five on the NRC, is interested in visiting 4

' and tour the Wolf Creek plant near the nearly identical Callaway and Wolf ,

Burlington, Kan. on Tuesday, said John Creek plants because of .their  ; - /. ,

' Austin, a technical assistant to standardifed design. It will be "useful to < -

E sselstine.

A see how these designs have been < '>

7. Austin said intervenors who have implemented," Austin said. d

',e Q raised safety questions about Wolf Creek Asselstine's visit to Wolf Creek will l ~ ' y ' .Ag'- f;

-.during licensing hearings would come just days after Gov. John Carlin -

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I accompany the commissioner during his and the chairman of the Kansas '

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T tour there. Corporation Commission asked the NRC <

, Intervenors' representative Mary to reschedule a visit that was to have ; '

d.W J g Stephens will be present so "all parties been made to the plant this week by an a . . ' . v.2 -

. have an opportunity to give Asselstine agency forecasting panel.

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& I information he is receiving," Austin Creek will be ready to load nuclear fuel, 't. . _ -~

said. a key consideration in projecting the E r:epresentatives9. of utility Asselstine rate calledmay off when be accompanied a key member ofby theplant's ultimate c a

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commissions in Missouri and Kansas, team resigned to take a position outside

. p according to Austin. NRC deputy the agency, and a new date has notbeen

<i4Wpf.P',M:6 .MG9 regional administrators responsible for set.

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bthe two plants also will go along on the Kansas City Power & Light ' Co.,


.gtours. as well as officials of the Kansas Gas and Electric Co. and Kansas f.

., contractors and utilities building the Electric Power Cooperative Inc. are L O plants. partners in Wolf Creek, which will cost ' ~* ';.n..

Operating license hearings, held in at least $2.7 billion and is scheduled to <

gJanuary and February, focused onbegin commercial operation next spring.  ;

,.allegations by intervenors Wanda _ .. .-.

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The $2.85 billion Callaway plant, , 7>  ;

f,e c i. .g Mysn ytmtij  ; Christy and Mary Ellen Salava that owned

.gqJ gygggggg , emergency response plans were goonlm,by e earlyUnion nextyear. Electric is scheduled to j qg. pg e _.

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i By Mitchei benr.on C, )..e 1  ? flh' :~jW;n h - BURLINGl Kan. After tour-

'ing the Wolf Creek nuclear power M


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o . plant near here Tuesday. James K.

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AsseNtine, a member of the Nuclear e .5, *' -j'< t lMg b b ir. .>

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Regulatory Commission. saki he '

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5g-would work to save a threaterad

'. conunission inspection program.



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1 speaking aly for himself and that he 2 .g. i- R 4

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h,# g lg, k *h'*Q tion status program that has been in limbo since a key NPC emplo>ee an-M{/Q,[ b f M , y '* Jv i g g'

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e nounced his resignatae April 2. y.f . -d '<f.4 Mg4


I "My personal view is that it is very M $ M J, [ <


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  • 7 missioner said at a news conference .. [,  :

outside the groundsof the Wolf Creek power plant, which is imder evn-n,__W Nn*% *** 4%N"' I. -


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{ ', Mr. Asselstine was in Missouri on W; $

Monday and Kansas on Tuesday to 4 ,; '

y/(h' 3 tour the Callaway County and Wolf $ rr

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!' Creek nuclear power plants. Qi['gs-}R p 3 *

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  • j )d Under the comtructeun status pro-gram, begun in the early tYlos. the " ^ - - * ^ ' ' -

4 g '4- [" . . h fh Mfs [ [ L M i Y m z.n .

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' regulatory agency assesses the con. "*'*"A""*8 '

struction schedules of nuclear power James K. Asseistine a member of the Nuclear Regulatory Commis. Kan.. after touring the facility Tuesday. Ile czpressed concern over (g plants so that the agency can decide sion, leaves the Wolf Creek nuclear power plant near Burlington, the fate of the commission's construction states program.

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mhere and when to assign its own staff among the mark'ar plants. De m i iI'@,,~ .- e c- , , ,

". bq' be h f."%Network. an anti- member commiseion often sphts with the progress that's being made. 'kf :

f ** -

J '} program's estimates also have twn the NRC canaled the inspection clear Awareness

-} used as checks on construction time- caase d Mr. Isovelam's resignation, nuclear group in i amTence. Kan..op- threetotwo on als votes, math Mr. then I wd! brmg it to my ce 1eagues' 8 i


' tables offered by the utahties build- Mr. Asselstine told reporters that his posed to the Wolf Creek plant, saad Assefstine and Commissioner Victor attentaan."the commisanoner said. f'

.'4 "

ing the power plants. visst had rmthmg to do ulth the un. she was encouragett by Mr. Assel- Gilmsky. the snore consumerernent- e NRC spokesmen acknowledge, certain stat:ss d the construction stine's comments but not optimistic ed commmioners, fmdmg them- At one point in the news cmderenm  !,

  • s

,[G however, that the commissionis con- status program. that he could save the program. sehes on the1%mg skfe. Tuesday. Mr. Asselstane said he un- l'

.G sidering abandonmg thepregram he- Michaci Ironen. chairman of the ~I thiri he's a g md guy and mett- Mr. GJmsky is the only member dersund that our staff would be S s i caut.e Wdliam !*velace, the head of Kan.eas Corporation Conumssion, intentionM. I thmk he's honest w hen remairung on the commission not to taking anMhre look at that (Woif

.; J the NRC Caseload Forecast Panel, and Kansas Gov. John Carlm have he says it is an mtegral part of as- have been appomtd by Pressdent Creek constructaan schedule) at

) [ mhich does the assessments, re- written letters to the NRC asksng sessing the plants." said Ms.

signed effective Apri! 27 and the NRC that the agency do a construction sea.

Ileagan. lbs term is scheduled to ca- some point in the not-toshstard fu-i Stephens, who accompanied Mr. As- pare June 30. ture,in terms of ow own estimates "

.g ' y! so far has tan unable to Imd a re- tus inspec tion desite Mr.1;nvelace's selstine on his tour of Wolf Creek. Mr. Asselstme told reporters that V  ? . placement. resignation. Neither official has re- But I thmk he probably is in the he mill check with the cornnussion's '

% ne panel was scheduled toinspect cened a response. But he said later that he could not f nunority,as he genera!!y is." staff on its efforts to fdl Mr. Ime- guarsrdw that such an mapectaan 4

1 l the wolf creek plant la:t week. but Stevi Stephens, director of the Nu-Ms. Stephens said that the five-lace's ph ' If I m nut satisfud wuld take place. -

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