IR 05000443/1986015: Difference between revisions

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Report N /86-15 Docket N License N CPPR-135  Priority -
Category C Licensee:  Public Service Company of New Hampshire 1000 Elm Street Manchester, New Hampshire 03105 Facility Name:  Seabrook Station, Unit 1
Inspection At:  Seabrook, New Hampshire Inspection Conducted:  March 4-19, 1986
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A Ti'W. Chung, Lea  eactor Engineer hW-$ date
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M n hony A. Varela,  adpactorEngineer  date as    Y c2/-ib gseptvA. Golla, Reatft  Engineer  date Approved by:  .,
        / I4
C' Anderson', Chief, Plant Systems Section  /date
Inspection Summary:
Inspection on March 4-19, 1986 (Inspection Report No. 50-443/86-15)
. Areas Inspected: Routine unannounced inspection of procedure review, test witnessing and preliminary results evaluation of preoperational Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test (ILRT), Structural Integrity Test (SIT) activities, and tours of the facilit Results:  No violations or deviations were identified.
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DETAILS 1.0 Persons Contacted Public Service Company of New Hampshire
*G. Kann, Test Group Manager
*J. Marchi, Startup Quality Control Manager
*R. McCormack, Test Director
*G. Mcdonald, Construction QA Manager
*D. McLain, Startup Manager
* Middleton, QA Staff Engineer
*V. Sanchez, Licensing Engineer C. Strickland, STD Engineer
*J. Tefft, STD Project Engineer R. K. Tacker, Mechanical Engineer Ebasco P. Dillon, Test Engineer Kemper (AIA)
D. Norris, Regional Manager UE&C D. C. Lambert, Project Field QC Manager K. C. Blatt, Containment Engineer R. Stocking, I&C-QC Nuclear Regulatory Commission
*A. Cerne, Senior Resident Inspector
*D. Ruscitto, Resident Inspector
* Denotes those present at exit meeting held on March 19, 198 .0 Administrative Controls of SIT and CILRT The inspector interviewed selected licensee personnel and reviewed
qualifications and training records for conformance with Technical
. Specifications; Station Administrative Control Procedures; ANSI N18.7
" Administrative Controls for Nuclear Power Plants"; ANSI N18.1-1971
" Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel"; Regulatory Guide 1.33 " Quality Assurance Program Requirements". The inspector also
observed conduct of testing and reviewed data / log sheets to verify that:
i L
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SIT and ILRT were conducted in accordance with the test procedur Test directors were designated and their responsibilities were clearly define .
Tests were administered in accordance with the administrative control procedures, and the licensee commitments and requirement QA/QC participation and surveillance inspection were visible during the ILRT close out inspectio The test procedures were adhered to during the tests, and changes were implemented in accordance with the station procedural requirement The following documents were reviewe ANSI N45.4-1972, Leakage-Rate Testing of Containment Structures for Nuclear Reacto ANSI /ANS56.8-1981, Containment System Leakage Testing Requirement Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix Test Program Instruction (TPI) 81, Revision 8, Qualification and Certifi-cation of Test Personne TPI-64, Revision 4, Test Performanc Seabrook Station Preoperational Test Program Manual, Revision 68, Initial Test Progra Technical Procedure No. TP-13, " Structural Integrity Test (SIT)
for Public Service Company of New Hampshire, Seabrook Station, Unit No. 1", Revision 2, March 11, 1986, by United Engineers &
Constructors, In SIT data including Rebar strain and concrete crack maps and containment deflections by Teledyne Engineering Service Microcomputer Program, Revision 4, February 25, 1986, by Ebasco plant services, ILRT service Seabrook Station Preoperational Test Procedure No. 1-PT(I)-37.1, Revision 1, March 7, 1996, " Reactor Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test."
Calibration records for the following test instruments: 2 Quartz Manometers, data logging system, 26 RTDs, 6 Dewcells, 2 ILRT verification test Rotameter .
. .
Qualification records for SIT and ILRT personnel
Seabrook Station Quality Assurance Manual - Preoperational Testing
Seabrook Station FSAR, Section 6.2 and Chapter 15
Official test data log book
ILRT stabilization and 24 hour test dat No unacceptable conditions were identifie .0 Pretest Activities 3.1 Preliminary Walkdown Inspection A preliminary walkdown inspection was conducted on March 6, 1986 to verify the positions of RTDs and Foxboro Dewcells which would be used for the Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test (CILRT).
The inspector verified that 26 temperature elegients and 6 Dewcells were to be installed. Under the ANSI N56.8-1981, a minimum of three Dewpoint temperature sensors were required and no Drybulb temperature sensor was allowed to represent a volume fraction greater than 10% during the test. The following is a summary of the CILRT sensors:
No. Sens q Sensor Minimum Actual Temperature RTD 10 26 (Volume-weighted)
i  Foxboro Dewcell 3 6 l  Pressure  1 2
) Furthermore, eight air compressors were lined up for the containment pressurization through the 10" Containment Gas Control (CGC) System
line and valve CGC-V-45.
The official containment pressure was monitored via FLS-1034 and FLS-354 for the SIT, and pressure sensors PIT-6446 and PIT-6447 located in the Hydrogen Analyzer room were used for the CILRT test.
The PIT-6446 was selected for the data center computer.
Subsequent pre-closecut inspections on March 14, 1986 and March 15, 1986 verified that the following necessary instrumentation and hard-ware lineups were completed:
Ten Dewcells
26 RTDs
Two pressure gauges and temporary pressurization lineup through CGCS line
Two Mensor pressure indicators, PIT-6446 and -6447
SIT strain gauge instrumentatio .2 SIT /CILRT Startup Test Meeting A Joint Test Group meeting was held at 3:00 p.m., March 14, 1986, prior to the containment closecut. The meeting was conducted by the Startup Test Group Manager and Test Directo The critical path plateau and associated activities were discussed as well as projected time tables and milestones during the tes Various activities and responsibilities assigned to each group were briefly discussed, and the location of necessary hardware (i.e., compressors, gauges, data center) was noted. Contain-ment access and administrative controls were clarified for the necessary activity controls during the containment pressurization and test duratio .0 Structural Integrity Test (SIT)
4.1 Pre-Closecut Containment Inspection Prior to containment closecut, the inspectors conducted a containment walkdown and observed the following:
QA/QC personnel participated in a pre-clor,eout walkdown as well as the official closeout walkdow The thermal barrier surge tank was vente The pressurizer relief tank had been vented for the tes Containment Sump A was almost filled with water and Sump B was empt The inspectors raised a concern about three rectangular support beams which were sealed at both ends. The licensee agreed to drill weep holes in the beams. This was later verified by the inspector _ , , . __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _
Most incandescent light bulbs had been remove Halogen lamps are in plac The licensee has indicated that these are pressure sealed and qualified to withstand ILRT/ SIT test pressur Containment wires and proximity probes were installed for the SI Crack-map squares (1 f t.2 each) were painted in whit Rebars for strain gauges (8 rebars and 24 strain gauges) were prepare Some small amounts of scaffolding was still in containment but was minima This was found to be acceptabl All ILRT/ SIT instrumentation was in place as indicated on the vendor drawing The data acquisition center for ILRT and SIT was inspecte The licensee has indicated that the acquisition and calculating equipment was calibrated and operationa Technicians were observed performing in situ calibration checks of ILRT instrumentatio The containment pressurization system was inspected. This system consists of eight compressors connected to a manifol The manifold is connected to the containment through a 10" CGCS line. The licensee has indicated that the containment Isolation valve will be closed and the manifold vented during the ILR This was later verified by the inspector The bypass flow for the instrument verification test was con-nected to the hydrogen analyzer line (3/4" line).
No unacceptable conditions were identifie .2 SIT Sequence Containment pressurization was commenced at 7:32 a.m. on March 15, 1986 with an initial pressurization rate of approximately 1 PSI /HR. This was less than the intended rate of approximately 2 PSI /HR (not to exceed 3.5 PSI /HR). At 9:50 a.m. on March 15, 1986, the litersee checked the mensor (pressure gage) sensing line for any l leakage contribating to the low pressurization rate. It was deter-
mined that a1 instrument vent valve was leaking at the seat. The l valve was t'.ghtened and pressure indications which were erratic became statle. P*essurization rate was now indicated at 2.79 PSI /HR.
The backpressure control valve was maintaining 50 PSI. The following l
is a summarj cr the chronological sequence:
l l
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March 14, 1986 1930 SIT /CILRT pretest briefin March 15, 1986 0530 Containment final walkdow Announcement of Containment Isolatio Compressors loaded on line, commencing pressurization to 13 PSIG. Initial pressurization rate slightly over 1 PSI /H .6 PSI /HR pressurization rat FLS-1034 reading: 12 PSIG FLS-354: 12 PSIG
;_ 1227 Secured compressors at 13.5 PSI Commenced one hour hold i  prior to inspections.
1400 Licensee walkdown of mechanical penetration areas to check and identify leaking valve Identified several with yellow caution tape.
: 1507 All 8 air compressors on line. Maintaining 50 PSIG
!  backpressur Commencing pressurization to 26 PSI Pressurization rate 3.24 PSI /HR.
, 1959 Secured compressors at 26.5 PSI Commenced one hour j  hold prior to inspection.
j 2059 Licensee starting penetration area inspections, 2246 Commencing pressurization to 39 PSIG.
f 2247 Pressurization rate is 2.56 PSI /HR.
; March 16, 1986 0335 Secured compressors at 39.5 PSI Commenced one hour hold prior to inspection.
, 0437 Licensee starting inspection for crack enlargemen No enlargement or defects noted.
0633 Commencing pressurization to 52 PSIG, maintaining 50 PSIG i
. .
0644 Pressurization rate is 3.5 PSI /H Licensee inspection of mechanical penetration area Noted several valves with slight leakage Secured compressors at 52.5 PSI SIT inspections commencing by licensee: Soap tests for electrical and mechanical penetrations, and hatch leak test employing Boroscop Crack mapping by licensee complet Commencing pressurization to 60 PSI Pressurization rate approximately 2.4 PSI /H Secured compressors at 60.9 PSIG, with compressors #1 and
  #6 on standb Licensee inr, Lections for crack mapping commencing, soap test for equipment hatch in progres Licensee completed inspection for enlargement of cracks or defects, none exceeded acceptance criteri Started deoressurization to 52 PSIG platea Depressuri-zation rate is 4.9 PSI /H Reached 52 PSIG platea March 17, 1986 0100 Licensee took data for interior containment measurement Started depressurization to 39 PSIG plateau, at 4.8 PSI /H Mensor PIT-6446 reading erratic, I&C technicians called to trouble shoo Reached 39 PSIG platea Mensor PIT-6446 out of servic Mensor PIT-6447 replaced PIT-6446 as official pressure indicator. Licensee will monitor both mensors to evaluate performanc Dewcell ME 6413 displayed erratic behavior.
March 18, 1986 0400 24 hear post-SIT pressure below 41.3 PSIG has been achieve .3 Observation of Structural Integrity Test for Coni.ainment The conduct of the Structural Integrity Test (SIT) was inspecte The licensee's FSAR commitmerits for the SIT are in accordance with USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.136, Revision 1 and ASME section III, Division 2, Article CC-6000 (1980 Edition), for nonprototype containments. United Engineers specification for the SIT, Speci-fication No. 9763.006-5-S, Revision 1 and their Technical Procedure No. TP-13, applied these commitments. These are also the bases for the licensee's Preoperational Test Procedure, TPI-62-F02, Revision 2, and of Teledyne Engineering Services / Brewer Engineering Laboratories (BEL /TES) implementing procedures:
Test Plan for Seabrook #1 SIT, Technical Report TR-20422(836)
for calibration installation and operation of instrumentation
Technical Report TR-20422(837), installation procedure for support of 64 displacement transducers The secondary purpose of this inspection was to observe the licen-see's planned engineering coordination for the SIT, and to review the assigned responsibility for conduct of the test and sign-off as identified in the licensee's Preoperational Test Procedure. The inspector attended the Pretest Briefing conducted by the licensee's test director of his Startup Test Department on the night of March 14 before the test and toured the containment interior to observe the SIT instrumentation. Prior to the SIT on March 15, the NRC inspector observed the exterior containment crack-mapping areas and noted scme apparent pretest hairline cracks in the concret The NRC inspector witnessed on March 15 the test through the first two pressure plateaus of 13 and 26 PSI He observed the crack mapping and photo-graphing at each station. He independently verified crack widths and observed the controls maintained and the required sign-off. The administrative controls undertaken by the licensee were also observed during this part of the tes The licensee QA sign-off at each stage of the SIT provided assurance of the prescribed quality controls required by the technical' specifications. The ASME III, Division 2, required verification and sign-off was observed accomplished by the Authorized Inspecto The NRC inspector additionally observed that the following NRC items of concern identified in inspection reports during construction of the containment building were addressed by the A-E for observation and evaluation during the SIT:
. .
In-Line Multiple Cadweld Splices
Containment Liner Plate Separation The above observations indicated that the Seabrook Unit #1 contain-ment structural integrity test was being conducted in accordance with the ASME B&PV Code Section III, Division 2. The conduct of the test was observed by the NRC inspector to demonstrate licensee involvement in assuring quality. As required by this code and the A-E's technical specification, the SIT contractor is required to submit to the Engineer and Test Director a Test Report. This will be made a part of the Final Report prepared by the Engineer (concrete containment structural designer) in accordance with ASME section CC-6260 for acceptance of the Seabrook Unit #1 concrete containment's integrit The final report will be reviewed by the NRC for acceptability in a subsequent inspectio .0 Integrated Leak Rate Test 5.1 General On March 18 and 19, 1986 a preoperational ILRT was performed at Seabrook Station, Unit 1, as required by 10 CFR 50, Appendix J. The test was performed in accordance with 1-PT(I)-37.1, " Reactor Contain-ment Integrated Leak Rate Test," Revision 1. The inspectors reviewed the test procedure and witnessed preparations and various portions of the tes .2 Procedure The inspector reviewed checkoff /signoff sheets, official log books, controlled test procedures, and data taking, and observed test activities to verify that:
Test procedure was adequat Test prerequisites were me Test was conducted in accordance with the procedure Proper plant systems were in service, and valves were lined up in accordance with the test procedure No unacceptable conditions were identifie .3 ILRT Computer Programs Ebasco Service, Inc. was the contractor to perform the ILRT data acquisition and calculations using a KAYPR0 II personal computer. The software, " Program 4055 for ILRT," Revision 4, February 25, 1986, was discussed with a vendor representative. The software was previously
- . _-.  . . . . .
used for the Indian Point, Unit 2, ILRT calculation. The inspector noted that the software was subsequently revised in order to apply proper statistical weighting factors, a Harmonic weighting scheme, as follows:
n V Pi P={1 1=
V Ti T={1 fj  .
n i=1/(31=1 )
_n V Pi
P=TI ( fjT1 -
i=1 where, P = average vapor pressure in c.he containment Pi = vapor pressure of region i Vfj = volume fraction of region i i = average air temperature in the containment Ti = temperature of air for region i
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5.4 Test Instrumentation The inspectors reviewed the calibration records of the ILRT instru-mentation to ascertain that the instruments had been calibrated within the 6-month period prior to the test, as per the industry      4 standard ANSI /ANS-56.8-1981. The calibrations were traceable to the National Bureau of Standards. The inspectors also verified that the instrument system satisfied the specifications given in the instrument selection guide of ANSI /ANS-56.8-198 The inspectors observed the operation of the automatic data collection system during the conduct of the test.
The inspectors verified the arrangement and location of the resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) and Dewcells in the containment.
No unacceptable conditions were identifie .5 Containment Inspection and Test Boundary Verification The inspectors conducted several tours independently with and without licensee personnel before and during the ILRT. The containment was
inspected for the existence of artificial boundaries and boundaries showing evidence of leakage. Several isolation valves were found to
; be leaking slightly. However, the licensee inspection team identified t the leakage sources and administrative measures were taken to continue monitoring these valves throughout the tes No unacceptable conditions were identifie .6 ILRT Chronology
March 18, 1986 0717  Reached ILRT test pressure platea Started ILRT stabilization perio All compressors secure Stabilization criteria has been met: Rateofchangeof temperature averaged over the last 4 hours is 0.45 F/hr/hr.
This is the official start time of the 24 hr. tes After 4 hours, trends 'in mass, temperature, pressure,
and dewpoint are relatively stable. No instruments have
met failure criteria and no data points have been rejecte All five RTD groups continue to show stable trend There is approximately 1 F total span of all groups.
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1745  Sixth hour data indicates the trend of predicted leakage is within allowable limit March 19, 1986
0722  Official end of 24 hour test perio Results indicate a
successful test.
5.7 Stabilization Period The first acceptance criterion on vapor pressure was ambiguous and a quantitative guidance was not provided in the test procedure. The
inspector made an independent calculation to verify the degree of stability, particularly, the variance of the dewpoint Each data point was obtained from the Dewcells and the temperature elements every 15 minutes, and the containment pressure was monitored using the second Mensor pressure transmitter, PIT-6447. The PIT-6446 was abandoned at 10:45 a.m., March 17, 1986 due to its erratic behavio During the 4 hours of stabilization, a total of 17 data points were
obtained. Since the numerical differences between the arithmetic and i
the harmonically weighted averages were small, the inspector maae an independent, simplistic evaluation of the vapor pressure variation based on the Gaussian distribution of the data point Gaussian average P vapor = 0.2104 psi Population Standard Deviation, n
    = 0.00142 psi Sample Standard Deviation, n-1 = 0.001466 psi
!  Based on the abcve, the inspector determined that the dewpoints during the period were stabl For the second acceptance criterion on the containment temperature
  - perturbation, the harmonically-weighted air temperatures fluctuated by less than 0.45 F/hr during the entire 4 hour period, meeting the required 0.5 F/hr criterio Figure 1 shows the trend of data taken during the 4 hour stabil12a-
,  tion period. The figure shows that the atmosphere in the containment i  for the first hour was relatively unstable as' compared to the next 3 hours. The data however meets the criteria for temperature stabili-zation described in ANSI /ANS 56.8-1981 that is: " ...the latest rate
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of change of the weighted average contained air temperature, averaged over the last hour, does not deviate by more than 0.5 F/hr from the average rate of change of the weighted average contained air temper-ature averaged over the last four hours." The inspectors calculated a value of 0.45 F/hr which satisfied the above criteri . 8 ILRT Parameters The following parameters were monitored by the inspectors during the course of the ILRT:
Containment sump levels
Steam generator levels
Primary component cooling water (PCCW) heat exchanger outlet temperature
Reactor vessel level The objective was to monitor the water inventory in the reactor coolant system for prompt identification of leaks and to chase leak source The PCCW heat exchanger outlet temperatures were also monitored in order to verify adequate cooling of the containment fan Table 1 summarized the data, which indicated no meaningful change The stable readings during the test period is an indirect indication of containment tightnes . }    .i  j      .  ,
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ILRT Containment Steam Genera tor PCCW Heat Exc Reactor Vessel Pa rame te r Sump Level frtl Levels (%) Outtet Temo ('F1 J evel fin)
) Date & Time  A  B A B C D T ra i n A T ra i n B 3-15-86/6:07 PM  -4.271 -1.617 88 93 85 91 84 82 3-16-86/11:07 AM  -4.271 -1.615 88 93 86 92 84 82 60 3-16-86/7:06 PM  -4.268 -1.615 88 93 86 92 84 82 60 3-16-86/9:25 PM  -4.268 -1.615 88 93 86 92 84 82 60 3-17-86/7:30 AM  -4.268 -1.614 88 93 86 92 83 82 60 3-17-86/2:40 PM  -4.268 -1.614 88 93 86 92 83 81 60 3-17-86/9: 15 PM  -4.268 -1.614 88 93 86 92 84 82 60 3-18-86/11:26 AM  -4.264 -1.614 88 93 86 92* 84 82 60 3-18-86/2:40 PM  -4.268 -1.614 88 93 86 92 85 82 60 3-18-86/9: 10 PM  -4.268 -1.614 88 93 86 92 85 82 60 3-19-86/9:55 AM  -4.268 -1.614 88 93 86 92 85 82 60
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1191 5.9 ILRT Results Evaluation The inspectors also calculated the containment integrated leak rate by taking a straight line extrapolation of the test data near the end of the test. The independently obtained value was .03 wt. %/ day without applying a confidence limit. The licensee computer calcu-lation was .05 wt. %/ day. The test acceptance limit is 0.1125 w %/ day. The above computations are based on a simple mass point calculation. As seen in Figure 2, the leak fit curve with 95% upper confidence limit appears to be asymptotically approaching a leak rate of .08 wt. %/ day. If the curve is extrapolated to the full 24 hour test period, a final leak rate of approximately .06 wt. %/ day is observed. This is within the test acceptance criteria. Figure 3 shows the containment air mass during the test. This preliminary evaluation of the data indicates a successful preoperational ILR Final approval 'will depend on a thorough NRC raview of the final summary technical report. Test verification data will also be reviewed at that tim .0 Tours The inspectors made several tours of the plant including the reactor building, penetration rooms, control room, containment hatches and plant exterior (containment and compressor area) in order to monitor the activ-ities related to the preparation for and performance of the SIT and ILR The inspectors noted no unusual or unacceptable condition .0 QA/QC Test Coverage During the performance of the SIT and ILRT, the inspectors verified QA/yC involvement in test monitoring. QC was present to provide coverage for test steps at assigned witness points and verified that test performance was properly executed. No unacceptable conditions were identifie .0 Independent Calculations The inspectors performed independent calculations of the stabilization period acceptance criteria and the ILRT results. Details are included in Section .0 Exit Meeting Licens e management was informed of the purpose and scope of the inspec-tion at the entrance interview. The findings of the inspection were periodically discusred and were summarized at the exit meeting which was held on March 19, H86. Attendees at the exit meeting are listed in Section 1.0 of this report. At no time during the inspection was written material provided to the licensee by the inspector ..
  . .
_-__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - _ - _ _ _ - _ -

Latest revision as of 06:17, 31 December 2020

Insp Rept 50-443/86-15 on 860304-19.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Procedure Review,Test Witnessing & Preliminary Results Evaluation of Preoperational Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/23/1986
From: Anderson C, Chung J, Joe Golla, Varela A
Shared Package
ML20203M927 List:
50-443-86-15, NUDOCS 8605020165
Download: ML20203M928 (19)


. _ _ . _ _ . . - .- - _ _


. .



Report N /86-15 Docket N License N CPPR-135 Priority -

Category C Licensee: Public Service Company of New Hampshire 1000 Elm Street Manchester, New Hampshire 03105 Facility Name: Seabrook Station, Unit 1


Inspection At: Seabrook, New Hampshire Inspection Conducted: March 4-19, 1986




s o)

A Ti'W. Chung, Lea eactor Engineer hW-$ date


G .


M n hony A. Varela, adpactorEngineer date as Y c2/-ib gseptvA. Golla, Reatft Engineer date Approved by: .,


/ I4


C' Anderson', Chief, Plant Systems Section /date


Inspection Summary:

Inspection on March 4-19, 1986 (Inspection Report No. 50-443/86-15)

. Areas Inspected: Routine unannounced inspection of procedure review, test witnessing and preliminary results evaluation of preoperational Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test (ILRT), Structural Integrity Test (SIT) activities, and tours of the facilit Results: No violations or deviations were identified.

1 f

8605020165 860423 3 ADOCK 0500 gD _ . ~ , _ - . . . . _ . _ . . . _ - - _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ .__ __ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ ___ .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .


. .


DETAILS 1.0 Persons Contacted Public Service Company of New Hampshire

  • G. Kann, Test Group Manager
  • J. Marchi, Startup Quality Control Manager
  • R. McCormack, Test Director
  • G. Mcdonald, Construction QA Manager
  • D. McLain, Startup Manager
  • Middleton, QA Staff Engineer
  • V. Sanchez, Licensing Engineer C. Strickland, STD Engineer
  • J. Tefft, STD Project Engineer R. K. Tacker, Mechanical Engineer Ebasco P. Dillon, Test Engineer Kemper (AIA)

D. Norris, Regional Manager UE&C D. C. Lambert, Project Field QC Manager K. C. Blatt, Containment Engineer R. Stocking, I&C-QC Nuclear Regulatory Commission


  • A. Cerne, Senior Resident Inspector
  • D. Ruscitto, Resident Inspector
  • Denotes those present at exit meeting held on March 19, 198 .0 Administrative Controls of SIT and CILRT The inspector interviewed selected licensee personnel and reviewed


qualifications and training records for conformance with Technical

. Specifications; Station Administrative Control Procedures; ANSI N18.7


" Administrative Controls for Nuclear Power Plants"; ANSI N18.1-1971


" Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel"; Regulatory Guide 1.33 " Quality Assurance Program Requirements". The inspector also


observed conduct of testing and reviewed data / log sheets to verify that:


i L


. .



SIT and ILRT were conducted in accordance with the test procedur Test directors were designated and their responsibilities were clearly define .


Tests were administered in accordance with the administrative control procedures, and the licensee commitments and requirement QA/QC participation and surveillance inspection were visible during the ILRT close out inspectio The test procedures were adhered to during the tests, and changes were implemented in accordance with the station procedural requirement The following documents were reviewe ANSI N45.4-1972, Leakage-Rate Testing of Containment Structures for Nuclear Reacto ANSI /ANS56.8-1981, Containment System Leakage Testing Requirement Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix Test Program Instruction (TPI) 81, Revision 8, Qualification and Certifi-cation of Test Personne TPI-64, Revision 4, Test Performanc Seabrook Station Preoperational Test Program Manual, Revision 68, Initial Test Progra Technical Procedure No. TP-13, " Structural Integrity Test (SIT)

for Public Service Company of New Hampshire, Seabrook Station, Unit No. 1", Revision 2, March 11, 1986, by United Engineers &

Constructors, In SIT data including Rebar strain and concrete crack maps and containment deflections by Teledyne Engineering Service Microcomputer Program, Revision 4, February 25, 1986, by Ebasco plant services, ILRT service Seabrook Station Preoperational Test Procedure No. 1-PT(I)-37.1, Revision 1, March 7, 1996, " Reactor Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test."


Calibration records for the following test instruments: 2 Quartz Manometers, data logging system, 26 RTDs, 6 Dewcells, 2 ILRT verification test Rotameter .

. .



Qualification records for SIT and ILRT personnel


Seabrook Station Quality Assurance Manual - Preoperational Testing


Seabrook Station FSAR, Section 6.2 and Chapter 15


Official test data log book


ILRT stabilization and 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> test dat No unacceptable conditions were identifie .0 Pretest Activities 3.1 Preliminary Walkdown Inspection A preliminary walkdown inspection was conducted on March 6, 1986 to verify the positions of RTDs and Foxboro Dewcells which would be used for the Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test (CILRT).

The inspector verified that 26 temperature elegients and 6 Dewcells were to be installed. Under the ANSI N56.8-1981, a minimum of three Dewpoint temperature sensors were required and no Drybulb temperature sensor was allowed to represent a volume fraction greater than 10% during the test. The following is a summary of the CILRT sensors:

No. Sens q Sensor Minimum Actual Temperature RTD 10 26 (Volume-weighted)

i Foxboro Dewcell 3 6 l Pressure 1 2

) Furthermore, eight air compressors were lined up for the containment pressurization through the 10" Containment Gas Control (CGC) System



line and valve CGC-V-45.


The official containment pressure was monitored via FLS-1034 and FLS-354 for the SIT, and pressure sensors PIT-6446 and PIT-6447 located in the Hydrogen Analyzer room were used for the CILRT test.

The PIT-6446 was selected for the data center computer.





Subsequent pre-closecut inspections on March 14, 1986 and March 15, 1986 verified that the following necessary instrumentation and hard-ware lineups were completed:


Ten Dewcells


26 RTDs


Two pressure gauges and temporary pressurization lineup through CGCS line


Two Mensor pressure indicators, PIT-6446 and -6447


SIT strain gauge instrumentatio .2 SIT /CILRT Startup Test Meeting A Joint Test Group meeting was held at 3:00 p.m., March 14, 1986, prior to the containment closecut. The meeting was conducted by the Startup Test Group Manager and Test Directo The critical path plateau and associated activities were discussed as well as projected time tables and milestones during the tes Various activities and responsibilities assigned to each group were briefly discussed, and the location of necessary hardware (i.e., compressors, gauges, data center) was noted. Contain-ment access and administrative controls were clarified for the necessary activity controls during the containment pressurization and test duratio .0 Structural Integrity Test (SIT)

4.1 Pre-Closecut Containment Inspection Prior to containment closecut, the inspectors conducted a containment walkdown and observed the following:


QA/QC personnel participated in a pre-clor,eout walkdown as well as the official closeout walkdow The thermal barrier surge tank was vente The pressurizer relief tank had been vented for the tes Containment Sump A was almost filled with water and Sump B was empt The inspectors raised a concern about three rectangular support beams which were sealed at both ends. The licensee agreed to drill weep holes in the beams. This was later verified by the inspector _ , , . __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _





Most incandescent light bulbs had been remove Halogen lamps are in plac The licensee has indicated that these are pressure sealed and qualified to withstand ILRT/ SIT test pressur Containment wires and proximity probes were installed for the SI Crack-map squares (1 f t.2 each) were painted in whit Rebars for strain gauges (8 rebars and 24 strain gauges) were prepare Some small amounts of scaffolding was still in containment but was minima This was found to be acceptabl All ILRT/ SIT instrumentation was in place as indicated on the vendor drawing The data acquisition center for ILRT and SIT was inspecte The licensee has indicated that the acquisition and calculating equipment was calibrated and operationa Technicians were observed performing in situ calibration checks of ILRT instrumentatio The containment pressurization system was inspected. This system consists of eight compressors connected to a manifol The manifold is connected to the containment through a 10" CGCS line. The licensee has indicated that the containment Isolation valve will be closed and the manifold vented during the ILR This was later verified by the inspector The bypass flow for the instrument verification test was con-nected to the hydrogen analyzer line (3/4" line).

No unacceptable conditions were identifie .2 SIT Sequence Containment pressurization was commenced at 7:32 a.m. on March 15, 1986 with an initial pressurization rate of approximately 1 PSI /HR. This was less than the intended rate of approximately 2 PSI /HR (not to exceed 3.5 PSI /HR). At 9:50 a.m. on March 15, 1986, the litersee checked the mensor (pressure gage) sensing line for any l leakage contribating to the low pressurization rate. It was deter-


mined that a1 instrument vent valve was leaking at the seat. The l valve was t'.ghtened and pressure indications which were erratic became statle. P*essurization rate was now indicated at 2.79 PSI /HR.


The backpressure control valve was maintaining 50 PSI. The following l

is a summarj cr the chronological sequence:

l l



.. .


March 14, 1986 1930 SIT /CILRT pretest briefin March 15, 1986 0530 Containment final walkdow Announcement of Containment Isolatio Compressors loaded on line, commencing pressurization to 13 PSIG. Initial pressurization rate slightly over 1 PSI /H .6 PSI /HR pressurization rat FLS-1034 reading: 12 PSIG FLS-354: 12 PSIG

_ 1227 Secured compressors at 13.5 PSI Commenced one hour hold i prior to inspections.


1400 Licensee walkdown of mechanical penetration areas to check and identify leaking valve Identified several with yellow caution tape.

1507 All 8 air compressors on line. Maintaining 50 PSIG

! backpressur Commencing pressurization to 26 PSI Pressurization rate 3.24 PSI /HR.


, 1959 Secured compressors at 26.5 PSI Commenced one hour j hold prior to inspection.

j 2059 Licensee starting penetration area inspections, 2246 Commencing pressurization to 39 PSIG.

f 2247 Pressurization rate is 2.56 PSI /HR.

March 16, 1986 0335 Secured compressors at 39.5 PSI Commenced one hour hold prior to inspection.

, 0437 Licensee starting inspection for crack enlargemen No enlargement or defects noted.




0633 Commencing pressurization to 52 PSIG, maintaining 50 PSIG i




. .


0644 Pressurization rate is 3.5 PSI /H Licensee inspection of mechanical penetration area Noted several valves with slight leakage Secured compressors at 52.5 PSI SIT inspections commencing by licensee: Soap tests for electrical and mechanical penetrations, and hatch leak test employing Boroscop Crack mapping by licensee complet Commencing pressurization to 60 PSI Pressurization rate approximately 2.4 PSI /H Secured compressors at 60.9 PSIG, with compressors #1 and

  1. 6 on standb Licensee inr, Lections for crack mapping commencing, soap test for equipment hatch in progres Licensee completed inspection for enlargement of cracks or defects, none exceeded acceptance criteri Started deoressurization to 52 PSIG platea Depressuri-zation rate is 4.9 PSI /H Reached 52 PSIG platea March 17, 1986 0100 Licensee took data for interior containment measurement Started depressurization to 39 PSIG plateau, at 4.8 PSI /H Mensor PIT-6446 reading erratic, I&C technicians called to trouble shoo Reached 39 PSIG platea Mensor PIT-6446 out of servic Mensor PIT-6447 replaced PIT-6446 as official pressure indicator. Licensee will monitor both mensors to evaluate performanc Dewcell ME 6413 displayed erratic behavior.



March 18, 1986 0400 24 hear post-SIT pressure below 41.3 PSIG has been achieve .3 Observation of Structural Integrity Test for Coni.ainment The conduct of the Structural Integrity Test (SIT) was inspecte The licensee's FSAR commitmerits for the SIT are in accordance with USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.136, Revision 1 and ASME section III, Division 2, Article CC-6000 (1980 Edition), for nonprototype containments. United Engineers specification for the SIT, Speci-fication No. 9763.006-5-S, Revision 1 and their Technical Procedure No. TP-13, applied these commitments. These are also the bases for the licensee's Preoperational Test Procedure, TPI-62-F02, Revision 2, and of Teledyne Engineering Services / Brewer Engineering Laboratories (BEL /TES) implementing procedures:


Test Plan for Seabrook #1 SIT, Technical Report TR-20422(836)

for calibration installation and operation of instrumentation


Technical Report TR-20422(837), installation procedure for support of 64 displacement transducers The secondary purpose of this inspection was to observe the licen-see's planned engineering coordination for the SIT, and to review the assigned responsibility for conduct of the test and sign-off as identified in the licensee's Preoperational Test Procedure. The inspector attended the Pretest Briefing conducted by the licensee's test director of his Startup Test Department on the night of March 14 before the test and toured the containment interior to observe the SIT instrumentation. Prior to the SIT on March 15, the NRC inspector observed the exterior containment crack-mapping areas and noted scme apparent pretest hairline cracks in the concret The NRC inspector witnessed on March 15 the test through the first two pressure plateaus of 13 and 26 PSI He observed the crack mapping and photo-graphing at each station. He independently verified crack widths and observed the controls maintained and the required sign-off. The administrative controls undertaken by the licensee were also observed during this part of the tes The licensee QA sign-off at each stage of the SIT provided assurance of the prescribed quality controls required by the technical' specifications. The ASME III, Division 2, required verification and sign-off was observed accomplished by the Authorized Inspecto The NRC inspector additionally observed that the following NRC items of concern identified in inspection reports during construction of the containment building were addressed by the A-E for observation and evaluation during the SIT:


. .


In-Line Multiple Cadweld Splices


Containment Liner Plate Separation The above observations indicated that the Seabrook Unit #1 contain-ment structural integrity test was being conducted in accordance with the ASME B&PV Code Section III, Division 2. The conduct of the test was observed by the NRC inspector to demonstrate licensee involvement in assuring quality. As required by this code and the A-E's technical specification, the SIT contractor is required to submit to the Engineer and Test Director a Test Report. This will be made a part of the Final Report prepared by the Engineer (concrete containment structural designer) in accordance with ASME section CC-6260 for acceptance of the Seabrook Unit #1 concrete containment's integrit The final report will be reviewed by the NRC for acceptability in a subsequent inspectio .0 Integrated Leak Rate Test 5.1 General On March 18 and 19, 1986 a preoperational ILRT was performed at Seabrook Station, Unit 1, as required by 10 CFR 50, Appendix J. The test was performed in accordance with 1-PT(I)-37.1, " Reactor Contain-ment Integrated Leak Rate Test," Revision 1. The inspectors reviewed the test procedure and witnessed preparations and various portions of the tes .2 Procedure The inspector reviewed checkoff /signoff sheets, official log books, controlled test procedures, and data taking, and observed test activities to verify that:


Test procedure was adequat Test prerequisites were me Test was conducted in accordance with the procedure Proper plant systems were in service, and valves were lined up in accordance with the test procedure No unacceptable conditions were identifie .3 ILRT Computer Programs Ebasco Service, Inc. was the contractor to perform the ILRT data acquisition and calculations using a KAYPR0 II personal computer. The software, " Program 4055 for ILRT," Revision 4, February 25, 1986, was discussed with a vendor representative. The software was previously

- . _-. . . . . .



used for the Indian Point, Unit 2, ILRT calculation. The inspector noted that the software was subsequently revised in order to apply proper statistical weighting factors, a Harmonic weighting scheme, as follows:



n V Pi P={1 1=






V Ti T={1 fj .



n i=1/(31=1 )

_n V Pi


P=TI ( fjT1 -


i=1 where, P = average vapor pressure in c.he containment Pi = vapor pressure of region i Vfj = volume fraction of region i i = average air temperature in the containment Ti = temperature of air for region i

. ._ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ ._ _ _ - . _ . -

. - _ . . . - .

l i

. . i



12 l



5.4 Test Instrumentation The inspectors reviewed the calibration records of the ILRT instru-mentation to ascertain that the instruments had been calibrated within the 6-month period prior to the test, as per the industry 4 standard ANSI /ANS-56.8-1981. The calibrations were traceable to the National Bureau of Standards. The inspectors also verified that the instrument system satisfied the specifications given in the instrument selection guide of ANSI /ANS-56.8-198 The inspectors observed the operation of the automatic data collection system during the conduct of the test.


The inspectors verified the arrangement and location of the resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) and Dewcells in the containment.


No unacceptable conditions were identifie .5 Containment Inspection and Test Boundary Verification The inspectors conducted several tours independently with and without licensee personnel before and during the ILRT. The containment was



inspected for the existence of artificial boundaries and boundaries showing evidence of leakage. Several isolation valves were found to

be leaking slightly. However, the licensee inspection team identified t the leakage sources and administrative measures were taken to continue monitoring these valves throughout the tes No unacceptable conditions were identifie .6 ILRT Chronology

March 18, 1986 0717 Reached ILRT test pressure platea Started ILRT stabilization perio All compressors secure Stabilization criteria has been met: Rateofchangeof temperature averaged over the last 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> is 0.45 F/hr/hr.

This is the official start time of the 24 hr. tes After 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />, trends 'in mass, temperature, pressure,


and dewpoint are relatively stable. No instruments have


met failure criteria and no data points have been rejecte All five RTD groups continue to show stable trend There is approximately 1 F total span of all groups.


E y g e s- y w,-r-,, ,,--m,--,y-,----y - r- ww -w,,-,-,-,---,---,,,m- w --

w,w,-.,ww- , - -


r ,w -e-w *,,st,, ew--,2~ e-----,e4-ye- - , -

. - . .- .




. .

1745 Sixth hour data indicates the trend of predicted leakage is within allowable limit March 19, 1986


0722 Official end of 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> test perio Results indicate a

successful test.


5.7 Stabilization Period The first acceptance criterion on vapor pressure was ambiguous and a quantitative guidance was not provided in the test procedure. The


inspector made an independent calculation to verify the degree of stability, particularly, the variance of the dewpoint Each data point was obtained from the Dewcells and the temperature elements every 15 minutes, and the containment pressure was monitored using the second Mensor pressure transmitter, PIT-6447. The PIT-6446 was abandoned at 10:45 a.m., March 17, 1986 due to its erratic behavio During the 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of stabilization, a total of 17 data points were


obtained. Since the numerical differences between the arithmetic and i


the harmonically weighted averages were small, the inspector maae an independent, simplistic evaluation of the vapor pressure variation based on the Gaussian distribution of the data point Gaussian average P vapor = 0.2104 psi Population Standard Deviation, n

= 0.00142 psi Sample Standard Deviation, n-1 = 0.001466 psi

! Based on the abcve, the inspector determined that the dewpoints during the period were stabl For the second acceptance criterion on the containment temperature

- perturbation, the harmonically-weighted air temperatures fluctuated by less than 0.45 F/hr during the entire 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> period, meeting the required 0.5 F/hr criterio Figure 1 shows the trend of data taken during the 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> stabil12a-

, tion period. The figure shows that the atmosphere in the containment i for the first hour was relatively unstable as' compared to the next 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />. The data however meets the criteria for temperature stabili-zation described in ANSI /ANS 56.8-1981 that is: " ...the latest rate



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of change of the weighted average contained air temperature, averaged over the last hour, does not deviate by more than 0.5 F/hr from the average rate of change of the weighted average contained air temper-ature averaged over the last four hours." The inspectors calculated a value of 0.45 F/hr which satisfied the above criteri . 8 ILRT Parameters The following parameters were monitored by the inspectors during the course of the ILRT:


Containment sump levels


Steam generator levels


Primary component cooling water (PCCW) heat exchanger outlet temperature


Reactor vessel level The objective was to monitor the water inventory in the reactor coolant system for prompt identification of leaks and to chase leak source The PCCW heat exchanger outlet temperatures were also monitored in order to verify adequate cooling of the containment fan Table 1 summarized the data, which indicated no meaningful change The stable readings during the test period is an indirect indication of containment tightnes . } .i j . ,

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ILRT Containment Steam Genera tor PCCW Heat Exc Reactor Vessel Pa rame te r Sump Level frtl Levels (%) Outtet Temo ('F1 J evel fin)

) Date & Time A B A B C D T ra i n A T ra i n B 3-15-86/6:07 PM -4.271 -1.617 88 93 85 91 84 82 3-16-86/11:07 AM -4.271 -1.615 88 93 86 92 84 82 60 3-16-86/7:06 PM -4.268 -1.615 88 93 86 92 84 82 60 3-16-86/9:25 PM -4.268 -1.615 88 93 86 92 84 82 60 3-17-86/7:30 AM -4.268 -1.614 88 93 86 92 83 82 60 3-17-86/2:40 PM -4.268 -1.614 88 93 86 92 83 81 60 3-17-86/9: 15 PM -4.268 -1.614 88 93 86 92 84 82 60 3-18-86/11:26 AM -4.264 -1.614 88 93 86 92* 84 82 60 3-18-86/2:40 PM -4.268 -1.614 88 93 86 92 85 82 60 3-18-86/9: 10 PM -4.268 -1.614 88 93 86 92 85 82 60 3-19-86/9:55 AM -4.268 -1.614 88 93 86 92 85 82 60




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1191 5.9 ILRT Results Evaluation The inspectors also calculated the containment integrated leak rate by taking a straight line extrapolation of the test data near the end of the test. The independently obtained value was .03 wt. %/ day without applying a confidence limit. The licensee computer calcu-lation was .05 wt. %/ day. The test acceptance limit is 0.1125 w %/ day. The above computations are based on a simple mass point calculation. As seen in Figure 2, the leak fit curve with 95% upper confidence limit appears to be asymptotically approaching a leak rate of .08 wt. %/ day. If the curve is extrapolated to the full 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> test period, a final leak rate of approximately .06 wt. %/ day is observed. This is within the test acceptance criteria. Figure 3 shows the containment air mass during the test. This preliminary evaluation of the data indicates a successful preoperational ILR Final approval 'will depend on a thorough NRC raview of the final summary technical report. Test verification data will also be reviewed at that tim .0 Tours The inspectors made several tours of the plant including the reactor building, penetration rooms, control room, containment hatches and plant exterior (containment and compressor area) in order to monitor the activ-ities related to the preparation for and performance of the SIT and ILR The inspectors noted no unusual or unacceptable condition .0 QA/QC Test Coverage During the performance of the SIT and ILRT, the inspectors verified QA/yC involvement in test monitoring. QC was present to provide coverage for test steps at assigned witness points and verified that test performance was properly executed. No unacceptable conditions were identifie .0 Independent Calculations The inspectors performed independent calculations of the stabilization period acceptance criteria and the ILRT results. Details are included in Section .0 Exit Meeting Licens e management was informed of the purpose and scope of the inspec-tion at the entrance interview. The findings of the inspection were periodically discusred and were summarized at the exit meeting which was held on March 19, H86. Attendees at the exit meeting are listed in Section 1.0 of this report. At no time during the inspection was written material provided to the licensee by the inspector ..

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