Similar Documents at Salem |
MONTHYEARML18107A5171999-08-25025 August 1999 Marked-up Tech Spec Pages Deleting Footnotes That Were Added as One Time Changes & Proposing Change Identified Subsequent to 971114 Submittal That Corrects Error Issued in Amend 69 for Salem Unit 2 ML18107A4961999-08-23023 August 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying 3/4 7.7, Auxiliary Bldg Exhaust Air Filtration Sys. ML18107A4671999-07-29029 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Replacing Surveillance with Appropriate NUREG-1431 Requirements ML18107A4601999-07-23023 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Changing TS Surveillance Requirement D 7 by Removing Restriction to Perform Test Every 18 Months During Shutdown ML18107A4241999-07-0202 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Relocating TS 3/4.3.4 Lco,Surveillance Requirements & Bases from TS to UFSAR ML18107A3811999-06-10010 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.6.1, Containment Integrity, Clarifying When Verification of Primary Containment Integrity May Be Performed by Administrative Means ML18107A3601999-06-0404 June 1999 Non-proprietary Tech Specs Pages Re Transfer of PSEG Ownership Interests & Licensed Operating Authorities to New, Affiliated Nuclear Generating Company,Pseg Nuclear LLC ML18107A2131999-04-14014 April 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.9.12, Fhavs, Revised to Ensure Consistency Between TS Requirements for Fhavs & Sys Design Basis,As Well Better Alignment to Bases Provided in NUREG-1431 ML18106B1591999-03-31031 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Allowing Plant Operation to Continue to Thirteenth Refueling Outage (1R13),currently Scheduled to Begin on 990918 ML18106B0801999-02-22022 February 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Re CR Emergency Air Conditioning Sys ML18106B0641999-02-0808 February 1999 Proposed Tech Spec Pages,Modifying ECCS Subsystems Surveillance by Adding Option of Providing Necessary Isolation Function When Testing ML18106B0611999-02-0808 February 1999 Proposed Tech Specs SR Re Hot Restart & Definition of Standby Conditions. ML18106B0531999-02-0202 February 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,revising Max Permissible Enrichment of Stored New Fuel ML18106B0431999-01-19019 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Section 3/4.1.2 Re Boration Sys ML18106B0241999-01-15015 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Re Deferral of Surveillance Requirements for Salem Generating Station,Unit 1 ML18106A9231998-10-12012 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Inserts & Marked Up Pages for LCR S98-03 ML18106A9181998-10-12012 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re one-time Changes to Certain Unit 2 TS SR for Fuel Cycle 10 ML18106A8941998-09-29029 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 3/4.9.2,modified to Permit Use of Equivalent Methods to Obtain Containment Closure During Refueling Operations for Containment Equipment Hatch ML18106A8781998-09-17017 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying 3/,3/ & 3/ to Address Movement of Irradiated Fuel & Deleting LCO Re Requirement to Establish Containment Integrity ML18106A8371998-08-12012 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying Allowed Continued Operation W/Inoperable Air Lock Door Provided That Operable Door Is Closed & Unlocked & Making Requirements for Inoperable Air Lock Door ML18106A7931998-07-30030 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising Acceptance Criteria for CR Emergency Air Conditioning Sys from Maintaining CR at 1/8-inch Positive Pressure W/Respect to Adjacent Areas to Stated Phrase ML18106A6961998-07-0707 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 4.2.1 Re Aquatic Monitoring of App B for Environ Protection Plan ML18106A6631998-06-17017 June 1998 Proposed Revised Tech Specs Bases Pages 3/4.1.3,3/4.1.2, 3/4.5.5 & 3/4.9.1,ensuring Acceptable Power Distribution Limits Are Maintained,Providing Operational Flexibility & Clarifying Statements ML18106A4291998-03-26026 March 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Changing Applicability Statement from Mode 3 to Modes 1 & 2 ML18106A4241998-03-26026 March 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Incorporating Note at Bottom of Salem Unit 2 T3/4.8.2 Into Salem 1 TS & Adding Asterisks to Word Inverters. ML18106A3221998-02-18018 February 1998 Marked-up TS Pages for Section 4.2.1 of App B ML18106A3091998-02-0202 February 1998 Revised TS Bases Pages for Specs 3/,radiation Monitoring instrumentation,3/,radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation & 3/,radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation ML18106A2541998-01-0808 January 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Adding Asterisk to Word Operable in LCO & Associated Note at Bottom of Page ML18106A2141997-12-15015 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Revising TS to Adopt Option B to 10CFR50,App J,For Type B & C Testing & Modify Existing TS Wording for Previous Adoption of Option B on Type a Testing ML18106A1961997-12-11011 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re one-time Exemption to Allow Containment Purging in Modes 3 & 4 ML18102B6791997-11-14014 November 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Providing Surveillance Requirements to Codify Existing Procedural Commitments for SW Accumulator Vessels ML18102B6751997-11-14014 November 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re Administrative & Editorial Corrections ML18102B6631997-11-0404 November 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting,which Calls for Diesels to Be Subjected to Insp Based on Vendor Recommendations at Least Once Per 18 Months During Shutdown ML18102B6591997-11-0404 November 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising Surveillance Requirement to Verify That on Recirculation Flow,Containment Spray Pumps Develop Differential Pressure of Greater than or Equal to 204 Psid ML18102B6431997-10-29029 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising SR Proposed in 960925 Request to Change EDG Voltage & Frequency Limits as Result of Updated EDG Load Calculations & Ambiguity in Testing Methodology for EDG Start Timing ML18102B6391997-10-29029 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Changing SG Insp Schedule to Require Next Insp within 24 Months of Mode 2 for Unit 2 Fuel Cycle 10 ML18102B6491997-10-24024 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Modifying TS 3/4.7.7, Auxiliary Building Exhaust Air Filtration Sys & Bases ML18102B6461997-10-24024 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Containment Hydrogen Analyzer SRs of TS ML18102B6321997-10-21021 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Extending Applicability of Power Range Neutron Flux TS Trip to Require Operability & Surveillance Testing in Mode 3,when Reactor Trip Sys Breakers Are in Closed Position ML18102B6201997-10-14014 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying Pressure Isolation Valves LCO, LCO Action Statement,Surveillance Requirement & Table 4.4-4 to Be Consistent W/Salem Unit 2 ML18102B6081997-10-0606 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising LCOs, Movable Control Assemblies &, Position Indication Sys. ML18102B5571997-08-27027 August 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Providing Revised TS Bases Pages for TS 3.7.3, CCW Sys, Which States That Three CCW Pumps Required to Meet LCO ML18102B5301997-08-19019 August 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Providing Addl Operational Flexibility to Allow Orderly Resumption of Startup & Preclude Unwarranted Power Transients at Salem Unit 2 ML18102B5341997-08-18018 August 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Incorporating Plant Computer (P-250) Into TS Bases for Movable Control Assemblies ML18102B4891997-08-0101 August 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Section 4.2.1 Rewording Section to State Util Will Adhere to Section 7,Incidental Take Statement Approved by Natl Maring Fisheries Svc ML18102B3911997-06-12012 June 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Representing Addition of New Spec 3/4.7.10, Chilled Water Sys - Auxiliary Bldg Subsystem. ML18102B3061997-05-14014 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising SR,to Indicate That Specified Acceptable Filter Dp Is to Be Measured Across Filter Housing & Reflecting Filter Dp Acceptance Value Greater than 2.70 Water Gauge ML18102B2631997-05-0101 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Adding New Spec 3/4.7.10, Chilled Water Sys - Auxiliary Bldg Subsystem. ML18102B2601997-05-0101 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.7.7 Revising Certain Allowed Outage Times & Creating 3/4.7.11 to Address Switchgear & Penetration Area Ventilation Sys ML18102B0341997-04-25025 April 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3.5.2 Eliminating Flow Path from RHR Sys to RCS Hot Legs as Specified in LCO 3.5.2.c.2 1999-08-25
MONTHYEARML18107A5291999-09-10010 September 1999 Revised Event Classification Guide,Including Rev 18 to Table of Contents,Rev 10 to Attachments 6 & 7 & Rev 11 to Attachment 9 ML20211Q8771999-08-27027 August 1999 Rev 0 to Inservice Testing Manual for Pumps & Valves Program ML18107A5171999-08-25025 August 1999 Marked-up Tech Spec Pages Deleting Footnotes That Were Added as One Time Changes & Proposing Change Identified Subsequent to 971114 Submittal That Corrects Error Issued in Amend 69 for Salem Unit 2 ML18107A5121999-08-23023 August 1999 Procedure 71151, Performance Indicator Verification. ML18107A5091999-08-23023 August 1999 Attachment 21 to Procedure 71111, Safety Sys Design & Performance Capability. ML18107A4961999-08-23023 August 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Modifying 3/4 7.7, Auxiliary Bldg Exhaust Air Filtration Sys. ML18107A4671999-07-29029 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Replacing Surveillance with Appropriate NUREG-1431 Requirements ML18107A4601999-07-23023 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Changing TS Surveillance Requirement D 7 by Removing Restriction to Perform Test Every 18 Months During Shutdown ML18107A4241999-07-0202 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Relocating TS 3/4.3.4 Lco,Surveillance Requirements & Bases from TS to UFSAR ML18107A3811999-06-10010 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.6.1, Containment Integrity, Clarifying When Verification of Primary Containment Integrity May Be Performed by Administrative Means ML18107A3601999-06-0404 June 1999 Non-proprietary Tech Specs Pages Re Transfer of PSEG Ownership Interests & Licensed Operating Authorities to New, Affiliated Nuclear Generating Company,Pseg Nuclear LLC ML18107A2961999-05-12012 May 1999 Revised Event Classification Guide,Including Rev 16 to Table of Contents,Rev 8 to Attachment 6,rev 8 to Attachment 7 & Rev 9 to Attachment 9 ML18107A2131999-04-14014 April 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.9.12, Fhavs, Revised to Ensure Consistency Between TS Requirements for Fhavs & Sys Design Basis,As Well Better Alignment to Bases Provided in NUREG-1431 ML18106B1591999-03-31031 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Allowing Plant Operation to Continue to Thirteenth Refueling Outage (1R13),currently Scheduled to Begin on 990918 ML18106B0801999-02-22022 February 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Re CR Emergency Air Conditioning Sys ML18106B0641999-02-0808 February 1999 Proposed Tech Spec Pages,Modifying ECCS Subsystems Surveillance by Adding Option of Providing Necessary Isolation Function When Testing ML18106B0611999-02-0808 February 1999 Proposed Tech Specs SR Re Hot Restart & Definition of Standby Conditions. ML18106B0531999-02-0202 February 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,revising Max Permissible Enrichment of Stored New Fuel ML18106B0431999-01-19019 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Section 3/4.1.2 Re Boration Sys ML18106B0241999-01-15015 January 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Re Deferral of Surveillance Requirements for Salem Generating Station,Unit 1 ML18106A9231998-10-12012 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Inserts & Marked Up Pages for LCR S98-03 ML18106A9181998-10-12012 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re one-time Changes to Certain Unit 2 TS SR for Fuel Cycle 10 ML18106A8941998-09-29029 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 3/4.9.2,modified to Permit Use of Equivalent Methods to Obtain Containment Closure During Refueling Operations for Containment Equipment Hatch ML18106A8781998-09-17017 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying 3/,3/ & 3/ to Address Movement of Irradiated Fuel & Deleting LCO Re Requirement to Establish Containment Integrity ML18106A8371998-08-12012 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying Allowed Continued Operation W/Inoperable Air Lock Door Provided That Operable Door Is Closed & Unlocked & Making Requirements for Inoperable Air Lock Door ML18106A7931998-07-30030 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising Acceptance Criteria for CR Emergency Air Conditioning Sys from Maintaining CR at 1/8-inch Positive Pressure W/Respect to Adjacent Areas to Stated Phrase ML18106A6961998-07-0707 July 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 4.2.1 Re Aquatic Monitoring of App B for Environ Protection Plan ML18106A6631998-06-17017 June 1998 Proposed Revised Tech Specs Bases Pages 3/4.1.3,3/4.1.2, 3/4.5.5 & 3/4.9.1,ensuring Acceptable Power Distribution Limits Are Maintained,Providing Operational Flexibility & Clarifying Statements ML20216B0641998-05-0101 May 1998 Rev 1 to ECG-ATT 14, Four Hour Rept - NRC Operations & Rev 7 to ECG-HECG-TOC, Hope Creek Event Classification Guide Table of Contents/Signature Page ML18106A5571998-04-16016 April 1998 Rev 21 to EOP-CFST-1, Shutdown Margin Status Tree & Rev 10 to Table of Contents ML20239A1251998-03-31031 March 1998 Rev 11 to Salem Nuclear Generating Station Odcm ML18106A4241998-03-26026 March 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Incorporating Note at Bottom of Salem Unit 2 T3/4.8.2 Into Salem 1 TS & Adding Asterisks to Word Inverters. ML18106A4291998-03-26026 March 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Changing Applicability Statement from Mode 3 to Modes 1 & 2 ML18106A3921998-03-13013 March 1998 Rev 9 to ECG-SECG-TOC & Rev 2 to ECG-ATT.04, General Emergency. ML18106A8281998-03-0404 March 1998 Rev 1 to Reactivity Manipulations Documentation Guide. ML18106A3221998-02-18018 February 1998 Marked-up TS Pages for Section 4.2.1 of App B ML18106A3091998-02-0202 February 1998 Revised TS Bases Pages for Specs 3/,radiation Monitoring instrumentation,3/,radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation & 3/,radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation ML18106A2541998-01-0808 January 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Adding Asterisk to Word Operable in LCO & Associated Note at Bottom of Page ML18106A2141997-12-15015 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Revising TS to Adopt Option B to 10CFR50,App J,For Type B & C Testing & Modify Existing TS Wording for Previous Adoption of Option B on Type a Testing ML18106A1961997-12-11011 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re one-time Exemption to Allow Containment Purging in Modes 3 & 4 ML18102B6791997-11-14014 November 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Providing Surveillance Requirements to Codify Existing Procedural Commitments for SW Accumulator Vessels ML18102B6751997-11-14014 November 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re Administrative & Editorial Corrections ML18102B6591997-11-0404 November 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising Surveillance Requirement to Verify That on Recirculation Flow,Containment Spray Pumps Develop Differential Pressure of Greater than or Equal to 204 Psid ML18102B6631997-11-0404 November 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting,which Calls for Diesels to Be Subjected to Insp Based on Vendor Recommendations at Least Once Per 18 Months During Shutdown ML18102B6431997-10-29029 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising SR Proposed in 960925 Request to Change EDG Voltage & Frequency Limits as Result of Updated EDG Load Calculations & Ambiguity in Testing Methodology for EDG Start Timing ML18102B6391997-10-29029 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Changing SG Insp Schedule to Require Next Insp within 24 Months of Mode 2 for Unit 2 Fuel Cycle 10 ML18102B6491997-10-24024 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Modifying TS 3/4.7.7, Auxiliary Building Exhaust Air Filtration Sys & Bases ML18102B6461997-10-24024 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Containment Hydrogen Analyzer SRs of TS ML18102B6321997-10-21021 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Extending Applicability of Power Range Neutron Flux TS Trip to Require Operability & Surveillance Testing in Mode 3,when Reactor Trip Sys Breakers Are in Closed Position ML18102B6201997-10-14014 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Modifying Pressure Isolation Valves LCO, LCO Action Statement,Surveillance Requirement & Table 4.4-4 to Be Consistent W/Salem Unit 2 1999-09-10
[Table view] |
e Document Control Desk ATIACHMENT3
- LR-N990248 MARKED UP PAGES 9907120217 990702 PDR ADOCK 05000272 7 p PDR
SECTION 3/4.2 POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS 3/4.2.l AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE 3/4 2-l 3/4.2.2 HEAT FLUX HOT CHANNEL FACTOR 3/4 2-5 3/4.2.3 NUCLEAR ENTHALPY HOT CHANNEL FACTOR 3/4 2-9 3/4.2.4 QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO 3/4 2-ll 3/4."2.5 DNB PARAMETERS 3/4 2-13 3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION 3/4.3.l REACTOR TRIP SYSTEM INSTRUMENTATION 3/4 3-l 3/4.3.2 ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURE ACTUATION SYSTEM INSTRUMENTATION 3/4 3-14 3/4.3.3 MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation 3/4 3-35 Movable Incore Detectors 3/4 3-39 Remote Shutdown Instrumentation 3/4 3-46 Accident Monitoring Instrumentation 3/4 3-53 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3/4 3-58 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 3/4 3-64 3/4.3.4 ,_,o SALEM - UNIT l IV Amendment No.+6 BASIS
~*~*Qll J Ii. ~ n!iIBtJMENT&:u;g11 3/4.3.l PROTECTIVE INSTRt.TMENTATION .8 - 3/4 3-l
)/4.3.2 ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATTJRES ll:':SFI INSTRUMENTATION .a 3/4 3-l 3/4.3.3 MONITORING INSTRtJMENTATION .B 3/4 3-l 3/4.3.4 "t:tJU*MS 0 1 r:IRSHm) SIROTl:CTIOK .a 3/4 ~ r:>~LETEj)
3/4.4.l RELIEF VALVSS .B 3/4 4-1&
3/4.4.4 PRESSUR.IZER .a 3/4 4-2 3/4.4.S STEAM GENERATORS .a 3/4 4-2 3/4.4.6 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM LEA..W'..AGI .a 3/4 4-3 3/4.4.7 CELETEI:>
3/4.4.8 SPECIFIC ACTIVITY .B 3/4 4-5 3/4.4.9 PRESSUR.E/TEMPERATtJR.I LIMITS .a 3/4 4-6 3/4.4.lO STRUC'I't1RAL INTEGRITY .a 3/4 4-17 3/4.4.ll BLANJt .B 3/4 4-17 3/4.4.12 REACTOR VESSBt. HEAD VENTS .B 3/4 4-17 SALEM - UNIT l XII Amendmene No . r8e
TQUPll gmsrm PJtmCIIQI TINO CONDITIOlf FOR OPERATI01' At leut one turbine over*l)e*d protection *Y*t.. ll be OPERAIL.E.
MODES l, 2 and 3.
- a. Vitti one *top valve or one control valve er high pr***ure curbi *t*aa lead inoperable and/or vi one reheat *top valve or one re at intercept valve per low pr *ur* turbine *t*aa lead inoperab ** r**tore the inoperable v ve(*) to th* OP!RAILE scatu.
within 72 our* or clo** at leut valve in th* affected sc1aa lead; othe i*** i*olate th* curb froa the *t*aa *upply vichin th* next 6 h
- b. With th* above quired curb over*peed protection *Y*t..
othervi** inopera le, vichi 6 hour* either re*tor* the my*t...
to OPDAILI *tatu.a r ho t* th* turbine froa th* *t** *Ul'Pl7.
- Th* provi*ion. of applicable. Th* above requi d turbine r*P**d protection *Y*t..
shall lM demon.crated OP LE: (1) prlo to adllitttna *t*aa to the turbine during each *tarcup ** performed with the put 7 day*, (2) following
- of attainina cturer'* reco...ftded power level for performing curb valve t**tina, and (3 at a frequency not to exceed one year* by direct ob *~ation of the llOV. . .nt o each of the following valve*
through at leut M CQllPlete cycb from the DI po81tion.
- a. high pr***ur* turbine *top valve*.
b:- turbine control valve*.
- c. Sis low pr***ur* hot reheat *top valve*.
Sis low pr***ur* hot reheat intercept valve*.
- The above valve* are to be t**t*d at a frequency con.latent v the methodology pr***nted in WCAl-11525, *rrobabili*tic Evaluation f Reduction in Turbine Valve T**t Frequency*, and in accordance vi the
- tabli*h*d NRC acceptance cr15eria for th* probability of a *1**
- ejection incident of 1.0 x 10. per year, in no cue *hall th* teat interval for th* above valve* exceed one year.
- UNIT l 3/4 3-70 Pmendment No. 120,
'l'b.e above required turbine overspeed protection 1y1c..
damoaacratad orllAIL!:
At l***t ona* per ll 110ncha by performance of a CHARRl1.
CALillATIOll on th* turbine over1peed proceccion 1y1c....
- b. lea1c one per 40 moncha by dilu1.-uns ac but o of **ch he above valv** and perforains a vi1\l&l and 1urf
- inspection v lva 1eat1, diska and *t*.. and verifyin& no cept&ble flavs or co ro1ion. If unaccepcabl* flava or eace11ive orro1ion are found, 11 ocher valve* of thac type *ball be 1m cced. Verify teac frequancy uintaiaa cha probab,.itcy of a *i**il*
ejection incident vi in !11.C suJ.daline* bJ rrriewins thJI .. chodolo11 pr***nt*d in \lCAl*ll525:
- a. Ac leut
- b. After 80Cliflcael~u to the uln turbl turbine over1peed protection valva1
- Ulfl'r 1 3/4 3-71 Mndmnc lo. '115
- ~************************************************************************asa
- .,_;;;_.
- ,..,,;:--.....&.***'T ....:, 4:.,.; ... :. .."*;.;:.,.-..,,.,, DG LTf; p i* *P*cification i* provided to *n*ure that Ch* turbine over*P**d protectl in=rumentation &Dd the turbine mpeed control valve* are OPERABLE and will pro ct th* turbine frca exce**ive ovarmpeed. Protection fran turbine exc** ive overmpeed i* required *ince exc:e**ive overmpeed of th* turbiru( could potentially damaging mi**il** whicb could impact &Dd damage lated ccmpcment*, equipment or *tructure*.
d protection inmtZ'\lllelltatiC:m COD9i*t* of five *olen¥d valves and 1c:'haDi* which can be grouped into three independant/my.cema. These ar*:
- l. 1'9c:hanical rmpeed trip valve will duq>> ~ auto*tap oil. The dump of the auto*tap bfl will open the oil aperat*d,;int*rface val'Y9 to dump the . . .rgency *l*~ro*hydraulic trip fluid.
Tbe *l*ctrically *9118ed trip two *olenoid valve* either l which will dump the auto* dump of the auto*tap oil will open the oil aperated int*rf ace dump the -rgency el*ctro-hydraulic trip fluid. '1'he *olenoid ~ve &a*ociated with the *lactrical overspeed are al80 9119rgis*d by the var' pzwrator protactic:m trip*.
actuate a *oleaoid to dump th*
...rgency *l*ctro*hydr~u c trip f~.'l'hi* *olenoid **rve* a* a backup for both the *cbaDi and *l*ctri O'ftrmpeed trip*. '111e backup
- olenoid i* al80 ane :bed by the var generator protection trip&.
- 3. - Cc:mtroller S i - GC tb9 OYU_.t protection -~~id. dump valves will dYllp the 1 electro-hydraulic: trip flui frcm the governor and iAcercept ..... Vb8D turbine 8PHd mc:nue and the over*peed ccaditi c:lem, the 8ignal i* removed and the mor and intercept valw/ .
Sal91l ~ 1 turbim i8 aperatad at full time, partial ar admi*don. To preven,., double *bocking the turbine, perfom turbine val.,,. **ting in acco~c::e with manu!acturer'* rec:cnnendaticmm.
SAT.RM * 'CRI'l' 1 B 3/t 3*t
o6t 'tt .
~* S*t t/t S
- An*~ .z*:au 9Pl* H paw t *to.z:aa=
'~ M '[WA Mrfcpn:a t twAZ*:& 1m"F:a:ted8ui: IRl'9 ~ .
~o~o~ eui:~:a asft8* .Ot 91PfttOlll twAZ*:&lll :a*e:a M pe:aoetH MP :&08iJ1W
'tP lW' *.zo=** *:a :nil 1m"F:a:t*~* *t"F**"F9 9111qm:a
- iJO "Ft"Fqwq0-Zd eq:a .ZOiJ
- l~*:al~~ a:nzw:a~~* Mr.a hFP**=** :&DOIP"FA P9A9"F1PW 8CI *:a**:a ywao,::a.:nm;
~eq *twAZ*:&lll PllPD~ :awq:a *llP"t 0
at.. t11A eui: :aI *t"F**lS
- :a~*~* paw BA.t~.zaA.O tt"FA 9111qm:a MP :awq:a .b"Fti:qwqo.zd o:a ai::t"F:a.:nmiJ A.:a*1W* kf9A q.zn:a MP iJO .bltlq9t'J'WAwaft .IO &mt"FWiJ JO m ncn:.z:aa= eq:a
- ~ **~a.z* MtwA .ai:cPn.t ai: mi::a::mpq aoi::awntwAB
- 24. 'Sr:Stt*ft:>>l ai: pe:aae*ud .Got~- M(':a q:ai:*
- a* p..:o~ed *l avi::a**:a W..twA .ai:q~n:a *aoi::a*.z9dc t
3/4.2 '
3/4.2.1 AXIAL FlllX DIFf!:Rl2a ********************************* 3/4 2-1 3/4.2.2 HD1' PilJX 1111' awtm. ~ .******.*********.*....... 3/4 2-5 3/4.2.3 I a FrJ:1ll R1aZ AND R *********************************** 3/4 2-9 3/4.2.4 ~ PCNllt '1'II:I.' RA1'IO ****************************** 3/4 2-13 3/4.2.5 am - *************************,************.** J/4 2-1&
3/4.3 3/4.3.1 RaCltll 'mIP SmI!JI ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .3/4 3-1 3/4.3.2 I!lr11lllEBrATIClf *************************************** 3/4 3-14 3/4.3.3 Radiaticn ll:lnitarin; ~ ****************** 3/4 3-38
!t:lvabl* Il'1Cl:lra o.t-=tal:9 ****************************** 3/4 3-42
~ ~ ~ *********************** 3/4 3-43 Acci"'nt ll:lnitarinl; ~ ******************* 3/4 3-50 Rw'ioactiw Liqdd Efflumt ll:lnitarinl;
~ *******~*******************************3/4 Rw'icm::tiw Ge. . . . Ettlumt ll:lnitarinl; 3-53
~ *************************************** 3/4 3-59 3/4.3-.4 ************************* -;-3/4--3-65"-
SAIDI - tlHIT 2 AJm'dawut No. tt7.
INSmtnmfIATIOlf At l***t on* turbine over1peed protection 1y1t shall be OPERABLE.
MODES l, 2 and 3.
- a. With one stop valve or on* control val per high pressure turbi steam lead inoperable and/or ith one reheat stop valve or one r* at intercept valve per lov ***ure turbine steam lead inoperab e, reator* the inoperable alve(*) to the OPERABLE status within 72 our* or clo** at leaat one valve in the affected steam lead; othe is*, isolate the tu ine from the *t*am supply within the next 6 h ur*.
- b. With the above *quired cur ne over*p**d protection system otherwise inoper ble, with n 6 houra either r**tore the 1y1tea to OPERABLE sta or 18 ate the turbine fro* the steaa supply.
SURVEILLANCE REQUIR.EKENTS 4.3.4.l applicable. The above requi ed turbine verspeed protection sy*t**
shall be demon.aerated OP. LE; (1) pr or to admitting st*aa to th* turbine during each startup un ** performed vi in th* past 7 day*, (2) following startup, within 24 ho s of attaining acturer'* recoaaended power level for performing curb valve testing, and 3) at a frequency not to exceed one year* by direct ob ervation of the of each of th* following valves through at least na complete cycle fro* the ng position.
- a.
- turbine Six lov preasura hot reheat st~p valv**~
Slz lov pr***ur* hot reheat intercept valv***
The above valves are to be te*t*d at a frequency con.aist* t with the methodology presented in VCAP-11525, *Probabilistic Evalua ion of Reduction in Turbine Valve Tait Frequency*, and in accordan with the established NllC acceptance cri5eria for the probability of a issile
'ejection incident of 1.0 x 10. per year, in no ca** shall th* test interval for th* above valve* exceed one year.
- UNIT 2 3/4 3-65 Amendment No
IHSl'JPMll'IATlOI~ e (Contimaad) 4.l..4.3 !be abO'l9 required turbine over*pe*d proceccioa 97ac..
be d..anatrated Of!IAILI:
Ac leut one* per l* aoncha by pet'forunce of a CHAJllla.
CALillATIOll on ch* turbine ov*r*p**d prot*ction *yac
- b. lea*t one p*r 40 aoncha by di*u*emblina ac l*u on. of ea h of th* above valve* and p*rfor.ina a viaual *urface ina ction of valve Haca, dbka and 1c... and v ifyina no unacc pcabl* flava or corroaion. If unaccepcab flava or ve corroalon are found, all other valve of that typ*
lnapecced. Verify th*~**C frequ8ncy ..tncaina the p ability of a ai11ile
- J*ccion lncldenc with'1tn DC pidelina* by revi*vi the .. thodolos:y presented in WCAl*ll525:
- a. Ac leuc
- b. After modlflcatioft8~to th* ..1n eurt>>lne over1pe*d protection valve*.
3/4 3-66 AMndMnC Mo. 97 SALEK
INSTRUMENTATION BASES CROSS REFERENCE - TABLES 3.3-13 and 4.3-13 T/S Table In*trument De*cription Acceptable RXS Itma Ho. Channel*
la Waste Ga* Holdup System Noble Gas Activity 2R4lA, B and 0<1)(2) 2a Containment Purge and Presaure - Vacuum 2Rl2A or 2R41A, Relief Noble Gas Activity B and 0n>Cl1 3a Plant Vent Header System Noble Gas Activity 2Rl6 or 2R41A, B and DCl>Cll (1) The chumels listed arc required to be operable to meet 1 sin&le operable channel for die Tedlnical Specification's "Minimum Channels Operable" requirement.
(2) 2R.41D is lbc scipoilll clwmcl. 2R.41A and 21419 arc die meuurcmcn& dwlncls.
is specification is provided to ensure that the turbine overspeed protectio~/
entation and the turbine speed control valves are OPERABLE and will.,,,/
protec the turbine from excesaive overspeed. Protection from turbine . - /
excessive verspeed is required since excessive overspeed of the generate pot tially damaging missiles which could impact and da related compon , equipment or structures.
The overspeed protect instrumentation consist* fiv solenoid valves and one trip mechanism which be grouped into three i pendent systems. These are:
- l. Mechanic~l overapeed Trip autostop oil. The interface valve to 2.
sensed overspeed will trip two sole of which w' dump the autostop oil. The dump of the a ostop oil will open th oil operated interface valve to dump the emergen electro-hydr ic trip fluid. The solenoid valves associated with th~
e ctrical overspeed are alao energized by the various generator~
protecti9ns trips. '"*
D~LE (~ -
Salem Unit 2 B 3/4 3-4 .Amendment No. 17:'.:t
The dump of the autostop oil will actuate a solenoid to dump the mergency electro-hydraulic trip fluid. Thi* solenoid serves as b ckup for both th* mechanical and electrical overspeed trip*. he ba solenoid i* alao energized by the various generator
- 3. Overspe d Protection Controller Either of he two overspeed protection control *olenoid dump valves will dump the co rol electro-hydraulic trip fluid from th governor and intercept val e*. When turbine apeed decrea*e*, and the overspeed condition clea I the *ignal is removed and the gov. rnor and intercept valve*
Salem Unit 2 turbine is o erated at full time, full c admission. To prevent exces*ive steam flow induc cyclic stresse* of the control stage blading, perform turbine valve in accordance with ufacturer's reconaendation*.
- .nted in WCAP-ll525, bine Valve Test Frequency." This report evaluates the contribution of e or unavailability of the turbine valve safety function to the probabili _that the turbine will overspeed and eject a missile. It concludes that extended i ala between turbine valve functional tests can be achieved without exceeding the cceptance criteria for the probability of a turbine missile ejection incident. actor* which affect the selected valve test interval include low pressure turb e e and inspection interval; turbine valve type, arrangement and eed control; d secondary side water chemistry .
Salem unit 2 B 3/4 3*4a Ariendmen t No. 17 3