AECM-90-0097, Forwards Bimonthly Status Repts Re Security Boundary Upgrade Project for Period Ending 900531

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Forwards Bimonthly Status Repts Re Security Boundary Upgrade Project for Period Ending 900531
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/08/1990
From: Cottle W
AECM-90-0097, AECM-90-97, NUDOCS 9006200459
Download: ML20043G586 (5)



1 Q{g Entwgy Cpwstions,Inc.

PO Eux 7C6 Operat ons mncan m =

M W1 :37 6109 W. T. Cottle n1 N sy c1 June 8, 1990 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Station P1-137 Washington D.C.

20555 Attentiont Document Control Desk Gentlement


Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Unit 1 Docket No. 50-416 License No. NPF-29 Security Boundary Upgrade Bimonthly-Status Report AECM-90/0097 As discussed in AECM-90/0058 dated March 30, 1990, Entergy Operations conaitted to submit bimonthly status reports regarding the Security Boundary Upgrade Project. These reports are to inform the NRC of Entergy Operations.

progress toward upgrading the south security boundary, and to identify any concerns which might hamper the project.

Attached is the initial Security Boundary Upgrade Project Status Report for the bimonthly period ending May 31, 1990. This initial report includes discussion regarding background and past accomplishments in our overall efforts to upgrade the entire plant security boundary, as well as the milestones for those efforts now focusing on the south boundary.

Entergy Operations will present a briefing at NRC Region II on June 20, 1990, as discussed on May 24, 1990, with the NRC Region-II staff. The briefing will present the results of the south boundary scoping study and our plans to implement planned improvements.

Our next report, covering June 1 - July 31, 1990, will be submitted in August, 1990. This letter and the attached status report have been kept to a non-safeguards level.

Should you need more detailed information on any specific-item, please contact this office.

Yours truly, 9006200459 900608 PDR ADOCK 05000416 R

PNU wy

- /*m WTCttkm Attachment cci (See Next Page) 05 0

A9005251/SNLICFLR - 1

f l


  • '.c P g3 2 cci Mr. D.

C. Hintz (w/a)

Mr. T. H. Cloninger (w/a)

Mr. R. B. McGehee (w/a) i Mr. N. S. Reynolds (w/a)

Mr. H. L. Thomas (w/o)

Mr. H. O. Christensen (w/a)

Mr. Stewart D. Ebneter (w/a)

Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta St.,


Suite 2900


Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Mr. L. L. Kintner, Project Manager (w/a)

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation f

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop 14B20 l

Washington, D.C.

20555 s

A9005251/SNLICFLR - 2 l


.,, Bimonthly R: port -#1 Attcchment to-1;riod Ending:f May 31, 1990 AECM-90/0097 SECURITY BOUNDARY UPGRADE PROJECT STATUS REPORT I.


j GGNS security has been reviewed by the NRC a number of times in the past several years. Entergy Operations feels that these inspections and l

reviews have confirmed the overall strength of the GGNS security program l

and physical features.

In addition,.GGNS has worked with.the NRC to upgrade specific security areas to ensure that any potential problems or concerns were promptly identified and resolved.

These changes have represented a large commitment in both manpower and financial resources.

Some specific improvements, and their approximate completion dates, include:

1 Inner delay barrier fence and vehicle search area (1988) l New X-ray detectors for the guardhouse (1988) and the warehouse (1989)

.f Increased tactical training (1989) l Extensive North Boundary upgrade (1989)

.l Replacement of CCTV monitors in the CAS/SAS (1989)


3 l

New explosive detectors (1990) i Administration Building north wall alarm system.(to be completed


L 1990).



The NRC inspections and reviews mentioned above, including the 1988 Regulatory Effectiveness Review (RER), identified an issue which is the t

focus of this series of bimonthly status reports. The Security Boundary Upgrade Project was initiated due to concerns with camera coverage on the south boundary. ' Study of the issue has identified two related concerns

,i which concurrently addressed to obtain an effective solution to the camera coverage issue. These additional concerns are the camera q

l monitoring computer system capacity and working conditions in the j


Entergy Operations has developed plans to correct these


concerns, and is proceeding with their internal approval and j



q A tentative plan has been developed to address concerns relating to the south boundary. The plan has-two major parts:


Short-term Improvements - Activities which will improve camera j

coverage and CAS/SAS working conditions:

l j.

Relocate two cameras

- Add cantilever mountings to two cameras

-. Change-five camera lenses

- Add glare screens to CAS/SAS computer display monitors j

- Replace' existing CAS/SAS printers l-Improve CAS/SAS room lighting.


.A9005251/SNLICFLR - 4 L



.. Bimonthly R3 port #1 Attachment to-

~ JPariod Ending: May 31, 1990 AECM-90/0097 2.

Long-term Improvements - Currently planned activities include:

- Increase camera coverage Upgrade video transmission equipment Rework the southwest fenceline Major upgrade of the security computer system Rework the CAS/SAS with human factors improvements.



The planned schedule for currently identified activities in the Security i

Boundary Upgrade Project are presented below:

Completion Activity Date Status 1.

Initiate scoping study.

11/89 Completed 2.

Scoping Study complete.

05/90 Completed 3.

prepare tentative upgrade plan.

05/90 Completed 4.

Begin implementation of short-term 05/90 Completed improvements.


Brief NRC' Region II on Scoping Report results.

06/90 on Schedule 6.

Complete implementation of short-term 12/90 On Schedule improvements.


Phase I-of long-term improvements mid-1991 Tentative, (design work.for improvements on Zones 7-13, final' procure new equipment, and develop custom approval software for the equipment)..

pending 8.

Phase II of long term improvements

'1991 Tentative,.

.(procuro additional equipment, install new final cameras / relocate existing cameras and rework approval microwave detectors / fences in Zones 7-13, pending and design work for Zones 1-6 improvements)-

A9005251/SNLICFLR - 5 l

7-I' *

'1-Attcchment t0

.., Bimonthly R~; port 1;riod Ending: May 31, 1990 AECM-90/0097 Completion Activity Date Status 9.

Phase III-of long-term improvements 1992 Tentative, (procure final new equipment, install final new cameras / relocate existing cameras and rework approval microwave detectors / fences in Zones 1-6, and pending i

design work for security alarm stations rework.


Phase IV of long-term improvements 1993 Tentative, (fire annunciator rework for CAS/SAS,' rework final i

security alarm stations, and administrative approval wrap-up).

pending i

1 l-l 1

l l

A9005251/SNLICFLR - 6 1
