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Confirms SPDS Design Verification & Design Validation Audit on 850827-28,per Discussion W/B Preston.Staff Audit Plan Encl for Use in Preparing for Audit.Audit Plan Includes Background on SPDS Review & Provides Agenda for Audit
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 07/25/1985
From: Butler W
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Mittl R
Public Service Enterprise Group
NUDOCS 8508050354
Download: ML20133A149 (9)


..- - -.-_. - . _ . . - - - _ . - - _ _ ___ - . . - - - - - ~

Docket No. 50-354 i

l Mr. R. L. Mittl, General Manager Nuclear Assurance and Regulation Public Service Electric & Gas Company P.O. Box 570, T22A Newark, liew ilersey 07101

Dear flr. liittl:




, As previously discussed with Mr. Bruce Preston of your staff, the NRC will

perform the Hope Creek SPDS Design Verification and Design Validation Audit on August 27-28, 1985.
Enclosed for your use in preparing for the audit is the staff's audit plan.

This audit plan includes background on the SPDS review and provides an agenda i for the audit.

l Please call us should you have any questions concerning the audit or the

, .information presented in the enclosure. '

l Sincerely, i

i i llalter R. Butler, Chief

Licensing Branch No. 2 ,

Division of Licensing  !


As stated i

cc: See next page i-l DISTRIBUTION -

Docket File liRC PDR PRC System liSIC LB#2Readirg EHylton DWagner OELD wey ACR ) artlow BGrimes Edordan GLapinsky ,

00!4' W /PM LBl /BC LB#2/ 'LA

mk pAWBistler EH n 07/p/85 07/ /85 07/]n/85 i

I i

8508050354 850725 l

PDR ADOCK 05000354


Docket No. 50-354 Mr. R. L. Hitti, General Manager Nuclear Assurar.ce and Regulation ,

Public Service Electric t. Gas Company ,

P.O. Box 570, T22A ficwark, hew Jersey 07101

Dear fir. liitti:


HOPE CREEK SAFETY PARNiETER DISPLAY SYSTEM (SPDS) AUDIT As previuusly discussed with Mr. Bruce Preston of your staff, the liRC will perform the Hope Creek SPDS Design Verification and Design Validation Audit

.- on August 27-28,t1985.

Enclosed for your use in preparing for the audit is the staff's audit plan.

- This audit plan includes backgreur.d on the SPDS review and provides an agenda for the audit.

Please call us should you have any questions concerning the audit or the information presented in the enclosure.

Sincerely, Walter R. Butler, Chief Licensing Branch fio. 2 Division of Licensing


As stated

See next page 1

DISTRIBUTION l Docket File liRC DR PRC System 14 SIC LB#2 Reading EPylton DWagner OELD wey ACR BGrimes Edordan GLapinsky l

6) J artlow E/PM LB, /BC LBs2/ 'LA i Lt!agner:mk AWButler Eh n j 07/p/65 07/,,g/85 07/21/85 l

i i


,p W ito

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$ WASHINGTON, D, C. 20555

- l


ew Occket No. 50-354 -

Mr. R. L. Mitti, General fianager Nuclear Assurance and Regulation Publ3c Service Electric' & Gas Company P.O. Box 570, T22A

"' Newark, New Jersdy 07101

Dear fir. liitti:

$UBJECT: HOPE CREEK SAFETY PAR /J'ETER DISPLAY SYSTEli (SPDS) AUDIT As previously discussed with Mr. Bruce Preston of your staff, the NRC will perform the Hope Creek SPDS Design Verification and Design Validation Auoit on August 27-28, 1985.

Enclosed for your use in preparing for the audit is the staff's audit plan.

This audit plan includes background on the SPDS review and provides an

for the audit.

Please call us should you have any questions concerning the audit or the information presented in the enclosure.

Sincerely, n

i L hLM Walter R. Butler, Chief

]a Licensing Branch No. 2 ivision of Licensing


As statec cc: See next page

lir. R. L. Mittl Public Service Electric & Gas Co. hope Creek Generating Steticr.


Gregory Minor Susan C. Renis Richard Pubbard Division of Public Interest Advocacy Dale Bridenbaugh thw Jersey State Department of 1.hC Technical Associates the Public Acyccate -

1723 Hamilton Avenue, Suite I; Richard J. Hughes Justice Comples San Jose, California 9511b Cl.-8EO Trenton, New Jersey 08625 Troy B. Conner, Jr. Esquire Ottice of Legal Counsel Conner & Wetterhahn Department of 1;atural Resources 1747 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. and Enviror.ncntal Control Washington, D.C. 20006 89 Kings Highway

. P.O. Box 1401 Dover, Delchave 19903

  • - 5 kichard Frylitg, Jr., Esquire Mr. K. W. Burrcues, Project Engineer Associate General Solicitor Sechtel Power Corporation

- Public Service Electric & Gas Company 50 Beale Street P. O. Box 570 T5E P. O. Box 39C5 Newark, New Jersey 07101 San Francisco, California 9411S fir. J. f t. Ashley Resident Inspecter Senior Licensing Engineer U.S.N.R.C. c/o Public Service Electric & Gas Co.

P. G. Ecx 241 Bethesda Office Center, Suit 550 hancocks Bridge,liew Jersey OE036 4520 East-West Highway Bethesda, Marylar.d 20814 Richard F. Engel Deputy Attorney General fir. A. E. Gicrdinc Division of Law ilar.ager - Quality Assurance E&C Environmental Protection Section Public Service Electric & Gas Co.

Richard J. hughes Justice Complex P. O. Box A Cli-112P Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038 Trenton, hew Jersey C8625 Mr. Robert J. Touhey, Mr. Anthony J. Pietrofitta Acting Director General han%er Df; REC - Division of Power Production Engineering Environmentel Cor. trol Atlantic Electric 89 Kings Highway 1199 Llack Horse Pike P. O. Box 1401 Pleasantville,few Jersey 08232 Dover, Delaware 19903 Regional Adninistrator, Region I hr. R. S. Salvesen U. S. Nuclear hegulatory Comission General Manager-Hope Creek Operation 031 Park Avenue Public Service Electric & Gas Co. King of Prussia, Per.nsylvanio 19406 P.O. Box A Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038 1

Public Service Electric & Gas Co. Hope Creek Generating Stetion cc.

hr. B. A. Preston Project Licensing !!anager Public Service Electric & Gas Co.

P. O. Box 570 T22A ,

f.ewark, ht:w Jersey 07101 lis. Rebecca Green llew Jersey Bureau of Radiation Protection 380 Scotch Road Trenton, Ikw Jersey 08628 W" k, e





All holders of operating licenses issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (licensees) and applicants for an operating licensee (0L) must provide a-Sefety Parameter Display System (SPDS) in the control room of their plant.

The Connission approved requirements for the SPDS are defined in Supplement 1 toNUREG-Q737.*

The purpose of the SPDS is to provide a concise display of critical plant variables to control room operators to aid them in rapidly and reliably detennining the safety status of the plant. NUREG-0737, Supplement 1, requires licensees and applicants to prepare a written safety analysis describing the basis on which the selected parameters are sufficient to assess the safety status of each identified function for a wide range of events, which include symptons of severe accidents. Licensees and applicants shall also prepare an implementation plan for the SPDS which contains schedules for design, development, installation, and full operation of the SPDS as well as a design verification and validation plan. The safety analysis and the implementation plan are to be submitted to the NRC for staff review. The results of the staff's review are to be published in a Safety EvaluationReport(SER).

Section 18.2 of NUREG-0800, " Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants," describes how the staff performs SPDS reviews for applicants of operating licenses. The staff's review process will evaluate the (1) safety analysis report, (2) the implementation plan, and (3) the verification and validation (V&V) plan. In addition, three separate audit meeting / site visits, as described below, may be arranged through the Division of Licensing Project Manager. As dictated by the comprehensiveness of the applicant / licensee's documentation and the schedule for design and implementation of the SPDS, the objectives of these audits may be met in fewer site visits.

Design Verification Audit:

The purpose of this audit meeting is to obtain additional infonnation required to resolve any outstanding questions about the Verification and Validation (V&V) Program, to confirm that the V&V Program is being correctly implemented, and to audit the results of the V&V activities to date. At this

meeting, the applicant should provide a thorough description of the SPDS design process. Emphasis should be placed on how the applicant is assuring that the implemented SPDS will: provide appropriate parameterA be isolated from safety systems, provide reliable and valid data, and incorporate good human factors engineering practice.

Design Validation Audit:

After review of all documentation, an audit may be conducted to review the as-built prototype or installed SPDS. The purpose of this audit is to assure that the results of the applicant / licensee's testing demonstrate that the SPDS meets the functional requirements of the design and to assure that .the SPDS exhibits gootf human factors engineering practice.

.. t Installation

  • Audit:

- As necessary, a final audit may be conducted at the site to ascertain that the SPCS has been installed in accordance with the applicant / licensee's plan and is functioning properly. A specific concern is that the data displayed reflect the sensor signal which measures the variable displayed. This audit will be coordinated with and may be conducted by the NRC Resident Inspector.

Based on the advanced state of the design, the staff plans to do a combined Design Verification and Design Validation audit on August 27-28, 1985.


NRC Audit Team The NRC Audit Team will consist of a representative from the. Human Factors Engineering Branch, assisted by two consultants from Lawrence,Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).

Agenda Day 1:

8:30 A.M. - Introductions, short entrance briefing (10 Minutes) by NRC, 10:30 A.M. overview of SPDS design program and current status byJ

  • Public Service Electric and Gas Company including:

= t.

Human factors analysis, standards, and criteria used

. 1.

in the design process, with emphasis on

_ plant-specife considerations,

2. reliability / availability:

(a) design characteristics, (b) methods used to estimate reliability / availability,

3. data validation methodology used in SPDS and necessary supporting systems, e.g. Radiation Monitoring System (RMS).

10:30 A.M. Description of Verification of Validation (V&V) Program 3:30 P.M. including:

(One hour break for 1. Description of V&V team and demonstration of lunch during independence from the design team, this period)

2. scope and depth of V8V Program,
3. available documentation for completed tasks and phases,
4. test cases for validation of SPDS parameters and how they demonstrate the representativeness and useability of selected parameters,
5. human factors aspects,
6. discussion of the acceptance criteria for the "Perfomance Validation Program" and the results of that program,


7. coordination with other NUREG-0737 initiatives, with emphasis on control room design review (including a shortdiscussionofSPDS-relatedfindings.

3:30 P.M. NRC questions and review of V&V documentation'.

5:30 P.M.

Day 2:

8:30 A.M. Short tour of control room or simulator.

.9:30 A.M.

.. 9:30 A.M. t' Demonstration of SPDS page fonnats in TSC/ EOF / Simulator.

12:00 P.M.

Walkthrough of a plant-specific scenario

  • that involves confirmation of containment isolation, t.onitoring of reactor building radiation levels and trends, and monitoring of gaseous releases.

1:00 P.M. NRC audit of displays, display formats, interface devices, 3:30 P.M. access and response times, etc.

3:30 P.M. NRC caucus.

4:00 P.M. Exit briefing.

  • The applicant should develop this scenario. The scenario should be walked-talked-through by an operator that has been familiarized with SPDS operation. Upgraded emergency operating procedures should be used for the walk-through.
