AECM-90-0057, Responds to Generic Ltr 89-15, Emergency Response Data Sys. Util Volunteers to Participate in Emergency Response Data Sys

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Responds to Generic Ltr 89-15, Emergency Response Data Sys. Util Volunteers to Participate in Emergency Response Data Sys
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/1990
From: Cottle W
AECM-90-0057, AECM-90-57, GL-89-15, NUDOCS 9005070349
Download: ML20042F181 (2)


{{#Wiki_filter:. g Syst:m M*M" t y #-l g V; . Port Gibson, MS 39f 50 J Tet 601437 6809 William T. Cottle [ wce Pasaeni - . April 30, 1990 noce omanons 'I 3 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission j Mai_1 Station P1-137 - 1 Washington.fD.C.' 20555 Attention: ' Document' Control Desk l Gentlemen: 4


. Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Unit 1 ~ Docket No. 50-416 License No.-NPF-29 'i . Response to. Generic Letter 89-15, . Emergency Response Data System ~AECM-90/0057 . Generic Letter 89-15, dated August 21, 1989,- solicited utility. participation in the Emergency Response Dat'a System (ERDS)-program..As explained in the generic letter, the ERDS would provide the NRC Operations Center direct electronic-transmission-of selected parameters from existing 'L data systems. Voice transmission over the Energency Notification. System (ENS) would be used for essential data not available on. existing' plant systems. ERDS would be activated only upon declaration of-an Alert or higher. emergency classification. i System Energy recognizes the benefits of the ' program,. and hereby- -. volunteers to participate in.the ERDS program-as described ~in. Generic Letter 89-15. As requested by-the letter, our primary contact to discuss technical-details and an impleme itation schedule is Mr.- Robert J. Boring at i-601-437-2109. Please coordinate NRC implementation actions through'the NRC Project Manager on GGNS. Please advise should you have any questions or require any additional-information on this matter. 1 Yours truly,. wp Caexc WTC:tkm o cc: (See Next Page) ~ n ),,0 0 'A9003221/SNLICFLR - 1 I



AECM-90/00571 e lPage 2 d ' t: i s cc: MrT D..C.' Hintz l ' Mr'. T. H. - Cloninger Mr. R. B. McGehee e .Mr. N. S'. Reynolds Mr. H. L.:. Thomas Mr. H. O. Christensen I I Mr. StewartLD. Ebnetert Regional Administratori. J U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission -Region II t '101;MariettatSt., N.W.',1 Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia "30323: a ~ Mr. L. L..Kintner, Project Manager; Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. .U.S. kuclear Regulatory Commission Mail:Stop 14B20-Washirigton, D.C.- 20555-Mr.: John Jolicoeur- { ERDS Project Manager 'U.S. Nuclear-Regulatory Commission L Mail Stop 3206 Washington,.D.C. 20555 a .I i r .} i . i a i I-EA9003221/SNLICFLR - 2. .:i' +- e + =}}