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Forwards Amended Inservice Insp & Testing Program.Amend Reflects Changes Proposed in ,Updates Valve List & Deletes or Modifies Relief Requests.Interim Approval of Program Requested Until Final Approval Granted
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/09/1985
From: Rybak B
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20112G439 List:
9603N, NUDOCS 8501160339
Download: ML20112G437 (8)


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Commonwealth Edison

.) One First Natiinit Plua. Chictgo, lilinois



( O Address Reoly to: Post Offica Box 767

( Chicago, lilinois 60690 January 9, 1985 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555


Quad Cities Station Units 1 and 2 Revised Second Ten-Year ISI/IST Program NRC Docket Nos.-50-254 and 50-265 References (a): T. J. Rausch letter to H. R. Denton dated February 17, 1983.

(b): D. B. Vassallo letter to D. L. Farrar dated May 19, 1983.

(c): B. Rybak letter to H. R. Denton dated September 7, 1984.

Dear Mr. Denton:

By Reference (a), Commonwealth Edison submitted our Second Ten-Year Inservice Inspection and Testing (ISI and IST) Program.


Reference (c) submitted, based on questions raised by the Staff, additional information and two new relief requests (CR-ll and CR-12).

At that time Commonwealth Edison (CECO) committed to submitting an amended ISI/IST program after all questions concerning our program were resolved. six (6) copies of the amended ISI/IST program.

The' amended program not only reflects'the changes proposed in our

-September 1984 letter but also updates the valve list and deletes or modifies other relief requests. A summary of the changes are listed in the attachment to this letter.

The beginning of the second ten-year interval was February, 1983 for Unit ~1 and March 1983 for Unit'2. Reference.(b) granted relief. requests for the last 40 months of the first ten-year interval for the ISI portion of the program and suggests Commonwealth Edison follow the ISI; program proposed per Reference (a) as modified therein. No review of the IST' program was provided.

Therefore, given our . submittal of this amended ISI/IST program, CECO: requests interim approval of both the ISI/IST program l

.as submitted by.this letter. This interim approval should' allow use '

of the amended program until final approval is granted.

0 (501160339

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. s.:

H. R. Denton '

January 9, 1985 If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please' contact this office.

One signed original and forty (40) copies of this letter and its1 attachment is provided for your use.

Very truly yours, B. Ryb d Nuclear Licensing Administrator

' lm


cc:= NRC" Resident Inspector - Quad Cities R.'B. Bevan - NRR Attachment





1 L





1. Update snubber list to include new mechanical snubbers of class 1, 2, 3 and to delete hydraulic and non-class snubbers.

'2. Relief. request CSR-1 has been deleted. Snubbers must be tested.

3. ETO use the term class-code flagged piping and Instrument Diagrams instead of color-coded Piping and Instrument diagrams.

'(Pages~1-2, 5-1, 5-2)

4. Add the following valves to valve list:

, (a) _ Scram Discharge Volume (SDV) Valves (drains and vents) 1(2)-302-21A 1(2)-302-22A

.l(2)-302-218- 1(2)-302-228 1(2)-302-21C 1(2)-302-22C 1(2)-302-21D' 1(2)-302-22D (b) Pressure Suppression Valves (vacuum breakers)

-1(2)-220-105A 1(2)-220-1058

.l(2)-220-105C 1(2)-220-105D 1(2)-220-105E

5. Delete the'following valves. Not a pressure-containment isolation' valve:



6. :0elete relief request No. VR-13. -Check _ Valves 1(2)-1402-12A, B;-

1(2)-1001-142A, B, C, D; and 1(2)-2301-40.will be verified'open

'byfpump test.

7. Delete' relief request'No. VR-12. .The'SDV drain andtvent valves twill be tested and timed at cold.-shutdowns. New' drain and vent valves were added to justification No. J-9.
18. Change relief valve testingJfrequency;to 6 months (Tech Spec requirement) on~ relief request.VR-1.
9. Revise relief request No. VR-14 to include vacuum breaker valves- 1(2)-220-105A to 1(2)-220-105E.
10. - Drop time criteria of 5 seconds for Diesel Generator Starting Air valve A0-1(2)(1/2)-4699-226 and write a relief request No.

VR-16 to explain that a successful Diesel Generator starting is a satisfactory test for the Diesel Generator Starting Air Valve.

11. Include relief request CR-ll to reflect the ultrasonic

' inspection problems of the N10 nozzle (SBLC) due to the geometry of that nozzle.

12. Add relief request CR-12 to delete the HPCI turbine hydrostatic test. . Fragile design of the labyrinth seals were not intended to retain waterfunder pressuit. Therefore, a hydrostatic test would. permanently damage the turine seals.

39603N w

-J O ) ' One Commonwealth First National Plata. Chicago.Edison Ilhnois C- Addrsss Riply to: Post Othee Box 767

.. . Chicago. Ilknois 60690 January 9, 1985 Mr. Harold.R. Denton, Director Office of' Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

-Washington, DC 20555


Quad Cities Station Units 1 and 2 Revised Second Ten-Year ISI/IST Program NRC Docket Nos. 50-254 and 50-265 References (a): T. J. Rausch letter to H. R. Denton dated February 17, 1983.

(b): D. B. Vassallo letter to D. L. Farrar dated May 19, 1983.

(c): B. Rybak letter to H. R. Denton dated September 7, 1984.

Dear Mr. Denton:

By Reference (a), Commonwealth Edison submitted our Second Ten-Year-Inservice Inspection and-Testing (ISI and IST) Program.

Reference'(c) submitted, based on questions raised by the Staff, additional information and two new relief requests (CR-ll and CR-12).

At that time Commonwealth Edison (CECO) committed to submitting an ,

amended ISI/IST. program after all questions concerning our program were resolved.

Enclosed is six (6) copies.of the amended ISI/IST program.

The amended program not only reflects the changes proposed-in~our September 1984 letter but also updates the valve list and deletes or modifies other relief requests. A summary of~the changes are listed in the attachment"to this letter.

.The beginning~of the second. ten-year interval was February,.

1983 for Unit 1 and March 1983 for Unit 2. ~ Reference (b) granted

. relief' requests'for the last 40 months-of.the'first ten-year interval.

for the ISI portion of the program and suggests Commonwealth Edison

-follow the ISI program proposed per Reference (a) as modified therein. No review ~of the IST program was provided.

Therefore, given.our submittal of this' amended ISI/IST' program, CECO 1 requests interim approval of both the ISI/IST program as submitted by this letter. This' interim approval should allow use-

.of'the amended program until final approval is granted.

I H. R. Denton- January 9, 1985 If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please contact this office.

One signed original and forty (40) copies of this letter and its attachment is provided for your use.

Very truly yours, o

B. RybK Nuclear Licensing Administrator 1m cc: NRC Resident Inspector - Quad Cities R. B. Bevan - NRR Attachment 4

6 9603N




1. Update snubber list to include new mechanical snubbers of class 1, 2, 3 and to delete hydraulic and non-class snubbers.
2. Relief request CSR-1 has been deleted. Snubbers must be tested.
3. To use the term class-code flagged piping and Instrument Diagrams instead of color-coded Piping and Instrument diagrams.

(Pages 1-2, 5-1, 5-2)

4. Add the following valves to valve list:

(a) Scram Discharge Volume (SDV) Valves (drains and vents) 1(2)-302-21A 1(2)-302-22A 1(2)-302-21B 1(2)-302-228 1(2)-302-21C 1(2)-302-22C 1(2)-302-210 1(2)-302-220 (b) Pressure Suppression Valves (vacuum breakers) 1(2)-220-105A 1(2)-220-1058 1(2)-220-105C 1(2)-220-105D 1(2)-220-105E

5. Delete the following valves. Not a pressure containment isolation valve:

1(2)FCV-2599-1A 1(2)FCV-2599-1B

6. Delete relief request No. VR-13. Check Valves 1(2)-1402-12A, B; 1(2)-1001-142A, B, C, D; and 1(2)-2301-40 will be verified open by pump. test.
7. Delete relief request No. VR-12. The SDV drain and vent valves will be tested and timed ~at cold shutdowns. New drain and vent valves were added to justification No. J-9.
8. Change relief valve testing frequeocy to 6 months (Tech Spec requirement) on relief request VR-1.

.t J

9. Revise relief request No. VR-14 to include vacuum breaker valves 1(2)-220-105A to 1(2)-220-105E.
10. Drop time criteria of 5 seconds for Diesel Generator Starting Air valve A0-1(2)(1/2)-4699-226 and write a relief request No.

VR-16 to explain that a successful Diesel Generator starting is a satisfactory test for the Diesel Generator Starting Air Valve.

11. Include relief request CR-ll to reflect the ultrasonic inspection problems of the N10 nozzle (SBLC) due to the geometry of that nozzle.
12. Add relief request CR-12 to delete the HPCI turbine hydrostatic test.- Fragile design of the labyrinth seals were not intended to retain water under pressure. Therefore, a hydrostatic test would permanently damage the turine seals.


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