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Requests for Listed Supplemental Info Re 670116 Application for CP & Facility License,Including Conformance of Proposed Design to Commission 670711 GDC & Objectives of R&D Programs
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon, 05000000
Issue date: 08/31/1967
From: Morris P
To: Peterson R
Shared Package
ML20151W779 List:
FOIA-88-156 NUDOCS 8808250218
Download: ML20151X087 (2)



1 4

p AUG 31 1967 Docket No. 50-275 Facific Gas and glectric Conspany 245 Market Street gan Francisco, California 94106 Attention: Mr. Richard H. Peterson Vice President and General Counsel Contlenen:

This refers to your application dated January 16, 1967, for a con-struction permit and facility license which would authorize construc-tion and operation of a nuclear power reactor at the Diablo Canyon site located in San Luis Obispo County, California.

In order to facilitate our review, we find that supplemental informa-tion to your application is necessary. Consequently, we request that you provide the following information.

(1) Discuss briefly the conformance of the proposed design to the Comission's General Design Critaria published July 11, 1967, by referencing those portions of the application which discuss the subject of a criterion or group of criteria. If the design does not conform to a criterion or if the subject of the criterion is not treated in the application, tbg differences should be discussed in detail.

(2) gection 1.6 of the Preliminary safety Analysis geport provides a very general listing of the research and development programs appropriate for the Diablo Canyon plant. In this regard, please discuss in greater I

detail, the objectives of each program, the program

( status in terms of completion between the construction f permit stage and prior to issuance of a provisional l operating license, and discuss or state the basis that the appropriato programs would provida satisfactory results.


\o 0908250210 080721 PDR FOIA MCMILLA88-156 PDR

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Pacific Cas and Electric Co. AUG 3.1 1967 (3) Our letter, dated June 30, 1967, requesting additional i information included a request for your response to the June 15, 1967 ACRS report on the Yersont Yankee Nuclear Power Station covering those designated matters specified by an asterisk that are applicable to your plant. Although certain of. the information was provided in your supplements, we believe that this information should be submitted in direct response to the ACRS report. la sur opinion, certain of these matters may be in the category of research and development and should be included tu your discussion of ites (2) above. i We urge that you provide full and complete information on the foro-going matters. We will be available to discuss and amplify the meaning of any of the questions.

Sincerely yours.

ORGINAL SIGNED By Peter A Morris Peter A. Morris, Director Division of Reactor Licensing UB. M Distribution:

AEC Document Re.

SAN Document Rm.

LA Document Rm.

Formal Suppl.

DRL Reading REG Reading RPB-2 Reading Orig: RLTedesco P. A. Morris R. S. Boyd H. Steele bec: L. Kornblich (2)

J. R. Buchanan, ORNL ornec > ..DRL:RP.. .. k.. . DRL: I. . -- . D5 - - - - -

9 sumwe > ..RLTedescoldj. .. . SLev ne... ... . . .. . RS B o .. ..fAMor .is. -- - - - - ~ ~ . -

om> .. 8/ 31/6 7. .... . .. p /,E // 67.........

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.2h NFt%'NATHAN M. NEWMARK i CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES 1114 CIVIL ENGINEERING DUllolNO URBANA. ILLINOIS 61801 7 Septerter 1967 Dr. Peter n. Morris Division of Reactor Licensing U. S. Atomic Energy Comiss ion Washinnton, D.C. 20545 Re: Transmittal of Oraf t Reports Peach Botton t' nit No. 2 and 3, (Dockets 50-277 and 50-278)

Olablo Canyon Site Nuclear Plant (Dociet 50-275)

Dear Dr. tbrris:

Transmitted Ferewith are two copics each of the reports on the above noted applications prepared by Dr. N. M. NewN rk and myself . Thes e are draft reports, and are submitted for use by your staf f. If there are any qv6t, tons we should be glad to attempt to answer t hem.

S ince rely you rs ,


p. g \ ,

W. J. Hall bj w Enclosures cc: N. M. Newnark i

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.Pccific Ges and Electric Company (Docket 50-275) .

by N. M. tiewma rk

  • and W. J. Hall September Ic67 C) c%6(/Vo&m, 1

a, 8-C' 9

4 -

2985 W? S7 2 ? : :17 Iaff .


This report concerns the adequacy of the containment structures and corponents, reactor piping and redctor Internals, for the Olablo Canyon Site Nuclear Plant, for whic5 eppilcat ion for a const ruction permit and operating S. Atomic Energy Commission (Oosket No. 50-275) license has been made to the 'f.

The facility is to be located in i by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company.

Sen Luis Obispo County, Californie, 12 miles west southwest of the city of San The 1.uls Obispo, and adjacent to the Pacific Ocean and Dicblo Ccnyon Creek.

site is about 100 miles south of San Francis;o and 150 miles northwest of Los ingeles.

Specifically this report is conccrned with the evaluction of the piping design criteria that determine the chility of the contalnnent systen, end reactor Internels to withstand a design carthquale acting simultaneously The facility also wIth other applicabic loads forning the basis of the design. ,

is to be designed to withstand a maximum earthquake simultaneously with other This applicable loads to the exter't of Insuring saf e shutdown and containment.

rc po rt is based on information and criteria set forth in the preliminary saf ety analysis report (PSAR) and supplements thereto as listed it the end of tbls report . ':e have part,1cipated in discuss ions witt. the AEC Regulatory Staf f, cnd the applicant and its consultants, in which'many of the design criteria were discussed in detcII.


T1c Diablo fenyon N; clear f'Icnt is described in the PSAR es c pressurized wat e r reactor nuclear stcom supply system furnish. d by the rest ingkous Elect ric Cc rporation and' designed for an initial power output of 3250 MWt (1060 Mac net) .

Tne reactor cooling system consists of four closed reactor coolant loops co n-;cted in parallel to the reactor vessel, each provided with a reactor coolant punp cnd a stean generetor. Ti e reactor vessel will hcv an inside diameter of chout 14.5 ft., a height of 42.3 ft., will operate with a des ign pressure of 2403 ps t g. a design temperatur 2 of 650 F, cnd is node cf SA-332 grade 8

! ?- alley stect intcrnc!!y cicd witF type 304 aust< nitic stcinless steel.

T. c rtect or centcir.n.nt st ructurc vA ici: cncloses thc recctor and s team generctors, consists of a steel lin(d concrett shcIl in the forp of c reinforced c: :rtt ; vert : col cylind;r with a flct bese cnd hsn!sph.ricol dome. The c '1,delec) st ructure of 14" ft. Insid'. dico:tc r t as s ide walls ris ing^ 142 f t .

fran trt liner at tic 'est te th. spring lint of th. dene. The cencrete 6

side salls of the cylinder and the deme will be approxirct cly 3 f t. 6 and 2 f t.

in. In tiickness, resp;ctively. The concrete reinforcing steel pattern is descrined conceptuc'ly in Supplcraent ! and censists of t ars oriented at 3G from t-e v( rtical in'sucl e menner that th: pcttcrn does not require termination of any bars in the dome. These diegonal bars are designed tc carry both tbc lateral s' .ar as well as vertical tensile forces . In addition ,tbere is hoop- reinforcing For radici shear reinforcing i in thc. cylindricci portion of tbc st ructure.

the applicant proposes to use e system of vertical wide flange beams spaced l

four (cet on centers. The beers arc attachcd by hinge connection to the base-l above the top.of'the s '. 4- b a t the lower end cnd are tc rnineted about 2^ f t.

l tes: 5105 tlc function of tbc bears is to provide resistance to the noments-i l


n-. - - .

l i

"'" I 3

cr.d sFea rs c rect ed by the discont inuity et tf c bas . cnd tc provide a gradual t rersit ion of lord ccrrying elements bet rocn the base end ti e cyllede r vall.

T1(ss bcams do not pc rt icipctc in ros Ist ing either uplif t due to pressure or shcar cnd tension due to ccrthquake loading; these forces arc to be resisted by the diagonal steel reinforcing just described. The conc rete wall in this lower zone is divided into threc zones. The inne r zonc, about I ft. tFick, consists of reinforced concrete and is the element to which the lince is attached. The middle zone contcins the verticc! stect I-beams which in turn I act es supports for the 16 in. thlch reinforced concrcte slab spanning ti-c space between the beams. T50 outer zonc cons ists of about 14 in, of concrete in which the dicganal cnd hoop r .inforcement er; enSedded. Tts tFree zones are provided with bond-breaking natcrial to ir.sure ti at the elenents will act scparately. ,

The reinfercing steel for the done, cylindrical walls and base nat will be high st rengt! reinforcing conforming to th. . asth A432 specificction. Ti e A432 reinforcing bars o' sizo Icrger thcn 'b. 11 are to be spliced with E Cadwald splices except ~ in cases wh >re access ibility nakes welding mandatory.

The liner, cs described in Supplement 2, will be a minimum of 3/8 in.

thick for the dome and cylindrical walls end 1/4 in. tF!ck for the base slab. -

The cnchor stubs are to be L shaped cnd will be fusion welded to the liner plate. The studs will be spcced et 20 in on centers, and the design is nade to preclude major af fects arising from buckling of the liner.

Personnel and equipment access b..tches arc provided for access to the containment vessel. In addit ion there are other penetrations for piping and elect rical conduits. ,

The facility includes a sca water intake structure loccted at sea level et the base of the cliff with circulating water condults and auxillcry salt water conduits leading up to the nuclear plant.

1 l

, w \

T. e inforrvt ion on the the s ite is desc ri! cd ir. t he PS AR, en: the scveral supplencnts. TI.c bed a t the site arca is of tcrtiary age an: comprises mariae shales, sandstonc and fine grained tuf fccenus sediments, cleng with a cons Iderab!c variety of tuf fs of submarine volcanic origin. -11 t"csc rocks a re f irm and compcct, and are exposed in the seaward edge of the t( rrocc on which the plant is te be built, which ranges in elevation from 60 tc 100 ft. above sea level, and is approximately 1,000 ft, wide. TFe bedrock is overlain by marine and non-marine depositt, of Pleistocene age. The major ce conents of the power plant cra to be founded in bcdrock in all cases.

T: . site hcs been well cxplorcd and tbcre is no cvidence of any (cult of fs.ts i '

) of recent origin of s ignificance. TFe report by the consulting geologist on t': p roj ect , Dr. Richcrd 11 Johns, presented as Appendix A of the tv f rd

s. plcuent, concludes that the possibility of fault-induced pc rnanent ground d'iplece.m:nt within the plant area during th usef ul life of the power plant i

is suf ficiently remote to be safely dis regarded. '

i s

SOURCES OF STRESSES IN CONTAINMENT STRUCTURE AND TYPE I COMPONERTS The containment st ructure is to be designed for the following lo; dings:

dcad loed of the st ructurcs; live loeds (including canstruction loads and l

c alpment loeds'I internal pressure due to e loss-of-coolent accident of abect

47 psig; test pressure of 54 psig; negative Internal pressure of 3.5 psig; st resses erising f rom therrol cxpansion; wind loading corresponding to the t'niform Ouliding Code - 1*64 edition and corresponding to Ps7 to 100 mph winds; and i earthquake loading as described next.

l The carthquake lording will be based on two earthquakes, which for t he design :arthquake condition correspond to maxinun horizontal ground a:celarct ions of 0.20g and 0.139. The containment design also will be reviewed i


3 fer no loss of fur.ct ion using response spect ra corresponding to certhquakes of t< ice the intensity just noted, 0.41g and 0.009.

. T* c L S. Coast end Geodet ic Survey report (Re f. 3) concurs in the 0.299 and 0.40g values selected for des ign purposes.

Class I piping and e;ulpnent, as discussed in answar to Questior, f *. o of Supplement 2 will be designed to the USt. S.I.831.1 Code for pressure piping wP ich includes cons ids rat ion of internal pressure, dead Ivad, and other appropriate loads such as thermcl expension. It does not contain provision for earthquake loading, liowevcr. the applicant indicates that they will coat inc carthquake loadings w. . the loadings just noted and further elaboration on this point is given in Appeno.x A of Supplement 1.

The reactor internals arO to bc des igned for combinod ea rthqucke, .

blow down loedings &nd other appliccole loadings.


i Seismic Desion

  • For this f acility ti.e containm'.nt design is to be made for two l

carti quakcs correspcnding to maximun horizontal gr0und accelerat ions of 0.209 ,

and 0,15 9. For the ncximum corthquake . loading the two earthquakes ar; <

characterized $y horizontal ground accelerations of twice the values just cited, nane'ly 0.409 and 0.309 . Spectra corresponding to thes2 acrthquakes are presented cs Figs. 2-11 through 2-14 of the PSAR cnd again in Supplement No. 3 beginning on page 22 along with cn envelope of the spectre for the no-loss-of f function condition (Fig. III.A.12-5, Supplenent 3). Ve concur with th.i i


certhquake values selected and the spectra as presented.


Verticel acceleration values in all caser will be taken as twc-tFirds i

the corresponding noximum horizontel ground acceleration, and the ef fects of l


. b*e rizontal cnd vert icol earthquche leedings will be corbined, and considt red


to cet simultaneously. In addit ion In the clostic analysis, the usual f ractional increase in stress for short term loading will not bc used. We concur in these criteria.

The domping values to be used in the design arc given on page 2-29 (ravlsed 7-31-67) of the PSAR and w2 concur with the valucs given therein,

'.?lth regard to the method of analys is of the containment st ructure, it is noted on page 2-29 of the PSAR that all modes having a period grcator t han 0.00 secs , will be included in the cnalys is and thct in addition (cr components or st ructures hav i ng multipic degrecs of f reedom, all significant nodes, and in no case less than 3 redes, will be considered. It is fuishsr statcd that for single degro? cf f rccdom systems, the fundamental node of v lbrot io will be used In the enalysis. Our Interpretation of those statencnts is that for a single degree of f reedom system, no mattcr wl at the period, that is cheve or below 0.08 secs, the appropriate period and spect ral acceleration ,

will be employod in the design, cnd further that for multiple degree of f reedom syst srs all modes will hc cons ide red. On the besis of this Int e rpretct ion we concur with tb" epproach, .

The nethod cf dynamic analysis is described in Sections-2 and 5 of i

the,PSAR and again in answer to Question !!!, A.15 of Supplement 1. It is noted that the dynamic analysis to Le followed for the Class I components and st ructu r;s . Is the nodal pa rt l .j pat ion f actor method. It is our understanding 1

~urther that the modal analysis may be carried out citFer through the use directly of the smoothed spectra, or amploying a time history of grcund motion, employing earthquake records uith enplitude vclues scalcd which lecd to essent ially the some sn:othed s pect ra, Discussion of this point is presented 4


b .- ths applicent in t.nsvnr to cue s t ion 111 ' .12 In t upplo rv*nt 3. We concur 19 the us of th -cdc t pa rt icipat ior m t hod in th. onalysis and des ign, as ..s il cs the use of t itl e r th. srnot ed h spi ct r.s or t he t lne his tory input r t'+od provided that the tlrre history input yIc!ds the scrw response spect ra as give.n in th: report without any rwjor devlatIons belew those smoothed r.s ponse spcct rum values present ed in the PS/ R.

As o f urther point on tt; dynami; .calys is, it is our understanding t! at f er th's sr.f c si utdos.n ecnd h hns pa rt ict !arly, fcr Class I corponents cad t t roctur .s. the d: sign eill r.cdc fo r t L cnvelept c i t b- cer ' incd sr ct re of ti t tm ce rthoushes f >.r ti cpr ronr b t c d. rping Icva l . On the as surrtion thtt this ep-rorch is tre cr4 ' cl nn f oll?aed we cor.cer 1.- ti c des ign t.cproact' idOpt cd.

Ge goj, p: s t on "rev 1s lons_

i. vc revisucd th% As t er s t rcss c r ite r ir pr .s :ntcd or, cace 3 r of the cSSR cid tha lo d 'act. r expressions to be employed in the design and find thcsc rcosonable. Turther, w n0tc on page E-12 of the PS/.R th6t no steel reinforcem:nt will experience average stress beyond tne yield point at tht f actored lood, end a staternent (a page 5-13 that the liner will be designed to assurc that stresses will not exceed the yleid point at the (cetored loads.

Fur ther amplificati on on these points is given in answer to *uestion III. A.S of Cupplement 2. We Interpret these statemnts to mean that the average St.'ess -

In the reinforcement and liners will not exceed yield and that the deformat ions wt11 be limited to that of general yleiding under the maximum earthquako load,ing conditions. On the assumption that this Intt'rpretation is correct we concur in the opproach.

The detail for carrying the radial sh'rar, namely through, w .se of a vert ical 1-oerm, as descrl'ced in the PSAR and in rmre particular



ceginning on page 30 of Supplchent 1 is novel cnd app"ars accepf able to us .

I Ve recornend that careful attention be given to tic detail at the base of the sccticn where it 15 keyed into the foundation, to insur<. tnet no dist r.:ss can eccur in either thc liner or the diagoral reinforcing bars through any rotation that might occur at this point under carthqual e loadings or other types of accident loadings.

It is noted in answer to nu est ion III. A.o of Supplerient I that the dlaoonal reinforcing will be carried over the top of the cylindrical shcIl and form a nore or less complutely ticd unit through th0 contaloment st ructure .

with tic-down into ond through tbc foundation as described in answer to )

  • vestion 111./.10.

It 15 further noted that the splices for the ASTM A-432 ba rs ,

which comprise the diagonal reinforcing in the side wells end carry the Ictera l shears and vertical loadings in the containment structure, will be spilced by the Cadweld process and that ! css than 1 percent of ther will be welded by virtue of inaccessibility for Cadweld splice units. The proposed appr r .h appears acceptable to us.

The design of the intake structure located at sea level is described in detall in the PSAR and the various supplements. This will be designed as a Class I structure, with due regard for expected tsunaml water heights.

Although it appears that sone protection has been provided against the possibility of rock nasses f rom the ellf f falling onto, or into, the pump house, we recorrend that careful attention be given to any impossible Impairment of the controls or the pumping system through any possible rcck f alls or slides.

Cranes The containment crane Is listed on page 2-27 (revised 7-31-67) of the PSAR as a Class I structure. e wish to call attention to the design of the

  • 9 9

crancs to insure that these cranes ccnnot be displaced f rom the ralls during the design or maximum carthquake, or othe rwise to have damage result f rom the moversnt of Items supported by them which could cause Impairmont of the containment or the ability for saf e shutdown.

rene t _r_at ions A discussion of the design of the per.etrations is given in answer to question III. A.2 of Supplement 1. It is noted there that for the large penetrations the diagonal rebars will be welded directly to a heavy st ructural steel ring through use of Cadweld sleeves. This approach appears sat isf actory to us.

The applicant further notes in the same section that the stress concs... ration in the vicinity of the opening will be considered in the analysis.

Although this approach may well be satisf actory, we believe that the penetration design should take account of any secondary ef fects arising f rom local bending, thermal ef f ects, and so on, to insure that the penet rat ion-door detall behaves ,

satisf actorily, and secondly that there is no distress In the containment st ructure in the t ransition zone f rom the penet rat ion into the renalnder of the shcIl st ructure. Partial proof of the Integrity of the penet rat ion

' will be provided by the measurement program to be made concurrently with the 1

proof testing of the containrent vessel. Ve reconvend that penet rat ion deformat ion calculations be made prior to the proof testing to provide demonst rated evidence that the design does indeed meet the criteria set forth for both the large and small penet rat ions.

alping, Valves, and Reactor internels_

The design of the piping is described in Section 2 of the PSAR, and in further detall in Supplements I cnd 2. On page 1-22 of the PSAR a statement l

t Is made that all piping will bc d(signed to withstand any seismic on page 2-30 of the PSAR lt is disturbance predictacle for the site, there are regions of local bending where the st resses will bc )

Indicated that equivalent to 120 percent of the yleld st ress based on elastic ana vsis for Further elabo, ration on the piping design is the no-loss-of f unction ct'lteria.

I and again given in answer to Question II.F and Appendix A of Supplement The discussion presented in in answer to Question II.G of Supplenent 2.

Supplements I and 2 Indicates that the earthquake loadings will be combined directly with the other applicable loading

  • for the piping and that the design t h its will be established in terts of code allowable stresses, which in caf as can be es large as 1.2 to 1.8 times the code allowable st resses.

The retter of concern to us is t at of the possible impairment of the serviceability of the piping through rupture or buckling if excessive deformati for As the result of discussions with the applicant we believe that occur. i the specific materials used, and under the conditions cited. the deformat ons However, we urge that this generally will be limited to acceptable values.

i ss.

matter receive further consideration by the applicant durIng the des gn proce The isolation valve design is discussed in several places but

1. The approach out line particularly in answer to Question II. .14 of Supplement there appears acceptable to us.

The design of the reactor Internals has been reviewed in some detall The Internals are to be designed to withstand the combined wIth the applicant.

ht maximum carthysake spectrum concurrent with blow down in such a manner t a It is our moderate yleiding would not Impair the capability of safe shutdown.

understanding that this matter is under detailed study and further documentation and review of the design criteria for the Internals is requi

CONCLUSIONS In line with the design goal of providing serviceable structures and components with a reserve in strength and ductility, and on the basis of the Information presented, we believe the design criteria outlined for the primary containrent, secondary containment and Type I piping can provide an Still remaining for adequate margin of safety for selsmic resistance.

i review is 'a detalled evaluation of tlie criteria to be employed in the design of the reactor internals.


1, "Prel Imlnary taf ety Analys is Report, Volumes I and 2." Nuclear Plant.

Olablo Canyon Site. Pacific Cas ard Elect ric Company, 1967.

2," f'uclear

2. "Prclimina ry Saf ety Analys is Report, Supplements 1, 2 and 1967.

Plant, Olablo Canyon Site. Pacific Gas and Elect ric Company,

3. "Report on the Seismicity of the Diablo Ccnyon $lte," U. S. Coast and Geodet ic Su rvey, Rockville, Krryland, .

