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Rev 9 to Reactor Trip.
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 03/10/1983
Public Service Enterprise Group
Shared Package
ML18087A720 List:
EI-I-4.3, NUDOCS 8303160479
Download: ML18087A723 (30)


. '* I I SALEM GENERATING STATION OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT DOCUMENT APPROVAL COVER SHEET Title: REACTOR TRIP No.: EI*-I-4 3 . Unit: 1 Rev.: 9 Remarks: 14 pages of text, no check off sheets. Changed the "or" to II AND" in step 3.2.1. Safety Related Review (Ref. At>-13): S/R yes ___ x.._ __ no ____ _. Author's Checklist Completed:


--sos+ Ops. Mqr. ! _p-,.._ -:f" C'j 'f

    • QA ** SORC iJ 3-3 I

+ required for EOP validation acceptance

    • required safety related documents x yes ___ _ . Date 3 ?7 I ' Date 3 I> l'/? .3 Date
  • Date . , Date ?;;, ft o/ g::;, I I Dat.e :j-:> .. only
  • protection . .. 83o3-i6o479-s3o3i4 ----------PDR ADOCK 05000272 aMKSi"ER S PDR Salem unit l/2 MASTER AD-l-B-l 1
  • 1.0 PURPOSE \ EMERGENCY -INSTRUCTION EI-I-4.3 REACTOR TRIP 1.1 *A reactor triJ?\is initiated automatically by the Reactor Protection System if unsafe operating conditions are *approached.

also be initiated manually from the . control console., This instruction provides the actions required to ensure the reactor is in a safe shutdown condition.

1.2 In addition to de-energizing the shutdown and control rod drive mechanisms, a reactor trip will initiate a turbine trip and, in conjunction with a low TAVE (554°F) *initiate a feedwater isolation signal. This instruction delineates the actions required to ensure both of these have occurred. 1.3 In the event a reactor trip is required and has not been automatically initiated or the reactor to trip when initiated, this is identified as an "Anticipated Transient Without a Trip" Event (ATWT Event}. This instruction provides the necessary actions to ensure the reactor is placed in a safe shutdown condition for this event. 2.0 INITIAL CONDITIONS 2.1 Any of. the following conditions will lead to a reactor trip and to an automatic plant shutdown.

The condition causing the trip will be back lighted in red on the first out overhead annunciator panel (Section F). REACTOR TRIP *SETPOINT COINCIDENCE INTERLOCK

1. Manual None 1/2 None 2. Pwr Range, Low Setpoint 25% of 2/4 P-10 High Neutron Rated Thermal Pwr Flux High Setpoint 109% of 2/4 None Rated Thermal Pwr 3 *. Pwr Range, -

of Rated Thermal 2/4 None High Flux Pwr in 2 seconds Rate Trip ' .. 4. Intermediate

"*Current equivalent 1/2 P-10 Range, High to 25% of full pwr *-** Neutron Flux Salem Unit 1 1 Rev. 9


5. Sourc"e Range, 10E5 counts per sec. 1/2 P-6 Inter High Neutron ' .... locked Flux *-,with P-10 \ \ 6. Overtemp Variable setpoint 2/4 None delta T \ 7. Overpwr .Variable setpoint 2/4 None delta T 8. Low Rx 1865 psig 2/4 P-7 Coolant Press 9. High Rx 2385 psig 2/4 None Coolant Press 10. High Press-92% level 2/3 P-7 urizer Level 11. Low Bx 90% of Normal flow 2/3/loop P-7 & P-8 Coolant Flow 12. Rx Coolant 75% of Normal* Voltage 1/2 taken P-7 Pump under with a 0.2 sec time twice Voltage delay 13. Rx Coolant 56.5 Hertz with a 1/2 taken P-7 Pump under 0.1 sec time delay twice Frequency
14. Rx Coolant 10%.Pwr 2 Bkr,Open l/pump P-7 & P-8 Pump Bkr Open 36% Pwr 1 Bkr Open 15. Low water Flow l.4Xl0E6 Stm Flow greater than water flow & 25% S/G level. 1/2 flow None Mismatch, in coinci-dence with 1/2 low H20 level per loop. 16.* Low-Low Stm 18% level per S/G Gen Water Lvl 2/3 per..:...SL-G None 17. Turbine-Gen Trip .. 45 Auto Stop Oil 2/3 Press. All four Stop Valves 4/4 Closed. P-7 P-7
  • Salem Unit 1 2 Rev. 9 I \ "
18. Safety Inj Manual 1/2 None Actuation Pressurizer at 2/3 None 1765 psig Containment at 2/3 High None 4.0 psig Containment Press Any one S/G 100 psig lower than any other two S/G's 1/2 Stm None Press on any S/G lower than 1/2 Stm Press on 2/3 .* 19. General Alarm Variable Stm Line Flow l.4E06 #/hr 0-20% load increasing to 4.0E06 #/hr at 100% pwr in cidence with LOW TAVE 543°F or Low Stm Press 500 psig Logic Train "A" & Train "B" in test simultaneously.

NOTE of the other' loops 1/2 High Stm Flow 2/4 Stm Gen in dence with 2/4 LOW TAVE or 2/4 Low Stm Line Press The General Alarm Trip is not alarmed on the first out annunciator.

20.* Trip Bypass Bkrs. Racking in, or attempting to rack in both Reactor Trip pass Bkrs at the same time. NOTE The Bypass Breaker Trip is not alarmed on the first out annunciator

  • 3.0 IMMEDIATE ACTIONS 3.1 3.2 Automatic

3.1.1 Reactor

Trip 3.1.2 Turbine Trip 3.1.3 Generator Trip Manual 3.2.1 IF a Reactor Trip is demanded as indicated by the FIRST OUT OVERHEAD ANNUNCIATOR AND 1RP4 SSPS STATUS PANEL MANUALLY INITIATE a REACTOR TRIP with either trip handle on the control console. 3.2.2 If a Reactor Trip HAS NOT occurred proceed as follows UNTIL a REACTOR TRIP is CONFIRMED:

a. Manually INITIATE a REACTOR TRIP with the other trip handle on the control console. b.* OPEN the REACTOR TRIP BREAKERS manually by depressing the OPEN pushbuttons on both Reactor Trip Breakers A and B. c. TRIP the TURBINE by using the trip handle on the control *console.
d. OPEN 4Kv BREAKERS 1E6D and 1G6D to de-energize the lE 460v and lG 460v buses and the Rod Drive MG sets and cause the rods to drop in. e. Manually INITIATE a SAFETY INJECTION.
f. Manually TRIP both REACTOR TRIP BREAKERS locally at their cubicle in the 84 Ft. elevation switchgear room. g. Manually TRIP.both ROD DRIVE MG. SETS at their control panel in the 84 Ft. elevation switchgear room
  • Salem Unit 1 4 Rev. 9
    • ..
  • a. VERIFY all Shutdown*and Control RODS are FULLY INSERTED py checking the Rod Bottom Lights and Individual Rod Position Indicators.
b. IF any RODS indicate they are NOT FULLY INSERTED, RAPID BORATE 150 ppm for each rod not fully inserted as follows: 1. SHIFT one or both Boric Acid Transfer Pumps to fast speed. 2. OPEN 1CV175, Rapid Boration stop valve. 3. BORATE for at least 8 minutes for each rod not fully inserted (4 minutes if both pumps are in fast speed. 3.2.4 VERIFY the TURBINE is TRIPPED by checking .the following:
a. UNIT TRIP light on E/H console ILLUMINATED.
b. ALL TURBINE VALVES' CLOSED. (Turbine Stop, Governor, Interceptor and Reheat Stop valves) c. TURBINE SPEED decreasing.

3.2.5 If the TURBINE IS NOT TRIPPED, proceed as follows until a Turbine* Trip is CONFIRMED or the MSIVs are CLOSED: Salem Unit 1 a. Manually INITIATE a TURBINE TRIP with the trip handle on the control console. b. OPEN Generator Output Breakers, 1-5 and 5-6. c. INITIATE MAIN STEAM ISOLATION by performing the following:

d. 1. TRIP CLOSE the 11-14MS167s from the Safeguard Bezels OR Main Steam valve Bezels. Manually INITATE a SAFETY INJECTI0N
  • 5 Rev. q i i \
  • EI--* 3.2.6 VERIFY TAVE is decreasing toward or is being maintained at 547°F by either steam dump or atmospheric steam relief. 3.2.7 VERIFY that FEEDWATER ISOLATION takes place when TAVE decreases to 554°F. 3.2.8 VERIFY AUXILIARY FEEDWATER is established to all four Steam Generator if any Steam Generator level is less than 18%. 3.2.9 ANNOUNCE over the plant PA system twice: UNIT 1 REACTOR TRIP. 4.0 SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS 4.1 IF Safety Injection has been initiated, proceed to EI-I-4.0, "Safety Injection Initiation." 4.2 VERIFY all immediate actions are complete, accomplish any which are not. 4.3 VERIFY the Generator Output" Breakers, 1-5 & 5-6 are open. If they do not open, open manually by depressing the OPEN pushbutton on the bezel for each breaker on the control console. 4.4 VERIFY that nuclear power is decreasing by observing the nuclear instrumentation.

4.4.1 Salem

Unit-'l Check that the Source Range High voltage is reinstated below 5.0E-11 amps on both Intermediate Range Channels 6 COMMENTS Utilize redundant tions where*possible to confirm ev?.luations and actions. Should open approximately 30 seconds after the turbine trip. Should occur in mately 15-18 minutes after the trip. ,, .. hiASTER Rev. 9

  • 1) If the Source Range high age does not energize matically, manually depress the RESET SOURCE RANGE nAn and RESET SOURCE RANGE nBn buttons on the control console. 4.4.2 Switch the Nuclear Power Recorder (NR-45) to read one iate Range Channel and one* Source Range Channel. 4.4.3 Notify the ance Department that a reactor trip has occurred and that the compensating voltage on the mediate Range Detectors should be adjusted.

EI-I-4.3 This should be lished as soon as tical to ensure proper Intermediate Range Indication.


that the Pressurizer Take manual control as pressure and level are with-necessary.

in limits, and under control. 4.6 VERIFY that the 4160V Group Buses have transferred from the No. 1 Auxiliary Power Transformer to No. 11 & No.12 Station Power formers. Salem Unit 1 7 'I ..

Rev. 9

    • 1 .t:l-l-4.3

4.6.1 Check

that the Open manually as necessary . following 4160V Bkrs have opened and ac-knowledge them on the appropriate control console bezel: lBGGD lBFGD lAEGD lAHGD 4.6.2 Check that the following 4160V Bkrs have closed and acknowledge them on the priate control sole bezel: 12GSD 12FSD 12ESD 12HSD 4.7 IF Reactor was opening 4Kv Breakers 1E6D and 1G6D, proceed as follows: 4.7.1 CLOSE 1E6D 4Kv Breaker. 4.7.2 CLOSE 1G6D 4Kv Breaker. 4.7.3 VERIFY loads on lE and lG 460V and 230V Buses are returned to Normal. 4.8 VERIFY that TAVE is being maintained at 547°F due to steam dump operation.

.. _ Salem Unit 1 8 Close manually as necessary.

Check Steam Dump Valve position inBicating lights and the Dump demand indicator.

' MAST;1 ER Rev. 9

  • ... 4.9 EI-l.-4.3

4.8.1 Ensure

the Main Steam Pressure setpoint is set to maintain Steam Generator pressure at approximately 1005 psig, then transfer the Steam Dump control to Main *S*

Pressure control. Check the setting first to p'revent any unwanted Steam Dump operations.

4.8.2 If Condenser steam. dump is not available*, utilize the Atmospheric Steam Relief Valves,11-14MS10 to maintain Steam Generator press at approximately 1005 psig. VERIFY that FEEDWATER ISOLA-TION has taken place due to the reactor trip in coincidence with low TAVE (554°F}. 4.9.1 Check that the following valves have closed by observing their appro-priate bezel indication:

11BF19 Feedwater Control Valve .12BF19 Feedwater Control Valve 13BF19 Feedwater Control Valve 14BF19 Feedwater Control Valve 11BF40 Feedwater Bypass Valve 12BF40 Feedwater Bypass Valve 13BF40 Feedwater Bypass Valve 14BF40 Feedwater Bypass Valve **-*I ... 4.10 TERMINATE any RCS DILUTION which is in progress.

Prevent any inadvertant reduction in Shutdown Margin. Salem Unit 1 . 9 Rev. 9 4.10.1 Depress the STOP push button on the Makeup. Mode Selector Bezel and align the Blender for AUTO Makeup IAW *OP II-3.3.6, "Boron Concentration Control." 4.10.2 Bypass the deborating demineralizers by * *. aligning 1CV27 to the VCT. 4.11 Return the levels in the Steam Generators to normal (approx. 33%) as follows: EI-I-4.3 The feed ring drains slowly through the loose fit connection to the feed inlet p_iping. ******************************************************************

CAUTION If the level in any Steam Generator has been less than 10% on the narrow range for more than 5 minutes and all feedwater flow has been isolated for more than 5 minutes, flow must be limited to less than 10E04lbm/hr to that Steam Generator until the level is returned to greater than 10% in the narrow range. ******************************************************************

If condition requires maximum flow for decay heat removal ations, this takes dence over the water hammer considerations.

CAUTION Do not stop 11 or 12 Aux Feed Pump while any Steam Generator is less than 18%. ******************************************************************


Unit 1 10 Rev. 9

  • 4.11.1 Control flow to the Steam Generators as required by trol ling the following valves: 1) ll-14AF11 if No.13 Aux Feedwater Pump is in operation.

EI-I-4.J If either Motor Driven Pump is stopped while a Steam Generator level is less than 18%, the pump must be started locally from the Hot Shutdown Panel, or the 125 VDC Control Power must be cycled to start the pumps from the Control Room. If the level increases to greater than 18% the pumps may be restarted normally. ( 2) 11-14AF21 if No.11 * & 12 Aux Feedwater Pumps are in ation. 4.12 Establish and maintain the Hot Standby condition IAW IOP-5, "Minimum Load to Hot Standby", and IOP-8, "Maintaining Hot Standby." 4.13 If Rx trip was from greater than 15% Rx Power, have the Chemistry Dept perform an I .131, I 133, I 135 Isotopic analysis between 2 and 6 hrs following the Rx Trip. 4.14 Obtain a sample of the Reactor Coolant System and determine boron concentration.

Adjust boron concentration as quired !AW OP II-3.3.6, Concentration Control." Salem Unit 1 11. Tech Spec 3.4.8 Table 4.4.

  • Rev. 9
  • \
  • 4.15 Perform the following Notifications and Reviews of the Reactor Trip/ Safety Injection.

4.15.1 Notification of the Reactor Trip/SI to the following:

a. OPERATIONS MANAGER and/or b. OPERATING ENGINEER and c. NRC and d. other appropriate people IAW Emergency Plan Procedure EP-I-0. 4.15.2 Refer to Emergency Plan Procedure EP-I-0 Part I for the priate accident ification.

EI-I-4.3 4.15.3 Perform.the ments of AD-16 "Post Reactor Trip/SI Review"-4.15.4 Initiate*

an Operational Incident Report IAW AP-6 and forward it to the Operating Engineer.

4.16 If, at this time, it becomes necessary, take the plant to the Cold Shutdown dition IAW IOP-6, "Hot Standby to Cold Shutdown." Salem Unit 1 12 If any of the automatic function required (i.e. reactor trip, turbine trip, Auxiliary Feedwater initiation) have failed to actuate, it will be necessary to proceed to Cold Shutdown IAW Tech Spec 3

  • O
  • 3 *
  • Rev. 9

-* -----------

EI-1-4.3 NOTE Do not continue until of AD-16 "Post Reactor Trip/Safety Injection Review" are completed and approved.

4.17 Upon completion of AD-16 "Reactor Trip/Safety Injection Review" Sect. 4.0, "Approval ments for Reactor Startup" withdraw the Shutdown Banks as follows: 4.17.1 Reset the flux rate trip by momentarily taking the RATE MODE switches, on each NIS POWER RANGE A drawer, to the RESET.position.

4.17.2 Depress the CLOSE pushbutton the control console, for REACTOR TRIP BKR A, verifying the breaker does close * . 4.17.3 Depress the CLOSE pushbutton on the control console, for REACTOR TRIP BKR B, verifying the does close. 4.17.4 Depress the STARTUP pushbuttonon the control console, and verify each Shutdown and Control Rod Step -*counter resets to zero. 4.17.S Commence withdrawing Shutdown Bank A,B;C and D, in that order to their fully drawn position.

Salem Unit 1 13 Any reactor trip from power will generate a negative rate trip signal which seals in and must be manually reset. If the STARTUP pushbutton has been* pushed prior to closing the Reactor Trip Breakers, a Rod Urgent Alarm condition will be present. This can be cleared by pushing either the STARTUP pushbutton or the ALARM RESET

.. MAS1ER Rev. 9

, ** ------------------------------------------------------------


4.18 \ With Steam Generator levels wi:thin their normal operating bands and just prior to mencing startup, perform the following: 4.18.1 \ Place the Steam Gen-erator Feedwater trols in MANUAL and run the valve demand to zero. 4.18.2 Reset the Feedwater Isolation signal by depressing the Train "A" and Train "B" FEEDWATER ISOLATION RESET pushbuttons on the control console. 4.19 Return to Power Operation IAW IOP-3, "Hot Standby to-Minimum Load a , and "Power Operation."

  • END OF PROCEDURE FINAL PAGE ..... *-------.. Salem Unit 1 0 14 . *-----.. Rev. 9

.. . SALEM GENERATING STATION OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT DOCUMENT APPROVAL COVER SHEET Tftle: REACTOR TRIP No.: EI-I-4. 3 Unit: 2 Rev.: 9 -------------4 d the "or" to "AND" in ste 3.2.1 Safety Related Review (Ref. AD-13): S/R yes _____ x __ _ no ----Author's Checklist Completed:

yes ____ x __ _ SRO* _____



__ Date Ops. Enq. __


Ops. Mqr. __ __ .J--'-__ *_* __ .J=' __

Date 3 /; o Q_ Q__ ** QA . ** SORC 31 . f 1ni:l . ** General Manager 1

  • required for SPM only + required for EOP validation acceptance only ** required for safety related documents and fire protection documents
  • MAS1EH Salem Unit 1/2 AD-l-B-1 MASTER

It may also be initiated manually from the control console. This instruction provides tho required to ensure the reactor is in a safe shutdown condition.

1.2 In addition to de-energizing the shutdown.

and control rod drive mechanisms, a reactor trip will initiate a turbine trip in conjunction with a low TAVE (554°F) initiate a feedwater isolation signal. This instruction_

delineates the actions required to ensure both of these have.occurred.

1.3 In the event a reactor trip is required and has not been automatically initiated or the reactor fails to trip when initiated, this is identified as an "Anticipated Transient Without a Trip" Event (ATWT Event). This instruction prdvides the necessary actions to ensure the reactor i-s placed in a safe shutdown condition for this event. 2.0 INITIAL CONDITIONS 2.1 Any of the following conditions will lead to a reactor and to an automatic plant shutdown.

The condition causing the trip will be back lighted in red on the. first out overhead annunciator panel (Section F)

1. Manual None 1/2 None 2. Pwr Range, Low Setpoint 25% of 2/4 P-10 High Neutron Rated Thermal Pwr Flux Setpoint 109% of 2/4 None Rated Thermal Pwr 3. Pwr Range, +/-5% of Rated Thermal 2/4 None High Flux Pwr in 2 seconds Rate Trip 4. Intermediate Current equivalent 1/2 P-10 Range, High to 25% of full pwr Neutron Flux Salem Unit 2 1 Re;.r. 9
5. Source Range, 10E5 counts per sec *. 1/2 High Neutron Flux P-6 Inter '""-locked P-10 6. Overtemp Variable setpoint delta T . 7. Overpwr Variable setpoint delta T 8. Low Rx 1865 psig Coolant Press 9. High Rx 2385 psig Coolant Press 10. High Press-92% level urizer Level 11. Low Rx 90% of Normal flow Coolant Flow 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/3 2/3/loop 12. Rx Coolant Pump under Voltage 75% of Normal Voltage 1/2 taken with a 0.2 sec time twice delay 13. Rx Coolant Pump under Frequency 56.5. Hertz with a 0.1 sec.time delay 14. Rx Coolant 10% Pwr 2 Bkr,Open Pump Bkr Open 36% Pwr 1 Bkr Open 1/2 taken twice l/pump \ N\>ne None P-7 None P-7 P-7 & P-8 P-7 P-7 P-7 & P-8 15. Low water Flow 1.4XlOE6 Stm "Flow greater than water flow & 25% S/G level. 1/2 flow None Mismatch, in coinci-dence with 1/2 low H20. level per loop. 16. Low-Low Stm 18% level per S/G Gen Water Lvl 2/3 peL.SlG-None
17. Turbine-Gen

';['rip .. 45 psig Auto Stop Oil 2/3 Press * *All four Stop Valves 4/4 Closed. P-7 P-7 *Salem Unit 2 2 Rev. 9 EI-I-REACTOR TRIP SETPOINT COINCIDENCE INTERLOCK

18. Safety Inj Manual 1/2 None Actuation Pressurizer at 2/3 None 1765 psig Containment at 2/3 High None 4.0 psig . Containment Press Any one S/G 100 psig lower than any other two S/G's 1/2 Stm None Press on any S/G lower than 1/2 Stm Press on 2/3 of the other loops Variable Stm Line Flow 1.4E06 #/hr 0-2-0% load increasing to 4.0E06 #/hr at 100% pwr in cidence with LOW 1/2 High None 19. General Alarm -

543°F or Low Stm Press 500 psig Logic Train "A" & Train "B" in test simultaneously.

  • *NOTE Stm Flow 2/4 Stm Gen in coinci-dence with 2/4 LOW TAVE or 2/4 Low Stm Line Press The General Alarm Trip is not alarmed on the first out annunciator.
20. Trip Bypass Bkrs. Racking in, or attempting to rack in both Reactor Trip pass Bkrs at the same time. NOTE The Bypass Breaker Trip is not alarmed on the first out annunciator.

I I Salem ;Unit 2 I 3 MASTER None None Rev. 9

  • 3.0 IMMEDIATE ACTIONS 3.1 3.2 Automatic

3.1.1 Reactor

Trip 3.1.2 Turbine Trip 3.1.3 Generator Trip Manual IF a Reactor Trip is demanded as indicated by the FIRST OUT OVERHEAD ANNUNCIATOR AND 2RP4 SSPS STATUS PANEL MANUALLY INITIATE a REACTOR TRIP with either trip handle on the control console. 3.2.2 If a Reactor Trip HAS NOT occurred proceed as follows UNTIL a REACTOR TRIP is CONFIRMED:

a. Manually INITIATE a REACTOR TRIP with the other trip handle.on the control console. b. OPEN the REACTOR TRIP BREAKERS manually by depressing the OPEN pushbuttons on both Reactor Trip Breakers A and B. c. TRIP the TURBINE by using the trip handle on the control console. d. OPEN 4Kv B.REAKERS 2E6D and 2G6D to de-energize the 2E 460v and 2G 460v buses and the Rod Drive MG sets and cause the rods .to drop in. e. Manually INITIATE a SAFETY INJECTION.
f. Manuallv TRIP both REACTOR TRIP BREAKERS locally-at their cubicle in the 84 Ft. elevation switchgear room. g. Manually TRIP both ROD DRIVE MG SETS at their control panel in the 84 elevation switchgear room
  • Sale;m Unit 2. 4 MASTER Rev. 9 EI-I-. 3.2.3 IF automatic or manual Reactor Trip HAS OCCURRED, proceed as follows: a. VERIFY all Shutdown and Control RODS are FULLY INSERTED by checking the Rod Bottom Lights and Individual Rod Position Indicators.
b. IF any RODS indicate they are NOT FULLY INSERTED, RAPID BORATE 150 ppm for each rod not fully inserted as follows: 1. SHIFT one or both Boric Acid Transfer Pumps to fast speed. 2. OPEN 2CV175, Rapid Boration stop valve. 3. BORATE for at least 8 minutes for each rod not fully inserted (4 if both pumps are in fast speed. 3.2.4 VERIFY the TURBINE is TRIPPED by checking the following:
a. UNIT TRIP light on E/H console ILLUMINATED.
b. ALL TURBINE VALVES CLOSED. (Turbine Stop, Governor, Interceptor and Reheat Stop valves) c. TURBINE SPEED decreasing.

3.2.5 If the TURBINE IS NOT TRIPPED, proceed as follows until a Turbine Trip is CONFIRMED or the MSIVs are CLOSED: Salem Unit 2 a. Manually INITIATE a TURBINE TRIP with the trip handle on the control console. b. OPEN Generator Output Breakers, 1-9 and 9-10. c. INITIATE MAIN STEAM ISOLATION performing the following:

1. TRIP CLOSE the 21-24MS167s from the Safeguard Bezels OR the Main Steam valve Bezels. 5 MASTER Rev. 9
  • E --. d. Manually INITATE a SAFETY INJECTION.

3.2.6 VERIFY

TAVE is decreasing toward or is being maintained at 547°F by either steam dump or atmospheric steam relief. 3.2.7 VERIFY that FEEDWATER ISOLATION takes place when -** * **** *TAVE C.::::=::u.zes to 554 °F. 3.2.8 VERIFY AUXILIARY FEEDWATER FLOW is established to all four Steam Generator if any Steam Generator level is less than 18%. 3.2.9 ANNOUNCE over the plant PA system twice: UNIT 2 REACTOR TRIP. -4.0 SUBSEQUENT ACTIONS 4.1 IF Safety Injection has been initiated, proceed to "Safety Iniection Initiation." 4.2 VERIFY all immediate actions are complete, accomplish any which are not. 4.3 VERIFY the Generator Output Breakers, 1-9 & 9-10 are open. If they do not open, open manually by depressing the OPEN pushbutton on the bezel for each breaker on the control console. 4.4 VERIFY that nuclear power is decreasing by observing the nuclear instrumentation

  • . 4.4.1 Salem Unit 2 Check that the Source Range High voltage is reinstated below 5.0E-11 amps on both Intermediate Range Channels 6 COMMENTS Utilize redundant tions where possible to confirm evaluations and actions. Should open approximately

-3 0 seconds after the turbine trip. Should occur in mately 15-18 minut"es after the trip. Rev. 9

  • :.
  • 1} If the Source Range high age does not energize matically, manually depress the RESET SOURCE R'ZlliGE "A" and RESET SOURCE RANGE "B" buttons on the . . control console. 4.4.2 Switch the Nuclear Power Recorder .(NR-45} to iate Range Channel and one Source Range Channel. 4.4.3 Notify the ance Department "that* a reactor trip has occurred and that the compensating voltage on the mediate Range Detectors should be adjusted.

EI-I-4.3 This should be lished as soon*as tical to ensure proper Intermediate Range Indication.

  • 4.5 VERIFY that the Pressurizer Take manual control as pressure and level are necessary.

in limits, and under control. 4.6 VERIFY that the 4160V Group Buses have transferred from the No. 2 Auxiliary Power Transformer to No. 21 & No.22 Station formers. Salem Unit 2 7 / h1ASTER Rev. 9

  • * ; t;.L-.L-q
  • .:s 4.6.1 Check that the Open manually as necessary following 4160V Bkrs have opened and ac-knowledge them on the appropriate control console bezel: 2BGGD 2BFGD 2AEGD 2AHGD 4.6.2 Check that the following 4160V Bkrs have closed and acknowledge them on the priate control sole bezel: 22GSp 22FSD 22ESD 22HSD 4.7 IF Reactor was Tripped by opening 4Kv Breakers 2E6D and 2G6D, proceed as follows:
  • 4.7.1 *CLOSE 2E6D 4Kv Breaker. 4.7.2 CLOSE 2G6D 4Kv Breaker. 4.7.3 VERIFY loads on 2E and 2G 460V and 230V Buses are returned to Normal. 4.8 VERIFY that TAVE is being maintained at 547°F due to steam dump operation.

Salem Unit 2 8 Close manually as necessary.

Check Stearn Dump Valve position indicating lights and the Stearn Dump demand indicator

  • Rev. 9 4.9 ---\ EI-I-* 4.8.1 Ensure the Main Steam Pressure setpoint is set to maintain Steam Generator pressure at approximately 1005 psig, then transfer the Steam Dump control to Main Stearn Pressure control. Check the setting first to prevent any unwanted Stearn Dump operations.

4.8.2 If Condenser steam dump is not available, utilize the Atmospheric Stearn Relief Valves,21-24MS10 to maintain Steam Generator press at approximately 1005 psig. VERIFY that FEEDWATER ISOLA-TION has taken place due to the reactor trip in coincidence with low TAVE (554-°F)

  • 4.9.1 Check that the following valves have closed by observing their appro-priate bezel indication:

21BF19 Feedwater Control Valve 22BF19 Feedwater Control Valve 23BF19 Feedwater Control Valve 24BF19 Feedwater Control Valve 21BF40 Feedwater Bypass Valve 22BF40 Feedwater Bypass Valve 23BF40 Feedwater Bypass Valve --*-*-__.,....

24BF40 Feedwater Bypass Valve ***--* .. ' Salem Unit 2 9 MASTER Rev. 9

  • 4.10 TERMINATE any RCS DILUTION which is in progress.

4.10.1 Depress the STOP button on the Makeup Mode.Selector Bezel and align the Blender for AUTO Makeup IAW OP II-3.3.6, "Boron Concentration Control." 4.10.2 Bypass the deborating demineralizers by aligning 2CV27 *to the VCT. 4.11 Return the levels in the Steam Generators to normal (approx. 33%) as follows: Prevent any inadvertant reduction in Shutdown Margin. The feed ring drains slowly through the loose fit connection to the feed inlet piping. . . . CAUTION If the level in any Steam Generator has been less than 10% ori the narrow range for more than 5 minutes and all feedwater flow has been isolated for more than 5 minutes, flow must be limited to less than 10E04lbm/hr to that Steam Generator until the level is returned to gre.ater than 10*% in the narrow range. ******************************************************************

If condition requires maximum flow for decay heat removal ations, this takes dence over the water hammer considerations.

CAUTION Do not stop 21 or 22 Aux Feed Pump while any Steam Generator is less than 18%. ******************************************************************

Salem Unit 2 10 Rev. 9 *

  • 4.11.1 Control flow to the Steam Generators as required by trolling the following valves: 1) 21-24AF11 if No.23 Aux Feedwater Pump is in operation.
2) 21-24AF21 if No.21 & 12 Aux Feedwater Pumps are in ation. 4.12 Establish and maintain the Hot Standby condition IAW IOP-5, "Minimum Load to Hot Standby", and "Maintaining Hot Standby." If either Motor Driven Purr.p is stopped while a Generator level is less than 18%, the pump must be started locally from the Hot Shutdown Panel, or the 125 VDC Control Power must be cycled to start the pumps from the Control Room. If the level increases to greater than 18% the pumps may be restarted normally.

4.13 If Rx trip was from greater Tech Spec 3.4.8 Table 4.4. than 15% Rx Power, have the Chemistry Dept perform an I 131, I 133, I 135 Isotopic analysis between 2 and 6 hrs following the Rx.Trip. 4.14 Obtain a sample of the Reactor Coolant System and determine boron concentration.

Adjust boron concentration as quired IAW OP II-3.3.6, "Boron Concentration Control." Salem Unit 2 11 Rev. 9


  • 4.15 Perform the following Notifications and Reviews of° the Reactor Trip/ Safety Injection.

4.15.1 Notification of the Reactor Trip/SI to the following:

a. OPERATIONS MANAGER and/or b. OPERATING ENGINEER and c. NRC and d. other appropriate people IAW Emergency Plan Procedure EP-I-0. 4.15.2 Refer to Emergency Plan Procedure EP-I-0 Part I for the priate accident ification.

4.15.3 Perform the ments of AD-16 "Post Reactor Trip/SI Review" EI-I-4. 3

  • 4.15.4 Initiate an Operational Incident Report IAW AP-6 and forward it to the Operating Engineer.

4.16 If, at this time, it becomes necessary, take the plant to the Cold Shutdown dition IAW IOP-6, "Hot Standby to Cold Shutdown." Salem Unit 2 12 If any of the automatic function required (i.e. reactor trip, turbine trip, Auxiliary Feedwater initiation) have failed to actuate, it will be necessary to proceed to Cold Shutdown IAW Tech Spec 3. 0. 3. ** .. Rev. 9

  • NOTE. Do not continue until requirements of AD-16 "Post Reactor Trip/Safety Injection Review" are completed and approved.

4.17 Upon completion of AD-16 "Reactor Trip/Safety Injection Review" Sect. 4.0, "Approval ments for Reactor Startup" withdraw the Shutdown Banks as follows: 4.17.1 Reset the flux rate trip by momentarily taking the RATE MODE.switches, on each NIS POWER RANGE A drawer, to the RESET position.

4.17.2 Depress the CLOSE pushbutton on the control console, for REACTOR TRIP BKR A, verifying the breaker does close. 4.17.3 Depress the CLOSE pushbutton on the control console, for REACTOR TRIP BKR B, verifying the breaker does close. 4.17.4 Depress the STARTUP pushbuttonon the control console, and verify each Shutdown and Control Rod Step Counter resets to zero. 4.17.5 Commence withdrawing Shutdown Bank A,B,C and D, in that order to their fully drawn position

  • Salem Unit 2 13 Any reactor trip from power will generate a negative rate trip signal which seals in and must be manually reset. If the STARTUP pushbutton has been pushed prior to closing the Reactor Trip Breakers, a Rod Urgent Alarm condition will be present. This can be cleared by pushing either the STARTUP pushbutton or the ALARM RESET pushbutton.

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  • 4.18 With Steam Generator levels within their normal operating bands and just prior to mencing startup, perform the following:

4.18.1 Place the Steam erator Feedwater trols in MANUAL and run the valve demand to zero. 4.18.2 Reset the Feedwater Isolation signal by depressing the Train "A" and Train "B" FEEDWATER ISOLATION RESET pushbuttons on the control console. 4.19 Return to Power Operation IAW IOP-3, "Hot Standby *to Minimum Load" , and .

  • IOP-4 "Power Operation." END OF PROCEDURE FINAL PAGE Salem Unit 2 14 MASTER EI-I-4.3 Rev. 9