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Provides Update of Missing & Loose Parts Identified in AO 50-265/75-8.Table Representing Complilation of Items Encl
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/25/1975
From: Kalivianakis N
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20084U216 List:
AO-50-265-75-8, NJK-75-378, NUDOCS 8306280134
Download: ML20084U224 (6)


, / #]1^Commonwe:lth Edison j Ouad Citf 'juclear Power Station

{ Post Offiax 216 f. ')


( / Telephono 309/654 2241



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NJK-75-378 b7 l!dlN

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July 25, 1975 .

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Director of Of fice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Refe rence: Quad-Cities Nuclear Power Station Docket No. 50-265, DPR-30, Unit 2 Abnormal Occurrence Report, A0 50-265/75-8 The attached table represents an update of missiig and loose parts iden-tified during the Unit 2 refueling outage in the spring of 1975 Sending this supplemental update has been inadvertently averlooked until this date.

The information contained in the Table represents a compilation of items identified by both the Station and General Electric Company. The items were identified or observed during the various phases of work conducted in the reactor during the outage. The time span of the work covered per-lods from February 1975 through April 1975 Some of the i tems were ob-served or identified during initial work in February, but not retrieved until March when the outage schedule provided time for retrieval. Other items were retrieved as they were observed or as time permitted. At the conclusion of the outage, four items identified as missing were assumed to remain in the vessel.

Prior to resuming power operation of Unit 2 in April 1975, General Electric Company at the request of the station provided an analysis of those parts remaining in the vessel; station review of this analysis is documented by Quad-Ci ties Station On-Site Review Number 75-21, dated April 21, 1975 A copy of the General Electric analysis is provided herein.


N. J. Kallvianakis '


  • Station Superintendent COPY SENT REGION [ 2 - _ ,2 NJK/ REQ /lk Attachments: 1. Table-Missing and Loose Parts b 33
2. GE letter, Apr!I 22, 1975, Loose Parts Analysis cc: Region li t , Regulatory Operations J. S. Abel 8306280134 750729 PDR 8 ADOCK 05000265 PDR ,



1. Lighting Support Bracket From Refuel Bridge Missing 1/9/75 1/17/75 Hung in Unit 1 Fuel Pool '.
2. Neutron Dosimeter Tube Missing 2/19/75 --

Remaining in Vessel

3. Neutron Dosimeter Missing 2/19/75 --

Remaining in Vessel -

4. JP 18 Adjusting Stop Screw Missing 2/17/75 --

Remaining in Vessel

5. JP 7 1/2" Cap Screw Missing 2/17/75 3/75 Radwaste
6. JP 7 Retainer Clip Missing 2/17/75 3/75 Radwaste
7. JP 8 1/2" Cap Screw Missing 2/17/75 3/75 Radwaste
8. JP 8 Retainer Clip Missing 2/17/75 3/75 Radwaste
9. 7 Pieces of Wire Loose 2/17/75 3/75 Radwaste
10. Piece of Angle Iron Loose 2/17/75 3/75 Radwaste
11. Open End Wrench Loose 2/17/75 3/75 Radwaste i
12. 3 Pieces of Tape Loose 2/15/75 2/17/75 Radwaste
13. I Piece of Wire Loose 2/15/75 2/17/75 Ra dwas te
14. Rag Loose 2/28/75 3/75 Radwaste
15. Grinding Burr Loose 2/75 --

Remaining in Vessel 16, 3 Pieces of Tape Loose 2/75 3/75 Radwas te

17. Small Piece of Lead ~ Loose 2/75 3/75 Radwaste
18. Piece of Nylon Rope Loose 2/75 3/75 Radwaste
19. Plexiglass from viewing aid Missing 3/75 3/75 Radwaste 4 20. Straight Edge Ruler Loose 2/75 3/75 Radwaste
21. Plexiglass from viewing aid Missing 4/75 4/75 Radwaste
22. Jet Pump Stop Screw Loose 2/75 3/75 Radwas te
23. 3 Screws 3/16" Dia X 3" Long Loose 2/75 3/75 Radwas te
24. 2 1/2" Dia. Hex Nuts Loose 2/75 3/75 Radwas te LOOSE - Observed, but source unknown.

MISSING - Not in normal location and unaccounted for.

- - - ~ - - -

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dr.J]Mn!(N)in.1$.be2.13oP da uar m 979'

                                                                     .. D                                                  N U CLE AR EN Ei!GY DIVISION ccacau. El.ECTOIO COWANY.175 CURTNCR AVENUE. SAN JOSE. CN.!TORNIA 95125 M2'lCodo _                                                  Phona (400) 237-3000. T'.VX NO. 910 303-011S G-EB0-5-160 April 22,1975                                                                                       CC:  G.I. Wells D.P. Galle J.S. Abel I!r. Ilick Kalivianakis Station Superintendent Quad Ci. ties Generating Station Commonwealth Edison Co.

P. O.Ilox 216 Cor.dova, Illinois 61242



Dear !!ick:

Attached is the safety analysis concerning the loose parts uhich were either dropped into the reactor, or are missing and assumed to be in the reactor. The conclusion reached is that the loose parts will not pose a safety problem, and, based on 10CFR 50.59, there is no unreviewed l safety hazard. Very trul,y yours, )

                                                    /           .,

e LA. ~i f~ct..:x,.Lbhn'  :-- if . G . Crockett ' Product Service Engineer

                         !! ail Code 168, Ext. 6614 At ta'chnen t                                                                                                                                        -)

1 sCP ) i l l l 4 IT ".Ulle! 10 INGl. TID 9 f.1At'. CODE ON I!CIUltH COfinESPONDENCC -

                                     .c O                                (D GhM;1Ar. { ELECTalc If1TR000CTION During tha recent refueling outage (Reload 1-Early 1975) at Quad Cities Unit 2, three items were either dropped into the reactor or are missing and assumed to be in the reactor. An extensive search was conducted but the subject itc:as could not be located. The safety implications of leaving these items in the reactor have been evaluated.

DESCRIPTION The following is a description of the items left in the reactor and an estimate of the probable location. Item 1 - Jet pumo restrainer gate adjusting screw found missing from jet pump #18 during routine jet pump inspection. Probable location - below jet pump #18 (vessel azimuth approx. 300) on shroud support shelf. Description - GE Dug. 12933127 - Stainless steel bolt with hex-head, approximately 3 inches long by 3/4 inch diameter. Weight - less than one pound. Item 2_ - t'eutron dosiceter (part of surveillance prograra) was not attached to sample holder basket as it should have been. The bracket and holder are also missing. Probable location - Between jet pump #7 and jet pump #8 on shroud support shelf (vessel azimuth - 950). Descriotion - GE Dag. 15037636 and 15837635

                       - Plate OT26 x 6.00 x .031 thick) welded to tube 10.00 x .500 sch 40 pipe with internal spring clip.
                       - Dosimeter      - 6" x 1/2" thick) ar.d internal      OD pip spacer  .33(e with end diameter    plugs x .32"   (1/2"Bail thick). diameter x 1/8" ucided to end plugs 4" x 6-1/2" x .188" square stock. 6 wire loop speciments inside (3 iron, 3 cooper). All other materials are stainless steel.

Itca 3_ - Carbide grinding burr lest during repair work on RPV. Probable location _ - in annulus between shroud and pressure vessel - azimuth unkno.:n.

                       .Descr,ip_ tion - carbide grinding burr 1/2 inch long x 3/8 inch dianeter, pear shaped. Shaft not attached.

SAFETY EVALUATIOM -- The obvious concern associated with the lost pieces is that associated with the potential for fuel bundle flow blockage andsubsequent fuel damage. A detailed

o . 9

                         'Ji.b?.3.M [3 E!iOTill4 study of flow blockage in a B'.lR has been made in a GE Topical Report (1) on file in the Public Document Room. As stated in that report, based on analyses of high power dcnsity fuel operating at 18.5 ku/ft:*

a) It would take more than a 905 inlet area blockage to cause a tiCHFR less than 1.0: therefora, no fuel rod damage would occur unless more than a 90% blockage occurs. b) If the blockage were more than 90%, clad malt and fuel crumbling would occur. This wculd lead to high radiation sensed by the main staan line radi-Offsite doses ation monitors which would scram and isolate the reactor. remain less than 10CFR?O limits. Based on the infornation concerning the size of the lost pieces the ~folicwing cen-clusions are drawn:

1. If the parts found their way into the lower pleaum the fluid veloci-ties would be high enough to sueep them up toward the fuel bundles only if the parts maintained a horizontal position. In the vertical position, the Also, if the parts were velocities are not high enough to lif t the parts.

lying on the bottoa head where the fluid velocities are low, it is consider-ed unlikely that they could get swa?t up off the vessel surface. Therefore, even though it is possible for the pieces to get lifted up toward the fuel, its occurrance is considered unlikely.

2. If the pieces were swept across a central bundle orifice (diameter
                         = 2.262 in. , area - 4.019 in )2 it vould cause a maximum of 80 - 83% re-duction in flow area. From Figure 4-3 of Reference 2, this flow blockage would reduce the average bundle MCHFR frcm 3.5 to 3.2, which viould not cause boiling transition. Thus, there would be not subsequent fuel or clad-ding damage.
3. It is highly unlikely that gross fuel damai;e will occur since no piece is lerge en6 ugh to cause blockages greater than 90% and it is highly improbable tint all-the pieces would accumulate in one bundle.
4. Mo dcmage would occur to cny bundle adjacent to the bundle with the flow blocked.
5. If the piece passed through the orifice, it would have to pass through -

the nose piece guards and the lower tie plate, which require very unlikely alignm::nt of the_ piece and the scull pissages. 4 Quad Cities II has a maximum linear heat generation rate limit of,-17.5 kw/ft. l

                -(i) liEDO 10174, " Consequences of a Postulated Flow Clockage Incident in a l'                        Boiling (fator Raactor,G.J. Scatena; May 1970.

l: n i l L

o O . d E H $.1 A i 10 F.'.t Ci.1: 0 3

6. If the parts uere broken into small pieces they could possibly becoma lodged in a spacer which could cause boiling transition and over heating.

Fretting of the cladding could also occur which would lead to failure and s consequent fission product release. Dased on the above, it can he concluded that the lost parts uill not pose a safety problea. Since the parts are still in the reactor there is a remote possibility of a highly localized ficu blochge uith subseqitent fuel rod damage and smll fission product r'elease. However, offsite doses will remain less than 10CFR20 lirni ts. Ther2 fore, based on 10CFR50.59, operation of the reactor with the lost parts in tha reactor doas not constitute an unrevieuad safety hazard. i i 5 en

          .j'     '.CQmi       M9alth Edis1:n

{ C( ' Ouad-tv3 denerating Station Post Off;ce Box 216

        %b 2,'

Cordova,1:linois 61242 D Telephone 309/654 2241

                                                                               + ,s.,

NJK-75-107 r i' .}}XQ - j - fl ' .,. r, ;, ,yh 'g\ February 28, 1975 N7 n - - I976 w g

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                                                                                  ,1         hs Mr. John F. O ' Leary , Director Q,i' Directorate of Licensing Regulation                                wiu ,;. /'y',/\

Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D. C. 20545


quad-Cl ties Nuclear Power Station Docket No. 50-265 DFR-30 Appendix A, Sections 1.0.A.4, 6.6.S.I.a

Dear Mr. O ' Leary:

Enclosed please find Abnormal Occurrence Report No. 50-265/75-8 for quad-Cities Nuclear Power Station. This occurrence was previously reported to Region ill, Directorate of Regulatory Operations by telephone on February 18, 1975 .and to you and Region li t , Directorate of Regulatory Operations by telecopy on February 19, 1975. This report is submitted to you in accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification 6.6.B.I.a. Very truly yours, C0!V10fulEALTH EDISON COMPANY QUAD-CITIES NUCLEAR POWER STATION N. J. Kallvianakis . Station Superintendent NJK/MPF/j eh cc: Region t il , Directorate of Regulatory Operations J. S. Abel 2E80

                          . O                                O REPORTi; UMBER: A0-50-265/75-8

_ REPORT DATE: February 28, 1975 _0CCURRENCE DATE: February 18. 1975 IDENTIFICATION OF OCCURRENCE: / Jet pump components were discovered missing during a jet pump inspection. _ CONDITIONS PRIOR TO OCCURRENCE: The Unit Two reactor fuel assemblies had been removed and inserted into t fuel storage pool to facilitate out-of-core sipping operations and recirculation piping repairs during the refueling outage. DESCRIPTION OF OCCURRENCE: With the core inspection void of fuel during refueling operations, a scheduled jet pump was performed. underwater television camera and video tape unit.This inspection was carried out are listed below. The details of the inspection are illustrated on Figures 1 and 2The various jet pump components and their physical loc f (1) Beam bolt assemblies were observed for movement while applying 300 ft-lbs of toraue to tha ha= Mit ! . bot:.- Lt.e vluckwise and counter-clockwise directions. (2) Beam bolt keepers were inspected with respect to the following: (a) Position f 1 (b) Evidence of movement (c) Condition of the four tack welds * (3) - The hold-down beams were inspected with respect to the following* i (a) Position t 1 (b) Check of beam pocket fits (c) Evidence of movement (4) The lock plates were inspected with respect to the following: (a) Condition of the four flat head screws and their respective tack welds.  ; (b) Evidence of movement a


   < e -     A0 50-265/75-8 Q            February 28, 1975 (5) The beam bolt retainers were Inspected to determine the                     ,

condition of the 1/2" cap screw and its tack weld. l i (6) The restrainer gate wedges were inspected with respect to the following: (a) Position (b) Engagement with the restrainer and belly band of the jet pump . (c) Evidence of movement (7) The restrainer stops (adjusting screws) were inspected with respect to the following: (a) Tightness with the belly band of the jet pump. (b) Evidence of movement (c) Condition of the adjusting screw tack weld. (8) The restrainer gates were inspected with respect to the following: (a) Condition of the two clamp bolts. (b) Condition and tightness of the two clamp bolt nuts. (c) Condition of the two tack welds of each clamp bolt keeper. Upon completion of the above inspections on all twenty Jet pumps, the following discrepancles were noted: (1) The beam bolt retainer clips and 1/2" cap screws were found to-be. missing on jet purops 7 and 8 (2) The restrainer adjusting screw on the shroud side of jet pump 18 was found to be missing. (3) Restrainer gate keepers on jet pumps I, 8, 12, 15, and 18 were found to have their welds in place, but not fused to the restrainer gate.

           ' Dest CtlATI0tt OF APPAREllT CAUSE OF OCCURREtlCF:

Equipment Failure-The apparent cause of the missing retainer clips, the 1/2" cap screws, and the _ adjusting screw is attributed to equipment failures caused by instal.lation deficiencies. Based on the parts being inadequately installed, the vibrational forces present during normal operation could cause these components to become dislodged from their normal positions. r


A0 50-20/75-8 Q (] February 28, 1975 During the jet pump repairs to Unit 2 during 1972, the beam bolts and keepers were the prinary components repaired. The ecpairs necessary to Unit I during its past refueling outage in 1974 revealed that further defective installation existed. It is felt that these present components were originally installed in a deficient manner and that the possibility of their failure was not known at the time of the original Unit 2 repairs. The discovery of their failure at this time is consistent with the deficiencies noted during the Unit I outage in 1974 ANALYSIS OF OCCURRENCE: The jet pumps are designed to withstand the combined loadings from differential pressure and temperature, dead weight, fluid movement, seismic acceleration, and vibration without failure or loss of integrity. The missing jet pump com-ponents did not lead to jet pump f ailure er loss of integrity. Particularly, there were no failurcs of any jet pump hold-down components. There were thus no unsafe conditions existing during previous periods of reactor power operation. Jet pump component failures and missing or loose parts have been previously analyzed in the following documents: (1) Quad-Citics Station, Unit 2, Special Report No. 2, " Jet Pump O pe rab i l i ty" . (2) NE00-10174, May 1970, G. J. Scateno, " Consequences of a Postulated Flow Blockace incident in a Bnilinn Water Rear. tor". (3) Qut.d-ci ties S tation, Uni t 1, Abnorn'al Occurrence Report Ictters of April 25, 1974, May 30, 1974, and July 12, 1974. The health and safety of the public were not adversely affected by this occurrence. CORRECT!VE ACTION: The missing bean bolt retainer clips and 1/2" cap screws of Jct pumps 7 and 8 will not be replaced. These pieces,are important only during the initial construction of the jet pump beam assembly or during their rensoval. After installation of the beam bolt, the function of these pieces is completed. A replacement stop (adjusting) screw has been installed and tack welded to its holding clamp on jet pump 18. As an alternative to removal of the jet pump throat, the welding tool used to tack weld the stop screw was modified to per-form its intended function. Although it has been postulated that the restrainer gate keeper on jet pump 18 was loosened during the repair of the stop screw, the tack welds of all jet pump restrainer gates were reinspected as a precautionary measure. As a result of the faulty tack welds discovered on the jet pump restrainer gate keepers of jet pumps 1, 8, 12, 15, and 18, the restrainer gate bolts were retorqued, and new tack welds were placed and verified. A similar inspection of the twenty jet pump beam bolt keepers was performed with satisfactory results.


A0 50-265/7,5-8 1-1 February 28, 1975-


+ A list of objects, known to date, which are loose or missing in the unit 2 reactor vessel is attached. Further search for loose or missing parts is L j being conducted and an attempt will be made to retrieve all these objects before returning the unit to operation. Details of the searches for these parts will be reported in the future. FAILURE DATA: i s l The problems discovered on this inspection of Unit 2 are similar but were less severe than those discovered following a jet puno failure of Unit 2 in August 1972. At that time, a jet pump assenbly had become dislodged from its nornal position and rotated in the vessel. Extensive inspections and repairs were perforned on all Unit 2 jet pumps and they have since operated satisfactorily. An extensive inspection of all Unit 1 Jet pumps during its first refueling outage in April,1974, revealed a large number of Jet pump discrepancies. These included beam bolt torque test failures, sheared restrainer gate bolts and keepers, trissing and cracked restrainer gate bolt keeper tack welds, a missing j restrainer gate wedge and indications of ucar in the vicinity of the wedge indicating possibic vertical movement of the wedge prior to the inspections. All of the jet pump problems which have occurred at quad-Cities Station have , been attributed to faulty craft installation and workmanship during the initial construction of both units. 4 9 b d I f

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1. Lighting Support 3 racket From Refuel Bridge Missir o 1/ 9/75 1/17/75 Huno in Unit 1 Fuel Fool
2. Neutron Dosimeter Tube Missir q 2/19/75 3 Neutron Oosimeter Missir g 2/19/75
4. JP 18 Adjustinq Stop Screw Missirq 2/17/75
5. JP 7 1/2" Cap Screw M issir g 2/17/75
6. JP 7 Retainer Clip Missirq 2/17/75 I k
7. JP 8 1/2" Cap Screw Missiro 2/17/75
8. JP S Petainer Clip Missirq 2/17/75
9. 3 Pieces of Wire Lcose 2/17/75 10 Piece of Angle Iron Loose 2/17/75
11. Open End Wrench Loose 2/17/75 12, 3 Pieces of Tape Loose 2/15/75 2/17/75 R e dwas t e
63. I Piece of Vire Loose 2/15/75 2/17/75 Radwaste l h4 Rag Loose 2/23/75 LOOSE = Observed, but source unknown.

MISSING = Not in normal location and unaccounted for. 9 h G e L

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    -             Tciphwa.!/ EnZ'41 UJK-75-76 Region III, Attention:                Mr. C. Felerabend Telecopy:

February 19, 1975 J. Keppler, Henienn2 Olroctor Directorate of Iicc:letary Operatione llegion III U. S, Nuclear Re;~.,ulatory Corr.innien (

  ~/99 Roouevelt Homi Glen lillyn , Illincia 60137                                                                                                          ,

Refer,ance: Quad-citiec Uncletm Pouer Station , Unit 2 - Dochen ua. 50-265, r;PD-30 Appendix A, Ucetionc 1.0.It . 4, 6.6.D.1.a. . Dane Mr. Keppler: ( The purpone of this letter in t.o provide ac required you with.notifien. by Technical Spacification tion of on Abnormal Occurmance , 6.6.n.1.a within 24 hours of the cccurrence. k Uith. Unit 2 in the jetcold' (mnpuhutdonn.cendition innpoetionn revealed for the thefollowing current. re-fuellug outage, - discrepancien: scrcu. Jet Pung 07 - niscing n huan bolt retainer and cap 1. Jet, Purp FG - niincing a beam bolt retainer and cap nercu. 2. 3 Jet. Puna #10 - nissing the rentrainer gate adjucting f~ i screw on tha :ahroud nido.

4. A piece of wire was observed loone' in the annulun area..  :

acrowc should not affect-The minuine benr1 bolt retainero and capTnn minning rentraince cute the operation of jet purps 7 and 3. ndjuuting screu nho .nd not prevent jet pump 18' from being ade-quntely accured since the beau bolt una properly torqued and intuot. An atterrpt will be nado ara

                                    .P.lanr-     to retricve      all minaing being developed                     to installparts afrom nuu.the reactor adjucting   vennel.

screw on the jet pur.n 18 rentrainer gato. Thic occurrence was18, discuaned 1975 ny telephone with Mr. Knop of yourFurther infor office on February uhich uill be sub-by Abnorcul Occurrence Report AO-50-265375-8 mitted within 10 dnys of' thin occurrenco. Very truly yours, COPJQliMEALTH EDIS0!T COMPANY Q D-CITIES HUCLEAR FOWER STATIO)! K'aaw.s; j;*, i wgCL I J. Kalivinnakia 4 - ti t 1 orint.cncont J.S. Abel Q._g Oc: Direct.. c;' 1 aensing. .

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