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Trip Rept of 820915-18 Seismic Qualification Review Team Site Visit Re Performance of Plant Site Review for Selected safety-related,mechanical & Electrical Equipment.Revision to Site Visit Rept Encl.W/O Encl
Person / Time
Site: Waterford, 05000000, Shoreham
Issue date: 08/30/1982
From: Rosztoczy Z
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Miraglia F
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML082480769 List:
NUDOCS 8209150350
Download: ML20069D186 (2)


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WASHWGToN, D. C. 20656

\\...../ 67h A'J:13 319B2 MEMORANDUM FOR:

Frank Miraglia, Chief Licensing Branch No. 3 Division of Licensing FROM:

Zoltan R. Rosztoczy, Chief Equipment Qualification Branch Division of Engineering


WATERFORD III SQRT VISIT REPORT FRGM EG&G IDAHO, INC., JUNE, 1982 REVISION The Seismic Qualification Review Team (SQRT), consisting of Engineers from the Equipment Qualification Branch (EQB) and the Idaho National Laboratory (INEL, EC&G IDAHO) conducted a site visit to the Waterford III site at Taft, Louisianna on September 15 through 18, 1981. The purpose of this visit was (1) to perform a plant site review for selected, safety-related, mechanical and electrical equipment and their supporting arrangements and (2) to observe field installations of the equipment in order to verify and validate equipment modeling employed in the qualification program. is a copy of tne EG&G Idaho SQRT Visit Report, June, 1982 revision. This report itemizes the specific concerns with equipment reviewed during the September, 1981 visit to the Waterford III site. This report incorporates information received from the applicant following the audit up to June, 1982.

In addition to the specific concerns identified in the SQRT Visit Report, the following generic concerns were ideat:fied at the time of the site visit:


Nozzle loads were neglected or improperly applied on a large number of components.


Unacceptable methodologies were used on a number of components.

For example, an inappropriate load input method was used for both the Nuclear Instrumentation Safety Channels and the Plant Pro-l tection System Cabinet. The analysis or tests with inappropriate methodologies may be considered acceptable for some components because of large conservatisms, but all plant equipment t: sing these methodologies would need to be reviewed to determine their adequacy.

In addition, although the plant was required to meet IEEE 344, 1975 much of the equipment reviewed was qualified to j

IEEE 344, 1971.


M. Haughey, NRR Ext. 49-28386 Hos Bee" S*"I t g Copy WW@3g l

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l I 3.

During the site review a number of equipment supports, brackets, I

and screws were neglected or not installed in conformance with i!

the qualification test or analysis configurations. Because of

.I the low level of site installations completed in the plant at I

the time of the first site review, it was uncertain whether il these additional supports, brackets, and screws would have been included in the complete installation. A more complete installation I

level in the plant should facilitate making a judgement on the sufficiency of the installations during the second review.

The generic concerns discussed above, as well as the specific concerns identified in the SQRT Visit Report should be satisfactorily addressed by the applicant prior to fuel load.

In addition, as a result of the large number of negative findings, during the September,1981 audit, it was determined at that time that a second SQRT audit would be necessary at the Waterford III site. This second audit is presently l4 scheduled for the week of August 30, 1982. The results of that i

review will be used to determine the adequacy of the Waterford III seismic and dynamic qualification program. The staff's evaluation of that review will be covered in a future supplement to the Safety Evaluation Report.

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Zoltan R. Rosztoczy, Chief Equipment Qualification Braich Division of Engineering I


W. Johnston S. Black

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Chang M. Haughey l

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