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| document type = Meeting Summary, Meeting Briefing Package/Handouts, Slides and Viewgraphs
| document type = Meeting Summary, Meeting Briefing Package/Handouts, Slides and Viewgraphs
| page count = 26
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| project = TAC:MF0587
{{#Wiki_filter:UNITED NUCLEAR REGULATORY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 March 13, 2013 LICENSEE: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station FACILITY: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Unit 2 SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF FEBRUARY 27,2013, MEETING WITH NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 2, TO DISCUSS PLANNED AMENDMENT REQUEST ON IMPLEMENTATION OF MELLLA+ (TAC NO. MF0587) On February 27,2013, a Category 1 public meeting was held between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and representatives of Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Unit 2 (NMP2) at NRC Headquarters, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland (see notice at Agencywide Documents Access and Management System Accession No. ML 13036A006). The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the licensee's plans to submit an amendment for the Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus (MELLLA+) at NMP2. A list of attendees is provided as Enclosure 1. The meeting provided the NRC staff an opportunity to hear the licensee's discussion of the pending changes and to ask questions about its approach. The licensee presented information (See Enclosure 2). The licensee's presentation generally discussed the benefits oftransitioning to MELLLA+, and the approach to fuel and licensing analysis strategies, thermal hydraulic stability solution, and anticipated transient without SCRAM analysis, as well as other MELLLA+ impacts. The NRC staff asked clarifying questions throughout the presentation. The NRC staff and licensee representatives discussed the following issues: Automatic Backup Stability Protection The NMP2 submittal is based on Revision 6 of NEDC-33075P-A. The NMP2 is planning to take exception to Rev 6 relative to the Automatic Backup Stability Protection (ABSP) set points by using a simplified method that is consistent with the ABSP set point methodology described in Revision 7 of NEDC-33075P. Since the NRC staff has not approved Revision 7 of the Licensing Topical Report (L TR) NEDE-33075P, Re: Detect and Suppress Solution-Confirmation Density (DSS-CD) for Automatic Backup Stability Protection (ABSP), the License Amendment Request (LAR) should not refer to revision 7 of NEDE-33075P, but provide the justifications, consistent with revision 7, for any exceptions taken in the LAR. The NMP2 does not take credit for Containment Accident Pressure (CAP) to assure adequate net positive suction head (NPSH). In response to NRC staff, the licensee stated that a re-analysis of CAP is not required as a result of MELLLA+. Based on feedback from the NRC staff, the NMP2 MELLLA+ submittal will reference the NMP2 Extended Power Uprate (EPU) 
-2 submittal Requests for Additional Information (RAI's) related to CAP and describe that the NPSH margins in the NMP2 EPU responses remain bounding for MELLLA+. DSS-CD Implementation Implementation of DSS-CD Stability Solution in Place of Option III. The NMP2 MELLLA+ submittal will address the implementation strategy for DSS-CD, including the need for monitoring the timing for arming the protection associated with DSS-CD and the Oscillation Poer Range Monitor (OPRM) data analysis already completed. TRACGATWSI The NMP2 submittal will include anticipated transients without SCRAM with instability (A TWSI) sensitivity analysis results using a modified T-min correlation similar to what General Electric Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) provided in response to another licensee's RAI. Additional information on the model was requested if and when it becomes available. However, GEH noted that there is no additional testing at this time. Operator Training Provide the implementation plan outlining the simulator upgrade and operator training plan to support implementation of the LAR. Reference Core vs. Actual Cycle Specific Core Design and Associated Safety Analyses, and Reload Analysis using PRIME Code. The NMP2 submittal will describe the potential differences in the analytical inputs and results between the reference core and the actual reload analysis that will be submitted as a supplement to the MELLLA+ submittal. LAR Review and Approval Timeline The NMP2 presented a timeline for approval of the LAR with implementation to support startup from April 2014 refueling outage. The NRC staff also pointed out during the discussion that the LAR should provide as much discussion and information in terms of details including background, and justifications regarding all the topics discussed in the licensee's presentation, such as:
* Significance to the Compliance with all the applicable Licensing Bases, plant operating procedures, training requirements, inservice inspection and testing requirements and other administrative programs and Limitations and Conditions, etc. Also, the LAR should discuss the changes that would be made to these as a result of the NRC approval of the LAR and its implementation.
* Significant Effects on Various Plant Systems, such as, Reactor Coolant System, Engineered Safety Features, Electrical power and Auxiliary Systems, Power Conversion Systems' Radwaste Systems and Radiation Sources, Design Basis Accidents and Events, Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA). 
-Significance of Plant Modifications required for implementation of the LAR, such as Standby Liquid Control System, Power /Flow Map for MELLLA+ Operating Domain, Subsequent to the meeting the NRC staff noted that the licensee's presentation stated that the licensee's LAR submission is going to include the analyses based in GESTR-M Code and it is planning to supplement its LAR with the Analyses based on PRIME Code, The LAR submission based on GESTR-M Code would not be "acceptable," This staff concern has been communicated to the licensee on March 12, 2013, Members of the public were in attendance, Public Meeting Feedback forms were not received, Please direct any inquiries to me at 301-415-3308, or Bhalchandra'vaidya@nrc,gov, Bhalchandra Vaidya, Project Manager Plant Licensing Branch 1-1 Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No, 50-410 Enclosures: 1, List of Attendees Licensee Handouts cc w/encls: Distribution via Listserv PUBLIC MEETING WITH NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT PRE-APPLICATION MEETING MAXIMUM EXTENDED LOAD LINE LIMIT ANALYSIS PROPOSED LICENSE FEBRUARY LIST OF U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission B. Vaidya N. Karipineni T. Huang A. Guzzetta D. Woodyatt P. Wen, ACRS M. Panicker GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy L. Schichlein J. Harrison(*) G. Carlisle K. Halac(*) J. Vedovi(*) M. Cook(*) R. Jacobs(*) T. Stoddard(*) Constellation Energy Nuclear Group (CENG) Nine Mile Point D. Goodney G. Inch K. Kristensen R. Close J. Shobert S. Day K. Borton, Exelon G. Broadbent, Entergy, Grand Gulf G. Davant, Entergy, Grand Gulf J. Fields, Xcel Energy, Monticello P. Kiel, Detroit Edison, Fermi 2 (*)* Via telephone Enclosure 1 ENCLOSURE 0a joint venture of-------, ** Constellation ."t"eDF.,' Energy wi '\. Nine Mile Point Unit Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus (MELLLA+) NRC Pre-Application February 27, 2013 Rev 01 
);;. Introductions )y Objectives );;. Background MELLLA+ Overview Regulatory Overview );r-MELLLA+ Safety Analysis Report };r Technical Specification Changes Schedule Summary Questions and Comments CENG a joinl venlure of--__O.. * .. eDF Energy '" '\
Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station (NMPNS)
* Jeanne Shobert -Manager Fleet Nuclear Fuels
* Dale Goodney -Project Manager
* George Inch -Principal Mechanical Engineer
* Robert Close -Fuels
* Kenneth Kristensen -Licensing Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH)
* Garold Carlisle -Project Manager
* Lisa Schichlein -Licensing CENG a joint vantllln OConstel1cUon ..t -eDF Energy 3 y The objectives of this meeting are to:
* Establish the basis for the NMP2 MELLLA+ License Amendment Request (LAR)
* Reach a common understanding of the LAR scope
* Define schedule for submittal, NRC review, and implementation CENG O a joint ventu", nt______Constellation """,. -eDf Energy -r '\ 4 NMP2 Plant Type: GE BWR-S, Mark II Containment
* Option III Stability Solution 2000 GE14 fuel type introduction -2004 II MELLLA operating domain 2008
* Extended Power Uprate -2012 NMP2 plans to adopt MELLLA+ operating domain and Detect and Suppress Solution-Confirmation Density (DSS-CD) in Cycle 15 (April 2014) CENG a Joint vflntuf8 01---___-, OC<>ns..,lI;J\ioo .... "eDF Energy -"I " 5 MELLLA+ MELLLA+ Power/Flow .4160 3814 3467 31?:o 2774 2427 2neo-;;. 0= uJ "" &' 1734 ..... <E 13817 '11040 693 ""7 0 IK A = 100% Power/ 85% Flow = 100% Power/ 99% Flow D =100% Power/105% Flow 77.6% Power/ 55% Flow M= 68.4% Power/ 55% Flow L tv'IttLLLA UNG M a-.r.--J _'--_>-_,_ _,_ 911 PECEONG a joint venture 01.----__, '!:;., Oecnsten'tkl" ",''""eDfEnergy "., .. INCREASED CORE. FLO*.....J" (ICF) "V1E:LLLA
* D .4 '160 39B>! 120% (OLTP, 30855 110% (OLTP) 3614 30487 -CLTP f (')L TPl r34&#xa3;7 312'0 2774 2427 nc:,c) :&#xa3;; "'" -1734 "" "387 1040 &93 347 6 Regulatory Applicable Licensing Topical Reports: Subject Purpose -;,. .. ' NEDC-33006P-A, MELLLA+ Primary Licensing Topical Report (LTR) Rev 3 NEDC-3307SP-A, DSS-CD Change in stability Rev NEDE-33147P-A, DSS-CD TRACG Rev NEDC-33173P-A, Methods Application of GEH methods for Rev 3 expanded operating domains CENG O a joint ventufP. Constertattcn ...,.1I-eDFI5ne!"gy ""' .. 7 Regulatory Overview NMP2 LAR demonstrates compliance with applicable NRC limitations and conditions Exception to referenced LTRs:
* Automatic Backup Stability Protection (ABSP) setpoint methodology is consistent with NEDC-33075P CD), Rev 7 vs Rev 6
* NRC draft SER for Rev. 7 to be issued in the near-term CENG O a join! venture 01-----_-, Cons1.eUatitm ..eDF Enefg&#xa5; 111. 8 Regulatory Overview NMP2 MELLLA+ Thermal Mechanical Basis III All NMP2 analysis has been performed using a GESTR-M basis !II The M+ analyses include the fuel Thermal-Mechanical Operating Limit incorporating the NEDC-33173P Safety Evaluation Appendix F Penalty of 350 psi on the Critical Pressure !II Analysis work was completed prior to the NRC Audit of NEDO-33173 Supplement 4-A on July 2012 !II The approved NEDO-33173 Supplement 4 established the acceptability of using the GESTR-M basis during the period while PRIME implementation activities were being completed The PRIME implementation activities were completed and the NRC concurred with the implementation October 22, JII GNF began full implementation of PRIME in reload designs beginning in the Fall 2012. NMP2 Cycle 15 (Spring 2014) will be based on full PRIME implementation CENG a jOil1t ventll's of-------, O "':t... -eDF Energy '* '\. 9 Regulatory Overview 1..\1ii&U&#xa5; __ xu Q;ze _ e. LA ._ Average Power Range Monitor (APRM) Simulated Thermal Power (STP) Flow-Biased Upscale function is compliant with Technical Specification Task Force Traveler TSTF -493, Rev 04 Footnotes were previously added to the APRM function in Amendment 140 to the NMP2 Operating License (Extended Power Uprate) No other TSTF-493 functions are impacted by MELLLA+ Monticello RAls have been addressed CENG a joinl venture 01------, OConstellation .... ,.eDF Energy J "to. 10 MELLLA+ Safety Analysis Report };r-Core, fuel performance, and thermal limits evaluation in MELLLA+ SAR consistent with Safety Evaluation Report (SER) for MELLLA+ LTR ? No significant effect on: II Reactor Coolant System II Engineered Safety Features
* Electrical Power and Auxiliary " Power Conversion
* Radwaste Systems and Radiation Sources
* Design Basis Accidents and Events
* Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) };r-. Cycle-specific core design and associated safety analyses will be submitted in accordance with SER for LTR as a supplement to the NMP2 M+ , CENG a join! venture of----__, OContib!lIati"" ...-eDf Enet'gy -.! '" 11 MELLLA+ SAR (cant'd) ,.....b... ,w..aa.... == ;_ ..' ax,m m.&M;S;S _ i!&UA& _. _; lUt II Modifications
* Implement new Power/Flow map for MELLLA+ Operating Domain
* Implement DSS-CD stability solution in place of Option III Revise APRM STP Flow-Biased scram setpoints Increase Standby Liquid Control System (SLCS) boron-l0 enrichment CENG 11 joint ventUrH 0/------, OConstellation " *-eDF Energy .-f '" 12 MELLLA+ SAR Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)
* NRC SER for NMP2 EPU LAR dated 12/22/2011 addresses ECCS NPSH and states that NMP2: -. Meets Guidance in Regulatory Guide 1.1 Does Not Credit Containment Accident Pressure to Assure adequate NPSH -, Meets NRC staff guidance on NPSH uncertainty and operation in maximum erosion zone EPU Analysis of ECCS NPSH remains bounding for MELLLA+ CENG (I joint venture ot'------, O Const"n.tion .... -eOF Enelg!;, .,;;f " 13 MELLLA+ SAR NMP2 ATWS Licensing Basis ODYN09 II M+LTR SER limitation and condition 12.18b: II TRACG best estimate not required for Emergency Operating Procedures (EOP) if plant increases boron-l0 concentration/enrichment so that the integrated heat load to containment calculated by the licensing basis ODYN calculation is essentially unchanged from Original Licensed Thermal Power (OLTP)/ 75 % core flow (OLTP/75) Peak suppression pool temperature 160&deg;F reduced from 163&deg;F from EPU/MELLLA and within 5 degrees of OLTP/75 temperature of 155&deg;F III Considerable margin to containment temperature limit of 190&deg;F Integrated heat load with SLCS improvements is comparable to OLTP/75 CENG a joint venture ofl_____C<>ns1e, nation .... -E:'l'P.rgy '" II 14 MELLLA+ SAR );r ATWS with Instability TRACG
* M+LTR SER limitation and condition 12.19 ... Plant specific ATWS instability calculations demonstrate NMP2 EOP actions effectively mitigate an ATWS event following 25% power oscillations in the MELLLA+ operating domain -Water level strategy between 430.7 and 460.7 above vessel zero with 300 second delay following 25% oscillation in RPT event -Automatic feedwater runback on ATWS high pressure RPT setpoint 1095 psig and 33 second delay in Turbine Trip Without Bypass event Boron injection 120 seconds following 25% oscillations or ATWS high pressure RPT setpoint II Pea k vessel bottom head pressu re 1232 psig, below ASM E service level C limit of 1500 psig Peak cladding temp 1281 of CENG a joint venlure 01----__, O .Enet'911 -rI" 15 MELLLA+ SAR Moisture Carryover (MCG) Mea under MELLLA+ expected to remain below 0.1 wt% based on EPU Mea performance on a cycle average basis Equilibrium cycle control rod patterns using conservative pre-EPU Mea performance indicate potential elevated Mea less than 0.25 wt% for short duration <<2000 MWD/st) FAe and component design assessments performed for component evaluation up to 0.25 wt% CENG a join! vnnture 01--------, OteH?fton .... -eDf* '6Energy ",.t' TechnicaI Specification Chay Standby Liquid Control (SLC) System III Increase boron-10 isotopic enrichment from >25 atom-percent to >92 atom-percent II Reduce solution volume requirements .)Ir Reactor Protection System (RPS) Instrumentation ,. Revise APRM STP Flow-Biased Thermal Power-Upscale AV III Automatic Backup Stability Protection (ABSP) per Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) '" Manual BSP per COLR II Other supporting changes in Technical Specification 5.6 Recirculation Loops, Operating "Single Loop Operation not permitted in MELLLA+ operating domain CENG a joint venture 011 ______, OConsIllUation ,.'-eDFEn2rgy ,.II 17 Schedule ...._____...._______ 2. w:;a .&#xa5;U _. _U$tAt&b _&14.1__.4_ WiL . W ;;kMQI;Date Activity March 2013 Submit MELLLA+ License Amendment Request to NRC April 2014 NRC complete review and issue License Amendment April 2014 Implement MELLLA+, including DSS-CD and SLC System changes during Spring 2014 Refueling Outage CENG 8 101111 venture 01-----_, ...*-eOFO .. " 18 MELLLA+ License Amendment Request complies with LTR requirements
* Applicable limitations and conditions MELLLA+ LAR will be submitted in March 2013 NMPNS requests NRC review and approval to support an April 2014 CENG a joint venture of--___---, . C<>nst"U.t.on >, "'eDF J9Energy 1IJO 
--V) V) V) Q) ::J I til ........ C QJ ro til C til QJ ::::::s o f'i ... Q II CJ t,. 1f"J '", zcc-.,g g 0 ;:. &.li '"
Significance of Plant Modifications required for implementation of the LAR. such as Standby Liquid Control System. Power IFlow Map for MELLLA+ Operating Domain. Subsequent to the meeting the NRC staff noted that the licensee's presentation stated that the licensee's LAR submission is going to include the analyses based in GESTR-M Code and it is planning to supplement its LAR with the Analyses based on PRIME Code. The LAR submission based on GESTR-M Code would not be "acceptable." This staff concern has been communicated to the licensee on March 12,2013. Members of the public were in attendance. Public Meeting Feedback forms were not received. Please direct any inquiries to me at 301-415-3308. or Ira! Bhalchandra Vaidya. Project Manager Plant Licensing Branch 1-1 Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-410 Enclosures: 1. List of Attendees Licensee Handouts cc w/encls: Distribution via Listserv DISTRIBUTION: PUBLIC RidsNrrDssSnpb NKaripineni. NRR LPL1-1 R/F RidsNrrDssSrxb PWenACRS RidsAcrsAcnw_MailCTR RidsOpaMail DWoodyatt. NRR RidsNrrDorl RidsRgn1 MailCenter TWertz, NRR Rids NrrDorJLpl1-1 AGuzzetta. NRR JCassidy. EDO Region I RidsNrrDssScvb THuang, NRR RidsNrrPMNineMilePoint RidsNrrLAKGoldstein RidsOgcRp ADAMS Accession PKG ML 13066A445 Meet',"g Summary ML13059A374 Meet''"9 N0t'Ice OFFICE DORULPL 1-1/PM DORULPL1-1/LA DORULPL1-1/BC(A) DORULPL 1-1/PM . NAME BVaidya KGoldstein SMeighan BVaidya DATE 03/13113 03/12/13 03/13/13 03/13/13 OFFICIAL RECORD COpy 

Revision as of 20:41, 22 March 2018

02/27/2013 Summary of Category 1 Public Meeting with Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Unit 2 Representatives to Discus Planned Amendment Request on Implementation of Mellla+ (TAC No. MF0587)
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/13/2013
From: Bhalchandra Vaidya
Plant Licensing Branch 1
Vaidya B K, NRR/DORL/LPL1-1, 415-3308
Shared Package
ML13066A445 List:
TAC MF0587
Download: ML13059A374 (26)


UNITED NUCLEAR REGULATORY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 March 13, 2013 LICENSEE: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station FACILITY: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Unit 2 SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF FEBRUARY 27,2013, MEETING WITH NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 2, TO DISCUSS PLANNED AMENDMENT REQUEST ON IMPLEMENTATION OF MELLLA+ (TAC NO. MF0587) On February 27,2013, a Category 1 public meeting was held between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and representatives of Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Unit 2 (NMP2) at NRC Headquarters, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland (see notice at Agencywide Documents Access and Management System Accession No. ML 13036A006). The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the licensee's plans to submit an amendment for the Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus (MELLLA+) at NMP2. A list of attendees is provided as Enclosure 1. The meeting provided the NRC staff an opportunity to hear the licensee's discussion of the pending changes and to ask questions about its approach. The licensee presented information (See Enclosure 2). The licensee's presentation generally discussed the benefits oftransitioning to MELLLA+, and the approach to fuel and licensing analysis strategies, thermal hydraulic stability solution, and anticipated transient without SCRAM analysis, as well as other MELLLA+ impacts. The NRC staff asked clarifying questions throughout the presentation. The NRC staff and licensee representatives discussed the following issues: Automatic Backup Stability Protection The NMP2 submittal is based on Revision 6 of NEDC-33075P-A. The NMP2 is planning to take exception to Rev 6 relative to the Automatic Backup Stability Protection (ABSP) set points by using a simplified method that is consistent with the ABSP set point methodology described in Revision 7 of NEDC-33075P. Since the NRC staff has not approved Revision 7 of the Licensing Topical Report (L TR) NEDE-33075P, Re: Detect and Suppress Solution-Confirmation Density (DSS-CD) for Automatic Backup Stability Protection (ABSP), the License Amendment Request (LAR) should not refer to revision 7 of NEDE-33075P, but provide the justifications, consistent with revision 7, for any exceptions taken in the LAR. The NMP2 does not take credit for Containment Accident Pressure (CAP) to assure adequate net positive suction head (NPSH). In response to NRC staff, the licensee stated that a re-analysis of CAP is not required as a result of MELLLA+. Based on feedback from the NRC staff, the NMP2 MELLLA+ submittal will reference the NMP2 Extended Power Uprate (EPU)

-2 submittal Requests for Additional Information (RAI's) related to CAP and describe that the NPSH margins in the NMP2 EPU responses remain bounding for MELLLA+. DSS-CD Implementation Implementation of DSS-CD Stability Solution in Place of Option III. The NMP2 MELLLA+ submittal will address the implementation strategy for DSS-CD, including the need for monitoring the timing for arming the protection associated with DSS-CD and the Oscillation Poer Range Monitor (OPRM) data analysis already completed. TRACGATWSI The NMP2 submittal will include anticipated transients without SCRAM with instability (A TWSI) sensitivity analysis results using a modified T-min correlation similar to what General Electric Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) provided in response to another licensee's RAI. Additional information on the model was requested if and when it becomes available. However, GEH noted that there is no additional testing at this time. Operator Training Provide the implementation plan outlining the simulator upgrade and operator training plan to support implementation of the LAR. Reference Core vs. Actual Cycle Specific Core Design and Associated Safety Analyses, and Reload Analysis using PRIME Code. The NMP2 submittal will describe the potential differences in the analytical inputs and results between the reference core and the actual reload analysis that will be submitted as a supplement to the MELLLA+ submittal. LAR Review and Approval Timeline The NMP2 presented a timeline for approval of the LAR with implementation to support startup from April 2014 refueling outage. The NRC staff also pointed out during the discussion that the LAR should provide as much discussion and information in terms of details including background, and justifications regarding all the topics discussed in the licensee's presentation, such as:

  • Significance to the Compliance with all the applicable Licensing Bases, plant operating procedures, training requirements, inservice inspection and testing requirements and other administrative programs and Limitations and Conditions, etc. Also, the LAR should discuss the changes that would be made to these as a result of the NRC approval of the LAR and its implementation.
  • Significant Effects on Various Plant Systems, such as, Reactor Coolant System, Engineered Safety Features, Electrical power and Auxiliary Systems, Power Conversion Systems' Radwaste Systems and Radiation Sources, Design Basis Accidents and Events, Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA).

-Significance of Plant Modifications required for implementation of the LAR, such as Standby Liquid Control System, Power /Flow Map for MELLLA+ Operating Domain, Subsequent to the meeting the NRC staff noted that the licensee's presentation stated that the licensee's LAR submission is going to include the analyses based in GESTR-M Code and it is planning to supplement its LAR with the Analyses based on PRIME Code, The LAR submission based on GESTR-M Code would not be "acceptable," This staff concern has been communicated to the licensee on March 12, 2013, Members of the public were in attendance, Public Meeting Feedback forms were not received, Please direct any inquiries to me at 301-415-3308, or Bhalchandra'vaidya@nrc,gov, Bhalchandra Vaidya, Project Manager Plant Licensing Branch 1-1 Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No, 50-410 Enclosures: 1, List of Attendees Licensee Handouts cc w/encls: Distribution via Listserv PUBLIC MEETING WITH NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT PRE-APPLICATION MEETING MAXIMUM EXTENDED LOAD LINE LIMIT ANALYSIS PROPOSED LICENSE FEBRUARY LIST OF U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission B. Vaidya N. Karipineni T. Huang A. Guzzetta D. Woodyatt P. Wen, ACRS M. Panicker GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy L. Schichlein J. Harrison(*) G. Carlisle K. Halac(*) J. Vedovi(*) M. Cook(*) R. Jacobs(*) T. Stoddard(*) Constellation Energy Nuclear Group (CENG) Nine Mile Point D. Goodney G. Inch K. Kristensen R. Close J. Shobert S. Day K. Borton, Exelon G. Broadbent, Entergy, Grand Gulf G. Davant, Entergy, Grand Gulf J. Fields, Xcel Energy, Monticello P. Kiel, Detroit Edison, Fermi 2 (*)* Via telephone Enclosure 1 ENCLOSURE 0a joint venture of-------, ** Constellation ."t"eDF.,' Energy wi '\. Nine Mile Point Unit Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus (MELLLA+) NRC Pre-Application February 27, 2013 Rev 01

);;. Introductions )y Objectives );;. Background MELLLA+ Overview Regulatory Overview );r-MELLLA+ Safety Analysis Report };r Technical Specification Changes Schedule Summary Questions and Comments CENG a joinl venlure of--__O.. * .. eDF Energy '" '\

Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station (NMPNS)

  • Jeanne Shobert -Manager Fleet Nuclear Fuels
  • Dale Goodney -Project Manager
  • George Inch -Principal Mechanical Engineer
  • Robert Close -Fuels
  • Kenneth Kristensen -Licensing Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH)
  • Garold Carlisle -Project Manager
  • Lisa Schichlein -Licensing CENG a joint vantllln OConstel1cUon ..t -eDF Energy 3 y The objectives of this meeting are to:
  • Establish the basis for the NMP2 MELLLA+ License Amendment Request (LAR)
  • Reach a common understanding of the LAR scope
  • Define schedule for submittal, NRC review, and implementation CENG O a joint ventu", nt______Constellation """,. -eDf Energy -r '\ 4 NMP2 Plant Type: GE BWR-S, Mark II Containment
  • Option III Stability Solution 2000 GE14 fuel type introduction -2004 II MELLLA operating domain 2008
  • Extended Power Uprate -2012 NMP2 plans to adopt MELLLA+ operating domain and Detect and Suppress Solution-Confirmation Density (DSS-CD) in Cycle 15 (April 2014) CENG a Joint vflntuf8 01---___-, OC<>ns..,lI;J\ioo .... "eDF Energy -"I " 5 MELLLA+ MELLLA+ Power/Flow .4160 3814 3467 31?:o 2774 2427 2neo-;;. 0= uJ "" &' 1734 ..... <E 13817 '11040 693 ""7 0 IK A = 100% Power/ 85% Flow = 100% Power/ 99% Flow D =100% Power/105% Flow 77.6% Power/ 55% Flow M= 68.4% Power/ 55% Flow L tv'IttLLLA UNG M a-.r.--J _'--_>-_,_ _,_ 911 PECEONG a joint venture 01.----__, '!:;., Oecnsten'tkl" ",""eDfEnergy "., .. INCREASED CORE. FLO*.....J" (ICF) "V1E:LLLA
  • D .4 '160 39B>! 120% (OLTP, 30855 110% (OLTP) 3614 30487 -CLTP f (')L TPl r34£7 312'0 2774 2427 nc:,c) :£; "'" -1734 "" "387 1040 &93 347 6 Regulatory Applicable Licensing Topical Reports: Subject Purpose -;,. .. ' NEDC-33006P-A, MELLLA+ Primary Licensing Topical Report (LTR) Rev 3 NEDC-3307SP-A, DSS-CD Change in stability Rev NEDE-33147P-A, DSS-CD TRACG Rev NEDC-33173P-A, Methods Application of GEH methods for Rev 3 expanded operating domains CENG O a joint ventufP. Constertattcn ...,.1I-eDFI5ne!"gy ""' .. 7 Regulatory Overview NMP2 LAR demonstrates compliance with applicable NRC limitations and conditions Exception to referenced LTRs:
  • Automatic Backup Stability Protection (ABSP) setpoint methodology is consistent with NEDC-33075P CD), Rev 7 vs Rev 6
  • NRC draft SER for Rev. 7 to be issued in the near-term CENG O a join! venture 01-----_-, Cons1.eUatitm ..eDF Enefg¥ 111. 8 Regulatory Overview NMP2 MELLLA+ Thermal Mechanical Basis III All NMP2 analysis has been performed using a GESTR-M basis !II The M+ analyses include the fuel Thermal-Mechanical Operating Limit incorporating the NEDC-33173P Safety Evaluation Appendix F Penalty of 350 psi on the Critical Pressure !II Analysis work was completed prior to the NRC Audit of NEDO-33173 Supplement 4-A on July 2012 !II The approved NEDO-33173 Supplement 4 established the acceptability of using the GESTR-M basis during the period while PRIME implementation activities were being completed The PRIME implementation activities were completed and the NRC concurred with the implementation October 22, JII GNF began full implementation of PRIME in reload designs beginning in the Fall 2012. NMP2 Cycle 15 (Spring 2014) will be based on full PRIME implementation CENG a jOil1t ventll's of-------, O "':t... -eDF Energy '* '\. 9 Regulatory Overview 1..\1ii&U¥ __ xu Q;ze _ e. LA ._ Average Power Range Monitor (APRM) Simulated Thermal Power (STP) Flow-Biased Upscale function is compliant with Technical Specification Task Force Traveler TSTF -493, Rev 04 Footnotes were previously added to the APRM function in Amendment 140 to the NMP2 Operating License (Extended Power Uprate) No other TSTF-493 functions are impacted by MELLLA+ Monticello RAls have been addressed CENG a joinl venture 01------, OConstellation .... ,.eDF Energy J "to. 10 MELLLA+ Safety Analysis Report };r-Core, fuel performance, and thermal limits evaluation in MELLLA+ SAR consistent with Safety Evaluation Report (SER) for MELLLA+ LTR ? No significant effect on: II Reactor Coolant System II Engineered Safety Features
  • Electrical Power and Auxiliary " Power Conversion
  • Radwaste Systems and Radiation Sources
  • Design Basis Accidents and Events
  • Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) };r-. Cycle-specific core design and associated safety analyses will be submitted in accordance with SER for LTR as a supplement to the NMP2 M+ , CENG a join! venture of----__, OContib!lIati"" ...-eDf Enet'gy -.! '" 11 MELLLA+ SAR (cant'd) ,.....b... ,w..aa.... == ;_ ..' ax,m m.&M;S;S _ i!&UA& _. _; lUt II Modifications
  • Implement new Power/Flow map for MELLLA+ Operating Domain
  • Implement DSS-CD stability solution in place of Option III Revise APRM STP Flow-Biased scram setpoints Increase Standby Liquid Control System (SLCS) boron-l0 enrichment CENG 11 joint ventUrH 0/------, OConstellation " *-eDF Energy .-f '" 12 MELLLA+ SAR Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)
  • NRC SER for NMP2 EPU LAR dated 12/22/2011 addresses ECCS NPSH and states that NMP2: -. Meets Guidance in Regulatory Guide 1.1 Does Not Credit Containment Accident Pressure to Assure adequate NPSH -, Meets NRC staff guidance on NPSH uncertainty and operation in maximum erosion zone EPU Analysis of ECCS NPSH remains bounding for MELLLA+ CENG (I joint venture ot'------, O Const"n.tion .... -eOF Enelg!;, .,;;f " 13 MELLLA+ SAR NMP2 ATWS Licensing Basis ODYN09 II M+LTR SER limitation and condition 12.18b: II TRACG best estimate not required for Emergency Operating Procedures (EOP) if plant increases boron-l0 concentration/enrichment so that the integrated heat load to containment calculated by the licensing basis ODYN calculation is essentially unchanged from Original Licensed Thermal Power (OLTP)/ 75 % core flow (OLTP/75) Peak suppression pool temperature 160°F reduced from 163°F from EPU/MELLLA and within 5 degrees of OLTP/75 temperature of 155°F III Considerable margin to containment temperature limit of 190°F Integrated heat load with SLCS improvements is comparable to OLTP/75 CENG a joint venture ofl_____C<>ns1e, nation .... -E:'l'P.rgy '" II 14 MELLLA+ SAR );r ATWS with Instability TRACG
  • M+LTR SER limitation and condition 12.19 ... Plant specific ATWS instability calculations demonstrate NMP2 EOP actions effectively mitigate an ATWS event following 25% power oscillations in the MELLLA+ operating domain -Water level strategy between 430.7 and 460.7 above vessel zero with 300 second delay following 25% oscillation in RPT event -Automatic feedwater runback on ATWS high pressure RPT setpoint 1095 psig and 33 second delay in Turbine Trip Without Bypass event Boron injection 120 seconds following 25% oscillations or ATWS high pressure RPT setpoint II Pea k vessel bottom head pressu re 1232 psig, below ASM E service level C limit of 1500 psig Peak cladding temp 1281 of CENG a joint venlure 01----__, O .Enet'911 -rI" 15 MELLLA+ SAR Moisture Carryover (MCG) Mea under MELLLA+ expected to remain below 0.1 wt% based on EPU Mea performance on a cycle average basis Equilibrium cycle control rod patterns using conservative pre-EPU Mea performance indicate potential elevated Mea less than 0.25 wt% for short duration <<2000 MWD/st) FAe and component design assessments performed for component evaluation up to 0.25 wt% CENG a join! vnnture 01--------, OteH?fton .... -eDf* '6Energy ",.t' TechnicaI Specification Chay Standby Liquid Control (SLC) System III Increase boron-10 isotopic enrichment from >25 atom-percent to >92 atom-percent II Reduce solution volume requirements .)Ir Reactor Protection System (RPS) Instrumentation ,. Revise APRM STP Flow-Biased Thermal Power-Upscale AV III Automatic Backup Stability Protection (ABSP) per Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) '" Manual BSP per COLR II Other supporting changes in Technical Specification 5.6 Recirculation Loops, Operating "Single Loop Operation not permitted in MELLLA+ operating domain CENG a joint venture 011 ______, OConsIllUation ,.'-eDFEn2rgy ,.II 17 Schedule ...._____...._______ 2. w:;a .¥U _. _U$tAt&b _&14.1__.4_ WiL . W ;;kMQI;Date Activity March 2013 Submit MELLLA+ License Amendment Request to NRC April 2014 NRC complete review and issue License Amendment April 2014 Implement MELLLA+, including DSS-CD and SLC System changes during Spring 2014 Refueling Outage CENG 8 101111 venture 01-----_, ...*-eOFO .. " 18 MELLLA+ License Amendment Request complies with LTR requirements
  • Applicable limitations and conditions MELLLA+ LAR will be submitted in March 2013 NMPNS requests NRC review and approval to support an April 2014 CENG a joint venture of--___---, . C<>nst"U.t.on >, "'eDF J9Energy 1IJO

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Significance of Plant Modifications required for implementation of the LAR. such as Standby Liquid Control System. Power IFlow Map for MELLLA+ Operating Domain. Subsequent to the meeting the NRC staff noted that the licensee's presentation stated that the licensee's LAR submission is going to include the analyses based in GESTR-M Code and it is planning to supplement its LAR with the Analyses based on PRIME Code. The LAR submission based on GESTR-M Code would not be "acceptable." This staff concern has been communicated to the licensee on March 12,2013. Members of the public were in attendance. Public Meeting Feedback forms were not received. Please direct any inquiries to me at 301-415-3308. or Ira! Bhalchandra Vaidya. Project Manager Plant Licensing Branch 1-1 Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-410 Enclosures: 1. List of Attendees Licensee Handouts cc w/encls: Distribution via Listserv DISTRIBUTION: PUBLIC RidsNrrDssSnpb NKaripineni. NRR LPL1-1 R/F RidsNrrDssSrxb PWenACRS RidsAcrsAcnw_MailCTR RidsOpaMail DWoodyatt. NRR RidsNrrDorl RidsRgn1 MailCenter TWertz, NRR Rids NrrDorJLpl1-1 AGuzzetta. NRR JCassidy. EDO Region I RidsNrrDssScvb THuang, NRR RidsNrrPMNineMilePoint RidsNrrLAKGoldstein RidsOgcRp ADAMS Accession PKG ML 13066A445 Meet',"g Summary ML13059A374 Meet"9 N0t'Ice OFFICE DORULPL 1-1/PM DORULPL1-1/LA DORULPL1-1/BC(A) DORULPL 1-1/PM . NAME BVaidya KGoldstein SMeighan BVaidya DATE 03/13113 03/12/13 03/13/13 03/13/13 OFFICIAL RECORD COpy