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                     '                                                                June 1,,, 1977 Docket ho. 50-213                                                      7905730031                                                                                  -
                     '                                                                June 1,,, 1977 Docket ho. 50-213                                                      7905730031                                                                                  -
Connecticut Yankee Atocic Power Company ATTN: Mr. Donald C. Switzer President Post Office Box 270 Hartford, Connecticut 05101 Gentlemen:
Connecticut Yankee Atocic Power Company ATTN: Mr. Donald C. Switzer President Post Office Box 270 Hartford, Connecticut 05101 Gentlemen:
RE: HADDAM NECK PLANT By letter dated December 1,197b, we sent sample fire protection Technical Specifications to you for ycur guidance in proposing Technical                                                                            -
RE: HADDAM NECK PLANT By {{letter dated|date=December 1, 197|text=letter dated December 1,197}}b, we sent sample fire protection Technical Specifications to you for ycur guidance in proposing Technical                                                                            -
  !                          Specifications. You responded by application for license amentiment dated February 25, 1977. Based on your response, the responses of all other                                                                                _
  !                          Specifications. You responded by application for license amentiment dated February 25, 1977. Based on your response, the responses of all other                                                                                _
licensees of operating power reactors and further review and considera-tion by us, we have revised the sample Technical Specifications and are enclosing a copy for your guidance. These revisions c3 not change the scope of the equipment or aMinistrative controls covered by the O                previous sample fire protection Technical Specifications. However, the action statements have been revised to describe more appropriate corrective measures to be taken in the event a limiting condition for operation is not met. There haee also been changes in the surveillance frequency on some items for consistency with the overall system surveillance schecule.
licensees of operating power reactors and further review and considera-tion by us, we have revised the sample Technical Specifications and are enclosing a copy for your guidance. These revisions c3 not change the scope of the equipment or aMinistrative controls covered by the O                previous sample fire protection Technical Specifications. However, the action statements have been revised to describe more appropriate corrective measures to be taken in the event a limiting condition for operation is not met. There haee also been changes in the surveillance frequency on some items for consistency with the overall system surveillance schecule.

Revision as of 02:37, 14 December 2021

Forwards Revised Sample Tech Specs Re Fire Protection.Revs Describe More Appropriate Corrective Measures to Be Taken If Limiting Condition for Operation Not Met.Proposed Interim Tech Specs Requested within 20 Days of Ltr Receipt
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 06/17/1977
From: Schwencer A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Switzer D
Shared Package
ML20135G608 List:
NUDOCS 8509190578
Download: ML20135G619 (4)



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                   '                                                                June 1,,, 1977 Docket ho. 50-213                                                       7905730031                                                                                  -

Connecticut Yankee Atocic Power Company ATTN: Mr. Donald C. Switzer President Post Office Box 270 Hartford, Connecticut 05101 Gentlemen: RE: HADDAM NECK PLANT By letter dated December 1,197b, we sent sample fire protection Technical Specifications to you for ycur guidance in proposing Technical -

!                          Specifications. You responded by application for license amentiment dated February 25, 1977. Based on your response, the responses of all other                                                                                _

licensees of operating power reactors and further review and considera-tion by us, we have revised the sample Technical Specifications and are enclosing a copy for your guidance. These revisions c3 not change the scope of the equipment or aMinistrative controls covered by the O previous sample fire protection Technical Specifications. However, the action statements have been revised to describe more appropriate corrective measures to be taken in the event a limiting condition for operation is not met. There haee also been changes in the surveillance frequency on some items for consistency with the overall system surveillance schecule. Upon completion of our evaluation of the fire protection program for your facility, the Tecnnical Specifications for your facility are to be revised to incorporate all elements of the final fire protectior, systems and amini-strative controls. Allowance will be made for modifications that require acc1tional tiee to complete t,y making certain equipment or system specifi- - cations effective at the time such equipment is installed and operable.

In the interim, until we are able to complete our evaluation of your fire .

ontection sutaaittal, we will require implementatica of fire pro

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Technical Specifications on the existing fire protection ecuipment and assinistrative controls at your plant. Therefore, you are requested to resubmit such proposed interia Technical Specifications within 20 days of

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June 17,1977 l t h Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company I I l your receipt of this letter. We expect your resubmittal to include all elements of these revised sample Technical Specifications in the detail . I indicated including specific identification of equipment such as smoke j detectors. The only acceptable reason for not proposing a specific item given in these sample Technical Specifications would be that no such .I equipment or system presently exists at your facility. In such cases ~1 l i where you depart from the sample Technical Specifications, state the ' justification in your application. _ Sincerely, 3 wfW$% l A. Schwencer, Chief l Operating Reactors Branch #1 Division of Operating Reactors .


Sample Technical  ; j Specifications . cc w/ encl: See next page l I

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