NUREG-0800, Summary of 820831 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md Re Contents of OL Application & to Introduce Project Mgt Personnel. Applicant Requested Deferral of FSAR Chapter 18 Until Finalization of NUREG-0800

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Summary of 820831 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md Re Contents of OL Application & to Introduce Project Mgt Personnel. Applicant Requested Deferral of FSAR Chapter 18 Until Finalization of NUREG-0800
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 09/10/1982
From: Doolittle E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RTR-NUREG-0800, RTR-NUREG-800 NUDOCS 8210120031
Download: ML20027B963 (3)


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SEP 101982 Docket' No.:

50-412 APPLICANT: Duquesne Light Coupany FACILITY:

Beaver Yalley Power Station, Unit No. 2 SU3 JECT:



A neeting was held at NRC Headquarters, 7920 Norfolk Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland on Tuesday norning, August 31, 1982. The applicant was represented by members of Duquesne Light Company and Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation. The NRC was represented by members of the Division of Licensing, Division of Safety Technology, Division of Human Factors Safety, Division of Systems Integration and Reactor Projects Section 2A of Region I.

An attendance list is attached as Enclosure I.

This neeting was requested by Duquesne Light Company to introduce BVPS-2 Project Management Personnel and to discuss submittal of licensing docunents.

fhe applicant informed the staff that its time window for construction completion is January 1,1986 to March 31, 1986 and that as of August 1,1982 Unit 2 was approximately 59% complete. Consistent with its construction completion schedule, the applicant plans tn submit the BVPS-2 FSAR and ER i

in the time window of January 1,1983 to March 31, 1983. The staff indicated that this schedule would be acceptable.

b The applicant continued the meeting with requests for deferral of four items )

which are required as part of the technical information included in the OL s

application. The itens discussed were:



PRA and Class 9 Accident Analysis


The applicant proposed a defernent of the Class 9 Accident Analysis from the initial ER subnittal in order to perforn a Probabilistic Safety Study.

It was agreed that the Class 9 Accident Analysis would not be included in the ER at the time of submittal, but instead would be submitted to the staff in October,1983. Section 7.1 of the initial EP. submittal will consist of a statement of intent to perforn a PRA. Additionally the staff requested

~ hat the applicant include a statement about the reason for delay of completion t

. of the Class 9 Accident Analysis, and a reference to sections containing neteorological data necessary,for the staff to prepare its DES.

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2 Human Factors Engineering _

The applicant proposed a deferment of Chapter 18, liuman Factors Engineering, fro'n the initial issue of the FSAR until after finalization of the guidelines in NUREG-0800.

It was agreed that Chapter 18 would not be included in the FSAR at the time of submittal, and that the llunan Factors Engineering Analysis would be submitted to the staff in September 1933. The applicant informed the staff that it is establishing a progran to review current guidance and monitor the regulatory environment of Human Fu. tors Engineering, and indicated that it would like to discuss this prograa and its Chapter 18 submittal at a subsequent meeting.

SRP (NUREG-0800) Conforaance Review i

The applicant proposed a defement of Section 1.9, SRP Confomance Review, from the initial issue of the FSAR, due to the scope of effort required to comply with the rule. The applicant requested that it be allowed to submit this infomation ninety days after FSAR submittal.

The staff requested that the applicant provide a table in the initial subnittal listing those sections which conform to NUREG-0800, while the evaluations of those nonconfoming sections could be delayed for ninety days. The applicant agreed to meet this schedule.

Technical Specifications The applicant proposed a defement of Chapter 16, Technical Specifications, from the initial issue of the FSAR. The delay was requested to allow finalization cf plant design as much as possible in order to achieve maximua consistency with the Technical Specifications for BVPS-1.

The staff infomed the applicant that Chapter 16 should be submitted no nore than twelve months before fuel load and no less than nine months before fuel load. The staff requested that the applicant include a section in the initial FSAR submittal stating that the date of submittal of Chapter 16 will be consistent with the schedule for fuel load, now projected to be within a three conth window.

Finally, the staff concurred with the applicants plans to subait tihe Anti-Trust Report Update in November or December of 1982, and the General Infomation Section Update of the Application for License in January or February of 1983.

Elizabeth L. Doolittle, Project fianager Lic3n qng Branch No.1

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~ Mr. Earl J. Woolever Vice. President, Nuclear Construction Duquesne Light Company

.Robinson Plaza Bldg. No. 2, Suite 210 PA Route 60 Pittsburgh,. Pennsylvania '15205 cc: Gerald Charnoff, Esq.

Mr. R. Haynes, Administration Jay E. Silberg, Esq.

U. S. NRC, Region I Shaw, Pittman, Potts.& Trowbridge 631 Park Avenue

-1800 M Street, N. W.

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19405' Washington, D. C.

20036 Mr.; E. F. Kurtz, Jr., Manager, Karin Carter, Esq.

Regulatory Affairs Special. Assistant Att.orney General Beaver Valley Two' Project Bureau of Adminstrative Enforcement Duquesne Light Company Executive House - 5th Floor Robinson Plaza Building No. 2 Harrisburg, Pennsyl~vania 17120 Suite #I20 PA Ro'ute 60 Mr. Joseph A' Fricker, Jr.

Pittsburgh, PA 1,5205 Utility Counsel City of Pittsburgh Mr. H. M. Siegel, Manager 313 City-County Building Engineering Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 Beaver Valley Two Project Duquesne' Light Company Mr.'R. J. Washabaugh Robinson Plaza Building No. 2 BV-2 Project Manager Suite #120.

Duluesne Light Company PA Route 60 Robinson Plaza Building No. 2 Pittsburgh, PA 15205 Suite #210 PA Route-60 Mr. C. E.' Ewing, Quality Assurance Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15205 Manager Quality Assurance Department Mr. M. H. Judkins Cuquesne Light Company Westinghouse Electric Corporation P. O. Box 186 Power Systems Shippingport, PA 1507;.

P. O, Box 355 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230 Director, Pennsylvania Emergency-

~Mr. P.,RaySircar-Ro Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation Transportation & Safety Building P. O. Box 2325 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120-'

. Boston,. Massachusetts 02107 Mr. Thomas Gerusky Mr. Glenn Walton.

Bureau of Radiation Protection U. S.;NRC PA Department of Environmental.



P. O. Box 181 Resources Shippingport,' Pennsylvania 15077 Post Office Box 2063 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania -17120 t


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Et4 CLOSURE 1 ATTENDEtiCE LIST tiRC Staff E. Doolittle A. Thadani J. Youngblood L. E. Tripp D. Eckenrode D. Tondi R. W. Houston Duquesne Light Company H. M. Siegel E. J. Woolever R. Washacaugh J. A. Hultz E. F. Kurtz SWEC W. J. Parker W. H. Bohlke




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MRushbrook Project Manager r nc n14 91 n Attorney, CELD OIE Regional Adrainistrator, Region I PARTICIPANTS (NRC):



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