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Proposed Tech Specs Section 4.2.1 Re Aquatic Monitoring of App B for Environ Protection Plan
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 07/07/1998
Public Service Enterprise Group
Shared Package
ML18106A695 List:
NUDOCS 9807150187
Download: ML18106A696 (6)


  • e 4 .. o 'Environmental Conditions 4.1 Unusual or Important Environmental Events Any occurrence of an unusual or important event that indicates or could result in significant environmental impact causally related to plant operation shall be recorded and reported to the NRC within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> followed by a written report per Subsection 5.4.2. The following are examples: excessive bird impaction events; onsite plant or animal disease outbreaks; mortality or unusual occurrence of any species protected by the Endangered Species Act of 1973; fish kills or impingement events on the intake screens; increase in nuisance organisms or conditions; unanticipated or emergency discharge of waste water or chemical substances.

No routine monitoring programs are required to implement this condition.

Environmental Monitoring The certi *cations and permits required under the Clean Water Act pro mechanisms r protecting water quality and, indirectly, aquatic The NRC will rely n the dec.isions made by the State of New Jersey authority of the Clean Water Act and, in the case of sea turt

  • sturgeon, decision made by the National Marine Fisheries rvice the authority of the Endangered Species Act, for irements pertaining to In accordance with Section a Species Act, on May 14, 1993, the National Ma 'ne Fisheries ervice issued a Section 7 Consultation Biological Opinion the operation of Salem Unit 1 and 2 Generating Stations. This Section 7 nsultation entitled, "Reinitiation of a consultation in accordance with Se n 7(a) of the Endangered Species Act regarding continued operation of he S em and Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Stations on the eastern shore f the Del River in New Jersey," concluded that" ... continued operatic is jeopardize the continued existence of listed spec' s."

In accordance with to this Biological Opinion, an~-d;,....;;a~l~l;;...,.~=.;;;;...;;....~.;;;.;;.:...:;;.......;;.;;;;;.;...;;..;;.:=.=;..;;.;;...;;...:;;......;;..;;;;.._;~~~__;...=;.t.._.;:....,,~'--....__t_h_e~N~a-t_i_o_n_a~l Marine Pillherie (1) In~ t the Salem Station circulating water intake trash on every two hours from June 1 through October 15.

ould be documented.

Clean the Salem Station circulating water trash bars once per day _from June 1 through October 15. These cleanings should be documented.

r - - - 9807150187 98070772 1 PDR ADOCK 050002 p PDR SALEM UNIT 1 4-1 .Amendment No. 1~6

If a lethal incidental take of an endangered or threatened species occurs between June l through September 30, that is directly attributable to t intake structure, monitoring of the Salem CWS intake structure be co ucted hourly (rather than every 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />). Two hour monitor* g may be reest lished from October l through October 15, however, if lethal take occurs, monitoring must be again conducted hourly.

(4) Make use of dip n other equipment whenever possib to remove smaller sea turtles intake water trash racks to duce trauma caused by the existing cleaning echanism. Use supplemen lighting during night inspections to assist oting sea turtles the circulating water intake, impinged on the trash

  1. (5) appropriate areas water intake (6) The monitoring and system established in 1981 and modified in Appendix II of the B1ological Opinion will ontinue. These reports shall b aent to the NMFS, North East Region ( R) within 30 days of Notification and reporting to th NRC shall be with Section 4.1 of this EPP.

2, Conservation Recommend.ations, to this Biological Opinion s conservation recommendations for implementation by Salem .Generatin ion. The Station shall implement these recommendations to the tisfaction of the National Marine Fisheries Service.

4.2.2 Terrestrial Monitoring Terrestrial monitoring is not required.

4-2 Amendment No. 146 SALEM UNIT l

NEW SECTION 4.2 Environmental Monitoring 4.2.1 Aquatic Monitoring The certifications and permits required under the Clean Water Act provide mechanisms for protecting water quality and, indirectly, aquatic biota. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) will rely on the decisions made by the State of New Jersey under the authority of the Clean Water Act and, in the case of sea turtles and shortnose sturgeon, decisions made by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) under the authority of the Endangered Species Act, for any requirements pertaining to aquatic monitoring.

In accordance with Section 7(a) of the Endangered Species Act, on May 14, 1993, the National Marine Fisheries Service issued a Section 7 Consultation Biological Opinion related to the operation of Salem Unit 1 and 2 Generating Stations. The Section 7 Consultation entitled, "Reinitiation of a consultation in accordance with Section 7(a) of the Endangered Species Act regarding continued operation of the Salem and Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Stations on the eastern shore of the Delaware River in New Jersey," concluded that " ... continued operation is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of listed species."

PSE&G shall adhere to the specific requirements within the Incidental Take Statement, to the Biological Opinion. Changes to the incidental take statement must be proceeded by consultation between the NRC, as the authorizing agency, and NMFS.

The Conservation Recommendations, to the Biological Opinion suggests conservation recommendations for implementation by Salem Generating Station. The Station shall implement these recommendations to the satisfaction of the NRC and National Marine Fisheries Service.

  • *e

'*o IDvi.ror:im.ncal Condition*

4.1 ~\l&l or Illlport&nt invironmental ivent*

Aay oeeurraDce of ass Wlu*ual or important: e'Y9nt that indic:at:** er could re*ult in eignificant eaviroam.ntal impact cau**lly related to plant operation shall be recorded and reported to the RRC within 24 hour* tallowed by a writt*n report per S'Ub*eccian 5.t.2. The following are exampl**: *xce**iV9 bird impactim ev.nta; cmeite plant or anjmal diH-e ouci:lre&Jc*1 mortality or unu*u&l occurrence of any specie* protected by the Rndangered Spaci** Ac:t of 1973; fiah kill* or impingement event~ on the int&Jc* *cr**n*; incre*** in nuiH.zic. o~anilm8 or condition8; unanticipated or emergency d.i*c:harge of wa*te water or chemical *ub*tan_ce*.

Ko routine monitoring progr11m11 are required to imple=-nc thi* condition.

Bnvironmencal lllonitorin9 Monitoring icm9 and perm.ii:* required und8r the Clean waur Act prov_..,t'de mecbaAi ... for ot*~ing water quality and, iadirectly, aquatic bioea. Th*

N1lC will r*ly ca deci*iCl18 made by the Stat* of Sew Jar*ey au~rity of the Cl* Water Ace and, in the c . .* of *e* tu.rel

  • turg9CID, deci*ic:m9 made cha kticmal Karimi Pilllwrie* S ed SpeciH Act, for any r


Cbe authority of the lndan to aquatic mcmicoring."

In accordance with s.ccian 7(a) of

  • Bnd&ngered pecie* Ac1:, on s~~ May lt, 1993, the S&tional Karine Pi*n ie* Se 1c:e i**ued a S*~ion 7

~. ~ Coa.ultacicn Biological Opinion relat*d operation of Salem onit l and 2

<;~G(\l) Generatin~ Station*. "nli* Sactic:m 7 C:on* atiac entitled, "binitia.tion of a.

ccn*ultation in accordance vieh Secti 7(a) th8 Kndan9ered Specie* Act

\Jw regarding ccmtillued operacioa of th Sal* and

  • Creek !luclear Stati0ft8 ara the e-cem *hare of lli in lie* J*r*ey," concluded tbat * ... CClltil:Ned operacioa * **th* continued
  • xi*unce of li*ted epecie~

I.n ac:acmSaace vi tb. 1,

  • . OpiAicm. mid all *quent* a* may be Marim ftU.ri* l*rvic*** PSl"3 *hall; Salem Station circulating water intake traeh bar*~

ev.zy two hcur* frcm Jun* l through OCtober 15. The** inep ld b9 doc:wMnted.

Clean the Sal . . Station circ:ulating water tra8h bar* once per day June l through October 15. Th*** cl*ani.DIJ* *hould be dccullented.

SALml mllT 2 4*1 Amendllwnt No. 124

If a lethal incicS.nt&l take of an endan9*red or thr*atan*d *pecias oc C"99D Juae 1 through September JO, that i* directly atcribu.t&ble intU. *cructl.lra, 11\Cnicoring of the Salem CWS intak* *tzuc ct*d hourly (rather th&n every 2 houral. Two hour men*

n**c ieh8d fran Oc:ccber 1 through October 1!5, howe'Y9r, take -occur*, monitoring mu*t be again conducted hourly.

(4) Hake u** of dip a * &ad other eqW.pment whenever po to remov*

8111&ller 1ea turcl** am intake vacer tr. .h rack* o reduce trawna cauaed by the *xi*ting claani 1118c:hani-. OM *uppl ntal lighting during llight in.p*c:ciaa. to ***i noting *** turtl ac the circulating water intake, the tra rack*.

(5) appropriate araaa water incak*

(6) reporting 9Y*t* **tablhh9d ill i.e.

he S*c:tiaa 7 Biological Opiniaa rill cinue. "nle**

be *enc to cne IGIPS, Horth . . .c a.gion ( wi Chi.II JO d&yl idmical take. Rotificacicm and nporcillq ab&ll ti.

rdanc::e with Sectian *.1 of thi* IPP.

~~:nm1e111c 2, Cgp**ryatigp B*CC!DP'Pdatism*, to thi* Biological Opin1oa cm.*rvaciaa reccmnendatic::me for implmnt&tiaa by Station. "ni* Statiaa ah&ll implwnc tt\9** rec:...-.ndacioae aati*facciaa of the lfaticmal Marine Pi*h9rie1 servic*.

  • .2.2 T*rr**trial Ncmitcriag T*rre1trial mca.itorin; i1 not r*quired.

SALDI ORIT* 2 " -2

NEW SECTION 4.2 Environmental Monitoring 4:2.1 Aquatic Monitoring The certifications and permits required under the Clean Water Act provide mechanisms for protecting water quality and, indirectly, aquatic biota. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) will rely on the decisions made by the State of New Jersey under the authority of the Clean Water Act and, in the case of sea turtles and shortnose sturgeon, decisions made by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) under the authority of the Endangered Species Act, for any requirements pertaining to aquatic monitoring.

In accordance with Section 7(a) of the Endangered Species Act, on May 14, 1993, the National Marine Fisheries Service issued a Section 7 Consultation Biological Opinion related to the operation of Salem Unit 1 and 2 Generating Stations. The Section 7 Consultation entitled, "Reinitiation of a consultation in accordance with Section 7(a) of the Endangered Species Act regarding continued operation of the Salem and Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Stations on the eastern shore of the Delaware River in New Jersey," concluded that " ... continued operation is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of listed species."

PSE&G shall adhere to the specific requirements within the Incidental Take Statement, to the Biological Opinion. Changes to the incidental take statement must be proceeded by consultation between the NRC, as the authorizing agency, and NMFS.

The Conservation Recommendations, to the Biological Opinion suggests conservation recommendations for implementation by Salem Generating Station. The Station shall implement these recommendations to the satisfaction of the NRC and National Marine Fisheries Service.