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Proposed Tech Specs Re one-time Changes to Certain Unit 2 TS SR for Fuel Cycle 10
Person / Time
Site: Salem PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 10/12/1998
Public Service Enterprise Group
Shared Package
ML18106A917 List:
NUDOCS 9810200078
Download: ML18106A918 (9)



DEFERRAL OF SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 10CFR50.92 NO SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS EVALUATION Public Service Electric & Gas (PSE&G) has concluded that the proposed amendment to the Salem Generating Station Unit 2 TS does not involve a significant hazard. In support of this determination, an evaluation of each of the three standards set forth in 10CFR50.92 is provided below.

REQUESTED CHANGE This amendment modifies Technical Specification surveillance requirements (Instrumentation, Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System lnsfrumentation);, (Electrical Power Systems, 125V D.C. Distribution); and and (Electrical Power Systems, 28 Volt D.C. Distribution) on a one-time basis, for Salem Unit 2.

The proposed amendment will modify the above referenced T.S. surveillance requirements by adding a note to allow a one:..time exemption for cycle 10. The purpose of this change is to compensate for the extended duration of the Salem Unit 2 1995-1997 outage by deferring certain surveillance requirements to 2R10 thus avoiding the undesirable effects of an unnecessary forced outage. This is accomplished through a one-time amendment to Technical Specifications;; and and

For ease of review the surveillance requirements are considered in two groupings.

BASIS (Instrumentation. Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System Instrumentation)

1. The proposed change does not involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.

- 9s1020007~f 9s1cH2---------:---------1 PDR ADOCK 05000311 i p PM

  • Attachment 2 Deferral of the surveillance requirement does not involve any physical changes to the plant nor does it change the way the plant is operated. Thus the proposal does not increase the probability of an accident previously evaluated.

The SEC automatic self-test feature, the monthly functional surveillance testing and the positive surveillance testing history provide sufficient assurance of the operability of the system. These features also provide assurance that a degraded condition, if it did occur, would be detected.

Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that this proposal represents no significant increase in the consequences of an accident previously analyzed.

2. The proposed change does not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.

Deferral of the surveillance requirement does not involve any physical changes to the plant nor does it change the way the plant is operated.

Thus, it can be concluded that deferring the surveillance requirement to the refueling outage cannot create the possibility of a different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.

3. The proposed change does not involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.

Deferral of the surveillance requirement does not involve any physical changes to the plant nor does it change the way the plant is operated. The self-test feature and the monthly functional testing will provide reasonable assurance that the SECs will remain operable during the few weeks of deferral to the refueling outage. Also the ability to detect a degraded condition in the SEC will not be affected during the deferral period.

Therefore, the plant's response to accident conditions during the period of deferral will not be affected.

Thus, it can be reasonably concluded that this proposal to amend the Salem Unit 2 Technical Specifications, on a one-time basis, to defer surveillance requirement does not involve a significant reduction in any margin of safety. (Electrical Power Systems. 125 Volt D.C. Distribution). and and (Electrical Power Systems. 28 Volt D.C. Distribution)

Attachment 2

1. The* proposed change does not involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.

The deferral of the battery service tests to the refueling outage does not involve any physical changes to the power plant or to the manner in which the power plant is operated. Therefore, the probability of an accident previously evaluated is not increased.

Weekly and quarterly testing and performance monitoring by the system manager along with the current condition of the batteries (past test results demonstrating above 100% capacity) provide assurance that battery condition and performance will not deteriorate during the deferral period. Other positive industry experience for similar batteries on 24 month cycles also support this assurance. Therefore, the consequences of a loss of power accident will not be increased due to the deferral of the surveillance requirements.

2. The proposed change does not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.

The deferral of the battery service tests to the refueling outage does not involve any physical changes to the power plant or to the manner in which the power plant is operated. No new failure mechanisms will be introduced by the surveillance deferral.

Therefore, the proposed change does not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.

3. The proposed change does not involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.

The deferral of the battery service tests to the refueling outage does not involve any physical changes to the power plant or to the manner in which the power plant is operated. Continuing weekly and quarterly testing and performance monitoring along with the current condition of the batteries provides assurance that battery condition and performance will not deteriorate to an unacceptable level during the deferral period and that any degradation that may occur will be detected. Therefore, the plant's response to accident conditions during the period of deferral will not be affected.

Thus, it can be reasonably concluded that this proposal to amend the Salem Unit 2 Technical Specifications, on a one-time basis, to defer surveill~nce requirements and not involve a significant reduction in any margin of safety.

Attachment 2 CONCLUSION It can then be concluded that the proposed change does not involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated. Nor does it create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated, nor does it involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.

Thus the proposal to defer the above discussed surveillance requirements to the Tenth Refueling Outage does not create any significant hazards to safe operation.


t Ill X8' wsmttOI J /t 3 ,2 mu'D!m s.vm '1VM

                      • n ........ ******************am*****~**u*.*n*a*************************

l . l. 2. l The lngin**nd Safety P'eaturs Syatcm (SS PAS 1 ch&mlela and ineerlcc:Jta ah~ in T*Uih 3, 3. 3 shall be OPERABLE with their trip setpcinta aet c:on*\1tent with the values 1hown in the Trip Setpcint c:olvmn of T&l::lle 3.3*4 and with RBSPONSB TIMES a* shovn in T&l::lle 3. 3

  • 5 .

APPLic:ABILITf: ~ ahovn in T&Dl* 3.3*3.


a. With an SSFAS in1trumentation channel trip setpoint les1 c:on1ervative than the value ahown in the* Value* column of T&Dle J,3*4, declare the channel inoperable and apply the applic:&Dl* ACTION requirement of Table 3.3*3 until the channel ie reator~d to OPERABLE statua with the trip **tpoint adjuated c:onaiatent with th* Trip Setpcint value.
b. With an SSFAS in*truznentation channel inoperable, t&Xe the ACTION shown in Table 3.3*3.

4.3.2.l.l Each SSFAS in*trumentation c:h&nnel *hall bill demonatrated OPIRABLK by the ~rlormance of th* OiANHKI. CJ<<O:, CHANNEL CALIBRATION and c:HANNiL F'ClfCTIO!Ql, TEST operation* for the ~OIS and at frequenciu shown in Tal:lle 4.3*2.

4.3.2.l.2 The logic for the interloc:Xa ah.all be demonstrated OPE.RABLE during the automatic actuation logic t**t. The tctal interlcck function 1hall be demcnatrated O..aAaLI at leaat ODC9 per 18 month* during CHANNEL CAI.IBRATXOR te*tin9 of eac:b channel affe~ed by interlock operation.

  • 4,3.2.l.3 ~ IJIQlMICISD SA1TrY FIA'n1RSS RKSPOHSI TIMI of each iSFAS function *hall.._be 1' :netrated to be within the limit at leaat once per 18 mcctn.. . . tflR aball include at lean one lcqic train 1uch thac both logic train9 . . to*ted at leut once per 3' mcmth* and one channel per functicn ludt t!lat all ~l* are te*ted at l***t once per N time*

18 inonth* where

  • ia the total number of redundant channel* in a specific:

iSFAS tunc~ion a* *hcvn in th* "Total No. of Channel*" Column of Tal:ll* 3.3*3. Th* provi*icaa of Specification 4.0.4 are not applicable to MSIV clo*ure time te*cin9. The proviaicn9 of Specification 4.0.4 are_ net applicable to th* tUJ:"~ine driven auxiliary feedwater pump provided the aurveill&nce i1 pertc:rined within 24 hour* ~ter the 1econd&ry 1teaa generator pressure i* greater than 680 p*ig. ~

SALEH * 'CNIT 2 3/4 3*14


'7' Amendment No.

, . e e IIF"'Ot PSl'D nngy SU1tYWU~ QQQtUICIJITS (Concinued)

              • el'

......... C************************~************D********~************

l. n.e c~ioa r**i1caace i.11

. c 150.*icro on.. for int*r*c*11 connect1oa.,

c lSO *icro onaa for int*raraca conAeccton*,

  • lSO *icro o~ for inter~tier cor.necttonu,

~ 70 micro o~ for field cal:tl.e tecminol conneccion1, and

~ 2500 *icro o~ for the total battery eannoction r*eietance whicft include* all inter-cell connection* (incl.udinq b\aa bar 1 1, all inter*rac* connect1an1 (includ1ft9 c&Ale r**iatAncs), all inter-tier connection* (includinq c&>>l* re*i*t&nce), and all field terminal connection* ac the battery.

e. At 1.*a*~ once per ll month* by vqrifyin9 that the battery charqer will 1u9ply at leaat 200 &a1'9re1 at 125 vol.ti for at L*&*t 4 houri.
t. At leaac once per ll mcnthl, durin9 1hutdown, by verifyin9 that the battery capacity ii ad~ate ta 1upply and m&intain in OPIJUJILI etatul all of th* actual or 11-ulated ...rqency load* for tho d**iqn duty cycle when th* battery ii 1ubjec:tlld ta a battery **rvicq t11t. iff
q. At lea1t once per 60 month1, durinq 1hutdCNn, by verifyinq that the battery cap&city i* at lea1t IO* of the sanufacturer'I ratin9 when 1ubjec~ed to a perfoC11Ance d11ch&J"9* te1c. ~ati1factory CCllBllletion of tnio perfor'8Allce di1Ch&J'99 ta1c*1nall &llO 1ati1fy the requirement* of Specification *.1.2.J.2.f if th* perfonsance
  • d11cha~q* te*C i* condueted durin9 a 1hutdowft where that t*~t and the ba~tery **rvic* te1t would beth be required.
h. At lea1t once per 12 montn1, durin9 1hutdcwn, if the battery 1how1 1iqn1 of deqrad&tion g& ha* remched 15' of th* 1ervice lit* with a capacity le11 than 100' of S&ft~factur*r* ratinq, by verityinq that th* battery cap&city ii at 1.1aot SO* of th* in&nufacturer*1 ratin9 when 1ubjected to a performance di1char9* t~1t. Oeqradation i*

indicnted wtseo the bactery cap.acity drcp* more th&A 10' at rated capac1ty from J.t* capacJ.ty oa the preYiou* performance teat, ar ~*

below 90* of the manufacturer'* ratJ.ft9.

i. A& lea.- oace per 24 month*, ~riJ\4 1hutdcvn, if the battei:y ha*

reac....a IS* of the 1ertJ.c* life with cap&cJ.ty 9reater than ar eq1.1al ta 1~ ~~ aaaufactur*r* ratJ.n9, by v*rifyin9 that the battery a..-citl i* ac l***t ao* of th* m&nufactur~r** ratin9 when 1ubjected ce a ~foraanc* dJ.1cnar9* teat.

1tJ serL:r l Amendment ,,v. '.::: ~


  • Ull l '1' 2 l/* a-ua

~*  :,graIC" St11.VIIUMICI UQUtUMDU CC4nci~*d)

2. T'h* piloc c*ll *~*cL!ic 1r1vtcy, correcce4 co 11*1. and

£~11 ehcchlyc* level. La 1rucar chan or equal co l.. 200.

l. '"'- piloc c*ll volc11* L* 1r*acer chan or *q"'9l co 2.01 volca.

~.  :-h* averall baccary vole11e L* 1r1ac1r ehan or 1 q~l co 27 vole1.

b. Ac 11a1c once par 92 d.&y1 by v1ri!ytn1 ehac:

L. 11\e vole*&* of each connacc*d call 11 1r*ac1r chan or

  • qual co 2.Ll ~d*r floac chars* an4 h11 nae dec:1ased

~ore ch&n 0.27 vole* !ro* ch* val~* ob1arv1d d~r1n1 che ari&in&l acc1pc1nce c1ac.

2. ':'he specific 1r1v1cy, corr1cc1d co 11*1 and !~ll eleccrolyc* level, af **ch connacc1d cell i* 1r1ac1r ch.n a:
  • qU&l co 1.2CC ha* noc ~cr****d more th&A 0.02 fro* ch* val~*

abHrvtd du.r1.11 ch* previoia ceac.

l. 11\e *l*ccrolyce level ot **ch connecced cell 11 becveen che

~iniaull &nd aax1~ l*v*l 1nd1cac1oft aar"-.

c. Ac Laue one* per U *nc.ha by ver1fy1q chac:
l. Th* calla, cell placea and baccery r*c"- 1hov net vi* Lnd1cac1oa of phyaical daaa&* or a.tmona.l decerioracion.
2. Th* c*ll*co*c*ll and conn.ccion. are clean.

cipc, and cNce4 vich anc1*conodoa ucarial. **

l. T'h* baccery cts.r11r vill *~ply ac la .. c lSO ..,er11 ac 2S vole* tor ac leaac
  • houri.
d. Ac Laue mu ,.r 11 Mech.a, =tnc ahucdoft, by nrityf.q chac the MCUI')' utUlCJ 1a adaquace ee .,.,1, &DIA uincain in OPO..Ul.I acacu all of ch* accual or aiallaced **r11acy lo&CU !or

.. "'1.4e ca.c.

  • cha deal . . dl&CJ cycle vt\ea Ch* baccery i* IWIJHcad co a b&cury
  • . AC 1. . . . . . . per 60 MftW. du.rint .~cdown, b7 YH'ifyiftl eh&& cM ~cu17 capaclcy i* ac haac IO* of che uoul1ccur1r'
  • raciJle ...._ ~Jeccad co a perforaanc* d11ch.&r1* c.~c. Saci1f1ccoC")'

eo.,lectoa of ch11 perforaance d11char1* ceac ah.all al10 1ac11fy ch*

r1qu.J.r1.. nca of s,.c1f1cac1oft *.l.Z.5.2.d if cha perforsance d11char1* c11c t* conducced durin& a 1b\&cdowa vbar* caac and che*baccery **rvic* ceac vould boch be req1&ir14.


~. . y/ j/1}SE/2.. , - I - _:)



  • UNIT 2

Document Control Desk LR-N980452 LCR 897-30 INSERT 1

  • A one time exemption to this surveillance requirement is granted during fuel cycle ten allowing Unit 2 operation to continue to the tenth refueling outage (2R10). The surveillance is to be completed at the appropriate time during the 2R10 outage, prior to the unit returning to Mode 4 upon outage completion.