AECM-90-0104, Informs That Sys Energy Resources,Inc Received Necessary Regulatory Approvals to Transfer Operating Responsibility for Facility to Entergy Operations & All Conditions in Amend 65 to License NPF-29 Implemented,Effective on 900606

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Informs That Sys Energy Resources,Inc Received Necessary Regulatory Approvals to Transfer Operating Responsibility for Facility to Entergy Operations & All Conditions in Amend 65 to License NPF-29 Implemented,Effective on 900606
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/06/1990
From: Cottle W
AECM-90-0104, AECM-90-104, NUDOCS 9006130412
Download: ML20043E811 (3)


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June 6, 1990 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Station P1-137 Washington, D.C.

20555 Attention Document Control Desk Gentlement


Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Unit 1 Docket No. 50-416 License No. NPF-29 l

Amendment No. 65 to Facility Operating License Regarding l

Transfer of Operations to Entergy Operations, Inc.

Amendment Implementation AECM-90/0104 Amendment No. 65, issued December 14, 1989, authorizes the transfer of control and performance of licensed activities for the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Unit 1 (Grand Gulf 1) from System Energy Resources, Inc.

(SERI) to Entergy Operations, Inc. (Entergy operations). The conditions in the amendment were required to be implemented within 180 days of the date of issuance and upon the of ficial transf er of responsibilities between SERI and Entergy Operations.

This letter is to inform you that SERI has received all necessary regulatory approvals to transfer operating responsibility for Grand Gulf 1 to Entergy Operations and all conditions in Amendment No. 65 to the Facility Operating License have been implemented effective June 6, 1990. Therefore the amendment extension request submitted on May 4, 1990 in AECM-90/0086 is no longer necessary and is hereby withdrawn.

Attached is the acceptance form by which Entergy Operations accepts operating and licensing responsibilities for Grand Gulf 1.

should you have any questions, please contact me.

Yours truly, hment 9006130412 900606 PDR ADOCK 05000416

-P PDC g




t ABCM-90/0104 P ge 2 l

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.Mr. D. C.' Hints (w/a)

Mr. T. H. Cloninger (w/a)

Mr. R. B. McGehee (w/a)


Mr. N. S. Reynolds (w/a)


H.'L. Thomas (w/o)

Mr. H. O. Christensen (w/a) l Mr. Stewart D. Ebneter (w/a)

Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i

Region II 101 Marietta St.,

N.W., Suite 2900 I

Atlanta, Georgia 30323 j

Mr. L. L. Kintner, Project Manager (w/a)

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission j

-Mail Stop 11D21 ' 20555 l

Washington, D.C.



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AECM-90/ 0104 P;g) 3 l

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June-1, 3990


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1 Entergy Operations, Inc.'(Entergy Operations) hereby accepts the j

assumption of operating and license responsibilities for GGNS-1 as described

.in Amendment No. 65 to the Operating License. Entergy Operations agrees to be bound by all-applicable NRC regulations, applicable license conditions

-l (as identified in the amended license), technical specifications, and prior license comitments. -

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