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Discusses 971028 Meeting Conducted in Region III Ofc Re Progress in Conducting Decommissioning Activities,Including Overview of Activities to Date & Current Decommissioning Activities
Person / Time
Site: Dresden Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/29/1997
From: Jorgensen B
To: Tuetken R
NUDOCS 9711050063
Download: ML20212F676 (50)



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-October 29, 1997 be b N ' p :y l

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-M. "

. j by%  ;

~ -.- Mr. Riche d PtTuotken<

d* ( f*M Menager[Desommissioning' Prlo}ects

.LCom'monwealth Edison Company y " tt1411_ Opus. Place / Suite 1.11

+ . Downers Grove,-lL/ 60516-1.183-

@N ~




Dear Mr.-Tuotken:

L '

. v~

v - .. . , , . . . .

. This refers _ to the meeting conducted at the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission -

.. Region .Ill office on October 28,1907.- This meeting was to discuss your progress in

% m ' f iconducting' decommissioning activities at your' Dresden Nuclear Station, Unit 1, including 1 ir J 1 [an ' overview of activities to date, current decommissioning activities, progress and plans

'F  %. (for offloading Unit .1_fuelinto an onsite independent spent fuel' storage facility, and -

i  ;# '  ;. longer-term plans for final decommissioning.of the Unit.

, , m.~ -


'2'; .7Q  ; Yjn j of Federal accordance~ Regulations, with a copy Section

~of this letter'2.790 and~thedf the NRC's handeuts " Rules provided by your staff of Practice," P at this

<g( . meeting"will be placed in the NRC's Public Document Room.

  1. Lb <


VnWe appreciate your cooperation in this matter. lf you have any questions, please contact .

?, j me~

,m ~ at 630/829 9615~~ . -

+s ,;


.}n p Sincerely, -


y y ,4 w

P '

Original _ Si 9ned by

.gr -


, ,, "% ^

^y . Bruce L. Jorgensen,' Chief 3 Decommissioning Branch

,-7, ,9 1 s



a J, n 2 :IDocket'No.L l504101 y gm" iLicense Nob DPR-27 g'3

"" '~


e As stated :

4 b

See Attached Distnbution -

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syy n c EDdCUMENT NAME:JG:\SEC\97DRE.LO1 i s:6LTe seeelve a espy of this doeunient, Indicate in the box "C* = Copy without ettech/enel"f' = Copy with attach /enci *N' No copy 4-[

-OFFICEi R'lil


3 [ Rill c %Ill b

, NAME lL'andsmaniibhTkJorgensen - Pehrskn k_* , _

DATE :10//h97: k 1104$97; :10/ k OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

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ll> M *A88t? M 8 % o 4: con

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  • ' R.' Tusiken A

. .; -Lcc w /enc l: T. Nauman, Station Manager, Unit 1~ ' l

. K. Ainger, Licensing Manager, Decommissioriing Services Document Control Desk - Licensing -

Richard Hubbard f Nathan Schloss, Economist,'

1' Office of the Attorney General

- State Liaison Office ,

  • Chairman, Illinois Commerce Commission '

Qi&gjbution~ w/ encl:

Dockot File SRI, Dresden R. A. Capra, NRR

' PUBLIC (IE-01)- C. Pederson, Rill TSS OC/LFDCB -- M. Webb, NRR CAA1

.DRP A. B. Beach, Rlli DOCDESK li ( Rlil.PRR ' J. L. Ccidwell, Rlli Rlli Enf. Coordinator

-c s s ,

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j Elli Dresden Unit 1 SAFSTOR


i and j Dry Cask Storage Project l NRCREGIONIIISAFSTOR AND i



October 28,1997 Comed!

Page 1:



. . .. e . - -. _

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l ggg Comed /NRCRegionIIINIeeting

Agenda n Corporate Services Decommissioning Activities l

n D1 Project Status L

s Comed Dry Cask Storage Project j Purpose and Organizational Structure i QualityImprovement l Plans To Prepare For Use Of Cask Underpart 72 General l License l Plan forResolving Corrosion issue l

Dry Cask Storage Project Schedule n ' Summary and Closing Remarks 4



Comed M Page 2 ;

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l Ellll Corporate Services Decommissioning Activities i

i i

l n Developing decommissioning competencies l

- Decommissioning technology demonstrations at Argonne CP-5 i

reactor l

- Development of standardized decommissioning plans 1

- Low leve! and high level waste strategies and expertise i

. Develop / maintain key expertise

- Engineedng 1

- Licensing

- Decontamination

- Health Physics

- Charactedzation l JomEd =

Page 3!


._. - . , . , e s ;,.. . - .. . _,4

e l

l ..

l Ellli Corporate Services Decommissioning Activities l m Environmentalservices l -

Environmentalcharacterization l ,

l -

Site remediation plans l

Ground watermonitoring i 1 l

n Dry Cask Storage l

Quality approach above previous efforts Experience from industry incorporated numummmmmma

- . Comed. -

Page 4.

-s y w -+ - w ~ , - c,- =,

  • gy 3 ,- . .- ww -w, -e, 4 - v~-- ,

B gggDresden Unit 1 SAFSTOR Project Historical Perspective l

l n First privately owned commercial nuclearpowerplant in the world. 210 MW BWR.

n Operated commercially 1960-1978.

l l n Scrammed October 31,1978 and then entered into a refuel outage.

a 1979 Three Mile Island.

l n Evaluated required upgrades as non-economical. Retired officially in i 1984.

o Comed M_

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Page 5

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i 14. _ _$1

-- , . - , , - . . , ,;,-. , . . . . , . ~ , .

EElliDresden Unit 1 SAFSTOR Project Management P

n (1978-1993 )15 years of SAFSTOR management n Chemical decontamination ofprimary sys ' ems a Isolation and draining of selected systems l n Relocation of controlroom l n 1993 Decommissioning Plan approved L

Comed -

i :Page 6 e , , . - gr w s > - - % ,, yrs e-

4 ,

i ggg Dresden Unit 1 SAFSTOR Project i GradualDegradation 1978-93 l

l n Fuel pool materiel condition decline l n HVAC steady increase in work request backlog l x Radwaste systems degradation l n Cathodic Protection system inoperable l m Asbestos contamination I

i u PCB leakage +

l m Accumulation of waste backlog l -

j. -

i i

<' . ~ , ,

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, . Comed' -

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; a page 7
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. r EElliDresden Unit 1 SAFSTOR Project 1994 Freeze Event '

l t

l n January 24th service waterfreeze event in off-gas filter building.

l m January 25th discovery of water within the sphere.

n Subsequentinvestigation and determinations. CAL, NOV, and

$200,000 CivilPenalty l

l 4

u I . Comed M '


.Page 8 4


W e I - k . e- o e e 4

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  1. W 'i 98 4 't3

l gggDresden Unit 1 SAFSTOR Project 1

1994 Activities l n Fuel building system upgrades

1. Fuel building ventilation modification

! 2. Fuelpool demineriztion system modification l 3. Fuelbuilding SPING modification l n Cut / cap sphere systems n Established U-1 winterization program l

n Materielcondition improvements l

i i

Comed. E

' ' ~

!Page. 9

_ . . . _c. .. .. . , . _

i .

Egg llDresden Unit 1 SAFSTOR Pro,iect 1995 Activities i

) n Fuelpool clean-up andisolation j- n Radwaste yard clean-up andpaving l n Demolition of RWtanks T-129A,B,C l x Dry cask storago contract issued to Hoitec Intemational for a dual

\ purpose MPC system n Sphere asbestos abatement initiated i


-  : Comed A = ~


Page 10 s

. . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . - , .- . ._ . _ . - . . . , 2.. ,
EllliDresden Unit 1 SAFSTOR Project 1996 Activities l

l l

m Loaded and shipped fuelpool waste n Completed sphere asbestos abatement m . Disposed of 40000 cu. ft. of sphere asbestos waste in combination with 100,000 cu. ft. of contaminated soil to Envirocare of Utah.


! n Demolition of radwaste tank T-114 l

l 4


- ~

4 Comed Page 11


2 m

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. e EElliDresden Unit 1 SAFSTOR Project 1997 Activities a Dry cask storage support

? m Turbine building asbestos abatement

.m Isolation of Unit 1 radwaste facility n Waste shipments of misc. matedals (lead, metals, filters, resins, etc.)

n Continue 0 safe maintenance and operation of active systems a isolation / minimization active systems



Comed -




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EEEDresden Unit 1 SAFSTOR Project 1998 PlannedActivities a Finish SAFSTOR Dormancypreparations

1. BOP asbestos abatement ,
2. Evaluation / isolation iretirement of non-required systems :

(ie.120V AC, chem cleaning systems, instrument air.....)

3. Waste removal / shipments
4. System finalstatus notebooks a Support dry cask storege project.




,9 Q &

Comed -




- Page 13

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, e Egg Dresden Unit 1 SAFSTOR Project l THEPRDEDIRECTIVE

! n The PRl MARY functions of any decommissioning staff on a multi-

unit operating site are to.


1. Manage the deuommissioned unit to prevent any events from l threatening the safe storage of the spent nuclear fuel.
2. Prevent the retired unit from having a detrimental effect on the safety and continued operation of other site units.

i -

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Comed =

.Page 14

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1 . t l

EggDresden Unit 1 SAFSTOR Project ,


i Site Impact Control  ;

a Safe storage of U-1 spent fuelin accordance with maintenance rule .

m Activities performed to NOD standards

- Operations : OOS's, rounds, work arounds, etc.


- Corrective action program: promptidentification, root cause or l apparent cause evaluation, and corrective action tracking l

- Oversight: QA audits, surveillances, and commitment management Radiation protection : site program, ALARA committee, dose, PCE's

- Comed M Page 15


g SW4- , ,- y

l :.

l Elli Dry Cask Storage Project Backgroundinforniation Dry storage project is for Dresden Unit 1 fuel u 889 Unit 1 spent fuel assemblies

- 683 In Unit 1

- 102in Unit 2 i

- 104 in Unit 3 a Comed has chosen to use the generallicense in 10CFR72, subpert K for -

\ dry storage ofDresden Unit 1 fuel

\ n Comed has contracted with Holtec International /U.S. Tool & Die for dual purpose casks (HI-STAR 100) to store Dresden Unit 1 fuel i n The storage pad for the casks will be located within the protected area of the Dresden site.  ;


i ammmmmme Comed lr==lll::: '

Page 16

'* W

Billi Dry Cask Storage Project Organization l

Purpose a Improve overallproject quality and excellence a Improve and exhibit strong leadership n Establish a dedicated team with participation by all companies n Improve ownership and accountability Comed Page 17

.o Ellll Dry J ask Storage roject Organization C k nt Dresden i Plant Psoject Manager __.------

A b ger Nase M Tom Nauman r M en* Engineer Site Projea Enga

~ Pete ikuland -

Imp!cmentatim Joe Reiss Rick Ralph I


1 Thuot Pch j 1%fcca Cmtro18 Cask Fabricatim imprmanci'-

A. Feddersen i Engineer Director

  • US Tool & Die ,

A. Panagos Robert Prather Ed Martin Bob hkucardini

.l Sargent A Lundy Raduum Operations Manager Gary Ault Constructim Manager Prosecum/ALARA Brian Zank Pat Quealy Dean Slarper Debra Maler ammmmmme Comed unummunus Page 18

_ _ _ _ _ _- ____ = - _ - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - -

EEll Dry Cask Storage Project Scope

) n Modelforsafety and quality n Cask licensing, engineedng and fabrication overview n Fuel handling building modifications n Onsita transportation system i

n Pad a Siteimplementation i


! Comed =

Page 19


ggy Dry Cask Storage Project Improvement Methods a Qualityinitiative a Qualityfunction deployment u Prototype a Planning n Dedicated team Comed -

Page 20

e ggy Dry Cask Storage Project Status ofPrototype Cask Purpose of Prototype Fabrication Program a Perform a complete cask fabdcation sequence to identify, develop, and confirm all tooling, fixtures, and specialprocesses a Qualify manufactunng and inspection personnelin the specific fabdcation activities, andinspection and testing requirements a Challenge Hollec/ Comed /UST&D QA programs and procedures to validate oridentifyimprovements a Debug andimprove HI-STAR 100 and MPC-68 fabrication sequence andschedule

. ComedPage 21 E


. ~,

l ggy Dry Cask Storage Project l Status o Prototype Cask l

l Future Uses of HI-STAR 100 Prototype m To perform training of Comed personnelin cask loading, canister l welding andpreparation, unloading operations and onsite transfer l operations l n Allow optimization of operating procedures and ancillary equipment in i order to limit exposure to personnel (ALARA) and to increase safety l m Utilize for dry run training of operating personnel at Dresden Unit 1 i


, i Comed =

.Page 22

  • b EEE Quality Initiative Dry Cask Storage Project n Above and beyond industry's approach to dry cask storage a Significantlyincrease emphasis on quality a Seniormanagement empawered qualityinitiative team a Guiding pdnciple to improve effectiveness of the defense-in-depth model
Comed Page 23 E

eP Quality Initiative Defense-In-Depth Quality Model Samphng

  • After-the-fact W FullScope i


! I Challenges l l

w ,


> l

> 3rdI.evel 4 th I oei 2nd I evel Defenses Failed Independent Exteaud Regulators l


  • Cosnpline gh ity d
  • l ar e .' . . , _ .g --i-

-" # ""M*

i Ist Ievel P Fr == ;a=' i= * - Perfor:rmac - negative publicity Tkladavidual Water I #"' - Tests nanonen,, ,

( - Resurd/remforce good Wainwe Civilpenalties

~ I** "'I '"3"U '

- NDE ~

l 8* I

  1. """ - Audits for e pfi-- (possible) to $8 P carly

- Personal --e~~rmh;1it y *

-Procedure th~ ear- Insperaions

. Cost A =te inir Surveillan

- thratt for reportmg ,gg devi .,- . Provide program mterpretations i *Q " ~ % att.tuJe ,g Lti-L-nt ==e<en -ar *

! .Phy M e-a Afivir.

"**l? c,,,i,_, ase-m=. i l

-hf-wiw P=f--- .self.- _ _

  • R~Ja'L= of prch-m-


- Control non conforming conditions

' increasing capacty for m interveglion tsforeproblems m result in an event j ,

Comed Page 24  ;

. ~ . . - _ _

i -

t 3

Egg Quality haitiative Team Plan  !

I i


  1. 1 QFD/

_ omeenve Action P '






o m enVE l




i N

Comed Page'25

- .. = .. -. . .. -. . _. .; - . . . _

Elli Quality h2itiative u Establish project-wide processes for

- Corrective action

- Lessonsteamed l - Commitmentmanagement l - AnticipeUon ofproblems l - Communications

= Provide project-wide training l

- Rootcause analysis l

a Implemented quality function deployment j - Identifies detailed technicalissues i - Problem avoidance Comed- .

- Page 26

,9- y- y- -- g +r s

llll QualityInitiative Quality Fimction Deployment (QFD)

Improved Quality and Performance a Japanese SteelIndustry n Panasonic and Quasar n Amencan Automobile Industry

_Q ualityis Designedin notInspectedin Cdtical attdbutes ....

m Carefullylistens to customer a Cleady defines customer expectations a Pdontizes needs and develop requirements a Ensures customerrequirements are in proposed design a Logically determines how to meet needs with resources

... steps are complete prior to design phase begins...

Comed -

Page 27

_ _ _ - - - - - _ _ - - _ _ - - _ - _ - - _ _ - - - - - _ _ . L-


Egg QualityInitiative Senior Quality Advisory Committee l

I i

l a Experienced senior industry experts a Charter and Objectives '

\ - Assess qualitystandards


- Conduct review & evaluations

- Provide recommendations forimprovement


! - Function as coaches and mentors

\ m Report to top management i

i Comed =

Page 28

Egg QualityInitiative Quality hnprovement Measurements a Examination of measurable data (objective)

- Performanceindicators

- Design changes

- Schedule adherence a Evaluation ofperformance (subjective)

- Management overview & assessment

- Seniorquality advisory committee

- Self-assessment Comed Page 29 E

EfB OualityInitiative l

l Per ormanceIndicators Y n Problem identification by defense in depth levels u Problem reporting threshold a Timely apparent / root cause initiation i

1 m Root cause threshold i


4 n Quality councilrejection rate

{ n Effectiveness review rejection rate j u Corrective action system effectiveness

} z Rate ofoccurrence l x Commitment completion t

j u Intemalacceptanceindex a Extemalacceptanceindex >

Comed "


Page 30 m _

e e e

Egg QualityInitiative Management Overview &

Assessment Plan a Scifimposedintemalreviewprocess Evaluate QlP effectiveness Reviewproject qualityissues Coordinate review ofsubsuppliers v Quality council n Project wide overview Comed. M Page 31

} '


.* b

~Ouality haitiative M h2itialMeasurement h2dicators a Dresden 1 fuel characterization review Technicalconcems

- Proyrammaticissues

- Organizationalneeds

- Lassons teamedin phase 2 m Holtec RAIresponse review Reviewprocess not formalized Roles & responsibilities unclear

- Lines ofcommunication vague Process proceduralized (includes lessons teamed) m Hollec impact limiter drop test RCA evaluation No formalRCA process Notfocused on qualityissuas Similarproblem couldrecur

  • IResolutioninprogress.

Comed _M Page 32 k

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    • b [

ggg ~

Quality blitiative t Near Term Actions ,

i a Project-wide processes and training i

a Performance indicator analysis i

a Overview ofprototype fabrication a Management assessments 1

i 4


' Comed

Page 33 - ,

Egg QualityInitiative summary 1

m implement common quality processes (project-wide) m Enforcing 2nd level (defense in depth) m Intemalizing quality a Stillin teaching role...

Comed - Page 34 E

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.*b i

i Elli Plans to Use GeneralLicense i

l n Part 50 safety evaluations a Part 72 & 71 certificate of compliance and SAR conformance reviews I m Program reviews

'I i

I l

i Comed -

Page 35;

_ , _ _ - - _ . . _ . . _ _-._..__.-.i

.*y ggy Plans to Use GeneralLicense Dry Cask Storage Project Part 50 Safety Evaluations n Administrative andprocedural controls to ensure that allISFSI activities shallbe conductedin accordance with 10CFR72, Part G m 10CFR50.59 safety reviews to demonstrate compliance with NUREG-0612 and any plant-specific heavy loads requirements a Ensure compliance with offsite dose limits in accordance with 10CFR50, AppendixI a 10CFR50.59 safety evaluation ofgantry crane system to ensure that it '

fully meets NUREG-0554 Comed Page 36'

  • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _i _ - -- -- -- - -- - -- =l - - --- f- __-

..7 gy Plans to Use GeneralLicense Dry Cask Storage Project Certificate ofCompliance Conformance Reviews

, m Offsite doselimits

- Compliance with 10CFR72.104

- Compliance with 10CFR20

- Compliance with 40CFR190 m Siteparameters

- Seismicintensity

- Tomado loads (wind & missile)

- Loadpath and storage area capable ofhandling static & dynamic loads Comed E '


'- Page 37- -

i .. . ,

I .

l ggg Plans to Use GeneralLicense ,

i ~

Dry Cask Storace

- o Project  ;

l Certificate o Compliance (Cont'd) .

I i


Coeformance Reviews (cont'd) u Fuelcheiracteristics Bumup limits Endch.nentlimits i Assembiv 6:eight I

s Functional & operationallimits Lift heightlimits '

Maximum extemaldose mte Helium backfillpressure Temperaturelimits L

1mmmmmm - - m S d , nm g3 asummm muminunummm M ,-


~b  ; .s .

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m - muu . U RAA u -



,y s?aye 38


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ae e p  ;

i ggg Plans to Use GeneralLicense


l Dry Cask Storage Project

\ Program Reviews i

i i

\ n Quality Control / Quality Assurance

- Independentreviewofdesigns

- Projectrelatedaudits t I - Fabricationsurveillance ,

!. - Qualitycontrolinspections l.

- Active utilityparticipation in nonconformance report resolutions

- Monitoring industry related issues a Emergencyplan l

a Securityplan .

. + - Compliance with 10Ci"R73

, . s

^ ~'


.C.omE*d. -

.,.3 m N L -

a by -

, ;Page 39 '

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ggy Plans to Use GeneralLicense Dry Cask Storage Project Program Reviews (Cont'd) a Radiation protection / health physics

- Ensuring adherence to ALARA principles for all activities

- Providing RP coverage during all dry runs and actual fuel transfers

- Maintaining the radiologicalenvironmentalmonitoringprogram

- Verifyingcaskdecontamination a Training m Procedures Comed - '.

3 -

-.Page 40

yy Plans or Resolving Corrosion Issue n ' Background

- Technical restnctions on fuel to be stored

, n .Results ofphase 1 fuel characterization efforts

- All serial numbers match D1 inventory

- No significant structuraldefects

- Some minordefects

- Some'damagedfuelconfirmed

-- Corrosion discovered n ' Issue managerassigned n iSubject matterexperts from Argonne NationalLaboratory and S&L - .

identified 4

us-9 I in a ' =


.' = .

Comed: summmmmmuum l


+ '


Page 41-7 s

=x - ;,. ;g

ggy Plansfor Resolving Corrosion Issue (Cont'd) a Projectplan drafted

- Ensure safe movements offuel

- Corrosion issues must be resolved prior to any fuel moves in D1 pools

- Tensile strength tests

- Chemicalproperties

- Otherphysicalproperties

.m Otheractions

" Calculations to determine loads that may be safely applied to fuel assemblies -

Develop cleaning methods and procedures

  • Reviewpotentialcontingencyplans j

- Cutting /removalofsection offuelrackI

- Cutting /removalofsection offuelchannel .

<. Comed -

LPage 42

_--.-.i__-_-___=_-__=.-___-....--.I-. - - - _ -

Egg Dry Cask Storage Project Schedule a Second Round of RAls September 1997 m FHB Modifications Complete Oct.1998 m Fuel Characterization 2nd/3rd Quarter 1998 m Certificate issued (Prediction) 3rd Quarter 1998 m Prototype Delivered 3rd Quarter 1998 m Dry Runs for Cask Loading 1st Quarter 1999 m First Certified Cask Delivered 2nd Quarter 1999 x Begin Loading First Cask from D1 SFP 3rd Quarter 1999 m Begin Loading D1 Fuel from D2 ~4th Quarter 1999 to ensure full core discharge capability a Complete Project 2000 Comed E

Page 43

Egg Dry Cask Storage Project Summary Project management a Set high performance standards through defined mission and goals n Establish clear roles and responsibilities for accountability n Qualitydecision making (quality function deployment)


n Reward questioning attitudes and qualit$ performance n Focused attention on known and emerging problems a Ensure adequate staffing a Comprehensive and meaningful monitonng through performance indicators

.;a Proactive communications both extemally and intemally

= .

er ,


Comed N Page;44_

- _ = _ _ - _ -------- _ _ n - _ - - - - - _ . - - - - - _ _2

i ggy Dry Cask Storage Project Summary Process management n Prioritize and track extemal and intemal commitments a Conduct meaningful self assessments a Detect, correct and prevent problems prior to events a Root cause analysis a Trending of adverse ^ performance a Aggressive corrective action and follow-up n Comprehensive lessonsleamed.

n' Effective quality assurance and quality control n Training


Comed - '

' Page 45 - -

t l EDE Comed /NRCRegionIIIMeeting Summary i

l 1

a Corporate services has a focus on decommissioning a No activity or focus on D1 for a period of time a Since 1994 focus has been on SAFSTOR Remove hazards and risks to people on Unit 1 l Reduce the risk to Dmsden Units 2 and 3 ^

n SAFSTOR dormancyin 2000

- n-Comed Page 46.

s ,;

m ggy Comed /NRCRegionIIIMeeting Summary (Cont'd)

'x Dry cask storage project l Actively pursuing a license for Holtec HI-STAR l

Safe spent fuel storage in dualpurpose dry cask containers is important Industry lessons leamed indicated a need to commit to a step-change in quality

- Resources'have been committed, both talent and numbers Obje~ctive of our action is to increase barriers 1 and 2

- . Re-inforcing barrier 3 by use of Senior Quality Advisory Committee.


. Comed

. Page 47 -

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4 l

l Egg Comed /NRCRegionIIIMeeting Closing Remarks i

n Significant commitment to success of the project l


Emphasis on process and behavioral quality / excellence l

  • Dedicatedproject team l

= Ownership and accountability l

x We understand the work ahead of us I 1 m

- . " Comed M b

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Page 48 x x _

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