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Rev 0 to Independent Corrective Action Verification Program (Icavp)
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 04/25/1997
From: Neri A, Schopfer D
Shared Package
ML20140F736 List:
CK-MP3-02-01, CK-MP3-2-1, NUDOCS 9705050368
Download: ML20140F855 (118)


. _ --.--. - -- _. - -, .. _ _ _ . . - .

4 d'


~ Northeast Utilities

( Millstone - Unit 3 l i

Independent Corrective Action Verification Program


System Review Checklist CK-MP3-02-01, Rev. 0 l System Reference List  !

l Prepared by: A A.Nex, +- 7-9 7 l Name Signature Date Approved by: 3 T Se b e heV 1.Y / 1 % 9-JT-f[

Name Signatury/'

0] Date i

a 4

1 Y


System Prepared by:

SRG/CRG/ORG Concurrence by:

O Sheet 1 of 9705050368 970428 c,,



N:rtheist Utilities CK-MP3-02-01 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of System Reference List Instruc'. ions

, This checklist supplements PI-MP3-02 and shall be used to document system references. The checklist shall be completed in accordance with the following instructions:

a. Pages 3 and 4 provide an outline for the System Reference List.


b. The System Reference List will be prepared in electronic format.
c. The Preparer shall provide input by completing Page 5 as follows:
  • Enter Document Type Section No. from Pages 3 and 4

. Enter Document Type from Pages 3 and 4

e Enter Document No. and Revision Level or Date e Sign and Date Page 5 For documents which are categorized as "other," the Preparer shall provide input by I

. completing Page 6 of this checklist. Page 6 is identical to Page 5 with the exception that a

, document title is required.


d. The Lead Verifier from the SRG, ORG and CRG shall ensure input from their respective Group is accurately entered into electronic version of checklist and shall sign and date the j coversheet. The SRG Lead shall indicate his concurrence that the checklist has been l

properly completed by signing and dating the coversheet.

e. The system name shall be entered on all sheets of the checklists. The sheet numbers shall be sequentially numbered (i.e.1,2,3, etc.). It is acceptable to add insert pages (i.e., l A, IB, IC, etc.) if needed.

O (CK-MP3 02-01, Rev. O, Page 2)

C:CrJ-0201. DOC

l Ncrthe::st Utilities CK-MP3-02-01 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of System Reference List Outline Document Tyne Document No. Egy,,fR, gig A. System Specific Documents

1. Calculations l
a. Mechanical
b. Electrical
c. I&C
d. Structural i
e. Piping Analysis
f. Other  ;
2. Electrical Equipment Qualification Reports
3. Equipment Seismic Qualification  !


4. System Descriptions / Design Basis Documents
5. Equipment Specifications
6. Drawings
a. P&ID's
b. Logic Diagrams
c. Electrical Schematics
d. Piping Drawings
c. Electrical One-Line Drawings
f. Wiring Drawings
g. ElectricalPhysicals
h. Pipe Support Draw'mgs
i. Structural Mounting Details
j. General Arrangements /

Equipment Location Drawings O

(CK-MP3-02-0I, Rev. O, Page 3)

CTK34201. DOC

Nertheast Utilities CK-MP3-02-01 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of System Reference List Outline (continued) pecument Tyne Document No. Rev./Date ;

k. Instrument Location Drawings
1. Vendor Drawings
m. Other
7. Procedures
a. Operating Procedures
b. Maintenance Procedures
c. Surveillance Test Procedures
d. Vendor Manuals
e. System Training Procedures
f. Other
8. List / Databases O B. Licensing Documents
1. FSAR Sections
2. SER Sections
3. NRC Committments
4. Technical Specifications
5. Regulatory Documents O

(CK-MP342-01, Rev. O, Page 4)

C:TK3 0201. DOC

N:rtherst Utilities CK-MP3-02-01 Millstone Unit 3 System l Sheet of 4

System Reference List i

DATA ENTRY FORM Document Type Section No.: l j Document Type:

l Document No. Rev./Date Document No. Rev./Date l

l 1


Prepared by: /

Name Date w).

(CK-MP3-02-01, Rev. O, Page 5)

CTK34201. DOC

l l

Ncrtheast Utilities CK-M P3-02-01 l Millstone Unit 3 System I Sheet of  !

- System Reference List 1

DATA ENTRY FORM Document Type Section No.:

Document Type:

Document No. RevdDate Title


l p Prepared by: /

(j Name Date (CK-MP3-02 01, Rev. O, Page 6) i 1

C:TK3-0201. DOC

Northeast Utilities Millstone - Unit 3 O.

U Independent Corrective Action Verification Program (ICAVP) l System Review Checklist CK-MP3-02-02, Rev. O System Requirements List l

I Prepared by: .4. A. A/Sc' '/- z 9-9 7 l Name 'gnature ) Date Approved by: D%I<NDh i

%,Idhhv -

Kas f Name Signatud I'h Date i


, 1 System Preparation Disposition SRG Verifier:

ORG Verifier:

SRG Concurrence:

ORG Concurrence:

Sheet 1 of

1 i

i Northeast Utilities CK-M P3-02-02 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of System Requirements List ,

Instructions These instructions supplement PI-MP3-02 and shall be used for the development of the system reference list. Application of this checklist shall be as follows:

1. System requirements identified during the review of the FSAR, SAR, Technical Specifications, MP3 Commitments and Position Papers (if applicable), etc., shall be entered individually on the System Requirements List as follows:


a. Enter detailed description of requirement under the appropriate category.
b. Enter source document, section, etc. I
c. Enter your initials.
d. Requirements identified under each category shall be sequentially numbered beginning with 0001.
e. A DR number shall be entered in the initials colunm for any conflicting requirements.

Note: The system requirements list will be developed electronically. The form on page 4 O is a sample of the final list. The final list will be sorted by the six categories; Design, Functional, Performance, Operational, Maintenance and Testing



2. The independent verifier shall indicate his concurrence with a specific entry by initialing the entry adjacent to the preparer's initials.
3. Disposition of system requirements shall be entered as follows:
a. Enter documents reviewed against system requirement. Use description for references from System Reference List (CK-MP3-02-1) for consistency.
b. Enter whether document reviewed conforms with system requirement identified in checklist (SAT or USAT),
c. Enter DR No. for USAT documents in USAT column.
d. Enter initiah :md date.
4. Deviations identin si during the preparation or disposition phase shall be processed per PI MP3-11.

O (CK-MP3-02-02, Re i. '. Page ) 2 C:\CK-0202. DOC

Northeast Utilities CK-MP3 02-02 Millstone Unit 3 System j 4


  • of ,

f t

System Requirements List

5. The SRG and ORG verifiers shall sign and date the coversheet after both the

{ requirements identification phase and the disposition phase. The SRG verifier shall be responsible for assembly of the completed checklist and for completing the titleblock on

] each page of the checklist including the identification of system and sheet numbering.

l Sheet numbering shall be numerical.

6. The ORG and SRG Lead shall indicate their concurrence that the checklist has been applied correctly by signing and dating the cover sheet after each phase. -i

$ 7. Changes rnade after ORG and SRG Lead signatures shall be processed as a formal revision to the checklist. New SRG & ORG Verifier and Lead Signatures shall be


I .

i f

1 l

. /]

5 i

i i l 1

i i l 4 i i

3 l l

O (CK-MP3-02-02, Rev. O, Page ) 3 C:'sCK-0202. DOC

O O O North:ast Utiliti:s CK-M P3-03-02 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Modification Review Administrative Checklist t

i REQUIREMENTS DISPOSITION Initials No. Description Reference (Prep]Rev.) Documents Reviewed SA T USA T Initials A. Design Requirements B. Functional Requirements C. Performance Requirements D. Operational Requirements E. Maintenance Requirements i F. Testing Requirements i

i 6

(CK-MP3-02-02, Rev. O, Page 4)

C:\CK-02-02. DOC [

i 1

Northeast Utilities Millstone - Unit 3 4

Independent Corrective Action Verification Program (ICAVP) i System Review Checklist CK-MP3-02-03, Rev. O Design Process Document Review Checklist Prepared by: A A. NERI 4'-7-97 Q

V Name Signature Date Approved by: 1 K Eka hoc  %.T I hD/v / i I' I V-351J Name Signahffe h Date IMPLEMENTATION System


Verified by: Date:

I Concurrence by: Date:

V Sheet 1 of

__ - _ __ _. _ . _ _ _ . _ . - _ , _ _ _ _ . _ _ . m __ __ _. ~

I Northeist Utilities CK-MP3-02-03 5

Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Design Process Document Review Checklist 4

i s

. Instructions 2

i j This checklist supplements the design process document review process described in PI-MP3-02.

l Use of this checklist shall be as follows:

l. The Lead Verifier shall enter the system on the checklist cover sheet.
2. The Lead Verifier or Discipline Verifiers shall review attached pages 4 through 11 to define applicable Design Process Documents for the system being reviewed.
a. If a Design Process Document type is applicable, check applicable and enter Design Process Document Number (s).
b. If not applicable, check not applicable.
c. If applicable and no Design Process Document exists, process DR per PI-MP3-11 and enter DR Number under Design Process Document Number.


d. If other Design Process Documents exist which are not covered by the generic Design Process Document types, list these Design Process Documents under "Other."
e. Sign and date when identification of applicable Design Process Documents has been completed.
f. The form on Page 12 can be used to list additional Design Process Documents for each Design Process Document Type, if needed.
3. For each Design Process Document identified above, the Lead Verifier or Discipline Verifier, as applicable, shall prepare a Design Process Document review and comment sheet (Forms on Pages 13 and 14) as follows:
a. Enter design process document number. .


b. Review the design process document for each attribute on Page 13 of the checklist.

O (CK-MP3 02-03, Rev. O, Page 2)

CACK02-03. DOC l

- . . _ - = - - . _ _ . . - =- -. --. . - - - ..

Northeist Utiliti:s CK-MP3-02-03  !

Millstone Unit 3 System I Sheet of


Design Process Document Review Checklist b.1 If the review determines the attribute is satisfied, check satisfactory.

b.2 If the review determines the attribute is not satisfied, check unsatisfactory, enter a sequential comment number and enter the comment on Page 14 of the checklist.

c. Once the review is complete, sign the review and comment form (Pages 13 and  !


4. When the identification and review of design process documer.ts for the system has been completed, the Lead Verifier snall compile a complete checklist as follows
n. Assemble all checklists in a logical order.
b. Enter the system designator in the title block.
c. Number the pages sequentially. Note, it is acceptable to add insert pages such as O 2A, 2B, 4A, 4B, 4C, etc. if needed for subsequent changes.
d. Sign and date the coversheet.
5. The SRG Lead shall indicate his concurrence that the checklist has been applied properly by signing and dating the coversheet.

O (CK-MP3-02-03, Rev. O, Page 3)

CACK02-03. DOC

j Northezst Utilitirs CK-MP3-02-03 j Millstone Unit 3 System j Sheet of Design Process Document Review Checklist i

i i


i l Desian Process Document Tvoc N_gt j Applicable Applicable Document No i

1. Mechanical
a. Piping minimum wall thickness
b. Pump net positive suction j c. Pump total system head
d. Valve pressure drops (Cv)
e. Heat transfer (sizing of heat exchangers,
j. condensers, heaters, etc) i f. Pump / system performance

{ g. Pressure / vacuum reliefvalve sizing

h. Sump capacity
i. Cooling water flow rates I
j. Equipment performance design process s document
k. Corrosion / erosion allowances j l. Tanks (volume, wall thickness, etc) l m. Pipe sizing / flow l n. System design / operating pressures and temperatures
o. Pump brake-horsepower requirements


l p. Valve actuation times and check valve j j closure valve closure __, j

q. Heating and cooling loads ,


r. Duct sizing and pressure drop i s. Equipment performance / design i requirements (fans, chillers, coils, filters,
dampers) t, System perfonnance (supply, return,  ;

and exhaust airflow requirements) l u. Refrigerant line sizing

v. Refrigerant specialties
sizing / performance

! w. Refrigerant vent line sizing  ;

x. Allowable duct and filter housmg '

l leakage (for nuclear air cleaning l systems) ,

(CK-MP3-02-03, Rev. O, Page 4)

C:\CK02 03. DOC ,


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l Nertherst Utilities CK-MP3-02-03 Millstre Unit 3 System Sheet of Design Process Document Review Checklist ,


y. Residence time for charcoal filter units
z. Allowable damperleakage aa. Allowable damperleakage ab. Damper closure time requirements ac. Duct weight & hanger loading ad. Allowable boundary leakage ae. Space sound levels (noise calc) l af.Other 1

i i

Prepared by Date l

/N N

(CT.-MP3-02-03, Rev. O, Page 5)

C:\CK02 03. DOC

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i 4

N:rth=st Utilitles CK-MP3-02-03 j Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of i 1

w/ Design Process Document Review Checklist 1

.N21 Desian Process Docuinent Tyne Applicable Anoticable Document.N,,[2-

2. Instrumentation and Controls
a. Instrument setpoint design basis document
b. Instrument setpoint uncertainty calculation
c. Instrument loop uncertainty calculation
d. Controlloop response time design process document
e. Instrument scaling document
f. Other(list below)

O v

I Prepared by Date O

(CK MP3-02-03, Rev. O, Page 6)

C:\CK02-03. DOC

Ncrthe*st Utilities CK-MP3-02-03 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of O

Design Process Document Review Checklist Not Desien Process Document Type Anolicable Applicable Document No.

3. Electrical
a. Diesel generator sizing
b. Safety-related power cable sizing
c. Safety-related system voltage
d. Safety-related system short circuit analysis
e. Diesel generator performance n

() f. Safety-related bus transfer analysis

g. 480V and higher MCC and switchgear
h. Protection and coordination
i. Class 1E battery sizing
j. Uninterruptible power supply sizing
k. Low voltage and DC cable sizing
1. Low voltage AC system protection and coordination
m. DC system protection and coordination O 1 i

(CK-MP3-0243, Rev. O, Page 7) 1 C:\CK02-03. DOC i

Nerthe:st Utilities CK-MP3-02-03 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of


's/ Design Process Document Review Checklist N9.t Desien Process Document Tvoe Applicable Applicable Document No.

n. Electrical separation analysis
o. Raceway fill and loading
p. Control circuit voltage analysis
q. Maximum cable lengths (voltage and power)
r. other (list below) 7N U

Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-03, Rev. O, Page 8)

C:\CK02-03. DOC

. Ncrtherst Utilities CK-MP3-02-03 Millstone Unit 3 System __

Sheet of I O

V Design Process Document Review Checklist I

.N._g.1 1 Desien Process Document Tvoe Apolicable Aeolicable Document No.

4. Civil
a. Piping rupture restraints I
b. Bolt anchorage in Category I

. c. Seismic analysis of electrical conduit

< d Category I supports (pipe, duct conduit, tray and instrumentation, and NSSS I supports) l l

4 l%

( e. Other (list below)

. Prepared by Date

~ (CK-MP342-03, Rev. O, Page 9)

C:\CK02-03. DOC

I i

Northerst Utilities CK-MP3-02-03 Millstone Unit 3 System l Sheet of l l0 Design Process Document Review Checklist l

l I

Not l Desien Process Document Tvoe Anoticable Applicable Document No.


5. Piping (Use CK-MP3-03-16 in conjunction with this checklist.)
a. ASME Class 1 piping analysis l

l b. ASME Class 2 & 3 piping analysis

c. Non-ASME piping analysis i

1 d Simplified small bore and tubing analysis

e. Other(list below) l i

l 4

i f%

V Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-03, Rev. O, Page 10)

C:\CK02-03. DOC


Ncrthe:st Utilities CK-MP3-02-03 Millst: e Unit 3 System Sheet of


() Design Process Document Review Checklist Not Desien Process Document TvDe ADDlicable ApDlicable Document No.

6. Equipment Qualification (bse -

CK-MP3-03-10 and 11 in conjunction with this checklist.)

a. Seismic qualification
b. Environmental qualification
c. Other (list below)


Prepared by Date (CK-MP3 02 03, Rev. O, Page 11)

C:\CK02-03. DOC

1 i

i Northerst Utilitles CK-M P3-02-03 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of I \


. Design Process Document Review Checklist l

1 Desian Process Docurnent Tyne Rev. Desien Process Document No. Rey.

I .

l 1

l 0

1 l

l 1

l I

l 4

l l

i' i

b c Note: This page is to be used if there are multiple design process documents for a specific design

( process document type.

(CK-MP3-02 03, Rey,0. Page 12)

C:\CK02-03. DOC

Ncrtherst Utilitizs CK-M P3-02-03 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of C\

U Design Process Document Review Checklist Review Attributes Design Process Document No./Rev.:

Attributes a S_s.,t Unsat Comment A. Numerical Accuracy

l. Numerical aspects and mathematical operation are error free.
2. Significant digits are consistent with input data, assumptions and methodology.
3. Transpesed or transferred numbers are l correct.

B. Modeling Accuracy j fg 1. Analytical models are consistent with .

(Q input data, assumptions and methodology.

l i

C. Assumptions and Engineering Judgment

1. Assumptions and engineeringjudgment is consistent with design approach and methodology.

D. DesignInputs i

1. Design inputs are consistent with latest I controlled documents.
2. Design inputs have been properly transposed.

E. Methodology

1. The methodology is consistent with the purpose and scope of the design process document.

i l

Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-03, Rev. O, Page 13)

C:\CK02-03. DOC

Ncrtheast Utilities CK-MP3-02-03

- Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of

. /~

O} Design Process Document Review Checklist Q,mment Sheet i

Design Process Document No/Rev.

'k i Comment No. Comment i

i i

Ch V


i l

l 1


, V Prepared by Date (CK-MP342-03, Rev. O, Page 14)

C:\CK02-03. DOC

Northeast Utilities Millstone - Unit 3 Independent Corrective Action Verification Program (ICAVP)

System Review Checklist CK-MP3-02-4.1, Rev. O P&ID Review Checklist i

i Prepared by: J A ale 4' #'M 7 Name Signature Date Approved by: D N Sek.a 0 k< '" h ?' 1 b 9-26-9 [

Name \ Signatur/ I] Date i

l l


Verified by:

Concurrence by:

Sheet 1 of

Northeist Utilities CK-MP3-02-4.1 Millstone Unit 3 System of Sheet 4 A i

.U P&ID Review Checklist

, i i I Instructions This checklist supplements PI-MP3-02 and is used to document the review of P&ID's. A single l checklist will be used for all P&ID's associated with a given system. The checklist shall be ,

completed in accordance with the following instructions. l i

, a. The Verifier shall review the P&ID's against each attribute listed on Page 3 of the checklist.

1 i b. The Verifier shall indicate for each attribute, whether the P&ID is satisfactory or 1


l c. The Verifier shall assign a sequential comment number to each response indicated on

Page 3 and shall use the Page 4 comment sheet to provide justification for the responses

! on Page 3. Multiple Page 4's may be used. Thejustification shall list documents reviewed versus each attribute to ensure P&ID consistency and correctness.

d. When completed, the Verifier shall sign and date the checklist cover sheet.
e. The Lead Verifier shall indicate his concurrence on the cover sheet that the P&ID review
has been adequately completed.

j f. The system name shall be entered on all sheets of the checklists. The sheet numbers shall

.; be sequentially numbered (i.e.1,2,3, etc.). It is acceptable to add insert pages (i.e., I A, 1B,1C, etc.) if needed.

l i'

4 O (CK-MP3-02-4.1, Rev. O, Pg.2)

C:\CK3 0241. DOC

Nsrthe:st Utilities CK-MP3-02-4.1 l 4

Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of


\ P&ID Review Checklist i

j P&lD No.(s)-

1 Revision:

) Attributes Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comment ,

a. If Systemis within NSSS l 2

scope, the P&ID conforms to j the NSSS P&ID. l l b. Pipeline sizes shown on the P&ID agree with line sizing l

, calculations.


c. Pipeline class breaks shown on  ;

P&ID are consistent with

! classification requirements j identified on system l

h requirements list (CK-MP3-02-01)  !


! d. Pipe wall thickness from l l referenced piping design table l l is consistent with design I

! pressure and temperature

e. Valve and other in line l component data shown on 4

P&ID is consistent with i applicable list or database.

f. System functional configuration )

shown on P&ID allow system i to perform functional requirements identified on

System Requirements List 4

i (Checklist CK-MP3-02-01).

(CK-MP3-02-4.1, Rev. O, Pg.3)

C:\CK3 0241. DOC i i


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i Northerst Utilities CK-MP3-02-4.1

Millstone Unit 3 System
Sheet of P&ID Review Checklist i

Attributes Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comment

g. Controls and Interlocks shown on P&ID will allow sytem to perform functional requirements identified on CK-MP3-02-01.
h. System redundancy requirements if applicable from CK-MP3-02-01 are satisfied.
i. Airflows shown on P&ID agree with system requirement calculations and duct work layout drawings.
j. Water flows shown on P&ID agree with system requirement calculations.
k. Dampers, coils, filters, and other duct mounted component data shown on P&ID is consistent with applicable list or database.

l O (CK-MP3-02-4.1, Rev. O, Pg.4)

C:\CK3 0241. DOC

4 Ncrthenst Utilities CK-MP3-02-4.1 Millst:nc Unit 3 System l

Sheet of lO-P&ID Review Checklist 1

1 Comment Sheet 4

j P&ID No.(s):


! Revision: .

Comment No. Comment i

O (CK-MP3-02-4.1, Rev. O, Pg.5)

CACK3-0241. DOC i

Nonheast Utilities Millstone - Unit 3 Independent Corrective Action Verification Program 1 (ICAVP) l System Review Checklist CK-MP3-02-4.2, Rev. O I

Logic Diagram Review Checklist  !

Prepared by: J. W . De Murre h A F1w cc + 7 -9 7 Name Sigiature Date k Approved by: A A A)E4' //. /O 9 7 Name Signature Date ]

l l

l IMPLEMENTATION System Document No. / Rev, l Verified by: Date:

Concurrence by: Date:

/ -

b Sheet 1 of

. _ _ _ _ . . __ = _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ - _ . _ . -

1 Nrrti erst Utilities CK-MP3-02-4,2 Millstone Unit 3 System i Sheet of J-1 s Logie Diagram Review Checklist i

i Instructions 1

1 This checklist supplements PI-MP3-02 and is used to document the resiew of Logic Diagrams A single

checklist shall be used for all Logic Diagrams associated with a given system. The checklist shall be j completed in accordance with the following instructions

] a. The Verifier shall review the Logic Diagrams against each attribute listed on Page 3 of the ,

checklist. i 1

i b. The Verifier shall indicate for each attribute whether the Logic Diagram is satisfactory or

unsatisfactory, if the attribute is not applicable, the Verifier shall indicate NA in both columns.


c. The Verifier shall assign a sequential comment number to each response indicated on Pages 3  ;

' and 4 and shall use the Page 5 comment sheet to providejustification for the responses on Pages i j 3 and 4. Multiple Page 5's may be used. Thejustification shalllist documents reviewed versus l 4 cach legic Diagram to ensure Logic Diagram consistency and correctness. l

! d. Discrepancies shall be processed in accordance with PI MP3-11.


! c. When completed, the Verifier shall sign and date the checklist cover sheet.

f. The Lead Verifier shall indicate the Verifier's concurrence on the cover sheet that the Logic

,y Diagram review has been adequately completed.

4 g. The Lead Verifier shall compile the individual checklists and enter the system name on each j sheet, number the sheets sequentially and sign the cover sheet. The sheet numbers shall be ,

sequentially numbered (i.e.,1,2,3, etc.). It is acceptable to add insert pages (i.e., I A, IB,1C, j j etc.) if n= led I

h. The cover sheet and a3 applicable checklists and comment forms shall be included in the final project file copy.



(CK-MP3-02-4.2, Rev. O, Page 2)

CXK3 0242. DOC i


e N:rthnst Utilities CK-M P3-02-4.2 Millstone Unit 3 System  !

Sheet of O IAgic Diagram Review Checklist


l i

logic l Diagram l No.(s):


1 Attributes Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comment

a. If System is within NSSS scope, the Logic Diagram conforms to the NSSS drawing format and symbols.
b. If System is not within NSSS scope,  ;

the Logic Diagram conforms to the l Station or other acceptable drawing  !

format and symbols.

f c. If System is within NSSS scope, the

( Logic Diagram conforms with the NSSS Design Criteria.

d. If System is not within NSSS scope, the Logic Diagram conforms with the Station Design Criteria.
c. If System is within NSSS scope, the Logic Diagram conforms with the NSSS System Description.
f. If System is not within NSSS scope, the Logic Diagram conforms with the Station System Description.
g. The Logic Diagram conforms with the controls and interlocks identified in the System P&ID.
h. The Logic Diagram conforms with the controls and interlocks identified in the FSAR.
i. The Logic Diagram conforms with the controls and interlocks identified in the Os Technical Specification.

(CK-MP3-02-4.2, Rev. O, Page 3)

CfCK3 0242. DOC

l Ntrihe:st Utilities CK-MP3-02-4.2 Millst:ne Unit 3 System Sheet of i ( ' l 1

Logie Diagram Review Checklist i

l Attributes Satisfactory Unsatisfactorv Comment J. The Logic Diagram shows the basic control and interlocking functions for the following: i

1) Control from the main control room.
2) Control from the local control station, as appropriate.
3) Interlocking from system process variables, as appropriate.
4) Ir.terlocking electrical functions, such as circuit breaker trip, loss of j power, low voltage, and/or others as l appropriate.
5) Interlocking from complex l protective circuits, such as Boiler. I Turbine-Generator Trip, Reactor Protection System, and or others as a

('s appropriate.

. 6) Interlocking with other desices which originate on the diagrams and cross-referencing to other devices or diagrams as appropriate.

7) Annunciation and/or computer functions, ESF Status Indication, and/or others as appropriate.
8) Time delay functions.
k. Logic Diagram is suitably identified by System or equipment description, Station, date ofissuance, page number, revision, and nuclear safety related
1. Other attributes
1) 2)



p Prepared by Signature Date b

(CK-MP3-02-4.2, Rev. O, Page 4)

CTK34242. DOC

N:rtheist Utilities CK-MP3-02-4.2 l Millstone Uzit 3 System j Sheet of


O' Logic Diagram Review Checklist l

1 l

l Logic Diagram Review Comment Form I

Comment No. Comment e l l

i j

i l

l) t Prepared by Signature Date O

(CK-MP342-4.2. Rev. O, Page 5)

C:TK34242. DOC

r Northeast Utilities 1

C'j g

w, Millstone - Unit 3 Independent Corrective Action Verification Program (ICAVP) ,

l System Review Checklist CK-MP3-02-04.3, Rev. O Schematic Review Checklist I T.ww ). SWWl -

mb(+ Y/h/h Prepared by: ZAN 4)A44SA dw c)w y/>/p p Name Signature Date

) Approved by: 4J J54> A.' f o @7- l' Name Signature Date I

i l


l System i

Schematic Drawing No./Rev.

Verified by:

Concurrence by:

4 l Northeist Utilities CK-M P3-02-04.3 l Millstene Unit 3 System l Sheet of l Schematic Review Checklist i

Instmetions I This checklist supplements PI-MP3-02 and is used to document the review of schematics. A single checklist will be used for all schematics associated with a given system. The checklist shall
be completed in accordance with the following instructions.

! a. The Verifier shall review the schematics against each attribute listed in the checklist.

4 j b. The Verifier shall indicate, for each attribute, whether the schematic is satisfactory or i


c. The Verifier shall assign a sequential comment number to each response and shall use the comment sheet to providejustification for the responses. Multiple comment sheets may be used. The justification shall list documents reviewed versus each schematic to ensure schematic consistency and correctness.
d. When completed, the Verifier shall sign and date the checklist cover sheet,
e. The Lead Verifier shallindicate his concurrence on the cover sheet that the schematic

( review has been adequately completed.

f. The system name shall be entered on all sheets of the checklists. The sheet numbers shall be sequentially numbered (i.e.1, 2, 3, etc.). It is acceptable to add insert pages (i.e., I A, 1B, IC, etc.) if needed.

O (CK-MP3-02-04.3, Rev. O, Form.2)

CK3-0243. DOC

Northeast Utilities CK-M P3-02-04.3 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Schematic Review Checklist Schematic Drawing No.(s):

j Revision:

] Attributes Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comment ,


1.1 Is there a summary of system phasers shown fer all voltage levels

! involved?

i 1.2 Is the " North" geographic arrow and equipment shown on this i drawing positioned to agree with the arrow and equipment as shown on the General Arrangement i Drawings?

1.3 Are system and nameplate phasers

! p shown for each power b


l.4 Are all terminals identified and located physically at the generators

and transformers? i j 1.5 Do the phase connections at all

, terminals agree with the system  ;

phase requirements?  !

1.6 Are bus runs geographically correct for all phases?

i 1.7 Are phase transposition points

! shown?

l 1.8 Are cable runs and bus runs differentiated?

1.9 Are switchgear fronts indicated?

1.10 Are switchgear buses identified by
phases front to rear, top to bottom, or left to right?

1,11 Other checks, explain.

i (CK MP3-02-04.3, Rev. O, Form.3)

. CK3-0243. DOC

Northeast Utilities CK-M P3-02-04.3 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Schematic Review Checklist


Attributes Satisfactory .l)[nsatisfactory Comment l 2.0 SINGLE LINE DIAGRAMS OR  !

ONE LINE DIAGRAMS I 2.1 Are all phasers for generators, I power transformers and potential transformers shown with

, displacement and orientation the same as on the Phasing Diagram?  ;

2.2 Is the generator excitation system shown in accordance with the  ;

appropriate vendor information? l 2.3 Are generator and power transformer ratings complete in all


respects and according to the i vendor's nameplate drawing and in  !

sequence as shown? I 2.4 Are quantities and rating of Q instrument transformers (current b and potential) and auxiliary transformers in accordance with design input? l 2.5 Are current transformer connections correct, wye or delta?

2.6 Do all current transformer circuits i show the actual sequence of relays l and instmments as they are physically connected?

2.7 Is the ground for the' power transformer neutral overcurrent relay current transformer i secondary shown physically nearest I to the power transformer winding?

2.8 Is each circuit breaker shown with a correct device or component number?

2.9 Are the buses identified correctly?

2.10 Are all bus current and voltage ratings indicated?

(CK-MP34)2-04.3, Rev. O, Form.4)

CK3-0243. DOC

.__- _ . ~ ~ - - ---. . . - _ -

Northeast Utilities CK-M P3-02-04.3 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet _ of

( Schematic Re,iew Checklist Attributes Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comment l 2.11 Are a!! breakers and starters and/or l

contractors shown, including l unassigned, blank and future l l spaces for future additions?

2.12 Are all cubicles and companments identified with cubicle and compartment numbers I respectively?

2.13 Do main and reserve power source references include reference to other appropriate diagrams? I 2.14 Have all potential and current l transformers within the switchgear been shown in their correct locations with ratings and quantities designated and with any i remote continuation properly p)s

( identified?

i l

2.15 Is the information table for services, etc., complete?

2.16 Is reference made to any special forms covering breaker and starter rating limitations?

2.17 Are adequate notes and reference drawings shown on drawings?

Have services requiring " Power-Lock-Out" been identified and is it noted on the drawings that power restoration is specifically permitted '

only when allowed by Plant I Operating Procedures or Technical Specifications?

2.18 Are applicable segregation identification reference codes shown on the drawing?

2.19 Other checks, explain. l

! O

' \~) (CK-MP3 02-04.3, Rev. O, Form.5)

CK3-0243. DOC

Northe:st Utilities CK-M P3-02-04.3 l Millstone Unit 3 System l

Sheet of Schematic Review Checklist 1

l Attributes Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comment 1



3.1 Are the equipment / cable safety l j clanifications and segregation codes consistent with the 1

associated components?

3.2 Does the drawing layout follow the Single Line Diagram as closely as possible?

3.3 Are equipment types, locations and l device numbers according to the

Single Line Diagram?

3.4 Are all phasers shown positioned identically to the Phasing Diagram and/or Single Line Diagram phasers?

O 3,5 Are polarity marks and terminal -

numbers shown for all power transformers, current transformers

and potential transformers accarding to appropriate vendor dr.c us?

3.6 Do cunent transformer and potential transformer connections and ratios agree with those on the  ;

Single Line Diagram?

3.7 Does the sequence of current transformer circuit connections agree with the Single Line Diagram? __ l 3.8 Are all test switches shown properly connected and distinctly identified (e.g., current enters test switch onjack side)?

3.9 Are all current and potential circuits grounded correctly and I with the location of the ground j


V connections identified?

(CK-MP3-0244.3, Rev. O, Form.6)

CK3-0243. DOC

Northeast Utilities CK-M P3-02-04.3

, Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of j Schematic Review Checklist l

Attributes satisbetory Unsatisfactory Comment

3,10 Are current transformer 1 connections for differential relays correct? _

3,11 Do current and potential phase i connections to all equipment

. tarmis. la v . with appropriate

e. .au ..n italog information?

l 3,12 For devices requiring directional

operation, (e.g., directional relays, wattmeters, varmeters, power i factor meters, etc.) are the current 1 2

and/or potential terminals properly I

identified with a plus (+) sign,  ;

denoting positive polarity. I 3.13 Are all computer input points

, identified at corresponding  ;

! transducers?

- L 3.14 Are the ammeter and voltmeter switch developments correctly shown?

3,15 Are all device terminals identified according to appropriate vendor information? _

3.16 Are all fuses, fuse ratings and other disconnect devices shown?

3.17 Are wire codes or similar identification means used where external cable connections are required?

3.18 Are terminal block connection points identified? ,,

3.19 Are associated instrument numbers shown with the device designations?



(CK-MP3-02M3, Rev. O, Form.7)

CK3-0243. DOC

-. = . . - --. . - . . ._ _ , __ _ .._ . - -

Northeast Utilities CK-M P3-02-04.3

. Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of j Schematic Review Checklist Attributes Satisfactory j'nsatisfactory Comment 3.20 Have instrument and equipment numbers been referenced in the

applicable instrument or equipment lists?

3.21 Are the appropriate potential phase 4 continuations shown?

3.22 Do switchgear potential circuits show or refer to additional circuit )

burdens as shown on the Key Diagrams (e.g., bus auxiliary loads requiring watthour meters, nm 4 time meters, etc.)?

3.23 Are transformer internal winding circuits configured consistent with i' j system phasing requirements?

, 3.24 Other checks, explain.

1 A

b 4.0 SYNCHRONIZING DIAGRAMS 4.1 Are the equipment / cable safety classifications and segregation codes consistent? _

4.2 Does the drawing ;ayout follow the Single Line Diagram as closely as possible?

4.3 Are all phasors shown positioned identically to the Phasing Diagram and/or Single Line Diagram


4.4 Is the synchronizing potential on the phasor shown to distinguish it from the other phasor leg (s)?

4.5 Are phasors and ratings shown for all auxiliary potential transformers?

(D v (CK-MP342-04.3, Rev. O. Form.8)

CK3-0243. DOC

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Northeast Utilities CK-M P3-02-04.3 f Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of 1

/~S t 4

() Schematic Review Checklist i Attributes Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comment j 4.6 Are " incoming" and " running" 1

potential continuations referer.ced

! to the proper phase on the applicable Relaying and Metering Diagram?

4.7 Are the synchronizing switch developments correctly shown?

, 4.8 Are instrument numbers shown for the synchronizing switches and 1 other synchronizing devices?

i 4.9 Are all device terminals identified


according to appropriate vendor information? _

i 4.10 Are the wire codes (if required) shown identical to the wire codes shown on the Relay and Metering Diagrams?

V(T 4.11 Do the synchronizing switch and/or synchroverifier relay developments 4

reference contacts to the applicable  !

DC breaker control schematics? ,

I 1

4.12 Other checks, explain. '


5.1 Are the equipment / cable safety classifications and segregation codes consistent with the associated components and system assignments?

l 5.2 Are all device terminals identified l according to appropriate vendor I information? l 5.3 Is the operating mode defined for all level, temperature, pressure or  !

vacuum switches? I (CK-MP3412-04.3, Rev. 0, Form.9)

CK3-0243. DOC

Northerst Utilities CK-M P3-02-04.3 Millstons Unit 3 System Sheet of I e

( Schematic Review Checklist Attributes Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comment 5.4 Is the operating mode defined for '

all time delay relay coils and their contacts?

5.5 Has the schematic been developed ,

utilizing the appropriate number of wires to minimize the ac or de control circuit conductor lengths in accordance with the maximum length guidelines?

5.6 Are all control or instrument i

, circuits properly shown as grounded or ungrounded circuits?

5.7 Are all test switches shown properly connected and distinctly identified?

5.8 Are all fuses, fuse ratings and other I

O I 'd 5.9 disconnect devices shown?

Are terminal block connection points (i.e., terminal numbers)  ;

identified and consistent with l

associated wiring drawings?

5.10 Are wire codes (if required) used when external cable connections are required?

5.11 Are contacts cross-referenced to the Schematic Diagrams on which the initiating device (relay coil, etc.)is located?

5.12 Does the drawing show correct developments for control switches, limit switches, relays, timers, etc.,

with contacts cross-referenced to other Schematic Diagrams where applicable?


\.j (CK-MP3-02-04.3, Rev. O, Form.10)

CK3-0243. DOC

Northeast Utilitles CK-M P3-02-04.3 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Schematic Review Checklist Attributes Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comment i 5.13 Have any contacts been changed since the initial order with the j manufacturer for relays requiring seismic qualification? Ifyes, does the following statement appear on the wiring drawing? "To retain the relays seismic qualification, 4 j changes made in the field to the l

arrangement of relay contacts (for I

! example, NO to NC or vice versa) shall be done in strict accordance

. with the relay manufacturers instructions." This is to ensure that any required critical relay I

adjustments, i.e., coil pick-up, '

contact gap or wipe, are done ,


fq I m/ 5.14 In the case ofreproduced Schematic Diagrams of vendor

" package" systems (water treating, ash handling, etc.), are the cross-references, vendor's unique symbols and notes, interlocks and I interfaces with other system i Schematic Diagram Circuits identified correctly?

5.15 If the schematic diagram is a reproduction, redraw, or revision of a design by others (e.g., NSSS vendor), and considering that all designers do not necessarily use common drafting nomenclaturelconvention, have the device contacts been correctly I shown (e.g., NC vs. NO)?



(CK-MP3-02-04.3, Rev. O, Form.11)

CK3-0243. DOC

Northecst Utilities CK-M P3-02-04.3 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Schematic Review Checklist Attributes Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comment 5.16 If this drawing is reproduced or redrawn from a vendor drawing, is reference to the vendor drawing indicated above the title block?

5.17 Is cross-reference to the associated Wiring Diagrams included?

5.18 Are adequate notes and reference drawings shown on drawings? In particular, have services requiring

" Power-Lock-Out" been identified and is it noted on the drawings that power restoration is specifically permitted only when allowed by ,

Plant Operating Procedures or i Technical Specifications?

5.19 Have instrument, equipment or p valve numbers been documented N/ on the drawings and the schematic drawing number referenced in the appropriate column on instrument, equipment or valve lists?

5.20 Are applicable segregation identification reference codes  ;

shown on the drawing?  ;

5.21 Does the schematic diagram i accurately reflect the design information shown on P& ids, data sheets, logic diagrams / functional descriptions and Vendor /Manufacttirer's drawings.

5.22 For modifications do the breaker control circuits correctly operate when interacting with the breaker's anti-pumping feature.

5.23 Do breaker control circuits correct '

operate when interacting with the breaker's anti-pumping feature?

O (CK-MP3-02-04.3, Rev. O, Fonn.12)

CK3 0243. DOC

_. . .. - ._ _ - . , _ _ . =_ . . __-

Ncrtheast Utilities CK-MP3-02-04.3 Millstone Unit 3 System l Sheet of q

h Schematic Review Checklist Attributes Satisfactorv ' Unsatisfactory Comment

. 5.24 Does the control system described by the schematic diagram function  !

correctly under all conditions (e.g.,

j starting, stopping, etc.)?

5.25 Are control devices (e.g., pressure switch, level switch, etc.), being applied within their published rating (voltage rating, continuous
current rating, current interrupting j rating)?

l 5.26 Does the schematic diagram l indicate the interlocking required i for proper operation of the ,

equipment? l

5.27 Does the schematic diagram 2

indicate controls at the required 7.-

(j locations (e.g., local, remote, 2

control room)?

5.28 Does the schematic diagram indicate the required alarms?

5.29 Are all control circuits fused properly (in accordance with project specific criteria) and is the control power source adequate? .

5.30 Is the control power source correct (e.g. ac vs de, interruptible vs. non-interniptible, etc.)?

5.31 Does the schematic diagram indicate the required monitoring features e.g., indicating lamps, voltmeter, ammeter, etch?

5.32 Does the schematic diagram indicate the required test functions?

O (CK-MP3-02 04.3, Rev. O, Form.13)

CK3@43. DOC l

Nerthe:st Utilitics CK-MP3-02-04.3 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Schematic Review Checklist J

Attributts Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comment 5.33 If the schematic diagram includes design data derived from

, calculations (e.g. time delay relay setting) do these calculations support the data?

5.34 Are the control circuit conductor I lengths within the maximum length 4

guidelines or approved project i guidelines?

4 5.35 Are the equipment / cable safety l classifications and segregation codes consistent with the associated system design?

5.36 Other checks, explain.

2 6.0 THREE L.INE DIAGRAMS 6.1 Does the drawing layout follow the

! singleline diagram as closely as i possible?

4 6.2 Do the three-phase power

! connections agree with the phasing j diagram?

6.3 Do the three-phase power i terminals and transformer internal I

winding circuits agree with vendor nameplate drawings and are i internal winding circuits consistent i with system phasing requirements?

6.4 Are all current transformers, disconnecting devices, tap-offs, potential transformers and other connections on the three-phase power circuits located and shown in correct sequence according to the single line diagram and vendor drawings?


V (CK-MP3-02 04.3, Rev. O, Form.14)

CK3-0243. DOC

st Utilities CK-MP3-02-04.3 Millstre Unit 3 System Sheet of Schematic Review Checklist
Attributes Satisfactory Unastisfactory Comment

! 6.5 Have power transformer taps and >

current transformer ratio tables J

! been correctly shown on this '

6.6 Are all phasors shown positioned

. identical to the phasing diagram

and single line phasors?

6.7 Are polarity marks and terminal i numbers shown for all power transformers, current transformers ,

i and potential transformers i according to appropriate vendor


6.8 Are wire designations and color

, codes (ifrequired) shown on both 4

ends ofcables? 4 j 6.9 Are terminal blocks located and I l wired to meet segregation and j separation requirements?

6.10 Is the segregation code, Class IE l l Division, etc., for each cable l

shown, applicable? i i 6.11 Is there a reference on the drawing j

to the respective schematic for

determination and redundancy and separation requirements?
6.12 Is the correct wiring diagram j drawing number shown for the other end of the cable (ifwiring diagram has been completed)?

i 6.13 Are power, control and instrumentation cable shields shown correctly?

l 6.14 Does each device have a cross-reference to its Schematic 1


i 6.15 Other checks, explain.

l l (CK-MP3-02.o4.3, Rev. O, Form.15)

CK3-0243. DOC i

i Nerthicst Utilities CK-MP3-02-04.3 Millstone Unit 3 System l Sheet of Schematic Review Checklist Attributes Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comment 7.0 LOOP SCHEMATICS 7.1 Have the latest vendor drawings for the instruments on the loop schematic been reviewed and ,

processed? Have all required l components includingjunction boxes, electrical penetrations, etc., j been shown and are theyin the j correct loop arrangement?

7.2 Have all components been correctly numbered and titled?

7.3 Have allinstrument components been correctly located with location or equipment numbers shown?

7.4 Do the loop components match O with regard to input / output signal voltage, current and scaling  :

factors? I 7.5 Have switch developments been shown for allloop selector switches?

7.6 Have the instrument loops been properly fused?

7.7 Ifisolation devices are required, have they beenincluded?

7.8 Are instmment loop burdens acceptable for the power supply and loop components capabilities? ,

7.9 Have required grounds been shown ]

for allloop components?  !

7.10 Have required external power  ;

requirements been shown? i 7.11 Have contact or cutoff outputs ,

been shown and correctly ]'

referenced to other drawings as required?

(CK-MP3-0244.3, Rev. O, Form.16)

CK3-0243. DOC

j j

Nertherst Utilities CK-MP3-02-04.3 Millstone Unit 3 System j Sheet of f Schematic Review Checklist i

Attributes Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comment 2

7.12 Are fail safe output modes required

and have they beenimplemented j correctly?

7.13 If shielded cables are required, have they been used and have the j shields been grounded at the correct location and only at that location? ~

j 7.14 Have all required terminations j f (including plug connections) been  !

shown with correct terminal 4

designations indicated and is the l polarity correct for loop operation?

j 7.15 Have terminations in high humidity areas been eliminated or

minimized? <

j 7.16 Have cable numbers been 1 indicated,if required?


7.17 Are wire codes (ifrequired) used
when external cable connections )
are required?

7.18 Are contacts cross-referenced to  !

the Schematic Diagrams on which the initiating device (relay coil,  !


! etc.)is located?

7.19 Other checks, explain.


!O (CK-MP3-02 04.3, Rev. 0, Form.17)

CK3-0243. DOC 4

._ _ _ ._ . J

__,__m_ _ _ _ _ . -

i N:rtheast Utilities CK-MP3-02-04.3 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of O

(V Schematic Review Checklist

, Comment Sheet I l

Schematic Drawing No.(s): 1 1


Comment No. Comment 1


i I

I rs (CK-MP34244.3, Rev. O, Form.18)

CK34243. DOC


1 l

l l

Northeast Utilities O Millstone - Unit 3 Independent Corrective Action Verification Program i (ICAVP) i i

System Review Checklist CK-MP3 5.1, Rev. O Mechanical Component Review Checklist (3

Prepared by: A A AE

Name Signature 4'-/047 Date V

Approved by: h.h. Sck. dv  %, d )# I~  % W//17 N ne i Signatud f Date IMPLEMENTATION System Verified By:

Concurrence By:


Nertherst Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1

Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of i

, Mechanical Component Review Checklist Instructions I y This checklist supplements PI-MP3-02 and shall be used for the Mechanical Component Review process described in the PI. The application and use of this checklist shall be as follows:

! 1.

The Lead Verifier shall identify all mechanical components included in the scope of the review and shall list the component ID and description on the form included as page 3 of this checklist. The Lead Verifier shall sign and date the form when this step is completed.

? l

2. The Lead Verifier and/or Verifiers shall then complete an individual component checklist l for each system component using the applicable component specific checklists included i

here in. The Lead Verifier and/or Verifiers shall sign and date the individual checklists when completed. For each component specific checklists, the Lead Verifier and/or l Verifier shall: I a) Enter the component ID I b) Enter, for each attribute on the checklist, the requirement or data listed in the licensing documents, specifications, calculation, vendor or design drawings and lists or database. Enter NA if not applicable. ,

c) Enter Yes/No/NA as applicable in the " Acceptable" column. I d) For each "No" response, assign a comment number and use the form on page 4 to explain the No response. Discrepancies shall then be processed for PI-MP3-11,

3. Once the review has been completed, the Lea Verifier shall compile the individual component checklists, enter the system name on each sheet, number the sheets  !

sequentially and sign the cover sheet. Only applicable component specific checklists shall be included in the final packages. Checklists for component types not applicable to the system being reviewed shall be omitted.

4. The SRG Lead shall indicate his concurrence that the mechanical component review  :

process has been completed by signing the cover sheet.


5. _ If needed due to subsequent revisions, insert pages can be as I A, IB, 2A, 2B, etc. '

O (CK-MP3-02 5.1, Rev. O, Page 2)

C:\CK02-51. DOC

i 1

i N:rtheast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of f~ )


4 Mechanical Component Review Checklist Mechanical Eauinment List Equipment ID Description i

I O i I

i i

l I

Prepared by: /

Name Date O

(CK MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 3)

CACK02 51. DOC

Nerthe:st Utiliti:s CK-M P3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3  !

System  ;

~ Sheet of l

() Mechanical Component Review Checklist Mechanical Component Review Comment Form Comment No. Comment i

i l

i l

1 l

!O -

1 l e

J d

a 4

I 1

Prepared by Signature Date



(CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev, 0, Page 4)

C:\CK02-51. DOC



Northeas;wilities (V (vD CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist PUMPS Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Recuirement Drawine Database YIN /NA Comment

1. Tag Nolldentification
2. Type / Stages
3. Material
4. Pressure Rating
5. Driver Characteristics
6. Connection - Size
7. Connection - Weld / Flange End
8. Seal Type
9. Lubrication System  ;
10. Bearmg Type
11. Manufacturer /Model
12. Service / Fluid
13. Operating Modes
14. Controls / Interlocks / Trips
15. Seismic Classification
16. ASME Code Class
17. Design Pressure
18. Design Temperature
19. Design Flow
20. Minimum (Recirc.) Flow (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 5)

C:\CK02-S t. DOC

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Norther.s ilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist i PUMP $

Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database Y/N/NA Comment '

21. Maximum (Runout) Flow
22. Design Discharge Head
23. Design Suction Head l
24. Design Total Developed Head
25. Maximum Shutoff Head
26. NPSH Available
27. NPSH Required
28. Electrical Class ,
29. EQ Requirement -
30. SQ Requirement I

Prepared by Date L

(CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 6)

C:\CK02-51. DOC

0 O "')/

Northeast tilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist TANKS & VESSELS Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database Y/N/NA Comment

1. Tag Nolldentification
2. Type-Vertical / Horizontal
3. Pressure Rating
4. Materials
5. Connections -

Number / Size / Orientation

6. Connections-Weld / Flange Ends
7. Insulation
8. Mounting Details
9. Overall Dimensions
10. Heaters / Heat Tracing i 1. Diaphragms
12. Coatings / Liners
13. Service / Fluid
14. Operating Modes
15. Seismic Classification
16. Controls / Interlocks /frips
17. Radiation Monitoring
18. Temperature Control
19. ASME Code Class
20. Capacity (CK-MP3-02-5. I, Rev. O, Page 7)

CACK02-51. DOC

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NorthA- ilities O CK-MP3-02-5.1 O

Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist TANKS & VESSELS Component ID. ,

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Recuirement Drawine Database Y/N/NA Comment

21. Design Pressure
22. Design Temperature .
23. Normal Flows
24. Surge Flows
25. Overpressure Protection
26. Vacuum
27. Fluid Properties
28. Venting / Overflow 1
29. Environmental Qualification  :
30. Seismic Qualification Prepared by Date I

(CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 8) I C:\CK02-51. DOC

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Northens ilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Counponent Review Checklist CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVES i

Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database Y/NINA Comment

1. Tag No1 Identification
2. Body Type
3. Material
4. Pressure Rating
5. Connection - Size
6. Connection - Weld / Flange Ends
7. Normal Position
8. Type of Operator
9. Loss of Air /Elec.-Failed Position
10. Seismic Classification l 1. Required Motor Torque i
12. Strokmg Time 13 ASME Code Class
14. Design Pressure
15. Design Temperature
16. Fluid Design Flow
17. Differential Pressure
18. Seismic Qualification Required
19. Environmental Qualification Required Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 9)

C:\CK02-51. DOC

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n Northeaso.,31stics O CK-MP3-02-5.I O

Millstone U:it 3 System Sheet af Mechanical Component Review Checklist GENERAL APPLICATION VALVES i

Component ID. t Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable i Attributes Reanimeent Reesirennent Reauiren==t Drawing Database Y/N/NA Comunent

1. Tag No/ Identification
2. Body Type
3. Matenal l
4. Pressure Ratmg
5. Connecuon - Size
6. Connecuon - Weld / Flange Ends ,
7. Modulatmg or On-Off  !
8. Nonnal Position -
9. Type of Operator
10. Loss of Air /Elec. - Failed
11. Seismic Classification
12. Normal Position
13. Type of Operator I
14. Loss of Air /Elec. - Failed
15. Seismic Classification
16. Required Motor Torque
17. Stroking Time - - '
18. Limit Switches
19. Solenoid Valves
20. ASME Code Class i

(CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 10)

CdCK02-51. DOC t

n NortheasNtilities O CK-MP3-02-5.1 O ,

Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist GENERAL APPLICATION VALVES Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Recairement Reanirement Reasirement Drawine Database YIN /NA Comment

21. Design Pressure i
22. Design Temperature
23. Fluid Design Flow
24. Differential Pressure .

i i

i Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-5.I, Rev. O, Page 1I)

C:\CK02-51. DOC i

I Northens9ilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist CHECK VALVES Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database Y/N/NA Comment

1. Tag No/ Identification
2. Body Type
3. Material
4. Pressure Rating
5. Connection - Size  !
6. Connection - Weld / Flange Ends
7. Seismic Classification
8. Leakage rating
9. Type
10. Water hammer considerations
11. ASME Code Class
12. Design Pressure
13. Design Temperature
14. Fluid Design Flow
15. Differential Pressure
16. Seismic Qualification Required
17. Equipment Qualification Required Prepared by Date (CK-MP34)2-5.1, Rev. O, Page 12)

C:\CK02-51. DOC

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Northeast CK-MP3-02-5.1 ,

Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist HEAT EXCHANGE EOUIPMENT Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database Y/NINA Comment ,

1. Tag No1 Identification
2. Type
3. MaterialsfIhickness

- Tube

- Shell ,

4. Outside Diameter

- Tube

- Shell

5. Number of Passes

- Tube Side

- ShellSide

6. Main Nozzle Sizes

- Tube Inlet

- Tube Outlet

- ShellInlet

- Shell Outlet

7. Weight

- Empty

- Full

8. Control / Interlocks /frips (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 13)

C:\CK02-51. DOC


Norther ' 'Jtilitie:

O CK-MP3-02-5.1 O

Millstone Unh a System Sheet of Mechanical Coseponent Review Checklist HEAT EXCHANGE EOUIPMENT Coniponent ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vad/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reasirement Reauirennent Drawine Database YIN /NA Comment

9. Fluid Description

- Tube Side

- Shell Side

10. Operating Modes i 1. Service Requirements
12. Tube /ShellI2akage .


13. ASME Code Class
14. Sizing Codes and Standards
15. Heat Transfer Area
16. Heat Transfer Load
17. Design Operating Pressures

- TubeInlet

- Tube Outlet

- ShellInlet

- Shell Outlet I 8. Design Operating Temperatures

- Tube Inlet

- Tube Outlet

- ShellInlet

- Shell Outlet (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 14)

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Northeas ilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist HEAT EXCHANGE EOUIPMENT Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauiresnent Rc :--: - ---:=t Reauirement Drawine Database Y/N/NA Comment

19. Design Operating Flow

- Tube Side

- Max. AP

- ShellSide

- Max. AP

20. Number / Size of Vents

- T .be Side

- Shell Side '

21. h :nber/SizeofDrains '

- Tube Side

- Shell Side

22. Overpressure Protection  ;
23. Equipment Qualification Required
24. Seismic Qualification Required '

i Prepared by Date r

(CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 15) i C:\CK02-51. DOC i

._. _ _ _ . . _ . . . _ - . . _ _ _ _ . _ . . - . . _ . . . _ . ~ _ - _ _ .

n Northessidilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 O

Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist i i


Licensing Specification Calculatien Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable I Attributes Reewirement Recuirement Reauirement Draw'me Database Y/NINA Comment i

1. Tag Nolldentification
2. Material
3. Pressure Rating  !
4. Overpressure Protection
5. Size
6. Weld / Flange Ends j
7. Attachments / Accessories
8. Gasketino/ Seals
9. Weight
10. Service / Fluid
11. Operatmg Modes
12. Seismic Classification
13. Codes and Standards
14. Design Flow '
15. Design Pressure
16. Design Temp:rature l
17. Size i
18. Pressure Drop
19. Equipment Qualification Required i
20. Seismic Qualification Required .

Prepared by Date (CK-MP3 02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 16)

CACK02-51. DOC i

N r^x Northeast ilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Isilistone Unit 3 System Sheet of __

Mechanical Component Review Checklist PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICES Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Requirement Drawine Database YIN /NA Comment

1. Tag Nolldentification
2. Type
3. Manufacturer /Model
4. Pressure Rating
5. Material
6. Exhaust Path
7. Accessories
1. Backpressure Bellows
2. Pilot Relief Valve
3. Lifting Lever
4. Silencer
8. Connection-Size
9. Connection-Weld / Flange End
10. Limit Switches
11. Operator
12. Solenoid Valves
13. Service / Fluid
14. Operating Mode
15. Seismic Classification
16. Controls / Interlocks /Setpoint
17. ASME Code Class ,

(CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 17)

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n O~

Northeast Utilities f'h o CK-MP3-02-5,1 u

Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist l


i Licensing Specification Calculation Vad/ Design List / Acceptable  !

Attributes Reanirement Reauirement Reewirement Drawine Database Y/NINA Conunent I

18. Design Flow
19. Design Pressure
20. Design Temperature
21. Max. Differential Pressure  ;
22. Fluid Properties
23. Accumulation / Blowdown
24. Back Pressure ,
25. Setpomt/ReliefPressure
26. Equipment Qualification  ;


27. Seismic Qualification Requircxl i i

i P

l i


Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 18) I C:\CK02-51. DOC

Northens ilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist CONTROL VALVES Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirennent Reouirement Drawine Database Y/N/NA Comment ,


1. Tag Nolldentification
2. Body Type
3. Material
4. Pressure Rating ,
5. Valve / Operator Manufacturer
6. Connection - Size i
7. Connection - Weld / Flange Ends  ;
8. Steam Leak Off Requ rements i
9. Flow Direction Thru Vahr [
10. Modulating or On-Off  ;
11. Normal Position ['
12. Type of Operator
13. Im of Air /Elec. - Failcd Position
14. Seismic Classification
15. Required MotorTorque  ;
16. Strokmg Time ,
17. Limit Switches
18. Trim Design  !
19. Performance Characteristics -  !

(Linear, Fast-opening, etc.)

20. ASME Code Class (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 19)

C:\CK02-51. DOC

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Northeast Utilities O'"N CK-MP3-02-5.1 J

Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet _ of Mechanical Component Review Checklist CONTROL VALVES 1

Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable  !

Attributes Reauirement Reevirement Reauirement Drawing Database YIN /NA Comment i

21. Design Pressure
22. Design Temperature .
23. Fluid Design Flow
24. Differential Pressure
25. CV
26. Equipment Qualification i Required
27. Seismic Qualification Required
28. Design / Flow Range ,
29. 1. Min. Flow i
30. 2. Normal Flow
31. 3. Max. Flow
32. Leakage Ratingfright Sh.itoff j Requirements
33. Maximum P Valve must open or close against Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 20)

C;\CK02-51. DOC

Northens ilities CK-MP3-02-5.1

, Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist t


Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database Y/N/NA Comment

1. Tag Nolldentification
2. Procurement Spec
3. Mfg 1 Fabricator l
4. Pressure rating
5. L:akage rating
6. Material .
7. Stiffener spacing
8. Hanger spacing
9. Weight
10. Codes and standards
11. Seismic class
12. Safety class r.

Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 21)

CACK02-51. DOC i

Nonheast Utilities O O CK-MP3-02-5.1 O

Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist HVAC DUCT ACCESSORIES Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Requirement Reauirement Drawine Database Y/NINA Comment

1. Tag No/ Identification
2. Type
3. Procurement Spec.
4. Mfg.
5. Model No. ,
6. Size
7. Airflow  !
8. Pressure drop
9. Pressure rating
10. leakage rating i
11. Codes and standards
12. Weight
13. Safety classification
14. Seismic classification
15. EQ requirement Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 22)

C:\CK02-51. DOC j

r'h fh ,

Northens '* ties V CK-MP3-02-5.1 U

Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of _

i Mechanical Component Review Checklist HVAC DAMPERS Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vad/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database YIN /NA Comment

1. Tag No1 Identification
2. Type (control, isolation, fire, I smoke, balancing)
3. Procurement spec
4. Mfg.
5. Model No.
6. Size
7. Airflow
8. Pressure drop ,
9. Pressure rating l
10. Leakage rating i 1. Safety classification i
12. Seismic classification
13. Actuator type
14. Closing time
15. Maximum air velocity
16. EQ requirement Prepared by Date i


(CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 23)

CSCK02-51. DOC

Northeas ilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist H VAC FANS Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawine Database Y/N/NA Comment

1. Tag Nolldentification
2. Type
3. Procurement Spec
4. Mfg.
5. Model No.
6. Airflow
7. Fan total pressure
8. Fan speed
9. Fan bhp required
10. Motor hp
11. Motor speed
12. Motor voltage / phase / frequency l
13. Codes and standards
14. Safety classification
15. Seismic classification , l
16. EQ requirement Prepared by Date  !

(CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 24)

C:\CK02-51. DOC

\J  %) Q Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist HVAC FILTERS Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes _Re_auirement Reanirement Reauirement Drawine Database YIN /NA Comment

1. Tag No1 Identification
2. Type
3. Procurement Spec
4. M fg.
5. Model No.
6. EtTiciency
7. Airflow
8. Pressure drop
9. Size  !
10. Codes and standards
11. Bypass leakage
12. Ilousing leakage Ilousing pressure rating 13.
14. Drains  :
15. Fire Protection
16. Safety classification
17. Seismic classification i

Prepared by Date i

(CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 25) i C:\CK02-51. DOC

O Northeast Utilities O CK-MP3-02-5.1 O

Millstone Unit 3 Systen Sheet of ,

i Mechanical Cosnponent Review Checklist HVAC-LOUVERS Cosnponent ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Requiressent Requirement Drawine Database Y/N/NA Conunent

1. Tag No1 Identification
2. Type
3. Procurement spec
4. Mfg.
5. Model No.
6. Size
7. Airflow i
8. Pressure drop
9. Pressure rating
10. Leakage rating
11. Safety classification
12. Seismic classification '
13. Actuator type
14. Closing time
15. Maximum air velocity Prepared by Date i (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 26) i C$CK02-51. DOC  !


O Northeast Utilities O CK-MP3-02-5.1 O

Mdistone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist REFRIGERATION UNITS Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirennent Reauirement Reevirement Drawine Database YININA Comment

1. Tag Nolldentification
2. Type
3. Procurement Spec
4. Mfg.
5. Model No.
6. Capacity at rating conditions
7. Design load on unit
8. Minimum load on unit
9. Refrigerant number
10. Refrigerant suction temperature / pressure
11. Refrigerant condensing temperature / pressure
12. Condenser Type (air / water cooled)

Tube matenal/ configuration Fin matenal/ configuration Number ofpasses/ circuits Air / water flow (max / min)

Air / water entering temperature (max / min)

Air / water leaving temperature Pressure rating Temperature rating (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 27)

C:\CK02-51. DOC

s Northeast 9~lities e CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System '

Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist Design fouling factor _,

Pressure drop

13. Evaporator r

Type (direct expansion / chilled water)

Tube matenal/ configuration Fin material / configuration Number of passes / circuits Air / water flow (max / min)

Air / water entering temperature (max / min)

Air / water leaving temperature Pressure rating ,

Temperature rating Design fouling factor Pressure drop

14. Capacity control
15. Interlocks and internal safeties
16. Pressure reliefdevices
17. Compressor type l8. Compressor ne kW
19. Compressor motor i voltage / phase / frequency
20. Codes and standards i
21. Safety classification
22. Setsmic classification Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 28)

C:\CK02-51. DOC

Northens ilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist ELECTRIC HEATING COILS Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawing Database Y/N/NA Comment

1. Tag Nolldentification
2. Type
3. Procurement spec.
4. M fg.
5. Model No.
6. Capacity, kW
7. No. of stages
8. Airflow
9. Pressure drop
10. Size
11. Minimum velocity
12. Capacity control and safeties i
13. Voltage / phase / frequency
14. Inlet configuration
15. Safety classification
16. Seismic classification Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 29)

C:\CK02-S t. DOC l

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Northeast Utilities U CK-MP3-02-5.1 Os Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist COOLING COILS Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauiresnent Reauirement Reemirement Drawinst Database YININA Comment

1. Tag Nolldentification
2. Type
3. Procurement spec.
4. Mfg.
5. Model
6. Fluid
7. Tube material
8. Tube diameter
9. Tube wall thickness
10. Fin material
11. Fin pitch
12. Fin thickness
13. Number of tube rows
14. Number of tubes per row
15. Coil serpentine (passes / row)
16. Air flow
17. Face area
18. Air velocity
19. Entering air temperature
20. Leaving air temperatuare
21. Entering water temperature
22. Leaving water temperature (CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 30)

CSCK02-51. DOC

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Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checklist ,


23. Water flow
24. Water velocity
25. Fouling factor
26. Codes and standards
27. Safety classification  :
28. Seismic classificatran ,

i Prepared by Date i

(CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 31)

C$CK02-51. DOC

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. -. . = - . . _ . . -. _. . . __ _-.

fm ry No 1heastwiilities

\ ) CK-MP3-02-5.1 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Mechanical Component Review Checidist PIPELINES Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Requirement Reevirement _ Requirement Drawine Database YIN /NA Comment

1. Material
2. Pressure Rating /sch
3. Size
4. Code Class.
5. Seismic Class ,
6. Design Pressure
7. Design Temperature
8. Operating Pressure
9. Operating Temperature
10. Insulation Thickness Prepared by Date i

(CK-MP3-02-5.1, Rev. O, Page 32)

C:\CK02-51. DOC

Northeast Utilities Millstone - Unit 3

'O Independent Corrective Action Verification Program l

l (ICAVP) I System Review Checklist l

CK-MP3-02 -05.2, Rev. 0 l

l Electrical Comoonent Review Checklist i

?Avm ) Seddoeg b Y/7/97 l Prepared by: 1*4 alm 44NEf Name al% L}m_ __

Signature W7/7 ?

l Date Approved by: A A.MEO t/' 7/f7 Name Signature Date i

l l

l l '

IMPLEMENTATION System Verified By:  !

Concurrence By:

Ncrthe:st Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.2 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of j Electrical Component Review Checklist j Instructions l

i This checklist supplements PI-MP3-02 and shall be used for the Electrical Component Review process described in the PI. The application and use of this checklist shall be as follows:

1. The Lead Verifier shall identify all electrical components included in the scope of the review and shall list the component ID and description on the form included as page 3 of this checklist. The Lead Verifier shall sign and date the form when this step is completed.
2. The Lead Verifier and/or Verifiers shall then complete an individual comporent checklist for each system component using the applicable component specific checklists included here in. The Lead Verifier and/or Verifiers shall sign and date the individual checklists when completed. For each component specific checklists, the Lead Verifier and/or Verifier shall:

a) Enter the component ID b) Enter, for each attribute on the checklist, the requirement or data listed in the licensing documents, specifications, calculation, vendor or design drawings and lists or database. Enter NA if not applicable.

c) Enter Yes/No/NA as applicable in the " Acceptable" column.

d) For each "No" response, assign a comment number and use the form on page 4 to

- explain the No response. Discrepancies shall then be processed for PI-MP3-11.

3. Once the review has been completed, the Lead Verifier shall compile the individual component checklists, enter the system name on each sheet, number the sheets a sequentially and sign the cover sheet. Only applicable component specific checklists shall be included in the final packages. Checklists for component types not applicable to the system being reviewed shall be omitted. l
4. ' The SRG Lead shall indicate his concurrence that the electrical component review process has been completed by signing the cover sheet.

l S. If needed due to subsequem revisions, insert pages can be as I A, IB, 2A, 2B, etc.

(CK-MP3-02-5.2, Rev. O, Page 2)

CK3-0252. DOC

Ntrtherst Utilities CK-M P3-02-5.2 I Millstone Unit 3 System I Modification No.

FN Sheet of U

Electrical Component Review Checklist Electrical Eauipment List l

Equipment ID Description l


( )

LJ Prepared by: /

s Name Date

( )

wi (CK-MP3-02-5.2, Rev. O, Page 3)

CK3-0252. DOC

Ncrthe st Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.2 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

tO Sheet of

, 'v' Electrical Component Review Checklist Electrical Component Review Comment Form Comment No. Comment rm k) 1 l

1 Prepared by Signature Date r~ N


(CK-MP3-02-5.2, Rev,0, Page 4)

CK3-0252. DOC

O Northeast ilities J CK-MP3-02-51 v

Millstone Unit 3 System _

Modification No. __

Sheet of Electrical Component Review Checklist CABLE Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawing Database YININA Comment

1. Tag No/ Identification
2. Ampacity '
3. Size
4. Bendmg & Trr.ining Radius
5. Cables near Hot Equipment
6. Construction
7. Pulling Tension
8. Segregation
9. Separation
10. Short Circuit ,
11. Support e.g. Kellums Grip
12. Termmation & Splicing
13. Voltage Drop
14. Type / Application
15. Radiation (CK-MP3-02-5.2, Rev. O, Page 5)

CK3-0252. DOC Prepared by Date lities CK-MP3-02-5.2 Millstone Unit 3 System l Modification No.

Sheet of i

Electrical Component Reviev' Checidist l

l i CABLE COATINGS AND WRAPS Component ID. t Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable $

Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Requirement Drawine Database VIN /NA Comment

1. Ampacity Derating Factor
2. Application
3. Construction
4. Fire Rating
5. Material
6. Compatibility
7. Weight
8. Radiation (CK-MP3-02-5.2, Rev. O, Page 6)

CK3 0252. DOC Prepared by Date

Ntrtheas ilities CK-MP3-02-5.2 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Electrical Component Review Checklist CABLE TRAYS AND RISERS Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reavirement Drawine Database Y/NINA Gwment  !

1. Cable Bending Radius
2. Cable Fill
3. Cable Support
4. Cable Weight Loading ,
5. Covers
6. Material & Gauge
7. Routing ,
8. Seals and Wraps
9. Segregation t
10. Separation
11. Tolerances
12. Type / Size i

t (CK-MP3-02-5.2, Rev. O, Page 7)

CK3-0252. DOC Prepared by Date ,


O Northeast Utilities O CK-MP3-02-5.2 O

Millstone Unit 3 System .

Modification No.

Sheet of Electrical Component Review Checklist CONDUITS AND JUNCTION BOXES ,

Component ID. _

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirennent Requirement Reasirement Drawine Database YININA Conunent

1. Cable Bendmg Radius
2. Cable Fill
3. Cable Pulling
4. Cable Support
5. Design Tolerances
6. Material
7. Mounting
8. Seals
9. Segregation
10. Dramage i l1. Soparation
12. Size / Arrangement & Fittmgs
13. *3roundmg t

(CK-MP3-02-5.2, Rev. O, Page 8)

CK3-0252. Doc Prepared by Date




\ /

Northessiwillities CK-MP3-02-5.2 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Electrical Component Review Checklist ELECTRICAL DUCT RUNS Component ID. j Licensing Specification Calculation Vad/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirennent Reevirement Reevirement Drawine Database YIN /NA Comment

1. Cable Bendmg Radius
2. Cable Fill
3. Cable Pulling
4. Manhole /Handhole Cable Support
5. Manhole /Handhole location and ,

Size ,

6. Material
7. Seals
8. Segregation
9. Separation
10. Size / Arrangement / Cross Section ,

& Fittings i

(CK44P3-02-5.2. Rev. O, Page 9)

CK3-0252. DOC Prepared by Date

f% ,"5 3

\ O CK-MP3-02-5.2 d

Northeast Utilities Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Electrical Component Review Checklist BATTERIES Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Drawing Database YIN /NA Conunent dttributes

1. Monunal Voltage
2. Nonunal Amp-Hours
3. Duty Cycle
4. Number of Cells
5. Aging Factor
6. Ambient Temperature
7. Design Margin
8. Allowable Voltage Variation
9. Enclosure
10. Mounting
11. Available Fault Current
12. Recharge Time
13. Equalize Voltage
14. Float Voltage
15. Separation
16. Ventilation (CK-MP3-02-5.2, Rev. O, Page 10)

CK3-0252. DOC Prepared by Date

Northeas ilities CK-MP3-02-5.2 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Electrical Component Review Checklist ELECTRICAL PENETRATIONS Component ID. >

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Requirement Recuirement Drawing Database VIN /NA Comment  ;

1. Codes & Design Stand. ads
2. Configuration
3. Continuous Current
4. Groundmg
5. Insulation Class & Type
6. Materials
7. Momentary Current
8. Withstand Current
9. Nonunal voltage
10. Overcurrent Protective Devices  ;
11. Pressure Rating
12. Separation
13. Size / Application
14. Temperature Rise
15. Time / Current I!

(CK-MP34)2-5.2, R ev. O, Page !I)

CK3-0252. DOC Prepared by Date i

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Northeas dities CK-MP3-02-5.2 ,

Millstone Unit 3 System t Modification No.

Sheet of Electrical Component Review Checklist INVERTERS & CHARGERS Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Requi_rgment Reevirement Drawine Database Y/NINA Comment ,

1. Allowable input Frequency Variation
2. Allowable Input Voltage Variation
3. Allowable Output Frequency Variation
4. Allowable Output Voltage Variation i
5. Compatibility with Downstream Loads
6. Cooling Requirements
7. Efficiency ,
8. I:nclosure .

9 Groundmg iO. Input / Output Current Limits

11. Input / Output Voltage Limits
12. Insulation Class & Type
13. Load / Battery Characteristics
14. Mounting
15. Noise Levels
16. Nonunal Voltage
17. Power Factor (CK4.IP3-02-5.2, Rev. O, Page 12)

CK3-0252. DOC Prepared by Date t

.. _ . _ . _ _ _ ~ . . . _ _ .-_

N::rtheast lities CK-MP3-02-5.2 l

Millstone Unit 3 System l Modification No.

t Sheet of Electrical Component Review Checklist INVERTERS & CHARGERS -

! Cemponent ID.  ;

Licensing Specification Cakulation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Requirement Reouirement Reauirement Drawing Database YININA Comment

!. 8. RecharFe Tune

19. Ripple
20. Separation
21. Service ,
22. Short Circuit Capabilities ,
23. Transfer Switch
24. Temperature Rise
25. Heat Loss i
26. Voltage Regulation
27. Bypass Switch L

i (CK-MP3-02-5.2, Rev. O, Page 13)

CK3-0252. DOC Prepared by Date  !

N rtheast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.2 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Electrical Component Review Checklist DISTRIBUTION PANELS & CONTROL BOARDS Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vad/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Reauirement Draw *me Database YIN /NA Comment

1. Circuit Breaker / Fuse T3 pe
2. Configuration
3. Continuous Current
4. Control
5. Cooling Requirements
6. Temperature Rise
7. Heat Loss
8. Ambrent Temperature
9. Insulation Class & Type
10. Loads
11. Momentary Current
12. Mounting
13. Nonunal Voltage
14. Protective Device types, Ratings, Ranges & Settings
15. Separation
16. Service
17. Source (CK-MP3-02-5.2, Rev. O, Page 14)

CK34252. Doc Prepared by Date

O Nortbeast Utilities O CK-MP3-02-Sl O

Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Electrical Component Review Checklist SWITCHGEAR & MCCs Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reepirement Reepirement Drawine Database Y/N/NA Comment

1. Allowable Voltage Variation
2. Circuit Breaker / Fuse Type
3. Configuration
4. Grounding
5. Controls t
6. Continuous Current
7. Interrupting Current
8. Withstand Current
9. Momentary Current
10. Cooling Requirements
11. Ambrent Temperature
12. Heat loss  ;
13. Insulatiot Class & T3 pe r
14. Surge Suppression
15. Materials


16. Mounting
17. Nonunal Voltage
18. Protective Device T3pes, e.g.

heaters, relays / ratmgs, ranges, and settings

19. Separation
20. Senice i

(CK-MP3-02-5.2, Rev. O, Page 15)

CK3-0252. DOC Prepared by Date

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s s Northeast Ntilities CK-MP3-02-5.2 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Electrical Component Review Checklist SWITCHGEAR & MCCs Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Requirement Reamirement Drawine Database YININA Comment -


21. !iource f
22. Temperature Rise
23. Segregation i

i (CK-MP3-02-5.2, Rev. O, Page 16)

CK3-0252. DOC Prepared by Date

f% /""

Northeas ities b CK-MP3-02-5.2 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Electrical Component Review Checklist i


Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes /Windine Reauirement Reauirement Recuirement Drawing Database Y/NINA Comment l

1. Nocunal Voltage i
2. Insulation Class, Type & BIL ,
3. Impedance & Tolerance  !
4. kVA Rating / Loads  ;
5. Cooling Requirement 1 l
6. Configuration
7. Temperature Rise
8. Matenals  ;
9. Mounting
10. Type
11. losses
12. Noise Imel
13. Surge Suppression  !
14. Heat Load
15. Separation i
16. Fire Protection
17. Windmg Ratio and Taps
18. Groundmg l l

l i

(CK-MP3-02-5.2, Rev. O, Page 17) l CK'l-0252. DOC Prepared by Date

Northeast ilities CK-MP3-02-5.2 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Electrical Component Review Checklist FIRE STOPS AND SEALS l Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirement Res.:. a t Drawine Database Y/NINA Comment

1. Ampacity Derating Factor
2. Application
3. Arrangement i 4 Configuration
5. Construction
6. Design Life
7. Fire Rating
8. Leakage Acceptance Criteria  ;
9. Material Compatibility
10. Matenals
11. Moisture  !
12. Penetration & Rescaling
13. Radiation Levels
14. Thickness
15. Density & Weight i
16. Tolerances
17. Water / Steam / Air / Pressure i I

(CK-MP3-02-5.2, Rev. O, Page 18) ,

CK3-0252. DOC Prepared by Date

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Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.2 Millstone Unit 3 System Modification No.

Sheet of Electrical Component Review Checklist MOTORS Component ID.

Licensing Specification Calculation Vnd/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Reauirement Reauirennent Reauirement Drawine Database Y/NINA Comment

1. Nameplate Horsepower
2. Driven Equipment Reqmts
3. Full Load Current
4. Locked Rotor Current
5. Duty
6. Acceleratmg Time
7. Frequency Variation
8. Voltage Variation ,
9. Configuration
10. Insulation Class
11. Mounting
12. Beanng type / lubrication
13. Power Factor
14. Rated Voltage
15. Service
16. Twwatare Rise  !
17. Time /C urrent Charactenstic
18. Minimum Startmg Voltage ,
19. Radiation *
20. Service Factor i

t I

(CK-MP3-02-5.2, Rev. O, Page 19)

CK3 0252. DOC Prepared by Date

1 l

( 4 l Northeast Utilities Millstone - Unit 3 i

Independent Corrective Action Verification Program (ICAVP) i System Review Checklist CK-MP3-02-5.3, Rev. O I&C Component Review Checklist Prepared by: J, u . DeAne MAf%c3 uf.7-q 7 Name Signature Date Approved by: A A d)64 W-/O-f 7-Name Signature Date I

l IMPLEMENTATION System Verified by: Date:

Concurrence by: Date:

Sheet 1 of

. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ -,___.-m. - = _ _ . . . . _ _ _ _ _. _ . . _ _. . . _

i N:rtheast UtilitiIs CK-MP3-02-5.3

Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of I&C Component Review Checklist J

i lap + actions j checklist supplements PI-MP3-02 and shall be used for the I&C Component Review process iscribed in the Pl. The application and use of this checklist shall be as follows:


1. The Lead Verifier shall identify all I&C components included in the scope of the resiew and ,

shall list the component ID and description on the form included as Page 3 of this checklist. The Lead Verific hall sign and date the form when this step is completed. Multiple Page 3's may be j used.

2. The Lad Verifier and ice Verifiers shall then complete an individual component checklist for 4

er 2. system component using the applicable component checklists included herein. The Lead Verifier and /or Verifiers shall sign and date the individual checklists when completed. For each

  • component specific checklist, the Lead Verifier and /or Verifiers shall:

4 a) Enter the Component ID 1 b) Enter, for each attribute on the checklist, the requirement or data listed in the licensing i

documents, specifications, calculations, vendor or design drawings and lists or database Enter NA if not applicable.

-] c) Enter Yer<No/NA as applicable in the " Acceptable" column.

i d) Fr -ach "No" response, assign a comment number and use the form on Page 4 to explain J

tl ;

  • If rer,mnse. Discrepancies shall then be processed per PI MP3-11.
~ 3. Once de review has been completed, the Lead Verifier shall compile the individual checklists M cnter the system name on each sheet, number the sheets sequentially and sign the cover sheet. Multiple Page 5's may be used. Only applicable component specific checklists shall be included in the fimd P h= Checklists for component types not applicable to the System being reviewed shallbe omitted.
4. The SRG Lead shall indicate concurrence that the I&C component review process has been comr';9.d by signing the cover sheet.
5. If needed due to subsequent revisions, insert pages, numbered as I A, IB, 2A, 2B, etc., may be added
6. The cover sheet and all applicable checklists r.;d comment forms shall be inc'u&.1 in the final project file copy.

O (CK-MP3-82-5.3, Rev. G. Page 2)

CTK34253. DOC

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l N:rtheast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.3 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of '

s- l k I&C Component Review Checklist l

1 I&C Comoorent List Component ID Descrintion M9 Prepared by Signature Date (CK-MP3-02-5.3, Rev. 6. T y 3)

C:CK3-0253. DOC

Ncrtheist Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.3 Millstone Unit 3 Sjstem Sheet of ,

I&C Component Review Checklist t

I&C Component Review Ccament Form Comment No. Comment 1

l l


l i

O Prepared by Signature Date


(CK-MP3-0213. Rey, G. Page 4)

CTK3 0253. DOC

Northeast Utilities O O CK-MP3-02-13 O

Minstone Unit 3 Systesa Sheet of IAC Consposest Resiew Checklist INDICATORS Componcat ID:

IJcensing Specification Calculation Vad/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Requistaneet Requistaneet Requireanent Drawing Database YIN /NA Commsent ,

1 Senice 2 Function 3 Indicator Type 4 Manufacturer 5 Model Number 6 Safety Classification 7 Input Signal 8 Range and Units 9 Scale Range and Units ,

10 Size 11 Graduations 12 Coil Rating ,

13 Burden / Resistance 14 Mounting Type 15 Mounting Detail 16 Accuracy 17 Installation Ixcation l 18 Emire unent 19 Seismic Classification 20 Separation Requirement i

(CK-M P3-02-5.3, Rev. O, Page 5)

C:CK3-0253 DOC i

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n. .}




Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.3 Millsteme Unit 3 Systema Sheet of I&C Consposent Review Checklist INb CATORS.(Centinued)

Coenponent ID:

Licensing Specification Calculation Vad/ Design LisU Acceptable Attributes Requireencet Requirennest Requirenneet Drawing Database Y/N/NA _ Counseent

.21 RG 1.97 Requirement ,

22 Flood __

23 Access / Maintenance 24 Isolation 25 Connection Details 26 Scale Banding 27 Contract / Specification 28 Codes and Standards _

29 Installation Specification 30 Human Factors Interface 31 Instrument Loop Interface 32 Redundant To 33 34 35 Prepared by Signature Date (CK-M PJ-o2-5.3, Rev. o, Page 6)

C:CK34253. DOC

O x Northeast 9ities U CK-MP3-02-5.3 Or Millstone Unit 3 Systeam Sheet of IAC Cosmponent Review Checklist DETECTORS Consponent ID:

Licensing Specification Calculation Ved/ Design List / Acceptable Attributes Requirenneet Requimoest Requiressent Drawing Database Y/N/NA Cosansent i

i Service  ;

2 Function 3 Detector Type l

4 Manufacturer 5 Model Number 6 Safety Classification 7 Input Signal 8 Range and Units 9 Accessones 10 Mounting Type 11 Measurement Range and Units 12 Background Radiation 13 Energy Range 14 Accuracy 15 Setpoint 16 Output Signal 17 Instrument IAop Interface 18 Connection Details 19 Flow Rating 20 Pressure Rating ,

1 (CK-M P342-5.3, Rev. 8. Page 7)


s -

%) %d Nor*h*==r Utilities CK-MP3-02-5.3 Mame==* Unit 3 System Sheet of IAC C - ,: :=^ Review Checklist DETECTORS (Contissed)

Compoecat ID:

Licemmeg Specification Calcalation Ved/Desige List / Acceptabac Attribetes Regoirennent Regoirennent Regenrennent Drawing Database Y/N/NA Comuneet 21 Installation Location _

22 Emironment 23 Seismic Classification 24 Separation Requirement 25 RG 1.97 Requirement 26 Flood 27 Access / Maintenance .

28 Isolation 29 Codes and Standards 30 Installation Specification 31 Redundant To 32 33 34 35 1

Prepared by Signature Date (CK-MP3-02-5 3.Rev.6 Page 3)

CXK34253. DOC

O Northeast Utilities O CK-MP3-02-5.3 O

Millsesse Unit 3 Systems Sheet of I&C Component Review Checklist TRANSMITTERS Component ID:

Licensing Spec ( 6 Calculatica Ved/ Design List / Acceptable Attnbutes Requircuneet Requiremneet Requireement Drawing Database Y/N/NA Comment 1 Senice 2 Function 3 Indicator Type 4 Manufacturer 5 Model Number _ _ _ _

6 Safety Classification 7 Body Material / Rating _

8 Output Signal 9 Maximum Fluid Pressure 10 Maximum Fluid Temperature 1I Flow Range 12 Specific Gravity of Fluid '

13 Calibrated Range  !

14 Mounting Type 15 Accuracy -,-

16 Power Supply 17 Instrument Loop Interface 18 Installation Details 19 Cennection Details 20 Time Response l (CK-MP342-5.3, Rev. 9. Page 9)

C:CK34253. DOC

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l Northeast Utilities Millstone - Unit 3 (3

l l

l Independent Corrective Action Verification Program (ICAVP)

System Review Checklist CK-MP3 06, Rev. O Tooical Area Review Checklist Prepared by. A A MEe ' 4-2V-9 7 Name :y+"r) Date Approved by: b E Sc.ko dev- 1.% FJS-f[

Name I Signaturt( T\ Date IMPLEMENTATION System Lead Verifier SRG Lead O

Sheet 1 of 14

1 Northerst Utilities CK-M P3-02-06 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Topical Area Review Checklist INSTRUCTIONS l

This checklist supplements project instruction PI MP3-02 and shall be used for performing the '

review of topical areas for the selected systems. Application and use of this checklist shall be as follows:

1. The checklists consists of five parts; A-Pipe Whip / Jet impingement, B-Missiles, C-Internal I Fooding, D-Station Blackout and E-Appendix R Safe Shutdown Analysis.
2. The Lead Verifier shall assign verifier (s) to review each of the 5 topics addressed in the checklist.
3. The assigned verifier shall complete the applicable part, sign and date the applicable part and return it to the Lead Verifier.
4. The Lead Verifier shall review each part for proper implementation and for completeness.

The Lead Verifier shall assemble the completed checklist, number the pages sequentially, identify the system in the applicable blocks and shall sign and date the cover sheet.

5. The SRG Lead shall indicate his concurrence the checklist has been completed by signing and dating the cover sheet.

O i- Q l

l i


O (CK-MP3-02-06, Rev. O, Page 2)

C:\CK3-0206. Doc

Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-06 Millstone Unit 3 System  ;

Sheet of Topical Area Review Checklist A-Pipe Whip / Jet Impingement Xgs No Comment

1. Is the system under review a high energy piping system as defined in section of the USAR. If no, the review is complete. Ifyes, complete the remainder of section A of the checklist.

2 Have the effects of pipe whip and jet impingement been

evaluated in the 3.6-X series tables of the USAR. If no, initiate DR. If yes, list tables in the comment section.

l 3. Are the breaks identified in the USAR 3.6 series tables

! consistent with the piping analysis. Identify calculations a reviewed in comment section.

l 4. Where pipe rupture restraints were used to prevent the pipe

- from whipping, have the whip restraints been designed adequately.

Justify response in comment section. Identify applicable break l numbers, pipe rupture restraints, and calculations reviewed.

, Calculations to be reviewed include analysis which determines pipe mpture loads and analysis qualifying the pipe rupture j restraint.

I 5. Where the pipe is allowed to whip, walkdowns and/or drawing

{ reviews have verified all targets are addressed in the USAR tables '

and supporting calculations. Providejustification for response in l comment section.


. 6. Where the pipe is allowed to whip, safety related targets have either been demonstrated by analysis to be capable of withstanding

, impact or are protected by energy absorbing pipe rupture restraints.

Provide basis for yes response in comment section. Basis should identify analysis reviewed (including qualification of target or qualification of restraint).

(CK-MP3-02-06, Rev. O, Page 3)
C:\CK3-0206. Doc

Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-06 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of

('\ \

() Topical Area Review Checklist A-Pipe Whip / Jet Impingement Y3s & Comment

7. For each postulated break, walkdown and/or drawing reviews have verified that all safety related jet impingement targets 1

, have been addressed in USAR Tables and supporting analysis.

l Providejustification for response in comment section.  ;

8. For each postulated break, the distance from the break to the safety related jet impingement targets contained in the USAR j and supporting analysis has either been field verified or verified
by drawing review. Provide basis for response in comment section.
9. Jet intensity and jet load calculations for each target have been j reviewed and are correct. Justify response in comment section.


10. Safety related jet impingement targets have been demonstrated p/

(_ to be capable of withstanding thejet impingement forces or has been adequately shielded. Justify response in comment section.

l Prepared by Date (D

V (CK-MP3-02-06, Rev. O, Page 4)

C:\CK3-0206. Doc i


l Northeast Utilities CK-M P3-02-06 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Topical Area Review Checklist

-- l Pipe Whip / Jet Impingement Comment Sheet t

Comment No. Comment I

i .

I 4

1 l

1 l

i i

i l

(CK-MP3-02-06, Rev. O, Page 5)

C:\CK3-0206. Doc


l Northeast Utilities CK-M P3-02-06 Millstone Unit 3 System '

Sheet of Topical Area Review Checklist B-Missiles e

Y_es No Comment

1. Is system under review considered a high energy piping system as defined in section of the USAR. Ifyes, respond to questions a thru c. If not proceed to question 2.


a. Have all potential pressurized missile sources been evaluated  ;

in the internally generated missile evaluation. Justify response J in comment sheet.

b. For missiles determined to be not credible, was adequate justification provided for concluding generation of missile is

. not credible. Justify response in comment sheet.

c. For missiles determined to be credible, were the effects of l the missile evaluated and if required, were protection features adequate. Justify response in comment section.
2. Does the system under review contain high speed rotating O machinery. Ifyes, answer questions a, b and c below:
a. Were all potential missiles from rotating equipment addressed in the missile analysis. Justify cesponse in comment sheet.
b. Where the evaluation concluded that missile generation was not credible, was this conclusion substantiated. Justify .

response in comment sheet,

c. For credible missiles, were the effects of missiles properly evaluated, and if required, were the protection features adequate. Justify response in comment section.

Prepared by Date O -

(CK-MP3-02-06, Rev. O, Page 6)

C:\CK3-0206 Doc l

Northeast Utilities CK-M P3. 02-06 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Topical Area Review Checklist B-Missiles Comment Sheet Comment No. Comment l

l l

1 O

3 0 1 i


(CK-MP3-02-06, Rev. O, Page 7)

C:\CK3-0206. Doc

Northeast Utilities C K-M P3-02-06 Millstone Unit 3 System Sheet of Topical Area Review Checklist C-Internal Flooding For each environmental zone containing piping for the system under review, verify that the internal flooding evaluation has considered the effects of failure of such piping on the areas flood levet Describe below, the calculations reviewed (applicable flooding analysis) and whether the selected systems piping was properly addressed. (Use the continuation page as needed).

<O The effects of postulated pipe failures in the selected systems have been properly assessed in the flooding analysis.

Yes No NA Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-06, Rev. O, Page 8)

C:\CK3-0206. Doc

Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-06 I Millstone Unit 3 System

Sheet of l

Topical Area Review Checklist a

j C-Internal Flooding (Ccntinuation Page) 3 4


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2 j

i t

i i

i 4

1 i

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9 l

9 1

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4 i

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I l (CK-MP3-02-06, Rev. O, Page 9) l C:\CK3-0206. Doc i _ . _ . . _ . ,

I Northerst Utilities CK-MP3-02-06 Millst:ne Unit 3 System Sheet of (D

y/ Topical Area Review Checklist D-Station Blackout If components for the selected system are credited for coping with a station blackout, described below which equipment is applicable and the functional requirements assumed fer the equipment in the station blackout report (SP-EE-363). Also describe whether the appliedle equipment is capable of performing functions and the basis for this assessment. (Use cominuation page as needed).

O l

l Equipment of the selected system required for coping with a station blackout can perform the required functions.

Yes No NA O- Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-06, Rev. O, Page 10)

C:\CK3-0206. Doc

i Northeast Utilities CK-M P3-02-06 Millstone Unit 3 System 4

Sheet of m

Topical Area Review Checklist 1

j 0-Station Blackout (Continuation Page) 1 i

i 1

e i

l i


C 1

3 1

1 1

E 1

(CK-MP3-02-06, Rev. O, Page 11)

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Northeast Utilities CK-M P3-02-06

-Millstane Unit 3 System Sheet of Topical Area Review Checklist E. Appendix R Safe Shutdowa Analysis 4

Xti N2

1. Is the system under review credited as a safe shutdown system in section 6.2 of the FrER or as a support system l in section 7.0 of the FPER. If no, no further review is l required. If yes, complete the remaining questions.

] 2. From table 6.1 of the FPER, identify the fire areas for

- which the system under review is credited as available to support safe shutdown. List fire areas in the space below.

l 3. For the fire areas identified in response to question 2 verify that no components of the system including cables supporting system function and associated cables are located j in the fire area or, if they are, that adequate justification i for safe shutdown is provided. Justify the response below.

4 Identify calculations, drawings, reports and lists that were

/ reviewed to arrive at the conclusion.

O (CK-MP3-02-06, Rev. O, Page 12)

C:\CK3-0206. Doc

J Northeast Utilities CK-MP3-02-06 4

Millstene Unit 3 System Sheet of Topkai Area Review Checklist l

E-Appendix R Safe Shutdown Analysis (Continuation Page) l 4


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5 4

The selected system components credited for Appendix R safe shutdown have been verified to be l capable of performing the required funcitons.

Yes No NA j

l A

Q Prepared by Date (CK-MP3-02-06, Rev. O, Page 13)

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