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Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR100, Seismic & Geologic Siting Criteria. Investigation of Faults Less than 1 Mile Long Would Not Appear Necessary for Entire Area Encompassed by Radius of 5 Miles
Person / Time
Site: 05000000
Issue date: 01/19/1972
From: Walker R
Shared Package
ML20235X376 List: ... further results
FOIA-87-462, FRN-51FR30224, RULE-PR-100 51FR30224-00025, 51FR30224-25, NUDOCS 8710220051
Download: ML20236A124 (3)



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January 19,;1972 f Doctttt!

C2EC " l

. Secretary.

JAN241$ l U. S. Atomic Energy Cormnission Washington, D. C.

20545 wa.r e,xn 1 g

mee rm.m ;

Attention: ' Chief, Pubite Proceedings Branch'


1 2-January 19, 1972 ivni,e scenes ce=aar o cm... '

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for power eeneration must be' designed to remain o:erable for this condition.'



It seens clearly-beyond the scope of safety censi:aratiens to include a re-l quirerent that a plant shall be capable of power ge.eratien following'an

" perating Easis Earthqucke." As long as syste's related to safety are des 1

' signed to rer. tin operable following;an " Operating Iasis Earth:uake," it seec':


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to 'us that the extent to which the,rerainder of th cesigned to re-

.r.ain operable following such 'an event should rerain as a decisien to be rado

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by the apr.licant. We recor:rtend that the definiti:n which was creviously oro.

posed in the AEC tentative criteria should be ad::ted in.orinciale. The foi.

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. lowing wording, containing minor eettorial revisi:ns, is reccanded:-


"The ' Operating Basis Earthouake' is that earth:uake which would produce a vibratory ground mtien equal to that vi-bratory ground rotion' for which:those features r.ecessary.

for continued operation without undue risk to the healthL and safety of the public are designed to re:r.ain functional."-

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Paragraph !!! (g) (1):



Based on' historic evidence, the probability is very srall that a -

fault which has not shown evidence of nevert:ent wi-him the last few tens of thousands of years could generate a major eartheuike. Since technktues for l 'i establishing tires of neverent beyond 35,000 years er so a;: ear to be of -

i debatable validity, we believe that the burden to show that a ft. ult has not


moved more than once in.the past.500,000 years tends.. to niace all detectable faults within the category of active faults' -

We recommend that.the phrase, "or rmre than once in the' past'


,, 500,000 years........-.s.." hould be deleted. -

Paracraoh IV (a) (5):

The phrase " historically reported eart* quakes." fr:o.l.tes. reporting -

through forrally establish'ed channels which might r.ct crevirte for the existance of-other documentation which may exist within the vicinity of a site.

We suggest that you. night.wish to' censider a revisien sording such as,follows:

"1.isting of all known historic -eart.1::akes-for,.hich-decurentati:n l is avaliable which have affected er e-ich could be reasonably ex-pected to have af fected the site...."-



Paragraph IV (b):

The requircrnent to perform a detailed inveiti;ation for faults 10.'$

feet long ray be unduly conservative if extended to a' ra:!ics of five' r:iles.

Since there is littic, if any, evidence to sugnest tht: a significant meth.

quake could be tienorated by a fault ICC1 feet 1c.r;, investi*ptir,n ofilt, Inss_,than one mile long would not apoear to be reqensary for thr: cntirn arN-.l


encompassed by a radius of five'-


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January 19. 1972 n.s.c si.v.cs coun=, or cotoaao'o f


Please refer to the content regardina Paragrsoh it! (d):

- We will appreciate your consideration.of the above coc:nents.

Very truly yours,

. 1 m.s.


ll.t'.l.:s' R. F. Walker. Vice President Engineering and Planning


Electric Department Rn!/jk'

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