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Forwards SER Supporting 850611,0703 & 0809 Requests for Authorization to Eliminate Arbitrary Intermediate Pipe Breaks.Use of ASME Code Case N-411 & Portions of ASME Code Section III Acceptable
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 09/20/1985
From: Butler W
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Mittl R
Public Service Enterprise Group
Shared Package
ML20132A445 List:
NUDOCS 8509250343
Download: ML20132A441 (4)


. .- .. .

Docket No. 50-354 SEP '2 0 1985 DISTRIBUTION tDocket:Filei


LDewey,0 ELD NRC POR ACRS (16)

Local PDR JPartlow

Mr. R. L. liitti, General Manager PRC System BGrirnes Nuclear Assurance and Regulation NSIC EJordan 1

Public Scryice Electric & Gas Company LB#2 Reading RPichumani P. O. Box 570, T22A EHylton RKirkwood Newark, New Jersey 07101 DWagner

Dear Mr. Mitti:


2. ELIMINATION OF ARBITRARY INTERMEDIATE PIPE BREAKS By letter dated August 26, 1985, you responded to our July 2, 1985 request for additional infonnation concerning the use of ASME Code Case N-411 and

! selected portions of later Editions and Addenda to Section III of the ASME Code. We have reviewed the responses provided in the above referenced letter.

Based on this review, and your cormitment to revise the FSAR accordingly, we

conclude that use of Code Case N-411 and selected portions of later Editions 2

and Addenda to Section III of the ASME Code at Hope Creek as identified in our July 2,1985 request for additional infonaation is acceptable.

I By letter dated June 11, 1985, and supplemented by letters dated July 3 and August 9,1985, ycu requested authorization to eliminate arbitrary intenaediate pipe brcaks (AIDS) in high energy piping systens at Hope Creek. We have reviewed this request and conclude that your request is acceptable. Enclosed is our safety evaluaticn report concerning this issue (to be included in a future SER Supplement).

In your June 11, 1985 letter, you state that some of the pipe whip restraints associated with the AIBs proposed to be eliminated have not yet been installed.

It is further stated that those restraints that have been installed will remain;

however, several restraint shimpacs may not be required. To avoid possible confusion relative to future inspections of these unshirmed restraints, you
are requested to change all applicable drawings to clearly show that the restraint is not required to be shimed.



. OMMimi s tened byr 8509250343 850920 Walter R. Butler, Chief i PDR ADOCK 05000354 A PDR Licensing Branch No. 2 Division of Licensing


As stated cc: See next page I L. PM LBf2/DL/BC DWagner:lb WButler 09go/85 09g/85 l

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a WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555

..... SEP 2 01985

, Docket No. 50-354 Mr. R. L. Mitti, General Manager Nuclear Assurance and Regulation Public Service Electric & Gas Company P. O. Box 570, T22A Newark, New Jersey 07101

Dear Mr. Mitti:


2. ELIMINATION OF ARBITRARY INTERMEDIATE PIPE BREAKS By letter dated August 26, 1985, you responded to our July 2,1985 request '

for additional information concerning the use of ASME Code Case N-411 and selected portions of later Editions and Addenda to Section III of the ASME Code. We have reviewed the responses provided in the above referenced letter.

Based on this review, and your comitment to revise the FSAR accordingly, we conclude that Use of Code Case N-411 and selected portions of later Editions and Addenda to Section III of the ASME Code at Hope Creek as identified in our July 2,1985 request for additional information is acceptable.

! By letter dated June 11, 1985, and supplemented by letters dated July 3 and August 9, 1985, you requested authorization to eliminate arbitrary intermediate pipe breaks (AIBs) in high energy piping systems at Hope Creek. We have reviewed this request and conclude that your request is acceptable. Enclosed is our safety evaluation report concerning this issue (to be included in a future SER Supplement).

In your June 11, 1985 letter, you state that some of the pipe whip restraints associated with the AIBs proposed to be eliminated have not yet been installed.

. It is further stated that those restraints that have been installed will remain; however, several restraint shimpacs may not be required. To avoid possible confusion relative to future inspections of these unshimed restraints, you are requested to change all applicable drawings to clearly show that the restraint is not required to be shinned.

Sincerely, Walter R. Butler, Chief Licensing Branch No. 2 Division of Licensing


As stated 1

i cc: See next page



3 Mr. R. L. Mittl

Public Service Electric & Gas Co. Hope Creek Generating Station cc

l Gregory Minor Susan C. Remis l Richard Hubbard Division of Public Interest Advocacy Dale Bridenbaugh New Jersey State Department of MHB Technical Associates the Public Advocate 1723 Hamilton Avenue, Suite K Richard J. Hughes Justice Comples San Jose, California 95125 CN-850 Trenton, New Jersey 08625 Troy B. Conner, Jr. Esquire Office of Legal Counsel Conner & Wetterhahn Department of Natural Resources 1747 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. and Environmental Control Washington, D.C. 20006 89 Kings Highway P.O. Box 1401 Dover, Delaware 19903 Richard Fryling, Jr., Esquire Mr. K. W. Burrowes, Project Engineer Associate General Solicitor Bechtel Power Corporation Public Service Electric & Gas Company 50 Beale Street P. O. Box 570 T5E P. O. Box 3965 Newark, New Jersey 07101 San Francisco, California 94119.

Mr. J. M. Ashley 5

Resident Inspector Senior Licensing Engineer U.S.N.R.C. c/o Public Service Electric & Gas Co.

P. O. Box 241 Bethesda Office Center, Suit 550 Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038 4520 East-West Highway Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Richard F. Engel Deputy Attorney General Mr. A. E. Giardino Division of Law Manager - Quality Assurance E&C Environmental Protection Section Public Service Electric & Gas Co.

Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex P. O. Box A CN-112P Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038 Trenton, New Jersey 08625 Mr. Robert J. Touhey, Mr. Anthony J. Pietrofitta Acting Director General Manager DNREC - Division of Power Production Engineering Environmental Control Atlantic Electric 89 Kings Highway 1199 Black Horse Pike P. O. Box 1401 Pleasantville, New Jersey 08232 Dover, Delaware 19903 Regional Administrator, Region I Mr. R. S. Salvesen U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission General fianager-Hope Creek Operation 631 Park Avenue Public Service Electric & Gas Co. King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 P.O. Box A Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey CE038

i t

7 i Public Service Electric & Gas Co. Hope Creek Generating Station i

i cc:

Mr. B. A. Preston Project Licensing Manager Public Service Electric & Gas Co.

P. O. Box 570 T22A s

Newark, New Jersey 07101 Ms. Rebecca Green j New Jersey Bureau of Radiation ,

Protection 380 Scotch Road Trenton, New Jersey 08628 i <


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