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Forwards Description of Preservice Exam of ASME Class I & II Components & Application of Exclusion Criteria Permitted by IWB-1220 & IWC-1220.One Hundred Oversized Flow Diagrams to Be Recalled for Filming
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/02/1980
From: Dale L
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
AECM-80-238, XXXX, NUDOCS 8010140239
Download: ML19347B297 (110)


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U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Washington, D.C. 20555 Attention: Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director

Dear Sir:


Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Unit 1 Docket No. 50-416 File 0260/0277/L-860.0/L-952.0/

1078/M-189.0 Preservice Inspection to ASME Section XI AECM-80/238 Mississippi Power & Light Company has formulated the details of the Preservice Inspection (PSI) program for the Grand Gulf Nuclear Power Station (GGNS), Unit 1. The examinations will be in accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(g).

The finalized PSI plans and plans for subsequent inservice examinations for ASME, Class 1, 2, and 3 pressure retaining components, will be in accordance with the 1977 edition of ASME Section XI, with addenda through and including Summer 1978. The GGNS Final Safety Analysis Report Subsections 3.9.6, 5.2.4, and 6.6.1 will be amended to reflect this commitment. Later addenda which becomes effective will be evaluated and incorporated as necessary to comply with 10 CFR 50.55a(g). Any specific requests for relief will be submitted under separate cover with necessary justification.

Regarding the preservice testing of safety related pumps and valves, that testing program will be in accordance with Articles IWP-1000 and IW- 1000. As per our response to the Mechancial Engineering Branch Draf t Safety Evaluation Opn Item (DSER-3.9.6-1), that testing program will be submitted for review in February, 1981.

Attachment A, describes the basic preservice examinations as applicable to ASME Class 1 and 2 components. Included is a discussion of augmented inspection requirements as they apply to GGNS Unit 1.

Attachment B describes the actual bcundaries for the exclusions permitted by IWB- and IWC-1220 of the ASME Code Class 1 and 2 components.

Three copies of the associated Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams and g Schematic Flow Diagrams are also attached for your review. c0



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MISSCCIPPI POWER C1 LICHT COMPANY U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission AECM-80/238 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Page 2 As specified in the Grand Gulf, FSAR Subsections 3.9.6, 5.2.4, and 6.6.1, the plans and schedules for inservice inspection as provided for in the MPL/GE contract and Section XI of the ASME Code will be completed and filed with enforcement and regulatory authorities having jurisdiction at the plant site. The procedures, GE Quality Assurance Manual, and other documents necessary to complete the site preservice examination work will be generated and revised as needed and incorporated into the overall inspection plan. These documents are available at the Grand Gulf construction site for your review.

We request your review and comments on this program by January 1,1981. Please contact us if you require further information.

Yours truly, A

L. F. Dale Nuclear Project Manager SMP/CKM/JGC:1m Attachments: 1. Attachment A: Preservice Examination of Clasc 1 and 2 Components.

i 2. Attachment B: Application of the Exclusion Criteria permitted by IWB-1220 and IWC-1220.

3. Piping and Instrument Diagrams to supplement Attachment B.
4. System Flow Diagrams to supplement Attachment B.

cc: Mr. N. L. Stampley (w/o)

Mr. R. B. McGehee (w/o)

Mr. T. B. Conner (w/o)

Mr. Victor Stello, Jr., Director (w/1)

Division of Inspection & Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Mr. J. P. O'Reilly, Director (w/1)

Office of Inspection & Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta St., N.W., Suite 3100 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Mr. D. Bivins (w/1)

Lead A/I Kemper Insurance Co.

Attachment to AECM-80/238 Attachment A Page 1 of 2 PRESERVICE EXAMINATION OF CLASS 1 AND 2 COMPONENTS The preservice inspection of Class 1 and 2 components shall be made, insofar as practical, prior to system hydrostatic testing using shop and field examinations per IWP,/IWC-2100 ( ASME Section XI).

Piping system welds O. hop and field) requiring subsequent volumetric examinations will be ultrasonically (manually) examined on site by qualified NDE personnel on a continuing basis as construction progresses. In addition, these NDE personnel will provide inputs to construction such that hindrances to inservice inspection activities will be minimized in the as-built plant.

Per IWB-2100, Class 1 piping and components larger than 1 inch nominal pipe size will be examined in so far as practical per the detailed examinations listed in Tables IWB-2500-1. This would be essentially 100% of the pressure retaining welds for the preservice examination requirement of Class 1 components.

Per IWC-2100, Class 2 components not exempted from subsequent inservice inspections by IWC-1220 will be subjected to the detailed examinations in so far as practical listed in Table IWC-2500-1. This would provide the preservice inspection requirements for these Class 2 components. Portions of systems subject to this examination include the main steam and feed water lines in the Auxiliary Building, the steam supply to the RCIC turbine, the Control Rod Drive System (scram discharge headers), and portions of lines carrying steam to the RHR heat exchangers.

Attachment B, along with the necessary Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID's) are submitted for your review as our intended course of action on applying the exemptions allowed for Class 2 components in accordance with IWC-1220 of the Code. Instrument piping (3/4 inch) is exempt from examination per ASME Section XI. This piping is not shown on the P&ID's. Exemptions based on component 2 rating conditions were selected utilizing maximum expected operating pressures and temperatures as selection criteria.

Augmented examinations, as established by the NRC, will be performed as follows:

1. Turbine disk integrity-described in FSAR Chapter
2. Intergranular stress corrision cracking (NUREG 0313)-described in FSAR Chapter
3. High energy break exclusion areas (SRP 3.2)-described in FSAR Chapter 3.6A.2.1 (c) (2) (g).
4. Cracking of feedwater nozzles (NUREG 0619)-examinations are in accordance with subject NUREG.
5. IE Bulletin 79-17 (Pipe Cracks in borated water systems)-This bulletin was reviewed with applicability to the Standby Liquid Control System which contains sodium pentaborate solution. For Unit 1, the shop welds in the type 304 stainless steel piping have been solution anneaied and water quenched to minimize IGSCC. The three field welds will receive additional surface examinations. Unit 2 is not affected since piping has been changed to 304 L Grade.

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Attachment A Page 2 of 2 i Regarding the RHR and ECCS Class 2 piping, examination requirements on ,

these systems are currently under development per 10 CFR 50.55a (as amended l by the Federal Register dated October,1979.) Non-destructive examinations i for those systems not excluded by Attachment B will be conducted in

, accordance with the code; selection criteria will be as follows:

l l 1. 10% of the number of welds in portions of the above systems. -l

2. The welds to be examined shall be 100% of the terminal ends of pipe at vessel nozzles, with the remainder of the 10% selected proportionally from the following:
(a) Circumferential welds at Ications where leadings due to Normal l

and Upset conditions would result in stress levels calculated to 1 exceed the value 0.8 (1.2 (1D) when determined by the Sh+Sin #h)aragraph l sum of equations (9) and NC-3652 of Section '

III of the ASME Code.

j' (b) Dissimilar metal welds.

(c) Welds which cannot be pressure tested in accordance with

, IWC-5000. 1 1

l (d) A sufficient number of additional welds at structural  !

discontinuities. I

3. The welds to be examined shall be distributed approximately equally among runs (or portions of runs) that are essentially similar in design, size, system function, and service conditions. i 1

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Attachment to AECM-80/238 Attachment B Page 1 of 5 i


(1) IWC-1220(d) will be applied to all Class 2 lines since 4 inch nominal pipe size is the largest shown.

B. Domestic Water System, P&ID M-00348.

(1) There are no Clas; 1 or 2 components in this system.

C. Fire Protection System, P&ID's M-0035B, C, and E.

j (1) Same as (B) (1).

D. Auxiliary Steam System, P&ID M-00368.

l (1) Same as (B) (1).

l E. Standby Service Water System, P&ID's M-1061A, B, and C.

i (1) M-1061 AaC. ~

(1) Same as (B) (1).

(2) M-1061 B IWC-1220 (c) will be applied to Class 2 piping which is all 4 inches and less.

F. Standby Service Water System, P&IE M-1061D.

(1) Line 18" GBB-17 from F094-B to the RHR system on P&ID M-1085A, shall be examined per the 10% selection criteria.

i G. Component Cooling Water System, P&ID M-1063A.

,(1) Same as (B) (1).

H. Component Cooling Water System, P&ID M-1063B.

4 (1) IWC-1220 (b) will be applied to the small amount of Class 2 components on this drawing where it is used between containment and auxiliary building 'and between dry well and containment. The lines are low pressure and temperature lines,10" HBB-38,10":HBB-35, 8" HBB-36

. and 8" HBB-37.

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Attachment E Page 2 of 5 (2) IWC-1220 (C) will be applied to HBB-187.

(3) IWC-1220 (b) will be applied to 12" HBB-30.

J. Instrument Air System, P&iD's M-1067A and B.

(1) This is not a fluid system and as such, is not specifically addressed by the present Code.

K. Service Air System, P&ID M-1068A (1) This is not a fluid system and as such, is not specifically addressed by the present Code.

L. Standby Diesel Generator System, P&ID's M-1070A and N-107B.

(1) Same as (B) (1).

M. Plant Service Water System, P&ID M-1072A, B.

(1) M-1072A, Same as (B) (1).

(2) M-1072B, IWC-1220 (b) will be applied to 5" HBB-39 and 5" HBB-40 between the two 4 x 5 reducers, 5" HBB-42, again, between two 4 x 5 reducers and 5" HBB-41 between two 4 x 5 reducers. IWC-1220 (c) will be applied to the remainder of Class 2 components on this drawing because of their size.

N. Nuclear Boiler System (1) M-1077A,B&C. The only exemption application to be used on these drawings would be IWC-1220 (c) for the Class 2 components 4 inch nominal pipe size and snialler.

O. Reactor Recirculation System, P&ID M-1078A & B (1) Same as (N) (1) above.

(2) Lines 2" DBA-40 & 41 will be excluded from examination in those areas made inaccessible by control rod drive housing under the reactor pres-sure vessel. (Ref. IWB-1220c).

l P. Reactor Water Clean-up System, M-1079.

(1) IWC-1220 (c) will be applied to all Class 2 components on this drawing 4 inch nominal pipe size and smaller.

Q. Filter Demineralizer System (RWCU).

(1) M-1080A, same as (b) (1).

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Attachment B Page 3 of 5 (2) M-1080B, IWC-1220 (c; will be applied to all Class 2 components on this drawing 4 inch nominal pipe size and smaller.

R. Control Rod Drive Hydraulic System, P&ID's M-1081 A and B.

(1) The only exemption application intended for this drawing would be IWC-1220 (c) for Class 2 components 4 inch nominal pipe size and smaller.

S. Standby Liquid Control System, P&ID M-1082.

(1) IWC-1220 (b) will be applied to 6-HCB rr 11, except for those welds receiving augumented inspections.

T. Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System, P&ID 1083A.

(1) IWC-1220 (b) will be applied to 6" HBB-49, 6" HCB-8, 6" HBB-57 and 6" HBB-52.

(2) IWC-1220 (c) will be applied to all Class 2 lines 4 inch nominal pipe size and smaller.

U. Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System, P&ID 1083B.

(1) IWC-1220 (c) will be applied to all Class 2 lines 4 inch nominal pipe size and smaller.

V. Residual Heat Removal System, P&ID 1085A + B.

(1) IWC-1220 (c) will be applied to all Class 2 lines 4 inch nominal pipe size and smaller.

(2) Welds for pipes greater than 4 inch N.P.S. will be selected based on the 10% sampling criteria.

W. High Pressure Core Spray System, P&lD M-1086.

(1) IWC-1220 (c) will be applied to all Class 2 lines 4 inch nominal pipe size and smaller.

X. Low Pressure Core Spray System, P&ID M-1087.

(1) IWC-1220 (c) will be applied to all Class 2 lines 4 inch nomMal pipe size and smaller.

Y. Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup System, P&ID's M-108o C, and D.

(1) M-1088 C, IWC-1220 (b) will be applied to 12" HBB-4, 8" HBB -6 and 8" IfBB-7. IWC-1220 (c) will be applied to lines 4 inch nominal pipe size and smaller.

Attachment B Page 4 of 5 (2) M-1088(d),Sameas(B)(1).

Z. Leak Detection System P&ID's M-1090A and B.

(1) Same as (N) (1).

AA. Combustible Gas Control System, P&ID M-1091.

(1) This is not a fluid system and as such, is not specifically addressed by the present Code.

BB. HPCS Diesel Generator System, P&ID M-1093.

(1) Same as (B) (1).

CC. Floor and Equipment Drains System, P&ID M-1004A, B, and C.

(1) M-1094A, same as (R) (1).

(2) M-1094B, IWC-1220 (b) will be applied to the only two Class 2 component areas, 6" HBB-102 from F067 to F068 and 6" HBB-101 from F061 to F062, IWC-122 (c) will be applied to the two samil 3/4" lines in these same areas.

(3) M-1094C, same as (B) (1).

DD. Suppression Pool Makep-Up System, P&ID M-1096.

(1) IWC-1220 (b) will be applied to 30" HCB-26 and 30" HBB-162.

(2) IWC-1220 (c) will be applied to all piping 4" nominal pipe size and l smaller. l EE. Main Ste:,n Isolation Valve Leakage Control System, P&ID M-1097.

(1) IWC-1220 (b) will be applied to 6" HBB-176.

(2) IWC-1220 (c) will be applied to lines 4 inch nominal pipe size and smaller.

FF. Suppression Pool Cleanup System, P&ID M-1099 (1) IWC-1220 (b) will be applied to 12" GBB-131,12" GBB-143.

(2) IWC-1220 (c) will be applied to Class 2 piping 4 inch nominal pipe size ar.d smaller.

GG. Containment Cooling System, P&ID M-1100A & B (1) This is not a fluid system and as such, is not specifically covered by the present Code.

HH. Plant Chilled Water System, P&ID's M-1109A & D.

(1) M-1109A, same as (B) (1).

(2) M-11090, same as (R) (1).

Attachment B Page 5 of 5 II. Containment Leakage Rate Test System, P&ID M-1111A (1) This is not a fluid system and as such, is not specifically covered by the present Code.

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