LR-N990316, Responds to NRC Request for Info Re Y2K Readiness at Npps, Per GL 98-01,suppl 1.Disclosure Encl

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Responds to NRC Request for Info Re Y2K Readiness at Npps, Per GL 98-01,suppl 1.Disclosure Encl
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1999
From: Eric Simpson
Public Service Enterprise Group
GL-98-01, GL-98-1, LR-N990316, TAC-MA185, NUDOCS 9907070407
Download: ML20209B708 (3)


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Pubhc Service l Electnc and Gas  !

Company l E. C. simpson Public Service Electnc and Gas company PO Box 236. Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038 609-339 1700 Semor V.ce Premdent - Nuclear Engmeceng JUN 8 01999 LR-N990316 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Gentlemen:

NRC GENERIC LETTER 98-01 " JULY 1,1999" RESPONSE HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE NPF-57 DOCKET NO. 50- 354 TAC NO. MA1845 The purpose of this letter is to respond to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's request for information regarding Year 2000 readiness at nuclear power plants. Generic Letter 98-01 requested a response on the status of facility Y2K readiness by July 1,1999.

On January 14,1999, the Commission issued Supplement 1 to Generic Letter 98-01 to modify the request for information in the original generic letter.

The Supplement stated: } l "In responding to this supplement to GL 98-01, the addressee should confirm Y2K

, readiness of the facility with regard to those systems within the scope of the license and NRC regulations, and those systems required for continued operation of the facility after January 1,2000. For those systems which are not Y2K ready as of July 1,1999, the ,, j addressee the year 2000." should provide a status and completion schedule for achievi l

l In response PSE&G is voluntarily reporting facility readiness as outlined in Supplement l 1 to Generic Letter 98-01. Enclosed is the Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure for Hope Creek Generating Station, reporting the status of facility Y2K readiness. This disclosure is submitted under the guidelines of the " Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act"(Public Law 105-271).

Sincerely, ,

9907070407 990630 PDR ADOCK 05000354

[ 7 p PDR i b IE[ciedPaper t

, ' Document Centrol Desk 2 LR-N990316 Enclosure


C Mr. H. J. Miller, Administrator - Region i

. U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Mr. R. Ennis, Licensing Projec; Manager- Hope Creek U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission


One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Mail Stop 881 Rockville, MD 20852 i


Mr. Dan Orr (X24)

USNRC Resident inspector- Hope Creek Mr. K.' Tosch, Manager IV Bureau of Nuclear Engineering 33 Arctic Parkway CN 415 Trenton, NJ 08625



95 4933 .


, Docyment Control Desk ENCLOSURE LR-N990316 Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure This year 2000 readiness disclosure is made for Hope Creek Generating Station under the _" Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act" (Public Law 105-271).

. This disclosure addresses the Y2K readiness of the facility with regard to those systems within the scope of the license; NRC regulations, and other systems required for i continued operation of the facility after January 1,2000. A facility that is "Y2K Ready" has followed a prescribed program to identify and resolve Y2K issues so the facility can operate reliably while meeting commitments.

PSE&G has conducted a year 2000 readiness program similar to that outlined in Nuclear Utility Year 2000 Readiness, NEI/NUSMG 97-07. The program applies to software, hardware and firmware whose failure due to a Y2K problem would prevent the performance of the safety function of a structure, system or component. Additionally, the program applies to any software, hardware, or firmware whose failure due to a Y2K problem would prevent continued operation of the nuclear facility well beyond December 31,1999. The facility program also includes identifying and, where appropriate, remediating embedded systems. ' The program provided for risk management efforts and development of contingency plans for key rollover dates.

The Y2K readiness progrem has been completed through the detailed assessment phase for those systems :cequired for operation of the Hope Creek facility. The following

- remediation remains to acnieve year 2000 readiness at the facilities:


1. Fire Detection and Alarm System - impact - regulatory commitment - scheduled for {

completion by 8/31/99. i

2. Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS)-impact - regulatory commitment - i

- scheduled for completion by 10/29/99.

3.' Emergency Response Data System (ERDS)-impact - regulatory commitment -

scheduled for completion by 9/30/99.

4. . Training Simulator- impact - regulatory commitment - scheduled for completion by 10/29/99.

To the best of my knowledge and belief, upon completion of these items, Hope Creek Generating Station will be "Y2K Ready". Further, contingency plans have been developed to mitigate the impact of Y2K-induced events at key rollover dates.

